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Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:16 am
by Roarin
"Take evasive maneuvers!" Gil yelled, rushing for the metal door(still intent on reaching his objective) while trying to dodge the erratic shots being fired by the metallic sphere.
(chuck 1 stone in)

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:43 am
by Serence Frostbite
"what in the world is-GACK!" The black wolf yelled and jumped back when that big stone opened its'....eye.....yeah....And of course why stop there ? The thing started shooting lasers ! Just then she saw the husky , instead of back away ,trying to run pass the monster !
"everyone back away from that thing ! Gil ! What're you doing ? GIL ! *** **** it !" she groaned in frustration , but there's no way she's taking such a risk going after him when there's a GIANT , LASER-SHOOTING monster in front of her . So instead Muiva tried running back the way she came , while dodging the lasers.
(2 stones)

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 5:31 am
by Legotron123
YEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANUBIS, DUCK!!!!!!!!!! Jack yelled after seeing a beam about to shout Anubis in the middle of the back of his head. He then tackled Anubis to push him out of the beams path. FUDGE MUFFINS!!!! How do we shut that thing off?!? AND WHAT KIND OF CAVE HAS LASER MONSTERS ANYWAY!?!? I MEAN, REALLY!! WHO DOES THAT!?!?!?! Anyways you got any ideas Anubis? He said turning to the fox.
(1 stone for tackling)

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:01 pm
by The Moon Howler
"Crazy, Irresponsible husky!" Polaris yelled after him when that... thing... opened fire at them. The wolf never trained to fight such a creature, but he might as well act as if he was under enemy 'normal' fire "Fall back! Hide! Take cover and keep your heads low!" he yelled as he turned back and ran, dodging the lasers the strange machine or creature or whatever that thing was supposed to be was shooting at them.
(3 stones on dodging)

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 3:39 pm
by Hotep the psychic
after being tackled to the ground by jack then seeing polaris run off, anubis tugged on a rope making the camp tents fall. he pushed it into a pile quickley and into his bag before grabing his mini scythe and grabed a small leather pouch. he ducked a laser before pushing jack away from another shot."um yeah i do have an idea, grab the tnt! ill try and distract it, maybe we can find a panel to throw the bomb in!anubis yelled running at the robot as fast as he could only sidestepping the shots at him before he stabbed his survival knife into kne joint and used it to climb onto the robot itself. he soon looked all around the robot for some sort of access panel or door as well as watching any attack that may come at him.
(4stones total)

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:02 pm
by CrystallineWolf
Echo immediately crouched low, hugging the ground- trying to make herself a smaller target. The robot was almost like a twisted cartoon spider, and in her surprise, the liger almost dropped her cookies. Shrugging her backpack off, Echo dodged and twisted between shots- fully realizing that someone had to help Anubis...

To roar would be a complete waste on a robot, so the liger instead slid under to throw her paws at it's underbelly, hoping her claws would rent metal.

(4 stones)

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:57 am
by xhunterko
Gil's quick rushing gets him out of the way and closer to his task, yet causes another, unexpected result!
Muiva also successfully manages to dodge everything. Except that one bolt bounces off the knife she keeps on her belt, reminding her that it's there.
Jack tackles Anubis out of the way just in time! His only problem is that he forgot to dodge himself! A bolt hits him in his right shoulder causing a minor burn!
Polaris's previous training and quick actions successfully keep him out of harms way.
Anubis successfully lands on top of the thing. Looking around, he sadly sees no hatch of any kind. Yet he does notice the wear and tear of the machine. He also notices a thin crease in the metal around the center. And he also notices the area around the eyes seem a little weak. One last thing he notices, is that right beside the left leg of the thing, is a stylized hammer tattooed into the machines metal that is dark red in color.
Claws can only do so much. While she manages to scratch the metal on the surface, it doesn't appear that she did much damage. The machine's reaction would make one think otherwise though.
The whereabouts of Chyro seem to have gotten lost in the confusion! It is unknown as to where he got to!

