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D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:13 pm
by Flamboyant-Pencil
The nations of Nadorn have just recently seen the end of a string of wars spanning two centuries. The wars have left much of the land scarred with the remnants of battle, as well as the hearts and minds of those who had been unlucky enough to have lived during them. An uneasy peace has been made between the city-states and kingdoms that remained, and while bitterness and hatred linger underneath the surface for some of the more patriotic, most have let their resent fade with time, remembering the time period almost like a bad dream, and stable and prosperous trade routes have been remade. The Knights of K'Tahl have negotiated with the coastal cities of Arrin, whom they had once conspired against, to give protection against pirates attacking their ports, and from the orkin armies taking residence in the hallowed out ruins of the mountain nations to the south. To the west, the arcane city of Azathon's magocratic council has allied with the races of subterranean dwarf to rebuild some of the world lost in the century before.

Then, to the north, lies Th'Rissle, which has become a symbol of Nadorn's reformation, and which is where your story begins.

It is the third day of the month of Gallus, year 498 of the Gredonic Era. The city of Th'Rissle is as humid as ever, only worsened by the glare of the summer sun. It is not a large city, populated mostly by humans and a small minority of elves, but you wouldn't know it at first glance; Merchants from all over the globe, of every race and age and occupation and culture, come to the city to trade goods and services, or, for those like you, to find opportunities of employment. On a street corner you spy an advertisement for a well paying job up for grabs.
  • Attention warriors! Urgent!

    I, F. C. Brundle, Head of the Merchant's Guild of Th'Rissle, am hiring any able bodied man or woman to aide in a task of vital importance. The work will require you to walk long distances for a period of one to three weeks time. Food and Drink shall be provided for one week, whereupon you will be expected to have brought your own. The payment, which will be negotiated at the end of you task, will be more than enough to appease you, I am sure. Please talk to me in person within my chambers of the Merchant's Guild, in the city's center.


**And so it finally begins folks! I'll post a world map and an explanation of the calender on a later date, so don't worry about that. I do need this though:

1. I need you to clarify if you were traveling alone or with a group at the time the campaign began, or if you were going solo. If so I'd like to know which member you were traveling with, and your in-character reasons for this. If you were traveling with someone, it might be a good idea to PM them with information that they would have learned about you during the length of time you've known them. It's okay to go solo, but groups make it easier to introduce everyone to eachother and get right to the questing and glory.
  • Jimmy/Tolik, ridin' solo.
    Brawler/Darunthai and Echo/Vindir are traveling together.
    Argent/Madura, Djinn/Derla and Dylan/Torel are horsepooling.
2. Once I have this, I will write down a final paragraph describing Brundle's chambers, which you will be gathered in. Yes, ale will be served, so you could consider it a makeshift tavern/bar for adventure-party-meeting purposes, at which point the in-character roleplaying will begin 100%. The order you post in will be the order you arrive to the chambers in.

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:46 pm
by Flamboyant-Pencil
The Merchants' Guild is located on the southern edge of a wide, open area, lined with wealthy shops and filled with stalls and stands and carts owned by anyone with a commodity to sell, as well as entertainers like jugglers, fledgling wizards making pocket change awing bystanders with sparkly flame or mirror selves, minstrels and musicians competing for the ears and gold of the shoppers.

The Guild itself is altogether unimpressive at first glance; you spy the front desk with the small old woman pouring over what seems like infinitely disorganized letters and forms, who gestures without looking up at a staircase to her left.You climb it, into the large conference room, mostly barren but for a long, oval-shaped oak table with bronze nameplates, likely reserving seats for the the members with the most pull in the guild. There are two figures here, both clothed in cloaks of deep red, their faces shadowed by their hoods.

[[Alright guys! Here's how it's going to work. All descriptions of actions will be written in plain text, and in present tense. All speech will be written in "Italics". If your character speaks more than one language, indicate it with "different coloured text." The actions themselves will be put in brackets, so it's easier for us all to pick out what exactly is going on. All OOC questions or comments, while preferably placed in one of the other threads or in a PM to me, or OOC discussion
is to be put in parentheses and marked with "OOC:."
  • Example: The captive kobold rogue takes his time as he is led to his cell, trying to make subtle movements to untie his ropebound wrists. "Did you have to make it so tight? Filthy human..." He yaps, ending his sentence with a string of Draconic obscenities.

