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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 10:09 pm
by ctcmjh
Erin smiled at Terry, "You're interested in Ian?" He asked, but then focused on the more important part, "And what do you mean, 'now that I'm here?'" He asked, still holding on to Terry's hands.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 10:39 pm
"I've been teasing Ian since we were little, but it's been more than just messing with him..." Terry sighed. "And now you come along, all cheerful and charming... and I don't know anymore..."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 10:42 pm
by ctcmjh
Erin smiled at Terry, "If you still like Ian..." He paused for a second, "Then you should follow your heart." He told Terry, letting go with one hand, misinterpreting what Terry meant.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 10:45 pm
"No!" Terry blurted, grabbing Erin's hand again. "I mean, I don't know if Ian's really the one for me anymore..." He sighed. "I mean I think you are..."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 10:51 pm
by ctcmjh
Erin quickly blushed deeply when Terry said that. He gripped Terry's hand tightly, but not too tight, and pulled Terry in a little closer. Erin never felt this nervous before. He could see Terry's brilliant green eyes clearly, despite the darkness, "I... I feel the same way about you Terry." He told him nervously, but happy.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:42 am
by RockstarRaccoon
"So," Rikki said, turning to look at Xuan (who was walking with him, Taku, Frank, and Darin), "Thanks for keeping my son company. Xuan Right? My name's Rikki." He held out a paw to the dog walking beside him. (Who Melinda had told him of between the time they got back and the time they left and had been with them the whole time.)


Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 2:14 am
by CY_Law
Xuan held out a paw to shake Rikki's paw((Let's say it is a habit)) "Yes, that's my name, nice to meet you Rikki... and yea... looking after your son... isn't really that... hard" he chuckled at how he virtually did nothing when he was with Taku.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 2:28 am
by RockstarRaccoon
"Well, he doesn't really need to be 'looked after'," Rikki said, looking back at Taku over his shoulder, "He is a grown man after all."
Finally. Taku thought, Someone gets that I'm a 'grown man'.
"Thanks anyway though, he's having a rough week, what with his nose being broken and Darin here showing up and needing me... Been hoping he'd get a mate soon so he can have kids next spring, but with his nose like that, I'm not sure how many females he'll be meeting..."
Taku felt annoyed, Gee, thanks dad, go tell him all about my mating-life, will ya?

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 2:44 am
by CY_Law
"Oh... a grown up eh? Funny that I didn't realize it, guess I wasn't so familiar with raccoon after all..."
Xuan looked at Taku, "Hey, don't look annoyed like that, you soon have to face it, ain't I right? Little guy?" Xuan smirked, while rubbing Taku's head fur with his paw.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 2:55 am
by RockstarRaccoon
"...Face it?" Rikki asked, confused, "Um... what will he have to face...?"
Taku raised a brow, What's he talking about? This guy is so weird...

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 3:24 am
by CY_Law
Xuan head-tilted, looking at Taku, "Well... aren't you nervous? Having no experience and what not? But I guess you can manage it just fine." Xuan scratched his head, feeling he's talking nonsense.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 3:59 am
by RockstarRaccoon
"Nervous? Inexperienced? Now, come on, I'm sure Taku knows the basic process of mating. Then again..." Rikki looked at Taku... then at Darin. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to explain it to them a bit..." He turned around to address both of them, "So, to mate, first you get a female who wants to mate with you and-" he proceeded to graphically explain the mating process of raccoons, finishing in less than a minute, "And then you keep that up for a few days, and by the next spring, she has little puppies!" he clapped his hands to emphasize the last bit, turning back to Xuan with a grin, "There, all done. No problems mating here, eh?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 5:36 am
by thrasherblades
Dr. Prower wrote: Jacob remained silent as he made his way with Dr. Rashid outside. Once they were outside, Jacob began wiping tears out of his eyes. [i]"I hope she'll be okay..."[/i]
The doctor mourned silently as he led Jacob back to the limo. They both got in as the vehicle slowly pulled out of the airport. Dr Rashid looked out of the window as they passed by the trees and buildings. "Enya's a nice girl. I've been serving her family for many years now. How did you get to meet her?" he asked Jacob.

