Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

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Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by SeanWolf »

(This little fan-fic takes place after the finishing of the first arc for HousepetZ so, yes, this is the spin-off :) )
Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Prologue: A Tail Of Four Nerds
--Day: After the posting of the epilogue of HousepetZ Year 1--
Characters: Narrator, Bino, Joey, and Kevin

*knocks*---Door's open!---"Hey guys!"---Hey, Joey...and Kevin? What are you doing here?---"Joey invited me, if that's OK"---Sure. You know Bino---"Sup?"---"Hey"---Now I got your email, Joey...what's the idea you want to do? For that matter, what's with the huge backpack?---"Well, with my normal squad busy and Kevin here wanting to join in on the fun...I was thinking how about doing a D&D session?"---Here?---"Me too?"---"Yep! Be a cool idea and, plus, you get a break from writing all the time!"---True---"And I ordered us some pizza and brought some drinks up"---"Same time, you got Pandora on your Xbox One so you can supply back ground music!"---...All I got are stations for power metal and 80's rock---"That's fine! So? What do you think?"---"Could be fun...who's the GM?"---"Me"---"Figures...well, I'm game, you?"---Never really played D&D...but I kinda wanted to after seeing a ProJared video so...ah why not...----"Great! Let me go grab the table"---GET THE FOLDING ONE AS THAT'LL FIT IN MY ROOM!---"OK!"---Meanwhile...Kevin, you can place the pizza on my bed and the drinks over here...actually grab those two trays over that and place the pizza and the other food on them as I don't want any grease on my bed---"Right...uh, where can I sit?"---You can plop on the bed if you want or there's a chair downstairs you can grab---"I'll do that when Joey...ah here he comes"---"Where should I put this?"---Right here...


"There we go! Now I'll set up the game...what you watching?"---Kitchen Nightmares---"Ah cool. Oh, You start work on the second arc yet?"---Yeah, I finished the prologue and I'm working on Chapter 1 now. I did write down an outline for how I want this arc to go---"Smart"---"Hey, Joey, which edition of the ruleset are you using?"---"4th Edition"---"OK"---There's a difference?---"Well I was going to use 5th, but seeing as you never played, we'll go with 4th as it is a bit easier"---Alright---"Speaking of which, here. You guys need this: Player Handsheets"---Oooh...dear---"What?"---I'm getting flashbacks to Wasteland 2 and how I was lost reading half that stats and figuring this stuff out---"Well the game was more suited for PC as you could actually read the font compared to your TV hehe...same time it IS an old-school RPG"---True....well reading this I THINK I got an understanding...just make my own name?---"Yep! But you can't create a fake made-up class. You have to use the class provided by the rule book"---I kinda figured that---

"OK, I got a chair! Just place it here?"---Yeah, just watch the dresser behind you. Don't want my games and movies being knocked over---"Got it...DUDE you got Crimson Skies?!"---Yeah, why?---"MAN I've been looking for a copy for months! Can I play it later?"---Sure---"WOOHOO!"---"Heh...anyway, here's your sheet, Kevin, and yours Bino"---"Thanks"---"Now you three work on your characters while I set up the game and get the stuff out...*sniff sniff*...You got breadsticks and Cinnasticks?"---"Uh-huh. Was a bit more expensive but I figured we would get hungry"---"Good call. Anyway, make your characters guys!"--Hey, do we use 40 points or...---"No you roll three six-sided dies and put those number into your stats"---And each stat is?---"STR is Strength....CON is Constitution which is your HP...DEX is Dexterity which helps with hand-eye coordination, agility, reflexes, and balance...INT or Intelligence is how well your dude learns stuff...WIS which is Wisdom and that helps with your character's common sense and how well they spot little details in the world and/or people...Finally, CHA or Charisma measures your guy's personality, persuasiveness, and leadership. Make sense?"---A bit but I can figure it out...

