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2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:03 am
by D-Rock
[2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious]
Title Text: mmmm, sweet, sweet pain

Gotta be thorough, I guess. :?

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:04 am
by TheSilverFox51
"The water's painful!" is not something you generally want to hear before getting into a pool/hot tub.

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:06 am
by Saturn381
Look on the bright side Fox. There's bound to be someone for you in the other baths.

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:06 am
by Gbr23
You heard him Fox, get goin'

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:08 am
by Bandit1990
Oh Sasha, you make it sound so pleasant, and yet... :lol:

Fox, Mungo, you two came stag, so you can go check the other pools, that should work. :D

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:11 am
by Welsh Halfwit
Fido can either see the truth
or he wants to fall to her arms
as he sends the guys away
and tastes Sabrina’s charms.
He can see the face on Fox
and may know what it’d mean
as they heat up the hot tub
and the ladies keep them clean…
Come on, boys; enjoy yourselves
during this day out on the town.
Relax, spread out and let the fur down
and get Mungo out of that gown?

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:21 am
by Obbl
Good thing this is only "Japanese-adjacent", or Mungo would be getting all the side looks for wearing his robe in the onsen area :P

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:25 am
by Tappy Too
This is probably for the best for Fox- It'd be unhealthy for him to keep going ga-ga for Sasha. Especially when she's already taken. (I love Kevin's face in that second panel btw. My man knows what he wants)

Probably an unpopular opinion but I kind of hate Fox.
I'm not exactly sure how to put it. Like he's a good character; he's cute, he's funny, he's one half of my favourite ship.
But like everytime Sasha shows up it's so frustrating to see him like this- (But not frustrating in an actually mad way, more like frustrating in a funny way)
Fox is just so bad with his emotions it hurts. I physically feel something every time he does this.
Maybe he's just too real. Fox is actually a really realistic, complicated and relatable character. Like, so many other Housepets characters are so cartoony in comparison:

A crazy, hyperactive dog that yells all the time,
The tomboy who could beat up anyone she wanted although she doesn't look it,
An almost evil antagonist with plans that always fail,
The idolized super popular, but incredibly humble one,
The dumb muscle,
The doesn't know his own strength muscle,
The actually really soft muscle,
Literally Garfield, etc.

Fox kind of stands out when you think about it. I suppose you could fit him into a hopeless romantic type, but not really. It's actually rather interesting. In the earlier years of the comic he was kind of cartoony, but as its gone on he's gotten progressively more realistic. Maybe that's why I feel a dull pain in my chest whenever he wants to be around Sasha. Maybe it's because I see myself in him. Wanting something so bad, but he just can't have it no matter what he does.

But anyways, back to the cuteness. I like how Mungo was practically naked for the entire Temple arc, but now that he has no collar on he feels the need to cover his whole body. What a cutie!~

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:35 am
by jrh150482
And here's Sasha for fanservice! (Well, at least for the furries, anyway.)

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:35 am
by Douglas Collier
Fanservice, check.

Still don’t quite understand Mungo’s statement. How is this like cereal?

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:36 am
by Amazee Dayzee
Just seeing how much Kevin is involved in the arc and how he and Sasha are all loved-up makes me want to revive my old fan-fiction except my writing partner now has something called a life so I can't really write with him and need to find a co-writer. Why is the best careers always the ones that take up all of your free time?

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:42 am
by Champion Wallace
So did everyone leave after Kevin cannonballed in or did he get out of the water after jumping in to find a pool that was still unoccupied, because you can see the whole pool and none of the characters from the previous strip are anywhere to be found. Fox has a point, how many different baths can there be in a mobile hot spring? For there to be a lot of cameos just for fan service as some people are suggesting, there need's to be room on that rig to host everyone. Mungo's robe is still being ineffective. From this angle his large neck is in clear view.

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:45 am
by Amazee Dayzee
I think that even though his collar is off, he still feels naked so he wants to cover up his whole body. XD

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:53 am
by Bandit1990
Douglas Collier wrote:Still don’t quite understand Mungo’s statement. How is this like cereal?
That was in reference to Fido's comment about nooks and crannies.

