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Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 9:58 pm
by Zack_the_husky
Ok, then. And- *Points to his question above Argent's post*

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Sun May 09, 2010 9:59 pm
by ctcmjh
Woo! Richmond Acres is an awesome name!
And I have a question: Would it be possible to have a pet in RA, even though I have two in RG? Also, is the setting of RA going to be any different than RG or RV?

*Points to Zack's question* Answer his first, he was here first! :mrgreen:

I have a suggestion: How about another topic where we have all the profiles listed? \

Of course the profiles will need to be slightly edited because of the 3.5 pet years= 1 year thing. I have Liz listed as 5 (17.5 in pet) and she's dating Jackson who is 10.5 (36.75 in pet). That can't be right...

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 5:16 pm
by Dylan
Due to the recent drama problems in RV, I want to suggest a new neighborhood...JUST FOR ACTION! My reasoning is that by doing this, instead of focusing it in a neighborhood where people just want to RP as a pet friendly neighborhood setting, we can take the drama to a neighborhood just for it! Meaning daily skirmishes with AC, strays, light romance with twists! (all within the forum rules of course) If you like action this is the place for you!

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 5:41 pm
by Zack_the_husky
Could someone please answer my question?

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 5:42 pm
by ArgentFlame
No I don't believe it would be possible to have two guest characters, sorry.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 5:45 pm
by Zack_the_husky
But, twins! They're like Peanut Butter and Jelly. Seriously, what would be wrong with Twins having the same guest spot?

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 1:50 am
by Ebly
Dylan wrote:Due to the recent drama problems in RV, I want to suggest a new neighborhood...JUST FOR ACTION! My reasoning is that by doing this, instead of focusing it in a neighborhood where people just want to RP as a pet friendly neighborhood setting, we can take the drama to a neighborhood just for it! Meaning daily skirmishes with AC, strays, light romance with twists! (all within the forum rules of course) If you like action this is the place for you!
So basically you want to take the absolute worst from the roleplay and magnify it into one giant cesspool?

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 6:50 am
by Jimmy Jazz
Ebly wrote:So basically you want to take the absolute worst from the roleplay and magnify it into one giant cesspool?
Sounds good to me. long as I'm not playing that is.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 2:11 pm
by Keeshah
Dylan wrote:Due to the recent drama problems in RV, I want to suggest a new neighborhood...JUST FOR ACTION! My reasoning is that by doing this, instead of focusing it in a neighborhood where people just want to RP as a pet friendly neighborhood setting, we can take the drama to a neighborhood just for it! Meaning daily skirmishes with AC, strays, light romance with twists! (all within the forum rules of course) If you like action this is the place for you!

That would make RV incredibly boring an restrictive. an would quickly lead to it's demise.
It's a STORYboard people, an stories involve drama, plot twists, an action..
An we have not even come close to the level of Drama, Rick has implied in the housepets stories.

We haven't any character beat-up another character.. or burn a house down in a halloween prank.. or eat/kill another..

If you want an ultra sanitary, no drama/action, Peanuts <tm> like story. make the new area be that one, not make everyone change the RP in the current one.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 6:02 pm
by Dylan
Ebly wrote:
Dylan wrote:Due to the recent drama problems in RV, I want to suggest a new neighborhood...JUST FOR ACTION! My reasoning is that by doing this, instead of focusing it in a neighborhood where people just want to RP as a pet friendly neighborhood setting, we can take the drama to a neighborhood just for it! Meaning daily skirmishes with AC, strays, light romance with twists! (all within the forum rules of course) If you like action this is the place for you!
So basically you want to take the absolute worst from the roleplay and magnify it into one giant cesspool?
Actually...yes, more like somewhere we can dump the urge to do something huge somewhere else, without angering people that hate drama.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 6:34 pm
by Teh Brawler
Jimmy Jazz wrote:
Ebly wrote:So basically you want to take the absolute worst from the roleplay and magnify it into one giant cesspool?
Sounds good to me. long as I'm not playing that is.
I like the idea, as well. I won't be in it; the drama isn't my favorite part, but it's actually a really good idea.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 7:14 pm
by bixlow
Teh Brawler wrote:
Jimmy Jazz wrote:
Ebly wrote:So basically you want to take the absolute worst from the roleplay and magnify it into one giant cesspool?
Sounds good to me. long as I'm not playing that is.
I second the not participating part.
Could we put all the magic abilities from RG there too, and maybe a giant robot...

