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Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:10 pm
by huntersunday
So hey everybody I decided to write myself a fanfic but first I want to explain that this is going to take the story to a totally different path I will try to keep things up with the comic but you will see that this will be quite difficult. Now for the actual story.
Also so that you understand

“Talking to people”
{Talking to themselves}

Things Just Got Complicated

King was just having a normal night’s sleep well as normal as it can get living with wolves. He just couldn’t get to sleep something wasn’t right.
{Why can’t I shake this feeling something is about to happen} King sat up thinking to himself before he nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard that oh so familiar voice come into his mind.

“Because it is King. Now come here and let’s have a little chat.” King was about to ask how he was going to do that but he was interrupted by his world going black. Next thing he was the great fox staring down at him from his regular spot at the DnD table. King just hung his head down he knew whenever he saw this fox something was going to happen.

The fox just smiled “ Ahh come on King I not that bad am I? King just gave him a glare and didn’t say anything. “Well sense you won’t talk I will go ahead and talk, I have decided that this game is a little boring for my taste and it’s time to spice it up!”
King decided to speak up finally annoyed that the fox thought his life was boring “Really how much more does it need to be spiced up you have a psychic dog and a dog that use to be human what else could you possibly need?” The Fox’s grin grew just a bit more at the comment.

“I’m not going to tell you because that would be cheating. Now don’t give me that look or I won’t give you any advice!” King was going to say something but shut his mouth when he heard the fox say the magic word advice. “So that got your attention hum well that’s good to see. Now listen and listen good things are about to go down and its going to get wild! And you are going to need friends to help you when it start to get ruff.”

The fox look at King to make sure he was listening. King at the moment had to many thoughts going through his head at the time to speak. So the fox continued his speech “My advice would be to become friends with the dog named Peanut he will be the most useful to you at the time”.

King snap out of his thoughts at Peanut’s name and started to worry the fox was trying to separate him from Fox. “Why Peanut and not Fox I don’t really know Peanut that well and Fox is my best friend.” The giant fox frowned at the mention of Fox’s name with a sigh he said “Because Fox is going to have to make a decision that will change the whole story luckily that won’t be for a while!”

King was getting a headache from all the stuff he was hearing but decided to keep his mouth shut and let the fox finish. The fox noticing King was listening again decided to continue “Now this is all the advise I am going to give you so use it or don’t I really don’t care but things are about to happen and you WILL need Peanut!”

King just nodded as the fox got a more serious look to his face. “ now our time is up take heed to what I said because it’s going to get complicated but before I let you go do one thing for me. “Said the fox.

“What are you going to say wake up again?” smirked King. “No mister smarty pants I was going to say watch your head”. “ Wha..” King was about to say but before he could the fox snap his fingers and then a smacking nose was heard throughout Mile’s house from King slamming his head into the bookshelf above his bed.

{{God what could be happening now!?} Was King’s last thought before he went back to sleep rubbing the bump on his head.

At the Sandwich’s house Peanut couldn’t sleep he was burning up his skin felt as though it was on fire. After tossing around for what seemed to be hours he decided to go outside and read a book hoping the night air would cool him down. As he tried to hold the book he realized Reading didn’t seem to be an option because he just couldn’t sit still so he started to play with some toy cars he had on the porch.

“ The drivers are going around the corner their coming to the next turn and then Snap one hit the wall” Peanut snapped his fingers to help make the noise when out of nowhere the little toy car caught fire. Peanut jump up as fast as he could and started to stamp out the fire with his foot. Smashing the car with his paw as quietly as he could so he didn't wake anyone. A few minutes later the fire was put out leaving one confused Peanut sitting on the porch.

{What just happened why did it catch on fire?} Peanut just didn’t understand what was happening but he didn’t feel like he was burning up anymore in fact he felt rather good but also tired.He tried to think on it but it seemed the goodness he felt was slowly spreading through his body making him more tired. So deciding that sleep was a really good idea he made his way back to his room.Never noticing his foot didn't get burned from the flames.

He finally made it to his room barely able to stand his body just felt to good for him to care but he had enofe sense to have on last thought before he passed out.{did I do that?}
So I hope you guys enjoyed it I will try to update once a week but I work a lot so it might not be on time every time so go ahead and tell me what you think and give me any ideas you have.

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:40 pm
by copper
It's a good start, huntersunday. Hah! Peanut has Grapes power... It's a reference, don't worry about it.

I like it so far. Can't wait to find out how King goes about getting Peanut as a friend.

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:31 pm
by Hopper200456
I like it! But, I have one piece of advice, (Now, this is not something you have to do, just a suggestion.) Maybe you should use "the Fox's" name instead of just: "The Fox". When I was reading it I got a little confused because you're using "Fox", and "The Fox".
But, that's just my opinion... :D

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:48 pm
by huntersunday
Hopper200456 wrote:I like it! But, I have one piece of advice, (Now, this is not something you have to do, just a suggestion.) Maybe you should use "the Fox's" name instead of just: "The Fox". When I was reading it I got a little confused because you're using "Fox", and "The Fox".
But, that's just my opinion... :D
Thanks i mainly used the fox because there really is no name for him

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:59 pm
by Hopper200456
huntersunday wrote:
Hopper200456 wrote:I like it! But, I have one piece of advice, (Now, this is not something you have to do, just a suggestion.) Maybe you should use "the Fox's" name instead of just: "The Fox". When I was reading it I got a little confused because you're using "Fox", and "The Fox".
But, that's just my opinion... :D
Thanks i mainly used the fox because there really is no name for him
Oh, sorry. Didn't know. >.< Well, anyway, great story Start. ;)

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:15 pm
by Barkeron
huntersunday wrote:
Hopper200456 wrote:I like it! But, I have one piece of advice, (Now, this is not something you have to do, just a suggestion.) Maybe you should use "the Fox's" name instead of just: "The Fox". When I was reading it I got a little confused because you're using "Fox", and "The Fox".
But, that's just my opinion... :D
Thanks i mainly used the fox because there really is no name for him

"The Fox" was you referring to the Great Kistune?

