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2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:02 am
by Goforit
[ Out of Thick, Creamy Air ]

Title Text: Cerberus doesn't need to acknowledge your presence, Pete

Cerb's shirt makes the world go round.

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:02 am
by Douglas Collier
Does Cerberus have only one head?! :o :lol:

Nah, judging by the collar of the shirt, I'm guessing the other two are just cut out of the picture. I imagine if she did have one head, she'd have schizophrenia or a multiple personality disorder. :P

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:04 am
by SeanWolf
Cerberus is rocking the Hawaiian shirt, the way it looks! Also, the way GK is acting, I wonder if he knew if all of this would happen and if so, could that mean he was on Kings side the whole time? (And, lastly, I wonder how close to the end of the story arc we are)

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:05 am
by Gbr23
Well, now lets get this party started

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:06 am
by ConvoyWolf
Well loks like the cat...and dogs....and ferret...and wolf....and cameraman...are out of the bag!

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:06 am
by IceKitsune
Well time for temper tantrums and arguments and the Nerds weakly trying the justify being whinny children, and how nothing they do it wrong and that the characters are just being overly sensitive or some dumb stuff. Like the shirt on Cerbs though.

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:10 am
by Acritic2
Wait, so now Dragon and Pete see them? how did kitsune make the others visible? I thought he was a lesser like Dragon and Pete.

BTW it doesn't take Tarot to guess what crazy funny stuff will happen next, unless it involves Karishad but then i don't think she can help.

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:12 am
by Miles the Wolf
I like that shirt Kitsune is wearing...I WANT IT!
I love how Bailey is so cheerful all the time, accept for when she's fighting against a possessed cat. Anyways, here we go! Pete is probably gonna flip out when he sees King with the watch. But I have a feeling this is going to have a twist in the plot coming up in the next few days. Let's see what happens as we examine the rare species Petus Wingedous, or Pete as he gets the party started!

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:14 am
by Dissension
Acritic2 wrote:Wait, so now Dragon and Pete see them? then why didn't they see them before?
Were they too busy bickering to notice them?

BTW it doesn't take Tarot to guess what crazy funny stuff will happen next, unless it involves Karishad but then i don't think she can help.
You may have missed Great Kitsune snapping his fingers.

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:15 am
by GameCobra
Kitsune snaps his finger and they appear. Whether it's because he's a GM or just not a lesser celestial like Pete and Dragon is debatable.

Trying not to think of any crazy ideas, but Cerberus is either the one that effectively seals the deal on the game and turns one of them mortal... or has started dating Kitsune. Cerberus is dating the nine tails. That's something you don't see everyday @_@

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:15 am
by Douglas Collier
I wonder which one of Cerberus's heads decided they would wear that shirt - or maybe it was a consensus? :)

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:18 am
by Acritic2
GameCobra wrote:Cerberus is dating the nine tails. That's something you don't see everyday @_@
That's something I'd like to see, even if it's just a simple one-off of Kitsune and Cerberus dating.

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:20 am
by Miles the Wolf
Douglas Collier wrote:I wonder which one of Cerberus's heads decided they would wear that shirt - or maybe it was a consensus? :)
The middle head would be most convenient. :lol:

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:20 am
by Bucky-Roo
Cerberus and Kitsune. I ship it. xD

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:22 am
by Perpetualflight
I don't wanna be left out... Cerberus' shirt is stylish, I love it.
Also, this is gettin' good! :D

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:23 am
by Welsh Halfwit
Goforit wrote:[ Out of Thick, Creamy Air ]

Title Text: Cerberus doesn't need to acknowledge your presence, Pete

Cerb's shirt makes the world go round.
Cerb's shirt makes Jacob from Precocious envious.

