MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

(( Oh good, you two are distracting it from outright smashing Penwrite... ))
The demon was right on top of Penwrite and about to pulverize him when Shin slammed into its side, knocking its balance off. It moved to instead make a sidewards swing with a knot of tentacles, using them as a giant club to slam Penwrite into the wall. This motion was heavily interrupted by Locke, however, and only caused Penwrite to be thrown a short distance, causing him to land on the floor right next to...

Navy looked up from where she'd found a rather interesting set of sketches of Princess Luna in the book, her eyes now a bit wide and crazy with delirium and blood-loss. "Oh hi Penwrite! Before you die, I need to tell you about my fanfiction that I want you to read! See, I've got this one that has you and Crescendo, and you two find this stack of books..." she began to ramble on about some bizarre fan-fiction she'd written, involving... books... soooo many books...
...It also involved some strange (and mostly gay) romances between her friends, but with books. As in, the romance was with the books.

...It was pretty creepy, actually...

ANYWAY, while she was going on about that, the monster was angrily throwing itself into the walls trying to hit Shin and Locke in a blind fury, its tentacles flailing madly about...
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by Penwrite »

Penwrite's body hurt. It hurt worse than he had ever felt before. Every inch of it screamed at him to stay down, to not get up and put it through any more abuse, to just let it happen. But he couldn't. The shouts and screams from Shin and Locke as they struggled to fight off the monster were louder than the pain, louder than Navy's rambling, louder than Penwrite's sense.

"Gotta...stand..." One hoof planted itself against the floor, then another. Penwrite pushed himself up, groaning, leaving red imprints in the wood floor. He swayed where he stood, trying to find up from down, and then looked over at Navy. "For Celestia's sake, the spell..." Even as he said it, he found himself empty. He had no more magic to spend on a spell, no more magic...and have any left over to keep himself running.
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

Navy stopped rambling for a second and blinked at Penwrite, "The... Spell?" she drew a blank for a second. Suddenly, a light popped on in her head, "Oh yeah! The spell to stop the Dreadlord! Well..." she picked up the book in her forelegs, sitting on her haunches, "It's somewhere in here... but I..." suddenly, another light came on. "Oh! Silly me! Why didn't I think of it before: I'll just ask the book where it is!" She slammed the book shut, losing her page, and stared at its cover, "Hi there book! My name's Navy! What's yours?" she pressed her ear against the book, looking at Penwrite with a grin, as if she had just had the most brilliant idea in the world...
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by Penwrite »

Penwrite stared for a moment, and then started crying. "We're all freaking dead..."
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Shin saw the other pegasus launch himself and grab onto the creature. "Hold on, whoever you are, it's about to take a fall," he said while diving to knock the thing's legs out from under it.
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by exranio »

Okay, I'm about to fall. I'm wrapped around a monsters neck and falling with it. Could be worse. The unicorn apperently can't aim, I've had worse help in a fight. This guy tackling me and the monster to the ground is apparently the only pony who knows how to do anything. Annnd Navy may be even crazier than I initially though. I should have stayed in jail. Time seemed to freeze for him as he wayed the current state of his life in his head. The monologue went by in monotone slowly. With a quick snap back into lucidity Locke bashed his head into the back of the monster's skull before jumping off into flight.
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by ctcmjh »

Sunset stood up, stars and birds flying around her head while her eyes copied Derpy, "No tea for me, Mr. Tophat. I have to get my socks drycleaned." She rambled incoherently.

She stumbled forward before shaking her head free of confusion, and back to sanity. She looked around, and her ears perked up at the sound of the struggling, "Oh no! My friends! They're in trouble!" She gasped, before charging straight towards the fray. She gasped at the sight of it all. She didn't know what was going on, only that there was some evil monster thing, and it was hurting her friends, "Leave my friends alone!" She yelled at the monster as her horn shined. She didn't know what she was going to cast, only that she was ready to cast it.

