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Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 4:16 pm
by Tiggy
CaptainPea is just a muppet, don't listen to him.

E-sports are Electronic Sports. For example, computer games, video games etc.

But you know, on the professional level, which takes countless of hours to get to.

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:20 pm
by CaptainPea
Tiggy wrote:CaptainPea is just a muppet, don't listen to him.
I should get a muppet made in my likeness
this is my new life goal
Sleet wrote:(Also your name has to start with E.)
See? Sleet knows I'm right

We're having a thunderstorm right now, which is great what with the rain and the theatrics, but if the power goes out and I miss the deadline to turn in my classwork for online Health I'm gonna be more than a bit mad.

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:51 pm
by The Grey Wolverine
redmarker97 wrote: Curses.

How big would had the T-72 been if you built it anyways?
oh not very, and when did I say anything about a T-72? It started as a Sherman, than I settled on THE KING TIGER TANK! Go Germany!

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:56 pm
by Hypergenesis
CaptainPea wrote:We're having a thunderstorm right now, which is great what with the rain and the theatrics, but if the power goes out and I miss the deadline to turn in my classwork for online Health I'm gonna be more than a bit mad.
Don't they teach you in Health that it's bad for your health to be mad(anger)? |D

But hey, I hate thunderstorms for the same reason (for the nth time said.)

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:01 pm
by Sleet
You must live close to Beagle. That, or it's a coincidence!

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:07 pm
by CaptainPea
Sleet wrote:You must live close to Beagle. That, or it's a coincidence!
Who, me or Hyper?

It's not unlikely for North Carolina and Maryland to get similar weather, possibly the same storm at the same time.

And Hyper, if your service is as bad as ours is in DC has been, I understand what you mean.

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:13 pm
by Hypergenesis

Light Rain - Internet slows down
Medium Rainfall - Internet might die
No-thunder storm - 5% chance for power to fail.
Thunderstorm - 40% chance for power to fail.

Yeah, the distribution line system are still from the 1980's.

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:39 pm
by Alex M.
Hypergenesis wrote:Well..

Light Rain - Internet slows down
Medium Rainfall - Internet might die
No-thunder storm - 5% chance for power to fail.
Thunderstorm - 40% chance for power to fail.
Yep. Exactly what happens to me everytime it rains. Amazingly enough the power did not fail when it rained for a whole week.

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:06 pm
by Sleet
Oh, yikes. Our internet almost never dies unless there's a massive power outage.

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:28 pm
by KalloonWhite
I'm starting my first day at my new highschool, tomorrow!

I am soooooooooo nervous!

It may cause more creative aspirations though.

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:49 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
have fun at your new school.

my internet doesn't go out unless the power goes out. and that's rare because my power lines are underground.

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:52 pm
by Hypergenesis
Sleet wrote:Oh, yikes. Our internet almost never dies unless there's a massive power outage.
School has taught me that the cabling in America is designed as such. Usually it's even redundant so that even if one line fails there would still be a back-up.

Here... It's the same line as a phone line...
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:my internet doesn't go out unless the power goes out. and that's rare because my power lines are underground.
Yeah, the lines are more safe underground, but that also requires that the city be built with careful planning... Which doesn't really happen here... + _+
KalloonWhite wrote:I'm starting my first day at my new highschool, tomorrow!

I am soooooooooo nervous!

It may cause more creative aspirations though.
Maybe you're confusing excitement with nervousness? |D
Good luck though, hope you have a great time there.

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:57 pm
by CaptainPea
KalloonWhite wrote:I'm starting my first day at my new highschool, tomorrow!

I am soooooooooo nervous!

It may cause more creative aspirations though.
If yours is anything like my Freshman year, you'll be fine. Can't say there's much to be nervous about.
The staff seemed to think we were less prepared for high school than we were, so the classes ended up being fairly lax as far as workload. They kept giving us "stern lectures" about how "this is how it works in high school!" and "we don't put up with that middle school stuff!", when the work was half as much as we'd had in 8th grade... that was fun.

Not saying that'll necessarily be the case where you're going though. Do all your work young man! *waggles old man fingers*

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:21 pm
by Sleet
Really, it's good to do all your work. Even if it's overassigned.

The first week of school is always fun, in my opinion.

