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Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:27 pm
by daemonxblaze
looks good.. make one for the OOC LAST game.. maybe it'll turn into something fun

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 1:11 am
by Zerkai
Unfortunately, my familt moved, the reason I wasn't around often, and I also got the blue screen of death for my computer, we had to clear everything from it, including my almost finished fan character -_-

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 4:55 pm
by daemonxblaze

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 4:50 pm
by Ebly
OH OH MY PET HAS A SWORD AND A GUN FROM 3000 YEARS IN THE FUTURE SENT BACK BY A WIZARD THAT GAVE HIM THE POWER TO CONTROL DRAGONS. he's also two thirds robot and wonders if he truly has a heart.

i'm sorry but that's just how i roll man.
that's just how i roll.

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 3:30 pm
by Big Brother
Name: Dustin Krowl
Age: 26
Race: Vulccan
Sub-species: Fox
Gender: Male
Appearance: Dustin is 5'7". He lost part of his right ear due to an arrow shot through it. He also wears a fur coat made from his mother and father, dress pants, and sunglasses.
Personality: He is a very angry person. He stays away from the crowd.
Equipment: There is a sword hidden in the back of his coat and several throwing knives in the sleeves.
Other: Due to a birth disorder, Dustin killed his parents, siblings, wife, and children. He was a cold blooded killer and would murder anyone just for the fun of it. He had to run from his home at the age of twenty and has survived on his own for six years. Even though he has learned much from his years alone, he still wouldn't hesitate killing someone that hot air balloons him off.

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:54 pm
by Brittles

Ok that's it for now. How in the world did I rant so long about these two? I guess I've had ideas for similar characters before "HP!" so it was easy to develop them fully. I hope someone actually has the patience to read through all this. If you do reviews are lovely things

My turn to try this fan character thing haha. I'm going to try to stick to the source material here. I apologize in advance for any typos, or grammar errors.

Dee (The Dog), and Ex(The Cat) are both owned by Jake Snow. Jake runs the coffee place nearest to the lovely little suburbans area that our story takes place in. It's the first stop for most of the people who live there on their way to work, in addition to being the standard meeting place for the neighborhoods human population. Both working, and living in the same building Jake allows his pets to walk about the store (Save the kitchen of course) and has a 'pets allowed' policy to back it up (as if he could have anything else in an area with so many pet owners!). Both the pets have in turn grew up surrounded by the smell of coffee, the sound of chatty conversations, and the sight of countless tasty treats.

The Serene Observer: De-Cafe 'Dee' Snow.


Age:28(dog years)

Looking at Dee the first thing that you're aware of is how content she looks. Her Blue eyes almost always half closed, a simple little smile always across her lips. The Dog almost always looks like she's on verge of falling asleep, and this may very well be the case.

The dog sports a somewhat long snout, and long droopy ears. Her fur color is a mix of things; blotches of Black, brown, and orangish-Brown going down her back, shifting to a pure fluffy white on her underbelly, including the 'underside' of her arms, legs, tail etc. She wears a grey-blue collar with a miniature 'eight ball' hanging from it.

Typically the dog keeps to herself. Sitting in one end of the cafe with something to distract herself with; a drink, a book, a video game, a laptop etc. In conversation Dee is polite, and kind as one would expect.. Though she rarely says more then a few words herself. Giving the over all appearance of a rather.. unaware, kind but simple creature.

As her title explains Dee is a 'serene observer' type. Despite her lazy appearance she's very much aware of everything going around her, and has great insight into human behavior, and the patterns of the world. So much so that she might even know more then you know about yourself if you spend enough time with her. She could also be called a 'childish philosopher' often thinking about random ideas, and concept in her head. From time to time she may blurt out a long rant on what she's currently thinking about, and is more then happy to talk more lively with someone who has interest in the subject.

One final note:Dee isn't a very active dog. Spending much of her time sitting, and never eating a whole lot. She isn't particularly strong, and, despite her name, often depends on stimulants, to keep herself awake.

Nerdy Stuff: Dedicated hero. Stats:Strength-8 Dex-12 Con-9 Wis-17 Int-12 Cha-12

The Childish Schemer: Espresso 'Express' Snow.


