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A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 5:35 pm
by Kalvin
Fall in Richardson Valley was actually quite nice as far as weather. The leaves fall steadily and the temeperature normally bounces from a little cold to a little warm, but on this Halloween night the weather was just right. About hooded sweatshirt temperature for humans but for pets there couldn't be better weather.

The sun is starting to go down as parents prepare there children and less mature pets to go out for the night. Decorations on people's lawns range from friendly and cartoony versions of ghosts and goblins to eery and realistic tombstones and cobwebs. Jack-o-lanterns line porches of various carving qualities and styles. Nobody has gone out yet to start trick or treating but several houses are ready for the ravenous horde of children to descend on their house for candy.

This evening Balbaroy is on door duty for candy. It actually works pretty well since both his parents agree to let him keep whatever is leftover at the end of the night. Tonight the two of them were headed to a party and they were trusting Bal to stay in the house.

Uncle Travis was making the last minutes adjustments to his zombie costume in the master bedroom as Bal sat on the bed. "And remember Bally, we want you to pass out candy until at least 11, after that you can stop on your own."
"Yes Uncle Travis."
"And if you want to invite some friends over that's fine, just have the place cleaned before you go to bed."
"Yes Uncle Travis." About then Kent started honking the horn outside.
"Okay, we're off. Have fun tonight." Uncle Travis scratched Bal's ears before heading out to the car, making sure the porch light was on before leaving and waving goodbye. Bal waves at the door as they leave before heading to the living room. Recently the den had been equipped with a new larger TV and a DVD player so he was beginning to understand how to work them and was looking forward to watching movies for the night. He had spread the word around the group of pets who hung out at The Wall that he was free tonight as long as they stayed at his house.


Lucky was doing his favorite thing for Halloween. He was simply hanging out in the park. Normally you got some costumed people just running around goofing off and he was more than happy to join in the festivities. His family knew where to find him if they had to so that was not a problem.

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:18 pm
by Buckdida
Venison didn't know much about Halloween. When he was young, his former family kept him in, away from the festivities. And while he had a bit of a taste for violence and blood, he found things like slasher movies distasteful. But he did know one thing. Police were everywhere, attempting to stop would be mischief makers before shaving cream started and eggs started to fly. And people were much more paranoid than usual. As such, Venison had a particular distaste for Halloween, as it made stealing a good meal difficult. Well, candy aside, but you can't very well make a meal out of that, can you?
Venison stayed the entire day at Rav's house, having stayed there the night before and not wishing to go outside during the...hallowday. (OOC: Bwahhahaha! I couldn't resist the pun, sorry) But night was beginning to fall...and Venison knew that this Halloween might be a little different, since he was fed and the neighborhood had gotten to know him, resulting in him having little fear of cops. Still, he wasn't very keen on giving Halloween a chance.

Venison leaned over a couch and looked out a window overlooking Rav's yard, noting the rather tacky tombstones Sara had set up and made herself. There were quite a few of them, each with various engravings aimed at the pets Rav knew. Venison disliked his, which directly poked fun at one of his items...


He gave a short growl, then rolled on the couch so he observed less of the yard.

'Ungh, everyone else is looking forward to this evening. But not me,' Venison thought to himself. He gave his head a shake and scratched behind his ear, then paused a moment. He called out to Rav, "Hey, Ravage! What are you planning for the evening?"

(OOC: If you pass by Rav's house, be sure to "see" your tombstone!)