Name: Hawk Nightshade
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Lawful Good
Str - 15
Con - 13
Dex - 12
Int - 12
Wis - 14
Cha - 7

Name: Luther Nightbreaker
Class: Paladin
Alignment: Good
Str - 11
Con - 8
Dex - 11
Int - 11
Wis - 17
Cha - 14

Name: Strider Tolken
Class: Ranger
Alignment: Unaligned
Str - 7
Con - 6
Dex - 12
Int - 11
Wis - 9
Cha - 11

"Everyone set?"---Yep---"Ready!"---"One sec...OK I'm good!"---"Good! So what name and class did you guys choose?"---"I went with a Paladin named Luther Nightbreaker"---"Strider Tolken: Ranger"---Hawk Nightshade The Fighter---"Awesome"---Strider? Lord Of The Rings?---"Had trouble thinking of a good name so I...went with that"---Hey I ain't complaining. I like the books and enjoyed the films, even The Hobbit trilogy---"Really?"---Yeah, saw all three Hobbit films in theaters and enjoyed all three---"Neat"---"Now, before we begin, are there any questions?"---So, we are treating the adventure like Skyrim? Like we just explore before we find a quest?---"Sort of, I have a huge quest planned for you guys but I figured you can cut your teeth on a few easy ones"---"Are we allowed breaks?"---"Yeah, I'm not going to force you guys to stay sitting down for hours on end"---"OK"---"Any other questions?"---"Nope"---"I'm good"---I'll probably have one much later but I'm good for now---"OK! Now then...actually, Kevin? Could you pass me a slice of Pizza?"---"Sure. You want the Supreme, Meat Lovers, or Cheese?"---"I'll take a slice of Meat Lovers"---Oh, hand me a Supreme!---"I'm getting a slice myself so I'll hand you one"---Well since I'm on drink duty, what do you guys want?---"Birch Beer"---"Pepsi"---"Birch Beer, as well"---Alright!---"Everyone got what they want? OK...Let's begin the adventure! Oh and neither of you guys have to worry: I'm not like Lester when it comes to D&D"--That a good thing or...?---"It's good, trust me"
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

This is a fun lil' story! I like how meta this is, with its references to itself and HousepetZ. Quite creative, nice job :D
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really liking the beginning of this! I can't wait for more!
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by SeanWolf »

Update: Story WILL continue! Just will be tweaked :)
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

That's a change in plans I support!
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by NHWestoN »

Okay, yah slipped by me - I'm back on board now, coffee in hand! ;)
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by SeanWolf »

Chapter I: Arrival Of The Heroes

"After a long journey over the ocean waves, you arrive at the docks of Cor'tega, where it is said the god WARLOC---"

Bino: "Hold up, Warloc? He's not from D&D"
Joey: "Well I'm sorta cheating a bit. While this is based on D&D rules, I'm basing this in another game I've been playing called World Of Aeronius: The Heavy Metal RPG"
Bino: "Think I heard of it...that's the one that got funded online, wasn't it?"
Joey: "Same one! Now may I continue?"
Bino: "Sure"

"Anyway...*ahem* it is said the god Warloc, the creator of the world of Aeronius and music, specifically METAL, as we know it today, first created the means of water transportation. The docks are busy this fine mid-day and ships are leaving and entering at a steady pace while the merchants and sailors go about their day. Your ship that you chartered, The Jaunty Fox, pulls into a vacant spot and you all disembark, gear in hand, ready for adventure. 'Well!' the captain of the ship, one Cpt. Migel Gyger, speaks as you step foot on the dock, 'Welcome to Cor'tega! Hope you folks had a fun trip!' A small chuckle then comes out as he takes a swig of water while watching you three gaze at the harbor."

Kevin: "I head back to give the Captain a tip"
Joey: "Well, it cost all three of you a combined total of $20,000 credits and you guys do have money left over..."
Kevin: "How much?"
Joey: "You guys each have $500,000 credits left over"
Narrator: Credits? Don't you mean gold?
Joey: "Aeronius uses credits"
Narrator: Ah
Kevin: "Anyway...I give the captain a tip of...hmm...$100,000"
Bino: "Talk about generous!"

"The captain takes the credits from Strider with a bit of a shock. 'Thank you! That's very generous of you! You three take it easy now, OK?' he then replies while pocketing the money and shaking Strider's paw. With the tip given, what do you want to do next?"

Narrator: Should we look for a nearby Bounty board?
Bino: "I was thinking maybe we hit up a tavern. Our characters probably could use something good in their bellies."
Joey: "The whole world of Aeronius has restaurants, diners, bars, and fast-food joints"
Bino: "Now that's a tough choice"
Kevin: "While I do agree with [REDACTED] and think we should hit a bounty board for a quick job, I think we should go to a food joint and get something to eat."
Narrator: Tell you what, let's flip a coin...*grabs quarter and flips*...Call it!
Bino: "Tails!"
Kevin: "Heads!"
Narrator: It's tail. Guess we go for food, Joey!
Joey: "Gotcha!"

