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Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 8:18 pm
by Alastair
Man, this story is freaking awesome!!! When I was reading about the powers the guys got, I was thinking, "Dude, this is like X-Men.... Sweet." Then in the last chapter where Keys was singing that Evanescense song... :mrgreen:

This story is made of win my friend! :D

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 10:26 am
by huntersunday
hey guys sorry to say this but my electricity has been out cause of storms I am in Missouri I am typing this at a library I will post again soon sorry

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 11:18 am
by Revius
huntersunday wrote:hey guys sorry to say this but my electricity has been out cause of storms I am in Missouri I am typing this at a library I will post again soon sorry
So your currently at a libary and you use your only time with a computer to write on the story... Yea you have no reasone to be sorry

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 7:15 am
by Kondog
hey guys sorry to say this but my electricity has been out cause of storms I am in Missouri I am typing this at a library I will post again soon sorry

you are a man devoted to his craft, We will happily wait for your next update- no need to apologize, going the extra mile only gets you Brownie points in my book! :lol:

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:14 pm
by huntersunday
Things Just Got Complicated
Chap 10
“Well it seems we have a case of the mind fracturing and harming the host it must have been something traumatic in his past life to cause this to happen! Bino slowly came to as he heard the voice above him. He lifted his head off the ground to see a pure black dog in a thinking position.

Bino just blinked and tried to regain his thoughts on what happened. He was having a good time with his new friend when his head felt like it was going to split his thoughts where cut off when the black dog spoke again. “You probably have lost your memory haven’t you?” Bino just not knowing what to say. The black dog snapped its fingers “Of course that has to be the pro…….”

Bino just stared as the dog expression completely changed to a clueless face as said dog looked down at him with a huge smile on its face. Bino was getting worried about the dog “Umm are you oka…?”

“Hi I’m Daisy” was all the dog said as it started to leave without a care in the world. Bino quickly got off the ground and chased after her he didn’t know this dog but she knew something about his problem and he had to get help. “Wait for me!”
Zach stood there shacking he was at the time standing by Tiger’s room listening in on what his friend was doing and what he heard scared him “ Ha Ha I finally got Bino and it felt so good but he isn’t the one I truly want to hurt oh no there’s one more who will pay”

Zach tried looking in the door to see what Tiger was doing but all he could see was him leaning over something and writing something.
Tiger stood up with a grin plastered across his face “Oh I still remember it like it was yesterday the day you crushed my spirits more than any other.” Tiger closed his eyes and let his memory’s come forth.

Flash back
There were two young puppies playing in a sandbox having the time of their life. Tiger let out a laugh full of happiness as he tackled his playmate in the sand. They both rolled around for hours before they lay there panting the sun was setting and there fun had to end.

“Hey before you leave I wanted to thank you.” Tiger said to his friend. The other pup just looked at him in confusion “For what?” Tiger just smiled “For not caring about my name being a cat name.” The other pup just smiled “Names don’t make the people actions do.”

Tiger let tears of joy goo down his face as him and his friend said goodbye.

End flash back
Tiger realized he was crying as his anger grew he was so happy with him but then he just had to do what he did and ruin him. Zach was starting to worry about Tiger’s mind set a second ago he was laughing and now he was crying what was going on the poor bunny had no idea.

Tiger closed his eyes again as he remembered that dreaded day.

Flash back
Tiger sat at their normal play place waiting when he heard the one voice he hated “ Hey a cat in a sandbox how cute” Tiger was turned to yell at Bino but stop in his tracks when He saw his friend standing in with Bino’s group. “What are you doing with theme?” Tiger screamed as tears came down.

The pup looked up at his friend with a said face “I can’t be part of the new dog club if I hang out with cats” Tiger didn’t understand he was a dog why would it matter then it hit him. “So you’re just like the rest of them!” The other dog started to cry “Listen Tiger I don’t want to be an outcast “

“Like me right fine be with them “Tiger turned and ran as fast as his little legs could carry him he lost his only friend the only one who didn’t care about his name.

The young pup looked to the sky with tears in his eyes as he made a vow to get his FRIEND back for this betrayal.

