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Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 9:53 pm
by Hlaoroo
I have mod approval to create a new and up to date main OOC thread. You can see all the changes that I intend to make here. I need your input though. What do you guys want to see in the new thread? Is there anything you don't want or want changed from the old thread? Post your thoughts here.

Changes that I will be making include:
- Adding in descriptions and links to RPs that have started since the thread's inception
- Updating descriptions for those threads already there and removing the descriptions for those threads that no longer exist or have died
- Creating a current list of the numbers of slots available in each RP and endeavouring to ensure that it stays current
- Creating a scale to rate the activity of the RPs to enable players to have an idea of the posting speed of the RPs and thus the commitment they would need to make to it. E.g. 0 = dead, 1= several posts per month or less, 3 = several posts per week, 5 = several posts per day.
- Creating a more concise and understandable list of the RP rules
- Creating a more concise and understandable how-to guide to RPing

If you don't like any of these or if there's anything else that you want then please post here as soon as you can. ;)

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 4:56 am
by Serence Frostbite
I'm not sure I understand what would the last 2 ideas would look like , but other than that , it seems like a good idea

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 7:51 am
by Hlaoroo
That basically means making the wall of text in the current main OOC as small as possible. ;) Removing unnecessary repetition and explanation and all that kind of thing.

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 4:52 am
by Dissension
The original OoC thread was made years ago and hasn't really been updated in that time. It's about time someone took on the task and I'm looking forward to the result. It's always exciting to give the community an opportunity to influence how things are done, so please, everyone, feel free to give input and feedback!

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 7:48 am
by Serence Frostbite
well after a little discussion (if you can call it that :P ) I have no more question , well , until after Hlaoroo post the summarized rules and instructions at least ^^

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:56 pm
by Happiness Designer
Sounds good, I would agree that the old OOC is outdated and it's time for a new one. Best of luck on creating it Hlaoroo, I can't wait to see the result!

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 12:57 am
by xhunterko
Characters should be used only in one RP. You may move a character to another RP but like in real life, the move will be permanent and the character cannot return to their original RP. The exceptions to this rule are using a pre-existing character in both a SRP and their original RP and using a pre-existing character as a guest character in another RP.

*raises eyebrow at underlined text*

Erm. Herm. Now I know this rule is designed to prevent confusion of which character belongs to which roleplay. But this is HARDLY realistic. You CAN always go back home. Unless of course the place was destroyed in a time loop or a war zone. And besides, some things may not work out with a move in real life and you have to go back home. I mean our family did. Went to California for a while when my dad had a job there, he lost the job then we moved back home. So the statement that you can never be able to return home is a farce. Besides, the new role play may not work out and become dead or boring for the player, and their original role play is active again. They want to go back? Sucks to be them. Granted in real life not everyone can afford to go back home, but that's always an option. I HIGHLY suggest this section needs to be rethought.

My recommendation: Allow the current players to vote on whether or not to allow the player to come back, just as if they did while voting to allow them in in the first place. With a majority rule to allow acceptance.

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 2:30 am
by Keeshah
xhunterko wrote:Characters should be used only in one RP. You may move a character to another RP but like in real life, the move will be permanent and the character cannot return to their original RP. The exceptions to this rule are using a pre-existing character in both a SRP and their original RP and using a pre-existing character as a guest character in another RP.

*raises eyebrow at underlined text*

My recommendation: Allow the current players to vote on whether or not to allow the player to come back, just as if they did while voting to allow them in in the first place. With a majority rule to allow acceptance.

I've always though that was a dumb rule from the start. and call for it's elimination.

besides characters in RV have traveled to both RG and Haven an back.
As RG is just down the highway from RV, and Haven was on the other side of the mountain range to RV's north.

Character's just made an exiting post in one RP, then an arriving post in the other, to get from one RP to another.
Characters who have done this. Sid, Venison, Magnus, Pavalle and Felix.

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:26 pm
by Hlaoroo
Thank you for raising that guys. That's very helpful. We appreciate your experienced eyes picking up things like that. We'll amend that rule as follows:
Characters should be used only in one RP. You may move a character to another RP but like in real life, the move will be permanent and the character cannot return to their original RP without either permission from that RP's GM or a majority vote from the current players of that RP. The exceptions to this rule are using a pre-existing character in both a SRP and their original RP and using a pre-existing character as a guest character in another RP.
Does that sound better?

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:32 pm
by xhunterko
Slightly better.

But this: You may move a character to another RP but like in real life, the move will be permanent and the character cannot return to their original RP

I think should still be eliminated or discussed about being eliminated. Because yes, you should use only one character in a role play at one time. But with the examples presented and my own characters as examples (Khun, Luke) people move around.

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:44 pm
by Serence Frostbite
yes I think the point is that 1 character can't really be at 2 places , or in this case 2 neighborhoods , at the same time , they could move back and forth between places .