Age:24 (also in dog years to make it easy for you)

Exaggeration seems to be the motto of the day. BIG eyebows, BIG eyes, BIG ears, and a tail long enough that some say it's impossible to ever see the entire thing at once. The black cats expression is almost one extreme emotion or another, and his tails twitching never seems to stop. His wiskers are quite long, straight, and white allowing the cat to slide his paws across them while thinking about his sinister plots. He wears a dark blue collar, from which a miniature camera hangs.

Ex's personality seems to vary from day to day, but his key trait is his need to scheme. He always must be plotting a way for himself to get 'something'. Power? Woman? Fame? Money? It doesn't mater which. As long as it improves his life it's good. He has two main masks for himself. The reporter:Always looking for that one 'big story' which will make him famous. Or the master-mind:Some silly Saturday morning cartoon show villain who has the perfect plan to defeat his enemies, and rule the world (or well city block).

As should be obvious now.. Ex's schemes are mostly just childish meanderings. While possesing far more raw IQ then Dee Ex tends to be in too much of a rush to get somewhere for his plans to work. He lacks fore-sight to see the consequences of his actions, and most of the time he's his OWN worst enemy. His 'stories' tend to be little more then gossip colum non-sense, though many of the local pets still eat them up by reading his 'News blog'.

Deep, deep down though? Ex isn't really an evil guy. Sometimes he'll drop the evil act to show himself to be a pretty... normal confused guy. If one of his plots actually came close to succeeding at HURTING someone he'd feel very, very badly about it.

Thankfully, while not too strong, Ex is VERY fast. So when his plan DOES turn against him.. he can at least get the heck out. While he IS a tad crazy Ex also possesses a strong grasp of the english language, and a booming voice when he needs one giving him the image of authority he needs.

Nerdy Stuffs:Fast Hero Stats:Strength:9 Dex:15 Con:10 Wis:8 Int:14 Cha:14

Story style, and the relationship between the too.

Dee sees Ex as an adorable little brother... while Ex seems to see Dee as his arch-enemy, and rival; often referring to her as the 'DOG'. He is often trying to 'one-up her' and rubs it in her face when he manages to pull off a plan or do something better then her. As you can imagine Dee really doesn't mind... and sometimes seems to not even be aware a rivalry exists. Typically when Ex 'does' need to be put down Dee will do it in a very simplistic disarming way like so:


Dee:.... Icecream ^_^?


*a few minutes later the two are at a table with bowls of icecream* time Canine... next time I swear it...

Dee:K~ :)

Longer stories will have EX trying some grand plan that is likely doomed to failure (or doomed to result in someone getting hurt). Dee will interfere naturally, in many small ways that shouldn't have any effect, but do. Typically her goals listed by priority tend to be #1) Make sure Ex doesn't get himself hurt #2) make sure no one ELSE gets hurt as a result, and #3) Make the end result of Ex's schemes be positive. Helping many rather then just himself. Typical Ex is unaware she didn't anything at all, and if he does see her doing something he tends to expect it to have no effect on his plan.

Shorter stories would involve the Sister/Brotherly type interaction noted above, or 'walking philosophy' scenes showing what Dee is thinking as she walks around the neighborhood, or watches the world from the safety of the Cafe.

Other Notes

Their 'Tags' are not imitations, and both actually work. The 'Magic' eight ball is of little use to Dee I'd admit. Ex gets plenty of use out of his miniature digital camera... which I might add was a gift from Dee, as her laptop was a gift from him in an attempt to 'out-do' her gifts wise last Christmas. How either managed to get the money is another story.

Dee has a blog too I might add. Which gives a more straight faced report on what's happening in the neighborhood along with being neutral ground philosophical debate. Ex is more then happy to remind her that his site is MUCH more popular among the pets...even if it's mostly dogs reading it.

Besides the site, Dee has another place she comes out of her shell; Once a week, she acts as a Game master out of all things. Naturally she is really freaking good at it, A master writer who always knows what her players want.

As should be obvious here Dee is the 'voice of reason' in this duo, even if she is very much the opposite of the typical 'sarcastic straight man'.

