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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Alex »

Sekhmet wrote:I'd really rather not talk about it, but if you must know it has something to do with me not being in my home, and in yours.
Okay... I won't ask about it anymore...
Alex finally let go of Sasha, and returned to the couch. Amelia was still sleeping, and he didn't try to wake her up. Instead, he just laid next to her, and started at the ceiling. A nap would be nice... - he thought, as his eyes closed.

Dylan wrote:oh...hello, I heard about the commotion...I just over to see if you seen Amelia.
Mai walked back, allowing Amelia's dad to pass.
Yes, she's here... Please come in, mister. She's on the couch.
Mai turned to face Sasha, who was still in the way.
Excuse me, could you please move so mister can pass? - she said, with a smile on her face. (CHA:9, Sekhmet shouldn't get angry)
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by D-Singer »

Once Emma had left, he answered Natalia’s question.

“Look at this way; they shot at us several times for no real reason, tracked us down, and tried to dart me a third time. Also if you were listening to that vet, I’m not the only one wearing a collar to show up here after being tagged by AC. So if they’re willing to risk getting publically criticized by pet owners for unreasonably darting their pets and dragging them off to the pound, then it wouldn’t surprise me if they stole Marshall’s tags for whatever reason they make up. Corruption as usual, and we’re all effected by it.”

Blood explained sounding dead serious, then paused for a moment contemplating what will happen next. He picked his collar back up and fit it around his neck. Looking disappointed he continued in a sarcastic tone.

“I still find it stunning, they were able to catch Marshall in the first place.”
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by EchoFireant »

"I just hope that he is alright." Natalia said with a slight hint of worry. She hadn't felt like this since the time that one of her contacts, a cat, went missing only to show up days later as if nothing had happened. She of course, broke all contact with him, fearing that the cat could have been turned.


As Marshall's eyes came into focus at John's face from the sedative induced sleep, "Jo..hn? Where am I?"

"You're at the animal control building. I still have no idea on why you got captured and marked as an aggressive stray. Perhaps you mind telling me the reason and most importantly, did you lose your tags?"

"Well lets see, some <censored> started firing these darts at us. By us I mean the friend that I've told you about, Natalia and me. To put it simply, they shot my friend and after we've moved him to safety, those <censored> started chasing me and even fired a dart at me.

"So you attacked him?" John asked.

"I've disarmed him without hurting him as self defense. And before you ask, no, I did not beat him to a pulp, maim or doing any bodily harm. I've been trained not to attack anyone indiscriminately. You know that." Marshall paused before going on, "In regards to my tags, that <censored> removed it and threw it away after he darted me. Twice!"

"Wait a minute, are you accusing one of our employees of faking your status as a stray? This is highly unbelievable. You must have had lost your tags before he darted you and hallucinated or dreamed about him removing your tags." said the receptionist defending her colleague.

"Ma'am, I know what I saw with my own eyes. My tags aren't that easily lost unless someone removes it."

"Now, before we let this go into some mudslinging contest, I want to ask whether I could get my dog out, seeing that he identified me."

"We could but that accusation is very shocking to me, coming from a dog that has been marked stray and aggressive." she said while crossing her arms.

"How about I show you my identification as a qualified trainer? It's on my website."

"Ok. Show the website to me." The receptionist said as she lead John to her computer. After a while, she came back with the keys and unlocked the door. "Things check out. Now make sure that you keep your dog in line." Turning to Marshall, "You better behave yourself from now on."

Marshall could only nod at that. Personal website? Since when? Gotta ask him later. When both of them are inside the Chevy and driving along the road towards the hospital, Marshall decided to ask the question.

"Oh that? It was set up a long time ago so that if things like that ever happen, there would be something to back it up. Besides, it's fake and only a few know of it."

The rest of the trip was ridden in silence, mainly because Marshall still had the residual effect of the sedative in him. Soon the arrived at the hospital.

Pet Friendly, Marshall : S-7 P-7 E-7 C-4 I-5 A-7 L-5
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by caelei »

Pavelle nodded slightly at Lucky, understanding what he was saying... but still, looking around at her hospital room, she couldn't help but think that she would have preferred to leave off of it yesterday. If she had stayed home, she wouldn't be here now... of course, she had thought that the animal control had gotten Magnus, but still... Rav had been right. It would have been more intelligent to tell one of her parents about the issue and let them deal with it. Though she did wonder if her father would've done anything about it. But that wasn't a good thing to think about... her eyes strayed to Rav as he talked, then shifted to Sara. Suddenly, what the others had been saying came to her attention, and her ears flattened back against her skull. They were all right. She looked somewhat frantically around, then at the open door. Where was Magnus? He must've wandered off. Before she could reply to anything, Sara suddenly left, walking off down the hallway. That was good, but this was a big hospital. Pavelle looked at Felix, who met her gaze and rolled his eyes, turning to head towards the door to help find Magnus. On the way out he shot both Venison and Rav warning glares; to Venison for trying to order him around, and to Rav for saying he looked like a skunk. He was kinda angry about the last. Skunk? Yeah, right. He didn't have any white on his back or tail. Rav obviously had seeing issues. Felix sniffed haughtily, flicking his tail once in annoyance, and slunk down the hallway, opposite the direction Sara had gone.

Pavelle turned back to the others, finally noticing Venison slumped against a chair. She tried to think of something to say, recalling his earlier comments about him being stuck in a loop and endangering the people around here... then she felt her head tilt to the side, and she said, "Wait a minute... You? Endanger us? Venison. If anything, it seems to me that things are the other way around. You didn't bring the feral pack here, and you didn't start that mob at the Wall, and you didn't start the whole 'break into animal control' thing yesterday." She paused, almost exasperated. "You've only helped us. Like I said earlier, I know you don't want to be a burden... but you'd think the least we could do is help you back after you've done so much for everybody else."
(Richardson Valley)
Magnus: S-10 P-5 E-8 C-7 I-2 A-3 L-5

Pavelle: S-3 P-7 E-3 C-5 I-9 A-10 L-5
Felix: S-6 P-7 E-3 C-3 I-8 A-10 L-5
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Buckdida »

Dylan wrote:Dylan smiled nervously as he hung upside down from Venison. "oh...right I will get out of your face!" Suddenly his feet lost their grip and he slid down, "GAH!" Dylan's paw reached out for Venison's muzzle, grabbing it as he stopped his fall. He gave a breath of relief, "heh, that was close..." saying before he noticed that his arms and legs were wrapped around Venison's muzzle.
Venison's eyes squinted in annoyance. "This is hardly out of my face." Venison reached up to his muzzle with two of his claws and picked up Dylan by the scruff of the mouse's neck, lifting him back to the top of Ven's head.
Kalvin wrote:"You remember when I covered for you and Pavelle here? I did it doing almost nothing but attracting trouble to myself. I just somehow knew when I saw you helping her that you had to be doing something good, so I decided to help. That's what being friends is about, sharing the good moments and taking the hardships together, because it's easier when you have people to help you than when you have to face the unknown alone." He looks to Pavelle and then back to Venison. "That's also why I felt so bad. Somebody needed my help and I left you to face it alone, and while I know you guys forgive me it was still a rotten thing to do as a friend. You don't just leave friends in need, you stay by and help them and accept the consequences." After he's done he blushes and looks down a little. "Listen to me, I sound like an after school special. I don't need to be babbling this stuff to you guys."
"Wait...you helped us? I never...I never knew that. I never...why would...you'd never get repaid and...you already explained. But we hadn't even met...! You already explained again. Are you saying that help begets more random help...? But...why-"
Keeshah wrote:Rav goes over an sits on the chair with Venison.
But this is what true friends are for, an this is what we do.
We laugh together, doing the good times.. an we keep you sane during the bad times.
even when there more bad times, than good times..
"But then I'm nothing but a hindrance! See! I cause more problems than good! I..."
caelei wrote:"Wait a minute... You? Endanger us? Venison. If anything, it seems to me that things are the other way around. You didn't bring the feral pack here, and you didn't start that mob at the Wall, and you didn't start the whole 'break into animal control' thing yesterday." She paused, almost exasperated. "You've only helped us. Like I said earlier, I know you don't want to be a burden... but you'd think the least we could do is help you back after you've done so much for everybody else."
"Helping...I've been...
No no no!
'I haven't...no, I couldn't have...did I? I'm just trying to...'
But I...I don't..." Venison stammered.
"I-...don't help, I'm- I'm just...trying to...sur-...sur-..."
He swallowed.

He closed his eyes.

'Surviving for WHAT at this point?'

The thought echoed across his mind, the events of the past month coming back...

Just survive. Keep moving. You can't go back, you can never go back...
Scrounge around in suburbs...that must be easier than the cities...
Don't panic...there has to be a way to keep distance from these pets...
No. Don't let others live this life...keep that raccoon from it...
Why is this shep so helpful to me? I don't owe him anything...

