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Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 6:04 pm
by JeffCvt
Kurowolfe, I know parents usually try to look out for your best interests, and a lot of times they may be right when it comes to stuff, but here is the biggest piece of advice that I think someone can follow:

Do what makes YOU happy. Do what you won't regret years from now. If you always do what people tell you to, you WILL be miserable for the rest of your life. The reason I'm not in college now is because that's not what I want to do. I want to join the military, then get a degree later when I need one.

You seem to have a handle on the situation right now and have the ability to make the choice that you know you'll be happier with. Don't do something just because your parents told you to or you want them to stop bothering you. Do it because it's the best choice for you. That's my advice.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 6:29 pm
by Render
Sorrow: It is so warm here. I mean it is January and we have up to 13 or 15°C outside. I could even wear a T-Shirt (if it wouldn't rain so much...).
Megamaster wrote:Sorrow: It's gonna be incredibly cold tomorrow.
Stuff. wrote:Sorrow: It is incredibly cold today :[
Would you guys mind to send some of your coldness to Europe?

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 8:07 pm
by Nihenoro
Sorrow: I got NOTHING going on now. Like, I keep trying to IM with some friends on Skype, but they either ignore me or randomly disappear, leading me to believe they weren't at their computer to begin with when I sent the message.

I have nothing I'm excited to proofread right now.

Nothing I'm in the mood to write.

I'm all caught up on YouTube with everything that I follow.

I seriously have nothing to do but sit here and complain about my lack of stuff to do on a forum for my favorite webcomic, except I don't even talk about the webcomic on said forum because I hate how people get so darn serious about it.

About the only other place I'd post on this forum is the MLP thread but even then I don't want to for reasons I probably shouldn't state here.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 9:48 pm
by hypernovatic
Joy: I just changed my town tune in New Leaf to Saria's Song! So proud of myself.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 12:28 am
by Sleet
Dootdootdoot dootdootdoot dootdootdootdootdoot, dootdootdootdootdoo.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 2:18 am
by Kyuunado
Would you like to Talk to Saria and/or Navi?
I wanted to make the song of time but its just too long to make it a time, So I settled on the Prelude of light. :lol:

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 4:13 am
by ShadowLightning
Sleet wrote:Dootdootdoot dootdootdoot dootdootdootdootdoot, dootdootdootdootdoo.
Oh my Dog, I read that to the tune of the song. :lol:

Sorrow: I accidentally told my teacher that one of my friends were agnostics. I thought it wouldn't be a big deal, but when my teacher started talking about it well... I don't know. He's not mad at me anymore, but I feel guilty knowing what I just did.
Joy: I got to give 5 hugs today. I'm trying to do it every day to keep me not depressed. It really helps.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:35 am
by Megamaster
Joy: Had another awesome Skype call yesterday.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:47 am
by Render
ShadowLightning wrote:
Sleet wrote:Dootdootdoot dootdootdoot dootdootdootdootdoot, dootdootdootdootdoo.
Oh my Dog, I read that to the tune of the song. :lol:
Jingle Bells?

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 9:42 am
by Megamaster
Sorrow: Waited over 30 minutes for a taxi and was almost late to school.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:13 pm
by kurowolfe
Joy?: Seemed like my parents accepted my proposal to take a break. My mum woke me up at 5am the next day to tell me that she's ok with it as long as I keep my end of the bargain, and my dad consented as well. Still need to head back to college for a while to really confirm the arrangements.

Again, thanks for the advice, both here and via PM.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 3:55 am
by Kitela
Hey, that's good to hear, kurowolfe.

Sorrow: I was reminded of how awesome it is to drive down icy hills today. I slammed against a curb pretty hard and bent the axle on my car. Then I waited on the tow guy for 4 hours to arrive.
Joy. Didn't break the CV axle, so I was able to ease my car off the road.
Sorrow: It's going to be an expensive fix.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 11:19 am
by Foxstar
Sorrow, had to make some charges to a card that I just had completely paid off. I hate when stuff like this happens.

Joy:At least I'll get the money back I hope and be able to pay the card off again.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 2:05 pm
by JeffCvt
Sorrow: My phone just got really stupid and I just had to factory reset it. Upon doing this, it seems I can no longer access anything I have on my SD card because of some encryption stuff. It's not bad enough I have to set my phone back to new and load everything back, but now I can't access all of the pictures and stuff I had on my SD card? What kind of interesting banana is that? I have my backgrounds and stuff on that. This has just... *Tries not to kill someone right now*

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:54 am
by TinFoilHats
JeffCvt wrote:Sorrow: My phone just got really stupid and I just had to factory reset it. Upon doing this, it seems I can no longer access anything I have on my SD card because of some encryption stuff. It's not bad enough I have to set my phone back to new and load everything back, but now I can't access all of the pictures and stuff I had on my SD card? What kind of interesting banana is that? I have my backgrounds and stuff on that. This has just... *Tries not to kill someone right now*
Put the SD card into a PC and use a data recovery program(I recommend Recuva).

