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Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 9:40 pm
by Dogglar
New to all this, so here goes

The days went by as any other; go on patrol, file paperwork. Sometimes they caught a speeder, but what more could they do than call on a humans cruiser? These days were miserable for the K9 unit. Even Sergeant Ralph couldn't handle the inactivity...but it would soon change for them all. It would all change...

Operation Homecoming

In the bullpen, Ralph, Fox, and Fido are slaving through paperwork.


At the sound of the phone, Fox springs up and watches if anyone is going to go for the phone.
Ralph looks, nods and says,
"Go ahead, Fox."
*RING* *RING* "Aye aye!"
*RIN- Fox sprints over and picks up the phone excitedly, hoping for a new case,"Babylon Gardens K9 Department......yes, ma'am......understood, I'll notify the Sergeant."
*CLICK* "Sarge! Sarge, we got one! We got a case!"

Both Fido and Ralph drop their pens and give a curious look to Fox. Fido adds,"Ma'am? I thought the other departments active chief was Gary."
Ralph asks,

"Alright, alright, slow down! Who was it? What department?"
"I think it was a Linn...Lindsey? An Agent Lindsey from the FBI branch office in *COUGH COUGH*"
Ralphs eyes widened,"L-Lindsey?!"
"...Yeah...Anyways, she said she's en route to our office to brief us on something for our ears only, so I guess I'll get the welcoming party ready."

Fido pipes up to Ralph as Fox leaves the room,"What's the matter, Ralph?
"Huh? Oh...u-uh Lindsey's old colleague of mine...", the shepard answers, nervously.
Fido chuckles,"Oh? This should be interesting, then..."

After about an hour, the desks are clean, the coffee machine is ready, and the three K9 officers await Agent Lindsey's arrival. This call is not anything the department has ever received before. The sudden call from an FBI branch office must mean the situation is dire, and Ralph knows this. After some thought, Sergeant Ralph reaches for his radio,
"All units, attention all units. All units recall immediately, repeat, recall effective immediately, over.

Kevin's voice came across in confusion,"What's goin on, Sarge?"
"I don't know, but it's not good."

Ralph knows something big is about to happen, and he wants his squad there for it.


Author's Note:
Hello. I am new to all of this, and after the suggestion was made to create something, I figured I would. Consider this a pilot, I suppose, as I'm not sure how I'll fit the rest of the story heh. Feedback is appreciated, positive or negative. Thanks!

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:02 pm
by SeanWolf
Just from this alone, you got me hooked! Can't wait to see what you got planned!

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:05 pm
by Dogglar
Thank you! Shoutout to FoxyBoi for encouraging me to do this

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 11:44 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
This story really does seem to have a lot of promise! I can't wait to see where this goes!

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 8:45 am
by FireworkFox
I love it! You did great, just like I knew you would! :D
Dogglar wrote:Shoutout to FoxyBoi for encouraging me to do this
Thanks for the shoutout, by the way!

I can't wait to see the next part!

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 11:06 am
by Nathan Kerbonaut
I love a good K9 story. Great start Dogglar, I'm excited to read more :D

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 12:14 pm
by trekkie
Nice job! I look forward to reading more about the K-9s!

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 4:15 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
Part of me is now also wondering if Lindsey is a dog who Ralph might have feelings for, a human or an other animal (like a cat).

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 6:16 pm
by FireworkFox
Amazee Dayzee wrote:Part of me is now also wondering if Lindsey is a dog who Ralph might have feelings for, a human or an other animal (like a cat).
I was wondering the same thing.
Could it be that "Officer Grumpy Muzzle" has got himself a girlfriend?

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 6:21 pm
by Dogglar
I haven't necessarily worked out a schedule (I kinda rammed my face into this xd) and I'm still in school, so most work might come on the weekends if I'm busy in the work week. Imma see about trying to make the next chapter significantly longer than this one because it feels very short in hindsight.

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 7:54 pm
by NHWestoN
Don't worry about a schedule; just write when the muse prompts you. Your audience is happy to wait for promising, good stuff. Life's got chores enough, eh? ;)

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 1:23 am
by Dogglar
Chapter Two - Long Time No See

In the lobby of the Babylon Gardens K9PD stands three officers: Officer Fido, Officer Fox, and Sergeant Ralph. Agent Lindsey and her detachment is enroute to brief the officers on a seemingly dire situation, while the three officers await the arrival of the rest of their squad.

