Elliot's Nightmare

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Harry Johnathan
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Elliot's Nightmare

Post by Harry Johnathan »

By all accounts, Elliot wasn't a normal kitten. Most kittens don't usually have dark green fur. Kittens typically don't have a dog and cat for parents. Biological parents, no less. Kittens don't usually wag their tails. Kittens don't usually eat chocolate. Kittens don't usually write on typewriters. Kittens usually aren't best friends with a raven. Kittens don't usually lose a chunk of their ears in a battle to the death with a swallow-tailed pigeon. (At least, I hope not.)

And most kittens most certainly don't move objects with their minds.

But, Elliot was all of these things. Okay, maybe the part about the swallow-tailed pigeon wasn't true, but he was indeed missing a chunk of his ear.

Indeed, Elliot Byron was about to face a threat, far worse than just a swallow-tailed pigeon.


Elliot awoke one day to hear chanting downstairs and a green smoke rising from the floor. He knew his mother was a witch, and assumed that she was just making more potions. It must have been around 6:00, so his father, Fido, would be at work for the THINLAND police department. But, then he noticed he wasn't even in his room.

"What?", cried Elliot, when quite suddenly a large, booming voice echoed throughout his room. "THE END IS NEAR, MORTALS. THE SMACK HAS JUST BEGUN!" Elliot looked as his room transformed into a battleground. He saw impaled bodies on the war zone, and his father's boss, Sgt. RALPH, looking scared out of his wits, and that really disturbed Elliot, as RALPH really wasn't the type to get scared. When, suddenly...

"Elliot, wake up. It's time for school." Sabrina Byron, Elliot's mother, shook him as he got up. He looked concerned, to say the least.

"What's wrong, honey?"


"Yes, hon?"

"I had the Smack dream again."
Last edited by Harry Johnathan on Thu Dec 03, 2020 10:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Elliot's Nightmare

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I really love the premise of this story! Hope that there is more!
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: Elliot's Nightmare

Post by Harry Johnathan »


FIDO was busy eating a donut and reading the paper, on patrol just waiting for some idiot to start speeding when he got a call.

"Fido? It's Sabrina"

"Hi, hon. Can you wait? There's a-"

"Elliot had that dream again."


Elliot's therapist, Marion Ward, was a fairly understanding (and suprisingly imposing) voice of authority for a squirrel. He was sipping on an orange soda, texting his fiancé Lois, when Sabrina and Elliot came in.

Marion wasn't the least bit surprised. "So, Elliot. Seems you've been having a recurrent nightmare..."


Elliot was pretending to pay attention to Mr. Wolf when his raven friend, Never, passed outside the window. Elliot then spoke up.

"Mr. Wolf, can I go to the bathroom?"

Miles sighed. "Go ahead, Elliot."

As Elliot went to the door, he could hear Todd, his red fox classmate, quietly whisper: "Ugh, hybrids. Freaks of nature."

Elliot winced. He was a hybrid. A dog and cat one.

And by all accounts, he was, indeed a freak.

Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Nathan Kerbonaut
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Re: Elliot's Nightmare

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Interesting indeed. Eager to learn more about this Elliot fellow :)