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Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 5:37 pm
by Zander
Maple waved at the previous wolf and let out a "hi" she then turned to bullet. "Bullet-y!" she said, diving for his leg.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 6:26 pm
by ctcmjh
Aquablast wrote:Bullet followed Bolly walked slowly behind him. As Bullet approached, he realized that the white dog was actually Yukiko, although he didn't recognize the black cat.

"Oh hi, Yukiko! How do you do?" Bullet asked and smiled to Yukiko. Bullet likes Yukiko because she is always kind and polite to everyone.

He turned to Gary and offered his hand with a smile. "Hi! I don't think we have met before, I am Bullet!"
Yukiko bowed respectful to Bullet, "Hello to you too, Bullet. I am doing well, how are you doing?"

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 9:10 pm
FunkyChickenFace wrote:Windchimes quickly packed his bass. Waving over his shoulder at Angel, he carefully but swiftly began to wheel it towards the more upscale part of town, May following.
May trailed behind Windchimes, her feet shuffling anxiously. "I hope the little pup is ok..." She mused.


Angel's feet barely touched the ground as he sprinted down the sidewalk. It wasn't long before he caught a strong whiff of Aiden's trail, and he followed it through all sorts of turns and alleys. Please don't be in any trouble...

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 9:43 pm
by Neko
DarkHeartsAndSuch wrote: "You're welcome," Sunni said, cuddling up against Jake again.
Jake smiled and put an arm around Sunni, hugging the cat to his side. It was kind of cute how the cat had taken such a liking to him. He leaned back on the couch, enjoying the cool air. "This sure beats standing around in the sun."


Aiden slowed to a stop in front of the abandoned building, the condemned sign in the front and wooden planks still boarded over the windows and door. He moved to a broken window, flipping the boards around before climbing in. He looked around the rooms of the first floor, the stairs to the second floor having been broken down long ago. It's not the same with everyone gone...

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 9:48 pm
Angel skidded through the alleys, vaulting over a fence that blocked his path. The pup's scent was strong now, but he couldn't see Aiden anywhere... He looked around, his eyes falling on an old building. The husky surveyed the broken windows and boards, but saw no sign of the pup. "Aiden?!" He called out hopefully.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 10:06 pm
by Neko
Aiden froze mid-step when he heard Angel's voice. Why did he follow me out here? I never should've trusted that stupid cat to deliver the message. I'll just be quiet and he'll go away... He started tip-toeing across the room but stepped on a loose board, creating a loud 'creak'. Crap, I forgot about that!

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 10:13 pm
Angel's ears twitched at the creaking from inside. That must be him, but why is he ignoring me? "Aiden?" He called again, walking up the steps to the building. "Why'd you run of-" He was cut off as the boards beneath him snapped, and he tumbled down with a yelp.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 10:22 pm
by Neko
Aiden jumped when he heard Angel yelp. Well, he knows I'm here know. Might as well go see what he did. He went to the broken window and poked his head out, seeing the Husky had fallen to the ground. The pup sighed, "Why did you follow me? I told that cat I'd be back, didn't he tell you?"

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 10:25 pm
Angel sat up with a groan, rubbing his head. "What? The cat? Yeha... he said something, but you can't just run off like that!" Angel sighed. "I'm sorry if you could just go anywhere before the AC got you, but that can't work anymore..."

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 10:26 pm
by DarkHeartsAndSuch
Neko wrote:Jake smiled and put an arm around Sunni, hugging the cat to his side. It was kind of cute how the cat had taken such a liking to him. He leaned back on the couch, enjoying the cool air. "This sure beats standing around in the sun."
Sunni nuzzled under Jake's arm, smiling. "Uh-huh," she agreed, despite her thinking (if she even was thinking) it was a little too cool in the apartment.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 10:31 pm
by FunkyChickenFace
JOFOXX wrote:
FunkyChickenFace wrote:Windchimes quickly packed his bass. Waving over his shoulder at Angel, he carefully but swiftly began to wheel it towards the more upscale part of town, May following.
May trailed behind Windchimes, her feet shuffling anxiously. "I hope the little pup is ok..." She mused.