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 7:24 pm
by Dissension
I'm a little interested in whether you're being serious or mocking Dylan.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 8:14 pm
by Jimmy Jazz
I think Ebly was joking around. But I am honestly serious about not wanting to play.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 9:24 pm
by Buckdida
Okay, okay, okay, okay okay, I'll weigh in on this, since I'm still GM since the OOC still isn't finished.

I hardly find myself in a fair situation for deciding anything on this.

On one hand, I want to agree with my friends; all of them, and I want everyone to be happy with the outcome. I realize that this is not always possible, but I like to try and let everyone win in such a situation.

On another hand, drama in general is stupidly far removed from the original idea of the RP. This is what I get from Ebly's statement (my interpretation): Drama should be removed from all aspects of the RP. I'm somewhat inclined to agree. But keep reading.

On another hand, Dylan wants to move all the drama to one spot. That way, people who don't like the drama don't have to deal with it. This is a good idea, and I'm inclined to agree. However, it directly conflicts with Ebly's ideal, which I'm also inclined to agree with. This is a problem.

On another hand, a further problem it causes is something Keeshah mentioned: it unfairly forces players to follow a rule that doesn't entirely make sense, and can be restrictive. We would literally have to move half the cast out of RV based on this new rule, because they'd want to keep that aspect, and that would seriously hurt the RV RP at a whole. So I'm inclined to agree with Keesh that this is a bad idea.

So, can you see why I can't win? Can you see, no matter what I could decide here, how it would reflect badly on me? It's a lose-lose situation. Either I risk annoying one half or the other of the RV population by saying no or yes to the new drama neighborhood idea, and unless I come up with an option three, Ebly isn't going to be happy, and in that option three, I'm still going to annoy RP'ers.

I'm not superhuman. I'm not a genius. I try to make the best decisions, but sometimes, really, I just throw up my hands and say, "Com'on guys, really? Why are you doing this to me?"

Here's the thing I find the most, most, most, annoying. We're already getting a third neighborhood, and I decided it's going to be a "Drama-Free" neighborhood. RV already exists, and it would be unfair to some of the RP'ers there to suddenly change it on a whim, forcing them to conform. Furthermore, RV'ers have already agreed that they would lower the overall drama level. AC will no longer be villainous, and that we're putting drama on hold for at least a good couple of arcs.

You guys are discussing an idea and problem that's already been dealt with. And people are getting needlessly annoyed, and I primarily need to deal with it. And even with that solution, it doesn't go with what Ebly wants, it doesn't go with what Dylan wants, and some of RP'ers in RV are going to be disappointed. So why do I take it? Because it solves the problem at hand with the least annoyance to all parties. RV already has plotlines going in it, and it would not be fair to say, "conform or shift out," because they were already there. In the meantime, people who really don't like the drama can opt-out if they wish; they now have an option to RP in another neighborhood. Furthermore, the drama level will overall drop after this arc. So, all in all, I'm taking the option three that's easiest for everyone, though it might not make them happy.

I repeat: "Com'on guys, really?"

...I need to get this OOC just done.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 9:40 pm
by ArgentFlame
The way I see it, it's more a completely new neighborhood with new characters, not moving the characters that get involved with drama over. In any case, I came to to RP to have fun doing whatever happens, whether that is silly lighthearted stuff, or dramatic action, and I am not going to move my characters just because they have been involved in drama before.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 9:48 pm
by Jimmy Jazz
Honestly, I think the only way I could get really freaking angry at you is if you just said "no more RP, anyone who does will be banned." or something.
and I highly doubt that's ever going to happen. I can say for myself even though I may come out as ultra anti-drama or something, I can bear a quite a bit of it. and really? I don't care much either way. buckyouareawesomeiloveyou.

