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Housepets 8-Bit Game

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 2:53 pm
by Kateleo007
I was thinking, wouldn't it be fun to have an 8-bit housepets game? Nothing too fancy, maybe just 3 levels with minor enemies and a boss.
An example of what I'm talking about to clarify:

I have no idea how to do this, so I'm asking for the help of all you techies out there. I might not be able to do it on my computer because its OS is Windows XP. It's just an idea, and I thought it might be a fun project. Maybe if we do a good job, Rick will put it on the actual Housepets website!

Re: Housepets 8-Bit Game

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 6:46 pm
by MrNeonShot
Sploder is a site that can do exactly what your talking about.
CHAOKOcartoons made his game, Diggy the Huskey on there.

Re: Housepets 8-Bit Game

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 7:08 pm
by Happiness Designer
I find it funny that a few years ago I used sploder... Golly. My name was Brond :P

Re: Housepets 8-Bit Game

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 7:42 pm
by CHAOKOCartoons
Hmm, I'd love to help out but I'm still working on a BUNCH of stuff (CK!, Project MP!, and something that only one of you knows about...). I have gamemaker on my computer, but so far I only know how to make sprites. If you want it to be simple, then yeah you should use Sploder, it doesn't take too long to learn how to use.

Re: Housepets 8-Bit Game

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 8:00 pm
by Legotron123
You might want to change crap to carp to keep it more faithful to the comic.

Re: Housepets 8-Bit Game

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 9:25 pm
by Cesco
It's a great idea, it can work for both platforms and beat 'em ups genres, and the 8 bit graphic is always nice and makes the things easier. :) But, as usual with such ideas, the problem is that's needed someone to bring them to the reality...
That screenshot is from a very original proposition, at Curtailed webcomic, here the page with more info. GameMaker Studio program was used to built it. There are much more images that could be taken as example... :P

Re: Housepets 8-Bit Game

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 10:49 pm
by Kateleo007
My computer doesn't seem to run gamemaker...any recommendations? Also, how would I make a sprite? I'm thinking about making the game inspired by the Houspets! Babies arc. With the final boss being the crazy guy or maybe Fluffy, I'm not sure yet.

Re: Housepets 8-Bit Game

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 4:18 am
by Kyuunado
You can make a Peanut sprite like the 8-bit Mario and do battle against Bino as a boss! :lol:

Re: Housepets 8-Bit Game

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 2:58 pm
by MrNeonShot
I guess I missed the Housepets! Baby arc.
Anyone know where it is?

Re: Housepets 8-Bit Game

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 3:37 pm
by Happiness Designer

Re: Housepets 8-Bit Game

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 3:45 pm
by MrNeonShot
I completely forgot about this one!
Yeah, I remember. I like this one.
Kid fox vs. Kid Bino!

This totally has to be a fighter game!

Re: Housepets 8-Bit Game

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 5:56 pm
by Cesco
Another idea is follow the same and simple plot of the classic Super Mario, and it's inspired by the story arc number 72.
Fido (Mario) will have to go through various level worlds beating enemies (haven't thought of which kind) and passing obstacles to finally reach Jata (Bowser) ad beat him to free Sabrina (Peach). But, level by level till the penultimate one, instead of Sabrina will found Maxwell (Toad) who will say that our girlfriend ( :o ) is in another Feraga embassy... Keene can take the part of a background character, being like one of those superior commanders that makes combat his slave (Jata), but that once beaten, he miserably give ups to don't receive the same treatment. The Jata beating moment can be made like a beat 'em up game. No Luigi part, also to don't copy every aspect of the Nintendo game.

Re: Housepets 8-Bit Game

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:13 pm
by Saturn381
I have an idea. A beat 'em up style game (like Final Fight, Double Dragon, The Simpsons Arcade, and etc.) with Peanut, Grape, King, and Fido as the playable characters and having Pete, Jata, Celia, and Thomas as some of the bosses.

Re: Housepets 8-Bit Game

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:18 pm
by GameCobra
If you want something simple like the way you suggested, a simple three levels would be nice.

Level-wise, The first level would be Grape avoiding the angry reprecussions of the good old dogs club, with the boss being Bino with Boris and Yeltsin.
Second level would be Peanut running around in his comic. boss would be Cyborg.
Final Level would likely be Karishad and running around the mansion doing random stuff, with the ferrets using the boss platform to combine all their rich schemes against you.
Saturn381 wrote:I have an idea. A beat 'em up style game (like Final Fight, Double Dragon, The Simpsons Arcade, and etc.) with Peanut, Grape, King, and Fido as the playable characters and having Pete, Jata, Celia, and Thomas as some of the bosses.
Don't forget every Konami arcade game ever =P

Re: Housepets 8-Bit Game

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 4:21 pm
by Kateleo007
If any of you can make the game, I have the Sprite made. Here's kitten Grape:
Grape 8-bit.png
Grape 8-bit.png (665 Bytes) Viewed 9694 times
I'm kinda a rookie at make sprites (this is only my second one), so please if you can do better post it!

Re: Housepets 8-Bit Game

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 1:42 am
by CHAOKOCartoons
I like how as soon as we think up of a game for HP!, we think of a fighting game! :lol:
Thought don't get me wrong, Id like it!

Re: Housepets 8-Bit Game

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 1:55 am
by Saturn381
CHAOKOCartoons wrote:I like how as soon as we think up of a game for HP!, we think of a fighting game! :lol:
Thought don't get me wrong, Id like it!
I mean heck, the first thing I've ever posted on this site was an idea on how it would play out.

Re: Housepets 8-Bit Game

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:43 am
by CHAOKOCartoons
Hey guy's, wouldn't it be weird to have Peanut in an RPG game where he interacts with other webcomic characters?
HAHAHAhahahaha... *hint* *hint*

Re: Housepets 8-Bit Game

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:32 pm
by MrNeonShot
I prefer Injustice: Dogs Among Us.
It would play out like Hidden in plain sight, where 1 guy plays as Joey at the yarn ball, and the rest have to find him.

Re: Housepets 8-Bit Game

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:23 am
by CHAOKOCartoons
Aaaaand this is what I was hinting at! ... =13&t=2774

Re: Housepets 8-Bit Game

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:53 pm
by gamer35
I know how to make a classic style game easily! There is a software called Scratch, it is game design for early beginners. As long as you trying not to replicate doom, you should be fine making a game. I already have code for a 2d side scroller.