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:55 am
by fenrirblack
I don't know what sadder, the fact that Fox has to stand there and watch Sasha and Kevin cuddle in the water or that Fido (who is about to dragged in for his own session) tells him he has to work. Couples only apparently.
At least Fox and Mungo get to spend some time together. I do enjoy their buddy cop partnership.

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 2:32 am
by NHWestoN
Walt Kelly used to say that "all my important characters stand for different parts of one person's personality - and, unfortunately, that personality is mine!"

Maybe Fox represents that part of all of us who feels unrequited at some level, loyal to people and this vs that return our devotion (King) and those who don't (Sasha). He certainly is a deeper, more complex character than most. ....and he and Fido seem to be making it work (rekindled friendship or duty above all?)

Crumbs, Sasha is a beautiful creature. Maybe my "all cast cameos" theory is not too be. Sigh.....

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 2:37 am
by Douglas Collier
Bandit1990 wrote:
Douglas Collier wrote:Still don’t quite understand Mungo’s statement. How is this like cereal?
That was in reference to Fido's comment about nooks and crannies.
Nooks and crannies = cereal? I don’t get it.

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 3:04 am
by Ruska
We know there has to be more rooms around in there, as we haven’t see where Keene and Breel have gotten to. So I’m still holding out for a few more characters to pop up. I’d love to see Zack and Jessica (she’d definitely enjoy the heat during the winter), King and Bailey (though they’d have to get a pup sitter. Maybe officer Lindburg is off duty), and any of the Wolf family, maaaaybe Gale, but I kinda doubt she’d get along with the neighborhood animals.

On a side note, I’m still slightly miffed we didn’t get to see Gale and Bailey’s second interaction after the whole camping incident.

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 3:05 am
by Gbr23
Douglas Collier wrote: Nooks and crannies = cereal? I don’t get it.
It sounds like the name of an off-brand cereal

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 3:13 am
by fenrirblack
What would be in a cereal called “Nooks and Crannies”? I’m guessing cranberries and oat puffs.

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 3:21 am
by Bandit1990
Gbr23 wrote:
Douglas Collier wrote: Nooks and crannies = cereal? I don’t get it.
It sounds like the name of an off-brand cereal
I vaguely remember seeing a commercial that used that phrase in relation to the cereal. When I Googled it all I found were old ads for Waffle Crisp, which does fit the bill, but they don't actually use the phrase in the ad. (Also found out it was discontinued this year, coincidences huh?)

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 6:42 am
by GameCobra
Ooo, love the way Sasha's panel is drawn with the leaves and the splash and the hair wipe :3

Kevin is totally taking advantage of that.

Fox, you better becareful!

Also, Kevin confirmed to have murdered the sandwiches and their lovers. R.I.P. (That, or they moved to a different pool =P)

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 6:57 am
by Riff
jrh150482 wrote:And here's Sasha for fanservice! (Well, at least for the furries, anyway.)
Wow. I've never seen her look so good as in that first panel. I wonder if I can ask her out on a date. :3

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 6:57 am
by Argent
Champion Wallace wrote:So did everyone leave after Kevin cannonballed in or did he get out of the water after jumping in to find a pool that was still unoccupied, because you can see the whole pool and none of the characters from the previous strip are anywhere to be found.
You can't see the whole pool. We haven't seen the whole pool in any of the shots so we don't even know what shape it is.

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 7:44 am
by Titanium Dragon
Tappy Too wrote:Maybe he's just too real. Fox is actually a really realistic, complicated and relatable character. Like, so many other Housepets characters are so cartoony in comparison:
Fox, along with King, is one of the most complex characters in the comic. They're also among the least pet-like pets; a lot of the other characters get lots of furry reminders, but those two are more human (though of course, given that King is human...). There's a few other characters who have gotten some depth as well - Fido, Sabrina, Jessica, The Opener of Ways (hallowed be thy name), Miles, Grape, Max - but haven't gotten quite as much and/or are less relateable for other reasons. Some of the more pet-like characters have gotten more depth as well, but they always feel a little 2D because of their cartoonier nature (Peanut, Keene, Bailey, and Tarot being fairly big examples there).