End flash back
Tiger lifted his hands and let electricity fly around them” And now with this power you will pay” He left his room not seeing the shacking bunny in the corner. Zach gulped he was so confused he swore he saw sparks coming from Tiger but it had to be his imagination. He was also curious as to what Tiger wrote down in his room.

Gathering up his courage he stepped into Tiger’s room and grabbed the paper. His ears dropped to the side of his head in confusion all the paper had on it was Bino’s name with a red X through it. Figuring it was nothing he set it back down on the table and left the room.

As Zach left Tiger’s room the paper blew off landing upside down reveling a name surrounded by red circles.


Well I hope you all enjoy this new post more will come I was a bit rushed so the next will be better enjoy.
Peanut : ability Pyro created by hunter sunday

King: ability time manipulation created by huntersunday

Joey: Ability shapeshifting created by Kondog and ChristopherJackal

Maxwell: ability Teleportation created by chronocrosser

Tarot : ability Psychic creator I don't think I have to say it

Sasha: ability The power to phase through matter Created by Kondog

Tiger: ability Electricity manipulation and creation. created by chronocrosser

Fido : ability Healing power created by copper

Grape :ability super strength created by copper

Sabrina: ability to make and control darkness created by created by copper

Fiddler : ability ??? ( I am putting this here cause I know her power but you don’t so she is out of the game)
Daisy: ability Can become a total genius and go back to being dumb ( for how long only I know) . created by chronocrosser

Name for group Wild force created by JageshemashFTW

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 6:19 pm
by Kondog
WOW what a great Update absolutely love what you did with Tiger! I kinda feel sorry for him being betrayed by his only friend. I am rooting for Tiger! let the blade vengeance Pierce the hearts of those who betrayed you! . every update I keep saying you have some real serious talent and every update you prove me right. Great Job on this one I absolutely can't wait to see what happens next!

Also the part where Tiger is laughing and crying -- was perfect

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:13 pm
by JageshemashFTW
I have an idea for Bino.
Skeletal manipulation.
If you don't know what i'm talking about, see if you can look up the Marvel superheroes Marrow and Spyke.

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:11 am
by Vyath
you should totally give someone waterbending abilities. Basically, manipulation of water. we've already got a firebender. Image

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:30 am
by KizerZin
YES! Let the hate flow throw you~ only the Dark side can give you the power you need… unlimited power HA HA haaaa!

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 3:36 pm
by huntersunday
Chap 11

Bino stared at the dog he hoped had all the answers he was looking for in confusion. All she was doing was gathering trash and heading towards the woods at the end off the street. “Hey could you wait a second what were you talking about earlier about my mind being in fractures?" Daisy just turned and smiled “Hi I'm Daisy." Bino let out a scream of frustration he had no idea why he was following this dog when he should be thinking about meeting Fiddler tomorrow. He felt his stomach churn when he thought of her sweat beauty and her amazing voice.

He might not have all his memories but something was telling him he shouldn't feel this way about her but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get her out of his head. Bino looked back at Daisy and let out a sigh “Listen I didn't mean to scream I just really like this girl and I fear my memories are going to mess this up please help me?" Daisy just turned her head and smiled “Hi I'm Dais...” Bino's ears perked up when she didn't finish hear name and noticed her face started to go from spaced out to concern. Daisy brought her hand to her chin and started to speak “So it’s as I thought I gain me intelligence at random times astounding."

Bino nearly fell over in shock at the change but stood his ground and asked his questions “Listen I can see there is something going on here that I don't understand but please help me?" Daisy looked at the pleading dog and nodded "Well all I can tell you is your brain took the time to block something from you that has ruined your life and because it is such a big change to your mind set it will try to break free when you do something that triggers it."

Bino sat and hung on every word she said like it was the end of the world. Daisy seeing she still had his attention kept going" What I need you do is think about what you where thinking when you first felt the pain. Bino just nodded and tried to remember what he did that could of triggered his mind All I remember is that I was really excited about seeing Fiddler tomorrow and how I feel so great His thoughts were cut off as images flashed through his head in a blur.