The machine itself reared back at Echo's attack! It let out the same alarm squeal as it did before! Still, that didn't keep it from it's programming. The machine turned around in a step to face Gil, and promptly bashed it's "chin" on the floor thanks to Anubis's knife in it's leg joint. It got up again though. And fired another irratic burst. Straight at Gil this time!

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:49 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
Flynn stayed where he was, doing absolutely nothing. He was at a safe distance from whatever that was, and he could tell that the others were more combat ready than he was. If someone called him out for not helping, he could always say he was paralyzed by fear.

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 9:16 pm
by Roarin
Gil cursed as the machine turns is large eye towards him. He was never good with confrontations, especially ones with large spherical machines that fired lasers out of its eyes (and reminded him of the large machine in The Incredibles).
The dog watched almost frozen as the eye charged up for another attack.
"Carp!" The husky yelped and in a desperate last second attempt to shield himself, he held out his library book in front of him. A hefty tale created by George R. R. Martin. (A Game of Thrones).
*chucks in two stones*

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 9:50 pm
by Serence Frostbite
xhunterko wrote:Muiva also successfully manages to dodge everything. Except that one bolt bounces off the knife she keeps on her belt, reminding her that it's there.
oh yeah ! Hello , forgot you're there little bud Muiva thought , looking at the knife , for a moment there the fact that she could've done something about this totally slipped her mind . So the wolf got hold of her weapon , and quickly ran back now that the lasers no longer aiming at her direction , only to see one of the most insane she could've imagined in a time like this .
xhunterko wrote: The machine itself reared back at Echo's attack! It let out the same alarm squeal as it did before! Still, that didn't keep it from it's programming. The machine turned around in a step to face Gil, and promptly bashed it's "chin" on the floor thanks to Anubis's knife in it's leg joint. It got up again though. And fired another irratic burst. Straight at Gil this time!
Roarin wrote:Gil cursed as the machine turns is large eye towards him. He was never good with confrontations, especially ones with large spherical machines that fired lasers out of its eyes (and reminded him of the large machine in The Incredibles).
The dog watched almost frozen as the eye charged up for another attack.
"Carp!" The husky yelped and in a desperate last second attempt to shield himself, he held out his library book in front of him. A hefty tale created by George R. R. Martin. (A Game of Thrones).
*chucks in two stones*
The black wolf got near Gil just around that time , she quickly swept her leg under Gil so he would lose balance and fall down , hopefully out of the laser's way , and at the same time , threw her knife at the robot's eye , hopefully it will damage the eyes enough to shut off the lasers, or at least mess up its' aim so they won't become bacon !
(attack , 5 stones)

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 7:17 am
by Legotron123
YEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! HOW DID I NOT NOTICE THIS BURN TILL NOW!?!?!?!? Jack screamed in pain. Stay calm jack. Stay calm. Just do what Anubis said. Jack then grabbed a cloth, some matches and the stick of TNT Anubis gave him. He ran up behind the monster, tied the TNT to the part of one of its legs closest to its body, lit it, checked to make sure it was actually lit, then ran like road runner to hide behind a hole in the wall. DUCK AND COVER OR GET BLOWN UP!!!!

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 6:00 am
by The Moon Howler
Following Jack's advice, Polaris knelt down, preparing for the blow. As he did so, he felt an unstable element under his arm - a large stone. the wolf grabbed it and threw it at the TNT-less legs of the machine. (attack - 2 stones)

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 9:25 am
by Hotep the psychic
anubis looked at the tnt timer and worked quickley moving to the center crease he tryed fitting his arm into it reaching for anywires he could find. he looked back at the timer, "15 seconds left...russian made robot spider, would that mean the experimental drone? wires ok uh yank or cut?" anubis thought holding a clump of wires, he went down grabed the scythe from the leg before coming back to the tnt and stopping the timer, he shook a paw and held tight to the wires. "WHY DOES THIS THING HAVE TO BE RUSSIAN MADE!" anubis yelled slashing the crease to try and get into the robot himself for control on the inside.
(getting into robot-2 stones)
upon getting inside he turned on a flashlight to see

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 8:22 am
by CrystallineWolf
Echo ran to take cover around a corner, disappointed at her rather reckless attempt to damage the robot. "Anubis! Hurry before it blows!" she cried out worriedly.