"While the meal on the ship was nice and all, all three of you felt that some real food was needed and you begin looking for some place to eat. Thankfully you don't have long to look as you find a place called Zoe's Diner. It's a nice sized diner, not too big and not too small either, with friendly staff and great food, Zoe's Diner has been a staple of Cor'Tega for years. You enter the diner and find yourself a nice booth to sit at and begin to place your orders. Once the meal was brought out, you begin to chow down, all while listening to the various patrons and the soundtrack of classic rock..."

Narrator: What song?
Joey: "Pardon?"
Narrator: What song is playing over the radio?
Joey: "'Hip To Be Square' by Huey Lewis?"
Narrator: Oh nice! Good choice there!
Bino: "No American Psycho reference?"
Joey: "Haven't seen the movie."
Narrator: It's pretty good, I enjoyed it
Joey: "I'll check it out sometime"
Bino: "Hey [REDACTED], you want another slice of Supreme?"
Narrator: Sure, could you hand me a breadstick, too?
Bino: "Sure, want anything, Joey?"
Joey: "I'm good."
Host Of The Realm Of The Metal Wolf: Where Metal Is King
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

Nice job with this chapter, this is a fun cast of characters :)
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This is really starting to get very good! Nice job on it!
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by SeanWolf »

Small Note: This is a bit of a harder story to work on (Due to all the dialogue and such) so will this will be updated, it'll probably be once or twice a week.
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

I understand, feel free to take your time :)
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

We can all wait and be patient with you while you try to write the next few chapters so it is fine. Just try to pace yourself so you don't burnout. We won't mind.
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by SeanWolf »

Apologies for the wait...guess I got wrapped up in the other story *haha* Chapter 2 IS still coming as I have the first part typed up, just need to find some time to finish it.
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Take all the time you need. I am sure it will be worth the wait!
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

No worries, take your time :)
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by SeanWolf »

(Apologies for the wait on this, but I was still experimenting with this writing style)

Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!
Chapter 2: Why Did I Ever Bother...
*transcribed from a previous D&D game*
*Takes place during the writing of HousepetZ: GrimmSouls Chapter 9*

Bino: "Question: What type of people are in the diner?"
Joey: "Variety, like Leopards, a pair of horses, a dragoness..."
Narrator/SeanWolf & Kevin: What?!
Joey: "PLEASE tell me you are kidding!"
Bino: "I'm not! I want to see if I can woo her!"
Joey: "Dude! How would that even work?"
Kevin: "It worked for Donkey"
Narrator/SeanWolf: HOW is it any different then what Bino wants to do?
Bino: "So?! It's still a dragon!"
Joey: "Look can we PLEASE get back to the game at hand and stop discussing the ethics of loving a dragon?!"
Bino: "I still want to woo her!"
Kevin: "Still though..."
Joey: "SHUT UP! OK you know what?..."

"As you attempt to woo the dragoness, the dragoness turns around and punches you right out of the diner and onto the streets and face first into some mud, making everyone laugh at you for how stupid you were in your feeble attempts!"

Kevin: Uh...
Bino & Joey: SHUT UP!
Narrator/SeanWolf: COOL IT, YOU TOO! *ahem* If you two want to continue to yell at each other over how Bino would...
Joey: DON'T you say it!
Narrator/SeanWolf: Then PLEASE take it outside! A house is not made for yelling and screaming.
Bino: Good to me.
Joey: FINE!
*Both walk outside and continue the yelling*
Kevin: So...that was...kind of a short game...
Kevin: I'd suggest you and I do a small quest...but I have no knowledge about this Aeronius, do you?
Narrator/SeanWolf: Nope.
Kevin: long you think they'll be?
Narrator/SeanWolf: Hard tellling, why?
Kevin: Well, I do know someone else who could DM for a bit while those two argue.
Narrator/SeanWolf: Oh?
Kevin: Yeah...give me one sec to call 'im up
*one phone call later*
Narrator/SeanWolf: And?
Kevin: They should be here in a few min...
Spirit Dragon: Hi!
Narrator/SeanWolf: Dragon?
Kevin: Yeah...would you believe I met her a few days ago?
Narrator/SeanWolf: Hm.
SD: Yep! So, you need a DM for a bit? What game?
Kevin: Yeah...uh, Aeronius?
SD: OK. *reads book* Got a quest, you two ready?
Narrator/SeanWolf and Kevin: Yep!
SD: Alright...

