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2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:03 am
by D-Rock
[2018/12/14 - Alone Time]
Title Text: youh cah leh goh ah ahnytahm fahx

Comic updates taken moments before disaster.

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:03 am
by Saturn381
This is not going to end well... At all.

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:04 am
by fenrirblack
what the.................. :?

attempted murder actually.

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:04 am
by Bandit1990
Fox just has no luck at all, does he?

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:06 am
by Shockey Rai
Oh dear...This ain’t gonna end well.

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:06 am
by IceKitsune
Well, this is just not going to end well. Or heck there could be a twist where Kevin doesn't actually care perhaps. However, I feel that is very unlikely I have a feeling that Fox is going to end up with a broken muzzle.

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:07 am
by Gbr23
Image + Image

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:08 am
by Legotron123
Oh. Oh no. This will not end well.
Also, has anyone else realized that maybe Sasha isn’t all that good of a romantic partner?

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:08 am
by Elwood Blutarsky
IceKitsune wrote:Well, this is just not going to end well. Or heck there could be a twist where Kevin doesn't actually care perhaps. However, I feel that is very unlikely I have a feeling that Fox is going to end up with a broken muzzle.
I actually could see Kevin shrugging it off. "She's good at kissing eh?" or "Hey, quit hogging the fun husky." ... But I kind of doubt that's about to happen.

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:09 am
by yugijak
I'm more worried about Fox's other interests.

The ones that might be making a return visit at some point.

Or that Sasha might actually be someone...or someTHING...from the other side.

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:10 am
by Welsh Halfwit
It’s your own tongue you bite, Fox,
not the ladies that you’re with.
Embarrassment rises within him
as he hopes Kevin can forgive.
Sasha’s just thanking him after all,
making all his dreams come true.
If Kevin is in a mood to mind,
he’ll beat Fox black and blue.
But I sense the hardest tackler
has tried to achieve this target;
he’s tried to let Fox relax before,
it may be a mistake that he’ll regret...

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:12 am
by fenrirblack
I want to put the Fox is hallucinating theory back on the table. I mean maybe that colorful smoke in the last strip was some kind of gas.
If not then I have feeling that the next strip will look something like this

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:20 am
by leinglo
Duchess did point out that one time that most dogs aren't bound to monogamy.

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:24 am
by Douglas Collier


Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:26 am
by Champion Wallace
Previously, I was skeptical that this was a fanservise arc thinking the fans were just overreacting; then this happens. I'm placing my bet on Kevin not caring about exclusivity in a relationship. "To be a dog is to be with whoever is convenient at the time." Shasha's updated her pet name from Foxie-Bon~ to Foxy-Woxy. Anyone else notice in the third panel Sasha's tail is wagging but Fox's isn't? As absurd as it sounds, is there any backing to Sasha's claim that it's more hygenic to shower during swim time?
fenrirblack wrote:what the.................. :?

attempted murder actually.
She wasn't charged with murder, but for a while there she had succeeded because Keene was dead.

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:30 am
by TicoTaco
:shock: ...well this Is going somewhere. Did Kevin just ignored the fact that Fox is kissing his girlfriend?

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:33 am
by Douglas Collier
Domestic pets might not be bound to monogamy, but the wolves seem to have adopted the system.

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:34 am
by Tappy Too
Well that's a bit awkward.

I mean, knowing Kevin he probably wouldn't care too much, if at all but I kind of hope he does for some reason

Unpopular Opinion Time: Sasha is pretty rotten. I mean, it has been said by Duchess I think that dog relationships aren't meant to be taken seriously. They just go with whoever's convenient at the time. But most of the pets seem to care immensely about their romantic relationships.
Then we go to Sasha, who is known for dating TONS of dogs on and off according to Bino. She probably just goes off and does stuff like this and it gets rubbed off as whatever because she's "soo pretty", when she's also out here breaking hearts like it doesn't mean anything. While Bino never really showed it, it was implied that he cared for her a lot, or at least cared about having a girlfriend if not her directly and she always wanted to go after other dogs. Fido in particular.
I think it's pretty safe to say that Sasha is one of the reasons behind Bino's poor mental condition.
Then we move on to Fox who apparently hasn't stopped obsessing over her since 2013, and with her recently being so teasy to him it's probably like torture because he doesn't want to betray Kevin.
And she probably knows too. She may not be smart, but she definitely notices things like this. Sure it's entirely possible she adopted this mindset for relationships from Duchess, but she's still playing with hearts like they don't matter and that's pretty scummy.


Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:39 am
by Douglas Collier
I think it’s funny how Sasha got her tongue bit right after propositioning Fox when she’s already currently in a relationship with another dog. Instant karma. :P One at a time, Sasha! One at a time.

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:39 am
by fenrirblack
Well Fox’s life has officially become an action blockbuster complete with romantic subplot. I would also like to put the spa is going to explode by the end of this chapter back on the table.

Sasha aside, this is a pivotal moment in Fox’s character development. How he responds to this will forever shape his role in the series. This is a defining moment for the poor dude. Even if Sasha, who we know is known for fooling around, and Kevin, eh, are okay with this Fox might not be. Temptation is a cruel mistress.

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:40 am
by Iceheart
Funny she mentions the framing for murder, I was thinking this reminded me of that.

