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2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:07 am
by D-Rock
[2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy ]
Title Text:

It's a start. shrug

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:07 am
by Saturn381
Welp, I guess that solves everything. :lol:

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:08 am
by GameCobra
Tarot, you so sneaky :3

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:08 am
by IceKitsune
So Poly relationship it is then. Cool everyone wins.
Xane wrote:Graxnurot?

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:09 am
by HellishK9
There ya go Tarot, now you're getting the hang of it.

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:09 am
by biddyfox
tarot is MAD cute in this one. i love it
ALSO: even as the supporter of g(r)a not that i am i wouldn't jump too quickly to declaring it canon because we haven't really heard maxes opinion on it yet

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:11 am
by fenrirblack
So....was anything accomplished at all? I mean it seems that their relationship is unhealthier than ever. Max is still not dealing with his feelings. I mean trust and understanding is great and all but right now it feels so one sided. Max and Tarot are doing all the trusting and understanding while Peanut is still oblivious and Grape is well nonchalant about the entire thing. No one has talked about their feelings in any real context. They’re ignoring serious problems.

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:15 am
by IceKitsune
fenrirblack wrote:So....was anything accomplished at all? I mean it seems that their relationship is unhealthier than ever. Max is still not dealing with his feelings. I mean trust and understanding is great and all but right now it feels so one sided. Max and Tarot are doing all the trusting and understanding while Peanut is still oblivious and Grape is well nonchalant about the entire thing. No one has talked about their feelings in any real context. They’re ignoring serious problems.
You know what I'm going to admit something here, as happy as I am that Grapenut is canon and this all seems to be working out for every shipper on the forum, in a way, there is a part of me that is like this is maybe a bit too perfect. That part of me is starting to think he might pull the rug out from under us all at the end of this by having it all be a dream or having something go wrong last minute. I hope that isn't the case but this is working out a bit too perfectly.

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:16 am
by Gbr23
Kudos to Tarot for trying to adapt

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:18 am
by leinglo
fenrirblack wrote:So....was anything accomplished at all? I mean it seems that their relationship is unhealthier than ever. Max is still not dealing with his feelings. I mean trust and understanding is great and all but right now it feels so one sided. Max and Tarot are doing all the trusting and understanding while Peanut is still oblivious and Grape is well nonchalant about the entire thing. No one has talked about their feelings in any real context. They’re ignoring serious problems.
We can't assume anything is "resolved" until we see that little END in the corner. In the meantime, I think it's safe to say there's still any number of ways this can end.

I will say that, just because Tarot can try and copy Grape's affection, doesn't mean she's actually gonna be good at it.

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:20 am
by Obbl
Tarot... You know, if you're happy I'm happy :lol:
fenrirblack wrote:So....was anything accomplished at all? I mean it seems that their relationship is unhealthier than ever. Max is still not dealing with his feelings. I mean trust and understanding is great and all but right now it feels so one sided. Max and Tarot are doing all the trusting and understanding while Peanut is still oblivious and Grape is well nonchalant about the entire thing. No one has talked about their feelings in any real context. They’re ignoring serious problems.
I mean, we have no idea how many more strips there are, nor how they will spend their time after this arc. Is there really no amount of future relationship building that you think could happen from here? Sure there's plenty of stuff that should be cleared up, but complaining about the amount left to go now seems really premature :?

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:24 am
by Champion Wallace
Aww, puppy love. Tarot's proving you don't need psychic powers to be a mindreader. I guess one advantage of being a medium sized dog is people are more receptive to you jumping in their arms. I anticipate a lot of snuggling in the near future for those two couples.
fenrirblack wrote:So....was anything accomplished at all? I mean it seems that their relationship is unhealthier than ever. Max is still not dealing with his feelings. I mean trust and understanding is great and all but right now it feels so one sided. Max and Tarot are doing all the trusting and understanding while Peanut is still oblivious and Grape is well nonchalant about the entire thing. No one has talked about their feelings in any real context. They’re ignoring serious problems.
Stuff has already been accomplished. They talked about their feeling throughout the previous strips and Peanut and Tarot are a better couple now.
leinglo wrote:I will say that, just because Tarot can try and copy Grape's affection, doesn't mean she's actually gonna be good at it.
You could swap the proper nouns in that sentence and it would be an equally valid concern.