"You arrive outside the entrance to a cave. Earlier that day, the mayor of the city you were visiting tasked you two with locating a bard that went missing a few days ago, with their last sighting being a nearby cave"
Kevin: Let's head in an investigate....wait, a bard?
Dragon: Yeah, apperently in Aeronius, Bards are held in HIGH regards as they keep the spirit of Heavy Metal alive
Narrator/SeanWolf: Huh, neat.
Kevin: Ok...still, lets head in!
"Both you and Hawk head into the cave, weapons drawn, in search of the bard. The cave, while a bit dark, is lightly illuminated with glowing mushrooms, each one giving off a light blue glow. The 'shrooms light actually appears to be getting brighter the deeper you go into the cave, but other then that and the sounds of your footsteps and the occasional water droplet, the cave is eerily silent."
Narrator/SeanWolf: I call out to the bard *Rolls a 14*
"Hawk calls out the bard and, while faint, a distant sound is heard coming from deeper within the cave. Journeying forward in direction of the sound, you two then come across the originator of the voice..."
Dragon: *grumbles* Can I close the window?
Narrator/SeanWolf: Sure.
*Dragon shuts the window*
Dragon: There. What are those two arguing about anyway?
Kevin: Bino wanted to attempt to woo a Dragoness but Joey declined.
Dragon: And WHAT is wrong with loving a Dragoness?
Kevin: ....
Narrator/SeanWolf: ....
Kevin: Joey...just didn't want to do it? I guess he's not a fan...
Dragon: NOT a fan of Dragonesses?! Oh that lil...excuse me...
Narrator/SeanWolf: But what about...
*door closes as, outside, Joey and Bino, along with Spirit Dragon, are all arguing*
Kevin: *sighs* Want to call it a night?
Narrator/SeanWolf: Yeah...I have NO clue how I'm gonna work this out...
Kevin: Yeah...
Narrator/SeanWolf: Oh well, I'm gonna work on the ninth chapter of HousepetZ: GrimmSouls for a bit
Kevin: Yeah and I'll just play some Prey.
*end recording*
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

You wouldn't understand, Dragon. This is dude stuff 8-) I'm glad you're still working on this story, it's a fun read!
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by SeanWolf »

Nathan Kerbonaut wrote:You wouldn't understand, Dragon. This is dude stuff 8-) I'm glad you're still working on this story, it's a fun read!
Thanks :) And yeah the way this is written is why its taking so long to do this story: I'm trying to make it feel like an actual D&D session so I'm trying to think of everything that could really happen during a game.
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by Nathan Kerbonaut »

SeanWolf wrote:And yeah the way this is written is why its taking so long to do this story: I'm trying to make it feel like an actual D&D session so I'm trying to think of everything that could really happen during a game.
It payed off, because seeing these characters interact is very entertaining :)
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I just love how this whole chapter has come out! I can't wait for more!
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by SeanWolf »

I have not forgotten about this nor the other two stories I'm working on (Starship Titanic and Borderlands). Just that these actually take me longer to do and create due to how I want to be sure they are different in many ways from my first fic here. But no, they are not dead, just slowly being worked on :)
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Well then just take your tme and work on them when you get the chance! I'm sure that none of us would mind waiting for the next chapter of your amazing stories!
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by SeanWolf »

Amazee Dayzee wrote:Well then just take your tme and work on them when you get the chance! I'm sure that none of us would mind waiting for the next chapter of your amazing stories!
Thanks :) Just trying to pace myself so I don't burn out :)
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by NHWestoN »

If you're busting your sweet and tenders working on something, but it's still fun, that's a hint. When it stops being fun, that's a hint, too.
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

What if it is fun, then stops being fun and then becomes fun again and keeps on going back and forth? :lol:
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by SeanWolf »

I haven't forgotten this one. But I will say I am doing a small soft-reboot...mainly removing myself from it and keeping it between the cast I had selected for it :)
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Re: Housepets, Dungeons, & Dragons, Oh My!

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I look forward to seeing what your ideas are.