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:51 am
by Kondog
Nice Start! Peanut and king would will be an interesting combination to say the lest!
Thanks i mainly used the fox because there really is no name for him
he Fox" was you referring to the Great Kistune?
I Totality feel you there, From a Fanfic perspective I really wish Great Kistune had a name! it really bugs me that he dose not.

huntersunday! I really like your story thus far! and its nice to have a new Fic to read. I can't wait to find out how king manages to make peanut a friend :D

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 8:58 am
by huntersunday
“Talking “

Things Just Got Complicated
Chap 2

King was just sitting outside Mile’s house trying to think if he knew anything at all about Peanut. After a lot of deep thought he let out a huge sigh putting his head in his hands. [I honestly don’t know anything about him except that according to Fox he is a fast reader and is always happy. Hmm sort of like a female dog I know well except for the reading part.]

King let out another sigh he was in a jam all he could think of was that stupid fox even making him do this. He wasn’t even a dog why does he need to make friends. King also knew that not taking the fox’s advice would be stupid.

Finally after what seemed hours King jumped from his spot and shouted” I will just go to his house and talk to him that always how I use to make friends!” King was excited about his new found will to make friends with Peanut but it only lasted a second before his head dropped down again as he mumbled “ But I have no idea where he lives.”

Mean while right down the street there was a black cat trying not to laugh at seeing a dog just scream in the middle of the street at no one. The cat decided to go see what was up with this strange dog. “Yo why are you screaming out at nothing?”

King jumped at the question not knowing someone was there. He turns to see a cat with a bell on its collar and was that a chunk bit out of his ear! “Umm I got excited about going somewhere then realized I didn’t know where that somewhere was”

The cat just smiled “Maybe I can be of some help I know this neighborhood better than anybody, by the way my name is Max.” King couldn’t believe his luck someone was here to help him. “My name is King and I am looking for peanuts house do you know where it is”

At the Question Max couldn’t help but burst out laughing. “Yeah I know where it is my girlfriend lives there and also its right in front of you!” King just looked at the cat then looked at the house in front of him and in the front yard there was a sign saying sandwich.
King face palmed so hard that Max even flinched before saying “well if that’s all you need I will be heading out I got a Bino to mess with.” Max just waved at king as he ran down the street.

King just stared at the house for the longest time before building up the nerve to go to the front door. He was reaching for the knocker when. BAMM the door swung open and smacked him in the head as a fuming Peanut stomped out the door.

“Fine Grape don’t believe but I am telling you it was not a dream!” Peanut said while slamming the door. He was about to walk off when he heard a whimper. Peanut quickly spun around to see a very dazed corgi lying on his porch.

“Dude are you okay?” Peanut screamed picking up the dog to see if there was any damage. His anger almost gone out of worry for the dog. King was just out of his daze to reply “Oh I’m fine it seems my head can take a good beating”! Peanut let out a sigh of relief at the dog talking he thought he might have been really hurt.

“I’m sorry for smacking you I was a little ticked off but why are you here?” Peanut asked staring at the dog. King looked at peanut his mind full of thoughts he knew he couldn’t blow this chance. “I was coming to introduce myself to you we never really got to talk and I am still knew around here so I thought it would be good to make more friends.”King was worried if he was a little rash with his explanation but his worries where gone when he saw Peanuts face brighten up.

“Cool it’s always good to make new friends my name is peanut by the way.” Peanut said with a smile as he reached his hand out to shake Kings [Weird he didn’t offer to sniff my but witch I’m fine with] King smiled and shook his hand “I’m King “

“Nice to meet you king so you feel like going for a walk I need to vent out.” Peanut asked with a smile. King couldn’t believe his luck here was the dog who he needed to befriend and it was becoming real easy there was no way he would turn down and offer as good as this.

“Sure why not.” So then King and Peanut started to walk and talk about things like Bino being stupid a lot of books Peanut has read, Bino being stupid, Grape being a pain, the wolves cubs being a pain and last but not least Bino being stupid.

King couldn’t believe how well he was getting along with Peanut they both liked the same things and hated Bino two points for Peanut in King’s book.
After a while King finally felt like he could ask a Question that was on his mind “So Peanut if I might ask why you were so mad earlier today?” Peanut just sighed he knew king was going to ask that eventually. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you” said Peanut as he got a sad look on his face.

King just smile “well we won’t know until you tell me if I believe you or not” Peanut just smiled before giving King a recap of what happened on the porch and grape not believing him.

King sat and listens to peanut as they crossed the street. Peanut was just done with his story.” So what do you think sounds pretty crazy huh?” King was about to responded when a screeching noise was heard as he turned to see a car coming right at him out of control. He thought he heard Peanut scream his name but all he had the time to do was close his eyes bring his arms up to his face and scream “STOP!”