As the dogs stand at attention, Fox leans over to Fido.
"So, what exactly is happening?"
Fido responds in a hushed tone,"If you ask me, I'd say it is likely another sting operation. He pauses for a moment, then continues,"Honestly, what else could it be with the FBI directly involved...
Fox turns to Fido, deeply engaged in the theory. "You really think so? Regardless, I'm just happy to have a case."
"Heh, yeah...still yet, it eludes me as to why they would come to us...they've got their own task groups for this sort of thing...and the D.E.A. Why us?

Fido had been asking this question to himself since the moment they started preparing for the Agent's arrival. Why them? It's very strange to choose a K9 department for a sting operation, let alone to choose one of the smallest departments in the area. Even if a sting operation is handed over to a local department, it's sent with at least a few days notice. Whatever this is, the nature of it is becoming more apparent to the two senior officers as time wears on. While Fox is excited, the worry builds within Fido. Ralph, however, is otherwise occupied in this moment.

Fox turns to the Sergeant,"What's your take on all of this?" To which he receives no answer.
He waves his hand in front of Sergeant Ralph's face. "Helloooo! Ralph? You in there?"
Ralph, entranced, takes a moment to respond,"Hmm? Oh uh...yeah I have no idea. I've got just as much information as you on this matter."
"Patience. We'll gather as much information as we can in the brief,"Fido adds.
Fox asks Ralph,"Why are you so worried, sir?
"Worried? I'm not worried, I'm concerned. I'm concerned that this is a much more important operation than a drug bust. But otherwise, I'm not worried.
"No, I mean with you and the Agent. Why are you so nervous?" he clarifies.
Ralph replies with a blush,"Oh...oh w-well..."

Just as the Sergeant goes to answer, three black cars pull slowly in front of the office. The windows are tinted, the models are domestic, and the driver Ralph and the others can see is dressed in a two piece suit.

"Speaking of..."
"Looks like the Agent has arrived."

Through the door comes two dogs, both with tiny earpieces, barely noticeable. Next, a dog and a cat. They're all dressed in uniform black suits with their hands at their sides. The four take their places in each of the corners of the room without a word. Fox is about to speak up when Fido stops him with a sharp glance.

After a short time, there is an audible *thunk*, and the door pushes open.

A sharply dressed Shepard steps into the lobby, accompanied by a cat on her left and a rather large Bulldog on her right.

The Shepard speaks up as she stops in front of the three officers"Gentlemen, Sergeant Ralph..."
The Shepard teases Ralph,"Come now, Ralph, you know me well enough to call me Sarah, don't you?"
"Er... yes ma'am. Uh, Sarah."
"It's been quite a long time, hasn't it? Well, we'll have time to catch up later,"she says with a subtle wink. "What matters now gentlemen is...," Lindsey looks to Fox for a moment, who is currently looking the four guards up and down. A swift stomp to his foot from Ralph puts him back in attention after a meek yelp.
She continues,"...Is this briefing. This operation is currently highly classified. Eyes and ears only. I'm sure you understand that standard protocol states that we'll need all of your surveillance and recording equipment disabled, and their records for the past forty-eight hours stricken. Is that understoo- She is interrupted by a very eager Fox,
"-Yes ma'am!"
"...Yes ma'am!"
"Yes ma'am!"

As Ralph finishes the agreement, Officer Kevin and Officer Terrance come through the door. Kevin enters after Terrance while looking at the cars parked in front of the door and says,
"Hey uh, Sarge? What's with all the ca...," Kevin trails off as he turns to face the scene with Terrance.
"Welcome back, gentlemen."
Ralph responds with a soft laugh,"Heh, yeah it's gonna be quite a day, Kevin. Alright everyone, briefing room, now!"


Authors Note:
Took a few days, but I finally got the time and thought process to get chapter two done. Writing these are a lot of fun, and feedback is greatly appreciated! Thanks fellas!

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 1:24 am
by Dogglar
Hopefully it isn't too short

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 8:46 am
by trekkie
Another good chapter. Keep up the good work, I am eager to find out what the case is all about.

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 1:10 pm
by FireworkFox
Seems like I was right about officer grumpy muzzle having a crush on someone...
Great job on this chapter, by the way!

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 2:39 pm
by Nathan Kerbonaut
Excellent chapter. This will be an interesting debriefing. :D

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 4:04 pm
by Dogglar
Thank you much mi amigo

It will be interesting indeed...I hope, anyways xd

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 5:44 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
So is her name then Sarah Lindsey with I am assuming her last name being Lindsey and her first being Sarah?

Also since you said she is a Shepard I am now wondering if she might be a sister or other relation instead of a girlfriend.