The two are not, and never will be romantically involved. It should be said Exs thoughts on 'Catlovers' or 'Doglovers' is attached directly to public opinion meaning he currently despises the idea. If you could convince him it was currently 'popular' he'd be finding himself a dog girl friend as quickly as he could.

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:08 pm
by Ebly
...people like coffee here.
maybe i should make a pet called mocha.

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:09 pm
by daemonxblaze
or capuchino if it hasn't already been done!

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:13 pm
by Brittles
I admit: I can't stand coffee. Or almost anything you can get for 2 bucks or less at a Tims. I have the occasional French vanilla but that's about it. I just figured hey they both live in a coffee shop, so thematic names were in order! It didn't dawn on me until after words there was already another caffeinated hero here, and ready to go.

Maybe I should have named them after some sort of pastry... :roll: or just given them more mundane pet names haha.

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:18 pm
by Ebly
daemonxblaze wrote:or capuchino if it hasn't already been done!
i prefer the taste of mocha
and come to think of it i've already got a non-housepets character named as such...
gawds, that was years ago, though...

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:20 pm
by Ebly
Brittles wrote:I admit: I can't stand coffee. Or almost anything you can get for 2 bucks or less at a Tims. I have the occasional French vanilla but that's about it. I just figured hey they both live in a coffee shop, so thematic names were in order! It didn't dawn on me until after words there was already another caffeinated hero here, and ready to go.

Maybe I should have named them after some sort of pastry... :roll: or just given them more mundane pet names haha.
good lord
who drinks coffee there
well no don't answer that question
but my point is they're not my favourite coffee by far

anyway yeah thematic names are the best by far

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:46 am
by Jimmy Jazz
well... this is based of one of my cats...


no one really knows what happened before he was found by a librarian with his brother in a cardboard box behind the "kidz R kidz" building. but the librarians walked all over the library asking if they wanted two kittens. ever since then hes been a nervous wreck. running away at the smallest sounds. but when he does warm up to you. he's friendly, gentle, and still some what skittish. he loves the quite and the loneliness of the woods. loves being alone most of the time and has a wild imagination. it's amazing that he'll come up to you at all really.... all because of the bubblegum holes that owned him as a kitten.

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:48 pm
by Snowblind
My fancharacter is an Arctic Fox/Red Fox hybrid that lives with an owner that's also a furry in the human sense, Snowblind was designed with sunglasses like Fido's before he was shown with them >.o so now it doesn't seem original, but it was supposed to be that he was an Exotic Pet in the neighborhood, and I imagine in his introductory story arc, he would have a phony-accent of some sort, I was thinking french but have also considered russian due to the fact that the USSR had actually tried to breed a domestic silverfox and sold most of them after the USSR had disbanded. Snowblind loves Music and Video Games, and drawing, Snowblind would frequently be seen with an iPod and headphones, and his room in his house has a stereo, a record turntable, and several musical instruments in it, along with his Laptop, and a TV with an NES, an SNES, an N64, a Wii (he has traded FC's with Peanut), a Genesis Model 2/Sega 32x/Sega CD combo, a PS3, and an Xbox 360 hooked up to it. His collar emblem is a tiny record as well. Here's a Ref of him Image

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 4:51 pm
by locopsychodude
The black lab Loco will gladly follow Caffeine! For the Broccoli must die! All of them! And so must the mole people. We must not forget them!

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 1:51 pm
by valerio
SIT fanfiction characters.
Here's a first list of original characters for a HPC fanfic I'm writing & posting here. Hopefully, it'll grow with time. Enjoy!

Martin Francis Jackson: Human, male, 35, slim, unmarried. He works as translator from home. He engages in regular exercise at the local gym. Not an animal activist, but you just don’t want to hurt any animal at his ear’s range! His sense of ‘justice’ costed him a week for assault. He owns Seth, for whom also nurtures a deep attraction, but is also willing to let him free to decide if their friendship could step into love or not.