Angel's feet barely touched the ground as he sprinted down the sidewalk. It wasn't long before he caught a strong whiff of Aiden's trail, and he followed it through all sorts of turns and alleys. Please don't be in any trouble...
Windchimes shrugged. "He had the sense to tell us he was leaving. He should be fine." He quickly slipped his bass in through the door and went back down stairs. "Where do we go?"

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 11:22 pm
by Neko
Jake rubs Sunni's side, enjoying the nuzzling from her. It was comforting to have someone care about him, after waking up all alone with no memories. He looked down at Sunni and smiled. "So, do you want to do anything besides sit here and snuggle?"


"Yea I kinda expected that. *Sigh* Look, just go back home. I'll be back before it gets dark, you don't need to watch me 24/7." He pulled his head back inside and headed into a different room, hoping Angel would just leave.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 11:47 pm
by DarkHeartsAndSuch
Sunni smiled nervously up at Jake. "Uh... Um... Not really..." She laid her head on Jake's stomach, her mind wandering. "You?"

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:27 am
FunkyChickenFace wrote:Windchimes shrugged. "He had the sense to tell us he was leaving. He should be fine." He quickly slipped his bass in through the door and went back down stairs. "Where do we go?"
May waited patiently at the bottom of the stairs as Windchimes went up. When he was back, they started the return trip. "I suppose we should follow Angel's tracks. He'll almost certainly have found Aiden's scent."

Neko wrote:"Yea I kinda expected that. *Sigh* Look, just go back home. I'll be back before it gets dark, you don't need to watch me 24/7." He pulled his head back inside and headed into a different room, hoping Angel would just leave.
Angel gawked at the empty space where Aiden had been. His eyes shifted hesitantly for a moment, but they suddenly flashed with a very serious look. "Aiden!" He half-growled, moving to the broken window to squeeze himself inside.He looked around, not seeing the pup in the gloom. "I understand you want your privacy, but I'm telling you it wont work like this. It's not safe for a puppy to be wandering around by himself..." The husky trailed off, sighing. "I want to watch you..."

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 11:40 am
by Dylan
Bavette kept nibbling the sunflower seed that he picked up from a dropped bag that lay next to him on the curb, he started working on it's shell for about 15 seconds, trying to open trying to get to the delicious seed inside. He looked around while he was nibbling, none of this looked familiar to him at all, did he travel too far again? He shrugged and broke though the shell and gobbled up the salty insides. He grabbed another seed and looked at it, he started to wonder how the heck they put salt on the inside of seeds, that and how they got them inside of might as well be another unsolvable mystery to him. After he finished the second seed, he jumped up and with little thought, started to walk along the curb, with no set destination in mind. (he is just walking around randomly)

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 12:14 pm
by FunkyChickenFace
Windchimes nodded. "Which way did he go? I didn't see. You lead the way."

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 1:05 pm
by Neko
Aiden had moved to another room, ignoring Angel completely. He moved to a corner, dropping to his knees in front of a pile of rags and torn blankets. The pup picked up one of the more decent blankets, sniffing deeply and taking in the scents, his eyes starting to tear up. I can still smell you...


Jake sighed contentedly, still leaning back on the couch. He still needed to search, but this was too nice. "Mmm, not really. This is good for now, nice and comfy."

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 1:19 pm
by Alex
Hi! I don't think we have met before, I am Bullet!
Gary shook paws with this new dog. Hello, I am Gary, a name chosen by me. I've never seen you before, either, and I live here almost all my life. I'm outside most of the day, too. Where do you spend your time? Did you just move in?

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 1:21 pm
May picked up the pace, waving at Windchimes to follow. "We just need to go past the store again."

