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"Welcome to Toras City"

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:15 pm
by QuintheHusky
Hi every one! This is my first time RPing here, but not my first time RPing X3
Anyway, this RP is one I've had for a wile, about a city filled with Fears, you're own, and of others.
This RP is a Horror Adventure.

City is very large and is next to the Atlantic ocean and a river called "Styx". City has been forgotten and no one realy nos where it is or how to get to it, but when some one dose get to it, his or hers fears become a reality in this city.

Now for available weapons, anything 1955 and older. Sucks as Thompson's, Kar98k's, and PPSH's. Pretty much anything you can think of. Now for melee weapons, absolutely anything that you can hit stuff with X3 Including swords. But no overkill weapons or modern weapons.

Now, there are some "Special" weapons to find, one of witch is a heat-ray the size of a person and mounted on a small trailer, and there are 4 or 5 of them in the city. But only I say when there put into the story.

Now for characters, you can just plays as your fursona.

Anyone that disrupts game play will be killed off.

If you have any questions, please ask me in a PM.

Please forgive any misspelling of mine.


HE ran down the streets aimlessly, he didn't know where to go or what to do, and what ever was chasing him was getting closer. He turned a down an ally but was stopped by a brick wall. He turned around and pulled out his M1911 and aimed down the ally, the noise got closer, and just as he knew it was going to come around the corner, the noise stopped, and there was nothing there, he looked around, and when his eyes met the end of the ally again, there was a man, tall with an old trench-coat and fodara. "Dad?" the man said. The figer slowly nodded. "Oh thank God! How did you get here?" The man lowered his gun and took a few step forward. The figer took out a small pistol "Dad? What are you doing?" The figer smiles and pulls the trigger, the was a loud bang and the man fell to the ground. The figer faded into a shadow, the took a few steps and disapeard.


(I'll post my character later)

Re: "Welcome to Toras City"

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:31 pm
by valerio

1) Any new RP must be proposed in the 'Out of Character' subsection
2) check the rating. this start doesn't sound promising in terms of Pet Friendly. Trust me, I went through that.

Re: "Welcome to Toras City"

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:45 pm
by QuintheHusky
Oh, I thought this was the RPing thread >.> I didn't know that was another one I even read all the rules. *Face paws* Why am I so stupid...

Re: "Welcome to Toras City"

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 4:15 pm
by ctcmjh
Hi every one! This is my first time RPing here, but not my first time RPing X3
Anyway, this RP is one I've had for a wile, about a city filled with Fears, you're own, and of others.
This RP is a Horror Adventure.
This should be stated in an OOC thread, inside of the OOC forum. Not in the IC forum.
You also need to propose an RP, and have one of the moderators of the Roleplaying section approve of it before you can start it.
City is very large and is next to the Atlantic ocean and a river called "Styx". City has been forgotten and no one realy nos where it is or how to get to it, but when some one dose get to it, his or hers fears become a reality in this city.
I can see no effort being made to type coherently at all. Please review your grammar and spelling before posting, especially when posting the rules and setting of a Roleplay.
Now for available weapons, anything 1955 and older. Sucks as Thompson's, Kar98k's, and PPSH's. Pretty much anything you can think of. Now for melee weapons, absolutely anything that you can hit stuff with X3 Including swords. But no overkill weapons or modern weapons.

Now, there are some "Special" weapons to find, one of witch is a heat-ray the size of a person and mounted on a small trailer, and there are 4 or 5 of them in the city. But only I say when there put into the story.
This gives me the impression that this roleplay is nothing but violence, something that we don't necessarily want. Violence with a story and plot is good. Violence for the sake of violence is bad.
Now for characters, you can just plays as your fursona.
Not everyone in the forum is a furry, and not everyone in the forum has a fursona. It would be much better to give some general guidelines for making a character, instead of something as simple and quick as that.
Anyone that disrupts game play will be killed off.
This just seems authoritarian. If someone disrupts the game, then you should talk to them. If they don't listen and the problem persists, then send them to a moderator.
Please forgive any misspelling of mine.
Please, correct your misspellings and incorrect grammar.
HE ran down the streets aimlessly, he didn't know where to go or what to do, and what ever was chasing him was getting closer. He turned a down an ally but was stopped by a brick wall. He turned around and pulled out his M1911 and aimed down the ally, the noise got closer, and just as he knew it was going to come around the corner, the noise stopped, and there was nothing there, he looked around, and when his eyes met the end of the ally again, there was a man, tall with an old trench-coat and fodara. "Dad?" the man said. The figer slowly nodded. "Oh thank God! How did you get here?" The man lowered his gun and took a few step forward. The figer took out a small pistol "Dad? What are you doing?" The figer smiles and pulls the trigger, the was a loud bang and the man fell to the ground. The figer faded into a shadow, the took a few steps and disapeard.
I really don't mean to be rude, but this is entirely unreadable. Run-on sentences, overuse of commas, disproportionate amount of misspellings, terrible grammar, and it just makes little sense.

This thread is now locked. If you have any questions, or would like to talk to me about unlocking this thread, then please send me a PM. Thank you.