The memories were clear as they kept going on, as per each incident that was mentioned. And each time, he had gone out of his way to help. And each time, he had not expected anything in return. And the others had helped him too, but they didn't expect anything as well. Some had reached out to him for no reason.

He was just a simple stray, trying to survive. And yet, what point was he trying to prove? Plans to gather any kind of force ended miserably. After, he kept his head down and stayed on the run. Was it only revenge on his parents that kept him going? To spite them with the knowledge that he was out there, that he was still alive, just a problem waiting to happen? There had to be something else...

Another memory.

'A Veterinarian, Vinton. Nothing like mom or dad though...maybe I'd work for the ASPCA.
"Minka...please...you can't go, not NOW!"
"I know the timing seems bad, Vinton, but it's an acceptance into the best Veterinarian grad school in the country! It's something I simply can't let slide by."
"But mom and dad are...doing things again! I think..."
"Vinton, I'm all packed, and the taxi is coming. And I told you this at least four times before. Don't tell me you forgot again. You've been very scatterbrained as of late. That's not very like you. Are you feeling alright?"
"NO! Please, don't go!"
Minka kneeled down to him. "I promise, I'll be back. I'll be here to check on you, and in two years, when I have my degree, I promise, you and Leaka are coming to live with me."
*honk honk*
"But Vinton, in return, you promise me something."
"I've told you, so many times, that I think you could anything...So do the hardest thing there is, and prove me right. Find the thing that so many people have trouble finding: reason worth living. A good reason too. And do it for yourself also."
"WHAT?! No, do NOT ask me to do that! Don't leave me with a cliché!"
Minka smiled. "You've always been a smart dog, haven't you? Friends are always worth fighting for, Vinton. I've always thought that a person is worth the number of people who care for them. I have to go."
"How? Nobody but you and Leaka have cared for me!"
"You're a smart dog, Vinton. I don't need to give you all the answers. You'll figure out something."
She hugged him goodbye, then walked briskly to the taxi as she left Venison on the doorstep.
"So...I need people to care for me," he mumbled to himself. "I can do anything...I'll MAKE people care for me...I'll do something...I'll do something big. If I get the chance...I'll prove that pets can be people...I'll put them in charge! I won't be ignored!"


As the taxi drove away, Linda walked up behind Venison.

it's time for your bath, sweetie."

Venison had his eyes closed for about seven seconds before curling up in a ball, ignoring the pain in his leg. The crutch clattered to the side. A faint sobbing could be heard. A muffled speech as well...
"Three years. I've been going about this wrong for three years...Three years...

...I'm staying. I'm staying for good. After all these years...crying. Forgot what that felt like...is it supposed to feel good, or bad? Kinda both..."
Retired RP Character List (Sorry guys)
Richardson Valley: Venison and Ochen
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Kalvin »

Lucky watches Venison a little confused. He turns his body away but keeps watching Venison for a second. He goes over to Sara and looks up to her. "Thanks uh... Rav's mom... for letting me come along. I appreciate getting this chance. I live pretty close by so I'm going to just walk home." He walks over to Pavelle and smiles. "I'm glad to see you're okay. Hope to see you around again soon." He moves over to Venison and winces a little. "I... uh... hope you turn out okay." He walks over to Cier and grins a little. "Hey, it was nice talking to you... what little we did. Maybe I'll see you around." He then waves and walks out of the room to his own home.

*2 AM* (This is later so it won't interfere with anybody's posts. I don't mean for anybody to have a spin off of this, it may come into effect after the time warp.)
Lucky tosses and turns in his bed, sitting up awake and sighing. Pacing around a little, he moves over to his shelf of CDs and picks out the Queen album he has. He writes a small note on it. 'Hope this helps you recover, it's one of my favorites.' He then puts it in a gift bag and walks to the animal hospital. The receptionist looks up at him. "Can I help you?"
Lucky sighs and lifts the bag up to the desk. "This is a gift for a friend of mine, Pavelle. Could you get it to her?"
"Of course." Lucky then walks home slowly, enjoying the warm night breeze.

(caelei, I don't know what kind of music you really like so I went with what I like. That's normally what you go with for getting music for someone. Also please don't stop me people. This is what I intend to be my last post before the time warp. My impression was we were all going to wrap everything up in the next couple of posts.)
Last edited by Kalvin on Mon May 24, 2010 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Pet Friendly
Balbaroy: S-8 P-3 E-6 C-10 I-2 A-7 L-5
Lucky: S-5 P-6 E-5 C-5 I-6 A-5 L-10
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by ArgentFlame »

Del remained silent as the other pets talked. When Venison sat down in the chair, she hopped off of his head and onto the back of chair, then dropped down to the arm, wincing slightly as her ankle was jarred.
Cier smiled back at Lucky "It was a pleasure speaking to you as well." He followed Lucky over to the door, then turned back to the room. "I'm going to go help look for Magnus." he said, before turning and walking out into the hallway.
Del S2 P6 E2 C5 I10 A8 L3
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Jimmy Jazz »

Sekhmet was glad to hear "Okay... I won't ask about it anymore..." behind her as she looked a bit closer at the man standing in the door, he said something but she didn't quite catch it, but then the yellow cat turned around and said Excuse me, could you please move so mister can pass? she just said quietly "oh" and moved to the side.

what what? Jolly good time.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Keeshah »

D-Singer wrote:Once Emma had left, he answered Natalia’s question.

Blood explained sounding dead serious, then paused for a moment contemplating what will happen next. He picked his collar back up and fit it around his neck. Looking disappointed he continued in a sarcastic tone.

“I still find it stunning, they were able to catch Marshall in the first place.”

A knock comes at the door...

Am i disturbing? Ranger Doss.. but you can just call me Christopher.
I'm told that you were the victim of an unprovoked attack by animal control officers.
If i showed you a picture line-up, could you pick out the officers involved??

he asks, as he opens his lap-top an an sets it to display the badge photos of the animal control officers on the force.

*** while two floors up ***

Sara hasn't had much luck at finding the missing dane..

*** while back Pavelle's room ***
buckdida wrote: Venison had his eyes closed for about seven seconds before curling up in a ball, ignoring the pain in his leg. The crutch clattered to the side. A faint sobbing could be heard. A muffled speech as well...
"Three years. I've been going about this wrong for three years...Three years...

...I'm staying. I'm staying for good. After all these years...crying. Forgot what that felt like...is it supposed to feel good, or bad? Kinda both..."

Rav Hugs an holds the balled-up "crying?" Venison.. softly patting his back reassuringly.
Really not sure at what to do now... this being a new, strange behavior from venison..
Uhmmm ah See.. every little thing has worked it's self out for the best.
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
Foxy Brown (Zootopia) - M - Coyote/RedWolf: Str-6 Per-7 End-6 Cha-4 Int-8 Agi-7 Luck-4
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Dylan »

Amelia's dad went to the couch and picked up Amelia and held her in his arms. "I heard about the commotion by the wall and asked around if anyone saw her...luckily someone did and pointed me in the right direction." still holding her in his arms, he gave her a small hug. "now if you excuse me, I need to get her home."
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by D-Singer »

Keeshah wrote:
A knock comes at the door...

Am i disturbing? Ranger Doss.. but you can just call me Christopher.
I'm told that you were the victim of an unprovoked attack by animal control officers.
If i showed you a picture line-up, could you pick out the officers involved??

he asks, as he opens his lap-top an an sets it to display the badge photos of the animal control officers on the force.
“Ah, a ranger, now this should go smoothly.”

“Chris huh? You heard right, and apparently I’m not the only one either.”
He responded sounding slightly aggravated, but with a cocky smile etched across his muzzle, satisfied at his chance to peg the people responsible for this rather unpleasant evening. Blood slowly got up and sat cross legged on the stretcher, being careful not tug at the IV still in his arm. Christopher showed him the pictures displayed in a grid format on the lap-top screen. “Errf...and I bet that I could.” The coydog looked over each detail of every badge photo, tapping on the spacebar a few times to scroll down the page, his eyes stopped over a photo the officer he was first darted by, only a few spaces over was the picture of his accomplice.