She hardly recognized that she was still invisible.
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

...Navy blinked, "The Journal of Hateful Shade, Lord of the Night." She looked back at the book, "Wow, really? That's cool! Listen Journal, can you tell me where Hateful wrote the spells to control his Dreadlord?" she leaned into the book expectantly again. Her face fell, "No...? Wha... Why not?" she stared at the book more, "A secret? But... I need to know..." She started nuzzling the book, "Won't you tell meeee, PLEEEAAASE?" she rubbed her whole face all over the book as if it was another pony she was trying to talk into something by being cute with it. "Pleeeaaase!" she begged again, finally her face lit up! She looked expectantly at the book for a second, nodding. She shot up and smacked her head with a hoof, "Well DUH!" she exclaimed and looked over at Penwrite, "It's near the end! And here I was searching from the front..." she rolled her eye at her own silliness. She reopened the book from the back, letting the pages slide with expert practice through her hooves, as if guided by their own magical force...

Shin hit the monster's legs, knocking them out from under it, and... It sort of just flapped its wings and righted itself. Yeah, 'cause it's got those. A group of its tentacles whipped out and ended up wrapping around Shin, grabbing him firmly, while another group went after Locke, barely missing his hooves. Yeah, 'cause it's got those too. The monster had now progressed from deformed screaming to just unworldly shrieks of rage at the ponies who were infuriating it, and it began to whip Shin through the air, attempting to club Locke with him as it flew around the library in a blind fit...
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Shin was surprised when the creature grabbed hold of him. He immediately started struggling to get free.
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by exranio »

"Whoa! Ahhh!" Locke just barely dodged the swings being made at him. "Come on! Why'd you have to use the one that could actually fight!" Mid complaint, he felt the full weight of another pony crash into his side. Locke crashed to the ground and rolled towards the window. Locke turned his head towards Navy. "Hey crazy! Blue, what did the book say already!?
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by Penwrite »

"Navy! If you don't give me that spell right this instant, I'm never writing anything ever again!"
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

"FOR THE LOVE OF CELESTIA, GIVE HER THE SPELL!" Shin screamed as the creature continued to swing him around the room.
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

...Navy watched the contents of the pages flash by, going through a set of blank pages before hitting a set of journal entries which had been ended with the phrase "WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME" scrawled in large letters repeatedly over several pages. Of course, they calmed significantly into normal entries as she went back, moving through battle plans and sketches of things like Celestia and her guards being killed in various ways. At some point, she passed a diagram of a spell which looked like it had several unicorns and Nightmare Moon completely annihilating Princess Celestia. Before that were some mildly risque sketches of Nightmare Moon herself....

Suddenly, her hoof stopped the pages and opened the book fully to a picture of a Dreadlord being unsummoned. "Here it is!" she said with delight, and picked up the book in her teeth, showing it to Penwrite for him to read. It looked like a somewhat complicated spell, with lots of summoning circles and things, but shouldn't've been too difficult to a well-learned unicorn like Penwrite or Sunset...

==== Meanwhile, a few meters away ====
"RAAHH!! RAAHH!! DIE DIE DIE!!!" yeah, it was still doing that angry thing. Shin was still being swung through the air, Locke was still being bared down on, and the monster was still furiously bucking about in the middle of the room...
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by Penwrite »

Penwrite read the spell and felt his heart sink. It was certainly within his ability level, but without time or materials to make the summoning circles and cast the barrier spells, there was only one option. One very painful, very permanent option. But if it saved them all, it would be worth it.

And so, Penwrite turned toward the rampaging beast and fired off a small ball of fire to get its attention. "Hey Nasty! Your time in this realm and hurting my friends is over! I'm finishing this once and for all! KLAATU!"

The temperature in the room suddenly dropped a dozen degrees or more, Penwrite's breath appearing as a mist in the air. He grit his teeth and brought the he had taken from the kitchen up to his forehead, setting it at the base of his unicorn horn. B-BARADA! He nearly screamed as he sent the knife carving through his horn with a push of magic, neatly cutting it off at the base.

His magic disappeared. Knife, horn, and unicorn dropped to the floor, Pen struggling to stay conscious. Losing power by the second, the stallion grabbed hold of his horn between his teeth and tossed it at the monster with the last of his strength. "NIKTO!"

The horn struck the Dreadlord square in the chest pointy end first, causing a blinding flash of light and a pulse of magic that propelled Shin and Locke away from the beast. A terrible scream rent the air as, before their very eyes, a hole in existence opened up on the Dreadlord. He was pulled in like water going down a drain, screaming obscenities at them all the way.