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 2:43 pm
by hypernovatic
"Why is this even here?" Cryo asked. He crouched down to find a weapon. He found a rock and aimed to throw it at the eye. The cat threw the rock at the robot. (2 stones for attack)

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 3:46 am
by xhunterko
OOC: REMINDER: Use stones for all combat actions. Attempting to use an explosive to kill your enemy is a combat action.

Unfortunately for Gil, he blocks a shot with his book, and a nice black scorch mark is in the center to this day. He also didn't count the wildness of the robot, and even though he's knocked down by Muiva, is still hit in his right leg! But he's again, only slightly burned.
Muiva's knife flies through the air and hits the robot dead in the center eye! It rears back it's head, and drops down again. Letting out its cicada like call as it does so.
Luckily for Anubis but not for Jack, the TnT unlooses and rolls onto the floor after being turned off. It rolls close to where Echo is hiding.
Polaris's rock hits Muiva's knife! Causing it ram even deeper and cause sparks to fly out and smoke to pour from the insides of the machine! It falls to the floor near the robot.
Anubis's actions causes even more sparks and smoke! They also cause the machine to rear backward, let out it's call once more, even more painful and louder this time!
Cyro's wishful aim was just a tad off. It soared over the robot and onto the floor near Echo.

The machine itself was wobbling by now on it's legs. Smoke and sparks pouring out from the insides. Any more severe damage and it might blow! It turned and turned barely able to balance, looking around for enemies to fire at. But it could not see because of something in it's eye. So it turned around to where it's last target was at, at Gil and Muiva now. And then it fired once more, knocking loose the knife, sending it flying across the room into a wall. Then it sprayed a few more lasers! Just a few though. It's firing mechanism had been damaged and this burst was only half of what it had been doing. It let out it's call as it did so. Very loud, and deafening the room!

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 11:16 pm
by Roarin
Gil growled, feeling the burn of the laser hit his leg.
After watching almost frozen as the rest of the pets attacked the robot thing the husky was relieved when the machine began to wobble. The fact that smokes and sparks were fuming out of it was reassuring too.
But as its dying red eye turned towards him again he let out a mental groan of frustration.
"Move!". Gil barked with sudden urgency, shoving Muiva out of the way before getting up and trying to dodge the lasers himself.
*chucks in 2 stones for defense*

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 11:39 pm
by Serence Frostbite
"GIL!" Muiva called out of surprise . Picking up on the husky's word she decided to quickly move out of the way . Without a weapon , she's not gonna do that much damage to the cursed metal monster , so even though Gil might be further injured , as regretful as it was , she can't afford risking it . And wouldn't you know it , the thing started making the most painful and annoying sound the wolf has ever heard , so bad that it makes her fell back out of instinct , eliminating any chance of her getting anywhere near her knife to try damaging it again.

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:32 am
by Legotron123
Awwwwwwwww! I wanted to see a explosion! Oh well. Jack said after Anubis deactivated the TNT he placed. He heard Anubis's comment about being Russian, which confused him. Since when has Russia been making laser spiders? He then got an a idea. He grabbed a decent sized rock, ran up to the same leg he strapped the TNT to, and started banging on its knee joint.
(2 stones)

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 11:41 am
by The Moon Howler
Noticing the mechanical creature was wobbling, but still able to shoot a few lasers, Polaris Rushed for Miuva's knife. He had an idea how to disable the robot's movement. (well, action hero move I suppose, grabbing the knife and getting in position to strike - the remaining 4 stones)

(OOC: That's round 3, right?)