    [I want to move slower to my cell than the guards want me to. I also want to make an escape artist check to untie myself, but not get noticed. I rolled an 11, and I have a +4 to Escape Artist. Is that enough?]
    (OOC: Guys, you think I should try using the rope to trip or strangle these guys? Or maybe play it safe for now? Also, for the DM, how much space is there between the bars of my cell?)
First person to post will be the first to arrive, and it will be assumed that if you're with a group, that they came in with you. You can ask if your group members are ready to post before you do if you'd like.]]

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:54 pm
by Teh Brawler
Darunthai opens the door to the conference room, and glances back to Vindir. All I'm saying is, I need to get a rucksack before we get into any heavy exploring! If I find anything that could help the cause of good, but I can't keep it, I'm no good as a paladin! That's why I wanted to do some performing before we came here. Suddenly, Darunthai notices the two robed figures and the table with the name plates. Er, hello, he mumbles, but doesn't sit down, instead deciding to stand to keep from offending either figure, as the name plates were confusing.

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:50 pm
by EchoFireant
"Well, I still think a paladin, defender of law and all things good, trying to perform something is just bizarre." As Vindir walked into the chamber, he could see Darunthai trying to talk to two robe figures, or failing at it.

(OOC : Hey cool :D. Also, are there any hidden doors here? :3 )

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:59 pm
by Flamboyant-Pencil
(OOC: If there are I ain't tellin' :3

Though it might come off as weird if you rummage through the place your future employer works at looking for secret doors >:I)

The two robed figures turn to face the two of you, then lean forward to whisper to eachother, not saying a word to either of you.

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:06 pm
by Teh Brawler
Darunthai leans over to Vindir. "Do you think we ought to sit down, or just wait for instructions?"

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:26 pm
by EchoFireant
(OOC: But I am entitled to do search checks one if I passed within 5 feet of one :>. Also, is there anything of interest besides the hooded figures and the oak table and chairs?)

"Well, you could take your seat. You know how I am." Vindir replied then moved towards the left side of the wall near the seats and leans on it, hoping that there would be some sort secret door near him.

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:05 am
by Teh Brawler
Darunthai smiles at his friend's ritualistic behavior. "Right," he jibes. He then walks over to the two robed figures with a social fervor that hadn't existed a few moments ago. "Friends! I do hope we aren't intruding! We saw your help sign in the square, and we hoped to partake of this opportunistic scenario to fill ourselves with adventure, gold, and kinsmanship! If you could be so kind as to direct us to the employer of this mission, we would be ever so grateful."

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 2:43 pm
by Flamboyant-Pencil
(OOC: There is a set of double doors in the back of the room, behind the table, but otherwise nothing of interest.)

"We are waiting as well." One of them spits, his voice higher pitched, but rough and cold as daggers. "Now if you'd kindly keep to your friend over there, as we have no interest in kinship with your kind."

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 4:43 pm
by Jimmy Jazz
Tolik walked in with his back slightly hunched and peered out of the corner of his eye at the others already standing there waiting. "Hello" he mumbled and than dragged a chair against the wall facing the others and the door and sat down in it. "do you think the wait is going to be long? or are one of you the employer?" he asked softly staring at them one by one.

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:52 am
by Djinn
Derla slowly and quietly enters the room, her companions making sure the horses got stabled while she scouted out their employer ahead of time. Taking a quick skim of the room, she decides to take a seat allowing the employer to engage her, the first step in negotiating a satisfactory reward for their service through use of psychological means.

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:23 pm
by Flamboyant-Pencil
The robed men are silent again for a moment, before the second of them speaks, in a similarly unpleasant, horse voice, however more sympathetic in tone. "We are.. All waiting I believe. Mister Brundles instructed us to... Wait here for him to return, while he finishes his preperations."

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 3:45 pm
by Teh Brawler
Darunthai looks over to the two newcomers and smiles generously. "This is interesting! Four people are taking the same job! This should be rather easy, eh?" He quips, turning towards Vindir for the latter half of the sentence.

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:04 pm
by EchoFireant
"It also means less loot for us." returned Vindir, taking glances at the newcomers.