King waited for the hit but nothing came maybe he was dead and he didn’t feel the hit. Finally after what seem like hours he lowered his arms and slowly opened his eyes to see what happened and his jaw dropped.

The car and the driver were completely stop no not more like froze the drivers face and the car was stuck in mid motion. Not believing what he was seeing he turned to ask Peanut if he saw the same thing only to see that he wasn’t moving either he even had his face in the same horrified look it was in when they saw the car.

King’s head was in turmoil everything wasn’t moving there was a bird in the sky being perfectly still and not falling. King still had enough sense to move out of in front of the car and stood by Peanut.
“Did I do this?”He said to no one. [Alright King think if you did this how did you do it and how do you undo it?] King sat down and thought of what happened all he could think of was when he said stop it must of happen so if saying stop made everything stop then….[No it couldn’t be that simple could it?]

King stood up and grabbed Peanut taking him away from the car making sure nothing else would happen he sucked in his breath and screamed “GO”

Several things happened at once one Peanut’s screamed of King’s name continued tow the car slid to a stop and three the bird was not harmed in the making of the story.
Peanut couldn’t believe what he was seeing he was right over there when the car was about to hit his new friend and now he was on the side walk with said friend not harmed at all. “Umm King what just happened?”

“Let’s just say I believe your story Peanut.”

HI guys Hunter speaking I have decided that I’m going to make this fun for every one so listen closely

I want every main houspets character to have a power and by main I mean everyone except the woodland creators the zoo and the Radom cats you barely ever see so here is the deal.

I want you to decide who and what power they get and lets be smart here not something stupid or something immature a real super power if you post your ideas I will pick one that sounds the best and give credit to the person at the end of my story.

Also no copying any powers someone already has and once a pick one example Bino has the ability to use sonic wave when he screams. That will be it if I pick it Bino will be out and so will sonic screech.

But there is one more goodie to be had I need a villain and I have already decided what power he will have but here is the twist he will only come to exist when you name the person with the power I want so this makes it interesting because it could end up being anyone Zack, Fido or even spo. They will become the villain and up to you who it is so have fun can’t wait to see the posts

Peanut: Ability pyro created by huntersunday
King: ability time manipulation created by huntersunday

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:38 pm
by Kondog
Awesome update! Very descriptive and you did a Great Job putting Peanut and king together on common ground! This has the making of an Very EPIC FIC!!!

But there is one more goodie to be had I need a villain and I have already decided what power he will have but here is the twist he will only come to exist when you name the person with the power I want so this makes it interesting because it could end up being anyone Zack, Fido or even spo. They will become the villain and up to you who it is so have fun can’t wait to see the posts

Great concept!!! :!:


Bino: Green Eye Beams\ X-ray vision

Maxwell: Power of generate and control magnetism!

Joey : shapeshifting :lol:

Sasha: The power to phase through matter/ like walking through walls ect.

Tiger: The Ability to eat Anything! :lol:

Miles: Super- Endurance

Marvin Arbelt: Empathic

Sergeant Ralph,Officer Kevin: Bullet proof

Fiddler and Keys: Trance songs like a Bard or better yet like Jigglypuff !!!

Well that's all I can thank about ATM... What a Fun way to spend a lunch break YOU Rock huntersunday!

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 2:35 pm
by ChristopherJackal
Oh I'm liking this more and more! :D awesome update and now I'm all excited and stuff!

My power Ideas:
Bino: Mind reading and/or control, he's already a bit paranoid so would be fun if he knew what everyone was really thinking about him and what he can do about it.
Joey: I agree with Kondog! Shapeshifting! He wants to be a cat, and he'd be able to be a mouse for Squeek!
Maxwell: Invisibility! He likes to be a jerk and mess with people. it'll be so much easier invisible!
Grape: Duplication! Let's face it one Grape just isn't enough! :lol:
Spo: Change size! Spo is a little mouse with a big attitude so it works!
Fox: super speed, then he'd be swift as a fox! (I know lame joke... don't shoot me!)
Sasha: Siren's Song (Sound Manipulation) she plays the piano so maybe it'll work? Just get a more mobile instrument and she's good to go!
Fido: Force Field, it's kinda lame but hey protecting is what Fido does!
That's all I got...

I know some kinda suck, but I couldn't think of anything else!

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:35 pm
by huntersunday
thanks everybody for the posts I think I have already picked a winner for the next chp but no one got my villains power so keep at it and you guys will see the new power next chp!

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:06 pm
by chronocrosser
Love it mean it. Personally I don’t think any ofthem should have a power that would reveal king was human.
My Power idea’s.

Fox: Power over light manipulation and creation.

Bino: Gravity manipulation/ Telekinesis. Likes things to move to his whim.

Joey: Illusions. Puts his imagination to good use.

Fido: Super strength and or flight. The old super standby.

Grape: Water manipulation and creation. It would be so funny to see her reaction.

Maxwell: Teleportation

Sasha: Ice manipulation and creation.

Tiger: Electricity manipulation and creation.

Rex: Healing himself and others. I almost let Sasha have this but then I thought lets give it to someone they wouldn’t suspect.

Marvin: Earth manipulation. Couldn’t think of anything that fit.

Zatch: Plant manipulation and creation. Nice forest theme.

Ralph: Radar senses.

Kevin: Canine cannon ball.

Mr. Bigglesworth(All): Telepathically Linked

Daisy: Can become a total genius for a short amount of each day.