Fragmented scene

There he was tears running down his face as he watched h...

There was no hope there was nothing he could d....

He couldn't understand why was ... Smiling this was the e...

“Promise me Bino that you well never lo...

He screamed until his voice ran out clutching his l...

“I promise that I will never break your request for as long as I l....

Fragmented scene end

Bino was on the ground sweating and barley able to hold himself up he had no idea what was going on but this dog could help him the problem was he didn't know if he wanted the help or not.


" Come on Grape, King is a good dog and know how’s to help stop being so complicated(Ha)" Peanut was not having a fun time Grape did not want to go outside fearing she would destroy more things or hurt people she cared about and at the moment was warped around a support beam refusing to let go. Peanut let out a sigh as he let her go " Come on Grape I will be with you the entire time I won’t let you hurt anyone."

Grape turned to stare at Peanut she didn't want to go but how could she say no to those dang puppy eyes of his. “Fine but if I hurt someone you owe me" Peanut just smiled and grabbed her arm and jerked her out of the house” Come on it well be fun for you to meet everyone else." Peanut turned to run towards the street only to see a spark strike the ground in front of him.

“I finally found you FRIEND." Tiger stood in the middle of the street with a smile on his face as sparks surrounded his body. Peanut gulped at the site in-front of him there stood Tiger with eyes full of hatred staring back at him. “What are you doing Tiger you almost hit me." Grape didn't know what was going on but she started to fear for Peanut's safety.

Tiger just started to laugh as loud and dark as he could " Peanut that's the plan I am going to hit you not only that but I'm going to make you scream tell you pass out." Peanut didn't know what was going on but he wasn't going to let Tiger walk all over him with a snap of his fingers his arms became shrouded by fire. Tiger's eyebrows lifted in shock “So you have powers to not that it matters you will still suffer."


King you need to wake up and get outside your friends are going to need you King woke to the Great Kitsune’s voice " I would love to but I can’t really feel my body right now thanks to your magic" King tried to lift himself off the ground but to no avail " Hey Kingy can I help you? King just turned to see Sasha smiling at him how could he forget she was there. “That would be great but we need to hurry!"


There he was reading a book when a voice entered his mind Do you still wish to know King's secret the dog looked around him in wonder “Who said that?" The voice just laughed in his head That does not matter now if you want to know more about him I will need a favor soon and you are the only piece that is missing so listen when the time comes I will ask of you something and if you do it I will tell you everything about King

The grey colored dog just looked at the sky as the voice left his mind King I know you don’t want to tell me but I have to know what your relationship with Joel is.

Hi everybody here is the next chap but I must warn you the next one will be a shocker I hope you are all ready for it Also still need powers for some people you know the rules give me some Ideas

Peanut : ability Pyro created by hunter sunday

King: ability time manipulation created by huntersunday

Joey: Ability shapeshifting created by Kondog and ChristopherJackal

Maxwell: ability Teleportation created by chronocrosser

Tarot : ability Psychic creator I don't think I have to say it

Sasha: ability The power to phase through matter Created by Kondog

Tiger: ability Electricity manipulation and creation. created by chronocrosser

Fido : ability Healing power created by copper

Grape :ability super strength created by copper

Sabrina: ability to make and control darkness created by created by copper

Fiddler : ability ??? ( I am putting this here cause I know her power but you don’t so she is out of the game)

Daisy: ability Can become a total genius and go back to being dumb ( for how long only I know) . created by chronocrosser

??? Ability: Unknown created by Huntersunday

Name for group Wild force created by JageshemashFTW

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:41 pm
by KizerZin
Peanut in Pain!?! now that I got to see!

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:04 am
by Kondog
another excellent update!
Peanut in Pain!?! now that I got to see!

Me too! ~ Tiger deserves vengeance for what peanut put him through - GO Tiger!
now that that is out of my system... I also like what you did with king and his secret I really can't wait to find out where you take this!

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:14 pm
by huntersunday
hey every body I am going to be a little bit late posting I have been playing the duke and infamous 2 so I am sorry I lost track of time will post soon

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:08 pm
by KizerZin

ok, I'll let you off the hook~

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 7:08 am
by Kondog
Haha I am glad that I am not the only one slacking off this summer! and indeed infamous is awesome.