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:06 pm
by Teh Brawler
Darunthai turns back towards Tolik and Derla sheepishly. "Heh, uh, I apologize. Vindir isn't one for strangers."

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:32 pm
by Djinn
Derla glances over and leans forward over the table, setting her scimitar and shield to her side. She glares slightly at Vindir, though this was the face she wore beforehand anyways. "As far as I understand it we are negotiating our own pay. No need to get greedy about this."

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:24 pm
by ArgentFlame
Madura walks into the room and looks around. He surveys the others in the room before walking over and standing near the table.

(OOC: Blegh, short and crappy)

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:47 pm
by Jimmy Jazz
the employer must not have all the money in the city though he said softly to the woman and, I doubt many of the mercenary's here will be cheap.
but just as he was finishing his sentence a rather large crow walked in and looked around the room. "Hm" he sat up a little straighter. "a Kenku, not like you see one of those every day" he thought and then looked away realising that he was staring.

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:30 pm
by Teh Brawler
"Five?" Darunthai exclaimed out of joy. "Five people??? Spectacular! The more, the merrier, I say!"

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:18 pm
by Flamboyant-Pencil
The robed figures whisper amongst eachother again, keeping out of the conversations you are having.

There is a small rumble behind the double doors beyond the table, then a few incoherent speakings.

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:01 pm
by EchoFireant
[I want to listen in on the robe figures whispers by moving closer to them. I roll a 10 and have a +6 to listen skill. Will that be enough?]

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:16 pm
by Flamboyant-Pencil
[The roll is successful, but for player/character separation I won't post what he learned on the thread. He can tell you what he's found out later though.]

The men talk on, completely unaware.

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 12:12 am
by EchoFireant
After eavesdropping on the two robe figures, returned to his place by the wall but not before brushing by Darunthai, giving him a discreet knock.

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 3:29 pm
by Teh Brawler
Darunthai picks up on Vindir's motion, but stays silent.

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:54 pm
by Flamboyant-Pencil
"Well they've been waiting long enough I should think! An ale or two missing from the table should mean nothing to them compared to sitting in that stuffy room all day!"

Suddenly a rather loud, short, and round man comes through the double doors, his face a cheerful puffy red colour and his upper lip hidden by a curled mustache. His overall appearance and ensemble (brown slacks and a white button-up shirt, with an opened brown plaid vest rather too small for him on top of that) contrast considerably with the look of the man behind him, an easily six-and-a-half foot tall man getting along in years as evidenced by his grayed hair and withered appearance. Stick thin and bent over in a way that calls to mind vultures, this man is dressed in a tight, dark tailcoat, the tail of which is rather short, and the collar elongated and tight around his neck, the buttons in the front curve rather than follow a straight line.* He follows behind his rotund companion with a long ebony cane tipped with metal, which makes a TCK!ing sound each time it hits the stone floor.

"If you insist, Mister Brundle." The taller man says.
"Well now, from the looks of our applicants.." Mister Brundle takes a quick look about the room. " I do believe your caravan will be quite safe, don't you think, Mister Wright?"

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 3:40 pm
by Jimmy Jazz
Tolik looked around as the voice came from behind the door. as the two entered Tolik stood up and looked directly at Brundles and the tall man. "Well I would certainly hope so. If I can't swing a sword at them, I can at least entertain the other guards" Tolik said smiling slightly waiting to see if Brundles or the other man would tell him to sit down yet.

((OOC:. politeness away, not entirely satisfied with the post but... whatever. I needed to post.))

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 5:02 pm
by Teh Brawler
Darunthai jumped up at the two men's entrance excitedly. "Well, good day to you gentlemen! I do hope that you are both satisfied with the present company. After all, you will be entrusting your valuables with us!" Darunthai laughed at his own joke, and began shaking Mr. Brundle's hand vigorously. But in all sincerity, I do you hope you can trust me and my acquaintance, Vindir. My name is Darunthai, and I'm a paladin from the Elven territories! You must be Mr. Brundle?"

[Diplomacy roll to get on Mr. Brundle's good side, which shouldn't be too hard, but, oh well. roll: 14 + 1 (skill mod)=15]

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 5:11 pm
by ArgentFlame
Madura turned to look at the two new humans, he cocked his head to the side slightly, examining them and waiting.

