Why do you like art/drawing?

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Why do you like art/drawing?

Post by Laxan »

Having a conversion with JeffCvt a few minutes ago I realised I have a very strong opinion and reason for enjoying art and drawing. I wanted to share this with you guys and see what you think? Do you agree? Do you disagree? Do you have other reasons? I want to know what there reasoning is behind all those great artists here in the Housepets Community!

I guess my reason is the reason I want to be a concept artist. Concept artist often get given a task by the art director who pretty much says, DO THIS. So you have to do multiple images and keep referring back to him till it's everything he's asking for. Art Directors (like most people) have a vision in their head they can't always explain or express and as a concept artist you need to make their vision reality without knowing fully what it is. It's what I love about art and drawing people's characters and such. You get to bring to life and share something in someone's imagination that no one else can see.
You get to explore into people's minds and in-vision their characters, stories and sometimes even whole worlds and bring them to life in a median people can understand. It's also what I love about writing and story telling and why I love reading. And as an artist I can in-vision something in my head completely bizarre/awesome/creative, something which no one else can see or express but as an artist I can draw and share the image in my head with you! So you can see what I see, I find this to be extremely powerful. Another thing is how by creating an image with emotional depth there is creates an emotion and imagination shared among the viewers. That's what art is to me, sharing imagination.

So please, share with me YOUR imagination; what's your opinion?
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Re: Why do you like art/drawing?

Post by kurowolfe »

I am by no means a great artist, but I do understand the sentiment of the excitement in expressing your own interpretations of a particular scenario or story by drawing them out. Sure, your visions and the art director's might be different and there might be skirmishes and disagreements on trying to get what she/he is envisioning, but it's great fun to be able to do that in the first place. It's like a psychotherapy session, except without all the medical malarkey and more into the spiritual/creative part of the human mind.

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Re: Why do you like art/drawing?

Post by Laxan »

Yeah exactly, and you don't need to be a great artist to still express your own imagination or even someone elses for that matter.
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Re: Why do you like art/drawing?

Post by Tatsuo »

Why do I draw?...Freedom. Freedom to create your own world, your own desires, a story that can't be depicted in just words or sentences. I draw because it gives me a power that no other can take. To create, shape, and destroy all at my finger tips. My imagination is my playground, and my hands are the battlefield. I draw because I must. My art is my freedom, an escape to other worlds. Without art...well, I regret to say I know the cold feeling of a barrel and the eluding emptiness that fills ones broken soul.

I draw because I believe it is what will save me. At least I hope.
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Re: Why do you like art/drawing?

Post by DingoVolf »

Cool hearing about your inspirations and drives behind drawing, thanks for posting this idea and sharing!

I think I used to hold my drawing with more importance, but honestly now it is just a fun hobby for me to explore and share with other folks, which is why I liked our community drawing thing we had going on before. :) I think I need to get involved with more trades and exchanges, because those can be a great source of fresh input.
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Re: Why do you like art/drawing?

Post by GameCobra »

I like art to capture the moment of drama in someone's life that makes it important. No better way to define a moment than to have someone draw it. =)

It can be anything, though ~ from Fighting, negotiations, to twists of fate, to duels, to death and birth.
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