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:26 am
by Gameb18oy
IceKitsune wrote:
fenrirblack wrote:So....was anything accomplished at all? I mean it seems that their relationship is unhealthier than ever. Max is still not dealing with his feelings. I mean trust and understanding is great and all but right now it feels so one sided. Max and Tarot are doing all the trusting and understanding while Peanut is still oblivious and Grape is well nonchalant about the entire thing. No one has talked about their feelings in any real context. They’re ignoring serious problems.
You know what I'm going to admit something here, as happy as I am that Grapenut is canon and this all seems to be working out for every shipper on the forum, in a way, there is a part of me that is like this is maybe a bit too perfect. That part of me is starting to think he might pull the rug out from under us all at the end of this by having it all be a dream or having something go wrong last minute. I hope that isn't the case but this is working out a bit too perfectly.
I already was expecting the “wake up” gag would be coming. Honestly, I was okay but not sure where it was going for most of this arc, but honestly, the writing on display has been kinda sloppy from Rick, like talking about the relationship seems good... but does it make things harder for Rick if he brings back Grapenut? And honestly just gonna say, that feels like a really shallow thing to take a mutual interest in with Peanut that Tarot did. I mean it feels like instead of addressing the problems of old, new ones are slowly creeping in... also I’m sorry, but how Tarot is applying the lesson just makes me feel they are actively bad for each other, and Tarot is slowly become worse than Bino in my eyes

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:28 am
by GameCobra
IceKitsune wrote:
fenrirblack wrote:So....was anything accomplished at all? I mean it seems that their relationship is unhealthier than ever. Max is still not dealing with his feelings. I mean trust and understanding is great and all but right now it feels so one sided. Max and Tarot are doing all the trusting and understanding while Peanut is still oblivious and Grape is well nonchalant about the entire thing. No one has talked about their feelings in any real context. They’re ignoring serious problems.
You know what I'm going to admit something here, as happy as I am that Grapenut is canon and this all seems to be working out for every shipper on the forum, in a way, there is a part of me that is like this is maybe a bit too perfect. That part of me is starting to think he might pull the rug out from under us all at the end of this by having it all be a dream or having something go wrong last minute. I hope that isn't the case but this is working out a bit too perfectly.
I'm certain Grape and Max are going to wrap something up from the look of things. They were the ones that tried helping Peanut and Tarot out and it worked out in the end. It's just a question of what Max thinks about this new development with Peanut? I'm sure he'll be fine with it.

If Maxwell is feeling a little shaky, i'm confident now that Grape will give him 'something' to look forward to for helping out.

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:33 am
by Welsh Halfwit
Tarot has finally worked out that, sometimes, she needs to talk to him about things that are of interest to Him. That's progress.

NOW Tarot sees the way,
Now she’s reading the cards.
Now we see she knows
how they can be the best of pards.
The lessons have been learned,
The way forward is revealed;
The only thing left he knows
is if a different truth was unsealed.
Grape revealed her feelings;
Tarot altered her feelings.
Grape helped out her family
and Max? Acted unselfishly.
Development, it seems, all around
(Some will argue, I’ll be bound...)

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:35 am
by NHWestoN
Hmmm, okay, maybe talking about feelings works for Peanut and Tarot. It's just that it's Peanut talking about his feelings for Grape TO Tarot that works!