Angel heard shuffling in one of the other rooms and followed the sound. He peeked into the room, seeing Aiden stooped over a pile of what looked like dirty laundry. He padded up behind Aiden, kneeling down to rest a hand on the pup's shoulder. "Aiden... What's wrong?"

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 1:52 pm
by FunkyChickenFace
JOFOXX wrote:May picked up the pace, waving at Windchimes to follow. "We just need to go past the store again."

Angel heard shuffling in one of the other rooms and followed the sound. He peeked into the room, seeing Aiden stooped over a pile of what looked like dirty laundry. He padded up behind Aiden, kneeling down to rest a hand on the pup's shoulder. "Aiden... What's wrong?"
Windchimes followed stoically. Unfortunately, tracking wasn't his area of expertise.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 2:03 pm
by Neko
Aiden sniffled, holding the blanket tight. "I-I can still smell them, but they're gone. I'm never going to see them again..." He could feel the tears rolling down his cheeks and into his fur, staying faced away from Angel. He didn't want to seem weak in front of Angel, that wouldn't help at all. But Aiden couldn't stop himself from crying, he just wanted his old life back. The life he shared with his parents.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 2:25 pm
Angel bit his lip at the sight of the pup crying. He sat down beside Aiden, wrapping an arm around the pup. He hugged Aiden tenderly. "Shh... It's okay..." The husky couldn't think of anything to say. He felt useless, hopeless.

May walked with a purpose. She was a little worried, but not really for Aiden. She figured that the pup would be more or less fine. He must have known what he was doing, but Angel had just made a huge emotional leap, and would be sensitive. Her thoughts were cut off as she nearly had to leap aside to avoid stepping on a little mouse that was walking down the curb. "Er... Oh, sorry. Hello there."

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 2:31 pm
by FunkyChickenFace
Windchimes nearly tripped over May. As it was, he really DID trip over the mouse.
"WHOOOAH!! *THUMP* Oof. Sorry, are you okay?" he asked.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 2:56 pm
by Neko
Aiden leaned into Angel, wiping his tears away but still sniffling. "No, It's not ok. My parents gone and I'm never going to see them again. They just couldn't leave us alone..."

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:28 pm
Angel hugged Aiden to his chest, rubbing the pup's headfur. "I'm sorry they did that to your family Aiden. If there was anything I could do I would, but I'm sorry..." He sighed. "I won't let anything happen to you."

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:34 pm
by DarkHeartsAndSuch
Neko wrote:Jake sighed contentedly, still leaning back on the couch. He still needed to search, but this was too nice. "Mmm, not really. This is good for now, nice and comfy."
Sunni smiled, running her fingers through Jake's fur that was infront of her face. "That's good..."

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 4:52 pm
by Aquablast
Bullet jerked backward and let out a yip as he was startled by Maple's sudden pounce. "Oh, hey Maple!"
Alex wrote:Hello, I am Gary, a name chosen by me. I've never seen you before, either, and I live here almost all my life. I'm outside most of the day, too. Where do you spend your time? Did you just move in?
"I live here for almost half of my life, but I spend most of my time in the apartment. My master didn't let me out until the leash law was lifted, maybe that's why we never met!"
ctcmjh wrote:"Hello to you too, Bullet. I am doing well, how are you doing?"
Bullet nodded back to Yukiko. "I am fine too! But TV is boring recently."

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:04 pm
by Neko
JOFOXX wrote:Angel hugged Aiden to his chest, rubbing the pup's headfur. "I'm sorry they did that to your family Aiden. If there was anything I could do I would, but I'm sorry..." He sighed. "I won't let anything happen to you."
Aiden nuzzled against Angel's chest, still clutching the blanket. He sniffled, "Humans are so cruel, they don't care about strays. They just want to get rid of us..."


Jake smiled down at Sunni, enjoying the rubbing. "You're really fascinated with my fur aren't you? I never really thought it was all that special..."

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:08 pm
Angel sighed. "That's not true. I admit some humans are bad, but most of them are really nice." He nuzzled the pup. "They pick up strays like you to get them good homes. Dad and I found you..."