Zander wrote:Joy turned to Shep as she saw Rocky carry Cale into his house. "Do you think he's still mad? should we talk to him?" Joy asked, concerned.
Shep looked worriedly at Cale as was being carried by Rocky into the house. "Mmm yeah he does need some help. Let's go." Shep said.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:46 am
ctcmjh wrote:Erin quickly blushed deeply when Terry said that. He gripped Terry's hand tightly, but not too tight, and pulled Terry in a little closer. Erin never felt this nervous before. He could see Terry's brilliant green eyes clearly, despite the darkness, "I... I feel the same way about you Terry." He told him nervously, but happy.
Terry stared up at Erin, their noses mere centimeters apart. He blinked, and a smile slipped across his face. "I-I'm glad..." Terry leaned in a bit closer, so their noses were touching now. "I'm really glad." His lips locked with Erin's, eyes narrowing to blissful slits.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 11:09 am
by ctcmjh
Erin's heart skipped a beat when Terry's lips met his. He moved his arms around Terry, pulling him in to a hug while they kissed. He stroked Terry's fur while they kissed.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 11:20 am
by CY_Law
RockstarRaccoon wrote:"Nervous? Inexperienced? Now, come on, I'm sure Taku knows the basic process of mating. Then again..." Rikki looked at Taku... then at Darin. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to explain it to them a bit..." He turned around to address both of them, "So, to mate, first you get a female who wants to mate with you and-" he proceeded to graphically explain the mating process of raccoons, finishing in less than a minute, "And then you keep that up for a few days, and by the next spring, she has little puppies!" he clapped his hands to emphasize the last bit, turning back to Xuan with a grin, "There, all done. No problems mating here, eh?"
"Yeah..." He chuckled, facing Rikki, "That should do it," he turned back facing the road, with a grin.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 2:10 pm
by Zander
Joy nodded, taking Shep's hand and walking over to Cale's house. She stepped up to the door and rang the doorbell, turning to Shep.

Rocky's ears perked up from the doorbell, he turned his head toward the door from the couch, getting up "i got it!" he yelled to whoever else was going to get it. He opened the door to see Shep and Joy. "Oh.. hey."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 5:29 pm
ctcmjh wrote:Erin's heart skipped a beat when Terry's lips met his. He moved his arms around Terry, pulling him in to a hug while they kissed. He stroked Terry's fur while they kissed.
Terry's eyes shut completely, his hand braced agaisnt Erin's chest as he kissed the dog. This may have not have been the ideal place, but he was enjoying it.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:45 pm
by ctcmjh
Erin enjoyed every second with Terry. He broke the kiss slowly and tenderly and pulled his head away. He smiled brightly at Terry, admiring how cute and handsome he was. He embraced Terry tightly and smiled, "Let's continue this outside." He said sweetly.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:56 pm
by FunkyChickenFace
RockstarRaccoon wrote:"Nervous? Inexperienced? Now, come on, I'm sure Taku knows the basic process of mating. Then again..." Rikki looked at Taku... then at Darin. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to explain it to them a bit..." He turned around to address both of them, "So, to mate, first you get a female who wants to mate with you and-" he proceeded to graphically explain the mating process of raccoons, finishing in less than a minute, "And then you keep that up for a few days, and by the next spring, she has little puppies!" he clapped his hands to emphasize the last bit, turning back to Xuan with a grin, "There, all done. No problems mating here, eh?"
Frank practically toppled over. "Heyzeus, Rikks, I'm not sure that was necessary," he said, sweatdropping. "I mean, he doesn't need to know the exact details of movement, does he? It's not exactly difficult to mate."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:30 pm
Terry smiled as he leaned into Erin's embrace. He finally pulled away fromt he dog, nodding. "Right!" He said, more brightly than before. "Now then, how do we get out of here?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:41 pm
by ctcmjh
Erin smiled and looked around, "I saw a small light where I found my scarf. If we swim down that way, we can get out of here!" He said excited as he led Terry to said spot. He grabbed Terry's hand and squeezed, "Ready?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 11:24 pm
by Rubin
Buckdida wrote:"Weeeeeell, rules for magic are pretty simple," he said, holding up his index finger. "A) don't let non-magic users see you use it, or discuss it with non-magic users," he held up a second finger, "And b) don't abuse it or use it for evil. Of course, it gets a lot more specific than that... but those are the basics! And...yes, you'll have to meet my mum sometime! She'll be able to tell what you'd be good at with magic and stuff. Aaaaaaas for being against the rules...well, I was trying to figure that out. You can see magic, so you know it's there, but you didn't know it was magic, so I couldn't really say took me a long time to figure whether it was okay to say something." Trinket looked down and poked his own left foot. "Sorry..."
Zeke listened to the spiel, in a half dazed state. It made sense... almost too much sense. all of a sudden, it felt as if something had clicked. He lifted a finger, as an Idea flashed through his head, but it disappeared as quickly as it came, and the finger drooped slightly with his ears.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:21 am
by Buckdida
Trinket leaned up close to Zeke, noting that Zeke was kinda dazed at the new information. Well, the whole, "magic exists" thing is quite hard to process when first hearing about it. Trinket squinted one eye to look at Zeke, cocking his head to one side. Yup, Zeke was quite zoned out. Blue Screen of Death. "Uh...Zeke? Helloooo?" Trinket held up his fingers to Zeke's face.