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:13 pm
by copper
Great update, huntersunday. My favorite part was Peanut using Dude. Dude! I love Dude!

Powers. Oh boy, where do I start?

Joey- The power to bring his art to life. Whatever he draws, and then touches, comes to life.

Grape- Needle fur. Whenever she gets angry, her fur stands on end, and becomes as hard as steel. She can launch the fur of her arms, legs, and tail.

Fido- Healing power. He is the knight in shining armor, so he will automatically get involved in conflicts on the front line, so he will need this power to heal his wounds. He will basically be able to have unlimited stamina that way.

Bino- Mind control through his voice. By saying "Listen to Me" he can control anyone he wants. They basically become his minion until he says "I'm through with you" which is the key phrase to end it. It is his dream, after all.

Sasha- Infatuation. She can make any member of the opposite sex fall in love with her by winking at them. Much like Bino's power, she can control them. I thought Her power should be like Bino's since they are dating, and she can act as a counterbalance for him...

Well, that's it for now. I have more, but only if you want more.

Oh! And Illusions are out, since that is Tarot's power in the comic...

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:40 am
by huntersunday
well here is the deal I plan on every chp at least showing one character gaining there power maybe two but the deal is still there if they don't pop up in the comic with a power then they are free game so you can re-post as many times as you like with different powers Intel they run out.

Also one of you has guessed the power I wanted and has now made the villain but I am not telling you who or when they will appear but it will come soon! :mrgreen:

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:00 pm
by Kondog
Awesome I can't wait the suspense is killing me! :D out of curiosity how do schedule your updates I mean like are they planned for a particular date or as they arrive :?:

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:08 pm
by huntersunday

Things Just Got Complicated
Chap 3

King just sat there staring at Peanut who at the time looked to be in deep thought. Not that he could blame him a lot did just happen in a very short time span. Peanut finally looked up at King with a smile.

“So you can stop and start time that is so cool!” Peanut just smiled at that. King hung his head low of course Peanut would just find it cool and not try to figure out why they had these powers. Figuring he would have to get Peanut to see the big picture he looked back at him with seriousness in his face.

“Okay Peanut we need to get things straight. First we have powers but can we control them?” King almost face palmed when Peanut responded. “Does it matter if we can control it?” Peanut asked tilting his head to the side. King had to hold back the urge to start screaming and took a deep breath.

“Yes it does we don’t want you to randomly set a building on fire do we?” Peanut was about to respond but King beat him to it. “First of all can you do what you did last night again Peanut?” Peanut just kept staring at King trying to think of how the car caught on fire.

“Well all I really can remember was thinking about the car crashing into a wall and snap it caught on fire!” King just sat there and took the knowledge in but something didn’t seem right with the story something had to be missing. “Peanut are you sure you didn’t do anything else to make it happen?”

Peanut just put his hand to his chin and started to think of all that had happened that night. All he could remember was that he also snapped his finger….” Wait I also snapped my fingers when it happened! Peanut raised his hand and snapped his fingers to see what would happen.

All King had time to do was quickly drop to the ground and begin to roll around because his tail had just caught flames. “Ahh Peanut help me!” Peanut was freaking out he didn’t mean to catch King’s tall on fire he didn’t know what to do but before he could freak out any more a voice came into his head. [You control the flame it doesn’t control you] Peanut didn’t have time to think about the voice or who it came from instead he reached his hand out and thought [come to me].

King stop rolling on the ground because the burning feeling was gone he turned to see if he even still had a tail. After seeing his little tail was still there just missing a couple of hairs he turned to see what Peanut had done but nearly fell down at the site that was before him. Peanut was standing there just like normal except for the fact that from the top of his shoulder to the end of his right was caught on fire.

“Peanut doesn’t that burn you?” King was worried about his new friend’s safety until Peanut started laughing. “This is so cool I can move the flames with my mind and it doesn’t burn me I’m like my own personal flamethrower!” Peanut’s face just brighten up as he made the flame leave his arm and started to shape like making a ball and started throwing it up in the air and catching it. He was so into his new found ability that he didn’t notice King yelling his name.

“Peanut!” Peanut!” King kept trying to get his friend’s attention but to no avail Peanut was just playing with his fire witch wouldn’t have been a problem if it wasn’t for the fact they were standing in the middle of the neighborhood.

Finally King had enough with Peanut not listening and decided to test a theory he had. “Peanut Stop!” King yelled while closing his eyes when he reopened them it was the way he thought it would be. Everything was stop including Peanut. The little dog just shook he head as he started to drag Peanut away from the road to the back yard of Mile’s house.

King started to thank his lucky stars that the wolves were on one of their hunting trips so he didn’t have to explain things he didn’t really know how to explain. Seeing that they were in the clear he said “Go”. Peanut started up again where he had left of playing with his fire until he felt a tapping on his shoulder.

When he turned to see who it was he finally realized he wasn’t where he was a second ago. “Umm King did you move us again?” King was real close to snapping on Peanut but he couldn’t really blame him it did feel good to stop time on his own and not by pure terror.

“Yes Peanut I did because you were throwing your fire around in the middle of the street what would have happened if someone saw?” Peanut just lowered his ears to his head and said “sorry I was too into the fire to think my bad.”

King felt bad for making his new friend feel bad but there were more important things at stake here. He was about to start talking when he noticed that the sun was starting to set.” Listen Peanut it’s getting late and I’m starting to feel tired”. Peanut just nodded because he too was feeling tired.