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 7:05 pm
by ArgentFlame
"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Del asked as she walked across the table in her room, having just finished taking a short inventory of the working devices she had made. The squirrel turned from his place in front of the TV, where he had been watching Tom and Jerry. "You know I can't." he said, standing up and pushing the off button on the TV. He turned and faced the mouse, who had been dyed brown earlier that day. Del walked over to the tiny coat rack that held her clothing. She slipped off the labcoat she was wearing in exchange for a tattered red cape, which she quickly donned. "Come on. It's not like anyone is going to hurt you." He just stood there silently. "Fine." She put on a small gold necklace with a red pendant. "So, how do I look?" "Like you've just stepped right out of the movie." His ears pricked up. "Someone's coming, I'll see you tomorrow." With that he quickly went over to the partially opened window and slipped out. The door opened a second later, as Cier entered. He was dressed in a set of green military style fatigues with a black vest, on one sleeve was the air force logo. "Are you ready to go?" He asked, coming over to stand next to the table. Del nodded and walked over to where he stood, and he carefully lifted her to his shoulder.
They left the room and made thier way to the kitchen, where Sean was fastening a blue collar around his neck. He looked at them. "Thanks for inviting me." He grinned. "You know, this'll be my first time ever going out for Halloween." They left the house, with Cier locking the door behind them.
A short time later, they arrived at Rav's house, which was surrounded by a small graveyard. They noticed that all of the tombstones had names of neighborhood pets on them and one in particular which read "RIP CIER AND DEL, THEY SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER" They walked up to the door and knocked.

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 7:43 pm
by ToastyJester
Jester quickly pops in the next film on his schedule and reads the title: "Shaun of the Dead" He grins and says, "Awesome. Too bad I'm gonna miss it." He starts up the movie and looks down into the theater where there is a decent amount of people sitting and watching. He walks over to the corner and slips into the costume he'd put lots of his spare time into making: A Prinny. He struggles to pull himself into the shell that is the Prinny, and soon he feels someone push down on the costume, popping him into place. He quickly shakes and adjusts the costume so his eyes are able to peek through the eye holes. He looks up to see Matt towering over him with a smile and an eye patch on. "You supposed to be some sort of penguin?" he asks, pulling the eye patch up and tapping the head of the Prinny. Jester scoffs and says, "I am no penguin Mr. Pirate. I am a Prinny dood! Now help me strap my arms onto my wings." Matt quickly obliges and Jester tests his pack on the front to see if it locks and closes properly. Wouldn't want to lose all his hard earned candy due to his pack falling open. "You goin trick or treating dood?" He asks Matt, heading through the doorway. Matt closes the door behind him and says, "No I'm just gonna work here. Trick or treating is for kids." Jester scoffs again and the two make their way down to the lobby. Matt makes his way behind the counter and pulls his eye patch back down. Jester heads to the door and waves, walking outside. He looks down the street and sees other pets and humans walking about looking for the sugary treasures of the night. He walks down along the sidewalk, pulling a map out of his pack. He drags the tip of his wing along the red line he drew on the streets, only going areas he knew. He taps his wing tip on the red X with the word "Start Here" on it, and looks down the street. First stop: Rav's house. He walks down along the street and sees fellow trick or treaters in front of the door to his first target house. He walks along the sidewalk and looks at the headstones, seeing the names of pets around the neighborhood. He looks for his and finds one saying "Here Lies Jester: Accidently Watched a Barbie Movie" he chuckles a bit then sneaks up behind the trick or treaters, from what he can tell it's Cier, Del, and Sean and says, "You guys found any good candy spots dood?" He quickly opens up his pack, ready to accept any candy from Sara, or whoever opens the door.

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 9:31 pm
by Jimmy Jazz
Octavian had already gotten dressed up and was walking around town with Sekhmet in his costume. Octavian was dressed up in a scruffy coat that was unbuttoned and some genes that had ripped holes in them with some mud plastered on the coat and pants. he was holding a bottle with a comical three x's label on it and his paws where covered with bandages. While Sekhmet wasn't dressed up at all, but was carrying a small black suit case. "So who'd win in a fight, Arnold swartzenager or Sylvester Stallone?" Octavian asked swinging his bottle around "Oh Sylvester hands down" Sekhmet said smiling "Arnold never had a training montage to 'eye of the tiger' "