“Those two. The guy with the crew cut tagged me with the first two darts. The officer with his hair tied back I believe was watching me through binoculars, and made that perfectly reasonable judgment call to his friend that I was okay to shoot at.” Blood stressed the sarcasm about the assumptions of the second officer, and continued to search the rest of the photos. His ears laid back in disappointment. “Hmm, I don’t see a picture here of the officer that did 'this' to me.”He said gesturing to his stitched up shoulder and muzzle. “Any reason why that might be?” Blood narrowed his eyes, thinking it to be suspicious that the human who had caused the most damage was not show.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Keeshah »

buckdida wrote:*ring*

"...Hey, Christopher? It's Joesph. What?...No, I hadn't seen today's newspaper yet...You think what?...Well then, I think you'll find it interesting if you talk to the AC office secretary about working on 'commission...' Nope, just heard her say it...She went off on a frenzy after another dog...yeah, I'll return to AC HQ....Yeah, today's my last day anyway. Thanks again for getting me the internship, but I don't think it's given me any good work experience, not with these crazies telling me to do insane above the law stuff. Besides, trail's gone cold for Vint, too.
D-Singer wrote: “Those two. The guy with the crew cut tagged me with the first two darts. The officer with his hair tied back I believe was watching me through binoculars, and made that perfectly reasonable judgment call to his friend that I was okay to shoot at.” Blood stressed the sarcasm about the assumptions of the second officer, and continued to search the rest of the photos. His ears laid back in disappointment. “Hmm, I don’t see a picture here of the officer that did 'this' to me.”He said gesturing to his stitched up shoulder and muzzle. “Any reason why that might be?” Blood narrowed his eyes, thinking it to be suspicious that the human who had caused the most damage was not show.
No. there should be no reason at all, someone should not showing-up in the DB.

Christopher, gets out his cell phone..
Hey Joesph, could you gather up the other interns, an meet me in pet ER room 2? thanks..

He hangs up the phone..
Ok, that will bring in all the trainees in for you to get a good look an sniff at them..
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
Foxy Brown (Zootopia) - M - Coyote/RedWolf: Str-6 Per-7 End-6 Cha-4 Int-8 Agi-7 Luck-4
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Alex »

Dylan wrote:Now if you excuse me, I need to get her home.
The three inhabitants of the house walked Amelia's dad out. Once he was gone, mom said something about today's world, and animal control, and went into the kitchen. Alex and Mai went back to the living room.
Well, I want to know what happened to her badly, but since she' gone, I can't do anything about it. At least the couch is free.
He jumped on the couch, and immediately turned around and closed his eyes. It was comfortable, and soon, very light snoring could be heard from where his face was, more breathing than snoring.

Mai jumped on the armchair, full of energy. She didn't waste it anywhere today, so it's understandable. However, she didn't want to do anything that would wake up Alex. Instead, she looked at Sekhmet, and whispered: Who are you? I never saw you before.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Jimmy Jazz »

Sekhmet looked around as Amelia's "dad" picked her up and walked out of the door, Alex then flopped on the couch and was very soon snoring. the Yellow cat hopped onto an armchair and leaned in whispering "Who are you? I never saw you before." Sekhmet grinned and whispered back "I can say the same for you, where have you been?" she said in a attempt at humor. "but my name's Sasha, but uh, I'm assuming I can go now?" gesturing towards the door.

what what? Jolly good time.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Buckdida »

(OOC: Alright, sorry if I'm going too fast here, but I didn't expect to write another post for Joseph so soon, and I want to bring this day to an end. So sorry if this seems...deadstopish. In addition, Ven is basically done for the day. He just needs to go home to someone's house...or he can even stay overnight with Rav and Pav at the hospital or something...so, com'on, let's wrap this up. Just find Magnus...)

Joseph hung up his phone. "Huh, wonder what Chris wants us there for. Probably he wants all the interns for some grunt work...transporting a hurt animal or something..."
Joseph tried calling all the other AC interns and temps, but most of them were busy or too far away to respond. Looks like he was going alone.
"...So many crazy people here..."
Joseph flashed his badge to get into the ER area. "Uh...room number....two." Joseph pushed open the door...

And saw a very familiar looking coydog, one that looked quite cut up, with an expression of hate on his face.

"Ah, ****. Okay, please, just let me explain. Really, I never signed up for this ****."
Joseph sighed, rubbed his temples and walked in a circle.
"Okay, the orders of the officer I was with was to track down a rouge coyote who was resisting arrest, possibly dangerous, proceed with caution, and his friend, who attacked an officer. What I didn't know was that the officer I was with was crazier than the animals we were trying to track. I don't know WHAT she was thinking when she tried to drive a full size van down an allyway. I don't know what she was thinking when she was yelling at me to dart collared pets. Possibly greed...I informed Christopher as much as I found out. Some commission thing she blabbed about? Either way, at that point, I had had it with her, but at the same time, I had to follow orders...you know how a military job can be, right?" He shook his head. "Anyway, though you probably won't believe me, I wasn't aiming at you or your friend. I aimed bellow the window to the right of your friend. The shot would have bounced off the trailer, and given both of you time to run...while still following my orders, right? But my commander got a little overzealous, and kicked the van's gear shift, putting us in neutral, causing the van to lurch. So the shot flew up, hit and shattered what normally is supposed to be a shatter-proof window...and I could have sworn I saw you duck, too, so I thought you were fine. That's some bad luck you have...she ran off after another pet; I decided that I had had just about enough, and called Chris."

Joseph walked in another circle while looking upward in frustration.
"Look, I probably don't have the authority to do this, but I apologize on behalf of Animal Control. I don't know what corrupt psychos they're letting be officers, but I can assure you I'm not one of them. Chris can vouch for me, right?" He motioned towards Chris. "And we're both going to be looking into whatever little conspiracy thing that's going on, and weed out the bad officers. Animal Control should be ambassadors between humans and animals, not anti-animal terrorists...and...I'll pay out of pocket to cover whatever vet bills you and your friends gather from this entire fiasco."

"Look, I need this job. It's something I promised a couple of people...animals included in those people. And if you harbor hate, it will just cause more problems between Animal Control and pets in the future. Do you think you and your friends can forgive us?"
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by caelei »

Pavelle felt as if the world had suddenly tilted on its axis and assumed a different rotation. Venison? Crying? Her mouth was hanging open, so she snapped it quickly shut. What should she do? Try to comfort the Coydog like Rav was... or completely ignore the situation? Boy, didn't she hate feeling awkward. Apparently, some of the other pets shared her discomfort, for Lucky and Cier both soon left the room... A different emotion suddenly unfolded itself inside her, and she didn't know why. It was warm and fuzzy, and oddly... victorious? A couple seconds passed before she realized what it was linked to. When she did, however, a large grin spread across her face, stretching from ear to ear. Venison was staying! Staying! Like, permanently! She felt the sudden urge to hug someone and acted on it without thinking, quickly scrambling out of bed (happy that her limbs seemed to be working fine) and grabbing both Venison and Rav in a fierce, jubilant hug. A moment passed before her face began to glow red... another, before she released them both and promptly shoved herself back onto her bed and under the covers, shortly calling out, "Good night!". She promised herself silently, face still glowing red, that she wouldn't come out from under the covers until she died. Though after a while the thought was lost when she lightly fell asleep... ((Rushed!))

Magnus had ended up in the cafeteria. He hadn't intended to leave Pavelle's room. But he had smelled steak. And he had been hungry. So he had simply stepped out of her room into the hall to see where the scent was coming from... and ended up following the nurse with the steak-dinner to the ER, before she doubled back and head to the cafeteria, where Magnus stayed. In the cafeteria, he met a nice group of interns and surgeons, who took to him immediately. They socialized, the group growing ever larger. Every once in a while, they'd give Magnus food. Of course, the means of getting these treats were weird. For some reason that the Dane could not fathom, they liked to request for him to preform a trick like rolling over or shaking hands, and when he did it they would reward him. It was in this way that he cleared most of their plates. After the food was all gone, the hospital employees had settled into petting him and holding light conversation. It was during this that he noticed Sara walking by the cafeteria. She appeared not to see him and went on her way. Soon after, Felix did the exact same; they both apparently seemed to be searching for something. Magnus shrugged and went back to focusing on his belly-rub. A few minutes passed before he saw Cier go by. After this third sighting, Magnus decided that he should probably find out what was going on. So he bid his friends farewell (who seemed generally disappointed by his departure) and sprinted after Cier down the hallway. He soon caught up, matching the smaller dog's strides, and, flashing a large grin, said, "Hello, there!" ((Argent, if you wish you can simply take Magnus up to the room with Cier and we can skip the conversation. That way the day will get over sooner.))

Felix was having no luck at all. Magnus had simply disappeared. He had thought he had heard the Dane's voice once, coming from the cafeteria... but Felix hadn't spotted him. There had been a large commotion in there, with a bunch of hospital employees gathered around some central item. Felix figured they were worked up over some stupid human card game. He was distracted. The hopital made him uneasy, with all its beeps and gurgles and scents. It was all so unnatural. Disgusting, really. And all the distraction made it really hard for Felix to concentrate. A few minutes after he passed the cafeteria, he decided to give up and retraced his steps back to Edie's room. There, he found that she had buried herself under her blankets and seemed like she wasn't coming out. So he simply leaned himseld silently against a wall and waited for the human Sara to come back and drive him home.
(Richardson Valley)
Magnus: S-10 P-5 E-8 C-7 I-2 A-3 L-5

Pavelle: S-3 P-7 E-3 C-5 I-9 A-10 L-5
Felix: S-6 P-7 E-3 C-3 I-8 A-10 L-5
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Buckdida »

Venison was shielded. Curled in a ball, trapped within himself, a small ball of unfamiliar emotion that couldn't be penetra-


Venison looked up to see a particular raccoon jumping back under the covers, hiding and shielding herself in tandem.