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 5:50 pm
by Dogglar
Yeah Agent Sarah Lindsey

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 7:09 pm
by NHWestoN
Crime drama and romance - always a piquant blend.

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 12:05 am
by Amazee Dayzee
Like I said it would be much more unexpected if Sarah was Ralph's sister or other relative.

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2020 6:26 pm
by Dogglar
Sorry for the wait, gettin some progress on Ch. 3 though

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2020 6:30 pm
by NHWestoN
We'll be here. ;)

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2020 7:09 pm
by Dogglar
A little off topic, but how many bots are there on the forum? I noticed that currently there are 270 guest users and I'm wondering how many of them are ppl

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2020 10:41 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
It is hard to tell. Some of them could be guests and others most likely are bots. I'm pretty sure the majority are bots though.

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 4:40 am
by Dogglar
Hmm. I ask because I just want to gauge how many people come to the forum

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 11:38 am
by Amazee Dayzee
There is really no accurate way to gauge which unregistered people are guest or bots by using the "Who's Online" window. Sorry about that.

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 1:20 pm
by FireworkFox
Dogglar wrote:Hmm. I ask because I just want to gauge how many people come to the forum
Just out of curiosity, why are you so eager to know?

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 3:12 pm
by Dogglar
Well, I've never heard of this comic until last Christmas, and so I've found that it's nearly thirteen years old. I want to know how active things are now. Also because I don't believe there's any way my thread's hit hundreds of views xd. No way.

Unless I'm just completely wrong, in which case thank you!

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 4:43 pm
by Foxfan2164
I read the first two chapters and it's fantastic! I like it a lot. Good job!

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 5:09 pm
by Dogglar
Thank you!

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 5:08 pm
by Dogglar

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2020 8:28 pm
by NHWestoN
Dogglar wrote:Soon...

Suspense is mounting ………. !

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 12:01 am
by Dogglar
Chapter Three [P1] - A Trip Down Memory Lane

As Ralph commanded, everyone in the makeshift party slowly makes way for the briefing room. Usually, the room is empty as dust fills the chairs and stacks on the table. Old files scattered about, projector left askew on the end of the table. But not today. Fox, in a hurry, collected everything and cleaned the room entirely...incorrectly. The junk that once filled this room now fills another room: the closet. He also took great care and quite literally threw the projector in with the rest of the junk.

One of Agent Lindsey's detail (the large one) opens the door to fetch the projector...,"I've got the projector ma'am. Where do you wa-," ...and is met with an avalanche. "Woa-! *CRASH* "Oof..."
Fox very quickly scrambles to help the bulldog,"Oh sorry! Sorry, sorry! I had to clean the room for you..." "Grrr...." "...guys...I'll just...
get the projector..."

As Fox fishes out the projector and half-runs away, everyone takes their seats. Agent Lindsey sets down a briefcase and pulls from it projector cards for the briefing, loads them up, and switches the projector on. She takes a breath, and begins.
The briefing starts out slow, with Agent Lindsey following all of the formalities of her departme...

"I-I don't understand...has she forgotten? No, no, there's no way! Why is she so calm about this? She should hate me for what happened! Agh...that night...why? Why did she have to take the fall "Ralph?" for my mistake? And it happened the one "Ralph!" time we were put on assignment "Sergeant Ralph!" together..."
"Yes ma'am?" he answers.
Lindsey repeats the question,"Do you whole-heartedly swear to keep this briefing and its listeners confidential?"
"Er, yes ma'am. Sorry." he quickly, and half-heartedly, answers.

The briefing continues as normal, with the title page coming over the screen first of all. At the turn of the slide, the Agent speaks up,
"Gentlemen, we're faced with an issue here that we plan to take care of with Operation Homecoming. There will be more on the name later, but for now, let's get down to it." She noticeably sighs and mentally prepares herself, partly for dramatic effect.
" a tricky situation. We've got an anonymous arms dealer that's been buying and distributing unmarked firearms across the region, and most of the country. We've narrowed down Babylon Gardens and its surrounding area as the epicenter of a massive weapons empire...and we don't have a name. To make this even harder, we also know he's shipping massive amounts of said firearms internationally. The government, FBI, and all the other alphabet agencies are considering this man a domestic terrorist, so he is our top priority. We can strike down on this empire as soon as we find it, but we have to find it discreetly so they don't just pack everything up."