Peter Orwell: Human, male, 40. He owns his own small firm and shares it with his secretary and wife, Alice. They both are good friends of Martin since the first time he was their client. Peter enjoys the ‘little spices of life’, as he calls his drinks and tobacco. His wife just decided not to fight against those habits, as long as Peter keeps them on his own free time –which is not much after all. They both are animal lovers and found themselves often to defend ASPCA and some PETA member. They own a cat: Sire.

Seth: dog, german shepherd/wolf/husky mix. Male, 16. Very well built. Medium-length fur with GSD marking, wolf mask and very clear blue eyes. He’s got a scar on his muzzle. As of today, most of his past remains a mystery, though it’s clear he suffered several traumatizing experiences. He’s unbalanced between his affection for Martin and the fear of being abandoned again, after his former owner, a woman named Janice, did so. He’s a heck of a fighter, though he also tends to repress his aggressivity, which was a condition to leave the shelter.

Sire: Cat, Maine Coon, 13, male, black with golden eyes. He’s a spoiled cat and he knows it! He deeply loves his owners, though he’d never show such affection in public, and in this he feels similar to Seth. He also loves to play pranks, especially toward dogs. Sire has a crush on Sasha, and that’s his best-kept secret.

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 10:51 pm
by Dunkie
Name: Snow Ball
Age: 5
Species:Husky, pure white.
Owner:Ernie Ball, of no relation to the guitar company. (I couldnt resist...sorry :3)

Description: Snow is a rather feminine male white husky, who's greatest fear is that he'll be asked out by yet another burly great dane. An active pooch, Snow enjoys running with his owner in the mornings, or just goofing off with the neighborhood pets. Has a sarcastic streak a mile long, but means nothing by it.

Backstory: Snow was adopted by Ernie Ball from the local Humane Society when he was about 1 year old. Snow barely remembers his time before that, all he remembers is a small child hugging him, and then he's in the humane society. He's been extremely close to Ernie ever since.

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 8:21 am
by Darkfox
Hi people. I'm new here and love the fancharacters I've seen.
Might make one, or two myself eventualy. Got some ideas floating around in my head and if I can dig them out of the trash that's in there I'll put it down.

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:45 pm
by MC_Hollis
Here's mine. :3

Name: Violet Tobor

Species: Cat

Color: Completely white, with light purple paws [hands and feet] and tail tip

Eyes: Same color and shade as her purple parts.

Collar/Tag: matching purple Color/ Large clear Marble with very noticeable purple swivel going through it.

Bio: Calm, quiet, and always polite. She is rarely seen without Kenn, and can be very protective of him. She was rescued from a cosmetics research facility, which accounts for her odd fur color. Truth be told she hates her fur color, but all dyeing attempts proved temporary at best, so she just deals with it. It doesn't help she was renamed after her fur color- as such, she sticks to Vi. While she abhors the idea of eating mice, she cannot resist when she sees seafood. Even though she often helps and carries Ken around, it is obvious that Kenn plays the older sibling in their relationship, and she's okay with that.

Name: Kenneth Tobor; Kenn, for short.

Species: Mouse (Spo's size)

Color: Mostly light gray

Distinguishing features: Black patches around his eyes, and a smaller one just above his nose, connecting them, giving the look of glasses.

Eyes: Blue

Collar/Tag: Simlple black collar/ no tag

Bio: Cynical, Logical, yet enough of a child to give into wonder, Kenn likes to believe everthing that has happened, and will happen can be explained by math, science, or any mixture of the two. Like Violet, He was also saved from research lab- but a lab for a different purpose. As a subject, to several psyche experiments, his IQ grew rapidly. Soon, bored all the time, he became lethargic, and distant. Just as he was about to be moved to more severe experiments, PETA had the place shut down, and the scientists, disbanded, and the animals adopted. He was very lucky to be adopted by a nano-tech scientist who loved to tinker, as he began to work on projects himself. He's even invented a few things! He is very assertive for his size and relies on his wits to get him out of tight spots. Like most Mice, Kenn avoids cheese, but loves dry oats.

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:36 pm
by WolvenPaw15
Well my FanCharacter is Fido and Sabrina's child I have had him in my mind for a while now thus the creation of my earlier FanFic K-9 Squad....