"Zeke? You okay? Don't zone out now...I mean, if that zones you out, then you'd faint at the next thing...if we're gonna still explore the tomb."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:36 am
by Rubin
Zeke shoo his head, trying to remember what that thought could had been, but decided it would be best to try to respond to Trinket. "I, er, Well, I had a feeling... but... OK, I guess I can listen to more," He replied through a cloud of thought. it wasn't clear to him if he had actually said it or not, but he didn't try to repeat himself.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 1:58 am
by Buckdida
"It's not so much 'listen,' as it is, 'show..." Trinket pointed to his collar, his pendent, his earring...and then his foot. "All of these are charms of sorts. The Ear Banner of Great luck keeps me from dying, basically, because I have horrible cursed luck. The Sword Pendent of Great Presence keeps people from hating me...also a curse, and then the Collar of Stabilizing Energy fixes my energy...again another curse. Then my foot...uh...well...that one isn't really mine...which is why I can't walk down this tomb here. See, this tomb seems to be protected by light aligned magic. Now, if I were to take off the foot, I could walk down there, and we could explore..."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 2:36 am
by Rubin
"Well, I suppose that would certainty explain the... glow" He stared at the foot some more, wondering what she meant by 'take off her foot' it just mingled with the cloud of thought in his mind tho, and he soon passed it off as normal... Wait, how could anything be normal now? He gently poked at the foot, tentatively as if expecting it to bite him.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 3:03 am
by Buckdida
"I...can't feel that, can hit it, stab it, break it...unless it's hit by light magic, it can't be damaged, and even then, it always regenerates fairly quickly. Because...well...promise you won't freak out about this..." Trinket sat down, leaning back against the wall, with his foot raised up. "Now...promise you won't freak out about this...ready?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 4:25 am
by RockstarRaccoon
RockstarRaccoon wrote:"Nervous? Inexperienced? Now, come on, I'm sure Taku knows the basic process of mating. Then again..." Rikki looked at Taku... then at Darin. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to explain it to them a bit..." He turned around to address both of them, "So, to mate, first you get a female who wants to mate with you and-" he proceeded to graphically explain the mating process of raccoons, finishing in less than a minute, "And then you keep that up for a few days, and by the next spring, she has little puppies!" he clapped his hands to emphasize the last bit, turning back to Xuan with a grin, "There, all done. No problems mating here, eh?"
CY_Law wrote:"Yeah..." He chuckled, facing Rikki, "That should do it," he turned back facing the road, with a grin.
FunkyChickenFace wrote:Frank practically toppled over. "Heyzeus, Rikks, I'm not sure that was necessary," he said, sweatdropping. "I mean, he doesn't need to know the exact details of movement, does he? It's not exactly difficult to mate."
Taku nodded, Yeah, I've kinda figured out the specifics of everything on my own by now... Doesn't sound like something I wouldn't figure out within about 5 minutes if I could find an interested female... He let out another constricted sigh, looking off and daydreaming, tuning out the conversation...
Rikki shrugged at them all, "Well, hey, now no one can say that they don't know where babies come from, or that Rikki here doesn't know how to make 'em for that matter. Right?" He shot Xuan a grin, but relaxed after a moment, "Then again, I hope this talk about mating and kids isn't making you or Frank uncomfortable, being, you know... pets and all that... you know what I'm getting at..."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:50 am
by thrasherblades
Zander wrote:Joy nodded, taking Shep's hand and walking over to Cale's house. She stepped up to the door and rang the doorbell, turning to Shep.