"But com'on, Arnold was the Terminator, no one can beat the freakin' Terminator" pointed out Octavian still waving his bottle around. but before they could continue to argue who would win the fight they came upon Rav's house with already the porch filled with pets. "Hey, lets hang back a little i don't want to be in such a large group" whispered Sekhmet into Octavian's ear.
"But we can settle this argument if we step up a little" Octavian whispered back. before she could answer Octavian walked up right behind the group and said "Hey guys, we have a little argument here. who do you think would win in a fight, Arnold swartzenager or Sylvester Stallone?" Sekhmet was extremely annoyed but tried to hide it smiling a little and waving. she looked behind to house and saw tombstones. with the neighborhood pets names on them, one said "Here lies Sekhmet, the godess of annoyance" she was even more annoyed at this knowing it to be true but she looked for Octavian's. his said "Here lies Octavian, famous last words: can i touch it?"

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 9:37 pm
by Teh Brawler
"Holy smoke! Look at all the decorations! Come on, O'Connor, we've got to go trick-or-treating!" Tory hopped down from the window seal and flew over to O'Connor, landing on his shoulder. The old dog just sniffed. "Ah'm tu ol' fur tha' kuind o' stuff. Yu can go without meh." "Awwwww, come on! Pleeeeeeeease?" Birds don't have lips, but Tory had still learned how to make puppy-dog eyes. O'Connor sighed and put down his book. "Ahruight, fuine." "Yes!"
About ten minutes later, The two walked out of their house. O'Connor had on a pirate outfit, and Tory had colored some of his feathers to look like a parrot. "Skwak! Ahoy, Matey!" The cardinal cried gleefully. O'Connor smiled and began to walk down the street. Deciding to head over to Rav's house, the two headed in that direction. Interestingly enough, each pet had his own tombstone.

Here Lies O'Connor
Suffocated While Playing Bagpipes

Here would Lie Tory
If He Hadn't Been Eaten By O'Connor

The two noticed each other's tombstones first and began laughing, but then noticed their own.


Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:49 pm
by caelei
Pavelle tapped her foot impatiently, annoyed. Magnus always took forever to put on his costume. She knocked on the bathroom door again, louder this time, over the sound of the creepy Halloween music that they had found in one of the closets and decided to play. "Magnus, can I come in?" she called, frowning at the door, drumming her fingers against the wall as she waited. She thought she heard a muffled "yeah", so shrugged, opening the door, afraid of what she might find. Magnus loved dressing up. And a lot of the time, he overdid it. What she found this time was pretty good, though.

His fur was died a pale sickly greenish color, all the way from his waist to his forehead, where that color dye suddenly stopped and his fur turned black, combed into a strange sloppily-gelled hairdo that made his head look slightly squared. He had put stitched patterns on his face and arms, and had two pieces of silver metal sticking from either side of his neck. And he was dressed from head-to-toe in black, ending with large boulder-like shoes, which actually belonged to their Dad but that Magnus was borrowing to make his feet look dramatically, comically, large. He put a bland expression on when Pavelle entered the room, trying to complete the "Frankenstein" look. Then he cracked a grin. Pavelle couldn't help smile at his enthusiasm, but rolled her eyes, inspecting her own costume in the mirror. She was wearing a white lab coat, surgical mask and hat, light blue scrubs, and pink plastic gloves. She was also splattered with fake blood. Personally, she thought the blood was a nice touch. Even though it gave her chills to look at, she could cope because she knew it wasn't real. Even though seeing herself coated in blood was threatening to make her relive a couple repressed memories... but she fought that feeling and tried to forget about it. Halloween was one of Magnus' favorite holidays, and she didn't want to ruin it for him. Even though every holiday was one of Magnus' favorites.

She motioned for them to go to the living room, where Felix was waiting. He, to her surprise, had found the concept of Halloween quite fascinating, and had decided to dress up like a killer clown. So he was wearing a grimly striped red and black shirt with a large collar, a grey vest with large buttons, polka-dot black and red baggy pants, black boots, a red greasy-looking clown wig and top hat, and his face was painted white with blood leaking from his mouth, which held fangs, and eyes were darkened with dark, dark red face paint. To top it off, he had also sprayed himself with fake blood, and had found a plastic chainsaw at a costume store in the city and dipped that in blood, since Pavelle had refused to let him carry a real chainsaw with him, like he had wanted to. Now, as she and Magnus entered the room, his eyes brightened, and he handed them their candy bags, all three heading out the door and across the street to Rav's. Magnus' tail, also dyed green, waggled happily through a hole they had made in the back of his pants.