Then with a pop the hole closed, the Dreadlord gone, and Pen collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

[Well, I hope that was exciting for everyone.]
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

The Dreadlord screamed as he was banished, glowing glyphs and circles appearing around it as it began to dematerialize. Its tentacles let go of shin as they evaporated, sending him flying into the group with the others. Suddenly, the monster exploded into a bright shockwave, filling the room with dust which smelled thickly of volcanic ash. There was a loud, resounding roar as the house shook a bit with the force, but everything seemed to remain intact...

As the roar died down, another sound could be heard... *clop... clop... clop... clop...* The sound of hooves slowly being clapped together somewhere in the thick fog of dust...
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Shin stood back up after being thrown, his eyes circling around in their sockets. He noticed his right wing was in pain. He then became aware that he couldn't feel his left wing. "That's never a good sign," he said before quickly turning his head to look. Apparently, when the creature had thrown him, he landed on a knife. He saw the handle sticking out of the base of his limply hanging wing. "AH, THAT THING TOOK MY FRICKING WING!" he screamed. Luckily, the knife was keeping in most of the blood. Then he heard the clopping and turned to look for the source.
(OOC: Didn't want Shin getting out of this without a little battle damage. and there happened to be a knife in the direction he was thrown. Does it seem like I'm copying Pen too much, should I change it? tell me in the OOC.)
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by exranio »

Locke groaned as he rose, mostly out of furstration. He limped over to the others, mostly covered in bruises from all the blunt crashes. Oh, you guys killed it. Cool, I was getting really tired of him. All his screaming and rage and stuff. He could have had a much cooler schtick." He glanced over the ,used to be, unicorn on the floor. "Eww." He stepped up besides the other pegasus in the room. "Hey, nice work being useful. What's your name?" Locke's eyes quickly noticed the familiar handle stuck in competent pegasus' wing. A smile spread across Locke's face. "Oh cool you found my knife too. You really are useful!"
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

*clop... clop... clop... clop... clop...* the rhythmic clopping continued to echo from the dark fog. As it floated through the air, the moon came out from behind a cloud, illuminating the other side of the room a little better. Between the house-breakers and the window, Shin (because he was looking) could see the silhouette of a normal-sized pony, who seemed to be reclining in a chair as it slowly clopped its hooves together...
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by Penwrite »

Pen, of course, was still out cold.
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

Navy, of course, was still sexy.

*clop... clop... clop...*
Navy coughed at the soot in the air, looking around for the source of the noise, her delirium calming down for the time being. Through the haze, she too could now see the silhouette of a pony reclining in a chair, clapping with the moon behind it.

"Congra-du-lations..." said a clearly masculine voice, dripping with sarcasm and a heavy aristocratic accent, "Not only did you somehow manage to topple millenia-old security wards..." As the dust began to settle, the figure became clearer, a horn now visible spouting from his ragged mane, "Destroy artifacts that have been preserved for over a thousand years..." the dust was dissipating quickly now, revealing that the dark-coated unicorn was lounging in one of the library chairs which had, until recently, been smashed, "Ransack a library filled with countless hoof-written and discontinued tomes..." his eyes were now somewhat visible, lit with a dim red glow, "And even use Her own spells against me..." The regal unicorn sat forward, no longer clapping and gritting his jagged teeth, "BUT, you managed to use the knowledge from My Own Journal to defeat the Nathrezim which I summoned to repel your intrusion."

Hateful Shade gripped the arms of the half-burnt chair with his fetlocks, practically grinding his teeth with anger. "So I ask," he continued, "how shall I deal with intruders who refuse to leave?"

Behind the others, Navy had used the cover of fog to re-equip her saddlebags and pull Penwrite onto her back, and was now inching backwards towards the door with a cringe, having figured out exactly which historical villain this was. Ok... So... Cannibalistic Noble of the late classical era... Not sure how he's still alive, but the important point here is that he's probably going to eat us if I don't think of a plan, like... right now...
Last edited by RockstarRaccoon on Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by Penwrite »

This, of course, was debatable.