Name- Reno
Species- Dog
Fur- Black (From Sabrina)
Collar- Blue with a star for a tag
Age- 14

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 5:20 pm
by The Game
I'm workin on some more characters for Peanut's Choice....

Name: Knobs White
Species: Cat
Age: 13
Appearance: Black-ish. his collar is brown with of course, a doorknob on it!! He looks almost like Max, but has bright golden eyes.
Personality: Calm, cool, and collected. He is the so called 'slick' guy and almost always has the answer. But they can be very dumb answers
Other: He took the role as Kay's older sibling

Name: Kay West
Species: Dog
Age: 9
Appearance: looks like Sasha but has a large purple 'K' on her collar. She is insanely short
personality: He has short bursts of confidence that tend to wear off quickly. She needs someone to be by her side telling her it's ok. She is very sensitive but also very smart
Other: She ran away from home and was saved from a gang of dogs by Knobs. She looks up to him like an older brother

Name: Wasp Kinn
Species: cat
Age: 11
Appearance: He looks like a wasp. Striped fur and everything. His collar is a non-detailed wasp...duh
Personality: He gives into peer pressure easily, but when he isn't doing something because it's 'cool' he is a really sweet cat. He almost like a cat version of S.Q Pedalion
Other: He does whatever Knobs tells him to, no matter how stupid. Knobs and Kay are trying to get him to be is own person

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 2:36 am
by Athlon2736
hmmm... i wonder....

Name: "Zappa" Ronald Birchwood

Species: Raccoon?

Eyes: Light Brown
Look: Look like a raccoon other then the extremely bushy tail.
Discription: Zappa is a smart and often accused raccoon. He enjoys many things..such as eating, sleeping, playing VGs, Table top games.. reading, hockey and... military history? He is what most pets int he neighborhood call a mix breed personalility. With that comes the unmistakeable identity of being both a nerd, geek and jock as one. His owner, Captain Birchwood, is a military officer and often looks at his pets with smiles knowing their safe. He avoids most cats other then his neighbors and his housemate Jackson. He's often seen wearing headphones listening to metal and rock. He does wear a collar that has a thunderbolt giving him his nickname. Zappa often dismiss this but enjoys the name. Zappa also believes in Vahalla and will often make references to Norse mythology when he's about to be caught by dogs and then Sly Cooper refernces when he escapes.

When he goes into the neighborhood he can't avoid being seen and scared off by Bino, and has become a master of stealth and escape. Cats never see him oddly and when they do the look at him turn to get another cats attention and when the look back he's gone. He can't seem to do this with the dogs seeing how all of them chase him....

Quote: Why is it always the broom to the face? Honestly I have fe-dodges a rock getting thrown- I get the point!?! RUNNING NOW!!!

Name: Jackson Birchwood
Species: Cat, Manx

Eyes and color patterns: Dark Blue; Deep tan with and white under belly
Description: Jackson is a younger feline who has yet to realize that Zappa is the enemy. He adores his older brother and follows him everywhere... literally. Even so he does understand when Zappa needs to be alone and will do it, and often if Zappa's going out somewhere, Jackson will check if he can come. Like Zappa he reads and and plays Vg and tabletop games. He also love history, making him a nerd but when Zappa reference to him, that ussally means he has more knowledge in the area. He is also readed into magic... and spends time with Tarot, learning things both Zappa and Cpt Birchwood down get. He believes the same thing Zappa does with Vahalla and often breaks his cover in adventures

Jackson is a loner literally walking through a convesation saying hi and recieving a hello back and dissappearing. LITERALLY. His bestfreind is a dog named Dallin, and they disscuss politics. I kid you not... HOW BORED DO YOU... you know what never mind... His collar has a Spartan Sheild for a tag.

Quote: Hmmm oddly something doesn't feel right...

Name: Dallin
Species: Dog; Basset Hound
Colors and Eyes: Brown and white; green left eye Eye patch for other.