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:45 am
by Champion Wallace
IceKitsune wrote:
fenrirblack wrote:So....was anything accomplished at all? I mean it seems that their relationship is unhealthier than ever. Max is still not dealing with his feelings. I mean trust and understanding is great and all but right now it feels so one sided. Max and Tarot are doing all the trusting and understanding while Peanut is still oblivious and Grape is well nonchalant about the entire thing. No one has talked about their feelings in any real context. They’re ignoring serious problems.
You know what I'm going to admit something here, as happy as I am that Grapenut is canon and this all seems to be working out for every shipper on the forum, in a way, there is a part of me that is like this is maybe a bit too perfect. That part of me is starting to think he might pull the rug out from under us all at the end of this by having it all be a dream or having something go wrong last minute. I hope that isn't the case but this is working out a bit too perfectly.
'It was all a dream' is so far reserved for the fantastical, but even if Bahamut walked in and told everyone to Wake Up (the spa does kinda defy physics), it wouldn't undo any development that occurred. The characters still remember everything that happened (except Fox). Grape and Max even had a meaningful moment after such a scene:

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:46 am
by Obbl
Gameb18oy wrote:like talking about the relationship seems good... but does it make things harder for Rick if he brings back Grapenut?
Why would it make things harder? It's an interesting part of they're relationship that they are so intimate with each other while each having another person whom they consider their significant other. Rick's exploring what that could mean. All it does is open up lots of new avenues to explore.
Gameb18oy wrote:And honestly just gonna say, that feels like a really shallow thing to take a mutual interest in with Peanut that Tarot did.
That is actually the joke of today's strip! So no need to couch your comment in disclaimers :D
Gameb18oy wrote:how Tarot is applying the lesson just makes me feel they are actively bad for each other, and Tarot is slowly become worse than Bino in my eyes
As a few people have mentioned to Fenrir, this arc is not over yet. We are in the middle of (what is very likely to be) character growth. The characters are changing. If you don't like where they are now, well, that's the entire point of what this arc is trying to address. Do you have faith that Rick will end this arc with a set of characters that you actually like? Then quit moping :P

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:49 am
by IceKitsune
Champion Wallace wrote:'It was all a dream' is so far reserved for the fantastical, but even if Bahamut walked in and told everyone to Wake Up (the spa does kinda defy physics), it wouldn't undo any development that occurred. The characters still remember everything that happened (except Fox). Grape and Max even had a meaningful moment after such a scene:
I wasn't really thinking a magical Cosmic Nerds type dream more like Peanut having a normal dream after getting home likely due to a side effect of all that medicine he took or something. More along those lines.

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:53 am
by Welsh Halfwit
For people saying it's weird that Tarot's taking the idea the idea that Peanut and Grape are mushy as the way to save her relationship with Peanut, consider this.

We've been saying that Tarot has no ideas as to how relationships should work. She now knows that part of it is talking to Peanut about things that interest him. One thing she's certain of is that his relationship with Grape interests him somewhat. She'll pay more attention to him now but she had to have a (re)start point. And this is it. Odd but odd kinda suits this little Pomeranian.

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 12:58 am
by fenrirblack
Champion Wallace wrote:
fenrirblack wrote:So....was anything accomplished at all? I mean it seems that their relationship is unhealthier than ever. Max is still not dealing with his feelings. I mean trust and understanding is great and all but right now it feels so one sided. Max and Tarot are doing all the trusting and understanding while Peanut is still oblivious and Grape is well nonchalant about the entire thing. No one has talked about their feelings in any real context. They’re ignoring serious problems.
Stuff has already been accomplished. They talked about their feeling throughout the previous strips and Peanut and Tarot are a better couple now.
What? How are they better? Tarot is just manipulating Peanut and she hasn’t said anything these past few strips besides she wants to be happier and Peanut is somehow supposed to accomplish that. Max clearly is still uncertain but is shifting the focus back to Tarot. Peanut still hasn’t learned anything.
leinglo wrote:
fenrirblack wrote:So....was anything accomplished at all? I mean it seems that their relationship is unhealthier than ever. Max is still not dealing with his feelings. I mean trust and understanding is great and all but right now it feels so one sided. Max and Tarot are doing all the trusting and understanding while Peanut is still oblivious and Grape is well nonchalant about the entire thing. No one has talked about their feelings in any real context. They’re ignoring serious problems.
We can't assume anything is "resolved" until we see that little END in the corner. In the meantime, I think it's safe to say there's still any number of ways this can end.
Sigh, I was not implying that this was the end of the arc or that things were resolved. Clearly there is more to the arc simply because again nothing has been accomplished. If it were to end right now it would have been a complete waste of time. I was referring mainly to the developments so far. Peanut clearly doesn’t understand what going on, still so hopefully Grape can step in again also Max still has to deal with his own issues.