Edit: I also suddenly feel like a Hypocrite, we are being dramatic about getting rid of drama. just pointing that out.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 10:41 pm
by Dylan
I wasn't trying to get rid of the drama, I was just wanting a place where we can have it more know, more table top action kind of deal, without the dice. (I was actually wanting a sci-fi setting...but people don't want it)

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 11:04 pm
by EchoFireant
I think I'll have to state the obvious, "It is impossible to please everyone." A rule I learned a long time ago when I was just a kid. The best way is to compromised and like what Buck said, we are gonna make the AC good again and of course, a lot of fun arcs to come after that :mrgreen: .

Now, if only the entire world does that. >_>

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 11:33 am
by Ebly
I'm going to make no comment on whether I was serious or not or the intention of my message since it seems to be a moot point now.

On the other hand, my whole rant was on you guys not playing Pet Friendly which everyone agreed on and then seemed to miss the point of. I'm serious guys, what you're playing is not Pet Friendly - it's Radiant Gardens, it's Richardson Valley, it's R-whatever-the-third-neighborhood-is-going-to-be-called, but it's not Pet Friendly. Do you understand what I mean by that? I can honestly see how what I mean by all this could be a little obscure, and I can see that a lot of people have their own ideas of what they think I mean, so I'll try to spell it out with my version of a 'solution'.

My solution is simple. Have separate roleplays. I think it's a solution that genuinely can please everyone. You already have separate roleplays to a degree, but the dissatisfaction seems to stem from you trying to fit it under the one banner. Realistically, the two 'neighborhoods' are so far different in what is basically existent, let alone the genre, that you can't really say they're part of the same roleplay. This leads to people who are used to Richardson Valley reading things like Radiant Gardens and resenting it because it's so different to the "Pet Friendly" they created. On the other hand, I also think Richardson Valley is not Pet Friendly. I think it is Richardson Valley. Really, neither of the roleplays portray the Pet Friendly that Brittles was attempting, which was the basis of my first rant.
In currently having these neighborhoods labeled as one basic roleplay (Pet Friendly) that is nothing at all like the neighborhoods within it (RV, RG) you are, to a degree, falsely leading people into them. This is the basis of my message and also what I think is primarily 'wrong'. Be honest about the content and you'll get people who actually want to join, not people who join because they want to have fun and end up having to deal with psychotic Tarot wannabes or animal control or whatever the latest and greatest sick antagonist you guys have cooked up is. It would both increase the enjoyment of the roleplaying community we appear to have amassed due to being able to actually choose what they want to play and improve the quality of the roleplaying itself because everyone would basically be following the same idea as opposed to the conflict of interest that lead to a surprising amount of people being dissatisfied. As a case in point on surprising dissatisfaction; when I ranted last time I was actually expecting rage from all fronts, not embarrassment and quiet admissions of agreement.

Anyway, does that make sense or am I the only one that understands my thinking?

Basically, though I don't have anything against him, I completely and utterly disagree with what Keeshah wants. His post is unfortunately a perfect example of what shouldn't be done. What he seems to want is equivalent to Chowder being depicted as having a crippling eating disorder; sure it's realistic and in the context of the show's facts, but that would be taking it completely and utterly out of the genre Chowder's in and is wholly inappropriate. It can be cool to deconstruct ideas using a method like that but on the other hand, I doubt the kids who watch the show would enjoy it very much, so people tend to not do things like that. Linking it to Housepets, yes, the comic characters burned down a house, ate other sentient life forms and explored culturally illicit relationships but here's the kicker: all the while we were smiling and laughing over the combination of slapstick and subtle humour Rick portrays. Despite the three-dimensional aspects of most of the major players in the comic, the vast majority are two-dimensional, either variants of a foil to one of the three-dimensional characters or part of a traditional slapstick double act (Joey as the funny dog and Squeak as the straight mouse, as an example). He plays these characters off each other in order to create the setting to be able to deliver the punchline or climax we're all waiting to see. The fact a house is on fire is not so important, how it is portrayed is what matters. In the comic, even in the so-labeled "dramatic arcs", the vast majority of the strips still had a punchline. That is to say they were made out as jokes. To be funny. In the roleplay, on the other hand, someone might burn down a house and then everyone reacts by going on about it for twenty pages, having consistently resentful brushes with law enforcement, beginning, developing and ending relationships, injecting it with more emotion than Hollywood does botox and the list goes on. It is the polar opposite to how things are portrayed in the comic. Every last character in the roleplay has more dimensions than reality itself. Even the jokes that are there are merely used as a filler in interaction. Everything is made out to be serious freaking business. This is not Housepets's genre. This is the genre of the Bold and the Beautiful. And as is true with the Bold and the Beautiful: nobody is smiling, nobody is laughing, half the people who subject themselves to it can't believe how ridiculous it is and the other half are creepily obsessed.