Description: Basset hounds funny things to have. And Dallin is no different, as when he's looking for Jackson and/or Zappa he takes a strong smell of the air and looks at where their hiding. He is literally the best finder ever. And possibly best hider to... not as good as Zappa but good enough to give him a run for his money... He is also the resident war hero, having served in the police before being injured, losing his right eye, forcing him to retire. He often see bino trying to pursade him in to his group then walks over to Fido and tells him to help him out. For a Basset hound he`s oddly loud, often yelling at the younger ones to leave him alone. He sits with Jackson and talks about politics and sometimes history. He bluntly told Bino to leave Zappa alone one day nearly coming to blows.

A key factor of Dallin's life is his owner is an old war vet. He is often laughs when it comes to his prior duties in the K-9 unit and evens speaks of his last days of service with happy memories and even the last instant he lost his eye with pride. He wears a star with a D for his name. He often sleeps if Zappa or Jackson aren't bothering him.

Quote: I got what was coming.... and do I Regret it?- looks over at Zappa and Jacksons house then back at Fido- If i had the ability to go back and stop it... I wouldn't.

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 3:09 am
by Ebly
...Interesting first post.

Welcome to Housepets, man. I could definitely see Frank Zappa as a raccoon.

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 3:15 am
by Athlon2736
Ebly wrote:...Interesting first post.

Welcome to Housepets, man. I could definitely see Frank Zappa as a raccoon.
Thanks I'm doing um.... PF too so with them as well and beleive it or not Zappa is really my pet... literally... though he lives up on the farm and I'm his handler I consider him my pet...

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 3:28 am
by Ebly
Athlon2736 wrote:
Ebly wrote:...Interesting first post.

Welcome to Housepets, man. I could definitely see Frank Zappa as a raccoon.
Thanks I'm doing um.... PF too so with them as well and beleive it or not Zappa is really my pet... literally... though he lives up on the farm and I'm his handler I consider him my pet...
That's cool! Of course, characters from the comic can't be in the roleplay (Buck's rules *shrug*) but as long as you remember that you'll be fine.

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 3:29 am
by Athlon2736
Ebly wrote:
Athlon2736 wrote:
Ebly wrote:...Interesting first post.

Welcome to Housepets, man. I could definitely see Frank Zappa as a raccoon.
Thanks I'm doing um.... PF too so with them as well and beleive it or not Zappa is really my pet... literally... though he lives up on the farm and I'm his handler I consider him my pet...
That's cool! Of course, characters from the comic can't be in the roleplay (Buck's rules *shrug*) but as long as you remember that you'll be fine.
Thanks man I just finshed them go take a look...

Re: Fancharacters

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 2:11 am
by falconthefox
Nutz bio

the long delayed bio for Nutz!


Species: Great Dane
Color: Blue gray with black spots and white tummy
Eyes: gray
Collar: red with an acorn shaped tag

Nutz is a dog who, as a pup, was owned by a strange old man who lived on the outskirts of town in a rundown cabin. He found Nutz roaming the woods as a pup and took him in. Nutz grew up without any contact with other canines and his only friends were a few feral squirrels who tried to help him along. Nutz actually knows he’s not really a squirrel, but tends to act like one because it’s all he knows about. This includes storing nuts away for the winter.

His owner grew too old to care for him and had to drop him off at the shelter in town. They parted with sadness but with no hard feelings and soon he was adopted by a carefree young couple who lived in a pet friendly place called Babylon Gardens. his new owners were not aware of his squirrel affliction at first, but thought it a “cute pet thing” once they found out and have done little to re-educate Nutz, even going so far as to choose his new name in line with it.

As a pet, Nutz is loyal and caring of his “parents” but has some trouble fitting into the canine world of his new home and as such is usually seen only at home or the park where he helps the local squirrels gather nuts and watches over them as best as he can. He has had a couple run in's with Bino who made fun of him from a safe distance. When Nutz didn't understand he was being made fun of, Bino gave up and now generally ignores Nutz on the rare times he sees him. Nutz is not a mamber of the good old dog club and doesn't really care about the other canines much as long as they leave the squirrels alone. He is quiet and kind of shy and as such only has two real friends, one is a squirrel living in the tree in his back yard that he calls Chitter and the other is the cat next door named Caffeine.

One of Nutz’s quirks is falling nuts, he just can’t see one fall and not go get it and take it home to his doghouse, which by the end of fall is usually too full for him to fit in.