King seeing he still had his friends attention kept going “Now listen Peanut I need you to do me a favor.”Peanuts ears perked up at the word favor. “What do you need?” King just let out a sigh because he knew this was going to be hard for Peanut to do but it had to be done.

“You can’t tell anyone yet about our new powers.” King was ready for Peanut to start yelling about not being able to use his powers but to his surprise he heard nothing. Looking up he saw peanut in the same thinking pose he was earlier.

Peanut just looked down at his friend and responded “I guess I could do that it would be a little weird walking up to mom and going hey look I make fire she probably freak.” King was surprised at Peanuts response and sort of felt bad for not having that much faith in his friend but he was broken out of his thoughts by peanut talking again.

“Hey King do you think we could meet up tomorrow and discus what to do next” King just smiled at his friend and said “Yes Peanut we can.” Peanut smiled back.the friends said there goodbyes and headed home both wondering what would happen the next day.

He was getting ready for tonight he was just too excited he always got this way before he went out to the ally way. He was so into his thoughts he wasn’t listening to the little voice talking to him. “Joey are you listening to me?” Squeak was trying to get him to listen but Joey always got this way before he went out to go role-play.

Joey finally realized Squeak was talking to him and smiled “ sorry you know I always try to get into part before I go out” Squeak just rolled her eyes at this she loved her boyfriend but sometimes he was just so strange. “Then by all means get into your part.” She had to admit she loved watching Joey start to get into character it was always funny to watch him start thinking to himself.

Joey just smiled and started to do his normal thing where he told himself he was a cat. [You are a cat, you are a cat, you are a CA] His thoughts were caught off by a small scream he turned to see what it was only to see Squeak with a look of pure terror on her face.

“Squeak what’s wrong you looked scared to death?” Squeak just backed away from him and tried to find the right words. “You...your skin starte…started to move around an...and now you are a..a” Joey was starting to get worried about his girlfriend. “A cat!” Squeak finally had enough courage to say getting over her fear just a little bit realizing it was still Joey and he wouldn’t hurt her.

Joey was confused he didn’t understand what she meant until he saw himself in the mirror right next to squeak he almost fell over at what he saw. Instead of his normal ears lying on the side of his head his where now sanding up and pointy, his eyes now had slits in them and his nose was a lot smaller. But the most notable change was he fur had turn into a bright yellow.

Joey just stared at his reflection for what seemed like hours before he responded “ This is so AWESOME!” At hearing her boyfriend’s response Squeak face palmed so hard that the writer felt it.

So everybody I hoped you enjoyed this one the next might take a little bit but I will try the same thing goes like the last chap you get to help pick their powers here is who is out of the running.

Peanut: Ability pyro created by huntersunday
King: ability time manipulation created by huntersunday
Joey: Ability shapeshifting created by Kondog and ChristopherJackal

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:10 pm
by huntersunday
Kondog wrote:Awesome I can't wait the suspense is killing me! :D out of curiosity how do schedule your updates I mean like are they planned for a particular date or as they arrive :?:
umm I don't really know its mostly when I have the time to do it I work 10pm to 7 am so finding time might be hard but i will try to post when I can and will post when its going to be a while for me to post

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:09 pm
by Kondog
Great Update! there are so many awesome things in this update, You captured peanuts personality flawlessly! - and poor king for getting his tail set on fire! - And joey at the end was perfect - :D lol maybe I am a little bias --Great Job!
umm I don't really know its mostly when I have the time to do it I work 10pm to 7 am so finding time might be hard but i will try to post when I can and will post when its going to be a while for me to post
Don't worry about it- you keep cranking out awesome work like this and people will wait for however long it takes! --You just made my Friday! :D It's--Corona time--baby! E-cheers

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:32 pm
by copper
Fourth Wall Break! Fourth Wall Break!!!!! :lol:

Nice chapter. you really have the characters down, dude.

I still go with what I said with the other powers, and add that Fox should have electrical powers. He is the only pet responsible and level headed enough to be able to wield an elemental power responsibly. That, and the electrical powers would help to ward off mind control. It would!

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:22 am
by ChristopherJackal
Bit late for a comment but YUS! Joey can shapeshift! Technically Kondog beat me to that guess but it's still awesome! :mrgreen: Also I'm excited for the villian

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 3:08 am
by huntersunday
hey guys thanks for the comments I am working on the new chap soon I ve been real busy I will try to get it up soon sorry for the wait.

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 5:58 pm
by huntersunday
“Talking to people”
{Talking to themselves}

Things Just Got Complicated
Chap 4

Joey just couldn’t stop jumping up and down with joy at his new looks. Squeak on the other hand was trying to get his attention. “Joey you need to calm down for a second and think!” Squeak screamed.

But Joey wasn’t really paying any attention to her he couldn’t even take his eyes of the mirror in front of him. Finally having enough squeak said the one thing she knew would get his attention.
“Joey if you don’t start listening to me I’m going to eat your dnd books.”

Joey nearly tripped over himself when he rushed to protect his books. “Please don’t threaten my books there expensive!” Squeak just shook her head her boyfriend was so predictable sometimes it hurt. Realizing she got him to look at her. She tried to reason with him again.

“Now that you’re listening to me will you stop and realize you just turned into a cat?” Joey just nodded not wanting to upset Squeak. “First of all what where you doing just now before you turned into a cat?” Joey closed his eyes and started to think of what he did before he changed.