A straight blush streaked across Ven's face.

"LUCKY! LUCKY!" Venison grabbed his crutch and hobbled towards the door as fast as he could, while his sudden movement caused Dylan to slide off Ven's head and onto the chair. "IF YOU REALLY WANT TO MAKE UP FOR YESTERDAY, YOU'LL LET ME SLEEP AT YOUR HOUSE TONIGHT!" The coydog called out after the Irish Wolfhound, chasing after him and moving much faster than someone with a crutch should.
(OOC: Alright, this is my last post for the arc for Ven. My next post will be after the time skip, and have another dream sequence...com'on, we're so close to the day end!)
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Alex »

Jimmy Jazz wrote:I can say the same for you, where have you been? But my name's Sasha, but uh, I'm assuming I can go now?" gesturing towards the door.
The first part confused Mai. She was here, all the time. In the house, outside, in The Wall.... everywhere in RV.
Sasha.... I don't know.... you can go, I guess..... I'll take a nap.
Having said that, she got up, walked over to the couch, and laid down beside Alex. Although not tired at all, she was soon asleep, too. ((Being a cat and all... Whatever, I'm done for this day))
Richarson Valley
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by D-Singer »

Blood was slightly disappointed when only one intern entered the room, but disappointment was quickly replaced by suppressed rage once he identified the human as the one who had shot at him. It was almost theatrical how the only person that showed up, happened to be the one he was so eager to snap at. A low and intimidating growl echoed from his throat as he glared on the human intern. Blood was a second from barking at Joseph in complaint about the hellish evening he’d been put through because of him, but was cut off before he could say anything.
Buckdida wrote: "Ah, ****. Okay, please, just let me explain. Really, I never signed up for this ****."
Joseph sighed, rubbed his temples and walked in a circle.
“Hmph!” He huffed and simply nodded, while continuing to ferally glare at the human, eyes tracking him as he walked about explaining his reasons.
Buckdida wrote: "Okay, the orders of the officer I was with was to track down a rouge coyote who was resisting arrest, possibly dangerous, proceed with caution, and his friend, who attacked an officer. What I didn't know was that the officer I was with was crazier than the animals we were trying to track. I don't know WHAT she was thinking when she tried to drive a full size van down an allyway. I don't know what she was thinking when she was yelling at me to dart collared pets. Possibly greed...I informed Christopher as much as I found out. Some commission thing she blabbed about?“
“Typical, a mistake based completely on my appearance. I figured that much out already, I guess the idiot with the binoculars was too blind to see I was wearing a collar.” He huffed and rolled his eyes at the obvious stupidity of the Animal Control officers as their actions were retold. At the mention of a commission, Blood’s hackles spiked. “A commission? For catching dogs?...Now why does that sound so familiar?...Just how corrupt can these guys be?”
Buckdida wrote: Either way, at that point, I had had it with her, but at the same time, I had to follow orders...you know how a military job can be, right?" He shook his head. "Anyway, though you probably won't believe me, I wasn't aiming at you or your friend. I aimed bellow the window to the right of your friend. The shot would have bounced off the trailer, and given both of you time to run...while still following my orders, right? But my commander got a little overzealous, and kicked the van's gear shift, putting us in neutral, causing the van to lurch. So the shot flew up, hit and shattered what normally is supposed to be a shatter-proof window...and I could have sworn I saw you duck, too, so I thought you were fine. That's some bad luck you have...she ran off after another pet; I decided that I had had just about enough, and called Chris."
The aggravated expression did not change. At this point It was made clear that he had suffered almost solely because of human mistakes and negligence. Definitely not something Animal Control should have in its department. The coydog just blinked at Joseph’s explanation for why he was following orders. “Military job. Yeah right...”
Buckdida wrote: Joseph walked in another circle while looking upward in frustration.
"Look, I probably don't have the authority to do this, but I apologize on behalf of Animal Control. I don't know what corrupt psychos they're letting be officers, but I can assure you I'm not one of them. Chris can vouch for me, right?" He motioned towards Chris. "And we're both going to be looking into whatever little conspiracy thing that's going on, and weed out the bad officers. Animal Control should be ambassadors between humans and animals, not anti-animal terrorists...and...I'll pay out of pocket to cover whatever vet bills you and your friends gather from this entire fiasco."

"Look, I need this job. It's something I promised a couple of people...animals included in those people. And if you harbor hate, it will just cause more problems between Animal Control and pets in the future. Do you think you and your friends can forgive us?"

Blood locked eyes with Joseph and stared at him intensely for a few moments. He nodded again and took a deep breath to quell his anger. Things were dead silent for a few seconds between the occupants of the room. His ears flicked back up and responded as calmly as he could.

“Now listen to me very carefully. This happened because some fool from your same department made a stupid and negligent decision. When he shot me, I took a good look at him before I got away. He looked so completely sure of what he was doing it was sickening. When I saw you at the other end of that rifle, you looked more concerned than unsure, which is something I look out for. I wasn’t sure at the moment if it was because you afraid you’d miss, or because you knew what you were doing was wrong. Either way, you took the shot, and I ended up in the hospital because of it. As for obeying an order......there is NO MORALITY in following a command you know for a fact is wrong, alright. You don’t look to me like the kind of person who would intentionally hurt a pet, I believe you on that. And I bet if it was a hunting rifle you were aiming instead of a dart gun, you wouldn’t have pulled that trigger." Blood shut his eyes and sighed.

“Look, you take care of the vet bills, and I’ll be sure NOT to tell my owner you shattered his trailers window. Right now I just want to go home and forget this ever happened.” The coydog laid back down on the stretcher. “I know AC is mainly here to help us pets, I respect them for that. But I’m not going to forgive those idiots that made the first decision to shoot me. *Huff*”
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Buckdida »

Joseph threw both his hands up. "Hey man, I'll pay for the window too." He sighed. "And I'll bet if I didn't try to scare you off with a warning shot, the officer with me would have grabbed the rifle and fired instead. In fact, I think that's what she was trying to do when she accidentally kicked the gear shift... and after she jumped out in pursuit of the other pet...I suppose I had a moment of cowardice and thought it would be a good idea to flee...I was debating checking on you, but that probably would have ended with me getting bitten, right?" Joseph gave an uneasy smile. "As for the officers that shot at you, I figure they, along with many others, and myself, are going to be subject to a performance review that won't end well. Me, I'm hoping that I'll make the cut and get promoted due to the fact that we're gonna need some positions filled. Maybe this entire thing was good work experience, eh?" Joseph chuckled. "Look at me. I'm rambling, and you probably need some rest. We should probably go, Chr- Ranger Ross. Besides, I haven't gotten an angry phone call from my officer yet, so I think we can only assume that the pet she was after turned the tables on 'er, and we have to go find her. I can hear it from you later; right now, we've got a mess to clean up. Agreed?"

Joseph made for the door. "Let's see if we can't figure out what this whole commission thing is about, huh?"
(OOC: Okay, yeah, I'm done with the arc. My next post will be after the time skip.)
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Keeshah »

Buckdida wrote:Joseph threw both his hands up. "As for the officers that shot at you, I figure they, along with many others, and myself, are going to be subject to a performance review that won't end well. Me, I'm hoping that I'll make the cut and get promoted due to the fact that we're gonna need some positions filled. Maybe this entire thing was good work experience, eh?" Joseph chuckled. "Look at me. I'm rambling, and you probably need some rest. We should probably go, Chr- Ranger Ross. Besides, I haven't gotten an angry phone call from my officer yet, so I think we can only assume that the pet she was after turned the tables on 'er, and we have to go find her. I can hear it from you later; right now, we've got a mess to clean up. Agreed?"

Joseph made for the door. "Let's see if we can't figure out what this whole commission thing is about, huh?"

I can't say what the local animal control brass is going to do.. given there current reactions, they might give you a medal..
But i can tell you, if you in the rangers, a severe reprimand would be the best outcome you would be looking at.
I hope you can see now, how one small event, one misstep can snowball into a disaster in a heartbeat. an the pets your supposed to be protecting, get hurt.

I think you need to stay out of any further investigations. we already know, there have been no official bounties payed out on pets, from the county animal control budget.

So there must be a petnapping ring in operation, an you need to stay far away from that.