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 1:00 am
by Gameb18oy
Obbl wrote:
Gameb18oy wrote:like talking about the relationship seems good... but does it make things harder for Rick if he brings back Grapenut?
Why would it make things harder? It's an interesting part of they're relationship that they are so intimate with each other while each having another person whom they consider their significant other. Rick's exploring what that could mean. All it does is open up lots of new avenues to explore.
Gameb18oy wrote:And honestly just gonna say, that feels like a really shallow thing to take a mutual interest in with Peanut that Tarot did.
That is actually the joke of today's strip! So no need to couch your comment in disclaimers :D
Gameb18oy wrote:how Tarot is applying the lesson just makes me feel they are actively bad for each other, and Tarot is slowly become worse than Bino in my eyes
As a few people have mentioned to Fenrir, this arc is not over yet. We are in the middle of (what is very likely to be) character growth. The characters are changing. If you don't like where they are now, well, that's the entire point of what this arc is trying to address. Do you have faith that Rick will end this arc with a set of characters that you actually like? Then quit moping :P
Okay, how does it being the joke of the strip excuse if I dislike what she’s doing? A bad joke isn’t made funny just by adding a laugh track. Also, I’d like to clarify that I’m not judging Tarot solely on this strip, stuff other people brought to attention in previous discussions involving her and stuff like how she reacted to robot Peanut also are contributing to my opinion, the joke of this strip just is adding to my frustration. I’ll try and stop my complaints there, whats going annoys me, but it’s not worth a hissy fit

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 1:09 am
by HundKatzeMaus
Hold on...does it mean Tarot and Peanut never got mushy with each other?
Because that's what I read out of todays strip.
So I guess the big thing was that Peanut always went to Grape when he needed some more...intimitade things he couldn't get from Tarot, but overall Peanut still likes Tarot.
While Tarot did knew couples were supposed to date and talk about their feelings and such, but overlooked another important aspect in a more mature relationship.

Honestly that makes sense to me.

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 1:14 am
by Obbl
fenrirblack wrote:Tarot is just manipulating Peanut
Tarot's just doing what Grape told her to, silly. How is that manipulation? :P
fenrirblack wrote:[Tarot] hasn’t said anything these past few strips besides she wants to be happier and Peanut is somehow supposed to accomplish that. Max clearly is still uncertain but is shifting the focus back to Tarot. Peanut still hasn’t learned anything.
Is this arc moving too slowly for you? Perhaps shift to checking it weekly?

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 1:41 am
by fenrirblack
Welsh Halfwit wrote:For people saying it's weird that Tarot's taking the idea the idea that Peanut and Grape are mushy as the way to save her relationship with Peanut, consider this.

We've been saying that Tarot has no ideas as to how relationships should work. She now knows that part of it is talking to Peanut about things that interest him. One thing she's certain of is that his relationship with Grape interests him somewhat. She'll pay more attention to him now but she had to have a (re)start point. And this is it. Odd but odd kinda suits this little Pomeranian.
Let’s examine the situation. It comes to to a question of intent. Does Tarot asking about Peanuts feelings mean that she intends to have a real healthy conversation about Peanuts feelings as his girlfriend OR is this just a ploy to manipulate Peanut into spending time with her so to continue the controlling relationship so she can gain some kind of personal achievement? From the looks of that scene it seems to be the later. Another thing is of all the things to engage with Peanut about, that is clearly not a good starting point for a rekindling of their relationship. Tarot needs to find her own niche in Peanuts life and his interests. He wants someone to be interested in his hobbies not his feelings for another girl. Jumping in his arms and being flirty was not a good way of going about talking about these feelings Peanut has.