“I was getting into character that’s all I really remember”. At Joey’s response Squeak tried to think what could have caused the effect when it hit her. “Were you doing that thing were you tell yourself you are a cat?” Joey just nodded his head. Squeak got a huge smile on her face.

“Joey do me a favor try to image yourself as a mouse and tell yourself you are a mouse.” Joey just shrugged his shoulders what harm could it due. He closed his eyes and imagined being small always afraid of being stepped on or eaten then he told himself he was a mouse!

The next thing he heard was a tiny gasp form in front of him curious what it was he opened his eyes. To his surprised he was staring at Squeak at eye level. Joey could barely keep his balance as Squeak ran and jumped in his arms. He couldn’t help but thank his lucky stars he was given this gift he never thought him and Squeak could have the relationship they always wanted but now they both could be happy.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of crying. Joey was starting to worry about Squeak but before he could ask she spoke. “Joey I’m so sorry this isn’t right I love you as Joey not this I shouldn’t be so happy that you can be a mouse when I love you as a dog!” Joey just couldn’t hold it in he started to laugh and couldn’t stop.

Squeak was getting angry that he was laughing at her she tried to get out of his grip but he was letting her go.”If you’re going to laugh at me then I well just leav...” she was cut off by Joey kissing her. Seeing he had her attention he smiled at her.

“You think that I don’t know that you love me for me then you’re crazy” Squeak just stared at her lover as he continued. “I mean you’ve been there for me for a while you put up with my friends and my DnD obsession just because I have a different look doesn’t mean I’m no longer me.”

Squeak just lowered her head onto his shoulder and cursed herself of course Joey wouldn’t get upset with her being happy over his new form he was to nice of a person that he only cared about her happiness. Joey continued speaking to her this time more softly. “Besides I think I’m getting the hang of this changing thing so it’s not like I can’t change back you know and also...” But he too was interrupted by Squeak kissing him.

Squeak was still crying but this time over happiness” I’m sorry I’ve should of realized I was talking to a crazy role-playing puppy.” Joey was starting to frown at her words but she kept going” Who is the nicest dog I have ever met and loved.

Joey just smiled but it didn’t last long because he passed out. Squeak barely had time to react and catch him before he hit the ground. She started to worry until she heard him snoring. She just smiled and dragged him to bed.

She just stared at his new form just now realizing he still had the rings around his eyes just like he normally did and instead of gray fur he had black. Squeak just couldn’t help but smile for it was the first of many nights she got to sleep with her arms around her boyfriend.

[Tonight I’m going to prank Bino so bad he won’t know what hit him] a certain black cat was thinking to himself as he started to feel a bucket with stuff the writing thought to disgusting to write about. Max just smiled to himself he was going to Bino so bad that everybody would be talking about it.

He was standing outside the good old dogs club preparing his trap witch surly was going to bring him fame when he heard a couple of dogs heading his way. Max started to freak out he didn’t want to get caught but there was nowhere to go.

He started to look around frantically but to no prevail. Then he noticed a ladder leading up to the roof of the clubhouse not taking the time to check if it was safe he started to climb.

He stayed on the ladder until the dogs walked past him he just smiled. [Dogs are supposed to have great sense of smell and they didn’t even notice m…] His thoughts were cut off by a cracking sound and the next thing he knew he was falling off the ladder heading straight for his bucket.

Timed seemed to slow down for Max as he was falling the only thought he had ion his head though was{ Stupid you should of gotten on the roof the roof wouldn’t have broken] Max just closed his eyes and waited for the incoming smash that was going to hurt when he felt a pulling sensation.

After a few minutes and never hearing a crash or feeling like he was covered in goo he opened his eyes. The first thing he notice was he was on solid ground and that he was staring down at the broken ladder and bucket.

Realizing he was on the roof of the club house almost made him fall of again from shock. Max just looked around wandering what just happened and what was the pulling sensation was but before he could think any more into it he passed out on the roof from exhaustion.

His last thought going through his head being {Grapes not going to believe this]

King was too excited to sleep so he decided to walk around it always calmed him he was just about to go home when he heard a cracking noise. He turned to see the cat that had helped him earlier falling from a ladder.

He was going to stop time to save him but before he could the cat disappeared and then reappeared on the roof. King was shocked to say the least but didn’t have enough time to think on it because the cat passed out and fell from the roof.

Right before he hit the ground King screamed “Stop!” Max stopped just a split second away from hitting the ground. King rushed over and placed Max on the ground. {Great another one with powers what’s next?] King thought to himself as he restarted time and slowly dragged Max to Mile’s house.

Putting Max in one of the cub’s beds he decided that Max will need someone to talk to when he wakes up and put the bed besides his.
Now being tired from all of today’s events King finally went to sleep knowing tomorrow was going to be Complicated.

Hey guys hoped you like the new chap and power thanks for the great ideas and keep them going I need more fuel also don’t worry about the villain just yet you will know when he or she comes around it will be pretty obvious.

Peanut: Ability pyro created by huntersunday
King: ability time manipulation created by huntersunday
Joey: Ability shapeshifting created by Kondog and ChristopherJackal
Maxwell: ability Teleportation created by chronocrosser

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 7:14 pm
by Kondog
Wow! - What an update!... Joey & Squeak together at last - :D huntersunday you just made my day! I don't say cute very often but mannn that was Cute... :D
Squeak just couldn’t help but smile for it was the first of many nights she got to sleep with her arms around her boyfriend.