The first thing they saw as they entered Rav's yard was the group of pets. Some of which were inspecting various tombstones on the front yard. Interested, Pavelle started reading. It wasn't long before she found their three, which read:

Here lies Pavelle.
Oh a whim, she went out on a limb...
And it broke.
So did she.

Here lies Magnus.
Turns out the light at the end of the tunnel was a train.

Here "lies" Felix.
Unfortunately, he still won't follow orders and just stay still.
And sticking out of the ground in front of his tombstone was what looked like a zombie hand, which, when it sensed motion, curled its fingers with a whir of tiny machinery.

Pavelle laughed, pointing them out, reading them aloud for Magnus' sake. Felix looked grumpy, but his excitement wasn't blunted for long by the messages. "Let's go to the door and get candy!" he said, grabbing one of Edie's hands and dragging her towards the door.

"But you don't even like candy," she said, frowning, gesturing for Magnus to follow. He was too busy to notice, however, looking wearily at Felix's fake zombie hand and watching it twitch with a look of mingled fear and curiousity on his distraught face. She rolled her eyes again and went with Felix to the door, joining a couple dressed-up pets, waiting for someone to answer their knock.

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 3:10 am
by Buckdida

'So the night begins...'

Venison sighed and got up from the couch, walking over to the door, where candy waiting in a bowl sat upon an end table. He sighed and gave the handle a twist, pulling open the door.

"...and here I expected more children..."

Cier was an air force pilot, he didn't know what Del was, but she looked cute in the red cape. Jester...was...something Venison didn't recognize either. A blue penguin bomber? Some webcomic perhaps? Sekhmet didn't seem to be wearing a costume, but Octavian gave the good impression of a hillbilly. Venison had to admit that Minty and Cinnamon's costume was quite clever. Magnus' costume seemed quite fitting as Frankenstein, and Pavelle was a doctor. Venison didn't like Felix's costume much, as it was far to slasher reminiscent for Venison's taste. But he had to admit it was well done.

"So...who wants candy?"

(OOC: I'm assuming that Ven has met Tory and Sekhmet by this point, even though he has not yet in the main RP. And yes, he calls Tory "Cinnamon." It only makes sense. With the nickname Ven has for O'Connor.)

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 8:25 am
by Kalvin
Balbaroy looked outside and noticed it was starting to get dark. With glee he went to put on his own costume, a brown robe and a round woven basket on the top of his head (specifically shaped to fit on ones head as well), a necklace of thick beads around his neck and some flip flops. It was actually surprisingly easy to see through the woven basket even though it had no eyeholes. He could see through the small gaps in the weaving just fine.


Lucky quickly got bored of hanging around the park. It didn't take long for him to be done with festivities. Shrugging he decided to head to Rav's house since that's where Venison was and that was the only other person he knew who wouldn't celebrate Halloween. As he walked up to the driveway he noticed a tombstone.
Here lies Lucky.
Apparently he wasn't.

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 8:36 am
by Djinn
Djinn was most assuredly NOT excited about Halloween. He dreaded it with all his heart. It was the worst time of year for him. Many people didn't know this, but black cats are normally used for ritualistic sacrifice to Satan on Halloween and there were a surprising amount of closet Satanists in Richardson Valley. This year he had already been chased down a couple of back alleys by men in robes, only getting away because of their clumsiness and his agility. At this point he was sitting up in a tree in front of a house with decorative tombstones in the front, which also seemed to be getting a lot of attention. He chuckled to himself as he watches the door open and all the pets were gathered around.

(SPECIAL note: Since he is black, in a tree, and it is night, I would say it takes at least an 8 perception to spot him. Also I will not be including Glory in this since I feel she hasn't developed enough as a character yet. However I might bring her in by popular demand.)