Oh, and let me tell you now, Ridge's father is Massimo. Though if you so much as know who those names refer to, you should already know that about them.

Still, I don't think disagreeing is going to stop anything. I will disagree vehemently (you should be sorely aware of that by now) but logically I know that won't solve it. If I get rid of all my massive pointless tangents, my whole post really boils down to say that while that I personally do not find the drama appropriate, you guys appear to have opinions ranging from "it's unavoidable" to "I'd quit Housepets altogether if I couldn't roleplay exactly what I wanted without contest". My solution, as such, is to stop pretending you're playing in the genre of the comic and be honest about what is actually in the roleplays instead of naming your black cat 'Snowball'. This lets people have a genuine picture of what they're getting into and I think would stop the drama becoming real.

Do you see, now, what I mean when I say you're not playing Pet Friendly?

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 11:56 am
by ChewyChewy
What you're saying makes sense to me--I joined Radiant Gardens because I wanted to have fun role-playing in a Housepets! type environment, but it's only been lately and rarely that I've been enjoying it, thanks to all the magic (which I wasn't expecting) and dangerous situations (which I also wasn't expecting or wanting) going on. I've even been forced to more or less contribute in kind, with Vanilla reacting emotionally to other characters, something I never wanted to do (I actually wanted her to come OUT of her shell, eventually, not retreat further into it).

I've been sticking it out, though, because I DO want to have fun. I don't mind a little bit of drama (I wouldn't have created a character like Vanilla if I did), but what I've encountered has gone too far. It needs to be balanced by something more light-hearted and fun, to make it worthwhile, and I'm staying in the RPG in the hopes that I can find that (the "mini-RPG" that bixlow, ctcmjh, and I did is an example of such--I want more stuff like that!)....

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 5:25 pm
by Buckdida
Ebly, I do get what you're saying. I agree with what you're saying. And heck, it's probably the best idea. I'll admit that, occasionally, the thought of, "should I just recommend we scrap this all, and start over?" Why would I think that? Because Ebly is right.

But if I tried to recommend something like that, then some of the RP'ers would go nuts on me., Brittles, why'd ya have to go?

Oh, screw it. It's about time I started talking candidly.

Me, I like the drama, I like the story development and stuff with Ven. At the same time, I want to scrap the entire RP and start over and do it right, and do it how we're supposed to be doing it, and having fun! Fun for EVERYONE!

For heck's sake, the RP's in the IRC are much, much, much closer to PF than the actual IC thread is! The holiday threads! THOSE are PF! And those are still fun! But there's no NEED nor TIE to participate!

So. I'm torn between my character's story, and doing the RP right and having fun. I'd bet I'm not the only one in this situation, and in all, it's the main thing that divides the RP playerbase.

So then, here's the question. Is this question fairly phrased? No. Has the entirety of the RP had a good effect on my overall sanity? Heck no. Are we playing Pet Friendly anymore?

Read the first page of RV, then, page 73. You can answer that question quite easily.

Then, everyone answer this:
Do we restart the Roleplay and do it right? Or do we stay our turbulent course with constant drama, in and out of the RP? Or do we split the RP's and make them something else?