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 8:19 pm
by Hotep the psychic
Anubis was now holding a bunch of wires in his mouth, after finding what he thought was the main circuit board he started reconnecting wires and placing others elsewhere, although sparks singed his fur he was fine for the most part, soon he heard a humming noise. "muffins and cookies robots and there complications, what did I do now?" Anubis thought taking the wire clump in his mouth and the wires in his paws and connecting them to the board. (2 stones for reprogramming robot) Anubis then climbed out hoping it worked holding the tnt ready to blow the robot if it still was active against them. he held on to the scythe wedged in the metal on the robots back as a handle

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 9:05 am
by CrystallineWolf
Echo's eyes went wide as the TNT landed near her. What irony. She was thankful that the timer stopped, but espied Anubis dismounting the creature. Hoping to help, she rammed into the robot from behind, hoping to bowl it over. (2 stones)

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:02 pm
by hypernovatic
"Dang it." Cryo said, looking for another rock. He found one and aimed at the robot. Cryo then threw the rock at it. (3 stones)

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 2:55 pm
by Happiness Designer
Cold was the first word Quinn thought of when he awoke. Where was he...? With a glance around his surroundings, Quinn found he was in some kind of snowy cave. He rested his head back against a wall and light white flakes fluttered down onto his fur. He pat his neck and found that his collar and bandana remained there. With a groan, Quinn stood up. "I have to find some others and see what's going on..." He murmured. With that, he started walked through one of the tunnels.

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 2:24 am
by xhunterko
OOC: Remember: Be specific! Or you could go wandering off into a monster's mouth.

Gil manages to successfully dodge a flurry of laser bolts this time!
Unfortunately for Muiva, a bolt catches her in the left leg unawares! It leaves a small burn.
Jack's efforts merely caused the machine to stumble a bit in his direction, sparks flew off the joint, but nothing more. Jack however gets...
Polaris successfully gets into position. Ready for action! Polaris stands ready to act when he can when suddenly...
Unfortunately for Anubis, it seems that these robots are immune to re-programming while alive.
Fortunately for Echo the monster fell flat on it's eye! Crunching it in a little! Smoke poured from it as it reared back up and cried.
Cyro's rock actually hit the robot on the side causing a small dent! It also caused the robot to turn towards him...
As Quinn slowly walked North, the wind got unnaturally warmer? And more moist? And was the ground getting softer as well? A stray drop of a sticky wet substance that looked like saliva flew past Quinn's face on the right.

A small bolt hits the window of the metal door and cracks it! An angry face of a rabbit opens the door.

"What's going on...good heavens!" He shouts, noticing the robot, then slams the door shut. A few moments later, it opens. The burly baker emerges in his apron, chef's hat, armor plate strung over his chest and back, and he also has a very large, sturdy steel halberd with a pointed back end and a pointy pole end. He rushes over to the robot.

"Out of the way!" He yells at Jack, knocking him off. Then he steps back, and waits for the robot to notice him, which it does. It looks at him and it's eye goes red. It squeals out it's cry one more time, rearing back. The baker raises his halberd high over his head and brings it down upon the robot! At the top of it's arc, the halberd's blade bursts into flames as it slices through the air. Then in an instant it's skull is split in two in a small explosion! A few small gems scatter from the robot. 4 to Muiva, 3 to Gil, 3 to Anubis, 2 to Jack, and 3 to Echo.

"Nasty things," says the baker, "The only way to kill 'em, is straight through the skull. Hm, your new here I can tell. Also, best scoop those gems up, they're currency around here." The baker walks back to his door and opens it.

"The safest place in the next few minutes will be my place," the baker says, "They come in swarms when they're real agitated. And besides, I'm sure you all have lots of questions that I should be able to answer."

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 1:44 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
after the thing had been dealt with, Flynn approached the group. When he heard the explanation of what those gems were, he thought to himself, I really hope there are other ways to get those things. Combat isn't my best skill.

To the baker, he said, "Thanks for the help there. I'd have tried to help, too, but I've never had the best of luck in fights."

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 11:15 pm
by Roarin
Gil shook his head in confusion. As delighted as he was to see the spherical robot in pieces, he was having a hard time processing the fact a rabbit with a chef's hat and and armor came to their rescue. Though in that instance he would have accepted help from anybody.
"Much thanks." The husky said to the rabbit as he swiped the gems that were scattered around him.
"And...sorry for shoving you." He added to Muiva, regretting the rough action he took to get the wolf out of the way, especially since he saw her get hit anyways.