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 12:37 pm
by Teh Brawler
After a small fight about the tombstones, O'Connor and Tory walked up behind Cier's group, waiting for them to move. "Ah don' kno how ye convinced meh tu do thi'," O'Connor mumbled. "Easy," the parroted cardinal piped up, "I just used pathos to get on your good side." "Aye, aye, le's naw' dwell on yur abeelehtee tu imitate a neu burn pup." As a space opened up for them to step up to the door, Tory cried out, "Raaawk! Trickortreat! Trickortreat!"

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 6:09 pm
by BetaNeon
For Jack, Halloween was a time of excitement and confusion, because this was his first ever one. Though you'd notice by his fathers attempt to understand it, with the house nearly littered with tacky halloween things. While his pa hummed russian tunes, filling a bowl with sweets and chocolate, Jack huddled on the window, wondering what one does in this event. Stay back and help his Pa, or go and try to join others that were better off considered as complete strangers. And what costume? He grumped for a while thinking about this.

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 6:20 pm
by Keeshah
Buckdida wrote: 'Ungh, everyone else is looking forward to this evening. But not me,' Venison thought to himself. He gave his head a shake and scratched behind his ear, then paused a moment. He called out to Rav, "Hey, Ravage! What are you planning for the evening?"

Rav has been busy all day setting up the tomb stones with Sara, staking hay bales, carving pumpkins to make jack-o-lanterns, then he went to a local artists house, where he spent nearly two hours getting his fur dyed white. (well bleached white - someone is going to be a white shepherd for a while after holloween), then having skeletal bones airbrush painted onto him. with blood red highlights on his bony muzzle an paws..
Why i'm going to Trick are fellow pets, then join them in collecting the free booty to be had out there..

then the knock on the door comes..
Ah are first victims are here..
Rav scurries out into the garage, an plugs in the Fog machines.. From the bushes and haybales the steamy white, pina colada scented fog begains to surround the pets at the door... Ooohh creepy music starts as well..
Rav slips out the garages side door an comes around to the front door, leaping over the haybales, the creepy music, an scented fog, hiding his approach until he comes jumping over the haybales suddenly appearing out of the fog..
YyyAargg!! Boo!

(OOC: If you pass by Rav's house, be sure to "see" your tombstone!)

In an open grave, there is a skeleton wearing Rav shocker collar, with bits of fun fur stuck to it.
HERE lays Rav, comsumed by a small hoard of fleas.

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 7:22 pm
by Dylan
Hey Amelia, how does this look? Amelia tried to examine him but couldn't see all of Pyxis, I can't really see you., Pyxis face pawed "Oh right..." Pyxis stepped out of his room, His fur was completely white instead of black, I have to say, it worked really well Amelia, how did you know it would work? Amelia smiled, I just knew it would... Amelia observed Pyxis' head to toe, he wore a plain red cap except the front of it was white, green headphones, a red scarf, black shirt, red gloves and pants, he also wielded a blue toy gun with a star on it. Amelia didn't know what to think, Okay, you got me. Pyxis laughed, Is it really that hard to figure out? let me give you a hint, Its from a game. Amelia smiled a little, Oh, I see...Quote right? Pyxis gave a small jump of joy, Yup! after a moment he settled back down, Well, I think its about time I went of and get me some candy. He walked to the door, but stopped just short of the handle, it felt as if he was missing something, he turned around to see Amelia holding his pumpkin basket. Pyxis Facepawed Oh right... He grabbed the basket as Amelia handed it over, Thanks... Amelia laughed, No problem Pyxis waved goodbye to Amelia, Bye Amelia! Amelia gave a small wave back at Pyxis as he walked out the front door. Pyxis headed down the street towards Rav's house for the first stop. As he walked toward to the door he noticed a tombstone with his name on it. "Here lies Pyxis, Found a box he couldn't get out of." he gave a soft chuckle as he step up to the front porch, Pyxis smiled Hey guys, Trick or treat!