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:29 pm
by ManaWolf
Sleet wrote:Really, it's good to do all your work. Even if it's overassigned.

The first week of school is always fun, in my opinion.
Don't forget about the last week of school as well. Field day is my favorite! I will always score all the goals in Capture The Flag.

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:54 pm
by sonic id furreh!!!
Tiggy wrote:CaptainPea is just a muppet, don't listen to him.

E-sports are Electronic Sports. For example, computer games, video games etc.

But you know, on the professional level, which takes countless of hours to get to.
oh... so it's not sports for people who's names start with e?

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:07 am
by Sleet
My World of Warcraft character's name started with E. Would I have been allowed in?

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:05 am
by Psykeout
sonic id furreh!!! wrote:
Tiggy wrote:CaptainPea is just a muppet, don't listen to him.

E-sports are Electronic Sports. For example, computer games, video games etc.

But you know, on the professional level, which takes countless of hours to get to.
oh... so it's not sports for people who's names start with e?
No, it is as Pea described it. Tiggy is trolling.

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:03 am
by Bino
Sleet wrote:Really, it's good to do all your work. Even if it's overassigned.

The first week of school is always fun, in my opinion.
Sleet, you are such a nerd! You can have all my homework to do so i can go have fun!

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:13 am
by ResTheRabbit
^^' I'm uh... I'm really missing school right about now. I know it sounds dumb to say but I'm so bored! At least when I move I'll have a new place to explore. College! *stands tall* I can't wait to have actual teachers!!! *squees*

On that note I'm hoping everyone's having a wonderful first week of school, even if they don't like their homework. X3

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:18 am
by CaptainPea
Box O Lions wrote:^^' I'm uh... I'm really missing school right about now. I know it sounds dumb to say but I'm so bored!
I'm missing school because I have too much work! I usually work up to deadlines (otherwise, I can't convince myself it's worth doing, argh I'm such a teenager), so when the deadline is two months away, I tend to put it off and end up with all of my summer work to do in the last two and a half weeks of August. Once school is open, I'll have that behind me and I can do fun stuff without guilt.

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:30 am
by Tiggy
sonic id furreh!!! wrote:
Tiggy wrote:CaptainPea is just a muppet, don't listen to him.

E-sports are Electronic Sports. For example, computer games, video games etc.

But you know, on the professional level, which takes countless of hours to get to.
oh... so it's not sports for people who's names start with e?

No, it is not. Don't listen to the trolling _MODS_ or psyke, they're lying.


Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:45 am
by sonic id furreh!!!
you guys are so confusing ;-;

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:50 am
by Tiggy
What I linked is what E-sports is.

The others were just lying, as usual.

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:22 am
by simple things
Ha..haha first day of school, oh man those where the days i tell y-* looks at Calender* OH FREAKING>...GOD DANGIT i have my English final coming soon. I have not studied... im DEAD... im an idiot. Well before i go completely mental in a minute. Here's a tip from ...the paper.. <.< no ones looking >.> if you were anything like me when i started my Freshman year, i wanted to get the hell out of there, quick. So find a seat in all the classes that you are having, and then stick to it. Also if you are that bored in class, do not resort to your mobile...teachers can see through tables...T_T just draw or ..stare at something that catches your eye....OR WRITE that's what i would always do.

Hunger can be bad, don't forget to pack lunch...even if its just a sandwich or if your school has a cafeteria ..yeah you know what i mean. On a last note...YOUR FREAKING TIME TABLE...never forget this ...EVER always keep it in a zipped up compartment of your bag or something like that. As you ease into your daily routine of classes, you will eventually not need it anymore, But for the time being, Keep it at your side at all times. And ...have fun...??..okay thats a joke...SURVIVE ...that sounds better. :P

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:24 am
by theblackcateyes
Sounds like a busy, funny, cool, tired, etc... day...Enjoy the hell and the heaven! :D I enter to medicine school next week :D

@simplethings, from where is your avatar?