They are now assembled, the gang's now all here
and Crebs' Hawaiian shirt means there's little to fear
The fact Kitsune chose the place to meet
makes me wonder if Daryl helped him cheat?
If Daryl's his passive avatar, watching the board,
then Kings' plan just got fundamentally flawed.
The involvement of one who knows his plan
makes the arguments known before they're began.
He shows off his great and heavenly power,
extinguishing the light; revealing Kings' shower.
I think Cerb's thereto keep order up and Pete down,
Kitsune's there with a smile and happy face, no frown.
He's going to listen and arbitrate the debate
before he decides on where to cast the fate.

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:26 am
by D-Rock
Oh, Bailey, that's one reason we love you.

So I'm not the only one who started to think that maybe Kitsune and Cerberus are dating by looking at this?

And yes, I'm liking their clothes, but I'm not sure what to think about Cerberus' shirt. Conflicted because I'm not a fan of that style, but she wears it really well.

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:30 am
by Acritic2
D-Rock wrote:Oh, Bailey, that's one reason we love you.

So I'm not the only one who started to think that maybe Kitsune and Cerberus are dating by looking at this?
Wait they're not?

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:40 am
by valerio
Bailey is just adorbs <3
And Kitsune keeps being awesome.

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:45 am
by Miles the Wolf
valerio wrote:Bailey is just adorbs <3
And Kitsune keeps being awesome.
*Kitsune puts on sunglasses*
Background: EXPLOSION!!!

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 1:47 am
by MacheteTigre
On a side note, Karishad and Kitsune are both currently in the same room, I anticipate shenanigans

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 1:56 am
by Argent
Acritic2 wrote:Wait, so now Dragon and Pete see them? how did kitsune make the others visible? I thought he was a lesser like Dragon and Pete.
Either he's not (I guess he's not called Great Kitsune for nothing), or he's smarter than Pete and Dragon and was able to follow the mysterious cloud of dust that didn't have a vehicle at the front of it.

Also, people going "what about Cerberus' heads" - what about GK's tails?

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 1:56 am
by Kyuunado
Kitsune, says you can go around Starkers, but intentionally dresses cool. :lol:
I'm guessing he just voided the effects of that lamp so that Pete and Dragon could see them.
... How didn't Cerb hit her head on the door?

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 1:58 am
by Argent
Kyuunado wrote:... How didn't Cerb hit her head on the door?
Omnipotence means never being troubled by the laws of physics?

On the other hand... nobody seemed to worry about going starkers in Heaven. So why even mention it?

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 2:38 am
by CHAOKOCartoons
Argent wrote:
Kyuunado wrote:... How didn't Cerb hit her head on the door?
Omnipotence means never being troubled by the laws of physics?

On the other hand... nobody seemed to worry about going starkers in Heaven. So why even mention it?
Also, the almighty power of ducking... might be a stretch but :P ...

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 2:57 am
by SuperStar
Okay, I'm going into hibernation. Someone wake me when this arc ends. *pulls sheet over head*

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:02 am
by valerio
MacheteTigre wrote:On a side note, Karishad and Kitsune are both currently in the same room, I anticipate shenanigans
Kari: "Hey, cuz! How ya doin'?"
GK: "Trying to save the world from YOU, as usual. Done any permanent damage already?"
Kari: "Still have to find something funny enough."
GK: "Karishad, with you *everything* is funny."
Karishad grins.

Also, Cerby in the Hawaian shirt is AWESOME

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:38 am
by gamepopper
Multiple thoughts incoming:
  • Kitsune is so right about Starkers, but I think people in this Universe would turn and stare at a giant three headed dog. O.O
  • "Little Miss Too-Good-For-Me" So not only does this back reference to Pete and Cerb dating, but that Cerb dumped Pete. :P
  • Kitsune's outfit is awesome! I want it! :D
  • Cerb's shirt is awesome! I want it! :D
  • I'd actually like to know why the meet up is in a Soda Shop. Is it a movie reference? A book reference?
  • Interesting how Kitsune is able to disable the effects of the lantern, I know Cerb isn't effected but now I wonder if Kitsune is more higher powered then Pete and Dragon.
  • I love how out of everyone who suddenly became visible to the gods, Bailey's the only one happy, even adding a "Hi!" :lol:
  • The pickle is still in Bailey's milkshake.