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 6:13 am
by Serence Frostbite
"Hey it's cool , I could've gotten much worse if it wasn't for that" The black wolf said , laughing at Gil while juggling the gems she picked up "Beside ,since all of us seems to be fine , we should be celebrating , another time though . Anyway , thanks for saving our tails Mr.rabbit , and yes I might have a few tiny questions , after we got into your house though , if ya don't mind"

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 5:49 pm
by Legotron123
Hey! Jack yelled when the rabbit pushed him off. He saw that what he did to the thing didn't work, but was that a reason to push him off? Then he saw the halberds blade spontaneously burst into flames. Wait, what the fudge dude? How did your axe do that? His eyes turned to the two gems that fell next to him. Score! He thought as he picked them up and put them in a compartment in his hat. He turned to the rabbit as he heard his remarks. Yea we've got some questions. To start with the obvious, where are we, who are you, and how do we get back home? Also that things metal was pretty strong, could we use it to make some armor of our own? Jack said as he walked into the rabbits home.

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 4:31 pm
by The Moon Howler
Polaris stared amazed at the rabbit as he destroyed the mech. After he was done, however, the wolf completely ignored everything else and went to Miuva, giving her back her knife.
"I believe this belongs to you, Miss Miuva."

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:25 pm
by Hotep the psychic
anubis stood in the wreckage almkst disbeleiving what had just happened with a poker face on him. soon he found the split head and took a bag out of his back pack before placing the head and many other fans and peices into it. then he saw the gems. he picked them up and put them away before finding his unlit tnt on the ground and put that away as well. anubis then walked over to polaris and muiva."you both alright? may be me but after what just happened im feeling umcomfertable about this and soldier, you still havent given us a name. if i am to trust someone, id want names and learn as much as i can of someone" anubis said looking at the rabbit with some curiosity and caution.

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 9:54 am
by CrystallineWolf
Echo scooped up the gems, and ran to grab her backpack, slipping the gems inside to join the one already there. Checking over her shoulder for anymore dangers, she quickly hurried to join the others. "Where are we? Are there other pets down here?" she asked the buff bunny baker.

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 1:58 pm
by hypernovatic
"Thanks for the help." Cryo said to the baker. He walked over to Gil and Muiva. "Are you two okay?" he asked them.

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 2:52 pm
by Happiness Designer
As Quinn slowly walked North, the wind got unnaturally warmer? And more moist? And was the ground getting softer as well? A stray drop of a sticky wet substance flew past his face. Whipping around, Quinn didn't see anything peculiar. He ventured a bit further into the "cave", before noticing the snow was becoming less and less abundant, and the air was getting warmer. Even more sticky globs of some mysterious substance were dripping onto Quinn. Could it be that this cave was melting? Even more further in, some sharp pieces of ice were sticking from the ground. Quinn walked over to them and brushed off snow, seeing that they were a light yellow color. "That's weird..." He murmured to himself. Quinn turned around, just as a slow moaning sound came from behind him.

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 5:45 pm
by xhunterko
OOC: I hope you don't mind me using your character as an example death. It does NOT count by the way. :)

The chef rabbit looked at Flynn as he came up with an odd look.

"It's no difference to me what you did or didn't, how you behave is up to you," he said to him.

