Your Housepets Universe?

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Your Housepets Universe?

Post by exranio »

Now I know we all like the same comic here ,but i also know in one way or another are imaginations arn't satisified and we Imagine our own version. That's why we right fan fiction and stuff isn't it. Well i want to here what your version of houspets is like no matter how far from the sorce material it is.In fact the further from the source material it is the more entertaining.

So come on everyone share your imaginations.
Admitably this is sorta like righting the short version of a fan fic bet since we arn't righting an entire fic and jusy an out lien i figure it still goes her

Exranio's House pets.

Now in mine everything goes exactly like it does in the comic, until next Christmas. December 24th 2010 Tarot and Pete's game gets out of hand and they start a fight in the middle of the woods. All the pets go out to the woods because of the light and see The sky turn red and the moon grow symbols.Stuff happens and they are aware of the spirit's game wich now threatens the world. So the pets have to choose sides on how they want to do it. King's team wants to stop all the 3 creatures. Peanut's Team wants to Defend Tarot and stop Pete. Grapes team Wants to defeat Tarot and defend Pete. Tigers team is on the side of ending the world.

Basically it turned into a giant Anime or J-RPG sorta deal and they all have to fight each other now.
And just in case anyone wanted to know the teams are

Kings team- King , Fox, Zach, Fiddler, Miles , Sasha
Peanut's team- Peanut, Sabrina, Joey, Squeak, Jasper, Fido
Grapes's team- Grape, Max, Bino, Jynx, Rex, Lana
Tiger's team- Tiger, Marvin, Lester, Spo, Keys, Daisy
Neutral: For now everyone who wasn't put in a group
So check out my Deviant art It has ponies, furries, and the link to my tumblr!
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Re: Your Housepets Universe?

Post by Ebly »

mm, i still think this is better off in the roleplaying / fanfic forum
I was going to make a joke but then I did.
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