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 5:29 pm
by Megamaster
Sorrow: Just missed my best friend. :(

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 7:07 am
by ShadowLightning
Sorrow/Guilt: I've done something bad that might end up ruining my friend's life. :cry: Even apologizing doesn't seem to help since doesn't even care what I say to him anymore... :cry:

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 7:12 am
by Kyuunado
If you want to talk about it feel free to PM me Shadow.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:55 am
by Megamaster
Sorrow: I feel like I need more friends. :(

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 4:09 pm
by Kitela
Sorrow: I was informed that one of my old friends has been missing for several months.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 5:18 pm
by Sleet
Oh no! That's really awful. :( *hugs you*

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:34 am
by ShadowLightning
Joy/Sorrow/????: My friends have found out that I'm gay. Well, I told most of them, but the others just found out on their own. At this rate, my entire class will find out by tomorrow. On one hand, I'm a little happy and relieved that they know and are okay with it. BUT on the OTHER hand, once they all know, it's only a matter of time before the teachers hear about it. And when they find out, they'll call my parents. And then they'll know.
I feel so conflicted about this... again.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:41 am
by Kyuunado
Sorta natural that you would be worried about other peoples opinions, but you shouldnt really care. you can live life as you choose to, and the opinion of other people have of your choice should mean very little at best.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:50 am
by Render
ShadowLightning wrote:And when they find out, they'll call my parents. And then they'll know.
I'm a little confused now. That's something that needs to reported to the parents? Do they also call the parents if they notice straight people?!
Sometimes I really don't understand mankind. :?

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:09 am
by ShadowLightning
Okay, I think I was exaggerating a little. But we're gonna have a Parent-Teacher thing happening this Friday, and I just KNOW this sort of thing will come up. Especially with how much my mom wants to know what I've been up to at school.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:25 am
by Render
Ah Okay, I see what you mean.
Maybe you could tell them before. But I expect that not an easy step.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:52 am
by 44R0NM10
ShadowLightning wrote:Joy/Sorrow/????: My friends have found out that I'm gay. Well, I told most of them, but the others just found out on their own. At this rate, my entire class will find out by tomorrow. On one hand, I'm a little happy and relieved that they know and are okay with it. BUT on the OTHER hand, once they all know, it's only a matter of time before the teachers hear about it. And when they find out, they'll call my parents. And then they'll know.
I feel so conflicted about this... again.
You can't be serious.

I can't believe your school would do that. Sounds just plain wrong in my eyes...

Anyway, same thing happened to me when I came out. Spread like wild fire across the school. Thing is, all the teachers still thought I was straight (to the point of when I went to meet a female classmate, one of them suggested we were together). Maybe things are different in England, like how teachers wouldn't tell parents things totally unrelated to studies, but I wouldn't worry about it.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:51 am
by Megamaster
Annoyed: The arm came out a little weird and it bugs me.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:01 am
by Render
Megamaster wrote:Annoyed: The arm came out a little weird and it bugs me.
Joy: Just bought a new capsule coffee machine. Now I can finally make my own coffee. Tasting good. :D

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:03 am
by Megamaster
Render wrote:Confused:
Megamaster wrote:Annoyed: The arm came out a little weird and it bugs me.
Joy: Just bought a new capsule coffee machine. Now I can finally make my own coffee. Tasting good. :D
Drawing something.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:28 pm
by Render
Megamaster wrote:
Render wrote:Confused:
Megamaster wrote:Annoyed: The arm came out a little weird and it bugs me.
Drawing something.
I thought what happend to your arm? Where did it came out? :D

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 2:57 pm
by hypernovatic
ShadowLightning wrote:Okay, I think I was exaggerating a little. But we're gonna have a Parent-Teacher thing happening this Friday, and I just KNOW this sort of thing will come up. Especially with how much my mom wants to know what I've been up to at school.
Why would the teacher bring it up? She really doesn't have a reason to.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:39 pm
by Kitela
ShadowLightning wrote:Okay, I think I was exaggerating a little. But we're gonna have a Parent-Teacher thing happening this Friday, and I just KNOW this sort of thing will come up. Especially with how much my mom wants to know what I've been up to at school.
You have some really nosy teachers. Hopefully they don't have the nerve to highlight it like it's a problem at all, let alone even mention it.

Joy: A friend from work is helping me out with transportation until my car is repaired.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:08 pm
by TinFoilHats
Sorrow: Due to complications, we won't be getting home until tommorow.

Joy: on the bright side, we get a hotel suite almost for free.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:39 pm
by Sleet
Joy: The Barnes and Noble by my work looks very similar to the Borders that I used to love going to near my house. It feels almost just like it, which is really nostalgic and nice. ^_^

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 12:11 am
by kurowolfe
Meh: It turned out that the subject that I thought was not offered this semester was actually being offered on a special-case basis. And everyone, the Head of Department, my parents, the councilor and my supervisor wants me to take it and complete my studies by this semester.

To be honest, I don't mind being able to continue on, and I would love to get out of this prison called university alive and well, but I had been looking forward for the supposed 4-months break.

Sorrow: I got talked into buying a life insurance plan over the phone. I had wanted to get this, but only when I started working later on, not when I'm still having to ask for money from my parents.

Sorrow: All in all, I guess I'm just a pushover in terms of getting talked over by everyone around me. Maybe it's for the best, but it does kinda suck that I am basically a yes-man or something like that. Reminds me of my apparent naivete: anyone can turn me into either a holy saint or the worst of criminal murderers, they just have to convince me, and my apparent self-will is very weak. Heh... this sucks...

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:42 am
by Megamaster
Sorrow: No work for the rest of the week.... Gotta deal with an extra hour of nothing.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 6:29 am
by Kyuunado
Thats better than me, all my free time has been taken up by teachers trying to talk to me and I have gotten very little work done as a result.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 6:31 am
by Megamaster
Kyuubi Kitsune wrote:Thats better than me, all my free time has been taken up by teachers trying to talk to me and I have gotten very little work done as a result.
When you're like me, free time is more of a curse then a blessing.

Sorrow: My friend wants me to get help for my problem but is worried that if I do, I won't be able to visit him. At the same time, he doesn't want me to suffer for half a year. It's quite a conundrum.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:59 am
by Kyuunado
Is your problem your wrist? If it is there isnt much I can do about that to help. (unless I become a Chiropractor and fly to New York...) Well either way you will have to fix it, and if your suffering constantly wouldnt that limit what you could do when you do see your friend?