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:26 pm
by ArgentFlame
Del squeaked in surprise when Jester suddenly popped up from behind them. "Hello Jester, nice night isn't it?" Cier said, turning around. "Hello Octavian." He greeted the fox as he walked up. "As for your question, I would have no idea who would win." "It's obvious that Arnold would win, he is the Terminator after all." "It seems we have even more company." Cier said as O'Connor, Tory, Pavelle, Magnus, and Felix arrived. Just then, the door opened.
Buckdida wrote:"...and here I expected more children..."
Sean laughed at that, then held up he pillowcase he had brough along to hold candy, smiling broadly and looking for all the world like a lerge, furry child.

Gradually a slightly scented mist began to permeate the air.
Keeshah wrote: YyyAargg!! Boo!
Rav suddenly jumped out of the fog, causing Del to squeak again.

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:47 pm
by ToastyJester
Jester looks at the trick or treaters that arrived and after hearing Cier's answer he says, "Gah the choices. I'd say Arnold. Not only was he the terminator, but he freakin took on a PREDATOR. Do you know how tough those things are? I mean like... laser cannons, boomarang blade thingies, nets that slice people to bits, they're like one man armies!" After answering he turns back to the door, now opened by Venison and opens up his pack. "Trick or treat dood!", he says, pointing his wing from the candy to his pack. While eagerly anticipating his sweets, he notices a fog appearing in the immediate area. He sniffs the air and smiles peacefully saying, "Mmmm pina colada." As he continues to sniff the air, suddenly a figure comes bursting out of the fog shouting. Jester stumbles back wards in shock and falls onto his back, squirming hopelessly to get back on his feet. "Gah! Somebody help me up!" He says, frantically rocking left and right trying to get at a good angle that would allow him to regain his standing position. He stops and looks through his eye holes, rather awkwardly, and sees it was Rav. "Gah curse you sir. Curse you," Jester states, falling back in his costume and waiting for someone to pull him up.

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:27 pm
by caelei
"So...who wants candy?"
Pavelle smiled, holding forth her bag, and so did Felix, though he looked a little bit suspicious at the candy that Venison held. Could be poisoned... good thing he wasn't planning on eating any of it. Ever. This was purely a competition. He wanted to see if he could rassle up more candy than Pavelle and Magnus. Pavelle, meanwhile, took a customary sweep of the area to her peripheral right and left, and then seemed to realize that they were missing their Frankenstein. She twisted around, spotting him still standing about ten feet from Felix's "grave", every once and a while waving an arm at the zombie hand, causing it to quiver. She rolled her eyes, calling, "Magnus! Come up here and trick-or-treat! Unless you don't want to collect any candy...?" At this, his attention snapped up, and he moved past the hand, even though he still gave it a wide berth, looking over his shoulder at it with a goofily mystified expression on his face.

He stopped behind the other pets, gave Venison a wide grin, and then said, "Trick-or-treat!", enthusiastically eying the candy bowl. Just then, smoke washed over them, and Rav jumped out, causing Magnus to stare at him in confusion, hardly recognizing him with his bleached fur, and Felix to jump nearly a foot back, hands coming up defensively, before he realized that it was a joke and immediately relaxed into a casual position, looking guiltily over at O'Connor to see if the terrier had noticed his negative reaction. Pavelle merely rolled her eyes again, having guessed what had been coming when the smoke appeared.

"No costume?" she asked Venison, cocking her head to the side, gesturing at the others' outfits. "That's no fun." She smiled again.

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:33 pm
by Teh Brawler
O'Connor jumped a foot in the air at Rav's joke, causing Tory to fly into the air. Catching the bird and putting the bird back on his shoulder, he sighed slightly. Then noticing Felix's embarrased glance, he smiled. "Ah won' tell ef yu won'." Then, he walked back up to the porch and called out, "Oi, Beefcake, haow's et goin'?"

((Buck, if you don't remember, "Beefcake" is O'Connor's nickname for Venison.))