Now here’s another question, what qualifies as “mushy stuff”? Because you can view Grapes and Peanut’s feeling two ways. One being the sweet way of they have feelings and care for each other in a intimate way without jeopardizing their romantic relationships. Like two best friends who despite first appearances are plutonic. The other way would be that they have unresolved issues and their feelings for each other are a threat not only to their romantic relationships but to each other. If they pine after each other for so long without acting on it or resolving it then it will slowly corrupt them like a poison until they aren’t making any sense anymore or they finally collapse under the weight of their feelings to the point they can’t be friends. It definitely doesn’t help that there’s this will they won’t they floating around. Despite everything the “mushy stuff” is still an unknown variable as the depth or context of their feelings for one another.

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 1:51 am
by John-056
Xane wrote:Graxnurot?
That sounds like a Grineer name for a wizard. I can just Imagine...

"Hey Graxnurot, You got a Spell to deal with those Annoying Tenno? Our unit is getting Slaughtered again, and I don't want to have to Keep replacing the numbers."
leinglo wrote:
fenrirblack wrote:So....was anything accomplished at all? I mean it seems that their relationship is unhealthier than ever. Max is still not dealing with his feelings. I mean trust and understanding is great and all but right now it feels so one sided. Max and Tarot are doing all the trusting and understanding while Peanut is still oblivious and Grape is well nonchalant about the entire thing. No one has talked about their feelings in any real context. They’re ignoring serious problems.
We can't assume anything is "resolved" until we see that little END in the corner. In the meantime, I think it's safe to say there's still any number of ways this can end.

I will say that, just because Tarot can try and copy Grape's affection, doesn't mean she's actually gonna be good at it.
Agreed. Just because Someone was successful with one style, doesn't mean everyone else will have the Same Level of Success doing the same trick.

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 2:26 am
by HundKatzeMaus
fenrirblack wrote:
Welsh Halfwit wrote:For people saying it's weird that Tarot's taking the idea the idea that Peanut and Grape are mushy as the way to save her relationship with Peanut, consider this.

We've been saying that Tarot has no ideas as to how relationships should work. She now knows that part of it is talking to Peanut about things that interest him. One thing she's certain of is that his relationship with Grape interests him somewhat. She'll pay more attention to him now but she had to have a (re)start point. And this is it. Odd but odd kinda suits this little Pomeranian.
Let’s examine the situation.
Okay, let's do that.
fenrirblack wrote:It comes to to a question of intent. Does Tarot asking about Peanuts feelings mean that she intends to have a real healthy conversation about Peanuts feelings as his girlfriend OR is this just a ploy to manipulate Peanut into spending time with her so to continue the controlling relationship so she can gain some kind of personal achievement? From the looks of that scene it seems to be the later.
Why? Because she takes two seconds to think of a good answer to Max's question?
That could also mean she puts some serious thoughts into improving her relationship with Peanut.
I actually don't understand the whole "Tarot is manipulative"-thing. The only thing where she really tries to control the situation is when it comes to the Demigods and that for a good reason.
Otherwise not really.
I think this scene looking like Tarot is "manipulativ" is something subjectiv.
Objetively speaking I would say no.
fenrirblack wrote:Another thing is of all the things to engage with Peanut about, that is clearly not a good starting point for a rekindling of their relationship.
Why not? Tarot found something to connect with Peanut, which is doing mushy stuff. Otherwise they have shown to like each other and sometimes it does need just a smaller thing to rekindle a relationship.
fenrirblack wrote:Tarot needs to find her own niche in Peanuts life and his interests. He wants someone to be interested in his hobbies not his feelings for another girl.
But Peanut does hold Grape in high regards, romantic feeling or not, also she is part of Peanut's family so Tarot shows interest in Peanut's family. Not to mention instead of just lisening to Grape and Maxe, Tarot instead asks Peanut somethings so she can learn from that.
Not to mention she probably wants to learn more about the mushy-stuff.
fenrirblack wrote:Jumping in his arms and being flirty was not a good way of going about talking about these feelings Peanut has.
Grape role played with Peanut and played the role of Tarot. Grape showed how Tarot was supposed to act towards Peanut and we all know how it ended.
So...Tarot is not supposed to be flirty, even Grape even demonstrated her that?
...Is Tarot now supposed to listen to Grape and Max or not?
fenrirblack wrote:Now here’s another question, what qualifies as “mushy stuff”?
I would say things that are more intimitade. Maybe even including some things I can't and won't mention, because of the rating.