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 2:23 pm
by Flamboyant-Pencil
"Haha, well then, it seems our guests are eager to please, aren't they?" Brundle grins, and Wright lets out a small Hmph as he retreats back through the double doors.

"Well then, please follow me into my chambers, and all will be revealed. Well, not all, but the important information at least." Mister Brundle does a sort of half bow and gestured for them to follow Mister Wright.

After a moment of hesitation, the cloaked men stand, and make for the double doors.

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 3:07 pm
by EchoFireant
Vindir kept his eyes on the two cloaked men as he followed closely behind them, ready to react if necessary.

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:22 pm
by Teh Brawler
Darunthai smiles at the man, but doesn't start walking until Vindir comes up next to him. He then slowly bends over and quietly whispers, "What did you find out?"

((OOC: You can either post your response in here, Echo, or send me a PM, I don't care.))

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:34 pm
by EchoFireant
Vindir whispers back to his friend in Elven while keeping his eyes on the two robe figures in front of him.

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:50 pm
by Jimmy Jazz
"Of course, of course, anyone that's done a few Mercenary jobs should be used to being on a 'need to know' basis" Tolik said somewhat happily following behind the other two.

((OOC: I'd like to do a listen please, on Vindir, I know Elven, and my skill rank is 1 with, 1 abmod and +2 Skill mod.
normally it would be +1 skill but I'm Half elf. so +1 on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. EDIT: oh right honour system thing, I got a 11 that is including the modifier's))

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:47 pm
by ArgentFlame
Madura walks around the table, following Brundle and the cloaked men through the double doors

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 3:49 pm
by EchoFireant
[I want to make a Sense Motive check. I roll a 7 with a +1 mod. I doubt that is enough but yeah XD]

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 4:25 pm
by Flamboyant-Pencil
(OOC: Jimmy, you hear bits and pieces of what he says, but not the full dialogue.)

You are led into a room similar in size to the room behind you, but much warmer and much more decorated. The ceiling is slanted and windowed, allowing the sun to pour into the room. Antiques and oddities like jeweled spyglasses or crystal figurines line the walls in glass cases or act as bookends on shelves, though two pieces in particular stand out most. At one end of the room there is a stand on which a golden suit of plate mail is held, the gorget and shoulders in spikes, as is the right-hand gauntlet. On the opposite wall a rack holds a sword made of some kind of black metal, jagged and curved sinisterly. The hilt of it is wrapped in cloth.

In the middle of the room is another oval table, though much smaller, and lower to the ground, with enough mugs of ale to accommodate each of you. Vintage armchairs surround the table.

"Come, sit, drink!"

(OOC: Sorry, no go Echo :B)

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 6:39 pm
by Teh Brawler
Darunthai sat down quickly, and grabbed a beer. He gulped it down in one fell swoop, and then exclaimed, "Alright, what's this business about an entourage?"

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 3:59 pm
by Jimmy Jazz
Tolik was extremely intrigued by what this elf was saying. he coughed a little and stood to the side, back to the corner, "I'll pass on the beer, I would rather keep my wits about me right now." he said politely. "So, where are we taking the cargo, and what are we transporting?" Tolik said putting his hands behind his back and trying to get straight to the point, this really didn't seem like the time for small talk.

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 4:35 pm
by ArgentFlame
(sorry, I just couldn't think of anything)

Madura walked into the room. He picked up an ale and took a few sips, and sat down. His eyes wander over the collection, resting especially on the golden armor.

Re: D&D Main Campaign: Turbulent Transitions

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 7:42 pm
by Flamboyant-Pencil
Once everyone was inside, the tallest of the two men shut the doors behind them, and locked it tight.

"Yes, right, the cargo". Brundle noticeably loses some of his cheerful demeanor in favour of tension.

"Well, it is going to be delivered to a small town up north, called Woodhollow. By road the journey would take only a week and a half, but due to the contents of our caravan, and the possible.. Attention we could draw walking around with it in broad daylight, we shall be taking a different route".

"We shall be travelling through dangerous territory," Mister Wright speaks, standing beside Mister Brundle again. "Goblins are rumoured to inhabit the forests between here and Woodhollow. They are much less of a threat to us than the alternative, however".