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 6:18 pm
by huntersunday
Things Just Got Complicated

Chap 12

Bino stood there starring at the strange dog in front of him. Daisy had been sitting on the ground in front of him drawing in the sand for what seemed like hours. What is she doing I have been standing here forever and she still won’t answer me having enough Bino screamed “Would you please tell me what am I suppose to do?" Daisy didn't even look up from her drawing as she continued to ignore Bino. Bino didn't understand what was going on but one thing he did notice it was quite easy for him to get upset Was I always this easy to anger do I really want to be the person I use to be?

Daisy stood up from the ground and turned to look at Bino with a smirk “You yourself don't even know if you want your memory's back but if you truly want them back just visit your cat friend tonight and more of your past will revea.... Hi I'm Daisy!" Bino just blinked as Daisy put a smile on her face and turned to leave. Bino didn't even try to stop her departure he knew of one other place to go to get the answers he needed it was time to go talk to his brother.

Bino looked to the sky and frowned for some reason he had a bad feeling something was about to happen and he had no idea what? Shacking the feeling off he turned to go back to Tarot's only to realize he forgot how to get there. “This is not going to be a good day I can tell."


Fido was at the moment looking for his other brother in hope to get more answers about this team called Wildforce. Tarot told him to seek out King the leader of this new group but Fido never really trusted King call it his six sense if you want but he just knew that dog was hiding something from everyone and he didn't like secrets. Fido was heading towards Joey's house when he stops all of a sudden because the hair on his neck started to stand on end. Fido turned to look too the sky only to let out a gasp.

The sky had started to grow darker clouds slowly getting blacker then he had ever seen. Fido wasn't psychic or anything like that but it didn't take a psychic to realize something was about to go down and it would not be good. Forgetting about his brother for now Fido ran towards the storm he didn't know why but he felt that he would be needed and soon. His last thought going through his mind as he ran was It's centering around Peanut's house!


King was not having a good time right now he knew he was needed outside right now but he and Sasha were having another problem at the moment. The stupid fox hadn't taught Kind how to control his new powers and at the present time Sasha couldn't open the door because her hand keep phasing through the handle. “I’m so sorry Kingy I can’t seem to control my powers" Sasha looked like she was on the verge of tears as she kept trying to open the door. King just let out a sigh "' It's okay Sasha its not your fault its mine I am giving more energy without realizing it because I can’t control it yet witch in response its making your control out of whack."

Did you ever think to just think about turning it off The Great Kitsune’s voice entered his head? King would have slapped himself if his body wasn't so tired from the change so instead he tried to turn off his new ability after a few seconds he smiled “Okay Sasha try to open it again." Sasha just nodded and reached for the door knob only to phase through it again. Dang could of sworn that would of worked oh well keep trying King just let out a growl when he heard his master's voice again God today is not going to end well

Grape had no idea what was going on but one thing was for sure she did not like the way Tiger was staring at her Peanut Wait when did he become my Peanut? shacking her thoughts from her head she screamed " What is the meaning of this Tiger why are you attacking Peanut?" Tiger didn't even look towards Grape never taking his eyes of Peanut he answered " Oh Peanut knows why I am here it’s time to pay him back for crushing my spirit I think it’s only far if I crush him back" Grape looked at Peanut only to see his ears drop to his head in sadness. “Peanut what is he talking about?"

Tiger just busted out laughing " Ohh he hasn't told you well go ahead FRIEND tell her how you turned your back on me when we were young show her the oh so innocent Peanut isn't as nice as everyone thinks." Peanut just stared at Tiger as he answered “When we were pups before you were brought into our family me and Tiger were best of friends but then the new dog club was formed and Bino made a rule saying no cats aloud and because of Tiger's name he wasn't allowed in the cub."

