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By All Accounts (fanfiction)

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 7:50 pm
by AmberTheWolfKit
Hi! I've been following Housepets! for a little bit now, and joined the forums a month or two ago. I've been a hobbyist writer and artist for a while, and I tend to draw fanart and write fanfiction of things I get into. This isn't even my first Housepets! fanfic, just the first one I've decided to post here. It's not a very long story, it's more just a cute little thing I wrote. It's mostly some King introspection, I hope you like it, and I'm always open to thoughts and criticism!

He hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in a long time. Sure, he was no stranger to restless nights, but never before had they been so intensive. He’d drift off to sleep, only to be roused within an hour or two. Some days he’d find himself unable to do anything short of passing out on his couch, recuperating from the previous night. By all acounts, King should have been miserable.

Every day was infested with worries and fears. He had thought losing Bailey induced unbearable amounts of stress, but this was a whole new level. He scrutinized every action, every possibility, every minute detail of his life. Doubts always had crept in before, but now he never had felt so inadequate. If it weren’t for his headstrong wife, he may have popped from all the pressure.

Bailey was no doubt feeling the pressure too. Everything had happened so fast, but they were in this together. She tried to hide the stress with her bravado, but King wasn’t naive. He saw the bags under her eyes, heard her trying to hide the exhausted yawns, even she was prone to those exhaustion induced naps. Despite all that, she still tried to be the rock, and it worked. King felt a deep inspiration from his wife, if she could put on such a strong face- he could pull through too.

Most of his time was spent at home these days. There wasn’t much for him to do outside anyways though, so that didn’t bother him much. Instead of going out to see people, they’d tend to come see them. Of course his best friend Fox came over often, whenever he had free time from the academy and what not, but it seemed for a while that almost every single cat in dog in the neighborhood came over. King understood why they were visiting, but a part of him wished for some simple alone time.

The noise was nearly constant too. There would be few moments in the day that didn’t include some sharp piercing noise shattering the quiet of their home. Of all the changes in King’s life, this was admittedly the least Earth shaking. He did live with wolves after all. Still, the noise levels had increased, adding to the changes that had drastically altered his life.

For the longest time, he had thought becoming a dog was the biggest change in his life. In retrospect, it probably was still the biggest change, but to King, everything that had happened recently was so much bigger. Being a dog felt natural now, he could scarcely imagine being human anymore. But this was something new entirely. An experience King never even thought he’d experience. It didn’t feel natural, it didn’t feel as easy as just being, there was so much more to it.

But, here he was. He was a parent now. It was absolute insanity to think about, but he was. Three puppies were all it took to change his life. It was hard. His priorities had shifted almost entirely to his puppies, and if anything he was worried if he was good enough. Dependability was a trait he had only really started building up in the recent years, and he wasn’t sure that if he was ready to be so depended on. Regardless, he was going to try. There wasn’t much sleep in King’s forecast, not for at least several months. There was going to be massive pressure on him to raise these little guys for the rest of his life. King wasn’t just living for himself anymore. By all accounts, King should have been miserable. But in actuality, he had never been happier in his entire life.

Re: By All Accounts (fanfiction)

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 8:07 pm
by Saturn381
Great work, Amber. :)

Re: By All Accounts (fanfiction)

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 8:09 pm
by AmberTheWolfKit
Saturn381 wrote:Great work, Amber. :)
Thanks! I'm glad you like it!

Any thoughts or criticisms you had while reading it?

Re: By All Accounts (fanfiction)

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 8:24 pm
by Saturn381
AmberTheWolfKit wrote:Any thoughts or criticisms you had while reading it?
No, not really.

Re: By All Accounts (fanfiction)

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 8:53 pm
by AmberTheWolfKit
Saturn381 wrote:
AmberTheWolfKit wrote:Any thoughts or criticisms you had while reading it?
No, not really.

:lol: Oh okay!

Re: By All Accounts (fanfiction)

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 9:28 pm
by The-J-Man
your words have appeased the Centipede God, Be thankful he has no criticism to give back

Re: By All Accounts (fanfiction)

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 12:34 am
by AmberTheWolfKit
The-J-Man wrote:your words have appeased the Centipede God, Be thankful he has no criticism to give back
Um... Thanks! :D

I think...

Re: By All Accounts (fanfiction)

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 7:05 pm
by The-J-Man
AmberTheWolfKit wrote:
The-J-Man wrote:your words have appeased the Centipede God, Be thankful he has no criticism to give back
Um... Thanks! :D

I think...
You'd have to read my first fan-fic to understand