*** meanwhile ***

With Magnus found, an the scattered pets rounded back up. Sara begains herding them back to the car from the trip home..
Allright everyone, say good nite to Pav n' Rav.. you two have a good nite, an i'll see you both in the morning..
Now lets get the rest of you home before your parents get worried about you, or notice that your gone..
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
Foxy Brown (Zootopia) - M - Coyote/RedWolf: Str-6 Per-7 End-6 Cha-4 Int-8 Agi-7 Luck-4
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Jimmy Jazz »

Alex wrote:The first part confused Mai. She was here, all the time. In the house, outside, in The Wall.... everywhere in RV.
Sasha.... I don't know.... you can go, I guess...de Alex. Although not tired at all, she was soon asleep, too.

Sekhmet smiled and then walked outside quietly shutting the door with the smile plastered on her face. she walked down the road and towards her house slowly, and happily. but then as she came within sight of the old abandoned house the smile slowly faded away, and turned into a frown. as good as the day had gone, she was still just a stray, still in danger of being caught, still alone. she sighed as she walked over the bridge and noticed a van parked in the driveway. Sekhmet swore quietly under her breath, and walked by it. she really hoped who ever was in that thing didn't mind neighbors.


what what? Jolly good time.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by EchoFireant »

Marshall walked into the Blood's room as he brushed passed someone who was just came out of the door. "Sorry." He soon walked into the room, hoping to see that both Blood and Natalia was ok. "Hey there."

Before he knew it, Natalia glomped him. "You Are Safe!" she said before adding, "Now I have a few questions to ask you, 'What Were You Thinking You Reckless Silly Pup? You somehow got yourself captured. Are you losing your touch?' "

"I don't know honestly. I just wanted both of you safe. As for how I got captured...well..long story short, I got ambushed. Sorry to worry you."

"If you're truly sorry, when we get back to the house, you are going to treat me something nice."

"What? Aww..come on. You gotta be joking right?"

"Not when I said to myself that I am going to give you a piece of my mind." Natalia said as she crossed her paws.

*Sigh* "Of all the dogs out there I have to fall in love, I get stuck with her." He said under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." Marshall said as he covered it with a grin.

"We'll see about that when we spar."

"Right. In case you've forgotten, I still have a higher win count than yours."

"And don't forget that I made you cry once." At this, Marshall could only keep quiet as he couldn't think of a suitable counter against that.

"Alright, that's enough you two. So, Blood was it? Are you ready to go home?" In John's mind though, it was comical to see Marshall, supposedly the dominant dog in the force getting put into his place by Natalia.

(OOC: So, D-Singer, you can take control of John to take Blood home and maybe do other stuff cause this is my final post for this arc..I think XD)

Pet Friendly, Marshall : S-7 P-7 E-7 C-4 I-5 A-7 L-5
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by caelei »

Magnus and Felix were driven home by Sara, who parked at her house to let all the pets out. It was late, by that time, so they simply went their ways. Felix stayed outside, climbing up into the Thinking Tree to sleep, instead of risking going in the house and getting captured by some crazy human... Magnus reluctantly went inside. Much to his relief, his dad wasn't home yet, which meant that, hopefully, he would never know that Magnus had let Felix get away, and then had left the house to visit his sister. He settled himself on the couch where Dad had told him to stay. He managed to stay awake until close to twleve in the morning 'watching' for Felix, but eventually fell asleep sitting up, slumping over sideways on the couch.

((And that's the end post.))
(Richardson Valley)
Magnus: S-10 P-5 E-8 C-7 I-2 A-3 L-5

Pavelle: S-3 P-7 E-3 C-5 I-9 A-10 L-5
Felix: S-6 P-7 E-3 C-3 I-8 A-10 L-5
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by ArgentFlame »

Cier walked the halls of the hospital, searching for the big dog. Occasionally he would stop when he saw a familiar face among the nurses and doctors and ask them to keep an eye out for Magnus. He wandered for several minutes without seeing the dane, sometimes glancing into open doorways to see if Magnus had decided to visit with any of the patients. He was walking down the hall after passing by the cafeteria when he heard Magnus speak behind him. He turned and looked at the large dog. "Hello Magnus, how about we head back to the room now." He led Magnus back through the hospital and to the room Pavelle was staying in. Wynn, who had been sitting by herself in the corner, looked up when they entered, but quickly looked away again upon seeing Cier.

A short time later, Sara and Felix returned. Del decided to stay overnight with Pavelle and Rav, and Sara started herding everyone out to the car.

Cier walked over to Sara when they had gotten out to the car. "I'm going to walk Wynn home, her house is not far from here and I need to talk to her anyway." They left Sara, Magnus, and Felix behind as they set off, and a short time later, were standing in front of Wynn's old house. She looked around nervously, before turning to Cier, looking ashamed. "Cier... I have to say something. I can't... go back to the way things were," Her voice was quiet, sad. "I'm sorry, I had plenty of chances to escape, and I never took them, because deep down, I like being out there, even though I knew everyone would be missing me." Tears welled up in her eyes as she talked. "I just can't be with you anymore." She turned around, now facing the house. "I'm sorry..." She said again. Cier stood silent, staring at the ground. He sighed after Wynn had gone inside to her family, and turned away, beginning the long walk back home.
Later that night...

Sean's eyes opened; he was standing in a dark alley, a thin layer of grime coated the ground and the walls, and the air was thick with the smell of exhaust. A large group of assorted animals and even a few humans was crowding around the alley. Sean looked closer at them and took an involuntary step back; each one was a face he recognized, and each one sported the wounds they'd had when they had died. As one, they turned their heads to face Sean, and one stepped forward from amidst the group. It was a large dog, his normally dark green fur matted with reddish-brown stains; he wore an old, tattered, black and gray striped scarf, and one paw clutched a large knife, its blade rusted and chipped. his amber were eyes dull and unfocused; dead. Sean took another step back, and there was a loud roar as the crowd suddenly clambered forward, their arms reaching out towards him. He turned and ran then, but stumbled after a few steps when a sudden, intense pain shot through his body. His paw clutched at the wound on his right side, and he ran on, turning corner after corner in the seemingly endless labyrinth of alleyways. He ran until his breathing grew ragged and the pain in his side was almost too much to bear. He fell, his tired legs refusing to carry him farther, and it was only a moment before he was hit by a blow to the side, powerful enough to roll him onto his back. He gazed up at the demonic forms gathering around him, their feline faces distorted into wicked grins. They raised their arms, each wielding a large, wickedly pointed weapon. Their weapons fell...

Sean jolted awake, shaking, his eyes darting around the darkened guest room of the Burke house. He quickly reached over and turned the light on the bedside table on, then huddled up under the blanket. He lay awake for a long time, before eventually drifted off into a fitful sleep.
Del S2 P6 E2 C5 I10 A8 L3
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Keeshah »

After having made sure that all the pets in her care have made it to there homes safely..
Sara finally gets ready, an rushes off to her dinner an movie outing..
Hoping that she has the right time an day this time...
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
Foxy Brown (Zootopia) - M - Coyote/RedWolf: Str-6 Per-7 End-6 Cha-4 Int-8 Agi-7 Luck-4
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by D-Singer »

Buckdida wrote: "Hey man, I'll pay for the window too." He sighed. "And I'll bet if I didn't try to scare you off with a warning shot, the officer with me would have grabbed the rifle and fired instead. In fact, I think that's what she was trying to do when she accidentally kicked the gear shift... and after she jumped out in pursuit of the other pet...I suppose I had a moment of cowardice and thought it would be a good idea to flee...I was debating checking on you, but that probably would have ended with me getting bitten, right?" Joseph gave an uneasy smile. "As for the officers that shot at you, I figure they, along with many others, and myself, are going to be subject to a performance review that won't end well. Me, I'm hoping that I'll make the cut and get promoted due to the fact that we're gonna need some positions filled. Maybe this entire thing was good work experience, eh?"
“Let’s just be thankful no one was stupid enough to actually try to break into the trailer to catch me, cause in that case, not only would I have fought back, my owner would have probably been tempted to press charges for warrantless breaking and entering as well as assaulting his dog without cause.” Blood gave another cocky smile as he attempted to speak the consequences of what could have happened. “If you’re willing to pay off all the damage, then there should be no real friction at all. I’ll just point him in your direction so you can work things out.”
Keeshah wrote: I can't say what the local animal control brass is going to do.. given there current reactions, they might give you a medal..
But i can tell you, if you in the rangers, a severe reprimand would be the best outcome you would be looking at.
I hope you can see now, how one small event, one misstep can snowball into a disaster in a heartbeat. an the pets your supposed to be protecting, get hurt.

I think you need to stay out of any further investigations. we already know, there have been no official bounties payed out on pets, from the county animal control budget.