[I kid, I kid.]
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Shin looked at the pony in the chair with a stern gaze. "You summoned that thing? The thing that nearly killed us all? And what of Clyde and that one other pony? Did it actually finish the job with them?"
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:Shin looked at the pony in the chair with a stern gaze. "You summoned that thing? The thing that nearly killed us all? And what of Clyde and that one other pony? Did it actually finish the job with them?"
Hate raised a brow, vaguely remembering the name, "Clyde? Other pony? Obviously they left when they were told: you five are the only intruders still here. Speaking of that..." his eyes narrowed on Sunset, "I know you're standing there invisible, Sunset." He looked back at the whole group, "No, no one has been killed so far. Fortunately for you, I am a forgiving Unicorn, and I am not planning on killing any of you... So far..."
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by exranio »

Locke raised a hoof. "I think mean yet, dude. I've been threatened a lot of times. Your supposed to say 'I havn't killed any of you... yet. So far would mean you've been trying to and failing, which makes you look bad." Locke simply stared for a moment with a smug grin. "Also you look bad."
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by Penwrite »

If he had been conscious to hear this, Pen would've wanted to take Locke out for drinks.
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

Hate's eyes narrowed on Locke,

Navy cringed...

"You are aware that I'm perfectly capable of killing you where you stand, right?" he deadpanned.

Navy ducked her head, whispering, "Locke, stop... That's Hateful Shade: one of the most notorious war-criminals in the history of Equestria... There are legends of him actually eating ponies who stood up to him..."

Hate must've noticed this, because his eyes shifted to Navy, "And YOU, Librarian, don't think I don't know who the mastermind behind this is. Who subdued the guards. Who found the maps in the library. I know exactly what you're here for..."

Navy froze. He couldn't possibly have guessed all that... She figured it was as good of time as any to ask some questions, so she spoke up, "You've been gone for about a thousand years... How did you survive that long?"

Hate sneered at her, "Oh, there are MANY things in this world that have been forgotten by pony-kind.... It is quite often that we return from the depths of history to reclaim our former positions, and only expected for one of the most powerful Unicorns in the history of Equestria..."
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by exranio »

"A thousand years is a pretty round number. It's sort of perfect. Are sure wasn't a thousand and 1 or maybe a thousand point five. Just saying." Wait a sec, a thousand years old is pretty old. "So, Mr. Powerful round number years old guy, Some one like you would know about drake's heart, right?"
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

Hate gritted his teeth, not responding, just staring at Locke. A dark haze began to appear around his horn as his eyes bore into Locke...

...Who began to feel a tightening sensation in his chest, and a bit of a vague "I'm having heart troubles" kind of feeling...

"So, housebreaker, you now ask me where you can find a powerful relic like the Hearts of a Drake...? And you believe this to be a wise decision?" His brow furrowed, as if he was now exerting some amount of concentration on Locke...

Locke's heart started beating harder and faster, struggling against some external pressure. He could now hear it in his head...

"Locke... Please..." Navy started tugging his tail as she whispered in fear, "He's really dangerous, and you're not helping... I think he's thinking of casting a spell on you..." She was, of course, unaware that Hate was currently squeezing Locke's heart with his telekinesis, a trick he'd once used to cause one of Celestia's elderly generals to drop dead in the middle of a rallying speech...

(( Locke might start feeling faint after a bit of this... ))
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Shin had been inching towards Where Pen was lying unconcious earlier, and now picked up the knife he'd used earlier in his mouth.
"Hey, tall, dark, and terrifying," he said, though it was muffled by the knife, "I think this is yours."
he then tuned his head and threw it towards Hateful, knowing full well he'd probably catch it with his magic. He just hoped it distracted him long enough yo take his focus off of Locke.
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by exranio »

Locke's vision blurred in and out as he felt a tension in his chest. He wobbled a bit nearly falling. He wrapped a hoof over Navy. "Blue, just let me uhh... hang here just a bi..." His eyes closed as he faded into sleep.
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by ctcmjh »

Sunset gasped at the events unfolding. She wanted to do something to help, but she had no inkling as to what she could do. She stood there, looking from pony to pony, trying to figure out what to do. As Pen fell unconscious, she gasped, and as Locke fell unconscious, she gasped once more. As Hate aknowledged he, she felt a cold chill run down her spine; she felt very afraid.

Her fear was forcing the hold on her invisibility potion to fade, and she was quickly becoming visible once more. She rushed over to Pen as he lay unconscious on Navy's back, "Penny!" She nearly screamed, frightened, disregarding the clear and present danger.
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by Penwrite »

"Nnnh...w-wha..." Pen's eyes flickered open. Everything was hazy to him, everything hurt, and coming back to consciousness for even this long took more effort than he could have imagined just that morning. The one thing that was clear to the unicorn though was the fear in Sunset's voice.