"Your welcome," the rabbit said, and nodded to Muiva as well.
Hey! Jack yelled when the rabbit pushed him off. He saw that what he did to the thing didn't work, but was that a reason to push him off? Then he saw the halberds blade spontaneously burst into flames. Wait, what the fudge dude? How did your axe do that? His eyes turned to the two gems that fell next to him. Score! He thought as he picked them up and put them in a compartment in his hat. He turned to the rabbit as he heard his remarks. Yea we've got some questions. To start with the obvious, where are we, who are you, and how do we get back home? Also that things metal was pretty strong, could we use it to make some armor of our own? Jack said as he walked into the rabbits home.
"Easy there lad, what do you mean, make my axe do, oh, the flame spell? Don't you have, oh you don't," the rabbit said, stopping for a moment to think, "Oh, Markus is gonna have a fit. But I digress. You all are not from this plane any way. But to answer my name, my name is Gunthar. Yes you could, were you skilled in some form of blacksmithing, make armor and weapons out of that as some do. As far as getting home, I'll tell you how to reach Markus once we get inside."
As Quinn walked farther, the tunnel got narrower, the floor got mushier, and the wind, started to undulate? Back and forth it blew across his face. The drops of liquid he saw earlier clearly could be seen as slime. Then the stench of rotting flesh hit his nostrils, and instead of pieces of ice in the center (or, where those teeth?) the ice lined the edges of the cave, like a row of sharp teeth. Then Quinn was able to feel the soft, squishy floor of the tongue!

*schulp, crunch, gulp*

Quinn's eyes adjust to the darkness as the snow tumbles in around him. Staring wide eyed and nervous for a moment, he peers around the almost dark tunnel he finds himself in. The tunnel goes on behind him for what seems like a good while. The tunnel ahead of him seems to go out into a well lit room. He looks up and realizes that a hole is in the ground and he could climb out! Though he realizes that it's probably cold, and unless he knew where he was going, would probably not be a good idea to look around. He hears noises as well coming from the well lit room. Also he thinks he smells bread cooking, but he can't be sure. The smell sure is tantalizing though. The smell tempts him. Then he panics for a moment, thinking of what could possibly have just happened, and makes a mental note to be more cautious of his surroundings. He looks around at his other options.

Quinn also feels that he is not alone. As if a pair of eyes where watching him from somewhere above.

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:02 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
xhunterko wrote:You all are not from this plane any way.
Flynn found this phrase to be of particular interest to him. "'not from this plane?' So I did end up in another alternate dimension. At least this time I've got someone more familiar with how things work around here to ask questions without looking stupid."
He then turned to the large cat (was she a lion? tiger? whatever) and said "You may wanna hold back on the 'pets' talk, animals seem to at least be on par with humans here, it might make us look weird."

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 6:29 pm
by Roarin
Gil looked curiously as the rabbit as he followed along with the others. Another plane? Blacksmithing? It was beginning to feel more and more like he was thrown into some sci-fi show, though after the giant robot, he wasn't sure what to expect anymore. The way the rabbit talked about their situation so causally hit him as odd.
"Has this happened before?" He asked.

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 10:46 pm
by Serence Frostbite
The Moon Howler wrote:Polaris stared amazed at the rabbit as he destroyed the mech. After he was done, however, the wolf completely ignored everything else and went to Miuva, giving her back her knife.
"I believe this belongs to you, Miss Miuva."
"why thank you , soldier" Muiva said , receiving the knife from the white wolf's paw , giving him a wink in the process , just to annoy the guy.
Hotep the psychic wrote:anubis stood in the wreckage almkst disbeleiving what had just happened with a poker face on him. soon he found the split head and took a bag out of his back pack before placing the head and many other fans and peices into it. then he saw the gems. he picked them up and put them away before finding his unlit tnt on the ground and put that away as well. anubis then walked over to polaris and muiva."you both alright? may be me but after what just happened im feeling umcomfertable about this and soldier, you still havent given us a name. if i am to trust someone, id want names and learn as much as i can of someone" anubis said looking at the rabbit with some curiosity and caution.
"'s the thing my fox friend" She answered , the lowered her voice so the rabbit wouldn't hear them.......hopefully "Even though I have to admit what just happened is strange , saying "I don't trust you" to someone who just saved our lives probably not the best idea , ya know" Then she looked back at the other wolf "And yes , I do agree with the name thing, "soldier" is not a name , it is a job , if you don't wanna give us your real one , just pick something random out of a hat so we can properly address you as a person , howl , even something as obvious as "Ian Moore" would do"
hypernovatic wrote:"Thanks for the help." Cryo said to the baker. He walked over to Gil and Muiva. "Are you two okay?" he asked them.
"yep , totally fine "
xhunterko wrote: "Easy there lad, what do you mean, make my axe do, oh, the flame spell? Don't you have, oh you don't," the rabbit said, stopping for a moment to think, "Oh, Markus is gonna have a fit. But I digress. You all are not from this plane any way. But to answer my name, my name is Gunthar. Yes you could, were you skilled in some form of blacksmithing, make armor and weapons out of that as some do. As far as getting home, I'll tell you how to reach Markus once we get inside."
another plane ? Muiva thought to herself , and facepawed a moment later This again......oizzz....
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote: Flynn found this phrase to be of particular interest to him. "'not from this plane?' So I did end up in another alternate dimension. At least this time I've got someone more familiar with how things work around here to ask questions without looking stupid.""
Seems like I'm not the only one either
Roarin wrote:Gil looked curiously as the rabbit as he followed along with the others. Another plane? Blacksmithing? It was beginning to feel more and more like he was thrown into some sci-fi show, though after the giant robot, he wasn't sure what to expect anymore. The way the rabbit talked about their situation so causally hit him as odd.
"Has this happened before?" He asked.
"And please tell us the way back is along the line of "push a button" , not "place three mystical crystal at fullmoon when all the stars line up perfectly" kind of thing." She added , half-jokingly