Not that I mind that, of course; part of the fun of the Housepets verse is seeing the way that their sort of "animal impairment" bounces off of the less animal characters.

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 8:08 am
by Welsh Halfwit
Temptation is pulling you in, Fido....

...Sorry, it's Sabrina.

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 8:13 am
by HundKatzeMaus
Tappy Too wrote:This is probably for the best for Fox- It'd be unhealthy for him to keep going ga-ga for Sasha. Especially when she's already taken. (I love Kevin's face in that second panel btw. My man knows what he wants)

Probably an unpopular opinion but I kind of hate Fox.
I'm not exactly sure how to put it. Like he's a good character; he's cute, he's funny, he's one half of my favourite ship.
But like everytime Sasha shows up it's so frustrating to see him like this- (But not frustrating in an actually mad way, more like frustrating in a funny way)
Fox is just so bad with his emotions it hurts. I physically feel something every time he does this.
Maybe he's just too real. Fox is actually a really realistic, complicated and relatable character. Like, so many other Housepets characters are so cartoony in comparison:

Fox kind of stands out when you think about it. I suppose you could fit him into a hopeless romantic type, but not really. It's actually rather interesting. In the earlier years of the comic he was kind of cartoony, but as its gone on he's gotten progressively more realistic. Maybe that's why I feel a dull pain in my chest whenever he wants to be around Sasha. Maybe it's because I see myself in him. Wanting something so bad, but he just can't have it no matter what he does.

But anyways, back to the cuteness. I like how Mungo was practically naked for the entire Temple arc, but now that he has no collar on he feels the need to cover his whole body. What a cutie!~
Yeah I agree with you on every point, except for the favorite ship and him being a complicated character. For me he is the closest thing to a everydayman. I think the reason why I don't see him as complicated is, because I can understand him so much. Honestly there had been many instances in the comic where I saw myself in his position, because I was also in situations like that and I never had that with any other character. His characterisation is also very well balanced, he keeps his cool most of the time, but it isn't to the point where he is totally stoic. Sometimes he does get controlled by his feelings, but it is rare and just in situations where it's justified.

So yeah, super relatable guy, one of the best I ever saw.
Huge props to Rick (okay he probably won't read this but still)

I'm just not so sure what to think about him always blushing when looking at Sasha.
Is he still in love?
Was he just attracted to her, because...well she IS cute and all?
Was he ever in love or did he just thought so, because he was attracted to her?

He is in a relationship with two huskies so...honestly I don't feel that sad for him at the moment :lol:

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 8:42 am
by TeflonCougar
Riff wrote:
jrh150482 wrote:And here's Sasha for fanservice! (Well, at least for the furries, anyway.)
Wow. I've never seen her look so good as in that first panel. I wonder if I can ask her out on a date. :3
We know from her early appearances that she's not always loyal. She was with Bino, but still wanted Fido's "poppies". It also depends who is asking, real you or fuzzy you. We know that Tarot "doesn't date humans".

I always found that an interesting word choice. "I don't date humans" not "Pets don't date humans."

Not complaining either way as we have a nice glamour shot of Sasha, who along with Bailey and Cerberus are my top thee HP gals.

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 8:51 am
by NHWestoN
To use an ancient phrase, Fox "carries a torch" for Sasha so that thread is pretty much Canon now. The angel huskies are more decorative then anything else. They seem more fantasy than substantive, and the characters are pretty much one-joke wonders like the Hermit or Jasper. That's part of Fox's charm, his vulnerability, and the angels kinda distract. Or so thinks me.

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 9:16 am
by Welsh Halfwit
NHWestoN wrote:That's part of Fox's charm, his vulnerability, and the angels kinda distract. Or so thinks me.
They sure distract HIM when they're around!

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 9:28 am
by GameCobra
Welsh Halfwit wrote:Temptation is pulling you in, Fido....