Grape was getting the picture but it still didn't explain why Tiger was so mad at Peanut she was about to ask when seeing Peanut's tears stopped her. Peanut spoke through his tears clenching his fist " Bino came up to me and told me if I still hanged with a CAT he would ban me from all the club activity's and that none of the other dogs would play with me and I would be labeled a cat lover."
Tiger just stood there smiling at Peanuts tears " Since it's so hard for you to finish let me so Peanut then came up with his whole group of new friends and proceeded to make fun of me and call me a cat leaving me alone in the sand box with only my tears to keep me company and know he is going to pay just like Bino did."

Tiger lifted his hands into the air and pointed them at Peanut “Now feel my pain!" Grape watched as Peanut lowered his guard to take the blast of electricity full on without even thinking about it she jumped in-front of him. Peanut snapped out of his daze when he heard Grape's screams of pain. Grape feel to the ground in front of him with smoke coming off her body she was badly hurt. Peanut looked up at Tiger with pure rage screaming from the top of his lungs "I WAS GOING TO LET YOU GET YOUR REVENGE ON ME BECAUSE I WAS IN THE WRONG BUT NOW YOU WILL PAY BECAUSE YOU HURT GRAPE!!!"

Tiger's smug look was replaced by one of fear Peanut was becoming completely covered in blue flames all except for his eyes which had turned red with rage. Peanut lifted his hands to aim at Tiger "NOW TAKE THIS!" A giant fire ball shot out of Peanut's hand that was about three times the size of Tiger's body. Tiger didn't have much time to react but he concentrated all his energies to his hand and caught the ball only to start being dragged across the ground with its power. Grape slowly came to only to stare in awe at the sight in front of her Peanut was standing in front of her with his hands in front of him as he controlled his giant fire ball but not only was that a sight to behold but seeing Tiger holding the ball back with electricity shooting all around him was also a onetime moment which you would never forget.

Peanut slowly started walking towards Tiger forcing him back even further. Tiger was not having a fun time at the moment it was taking all his might to hold back the giant blast in front of him summoning up all his energy he threw his arms up forcing the blast into the air were it exploded. Tiger let his arms down panting when he started to raise them back up at Peanut he was interrupted by a fist smashing his face sending him straight into a car.

Peanut just blinked as he watched Grape appear from nowhere and punch Tiger. Seeing Grape was okay he let the fire die around him and ran and hugged her “Oh Grape I was so worried when you got hit." Grape just smiled at her puppy “It was very stupid of you to try to take that blast." Peanut just smiled at her “He wasn't trying to hurt me that much with it he wanted to see me suffer."

There chat was interrupted by scream of pure rage " i AM GOING TO GET YOU BOTH FOR THIS YOUR ARE BOTH DEAD!" Tiger pulled himself out of the car and pulled his hand into the air. Peanut rose started to and raise his arm but stopped when he caught a whiff of something " Tiger don't do it don't you smell it." Tiger wasn't listening to Peanut as he raised his "NOW DIE" Peanut barely had time to scream "You’re covered in gasa..."


Fido, King, Sasha, Grape and Peanut had to close their eyes as the explosion happen. King had just gotten through the door and Fido just arrived on the scene King did the only thing he could do “STOP"


Hey everybody sorry for the late update but for your patience this is my biggest update yet I hope you enjoyed the action! also people who are still up for grabs are Zach, Rex, Bino, Keys,spo,squeak,thats all I can think of right now please enjoy.

Peanut : ability Pyro created by hunter sunday

King: ability time manipulation created by huntersunday

Joey: Ability shapeshifting created by Kondog and ChristopherJackal

Maxwell: ability Teleportation created by chronocrosser

Tarot : ability Psychic creator I don't think I have to say it

Sasha: ability The power to phase through matter Created by Kondog

Tiger: ability Electricity manipulation and creation. created by chronocrosser

Fido : ability Healing power created by copper

Grape :ability super strength created by copper

Sabrina: ability to make and control darkness created by created by copper

Fiddler : ability ??? ( I am putting this here cause I know her power but you don’t so she is out of the game)

Daisy: ability Can become a total genius and go back to being dumb ( for how long only I know) . created by chronocrosser

??? Ability: Unknown created by Huntersunday

Name for group Wild force created by JageshemashFTW

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:45 pm
by kurowolfe
Wow, that is one giant twist in the story!
And here I thought things couldn't get any worse than it is now.
God, you've even got the adrenaline rushing in me from the cliffhanger.