So there must be a petnapping ring in operation, an you need to stay far away from that.
“*sigh* I’m beginning to wonder just how much trouble I evaded today. ‘petnapping ring’.....I thought I left all that crap in the dust once I left the city, muffins and cookies humans. Still, it’s refreshing to see just how dependable the rangers are when AC decides to **** things up.” As the two humans left, two more visitors arrived, it was Marshall and his owner. Both the dogs were happy to see them, mainly because Blood knew he could finally leave. Natalia looked just happy to see that Marshall was still in one piece and had his tags back. He chuckled at seeing Marshall allow himself to be dominated by Natalia so easily. “Heh, now I’m pretty sure she’s in the special forces with him.”
EchoFireant wrote: "Alright, that's enough you two. So, Blood was it? Are you ready to go home?" In John's mind though, it was comical to see Marshall, supposedly the dominant dog in the force getting put into his place by Natalia.
“Yes, I’m sick of this place, and I don’t intend on spending the night.” John left to sign him out with the receptionist, and returned minutes later with a nurse, who helped Blood onto his feet after removing the IV and wristband. The stiff coydog winced a bit as he put weight on the foot he had twisted earlier, but was able to successfully depart from the hospital without anyone noticing the pain walking caused him. He smiled and waved a little as Emma and the other vets who helped him said their goodbyes, just glad that he was finally free. Since he had been brought in it was now almost completely dark outside, and all the streetlights had turned on. As they walked back to the Chevy, Blood noticed a small group of other pets leaving as well, probably the same he had noticed in the hospital earlier. He hopped into the backseat Chevy along with Marshall and Natalia, and was driven back to the fifth wheel still parked alone in front of the abandoned house.

Before stepping out, Blood thanked everyone, including John. He had definitely made some new friends through the whole ordeal with Animal Control. If not for them, he probably wouldn’t have made it through the day in one piece. Yet again his bad luck had directly attacked him, and once more he survived it, as always. Now he had little more on his mind other than getting some sleep and seeing his best friend’s return in the morning.

“Goodbye guys, thanks for everything. I’ll see you later.”

Unlocking the door and entering the trailer, Blood did his best to clean up the mess from earlier. He wiped up the bloodstains on the floor, swept up the glass shards, covered the broken window with a few towels, then finished by showering himself off carefully cleaning his stitches. Satisfied with the completed work, the exhausted dog flopped down on the bed and snuggled under the blankets. He sighed deeply, starring out the front window at the silent neighborhood.

“*huff* What a day...At least it’s over...”

“...no more nightmares.”

[OOC: Final post for the arc.]
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Lets Do the time warp again!!!

Post by Keeshah »

(OK, by popular demand an outrage...Let's Do the TIME WARP again!!!)

Welcome to Action 13 news..

Are top story tonight, the continuing intrigue, an scandal's that have rocked the local animal control offices...
To recap the events that have transpired as of late..

There was conflicting reports of a break-out or a break-in to the animal control offices, depending who you asked at the time.
The local animal warden took ever escalating stern measures in response to the break-in an escape of the detainees at the pound. Causing a lot of anger an alarm among the the pet owners, as well as from the pets themselves. as we covered last week..
It's like it not safe for us to even be in are own yards anymore. Said one pet we talked too.

After an angry shouting match occurred in city council chambers, where the wardens request for council to enact strict leash laws an curfew limits, was soundly rejected, amid the cheers of the protesters in attendance.
The next day, the Animal Warden was fired from her position by the mayor.

Three days later, retired Ranger commander, Alfred Kingsley was appointed to take over the remainder of the warden's term in office..

Several days later, Animal control was rocked with scandal again..

Picture cuts to a scene of several former AC officers, being lead out of the animal control building in handcuffs.
Just as things were quieting down, a sting operation was brought to a close resulting in the arrest of several former animal patrol officers, as well two internal personal.
They were charged with a variety crimes including, petnapping, cruelty, falsification of records, theft, receiving stolen propriety. an all will be facing long terms in jail if convicted.
A whistle-blower stated that the stolen animals were rumored to have been taken, to be used as research an lab animals.
Ranger's conducted a search of an nearby animal research center, but didn't turn-up any evidence of non-lab animals within.
A spokesmen for the lab stated.
"The rumor that we would ever be involved such activities is totally false. It is morally an legally wrong to use feral, strays, or worse someones beloved pet in research. not to mention such animals would have no research value, since we could never be sure of there breeding, health an other issues, this is why we only use lab animals bred specificly for are needs.. an then only when no other possibly means of conducting the research is possible."

When asked, why the Rangers haven't stepped in an taken control warden Kingsley explained, "It's a matter of jurisdiction. The Rangers are tasked with the health an well-being of Wild an feral populations, as well as the regulation of working, farm livestock, an research animals, as well as investigating reports of cruelty an neglect within the state. while the local animal control is charged with with the care, an enforcement of the laws an ordnance's of the city or township there from. For the Rangers to have stepped in would have been like the FBI mounting a take-over of the local sheriff's dept."

In his first action was to rename the agency's name to "the Dept. of Animal Safety and Health"
Stating that this was more in line with what the agency is supposed to be doing. adding that his new "D.A.S.H." officers will be more concerned with the health an safety of pets, than trying to control them.
Going as far as to bring in the Ranger tradition for collaring an leashing his officers an assigning them to be the pet, of a pet for 48 hours. stating this gives them a unique perspective into the daily lives an challenges pets face. an many Rangers continue to wear a collar, or simple chain, as a reminder to think what the pet is going through, before acting.

*** For pets who wish to be part of the program, an receive a DASH member as there "pet" pet, just include what you did with them in your post time warp post. ***

The scene cuts to a picture of Rangers an DASH officers, getting out of there trucks to walk a beat. greeting and getting to know the local pets in the town square, then out in the park..

In a surprise move the city council, passed a measure, which was signed by the mayor today, giving pets holding current licenses, the right to vote in the election for the office of the towns animal warden..
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
Foxy Brown (Zootopia) - M - Coyote/RedWolf: Str-6 Per-7 End-6 Cha-4 Int-8 Agi-7 Luck-4
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by mathgrant »

Aunt Brittany pulled her car up to the Dewitts' house. Brian's week-long visit with her was over, and while he had truly enjoyed it, he was also nervous about returning to Richardson Valley. He still hadn't completely recovered from the shock of his first attempt to socialize with the other animals. "I'm going to miss you so much, Brittany," Brian said. "Your home was just so peaceful, and I felt secure there. I don't know if I can say the same about. . ." He refused to say the neighborhood's name, viewing it as a cussword, like PETA. "This place."

"Oh, come now, Brian," Aunt Brittany said. "I've been talking with your family on the phone, and they tell me that they've heard on the news that some corrupt Animal Control officials have been fired, and they feel that things will be safer now."

"I know, but. . ." Brian sighed as he got out of the car. "Thanks for giving me a most wonderful week, Aunt Brittany. I'll give. . . this place, another chance."

"That's the spirit!" Aunt Brittany replied. "Tell your mother and father I said hi."

Brian ran up to Mr. Dewitt and gave him a big hug. "Dad!" he yelled.

"Brian!" Mr. Dewitt said. "It's good to have you home again. We've missed you terribly, Brian."

"I'll bet!" Brian said. "I'm just so afraid that. . . this place. . . isn't a place I want to be."

"Brian, we've been over this on the phone. We feel that the recent events which have transpired will lead to Richardson Valley being a less worrisome neighborhood for you. But should you ever feel uncomfortable again, we're moving back to our old home. You are more important to me than anything."

Brian hugged Mr. Dewitt even tighter. "I love you, Dad. Thank you."

Despite all of the reassurances, Brian spent the next week staying inside the house and worrying about what would happen next. What's the next traumatic thing that'll get thrown at me? he thought to himself. I bet some terrorist will blow up our house or something, with my luck. However, after a week of his house not getting bombed, Brian finally worked up the nerve to enter his front yard. He sat next to a tree, Kakuro book in hand.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Buckdida »

Things were really working out for Venison now. Richardson Valley had become, of all possible things, his home. Of course, he wasn't about to stay in one place or be owned...he liked staying mobile, he liked not being tied down. After sleeping in Lucky's house, Venison realized how sleeping in different houses had its advantages, seeing different ways of living, and different families and how they ran things. Lucky's house was upper middle class, quite comfortable...and there was always music playing. It was nice at first, but after a while, it drove Venison...crazier than usual, anyway. And it was difficult to avoid Lucky's human "sister." Thus, Venison found that leaving each house also had its advantages. He loved Rachel playing the piano as he fell asleep, and the breakfasts that Matthew cooked tasted delicious, though Venison found himself occasionally getting bored...he kept swapping from house to house, to minimize his boredom with the pet's lifestyle, feel like he was still free, and, of course, not lay the burden of his company to a single family. Of course, the families of the pets he didn't know very well usually ended up with him having a door slammed in his face, or worse, batted away with a broom. Still, no matter where he went, there always seemed to be a spot back at the Ligerr house for him...and, ironically, the pet food that Sara had gotten turned out to be his favorite pet food. And if he didn't feel like staying at their house, there was always his room in the barn, where he could be alone.