Me? As much as I want to finish Ven's story? I'm inclined to say restart. I'll leave you at that.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 5:34 pm
by The Game
I also love the drama, not at all keen on the magic, and I'm sorta having fun. Like, 70% of the fun I could be having. I really don't know if we should start over a more, care free thing.
But my vote is leaning towards 'start-over'.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 5:42 pm
by 44R0NM10
If by start over, you mean to seriously have all the characters meet again etc...I don't really know. I'll admit to enjoying the drama but somehow I don't think I'd be able to make a character any less 3d and enjoy it. I'll admit to not having experienced the less drama side of things due to my late entry into 'Pet Friendly'...but I don't know where my vote goes.

If I had to pick start-over or carry on...unfortuneatly I may be inclined to vote for carrying on...of course I'm not about to be a rock or anything so I suppose it would be quite cool to experiance 'less drama'...Sorry, but my vote is still leaning on being difficult...

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 6:17 pm
by ChewyChewy
I would very much prefer to carry on BUT....

BUT...I would want to purge this melodrama and dangerous magic and stuff from it from here on in, and make it more "pet friendly" and fun for everyone.

IF it comes to a do-over (*grumble grumble*) I intend to have my same characters and maybe have them start over meeting the others with hopefully a better outcome this time, but I don't want to undo ALL the stuff they've done and that I've found out about them.... :(

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 6:27 pm
by ctcmjh
I do think that starting over may be a good idea. But I agree with Chewy, I don't want to undo all the things they've done.

I think we should choose a few people to have always been in the neighborhood. The neighborhoods have been called pet friendly, but there were not pets there until one random day when 15+ pets move in all at once. That seems a little weird, so we should choose two or three users pr neighborhood that will have lived there before the RP starts. I would be willing to be one of these people for Radiant Gardens.

And if we do decide to start over, Morrigan most likely will not be there, or at least I would replace her with new character.

Also, we should make maps of the neighborhoods so that everybody knows exactly what is in the neighborhood.

In addition, I think that Radiant Gardens should have some nice community garden or something, and Richardson Valley could have a big valley that the pets played in. And the new neighborhood, Richmond Acres, could have acres of farmland. Just so their names make sense.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 6:38 pm
by EchoFireant
Just leave it be :P. I'm still trying to meet all the pets

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 6:55 pm
by ArgentFlame
Can't we just go to lighter stuff like we were planning to do anyway WITHOUT discarding all the character development? I mean like, carry on with the same one and keep the relationships but be lighter from now on?

I don't want to lose all the relationships and things my characters have, and I'm sure nobody else does either.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 6:56 pm
by ChewyChewy
ArgentFlame wrote:Can't we just go to lighter stuff like we were planning to do anyway WITHOUT discarding all the character development? I mean like, carry on with the same one and keep the relationships but be lighter from now on?
That's what I wanted.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 7:02 pm
by ctcmjh
ChewyChewy wrote:
ArgentFlame wrote:Can't we just go to lighter stuff like we were planning to do anyway WITHOUT discarding all the character development? I mean like, carry on with the same one and keep the relationships but be lighter from now on?
That's what I wanted.
Yeah, that's actually a better idea than mine.
But I think we should keep my last two ideas:
ctcmjh wrote:Also, we should make maps of the neighborhoods so that everybody knows exactly what is in the neighborhood.

In addition, I think that Radiant Gardens should have some nice community garden or something, and Richardson Valley could have a big valley that the pets played in. And the new neighborhood, Richmond Acres, could have acres of farmland. Just so their names make sense.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 7:46 pm
by Teh Brawler
Me? I'm also inclined to say start over, simply for the reason that it allows everyone to set where they want to be. People might not like it, and I'm disappointed that I'd be losing all of my character development, but it seems to me that unless we really just start over, we'll just keep running into problems. I mean, this is a big RP. Big enough that only the largest changes effect everyone. Which I think is what needs to be done; we oughta set this, and all participants, at level zero, so we can rebuild it together.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 7:50 pm
by Typhon
yeah, im relatively new and all and i find it quite hard to get into pet friendly rp because the story has progressed so much i can't keep up with all that has happened. So my character is sitting alone right now. In her box of despair D: (over dramatization)