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 12:53 am
by Buckdida
Venison chuckled at the pets' varied reactions to Rav's surprise.

"Trick and treat this time, it seems. Sara and Rav really went over the top for this one. A bit much in my opinion, but oh well. Candy for everyone."

Venison picked up Jester first, and dropped three pieces into his pack. Gum, hard candies and dog biscuits mainly. The bowl also contained chocolate for the cats, since they were immune to therobromine, unlike dogs. Venison kept dropping candy into sacks, bags, and containers for the mass of pets that had suddenly gathered by door.
caelei wrote:"No costume?" she asked Venison, cocking her head to the side, gesturing at the others' outfits. "That's no fun." She smiled again.
"Heh, sorry, but Halloween has never been something fun for me, really." Venison lowered his voice a bit. "First one in a long while where I didn't have to worry about the swarm of cops, you know? So yeah, no costume. Sorry. Here. You all can have five pieces. Yeah, fine, even you too Felix."
Teh Brawler wrote:"Oi, Beefcake, haow's et goin'?"
"Eh, not too bad really. Cinnamon really completes your costume there." Venison put four pieces of candy into their sack.

"Alright everybody, sorry, but I'm staying in. Enjoy the night, and for what it's worth, happy Halloween."

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 7:37 am
by Kalvin
Lucky grins at the variety of costumes, waiting for the doorway to clear.
Buckdida wrote:"Alright everybody, sorry, but I'm staying in. Enjoy the night, and for what it's worth, happy Halloween."
Stepping up quickly, hoping he doesn't shut the door, Lucky as politely as he can tries to push his way to the front. "Yo, Venison, mind if I join in... whatever? I don't really care much for Halloween festivities either and I could really use the company. Normally I'd hang with Alex but him and Mai are on some kind of fall vacation with their parents."

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 8:32 am
by Jimmy Jazz
Octavian listened to the answers and about when the smoke started to spread he turned around and said "Ah-ha! Arnold wins again!" raising both his paws. then Rav jumped out and Octavian hopped away a little almost getting ready to punch, be then realizing what was going on. Sekhmet just rolled her eyes still a bit annoyed. but she was handling it better then when she first arrived here. Octavian chuckled at the extreme's Rav went to for his costume and then accepted his candy in a brown paper bag. "Well i hope next Halloween is different Venison, if your still here by then" he said smiling.

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 9:23 am
by BetaNeon
Jack decided to quit moping and moved onto the one person he knew well; Amelia's place. He went up the front porch and ringed the bell. 'Hope she's home.'

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 2:21 pm
by Keeshah
caelei wrote: Just then, smoke washed over them, and Rav jumped out, causing Magnus to stare at him in confusion, hardly recognizing him with his bleached fur, and Felix to jump nearly a foot back, hands coming up defensively, before he realized that it was a joke and immediately relaxed into a casual position, looking guiltily over at O'Connor to see if the terrier had noticed his negative reaction.
Rav stood muzzle to muzzle with magnus, slowly circling the confused pup, before finally dropping out of character an beeping his nose..
Got you!.. MuuHHaaaaaaa
Rav then scratches Felix between his twitchy ears to show him it's all right..
"No costume?" she asked Venison, cocking her head to the side, gesturing at the others' outfits. "That's no fun." She smiled again.
I tried to get Venison to wear the reindeer antlers, an dye his tail white.. but he wouldn't do it, said that he didn't want to end up on someones dinner table as venison for real..

We are having a movie shown in the barn tonight after we all get back.
Mom says it's called, "The Island of Doctor Moreau." must be a beach flick or something..

