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Housepets! Anthology Thingy

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 8:30 pm
by FalinkesInculta
This is a collection of short stories in the Housepets! universe, I don't plan on making any of them any longer than a single post but that may change.
This will also act as a writing exercise of sorts for myself, so criticism is both accepted and encouraged.

On to the first story: A Unsolved Mysteries Forum Discusses The Curious Case of Joel Robinson's Disappearance.


Ok guys, here's an old case, but a weird one nonetheless.
On April 27th, 2009, two PETA members, Orwell Johnson and Joel Robinson, kidnapped(dognapped?) the dog of a local police officer, luckily said police officer pulled them over and, panicking, the driver(Joel) attempted to flee, however the engine stalled, and both PETA members were arrested.

Fast forward to November 30th, the day of Joel's trial. A bailiff escorts him to a room to wait for his lawyer. However when his lawyer enters the room Joel is nowhere to be seen. The guard outside the door never left his post, and the room shows no signs of exit, forced or otherwise. To this day no one has seen Joel. This is already extremely strange, however what makes it even stranger, is that Joel had claimed to have been forced into the kidnapping, and would likely have been sentenced as time served and put on probation.

So there you have it, a man about to go into a trial which likely would've gotten him out of prison escapes without a trace, and is never seen again.

This has to be like the 15th time someone has posted this story, and no one ever gets anything figured out.

Well, he had to have escaped somehow! It's not like he could've teleported!

what if he turned into a rat or something? theres that whole "people turning into animals thing" happening. my cousin got turned into a jackal!!

Youre telling me you think he turned into a rat a whole decade before people started turning into animals? And, even IF he did(and thats a gigantic if) he didnt ask anyone at all for help? that he just accepted being a rat and ran off into the woods and got a rat girlfriend or whatever?

A PETA guy getting turned into an animal does make sense! After all, they are the main obstructers of the ECP! I bet those weasels turned him into an animal as a test for doing it on a larger scale!

Oh my Dog not this idiotic conspiracy theory again.
Also they're ferrets, you didn't even get their species right

Ok sheep. Just remember I told you so when your body matches your mind!

And the thread always ends up like this.

I dont see YOU throwing any ideas around

Because the case probably isn't real! "Joel Robinson" probably doesn't even exist, and was made up by someone as a stupid story!

That's what they want you to think! Open your eyes!

Every time.
Every. Single. Time.
Every time this topic is posted it devolves into baseless guessing and conspiracy theories.
I'm locking this thread and banning this topic.

Re: Housepets! Anthology Thingy

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 9:30 pm
by Obbl
Neat idea. This one's fun :D
The mod and I are kindred spirits @_@

Re: Housepets! Anthology Thingy

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:24 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
I like how this is going so far! Can't wait to see more from you!

Re: Housepets! Anthology Thingy

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 6:34 pm
by MischaTheWolf
I like the concept.