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 8:17 pm
by ArgentFlame
I'd just like to say that we shouldn't make any big decisions without everyone getting a chance to voice their opinion, that includes Missingo, it's only about two days til he can return, we should wait until then.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 8:27 pm
by Teh Brawler
ArgentFlame wrote:I'd just like to say that we shouldn't make any big decisions without everyone getting a chance to voice their opinion, that includes Missingo, it's only about two days til he can return, we should wait until then.
I agree. Everyone needs to have a say.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 8:38 pm
by Dylan
I'm with Argent with just skipping the day...also, taking a break from RP.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 10:05 pm
by ctcmjh
I say we make a poll, and take a vote on it.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 11:23 pm
by Keeshah
Buckdida wrote:Ebly, I do get what you're saying. I agree with what you're saying. And heck, it's probably the best idea. I'll admit that, occasionally, the thought of, "should I just recommend we scrap this all, and start over?" Why would I think that? Because Ebly is right.

Ebly is mostly wrong.. an why is he even posting here since he doesn't even have a duck in the pond?

The problem is not a rampaging animal control, or assorted drama. It the pets themselves..

No pet in there right mind would have ever even considered going on a raid against animal control!
Or getting into combat with a human, or even talking back to a human..
The problem with the RP in RV is the pets have a complete an utter lack of respect an fear of humans.

An starting the RP over will not fix that fact. an the drama will just return.
(just look at how fast everyone dropped the rafting idea like a hot potato, to go in the AC raid.. an action that should have destroyed the towns pet friendly status. with the pets in open revolt, there would be leash laws enacted, curfews, gatherings of no more than 3 or 4 pets together at one time.)

The best option is to play it out, an learn from the experience.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 11:43 pm
by ctcmjh
Keeshah wrote: With the pets in open revolt, there would be leash laws enacted, curfews, gatherings of no more than 3 or 4 pets together at one time.

The best option is to play it out, an learn from the experience.
If we do keep the current roleplay, then all pets should have to face the consequence of their actions.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 11:48 pm
by ArgentFlame
Honestly, I don't see a point in restarting. We were already going to end the drama anyway, so there should be no need to erase everything if we're already doing what needs to be done. If we need to, we can just skip to after the timeskip in RV if everyone really has a problem with it. Having had drama before doesn't automatically make the current RP bad, and doesn't mean it can't be changed to be more lighthearted.

Think about what erasing all the character development would mean in RV (Barring large amounts of character redesigning): Pavelle will be back to a thief who cares only about her family, Venison will be back to the completely crazy stray who's likely to skip town, Djinn will be a stray, Alex will be a dog hating jerk; Sekhmet, Sean, and Felix won't even be there, because they're tied in to the drama, not to mention all the character backstories that will have to be completely redone... there's probably more that I haven't thought of, but you get my point.

Why would we need to restart if we can just timeskip ahead awhile so that all the drama is past, but keep the character development?

I don't want to lose my characters, which is what starting over will effectively do.

Re: Pet Friendly: *NEW* OOC Thread-Under construction

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 12:02 am
by D-Singer
ctcmjh wrote:
Keeshah wrote: With the pets in open revolt, there would be leash laws enacted, curfews, gatherings of no more than 3 or 4 pets together at one time.

The best option is to play it out, an learn from the experience.
If we do keep the current roleplay, then all pets should have to face the consequence of their actions.
I’m not really against that, but it would still kinda suck, since those types of rules would affect everyone, including the pets that haven’t done anything.

On a seperte note, anyone thinking this is too dramatic and in need of a reset, I personally think it’s a little too late to be saying that considering just how long the RPG has been played out as such. Why now? If this is far too serious and not lighthearted enough for anyone to enjoy reading, then maybe some of the more senior RPers should have just stuck with the original game boundaries, then no one might have joined in the heavier setting making it more intense.


Things should lighten up for a while after this arc ends anyhow, so what’s everyone complaining about?