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 8:28 pm
by Dylan
Bavette jumped to the side as soon as a giant paw nearly stepped on him. "hey watch where you going! you nearly squished me!" squeaking angerly at the giant figures that towered him. 'geez, people need to watch where they are going' thinking to himself as he brushed off the dirt off his fur.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 8:32 pm
by FunkyChickenFace
"Like I said, I'm really sorry. You alright?"

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 8:51 pm
by DarkHeartsAndSuch
Neko wrote:Jake smiled down at Sunni, enjoying the rubbing. "You're really fascinated with my fur aren't you? I never really thought it was all that special..."
Sunni rolled over to look up at Jake. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 8:58 pm
by Dylan
FunkyChickenFace wrote:"Like I said, I'm really sorry. You alright?"
Bavette laughed, "of course i'm alright, i'm always alright! Well...most of the time anyway, except when I eat too much, and I get a stomachache." as soon as he finished talking he started skipping along the curve away from the two 'giants' as if nothing happened earlier.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:22 am
by Neko
DarkHeartsAndSuch wrote: Sunni rolled over to look up at Jake. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"I don't know, I didn't think my fur was all that amazing." Jake scratched the back of his head, unsure of what to say. "It's just a surprise that someone would like it so much..."

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:48 am
by Alex
Aquablast wrote:I live here for almost half of my life, but I spend most of my time in the apartment. My master didn't let me out until the leash law was lifted, maybe that's why we never met!
Yeah, that may be the reason... - said Gary, deep in thoughts. It was hard to understand for him that a pet would like to spent his time inside. But it looks like Bullet is allowed to watch TV, too. And he says it bores him out now! Gary was jealous now. Others could watch TV to the point of it getting boring for them, and he wasn't allowed to look at it even if it's turned off! He tried not to show any signs of jealousy, but his expression turned more serious than before.
So... you knew Maple before? Well, it wouldn't be a surprise if everyone knew her. She glomps everything...

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:17 pm
by Bolly
ctcmjh wrote:Yukiko looks to Bolly and bows, "Hello, my name is Yukiko Takanawa. I am pleased to meet you. It is always good to meet a new friend." She said, kindly.
Bolly chuckled at Yukiko. "Hehe, that's a cool name. Japanese, right? So formal with the bowing and everything as well." Bolly then realised that the cat didn't seem to have noticed him. He decided to try and be funny. "So Gary, you notice Bullet but you don't notice the tall wolf also saying hi to you?" He chuckled again and held out his paw. "The name's Bolly. Nice to meet you."

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 1:34 pm
by Alex
Gary shook his head, and turned towards Bolly. He grabbed his paw and shook it.
Oh, sorry... I'm Gary. I was just thinking something, and, well, I was distracted by Bullet and Maple here. I haven't seen you before either, did you just move in?

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:15 pm
by ctcmjh
Yukiko smiled, "Yes, I am Japanese. At least somebody can tell the difference." She said, looking to Gary, remembering Gary calling her Chinese.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:37 pm
by DarkHeartsAndSuch
Neko wrote:"I don't know, I didn't think my fur was all that amazing." Jake scratched the back of his head, unsure of what to say. "It's just a surprise that someone would like it so much..."
Sunni runs her fingers through Jake's fur again. "You're being too negitive about yourself... You gotta try to think more positivly!" Sunni smiled up at him.

Re: Pet Friendly: Yorkshire Fields

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:43 pm
by Aquablast
Bullet could sense Gary's sudden change of mood, but he couldn't tell the reason. (P:8) Maybe because Maple was glomping him? But she glomps everything!
Alex wrote:So... you knew Maple before? Well, it wouldn't be a surprise if everyone knew her. She glomps everything...
"Yeah! That's how I met her! I also know Yukiko, but we only met for a few times." Bullet turned to Yukiko. "Wow, that's cool, Yukiko! I didn't know you are a Japanese! Do you know karate?"