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 8:11 pm
by Teh Brawler
Buckdida wrote:"Eh, not too bad really. Cinnamon really completes your costume there. Alright everybody, sorry, but I'm staying in. Enjoy the night, and for what it's worth, happy Halloween."
"Aw, come on, Venison! You can come trick-or-treating with us!" Tory called. "Naow, don' pester the lahd, Toreh. 'e's go' 'is own wei o' doin' things."
Keeshah wrote:We are having a movie shown in the barn tonight after we all get back. Mom says it's called, "The Island of Doctor Moreau." must be a beach flick or something..
"Don' saound tu bahd, ahctualleh. Whad'ya sei, Toreh, Wahnt tu sei tha'? Tory ruffled his feathers slightly. "Eh, I don't know. I don't like being scared much. But, hey, why not? Let's go see it after we're done." The two then began to walk off. Before O'Connor walked out of hearing range, though, Tory called out, "Remember, Venison, you've got an open invitation to come with us!"

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 9:42 pm
by Dylan
Amelia heard the door ring, she readied the bowl for the trick-or-treaters. Amelia opened the door expecting a bunch of costume wearing pets and children, but to her surprise found Jack instead. Amelia wrapped her arms around him, Hey Jack! she said happily as she spilled some candy from the bowl.

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 1:10 am
by BetaNeon
Paka ((thats hello in russian)) Amelia. He took the hug happily, even if startled him a bit. When they broke off he insisted in helping her pick up some candy she spilled. I see you expect they're company, yes?

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 12:53 pm
by Dylan
"I see you expect they're company, yes? "

Yeah, I'm expecting some trick-or-treaters, haven't seen any yet, but I guess it will be a matter of time before they show up. Amelia picked up the rest of the candy, she stood up motioning inside the house laughing a little, Come on in, I don't think you came here just to help me pick up candy.

Pyxis bucket got slightly heavier, Thanks Venison, With that, Pyxis walked down the driveway moving to next house.

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 5:58 pm
by BetaNeon
Come on in, I don't think you came here just to help me pick up candy.

I guess I didn't really. With that he he chuckled and stepped into her home But I also didn't really have any plans otherwise.

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:16 pm
by Buckdida
Kalvin wrote:"Yo, Venison, mind if I join in... whatever? I don't really care much for Halloween festivities either and I could really use the company. Normally I'd hang with Alex but him and Mai are on some kind of fall vacation with their parents."
Venison shrugged. "Sure, I don't see why not. I don't think Sara would mind. Come in. Not much to do other than video games or TV or whatever."

Re: A Pet Friendly Halloween (IC)

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 1:25 pm
by caelei
"Heh, sorry, but Halloween has never been something fun for me, really." Venison lowered his voice a bit. "First one in a long while where I didn't have to worry about the swarm of cops, you know? So yeah, no costume. Sorry. Here. You all can have five pieces. Yeah, fine, even you too Felix."
Pavelle accepted some candy, reminding Magnus to do the same. "Well, you're always welcome to catch up with us, if you want to," she said, reminding him, then waving one hand around, "though I'm sure many of the pets around here would say the same. So, anyways, Happy Halloween. And have fun, I suppose." She listened to the bit about Venison in reindeer antlers, and tried to hide a smile, not doing it very successfully.

Felix looked at Venison with half a glower, finally taking his share of the sweets, sniffing it suspiciously before setting it carefully in his bag. "Well, have fun..." he said to Venison sweetly, copying Edie's tone, giving a nasty grin before turning around. Pavelle looked at him, annoyed, but didn't say anything, following, motioning Magnus to come, too.
Rav stood muzzle to muzzle with magnus, slowly circling the confused pup, before finally dropping out of character an beeping his nose..
Got you!.. MuuHHaaaaaaa
Rav then scratches Felix between his twitchy ears to show him it's all right..
Magnus sniffed at him, grinning, finding it easier to recongize the German Shepard this way...

Felix, meanwhile, tried to dodge the coming hand, missed, felt himself get petted, and turned towards Rav, feeling his hands tightening into fists... before throwing another look at Venison, then one at the retreating back of O'Connor, and finally shrugging it off and settling down, though he still looked a bit huffy. Hanging out around pets was always so annoying. You never got to fight anyone without everybody getting all touchy and emotional. Especially when they got hurt. He grumbled, heading away from the house, dragging his feet. Looking now, with a slightly bad mood, at his grave.