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:45 am
by leinglo
Tappy Too wrote: Unpopular Opinion Time: Sasha is pretty rotten. I mean, it has been said by Duchess I think that dog relationships aren't meant to be taken seriously. They just go with whoever's convenient at the time. But most of the pets seem to care immensely about their romantic relationships.
Then we go to Sasha, who is known for dating TONS of dogs on and off according to Bino. She probably just goes off and does stuff like this and it gets rubbed off as whatever because she's "soo pretty", when she's also out here breaking hearts like it doesn't mean anything. While Bino never really showed it, it was implied that he cared for her a lot, or at least cared about having a girlfriend if not her directly and she always wanted to go after other dogs. Fido in particular.
I think it's pretty safe to say that Sasha is one of the reasons behind Bino's poor mental condition.
Then we move on to Fox who apparently hasn't stopped obsessing over her since 2013, and with her recently being so teasy to him it's probably like torture because he doesn't want to betray Kevin.
And she probably knows too. She may not be smart, but she definitely notices things like this. Sure it's entirely possible she adopted this mindset for relationships from Duchess, but she's still playing with hearts like they don't matter and that's pretty scummy.
I wouldn't say "rotten" or "scummy" as much as I would say "damaged." We haven't seen it in a while so it's easy to forget, but Sasha has a bit of an abusive home life with her owner. ... s-edition/ ... ace-to-go/
And that's not even going into that whole brainwashing thing she went through

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:49 am
by dryideabat
Wow. Hopefully this is all staged and is really just an intervention for Fox and his crush on Sasha... Who am I kidding, this probably won't end without repercussions.

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:50 am
by Champion Wallace
Xane wrote:
Champion Wallace wrote:She wasn't charged with murder, but for a while there she had succeeded because Keene was dead.
She didn't do it at all, the limo driver did it. She would have actually succeeded because she apparently has a much stronger knowledge of what to disable to make a car crash than Mr. Gland Disorder did.
I forgot about that, but still, Keene had been murdered for an indeterminate amount of time before Cerberus got everything back in order.
Douglas Collier wrote:Domestic pets might not be bound to monogamy, but the wolves seem to have adopted the system.
Well, in real life wolfs are monogamous and dogs are polygamous(according to Wikapedia).

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:56 am
by Gameb18oy
leinglo wrote:Duchess did point out that one time that most dogs aren't bound to monogamy.
Considering Fox’s reaction + the fact Duchess seems unusually superficial in her introduction, while pets are allowed to have multiple significant others, I think it’s still frowned upon. I mean humans can make that work too, doesn’t mean most of us choose to though

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:59 am
by Douglas Collier
I think it’s less about having multiple partners and more about switching partners without much trouble. Less commitment, less strings attached - while at the same time being a couple.

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 2:02 am
by TheSilverFox51
When you thought the arm in the last comic was Keene's, but it just... wasn't...

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 2:22 am
by Buster
so remember what i said a few threads back about multiple relationships requiring a certain level of inherent trust and honesty between all parties?
this is not how you do that, cause either she kept kevin out of the loop, or kevin was aware she was going to do this and has been messing with fox... either way someone's getting hurt.

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 2:26 am
by dakaggo
Kevin should just sidle up behind Fox and the three of them can have some fun together :p

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 2:31 am
by ChekeBello
I don't think neither Kevin nor Sasha will make a big deal about this, but I believe Fox will take this way to hard P=

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 2:58 am
by AldyBilly
This is not pg-13 anymore :lol: :lol:

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 3:08 am
by Ruska
My first thought was that Mungo would have to step in and help fox, but then I remembered he already suspected fox of trying to steal Sasha before.
Now I'm not so sure Mungo will be on Fox's side if a fight breaks out.

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 3:26 am
by NHWestoN
Flossing! We're just practicing a new technique for pre-release dental hygiene! ....... Really.

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 3:54 am
by Soerix
Perfect example of an "Awwwww! :)" situation turning into an "Uh-oh... :o" situation.

I wonder how Kevin will react...

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 4:30 am
by Macsen
I'll be honest. I don't think Kevin cares. I don't think he was ever that serious with her.

In fact, I think he's far more likely to join them than do anything that suggests jealousy or scorn.

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 5:01 am
by bjchan95
I think it’s interestinv to note that Fox is pretty much the only main character who doesn’t have a girlfriend yet
But still, this is kinda shocking :shock:

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 6:49 am
by Argent

Visual aid:
Champion Wallace wrote:As absurd as it sounds, is there any backing to Sasha's claim that it's more hygenic to shower during swim time?
A lot of public pools REQUIRE showering before swimming, and when you think about it you want to shower afterwards.

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 6:52 am
by HundKatzeMaus
Macsen wrote:I'll be honest. I don't think Kevin cares. I don't think he was ever that serious with her.

In fact, I think he's far more likely to join them than do anything that suggests jealousy or scorn.
I also thought that, especially after seeing this and I was also hoping for a strip, where Kevin thanks Fox for rescuing Sasha like that, I felt that is the only loose string of that story in which she was framed.

Althought now I'm still wondering how Kevin will react, did she knew Sasha was trying to date Fido when she was together with Bino?
And I think if Mungo takes a side, he would most likely just trying to stop it and want them to talk it out.

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 7:05 am
by GameCobra
The funny thing is, i'm glad Fox got what he wanted. I also don't think Kevin minds.

However, i do suspect this is going to start a chain of something. It's Kevin and Sasha.

Re: 2018/12/14 - Alone Time

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 8:09 am
by MrBlueSky7
Macsen wrote:I'll be honest. I don't think Kevin cares. I don't think he was ever that serious with her.

In fact, I think he's far more likely to join them than do anything that suggests jealousy or scorn.
I think this is gonna be a very likely scenario. I don't recall there being (if any, at all) Dogs in the HP Universe who swing both ways with Females and Males. Sasha and Kevin are likely candidates for that...