Everybody, including the bodyguards, begins to murmur among themselves
Up until she mentions the lack of a name, Fox had been shaking in his seat. At the strike of "weapons dealer", both Ralph and Fido felt their hearts sink, and Kevin even flinched at the mention, but tried to play it off. This truly was a terrible situation. For the senior officers, it clicked as to why they were being called upon; they were least likely to have moles within their department, and literally IN the epicenter of the empire. But...if that were the had they never noticed anything? As Lindsey stated, the FBI had been monitoring the trade locations over the past few weeks and months, and nothing has shown up. If anything, crime had decreased in that time!

"So...where do we start? Where do we begin to look without a name? I mean, we need a name, right? How do we start this case without one?" Fox asks.
"That's what we've been working towards for the last few weeks. We have an idea...though, it may take some very precious time. We also have a nickname. "Father Bear" as he's called." She continues,"Essentially, we'll need you and the task force to...well...look for them. Babylon Gardens is not a very large area, and the customers are international, so somebody's got to stick out."

Fido butts in,"Ma'am, you mentioned a task force? I hope I'm hearing right. It seems we're going to need all the help we can get. And how have we not seen anything regarding this corporation?"
"Erm, yes. You'll be assisted by one of our top task forces in the area. Luckily for you, I'm part of said task force."
"Ma'am, I uh, I need some air. I'll be back shortly..." With that, Ralph promptly exits the room to the water cooler...

A few years ago...

*BZZT*"K9-03, we've received a call of a domestic. Situation is deteriorating. 103 Main Street, white house on the right. *KSSCH*
*CLICK*"Copy Dispatch."*KSSCH*"Well Ralph, you ready?"
"Ready as ever, Sarah."

My colleague. My friend. I let her down. I let it all go so terribly. The turned so badly so quickly...

K9-03 pulled up to a white house with a broken window and busted door. The garden was wilted, and the yard was barren. This place had not seen a lot of happiness. As Ralph, Lindsey, and their handlers approached, shots rang out. They all missed, but it got everyone down.
*CLICK*"Dispatch, dispatch! Domestic turned hostage! Requesting more units!*KSSCH*
As she said it, more shots rang out, an officer struck in the arm. Another grazed on the side.
"Lindsey! LINDSEY! We have a shot, lets move!"

I should have taken point...I should have waited. I SHOULD have done so many things differently! But...! I'm so sorry I let you down...

Another shot rings out...

End of Chapter Three [Part One]

Author's Note:
Sorry for posting a bit later. As always, I really appreciate constructive criticisms - get picky! It helps me develop a better story and writing process. Over the course of the last week, I've been scheduling my days to sleep more in an attempt to stay healthy in the wake of the you-know-what, and as a result I couldn't effectively work on the fanfic, so I apologize for that. Thank you for reading, and thank you for being patient!

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 1:01 am
by Amazee Dayzee
Huh it looks like Ralph may have ended up getting his handler killed. I still say he an Sarah are siblings.

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 12:06 pm
by trekkie
Good job! You’ve got me looking forward to finding more about both the current mission and Ralph’s past.

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 7:01 pm
by Nathan Kerbonaut
This is a serious case. Nicely done Dogglar, I'm hooked and dying to know more.

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 11:15 pm
by Dogglar
Chapter Three [P2] - Recollection

*CLICK* Kevin opens the door to the briefing room. "Ralph, sir. Erm, we're in the middle of questions now, if you want to join. Ralph?"
"Hmm? Oh, yeah. I'll be there in just a moment." As Kevin closes the door, Ralph chokes back a tear and enters the briefing room once more.
As he enters, Fido begins his question,"Has the FBI operated in this area already? Is there anything that we can do differently? And furthermore, why us? Why the K9 unit than the full force?"
Agent Lindsey takes a moment to think about her response accompanied by the murmurs of the rest of the squad. She responds after a moments consideration,"Officially I still can't say anything, but...," she nods to the guards in the room," I feel I can trust you all to keep a secret. The most we've done is send maybe two, three? Yeah, maybe three cars out here for a week maximum. Otherwise its been surveillance in larger areas, I'm sure you can understand. To answer the second part, we REALLY can't take any chances here, legally or logistically. Legally, this is an animal-run ring, meaning we need to keep the court case as simple as possible as laws change based around the Miltons "historical new proposals". Logistically, humans generally have more information than K9s, so it's more likely that any mole would be a human transfer in the department."
"But how do you know you can trust us?" Fox asks in a summer-blockbuster-esque voice. His squad mates roll their eyes.

She turns to Fox,"Your Sergeant and I go back a little...Anyways, does that conclude the questions?"
"I've got one. When do we start looking?"
"Right now. Gentlemen, you'll all be given a memo in a few hours regarding your squads. You'll be put in squads of three. I do not want one-person patrols to get caught in a tricky spot, and I do not want duos. Not again. Ralph winces.