Nothing particularly interesting happened for two weeks, aside from the whole "AC conspiracy," and that weird new program where the AC had to act like a pet for two days and wear a collar, which Venison found very backwards. He found the new name strange, too. DASH? Well, the renaming was a shrewd idea...nobody liked AC anymore, but hey, DASH was different, right? Venison scoffed at the idea, and decided it was best to keep his guard up.

One interesting thing that Ven noticed...was that Pavelle had a job. Two of them, if he wasn't mistaken. A paper route and working the counter at the wall. On one particular day, Venison walked in for a cup of coffee, but realized he had no money...and that there was quite a line...and a very frenzied Pavelle trying to fill orders. With his leg feeling better, much to the surprise of the female raccoon, Ven hopped the counter and started serving pastries, refilling the ice bin, doing what he could to help out...and in typical form, saying he was doing this mainly for a coffee and a pastry, since he was out of money. Though he had a ton more trouble coming up for an excuse for trying to help her with the paper route. When pay day came, Venison refused the money that Pavelle wanted to give him for helping, but with an empty wallet (and an ambush at the thinking tree where Magnus refused to let him go from a hug until Pavelle ordered) he finally accepted a small cut. As for Felix, there was always a slight tension when he was around. They both visibly kept a guard up, and if it wasn't for Pavelle, it wouldn't have been a far cry for them to attack each other. Finding out about Felix's match habit, Venison moved a can of aerosol disinfectant spray from his first aid kit to a front pocket...just...in...case...
The plain never changed, really. Just a flat expanse, stretching out into infinity. There, there he could see everything. There was simply nothing hidden, no surprises. Everything was face value, really. He figured each one of the different landscapes were metaphors for something, though it was hard to figure. The forest, unlike before, was becoming increasingly difficult to navigate. It was growing. The canopy reached higher than ever before, and the roots and undergrowth covered the ground so that it could no longer be seen. But it was by far the most beautiful place so far, with fantastic scenery: bright flowers and birds, plants of all types...and some very delicious fruit. It was certainly the hardest landscape to deal with, but also had the best rewards. Then there was the lake. Always serene, hardly ever moving; in fact, it looked quite still, and it was unsettling how, despite the waterfall in the distance that feed the lake was quite powerful, pummeling the rocks. Willows draped in the water, and lily pads dotted the surface, though no life was found otherwise. Venison once again sat at the edge of the lake, a beach covered in black and white sand.

"So...what now?"
"Leaka...again? What happened to the tabby cat, huh?"
"He was a war leader. And now there's no battle to be fought. Holding up well, Ven?"
"Better." Venison stood up. "Though for everything that's happened, it doesn't look like much has changed."
"You've hit the easy ones," Leaka said, smiling, "And now there's the hard ones. The mountain, and...whatever that is over there. Probably the way out of here. Who knows, maybe you'll find that one before the getting the mountain back."
"You know, in reality, you're far, far more ditzy than this..."
"And you know you miss that. Probably why you've been letting that silly mouse sit on your head as of late."
"Dylan isn't ditzy, just a little random. There is a difference."
"Of course." Leaka kept grinning.
"Any particular reason I'm here?"
"Well, you need to be told something important. You see, your mind has gained quite some stability. I believe it's because the forest has grown so much stronger."
"The roots, I presume?"
"Yup. Stops erosion, and in this case, keeps these landmasses nicely together. The lake's been feeding the forest a lot, you see."
"I see."
"...you seem like you have a question on your mind."
"Nothing slips by you."
"You're easy to read."
"When is my mind going to stop with the metaphors and just tell me what this stuff means?"
"Why, that would ruin the entire point of this exercise."
"I always hated your little mind games."
"Anything new with that raccoon?"
"Waking up now."
"Typical you."

Ven's eyes flickered open. "Those dreams...just won't leave me alone, will they?" Venison reached up and rubbed his eyes before sitting up in his lumpy bed in the barn. No blanket impeded him, as he had gone through the night without. It was getting quite warm these days; perhaps summer was on its way? Venison, surprisingly, wasn't wearing his pants as he slid out of bed. Unlike normal, though, it didn't really bother him because, well, he was in his room, his house, essentially. His leg was feeling far better now as well, and healed up perfectly fine, as if nothing happened. If there was one thing that Venison liked about being an animal, it was that fur covered everything.

Venison took about two steps, then jumped at the door. His arm shot through the hole and flipped the latch with one swift motion, causing the door to swing open with him riding on it. He smiled as he bailed off the door before it slammed into the wall. Perhaps it was his form of revenge for keeping him trapped inside on the days he had to move around with a crutch? Venison combat rolled across the floor as the door rebounded and clicked back into place. He stood back up, smiling at the door, clasped his hands together and reached up, stretching his back out.

"Still got it."

Venison shuffled over to a clothesline strung high across the bottom floor, gave a quick hop, and grabbed his pants off the line. Nice and washed from last night, and now dry as well, in the soon-to-be summer heat. Venison began putting on his pants, and skipped over to what used to be a horse cleaning stall in the barn. While dogs never really needed to brush their teeth often, Venison figured it had been long enough since the last scrub, and put the simple mint paste on his neglected toothbrush before beginning to ferociously run the bristles over his fangs. After a minute or two, he inspected his teeth in the mirror for a moment before spitting out into a drain on the left, and wiped his mouth with a towel.

"Alright," he said, "Let's go out and see what will keep me amused today. Maybe I'll find Dylan first."

He made for the main door of the barn.
(OOC: Eat my steel wall of text! XD)
Retired RP Character List (Sorry guys)
Richardson Valley: Venison and Ochen
Brookshire Meadows: Trinket
Oasis Towers: Jaxeh and Klack
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Laxan »

Since the kidnapping, Sal was cautious about going outside and didn't like to be alone. Though due to the resent news report she had loosened up a bit. She spent most her time with O'Connor now and less time with her brother Pepper unless he tagged along.
Waking up Sal stretched her arms and rolled out of bed and onto the floor. Looking over to her brother, he was still in bed. This gave her an evil idea. Sneaking over next to him she leaned in next to his ear and screamed. "FIRE!"
'Cata acceptio obscuro mea ténebris ego fio totum' ~ Laxan Tanax Enore
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Kaido »

This was, obviously, enough to awaken Pepper. He jumped up out of bed with a start, clutching to the wall near his bed, his heart pounding. His head was quickly moving from side to side, looking for any source of danger. He slowly looked forward, glaring at Sal's smirking face.
"Why!?" he snarled. This wasn't the first time he'd been woken up by Sal this way during the course of them living here. Still, he didn't exactly learn. There was no way he could think of to get her back, either, because anything he would do, she would probably just shrug it off and laugh. But he was up now, that was for sure. He rubbed his eyes and walked towards the door.
He got all cleaned up before heading downstairs to sit at the breakfast table, waiting for some food.

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Laxan »

Sal took a quick bath and ran down stairs to join Pepper at breakfast.
Mrs. Potts looked surprised. "H-Honey? You bathed? Without being held down and scrubbed to death?"
"Em, yeah. I'm... I'm going to see a friend." Sal buried her head into her breakfast.
"Oh really?" Mrs. Potts looked to Pepper. "And who is this little friend?" Mrs. Potts knew her pets very well and knew that she could get all the answers she wanted from the betrayal of the siblings.
Mr. Potts reared his head from his paper, "A boy... Friend perhaps."
Sal' gulped and glared at Pepper. "You wouldn't dare." She whispered at Pepper threateningly.
'Cata acceptio obscuro mea ténebris ego fio totum' ~ Laxan Tanax Enore
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Kaido »

Pepper grinned towards Sal.
"I think the "friend" she's seeing is called O'Connor. And you're right, dad. It's her booooyfriend!" Pepper started laughing. Revenge felt so good, after all the ways he'd been woken up by her.
He continued to eat his breakfast as if nothing had happened, with a triumphant smile on his face.