Rocky's ears perked up from the doorbell, he turned his head toward the door from the couch, getting up "i got it!" he yelled to whoever else was going to get it. He opened the door to see Shep and Joy. "Oh.. hey."
"Hey there Rocky! We saw you carrying Cale in. Is he hurt? Does he need any help?" Shep said.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 4:29 pm
by FunkyChickenFace
RockstarRaccoon wrote: Taku nodded, Yeah, I've kinda figured out the specifics of everything on my own by now... Doesn't sound like something I wouldn't figure out within about 5 minutes if I could find an interested female... He let out another constricted sigh, looking off and daydreaming, tuning out the conversation...
Rikki shrugged at them all, "Well, hey, now no one can say that they don't know where babies come from, or that Rikki here doesn't know how to make 'em for that matter. Right?" He shot Xuan a grin, but relaxed after a moment, "Then again, I hope this talk about mating and kids isn't making you or Frank uncomfortable, being, you know... pets and all that... you know what I'm getting at..."
"I'm more worried about poor Darin, Rikks. You alright, Darin?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 4:56 pm
by Neko
"Huh?" Darin was snapped out of his thoughts and looked up to face Frank. "I'm good, why wouldn't I be?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 5:08 pm
by FunkyChickenFace
Frank sighed. "If you say so...." He changed the subject. "Hey Rikks, due to my horrible sense of direction, I've no idea where we are. How long till we get to my house?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 5:25 pm
by RockstarRaccoon
Rikki blinked back at him, "You mean... You don't recognize the gate up there?" He pointed ahead, at a large gate in a wooden fence which had come into view as they rounded a bend, "We're right by your house. I told you it wasn't far..."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 5:40 pm
by FunkyChickenFace
Frank facepawed. "Right. Um... anyway. Does anybody want something edible to rapidly consume or a beverage to quench your thirst when we get to my house?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:17 pm
ctcmjh wrote:Erin smiled and looked around, "I saw a small light where I found my scarf. If we swim down that way, we can get out of here!" He said excited as he led Terry to said spot. He grabbed Terry's hand and squeezed, "Ready?"
Terry stared down at the light, there was no telling how deep they actually were, but if that was the only way out, then so be it. He nodded, readying to spring. "Right, let's get topside." He dove, jetting down toward the light.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:41 pm
by Rubin
Buckdida wrote:"I...can't feel that, can hit it, stab it, break it...unless it's hit by light magic, it can't be damaged, and even then, it always regenerates fairly quickly. Because...well...promise you won't freak out about this..." Trinket sat down, leaning back against the wall, with his foot raised up. "Now...promise you won't freak out about this...ready?"
Zeke blinked for a moment... the foot had seemed suspicious before... but now he was overly curious... "Alright... Ill try not to..." He said, trying to swallow back his enthusiasm and confusion.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:55 pm
by ctcmjh
Erin smiled at gripped his scarf tightly as he followed Terry by diving in after him towards the light.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:03 pm
by RockstarRaccoon
Once again, a current took hold of them to take them a bit further... well... a LOT further. The tunnel narrowed and they were pulled along more than they swam, far along under the water, finally reaching a spot where they could surface for much needed air: an underground river, which carried them along. Small openings in the ceiling high above let in light, but the sky was not visible. A ways ahead, they could see a bronze light emanating from what looked like an end to the tunnel.\

(( Cool adventure: Y/N? ))

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:14 pm
((I feel as though our characters have stepped into the last season of LOST.... xD))

Terry burst fromt eh surface with a gasp. He crawled up into the shallows, coughing and weezing. "What is wrong *cough* with these tunnels?!" He took a deep breath, panting. "Wh-Where are we now?"