fenrirblack wrote:Because you can view Grapes and Peanut’s feeling two ways. One being the sweet way of they have feelings and care for each other in a intimate way without jeopardizing their romantic relationships. Like two best friends who despite first appearances are plutonic.
What is "plutonic"? I know a platonic relationship and that would mean Grape and Peanut wouldn't touch each other in an intimitate way.
So if you mean platonic, then no they don't have that.
fenrirblack wrote:The other way would be that they have unresolved issues and their feelings for each other are a threat not only to their romantic relationships but to each other. If they pine after each other for so long without acting on it or resolving it then it will slowly corrupt them like a poison until they aren’t making any sense anymore or they finally collapse under the weight of their feelings to the point they can’t be friends.
Don't get me wrong, but now it's sounds like you're questioning this whole thing, because you want the whole relationship to play out on the rule of Drama instead of Rule of romantic/love or rule of funny (which Housepets does tend to)
Grape and Peanut live in the same house, are very close to each other (something that was made clear since the beginning) and no one minds them being so close to each other.
Tarot was just defensive of Peanut when it came to Dragon, but was always perfectly fine with the way Grape was so close to him.
Max was...a bit dense and surprised, but he also seems to take it in stride. they don't have to pine for each other.
Also if Grape would want to have a deeper relationship with Peanut and break up with Max, she would probably to that.
fenrirblack wrote:It definitely doesn’t help that there’s this will they won’t they floating around. Despite everything the “mushy stuff” is still an unknown variable as the depth or context of their feelings for one another.
I think the mushy stuff is a part how they show affection to each other and normal for them.

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 2:31 am
by JageshemashFTW
Okay so, this is me just getting this all clear in my head.

Grape and Max are currently in a commited relationship.
Peanut and Tarot are currently in a commited relationship that is going through a rough patch but now they’re working through it and at least seem to mutually WANT to stay together.

Peanut and Grape have a casually flirty relationship on the side on top of their pre-established best friendship.

Both Tarot and Max are now fully aware of said CFR. Everyone assumed Max was aware due to miscommunication.
Tarot is perfectly accepting of Peanut and Grape’s CFR.
And Max is... currently processing.

Is that pretty much the long and short of it? Or am I misinterpreting something?
Please tell me. I’m a fanfiction writer. I have to know these things.

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 2:44 am
by Obbl
That seems to pretty much be it

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 4:35 am
by trekkie
JageshemashFTW wrote:Okay so, this is me just getting this all clear in my head.

Grape and Max are currently in a commited relationship.
Peanut and Tarot are currently in a commited relationship that is going through a rough patch but now they’re working through it and at least seem to mutually WANT to stay together.

Peanut and Grape have a casually flirty relationship on the side on top of their pre-established best friendship.

Both Tarot and Max are now fully aware of said CFR. Everyone assumed Max was aware due to miscommunication.
Tarot is perfectly accepting of Peanut and Grape’s CFR.
And Max is... currently processing.

Is that pretty much the long and short of it? Or am I misinterpreting something?
Please tell me. I’m a fanfiction writer. I have to know these things.
I’d say that Maxwell is moving towards accepting the CFR relationship between Grape and Peanut, based on the fact that he seems to have had a talk with, at least Tarot about it. Tarot leads off the first panel by saying “the point is...” indicating that she and Max were talking, presumably about Grape and Peanut.

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 4:39 am
by Argent
SO many great Tarot faces here.

As for Tarot being OK with Grapenut...