...Sorry, it's Sabrina.
My thoughts exactly x3

Find it amusing she does this while Fido tries to act cool and calm infront of Fox. Clearly she enjoys distracting him =P

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:02 am
by Ryusuta
Not gonna lie... I know it's for the sake of humor, but it's off-putting how unprofessional they're being at the moment.

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:30 am
by NHWestoN
Sergeant Ralph would certainly agree - and he may be transitioning out of a slow burn into a somewhat more incendiary mood. All very professional, of course.

.... still think they shoulda brought Terrance along ... mumble, mumble, mumble ....... ;)

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:35 am
by Tappy Too
Titanium Dragon wrote:
Tappy Too wrote:Maybe he's just too real. Fox is actually a really realistic, complicated and relatable character. Like, so many other Housepets characters are so cartoony in comparison:
Fox, along with King, is one of the most complex characters in the comic. They're also among the least pet-like pets; a lot of the other characters get lots of furry reminders, but those two are more human (though of course, given that King is human...). There's a few other characters who have gotten some depth as well - Fido, Sabrina, Jessica, The Opener of Ways (hallowed be thy name), Miles, Grape, Max - but haven't gotten quite as much and/or are less relateable for other reasons. Some of the more pet-like characters have gotten more depth as well, but they always feel a little 2D because of their cartoonier nature (Peanut, Keene, Bailey, and Tarot being fairly big examples there).

Not that I mind that, of course; part of the fun of the Housepets verse is seeing the way that their sort of "animal impairment" bounces off of the less animal characters.
I agree with most of that but I just want to point out that Fox probably acts or at least thinks the most like a dog out of a fair deal of the cast. He's been shown to play with squeaky bones, bark at people, sniff butts, and he literally called himself a "good boy". So he's pet-like, but with a more human mindset.

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:43 am
by Argent
Ryusuta wrote:Not gonna lie... I know it's for the sake of humor, but it's off-putting how unprofessional they're being at the moment.
Housepets domesticated animals being unprofessional? Inconceivable!

Almost as unlikely as sending a team of cops to deliver a hundred buck parking citation. Surely their budget isn't THAT tight.

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 12:23 pm
by Gameb18oy
Titanium Dragon wrote:
Tappy Too wrote:Maybe he's just too real. Fox is actually a really realistic, complicated and relatable character. Like, so many other Housepets characters are so cartoony in comparison:
Fox, along with King, is one of the most complex characters in the comic. They're also among the least pet-like pets; a lot of the other characters get lots of furry reminders, but those two are more human (though of course, given that King is human...). There's a few other characters who have gotten some depth as well - Fido, Sabrina, Jessica, The Opener of Ways (hallowed be thy name), Miles, Grape, Max - but haven't gotten quite as much and/or are less relateable for other reasons. Some of the more pet-like characters have gotten more depth as well, but they always feel a little 2D because of their cartoonier nature (Peanut, Keene, Bailey, and Tarot being fairly big examples there).

Not that I mind that, of course; part of the fun of the Housepets verse is seeing the way that their sort of "animal impairment" bounces off of the less animal characters.
I personally would have put Keene in the human acting group, maybe tarot as well but to each their own

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:34 pm
by NHWestoN
Keene's certainly a bit more calculating … but ultimately just as impetuous. Kind of a toss-up. ;)

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 1:37 pm
by Douglas Collier
“Now, tell me, what does the permit smell like?”

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 2:12 pm
by Bandit1990
Douglas Collier wrote:“Now, tell me, what does the permit smell like?”
I feel like there is a level of humor to be achieved from watching a human character make a real, good faith attempt at answering that question.

Re: 2018/12/07 - Magically Delicious

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 2:18 pm
by Cesco
Oooh, Sasha surely looks sexy today. Even moreso than usual. :P The water is painful? Ah, yeah, Kevin showed why in the previous strip. ;) You should split up and go to search Keene because there are other rooms there, right? What you said is embarrassing, Fido... :P Eheh, the way Sabrina grabbed Fido. :) Aww, Mungo is always shy. :D