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:53 pm
by xhunterko
*looks at own roleplay*

Well, except for mine of course. But the deal with mine is that it has a time dilation thing going on for it so I've allowed people's characters from other roleplays in case they can't think of a good one.

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:00 pm
by Serence Frostbite
yes except that of course ^^

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:45 pm
by Hlaoroo
OK. We've done a total revision of this rule and it's now much better, in my opinion. How do you guys like this?
Characters can only be used as a main character (as defined here) in one Pet Friendly neighbourhood at a time. This rule does not cover SRPs and non-PF RPs (as defined here). After you have moved a character to a new RP, you need to get permission in the old neighbourhood's OOC if you want to move them back.
That allows for characters to be used in SRPs or other RPs as well as allowing them to appear as guest characters in other PF RPs.

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:49 pm
by xhunterko
That does look much better.

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:59 pm
by Hlaoroo
Excellent. Thanks for bringing that up.

I'm going to go through and check all the other rules again to see if I can word anything else better. Anything else in particular that anybody wants me/the other mods to look at or revise?

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 10:39 pm
by Keeshah
Hlaoroo wrote:Excellent. Thanks for bringing that up.

I'm going to go through and check all the other rules again to see if I can word anything else better. Anything else in particular that anybody wants me/the other mods to look at or revise?

Remove the no killing, characters can't die rule..

Which was an over-reaction to a few complaints of violence in the rp in the first place.
Also known as, the first "light and fluffy" vs. realistic RP war...

Besides look at how many critters Grape has killed that is canon!

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 11:14 pm
by Hlaoroo
Death is allowed inasmuch as there is no graphic description. Cats eating rats or birds as has been shown in the comic is fine. The mods still agree that death should not be used to remove a main character from a RP though. Is there any particular reason you want to kill off a main character anyway?

Here's a revised version of that lengthy, awkward rule.
Comedic violence is allowed and even expected as are injuries requiring medical attention but there is to be no gore. The exception to this is in a character's back story but always check with a mod before posting it. Death is also allowed providing there is no graphic detail but it should not be used to remove a main character from a RP.

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:07 am
by Keeshah
Hlaoroo wrote:Death is allowed inasmuch as there is no graphic description. Cats eating rats or birds as has been shown in the comic is fine. The mods still agree that death should not be used to remove a main character from a RP though. Is there any particular reason you want to kill off a main character anyway?

Here's a revised version of that lengthy, awkward rule.
Comedic violence is allowed and even expected as are injuries requiring medical attention but there is to be no gore. The exception to this is in a character's back story but always check with a mod before posting it. Death is also allowed providing there is no graphic detail but it should not be used to remove a main character from a RP.

You couldn't kill off an NPC before..

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:35 am
by Serence Frostbite
oh NPCs die plenty of times in our RPs , you don't have to worry about that keeshah :lol:

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:17 am
by Hlaoroo
I think the old rule simply said "no violent death". That could be taken several ways. I hope this new rules has cleared things up a bit.
Do you like it better now, Keeshah?

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 11:52 am
by Roarin
I think it'd be a good idea to add something in the Character Creation section of the "Main OOC" about storing your characters in "Characters Links" topic? I know some people already do that but it could help with new rpers that don't want to end up looking for their peoplez/pets sprinkled about the pages of the main OOC and other topics

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:07 pm
by Hlaoroo
I have linked to that here:
• It’s convenient but not essential to have your character’s stats in your signature. If you have too many characters to fit in your signature you can link to their character sheets in this thread.
It's only one small point though so its probably easy to miss.

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:14 pm
by ~\Rook/~
I've just read the new Main OOC page and I like it!

It's Clear, Concise and holds all the info you would be looking for! Fantastic job, Hlaoroo!

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:18 pm
by Hlaoroo
Thanks, Rook! Glad you like it!

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:44 pm
by Welsh Halfwit
I have to agree.

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:46 pm
by Hlaoroo
Thanks, Welshie!

You guys can be honest and tell me it's carp if it is though. I won't bonk you for that. ;)

Roarin: I've just realised what you wanted me to do with that link. I'll edit that in now.

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 1:28 pm
by Kateleo007
Looks great! I was able to read the rules in about eight minutes whereas the other one took me close to half an hour. Clearly worded and easy to understand (I'm a native English speaker so I cant say if it's easy for esl people), these new rules even cleared up a few things for me.

Now that said, if you were trying to put links here
• Characters can only be used as a main character (as defined here) in one Pet Friendly neighbourhood at a time. This rule does not cover SRPs and non-PF RPs (as defined here). After you have moved a character to a new RP, you need to get permission in the old neighbourhood's OOC if you want to move them back.
Then they're not showing up in my browser.

Re: Update time! New Main OOC Thread! Have your say!

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 9:04 pm
by Hlaoroo
Oops. You're quite right, Kate. I did forget to put those links in. :oops: It's fixed now. Thanks for that. :)