Best line!

And Maxwell with - Transportation Great !!
One minor note when you change perspectives you might want a breaker or double space.

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 7:44 pm
by ChristopherJackal
So much Dawww for Joey and Squeak! :D They can be serious contenders for cutest couple now! Well maybe, Grapenut is just too cute, so maybe second place? Also respect points for Max for wanting to prank Bino! He probably deserves it! King will be up for a surprise when he realizes how many others there really is! Great job on the update!

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 7:54 pm
by Kondog
So much Dawww for Joey and Squeak! :D They can be serious contenders for cutest couple now!
Joey & Squeak!>grapenut---- There I said it!

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:50 pm
by copper
Nice update. Joey and Squeak are very DAWW worthy.

I wonder how Max will react when he wakes up next to King. :lol:

As for ideas? Uh... how about Rex with super speed or Sabrina with the power of darkness or something?

Rex would have been perfect for time stoppage since he collects watches... Oh well.

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:24 am
by loomCAT
Joey & Squeak make a cute couple when someone actually bothers to flesh out their relationship. Good job!

I guess we can expect the next several chapters to be just about revealing who has what powers. I have no complaints, but I will state that I'm excited about where you will take this after revealing everyone's abilities.

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:43 am
by huntersunday
Thanks for the comments everybody really helps me with ideas I also plan on making the plot start to roll beware everyone the villain will appear next chp

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 1:50 am
by Barkeron
A little late to the whole game but, these powers are awesome. :)

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:37 pm
by huntersunday
Barkeron wrote:A little late to the whole game but, these powers are awesome. :)
no your not late I said you guys can keep giving ideas on powers and who gets them until they are already taken like max is now out along with teleportation but other people like fido etc. dont have powers yet so go ahead and give ideas if you want.

Also I hate to say this but I lied earlier I got to thinking and its still to soon for the villain when the story builds up a bit more he or she will come in sorry for the mis lead.

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 12:19 am
by ChristopherJackal
It's cool dude, we can wait to see who the villian is! Also were you going to include fiddler and keys? Because I think maybe one of them can have the power I originally put for Sasha! makes more sense! Power to control sound waves and whatnot. Not really sure about the other though...

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:23 am
by huntersunday
ChristopherJackal wrote:It's cool dude, we can wait to see who the villian is! Also were you going to include fiddler and keys? Because I think maybe one of them can have the power I originally put for Sasha! makes more sense! Power to control sound waves and whatnot. Not really sure about the other though...
I might add them in but at the moment I'm focusing on main characters but I will say I am surprised no one mention the ferrets

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 2:37 pm
by Kondog
Thats because they are Uber rich. Money is power... just ask Batman Lex Luther or Opera ...
The ferrets get powers too cool INC ideas :)

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 9:09 pm
by huntersunday
“Talking to people”
{Talking to themselves}

Things Just Got Complicated
Chap 5
Peanut was just way too excited. He couldn’t wait until his meeting with King. In fact he was in such a rush he didn’t even disturbed Grape from her sleep. As he ran to the front door telling his parents he would be back later but before he could get any further Ms.
Sandwich said “ Peanut come eat some breakfast before you go”.

Peanut was about to tell her he was too busy but Mr. Sandwich interrupted him with “Its bacon!” Now even though he wanted to go out and hang with King he was a dog by heart and what dog could turn down bacon. Peanut swallowed down his food like it was no tomorrow. After finishing his food he quickly ran to the door and whooshed it open.

SMACK!! “Aaaaaa!” And hit Joey straight in the face! Peanut started to freak out when he saw he had hit Joey. “Joey man are you okay? I’m so sorry dude it seems me and doors is a dangerous thing.”

Joey just glared at his friend as he got off the ground but the glare soon turned into a smile as he responded “It’s okay Peanut I’ll forgive you if you can spare a few minutes of your time.” Peanut just stared at Joey and then to the house across the street he was in a rush but what could a few minutes hurt.

“Sure why not “Peanut said with a smile. He was going to ask what he needed but he was already being pulled by Joey toward the abandon house down the road. The house was cold and dark not the normal dark but darker. Peanut always had bad feelings about the house like it was a hideout for something truly evil. (Like a nonstop video of the uses of corn).

Peanut let out a breath he didn’t even knew he was holding in when Joey lead them to the back yard. Joey took Peanut to the center of the yard and started to look around to see if anyone was there. After seeing all was clear Joey looked at Peanut with such seriousness that Peanut gulped.

“Listen Peanut there something that I need to show you but I need you to promise me what you see hear will not be told.” Joey just stared at Peanut waiting for him to respond. Peanut being to shock at the way Joey was acting just nodded.

Joey’s face lost all its seriousness and turned happy when he saw Peanuts answer. “okay Peanut I need to show this to somebody I trust and you’re my best friend so try not to freak out or scream.” Joey backed away from Peanut and closed his eyes. {I am a cat I am a cat}

Peanut nearly fell over from shock as he watched Joey’s fur start to ripple around his body his natural brown hair was starting to turn into a bright yellow his ears stated to stand up on his head and grow smaller plus pointier. What shock Peanut most was his face slowly got smaller his mussel shrinking down and growing whiskers.