Tarot already knew exactly what feelings Peanut and Grape had for each other right from the first arc she was in, because she was a mind reader and prophet. She was fine with it then, and she's super practical and organized, so there's no reason for her not to be fine with it now. She was a bit thingo over Dragon but that "taking over her body whenever she wanted" thing would probably wear on you after a while...

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 5:32 am
by Douglas Collier
I dunno how I feel about this. It seems to me like a girlfriend pretending to be interested in her boyfriend’s “romantic diverting interests”. That’s potentially unhealthy for two reasons: If she is not genuinely interested, she might grow dissatisfied with the relationship; on the other hand, if she was interested, that gets close to vouyurism, which is not suitable for a PG comic (I’m probably reading too much into it, since snuggling is what is implied - but is still troubling to me as a reader, since snuggling can be considered at times the comic’s PG censor for more mature actions).

However, if all Tarot wants out of the relationship is more snuggles (kind of sad, since there’s less substance to it - but hey, what can we honestly expect from dogs, I guess), then this is the way to go. Just feels less like a true relationship and more like one of Duchess’s “be[ing] with whoever is convenient at the time” examples.

I just feel like, short of rewriting Tarot’s character, there’s no hope for her and Peanut as a serious couple. At least when Dragon was around, she had the ability to sense his needs and accommodate them. To be honest, Dragon made a much better girlfriend than Tarot.

Also, Max is now struggling with the revelation of the depth of Grape and Peanut’s relationship. Unless he wants to be left in the “convenient” zone, he and Grape need to have a serious discussion about what their goals are for their relationship. Something tells me that Max wants more than to be just a side dish.

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 5:52 am
by Niara
I wrote a long analytical post discussing Fenrir's seemingly black and white "everyone obeys the socio-normative relationship roles, and so by definition at least a couple of hearts have to get broken now, or else it is all a toxic scourge that will break everyone's hearts and destroy everyone around them" stance on a lot of this... but I struggled to keep it polite and friendly, and edges of snippy remarks kept creeping in. It may not be intentional, but that's how their comments mostly seem to be coming across, and it feels like a really unhealthy perspective. I apologise if that causes any offence or upset.

I'd ask posters like Fenrir to consider that there are far more possibilities and more ways to read a situation than the all or nothing, 'back to your assigned relationship roles!' or 'everything will get destroyed by toxic scourge and poison' kind of reads... and that those particular extreme views are some of the least likely outcomes of all, among a group that are actually talking to each other about the situation, all together, as these four are.

You suggest that Tarot talking to Peanut about his intimacy with Grape is not a good place to start... why not?

"Hey, you've got great intimate chemistry with your other partner, and it makes me realise that we have none. Talk to me about that; I'd like to learn." Is actually a *Really* good, honest and healthy way to begin a relationship improving dialogue. Why do you feel that's bad?

As others have mentioned, spending time with Grape accounts for a very large amount of his hobby time, and moreover, the time that he spends just with Grape as opposed with all four of them is at least in part accompanied by his and grape's 'mushier' personal time. Yes you could interpret it a number of ways, but within the list you made of possible ways to view it, "Tarot working with what she has learned/seen so far and at least *trying out* attempting to be more flexible or open to change" wasn't among those possible interpretations... I'd be interested to know why not...

To be clear, I'm in no way denying the possibility that Tarot is still being clinical, and by extension, somewhat disingenuous - that she may still view love as synonymous with control, and is only thinking about getting what she wants out of Peanut.... I'm not denying that as another possible reading and another possibility. I don't think it's likely, but it's still a way to see and read the situation... Just trying to encourage people to understand that whenever you say "there are only two possible ways to interpret this" or "there are only two ways this could be", you are, invariably, wrong about that.

On the topic of mushiness, and platonic relationships...

You can ask what they mean by mushy stuff, but functionally it does not matter, and unless the question of kittens and puppies comes into this group of four somewhere, it likely won't ever be explicitly elucidated.