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:44 am
by ConvoyWolf
Shirt or no shirt i wanna be snuggled in Cerb's arms!

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:46 am
by Kyuunado
I am most certain that you would be crushed. :lol:

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:57 am
by Macsen
The court's in session,
Now here comes the judge.
Here comes the judge.

And Bailey's just like, "Hi! :D"

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 4:31 am
by Ade Nightwolf
Haha, I was assuming Kitsune might have been aware of what was going on. Calling it now, his next line is something along the lines of 'nice going, knuckleheads, I've been DMing these games for eons and this is the first avatar revolt I've ever seen'.

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 4:53 am
by kuisbright
Kitsune is so cute today, more so than usual x3

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 5:19 am
by WhoElseButQuagmire
Argent wrote:
Acritic2 wrote:Wait, so now Dragon and Pete see them? how did kitsune make the others visible? I thought he was a lesser like Dragon and Pete.
Either he's not (I guess he's not called Great Kitsune for nothing), or he's smarter than Pete and Dragon and was able to follow the mysterious cloud of dust that didn't have a vehicle at the front of it.
Or else this whole plan is his and he was the one who gave Tarot the lamp in the first place so he knew they were there to be revealed.
Argent wrote: Also, people going "what about Cerberus' heads" - what about GK's tails?
Rick should find a place that makes gag coins and design a Cerb/GK coin... I'd buy a couple,. Best heads or tails Ever!

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 6:43 am
by Argent
WhoElseButQuagmire wrote:
Argent wrote:
Acritic2 wrote:Wait, so now Dragon and Pete see them? how did kitsune make the others visible? I thought he was a lesser like Dragon and Pete.
Either he's not (I guess he's not called Great Kitsune for nothing), or he's smarter than Pete and Dragon and was able to follow the mysterious cloud of dust that didn't have a vehicle at the front of it.
Or else this whole plan is his and he was the one who gave Tarot the lamp in the first place so he knew they were there to be revealed.
Or else Cerb located them for him.

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 6:48 am
by Hlaoroo
Anybody else want to hear more of the conversation that led to Kitsune and Cerberus discussing the social conventions surrounding animals and clothes?

I'm also dying to see Pete's face right now!
Argent wrote:Also, people going "what about Cerberus' heads" - what about GK's tails?
Oh, they're all there. Look above the bench and to Kitsune's right. That's not Cerb's white fuzz. ;) Tails are easily folded for convenient storage anyway. He doesn't have to wear them peacock-style all the time, I'm sure. :P
WhoElseButQuagmire wrote:Rick should find a place that makes gag coins and design a Cerb/GK coin... I'd buy a couple,. Best heads or tails Ever!
I would totally buy that!!! That's an epic idea!

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 7:09 am
by Obbl
gamepopper wrote:
  • I'd actually like to know why the meet up is in a Soda Shop. Is it a movie reference? A book reference?
I would assume it's more because that's where all the mortals went, which allows him to make this dramatic reveal to Pete and Dragon ;)

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:30 am
by Duster
There should be a spin-off comic for Kitsune and his epic foxiness.

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:32 am
by Argent
Hlaoroo wrote:
Argent wrote:Also, people going "what about Cerberus' heads" - what about GK's tails?
Oh, they're all there.
I mean, as in, "aren't they going to attract attention"?

Shouldn't be too hard to 3d-print a Kitsune/Cerberus coin.

Re: 2014/08/27 - Out of Thick, Creamy Air

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 10:13 am
by JamesWolf
So I'm guessing that since GK is the GM he immune to the lantern for sake of controlling the playing field. Cerb of corse isn't affected by it as we saw when peanut gave it to king.

Why dose king still have the watch (although that is a neat superpower)

Love how cheerful baily is.

Pete and Dragon are both about to loose it.
Also since technically they both lost there avatars in battle, will they now both become mortal?