Lindsey concludes,"Dismissed."
Ralph shoots up straight away, getting in line behind the two guards by the door waiting to leave. Just as he reaches for the door, Lindsey calls out,"Sergeant, can I have a word with you?" and Ralph looks to Fido in panic, and turns back hesitantly.

As everyone files out the room, Ralph slowly walks over to Lindsey. He breaks the silence first.
"Sarah, what's going on?"
"Did you listen to a single word I said?"
"No, I mean, with us." The Agent chuckles, shrugs, and says,"Heh, what about us?"
"Well, you haven't slapped me in the face thus far, and I'm a little confused as to why you are not currently relocating my organs." Ralph says, jokingly at first, but then becomes horrified as he realizes how true that could be.
"Uh...forget I said that, actually."
"Look, Ralph. I've come to terms that your move was actually pretty smart. Well, actually quite stupid, but still an understandable tactic. That guy shot Terry, you called, and I hesitated, which in turn, well...," she pulls her shirt up to reveal an old surgical scar. " know the rest."

"Sarah...I-I'm sorry. I..I tried to take over, tried to...I should've at least called, but I felt...FEEL, so guilty..."

Two Days After The Incident

Private Ralph has just been summoned to Commissioner Haskin's office regarding the events of the last 72 hours. As Ralph enters and sits, the Commissioner speaks.
"Private Ralph, you and Corporal Lindsey did some amazing work out there...don't worry, she'll pull through.
"...Thank you, sir. Though, Sir, I feel Corporal Lindsey performed much better than I, and-"
"Private, don't feel guilty, and certainly don't throw praise out the window! You performed just fine! In fact...
The Commissioner reaches into his desk drawer and pulls out a badge. "We'd like to see you fly high. I, and my buddies in the local branch, are offering you a position in the FBI." Ralph takes the badge into his hand to examine it.
"If you need time to consider, well...I'm not going anywhere."
"S-sir, surely Sara- Lindsey would be a better choice for this."
"Exactly. Would be. I'm sorry Ralph, but it's looking like a career-ending injury here. We can't gamble with that, I'm sure you understand. Right, Private?"
"...Yes, Sir. I just don't think it's fair..."
"I'm sure you'll understand eventually."

One Week Later

The subtle beep of the vital monitor continues in the background as the Private enters the room with flowers.
"Hey champ. How are you holding up?" He places the flowers in the vase next to the bed.
"Honestly, apart from the very occasional excruciating pain, I'm just bored. So THANKS, crazy-guy-with-a-gun. What have you been up to?"

"Nothing, really. I've been worried too much about you." Sarah replies,"Aw shucks, aren't you sweet,"...albeit, semi-sarcastically. Despite the sarcasm, Ralph blushes.
"So what did the Commissioner say? Any new assignment?"
"Well...he offered me a position to work with the FBI, but I declined it. Otherwise no new a-"
"-You did what?!"
"I...I declined the position. I don't deserve it. I mean, you took the fall, not me! It's not right that he offered me the position over you, so I decli-"
"NO! Don't even start! I have worked my socks off for that position, and you just threw it away?! What is wrong with you?! How dare you?!"

As Ralph rubs at his cheek and Sarah continues her rant, he notices his hand getting wet with tears...

"Ralph. That was in the past, okay? Look, I'm sorry, but I'm sure you understand why I acted the way I did. I...I am sorry, Ralph..." With that, she embraces Ralph in a hug. Ralph immediately recoils in fear, but returns the hug after a moment. Muffled by Ralph's shoulder, Sarah says lightly,"You're still a big jerk, though. You jerk."

After a few moments, she releases him. "I'm sorry. Also tell nobody of this, or els-" "-I can keep my mouth shut!"
As they go for the door, Ralph says,"Well...let's get started, then."

End of Chapter Three [Part Two of Two]

Author's Note:
Again, apologies for taking so long, especially considering this was supposed to be the second part of a single chapter, and considering my current lack of school due to you-know-what. Aside from that, I hope this chapter has been enjoyable, and I am very grateful to receive such overwhelmingly positive feedback! Truly, thank you all for reading!

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 12:16 am
by Amazee Dayzee
It's OK. I'm sure we can all understand why you have been really slow to update. It is a really great chapter though! Wonderful job!

Re: Operation Homecoming - A K9 Story

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 12:41 am
by Dogglar
Thank you, truly!