All I can say is great job, hunter! Can't wait for you next update.

*lies down on bed to slow down own heart that's beating so fast own head becomes giddy*

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:54 am
by Kondog
Epic update!! excellent update truly and what a cliffhanger!

I really hope peanut gets whats coming to him! KABOOM!! hahahaha ... awesome I can't wait to see what happens next!

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:49 am
by KizerZin
HA HA HAaaaa! anger, Fighting and Pain.... I love it~

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:07 am
by copper
I sure have missed a lot of great stuff! This is awesome Hunter! Really. Great... everything. Just all around epicness, dude.

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:01 am
by huntersunday
hey everybody thanks for the comments just had my 21 birthday yesterday so the post will be over due cause of (headache) :mrgreen: well post hopefully tomorrow thanks agian

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:54 pm
by Blue Braixen
Well then happy *late* birthday and I can't wait for the next chapter! :mrgreen:

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:07 pm
by huntersunday
yo I must apologize again I forgot it was 4th of July week my family had five birthdays this week so I should have it up on Wednesday if everything goes to plan

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:20 pm
by copper
No problem, I'll be waitning....

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:04 am
by Demious Lupin
You are totally evil! Layin here deciding to catch up on your story only to end like this! YOU BETTER UPDATE SOON! :lol: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :ugeek:

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:13 pm
by huntersunday
Things Just Got Complicated

Chap 13 (wow 13 chapters)

Bino had no idea what was going on but to say he was confused was an understatement. As he looked around him in fear everything around had seemed to just stop in mid motion. he was starting to wonder if it was his mind playing tricks on him as he walked up to a frozen bird an proceeded to poke it.

Well I can feel it so it’s not an illusion Bino stepped away from the frozen bird and looked at the sky only to see a blinding light down the road. "What in the world is going on why is the sky lighted up?" Bino's feet started to move on their own it seemed as he walked towards the blinding light he figured the best way to get his answers was to see for himself.


King just stared at the scene in front of him Peanut had his body over Grape's fire had covered the sky faster than he could imagine but the one thing that worried him was he could not see past the blinding light were Tiger was standing. King new he had to move quickly to help his friends but his body was still sore from his gift. " Kingy why has everything stopped?"

King nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard Sasha's voice. "Sasha you’re not frozen?" It's because you were touching her when you stopped time King just let out a breath of relief at least now Sasha could help him " I will explain later Sasha but now I need you to carry me over to Peanut!" Sasha just nodded and carried King across the street.

" It's a good thing you’re a small dog Kingy or this would be hard." King just ignored her comments as he noticed Peanut's and Grape's predicament. They were both still too close to the explosion to escape from harm. "Sasha I need you to place me down and drag Peanut and Grape out of the way I will walk towards Tiger.

Sasha just nodded and placed King down then proceeded to carry Peanut and Grape in there frozen forms out of the blast zone. King just smiled She is always willing to help without question King then turned to the bright light and closed his eyes Fox can you help me out here

The name is Great Kitsune not fox but I will adjust your eyes to help you see better King let out a small growl as his eyes started to sting but soon he was able to see without being blinded. In front of him was a scene that could only be described as a nightmare car parts were frozen in midair looking like jagged blades of death. As he continued to get closer to the source the shards got bigger and sharper until King stopped with a gasp.

King did not know this dog very well but it still didn’t stop tears coming to his eyes. There laid Tiger with a shocked expression staring into the sky with his eyes bulging. But what made King truly made King look away was the piece of metal sticking out of his chest. King new there was nothing he could do but he had to try Kitsune help me heal him

In his not so smug voice the Great Kitsune responded There is nothing I can do its over for him King couldn't believe it he was supposed to help stop things like this from happening but he couldn't even save this one dog. He turned away from Tiger's still form and walked to Sasha's location.

Sasha had moved Peanut and Grape away from the blast witch was no easy task her tail started to wag as she saw King come out but stopped when she saw his expression. "Kingy is he okay?"
King just shook his head not wanted her to see his tears seeing that his friends were out of harm’s way he did the only thing he could do.