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Laxan »

Sal slipped a fork under the table and stabbed Pepper in the leg. "Yeah, well gotta go. Bye." Standing up from the table she grabbed Pepper by the collar and dragged him off the chair. "You coming?" She said sturnly as she left the room and went outside.
'Cata acceptio obscuro mea ténebris ego fio totum' ~ Laxan Tanax Enore
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Jimmy Jazz »

Vadim walked into the dark room, things lying on the ground, mostly books. he carefully walked to Octavian's bed and reached over him to unlatch the window and open it, all of this completely silent. Vadim grinned and then said "Time to get up Octavian" and before Octavian had time to groan he yanked the window open letting the summer breeze hit Octavian's face.
Octavian sat up rubbing his eye "Foofh" he mummbled as Vadim walked out of the room still grinning a bit. "That could have been a less rude awakening!" Octavian called after his dad. He threw his blanket off of him and scratched the back of his neck before grabbing his collar from the bedside table and walked down stairs.

Roughly 20 minutes later he walked out onto the porch stretching and yawning. for once he didn't have his coat on as he walked out into the street. It almost felt like taking off his collar and walking around town. but none the less continued to walk towards the woods, hopefully there where some other pets that where wandering the woods.


Sekhmet stared at the things she had drawn on the dusty floor, pictures of pets, houses, people... all formed into some sort of plan she had been thinking over. she sighed, and flopped against the wall, two weeks, and she still hadn't worked up the nerve, or found a good enough friend, so she could be an actual pet. she closed her eyes and relaxed, the musty smell, the cool rickety boards, the beaten up furniture, and the almost complete darkness. she was getting tired of it. "Alright!" she said sitting up briskly "I will find someplace to sleep other than this house today!" and got up walking out of the room with slightly more vigor than usual. she walked down stairs, peeked out the door to make sure no one was there, a habit she learned in the past two weeks. and walked down the drive way, she grinned somewhat mischievously and was about to knock loudly on the door but stopped. she looked around for a good place to hide after she knocked and then rapped quickly at the door sprinting under the bridge, where she continued to more slowly walk across a few stones she had learned that where safe and hopped onto the grass in the park where she lied on the grass smiling at the sky, with no indication of her ever even being close to the RV.

((OOC: whee, yes that is your RV, D-singer))

what what? Jolly good time.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Kaido »

Laxan wrote:Sal slipped a fork under the table and stabbed Pepper in the leg. "Yeah, well gotta go. Bye." Standing up from the table she grabbed Pepper by the collar and dragged him off the chair. "You coming?" She said sturnly as she left the room and went outside.
Pepper yelped as the fork went into his leg, but managed to keep it as quiet as possible. Until he was dragged off his chair...
"Ow... do I really have a choice?" He stood up, brushed himself off and followed Sal out of the house.

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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Teh Brawler »

As time had passed, O'Connor had spent time with Sal', and had begun helping Magnus, Pavelle, and Felix build the raft, after Magnus had "relapsed" into a desire to build it. Not many pets had jumped in to help, but it had been fun, and the results were waiting on the bank of the river.

However, around the time of the animal control break in, Tory had gone missing, and hadn't returned. This had worried O'Connor, and completely freaked Trevor out, but nothing much could be done; a small cardinal would be difficult to find, even with an idea of distance covered, which they didn't have, so they decided to just wait for Tory to come home. ((OOC: Don't worry, I have this planned out, and it's drama free))

O'Connor woke up, slowly, and stretched out. He looked out the window, just in case Tory had come back, and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. He grabbed a toaster strudel out of the freezer and popped it into the toaster. As he waited for it to cook, he sat at the table, drumming the table with his fingers. Trevor came in suddenly, with bed head that made him look like an anime character. He turned on the coffee maker, and sat down.

The silence that followed, while normal in the morning, was daunting.

"......runnin' low ohn vi'hles."
"Any sign of Tory?"

The toaster and the coffee maker went off at the same time, and each being grabbed his respective sustenance. As O'Connor swallowed his pastry, and Trevor gulped down his coffee, the room suddenly became much lighter.

"So, any big plans today?"
"Nay, jes' gunna ahdd sum finishen' touches te the rahft. Yew?"
"Work, as usual. Rob Thomas is playing at the hall in a month, so we've got to prepare for that, as well as the smaller events between now and then."
"Aye, aye. 'Aow's tha bern from the luight explosion?"
"Much better now. That cream the doctor gave me is actually doing wonders."
"Tha's gud. Ye were in a lawh' o' pein."
"Ha, I know. But I'm really doing well now, thanks for asking. Well, I'm gonna go take a shower, if you leave, tell me."
"Will du."

Trevor left the kitchen, and O'Connor began to think of anything else he could do.
Last edited by Teh Brawler on Mon May 31, 2010 1:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Alex »

Two weeks passed. It was getting warm, too warm for Alex to sleep with a blanket. He spent his time as usual, mostly with Amelia and Lucky, however, with other pets too, getting to know most of them, at least their name, if nothing else. ((Kalvin, I'll let you write details for the time spent with Lucky)) He also visited his neighbors from time to time, Matthew and Rachel, and played music with them sometimes. Since the only dog that could somewhat play drums in the new neighborhood, Jazz, moved away, their little band project failed, but it didn't bother him much.
Mai, on the other hand, didn't go out a lot, which is unusual for her. The main reason is the absence of her best friend Balbaroy, who disappeared without any traces. She was getting worried. Almost all the time outside, she was with Alex, so she knew most of the pets, too.
Alex woke up in his bed. It was awfully hot in the room, so he opened the window. He couldn't stand heat. Summer was coming, and probably all living beings had their windows open during the night, except him, just because Mai is afraid that a bug will come in through it. So since there's no door between his and her room, just a hole in the wall, she forbid him to touch the windows while they're both sleeping. His body was covered in sweat, and stinky. After a couple of minutes of trying to fall asleep again, he got up, stretched, rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock. 7:30. The noises were getting bothersome now, and Alex went to Mai's room, just to see her clenching her blanket and crying.
Hey! *Runs to her* Mai! What's wrong?
She looked at him, and then covered her face with the blanket again.
Alex... I'm... getting worried about Balbaroy. He disappeared!
Alex rolled his eyes, careful about her not seeing it. How can't anyone feel sorry for her now? He removed the blanket, knelt down and pressed her head against his belly.
Now come on... don't cry.
However, she didn't stop, and was very worried. They just stood there for a while, and Alex didn't know what to do to calm her. Finally, an idea came to his mind.
Okay, look... it's 7:40 now. At 10 o'clock, we'll go to his house, and ask his parents about his absence. But go back to sleep now. Alright?
She was silent for approx. 30 seconds, before tilting her head.
T... thanks... *Sniff* I'll go to... *sniff sniff* Alex...
Mai looked to his face, and tried to push him away, but managed to just push herself away from him.
You reek!!!
His expression changed to a fake-angry one.
It's not my fault! And I was about to take a bath.
Suddenly, she wiped off the last tears, and smiled, just like she never cried.
Oh great, can I go with you?
What? NO! Use the bathroom downstairs. I hate bathing anyway.
B.. but! We can have lots of fun, play with the foam and splash each other and such!
Alex shuddered at the thought of playing with water. There was nothing worse than ruffled fur, and staying long in the water makes it just worse after drying.
.... Just go back to sleep.
Mai just awww'd, but listened to him, turned around, and went back to sleep, hoping that 10 o'clock will come soon.
Alex, on the other hand, went to the bathroom and started filling the tub with water. He took of his collar, and looked at the mirror. His fur was ruffled all over his body, but especially on the head, caused by the turning in sleep, and while trying to fall asleep in the heat. It was hard to tell the difference between him and a stray now. Come to think of it, his whole body was a mess. Eyes were bloody due to less sleep than usual, claws were huge, whiskers were twisted, some of them fell off, and some were longer than the rest. He had no idea how he managed to do that. Once the tub was full, Alex turned the water off, and carefully sat inside of it. The water already started to bother him, so without any delaying, he dived, to get all parts of his body wet, and immediately washed his whole body with some special pet shampoo. Finally, after 10 minutes, he removed the bung, and stepped outside. The black cat dried himself off, with a towel and a hairdryer, combed his fur, and cut all his whiskers, and even half of his claws, to make them at least all the same length. They didn't peek now once withdrawn in his paws. He put the collar back on, sighed with relief for finally not feeling naked anymore, and looked in the mirror. Much better than before.
Hm... cute as ever.
After the bath, Alex made two sandwiches, microwaved them, went to the living room, and turned the TV on. It was still too early to go anywhere or to call someone. Most pets were probably still asleep. There was a show about sheep.
"It may look like torture, but actually, wool shaving is very useful for the sheep, too. It helps them move better, and endure the heat much easier. The wool is also very useful for humans...."
Hmm.... this gives me an idea.... - he thought, while biting in his warm sandwich.
Richarson Valley
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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Post by Laxan »

Sal stepped out the door into the street and the pair of them walked to O'Connor's. Sal knocked on the door and waited for an answer.
'Cata acceptio obscuro mea ténebris ego fio totum' ~ Laxan Tanax Enore
'I made ​​all my dark morning by the acceptance of the dark'
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