" it..." Then he was out once more.

Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by ctcmjh »

"T-teleport? But I've... I've never teleported more than one pony before! I do illusion magic, not teleportation! I don't know if I can do it." She replied, freaking out in fear.
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

Hate's concentration was broken by the object being thrown at him. Rathar than catch it though, he ducked to the side, diving out of the chair and rolling onto his hooves, his horn lighting up as he took a combative stance.

"You have to!" Navy cried, "He's gonna eat us!"

Hate growled as he slowly began to approach them, his horn readying a myriad of military grade combat spells, "Oh that's the least of your worries now..."

Navy looked frantically around, grabbing the journal again and slamming it open on the ground to a spot near the front. She held it up for Sunset, revealing a spread of extremely helpful notes that Hate had taken a thousand years before on Princess Luna's Wink spell...

Hate growled and quickened his pace, "That's my book you filthy mud-mover!!" His horn started to light with an angry looking spell...
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Shin stepped between Hate and Navy. "let's just... let's all calm down. You haven't killed anyone tonight though not for lack of trying so I'm sure we'd all be willing to leave here right now without causing you any more trouble. I'd even be willing to come back and help repair any damage we caused if you don't feel like doing it magically. But we all need to get to a hospital and have our wounds addressed. So how about you let us go peacefully and we'll attempt to repay you for your mercy once we're able. Maybe we could even be friends. A millenium alone has to be so... lonely."
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

Hate stopped advancing. He stared at Shin, horn slowly powering down. He just stared for a moment.

Finally he said calmly. "The door is right behind you." He looked up and lit up his horn, and the house made a shuttering noise as the front doorway reopened. He raised a hoof and gestured regally at the door, his military habits dropped again, "I would assume that you know the way out."

Navy wasn't buying it, "Don't trust him..." she whispered around the edge of the book in her mouth, "Princess Celestia herself put out a death warrant on him after he tried to kill her in the middle of a negotiation..." She stood still, careful to speak under his hearing, "He's planning on killing us the second he has a good shot..." She edged towards the door, glancing at Sunset, "Teleport us, quick!"
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Fanfiction Character: Vallerie Nightengale (female, idiot)

Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by ctcmjh »

Sunset looked back and forth between each pony. She was buckling under the stress, "O-okay! Here goes nothing!" She said in a tone that was a mix of nervousness and excitement. She studied the notes carefully as her horn lit up in its normal orange glow. She finished reading, took a gulp, and closed her eyes. The spell covered all the ponies, except Hate of course. The room erupted in a bright light as Sunset's Wink Spell transported them out of the room, and onto the front lawn of the house. She opened her eyes and smiled, "W-wow, it worked..." She said, before collapsing on the ground. She was very much awake, just exhausted.
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

(( Just to be clear about this little bit for Sunset ))

Navy shuddered with the force of the landing, gasping for breath as she barely retained her footing: Sunset wasn't very practiced with the spell and caused everypony to lurch violently with the spell, sending them hurtling through a vacuum with chaotic gravity. Navy's tail and mane smoked where they'd been singed by the energy of where the spell hadn't been properly sized, a result of Sunsets complete lack of experience with group teleportation. (she wasn't a good aim on sizing and distance, and she wasn't good at coping with the conditions of bringing a group through the magical space between spacial dimensions) Luckily, it didn't seem like anypony had been injured by the action...

Navy panted as she managed to regain her footing. She glanced about, noticing where they were and that everypony was still with them, though perhaps a bit more spaced out. "Al-... Alright!" she said, still worried, "We're not in the same room as him but we should really get out of here before he comes after us... Follow me!" she started cantering off back towards town, Penwrite bobbing about on her back...
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by Penwrite »

[I don't know why. but the image of Penwrite bobbing along as she canters toward town is really cute.]
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Re: MLP:FIM: Grand Castilia

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Shin felt a bit sick after the teleportation and The slow blood loss was starting to get to him and he was getting dizzy, but he fought the urge to throw up and/or pass out.
He followed Navy, stumbling a bit as he moved. his vision was slowly fading.
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