Ahh Fox my boy I hope you’re ready to keep your end of the bargain it is almost Time Fox looked to the sky as he heard the explosion he knew soon he would have the answers he was seeking.

Well now it’s time for you guys to kill me I know I just killed a lot of peoples favorite character but wait it gets more intense from here on out I also would like to apologize for taking so long but hey I updated didn't I.

no new powers
Bino: ability ------- created by hunter
Fox: ability -------- created by hunter

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:26 pm
by copper
Nice chapter update, Hunter. Now why would I be mad? It was a wonderfully written update. Though it is sad what happened to Tiger....

I can't wait to see what happens next. You always keep us guessing when powers are involved.

Fox is evil now? Oh no, Fox.... :(

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:03 pm
by KizerZin
Fox... EVIL? Say it is so! HA HA HAaaa!

A Nice UpDate!

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:27 pm
by kurowolfe
Huh, so Tiger's a goner? Can't say I didn't see that coming...
Well, I need to confess, your story affects me in a more deeper sense, since I tend to actually vividly visualize any story that I'm reading, and the look on both King's and Tiger's face that I have are really, well, heart-wrenching.

That only means that you're a really great writer, hunter, to be able to burn that image in my mind. Definitely waiting for the next update ;)

On another note, evil Fox? Now that I got to see!

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:12 pm
by Kondog
very well done update! It is indeed a shame what happened Tiger but such things can't be helped I guess...
Your spin is completely original and I absolutely can't wait to see this evil Fox of yours!

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:02 pm
by Demious Lupin
Just because fox is making a deal with another spirit doesn't make him "evil" does it? >.> i can't wait to find out in your next update. At least this one didn't end in a giant cliff hanger!

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:20 pm
by huntersunday
hey everybody just wanted to say thanks for the 2000 views I will update soon and I do apologize for keeping you waiting Thanks for reading! :mrgreen:

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:14 pm
by Tark
Wow dude this is AMAZING when I got done I got so many ideas when I got done reading and many power ides to.

Zack- Morph Objects/ take a giant bowlder and turn it into a Stone Sword.

Now for all of the Mr. Bigglesworth's (thinking they should be evil)

#1- Make anything user wants appear/ think of toast then toast appears in front of person
#2- Ability to make portals anywhere when desired/ place one at home walk middle of woods place another go through portal now back at house
#3- resurrection/ only once a day
#4-Make Copies of self/ but more of the copies smaller they and the person get
#5-Take/glass of water on the other side of room (use ability) now the glass of water in i users hand
#6-Mass Accelerator/ take and toss pebble pebble goes fats as bullet or even faster
#7-Summoning/ ability to summon creatures, demons,ect.
#8-Make anything heavy or light/ make feather weigh one ton
#9-Possession/ can posses other people and animals
#10-Explosive fingers/ anything user touches become explosive/ only explode when user wants/ smaller the object smaller the explosion bigger the object bigger the explosion.

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:39 pm
by huntersunday
Things Just Got Complicated

Chap !4

Peanut lay there waiting for some kind of pain to come not that it mattered to him as long as Grape was protected. Peanut lay with his body on top of Grapes trying to use his body as a shield to protect her from harm. After a few seconds of laying there and not feeling any kind of pain he turned his head only to see King standing not two feet away from him staring at the fierce fire in front of him. “King did you save us?"

King responded without taking his eyes of the scene in front “Yes Peanut I stooped time and got you and Grape out of the range of the explosion." Peanut let out a sigh of relief and was about to ask King another Question when he was roughly thrown off of Grape. Grape stood up a little wobbly and brushed herself off. " Jeesh mutt are you trying to smother me to death?" Peanut didn't respond instead he tackled Grape to the ground and started to like her “Oh...Grape...I was so....worried!"

Grape pushed the over excited pup off of her again "Jeesh Peanut now you’re trying to drown me." As she stood up a look of seriousness came upon her face "King what happen to Tiger? King did not have enough time to respond because he was interrupted. “Hey guys are you okay?" Said a panting Fido.