Finally after what seemed like forever Joey open his eyes to show that now his eyes were deep amber and his pupils were slited instead of rounded. Joey just smiled at Peanuts expression and said. “So what do you think?”
Peanut was at a lost for words it was the coolest thing he ever saw. Joey was starting to get worried that peanut was going to freak out on him.

Peanut just started to laugh uncontrollably . Joey just raised his eyebrow at his friend's antics. Peanut finally stop laughing enough to speak. "If you think that is freaky watch this". Peanut brought his hand in front of him and SNAP. Joey nearly fell from shock when Peanut's hand caught flames.

" Thats so awesome" was all Joey could say. Peanut then started to tell his friend about what he and King where doing and about how he was heading there right now.
Max was having a very strange day for one thing he had woken up in a place that he has never been in that smelled very strongly of dog. And to top it all off the dog he met the other day was standing there with a tray full of food.

King just smiled at the cat in-front of him. He set the tray down in front of him and took a seat in the chair next to the cat. Max took all of about two seconds to start devouring the food in front of him. King figured now would be the best time to talk.

"so Max I find it fnny that I watched you fall from a roof then all of a sudden disappear only to reappear on said roof." Max wasn't really paying attention his mind was still on the food in front of him. "In fact if it wasn't for my power you would have hit the ground and hit it hard"
This caught Max's attention " You have powers to?" King just smiled " Yes and so does Peanut in fact he will be here soon to talk about it."

Max was about to respond when the door slammed open "King guess what Joey has a power to". Screamed Peanut as he ran into the room dragging Joey behind him only to stop in his tracks when he say Max was there Slapping his hand to his mouth.

King just shook his head at his new fond friend "Its okay Peanut Max here can teleport." Peanut just smiled "that's so cool Joey here can transform." King just smiled " I figured that when you said it was Joey and you brought a cat in here."

Joey just looked down at himself and face palmed he forgot to change back. [I am a dog}] Max had to hold back a scream as he watch the yellow cat in front of him change into Bino's younger brother.

King let out a cough to get everyone's attention. "I think fellas we need to talk about whats going on and wh.." But his was interrupted by a smiling Pomeranian walking in "Actually King I think its better if you let me explain"

King nearly jumped out of his seat when Tarot appeard out of no where. Max was the first to respond "how did you know we where here?" Tarot just pointed up to her glowing green eyes and smiled.

Max could have slapped himself silly how could forget she was psychic. Tarot just smiled and said "Now will begin but first lets wait for our next guest to enter."
Sasha was so bored Bino was to busy and Fido was on patrol so she decided to go see her Kingy. She new he was at the wolf's new home so she headed that way when she got there she noticed that the door was wide open.

She walked inside curious to see what was up but all she fond was a closed door with noises coming from behind. Letting her curiosity get the best of her she put her ear against the door. She could barely hear anything she new one was King but not the others she kept trying to press her ear more into the door to hear better.

Surprisingly she started to her better the more she leaned into the door soon she could hear a female voice clearly. "For our next guest to enter." Was all she heard before she fell hitting the floor. "Sasha are you okay" King jumped to his feet and rushed to the fallen dog.

Sasha gave him this guilty look with tears coming to her eyes " I'm sorry Kingy I didn't mean to listen in on you." she looked at King to see if he was mad but all she saw was worry "Whats wrong am I bleeding?"

King just looked at her trying to think of what to say "no your not bleeding but umm?" Sasha was getting even more confused. "well whats wrong?"

King just looked up for a second then back down at her " Sasha I need you not to freak out but um look behind you." Sasha didn't understand what was going on but she complied to Kings request and looked behind her.

Her body was missing half of it all she saw was her stomach that ended at the door.The writer him self had to put his hands over his ears from the loudness of the scream that came from The Mile's house.
Hey guy sorry it took so long but here is the new chap the game is still on so keep sending me people with more powers and I will get to work on it right away

Peanut: Ability pyro created by huntersunday

King: ability time manipulation created by huntersunday

Joey: Ability shapeshifting created by Kondog and ChristopherJackal

Maxwell: ability Teleportation created by chronocrosser

Tarot : ability Psychic creator I don't think I have to say it

Sasha: ability The power to phase through matter Created by Kondog

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:32 pm
by Kondog
Great update! ~ and the Stopwatch's really need to get a swing-Guard for that door with Peanut around :lol: And Sasha ability to phase through matter is awesome! ( But i am bias)

I wonder who's next to get there power. -- huntersunday you rock!

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:48 pm
by Big Fan
Kondog wrote:I wonder who's next to get there power.
Please, let it be Grape!

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:36 pm
by Demious Lupin
I got to say your writing style has gotten much better my friend. The story itself was amazing and it kinda makes me wanna stop interrupting you so you can continue to post xD. I have to agree with Christopher, Spo should totally have size manipulation. Keep posting my friend. I do enjoy the fic so far -evil smile- :twisted:

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 7:06 pm
by loomCAT
Sasha? Well, I can't say I expected her to show up next! No complaints, though!

Also, if you intend to use even more characters, let me put my vote in for Grape. I can't possibly imagine what evil powers she might be granted... :twisted:

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 7:26 pm
by copper
Great update! I especially enjoyed how Joey trusts Peanut so much.

And Sasha has powers now too. I see......

I hope the next one is Fido. I really want to include him. Mr. Hero...

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:03 pm
by ChristopherJackal
I like Sasha's power, she could probably have fun with that! :lol: I had thought about powers for the Milton's but I'm kinda spacing at the moment so may have to get back to you on that... sorry