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 5:36 am
by Legotron123
Wait so there's magic in this dimension?............ AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! Jack said in response to the rabbits answer to his question. He then did a little squee to show his excitment. Are there any spells we can do right away, or do we need some training before we can do any? Do you have a book of spells? does it have a ice spell? Whataboutaflyingspell? Orasuperstrenghspell? Ohimjustgettingsoexcitedsqueeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! Jack said his voice getting faster with every word.

Re: SRP: Snow Tunnels

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 2:10 pm
by The Moon Howler
serence ice fox wrote:"why thank you , soldier" Muiva said , receiving the knife from the white wolf's paw , giving him a wink in the process , just to annoy the guy.
"The pleasure is all mine, Miss Miuva." Polaris replied, bowing slightly.
serence ice fox wrote:
Hotep the psychic wrote:anubis stood in the wreckage almkst disbeleiving what had just happened with a poker face on him. soon he found the split head and took a bag out of his back pack before placing the head and many other fans and peices into it. then he saw the gems. he picked them up and put them away before finding his unlit tnt on the ground and put that away as well. anubis then walked over to polaris and muiva."you both alright? may be me but after what just happened im feeling umcomfertable about this and soldier, you still havent given us a name. if i am to trust someone, id want names and learn as much as i can of someone" anubis said looking at the rabbit with some curiosity and caution.
"'s the thing my fox friend" She answered , the lowered her voice so the rabbit wouldn't hear them.......hopefully "Even though I have to admit what just happened is strange , saying "I don't trust you" to someone who just saved our lives probably not the best idea , ya know" Then she looked back at the other wolf "And yes , I do agree with the name thing, "soldier" is not a name , it is a job , if you don't wanna give us your real one , just pick something random out of a hat so we can properly address you as a person , howl , even something as obvious as "Ian Moore" would do"
Polaris eyed the fox from head to toe before replying.
"Listen here, fox." he replied coldly "I am not here for your amusement and neither are you for mine. For what I do I *must* remain unknown. I am one of those few that make sure the rest of the world sees another dawn." the wolf continued with the same cold tone "But even if things were different, I would still keep my name to myself, simply because you're rude and have no patience."

Then the wolf looked at Miuva and his anger quickly disappeared "As for your request, Miss Miuva, I will tell you a little secret of mine." He leaned forward, whispering quietly "I have no real name, for in our world, as I mentioned earlier, I am but a phantom." he leaned back "And because of the kindness you showed and willingness to help others, Miss Miuva..." he bowed lightly once more "... please, call me Polaris."

At the mention of different dimensions and planes, a few thoughts went through Polaris' head "IF what they say is true..." he finally concluded in his mind "Then the crazy doctor ain't so crazy after all...". He did not show his inner struggles in any way, keeping his usual neutral expression and calm look.