“Good god what happened here?" Fido was in awe at the catastrophe in front of him but he snapped out of it when he realized Grape was hurt and ran to her. “Oh Grape hold still and let me help you>" Grape just raised an eye brow as she watched Fido raise his hands toward her skin. “Um Fido what are you doi.." Grape let out a gasp as his hands started to glow green she also had to hold back a gasp as the burnt hair on her body started to turn back to normal. “Well now that you’re done your next peanut."

While Fido was taking his time in healing the two pets King finally spoke " Sasha I need you to go to Tiger's house and tell Zach that there has been an accident do not tell them how it happened but tell them Tiger is no longer with us." Sasha just nodded letting tears run down her face as she went on her way. Fido hearing what King said jump up from Peanut " Wait King maybe I can heal Him where is he?"

King just shook his head and pointed at the fire in front of him “I have already checked you can’t save him." To King's surprise Peanut stood up from the ground and raised his arms “Maybe if I get rid of the flames Fido can help him?" Before King could tell him to stop Peanut pulled the fire from the car and started to close his fist witch slowly started to make the fire disappear. Fido was the first to let tears go down his face as he saw Tiger's still form he knew there was no hope for the poor pet.

Grape even put her hand over her mouth as the fire dissipated she never liked Tiger and he even tried to hurt her Peanut but no dog deserved to have his life taken from them Peanut was the last to notice as the last of the fire dissipated and dropped to his knees. “King tell me was it my fault?" King not knowing what to do walk forward and put his paw on his friends shoulder ' No Peanut you tried to stop him it was his own power that killed him."

KIng raised his ears as he heard sirens coming " I know it’s hard guys but we need to leave there will be to many questions if they see us all here now come on" Slowly but surely the pets left the street with tears running down there face tears for their lost friend.

Bino was now in more shock then he was before out of nowhere everything started to move again. It's so weird I wonder if it’s just my mind playing tricks Bino looked towards the sky and let out a gasp how could he let it get so late he had a Date tonight.Wait date Bino it’s not a date it’s just an outing with a very pretty cat

Bino started to walk toward the alley way when the pain came back tenfold causing him to fall to his knees How dare you promised her you promised Bino Clutched his head and screamed " Leave me alone I don't know what you are talking about just let me live my life." NO! with that last thought Bino fell to the ground unconscious.

The next day

Fox stared at the letter he had just got in the mail in deep thought it was a letter telling him when Tiger's burial was going to be and where. So this is where my story will start to unveil itself I just hope King will stay in it

In another plain of existence a blue griffon smiled at an orb showing Fox with the letter Soon my tool you will give me the perfect pawn that will destroy the Kitsunes silly game and then I will change all of your life's for MY own good


King I hope you and your friends are ready because its about to start becoming hard to keep your friends close The great Kitsune stared at the great stars in front of him and prayed he had made the right choice giving King his power.


I hope you guys like this new update There will be more to come sorry for being late

still no new powers
Bino: ability ------- created by hunter
Fox: ability -------- created by hunter

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:00 pm
by KizerZin
Bino may just split in two...

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:11 pm
by kurowolfe
Oh, two cliffhangers! I'm getting giddy...

My sympathy to Tiger here, and condolences for the rest of the cast. You'll be missed. And King needs to get stronger to counter the manipulating hands. Fox still intrigues me though...

Really deep update, hunter! Keep it coming! :D

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:44 pm
by copper
Yes! Update! Too bad for Tiger. I hope he gets a decent send off.

Wonder what Fox got from Pete. Hey, do avatars get two powers? The one from the host and the power just given?

Humans will topple off the top of the food chain after the pets get used to their powers...

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:38 am
by huntersunday
yes and no King got another power he just cant use it it happens around him all the time

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:48 pm
by Revius
Why not give someone a body power like wings. Or give them some visable side effects. Like red crack's on peanutts hands or face.

Re: Fanfic:Things Just Got Complicated

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:51 pm
by huntersunday
hey guys its going to be a late update agian but its not my fault if you want something to blame blame the ponies