The key point, however, is that regardless of what you take that to mean personally, Grape and Peanut's relationship is, overtly at this point, not a purely platonic one. That's absolutely canon at this stage, and there's no rational way to deny it. It doesn't matter particularly whether we use the term 'mushy stuff', or whether we debate whether we're talking about the characters engaging in full sexual activity with one another; it's an irrelevant distinction in this case and doesn't really need spoken about, since the point of order made in the comic is that Peanut and Grape were comfortably displaying something that indicated the presence between these two of the most intimate activity that this group of pets are discussing sharing, regardless of whether that happens to be kissing and snuggling, making out, heavy petting or something further (This is not saying that they were doing more explicit things off camera, not at all, but whatever the case is, their actions indicated to the others watching that they were comfortable sharing the highest grade of physical intimacy that these particular four pets are discussing engaging in).

Tarot is fine with that, even to the point that she's happy to take advice from and attempt to follow examples from these two, as a way to try and improve her own relationship with one of them. It seems like she struggles to understand intimate relationships, and has a lot to learn about. One possibility is that, in the course of this, she decides that what she feels and wants from Peanut doesn't actually amount to love or romantic/intimate desire, and that her beliefs about what 'love' is need re-examining... just one possibility. Another may be that she does genuinely have feelings of love as well as emotional and physical attraction, and a desire for intimacy, and simply had a poorly understood impression of what it meant to have those feelings or how to act on them... just another possibility. How she decides to act after either of those will again have many possibilities based on the support she receives from her friends, leading to many more possible outcomes to the relationship (all four of them) as a whole.

Max is shocked, and is processing; he seems like he might not be comfortable off base and that *will* need attention and care if a happy resolution is to be found, but one is certainly possible.

There's absolutely no reason that any of this has to end in heartbreak or disappointment for anyone present, and, at the point that they're all here to discuss their relationships, as long as they're all honest about doing so, there's no reason to expect that it will.

I guess my question to Fenrir, then, is... why do you *want* this to end in heartbreak for one or more of the pets?

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 5:59 am
by Macsen
You mean we get to find out what mushy means?

On the middle panel, you can practically hear the cogs turning in Tarot's head.

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 7:12 am
by Gael
John-056 wrote:
Xane wrote:Graxnurot?
That sounds like a Grineer name for a wizard. I can just Imagine...

"Hey Graxnurot, You got a Spell to deal with those Annoying Tenno? Our unit is getting Slaughtered again, and I don't want to have to Keep replacing the numbers"
I'm just gonna imagine Vey Hek saying this in the most hammy way possible, thank you for this gift

As for the comic itself Peanut did say he wanted Tarot to be more like Grape so it makes sense she would ask about the time they spend together so she can learn

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 7:47 am
by Nathan Kerbonaut
And my insightful contribution to this ongoing analysis is... that Tarot is cute. I know, this changes everything.

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 7:51 am
by SeanWolf
The only thing I can say is...I love Tarot's face in the middle panel.

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 8:33 am
by Nobody
I think it's safe to say that being a mind-reader probably stunted Tarot's ability to read visual cues of communication, but she's clearly not an idiot.

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 8:40 am
by NHWestoN
So … Maxwell and Tarot agree that they are comfortable with Peanut and Grape being lovey with each other, they're trust them together, they might be a little perplexed but they don't feel threatened, and no more of the ol'choose "Peanut or me" confrontation. And Tarot thinks discussing and imitating Peanut's relationship with Grape might help her and Peanut grow closer...

Not sure why … at this point in their relationship … this is bad. ;)

Re: 2019/03/25 - To Make You Happy

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 8:52 am
by Douglas Collier
NHWestoN wrote:So … Maxwell and Tarot agree that they are comfortable with Peanut and Grape being lovey with each other, they're trust them together, they might be a little perplexed but they don't feel threatened, and no more of the ol'choose "Peanut or me" confrontation. And Tarot thinks discussing and imitating Peanut's relationship with Grape might help her and Peanut grow closer...

Not sure why … at this point in their relationship … this is bad. ;)
Um, if you think Max doesn’t feel threatened, let me direct you to just one page ago and point out Max’s expressions. Anything Max said earlier about not being threatened went out the window when he saw just how involved Grape was with Peanut.