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:30 am
by Bino
Box O Lions wrote:^^' I'm uh... I'm really missing school right about now. I know it sounds dumb to say but I'm so bored! At least when I move I'll have a new place to explore. College! *stands tall* I can't wait to have actual teachers!!! *squees*

On that note I'm hoping everyone's having a wonderful first week of school, even if they don't like their homework. X3

Standing tall? *towers over you* hardly! And most actual teachers suck

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:16 pm
by simple things
* Shrugs* i cant remember, i think i drew this a long time ago. all i know is that it was in my old files on my HDD

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:20 pm
by theblackcateyes
simple things wrote:* Shrugs* i cant remember, i think i drew this a long time ago. all i know is that it was in my old files on my HDD
Weel, is very cute and i like his/her? look

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 12:26 pm
by ResTheRabbit
Bino wrote:
Box O Lions wrote:^^' I'm uh... I'm really missing school right about now. I know it sounds dumb to say but I'm so bored! At least when I move I'll have a new place to explore. College! *stands tall* I can't wait to have actual teachers!!! *squees*

On that note I'm hoping everyone's having a wonderful first week of school, even if they don't like their homework. X3

Standing tall? *towers over you* hardly! And most actual teachers suck
*sweeps your foot so you fall on your back* now I'm a wee bit taller by comparison. X3

I've met a few teachers before at camps and we have instructors at my martial arts hall. I happen to like teachers. Perhaps some are mean, some are bad at their job, but a good many are fairly good. The trick I find to having a good teacher relationship is to be interested and ask questions. And generally being friendly always helps anyone to like you! :3 I just like people who know stuff. Makes me feel dumb sometimes but always helps me get smarter! >:3 So then I can growandgetahugeheadandtakeovertheworld!!... more or less. X3

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:09 pm
by Sleet
Bino wrote:
Sleet wrote:Really, it's good to do all your work. Even if it's overassigned.

The first week of school is always fun, in my opinion.
Sleet, you are such a nerd! You can have all my homework to do so i can go have fun!
But then you'll never leeeearn! D:
simple things wrote:Ha..haha first day of school, oh man those where the days i tell y-* looks at Calender* OH FREAKING>...GOD DANGIT i have my English final coming soon. I have not studied... im DEAD... im an idiot. Well before i go completely mental in a minute. Here's a tip from ...the paper.. <.< no ones looking >.> if you were anything like me when i started my Freshman year, i wanted to get the hell out of there, quick. So find a seat in all the classes that you are having, and then stick to it. Also if you are that bored in class, do not resort to your mobile...teachers can see through tables...T_T just draw or ..stare at something that catches your eye....OR WRITE that's what i would always do.

Hunger can be bad, don't forget to pack lunch...even if its just a sandwich or if your school has a cafeteria ..yeah you know what i mean. On a last note...YOUR FREAKING TIME TABLE...never forget this ...EVER always keep it in a zipped up compartment of your bag or something like that. As you ease into your daily routine of classes, you will eventually not need it anymore, But for the time being, Keep it at your side at all times. And ...have fun...??..okay thats a joke...SURVIVE ...that sounds better. :P
Our schedules are online. Worst case scenario we can get another one!
Bino wrote:
Box O Lions wrote:^^' I'm uh... I'm really missing school right about now. I know it sounds dumb to say but I'm so bored! At least when I move I'll have a new place to explore. College! *stands tall* I can't wait to have actual teachers!!! *squees*

On that note I'm hoping everyone's having a wonderful first week of school, even if they don't like their homework. X3

Standing tall? *towers over you* hardly! And most actual teachers suck
Nothing makes students hate learning quite like bad teachers. But in college they are usually a lot better, Bino. I'm sure Res will have a great time!

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:28 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
simple things wrote:So find a seat in all the classes that you are having, and then stick to it.
I always choose a seat and stick to it.
simple things wrote:Also if you are that bored in class, do not resort to your mobile...teachers can see through tables...T_T just draw or ..stare at something that catches your eye....OR WRITE that's what i would always do.
or you can do what I do and just get lost in thoughts. sing a song in your head, think about what you're going to do later, remember something you saw on TV, etc.
simple things wrote:Hunger can be bad, don't forget to pack lunch...even if its just a sandwich or if your school has a cafeteria ..yeah you know what i mean.
I actually liked a lot of my school lunches. and when I didn't, they had a line that had pizza everyday. and one that had things like meatball subs, steak and cheese subs, and buffalo chicken subs. I almost never packed lunch.
simple things wrote:On a last note...YOUR FREAKING TIME TABLE...never forget this ...EVER always keep it in a zipped up compartment of your bag or something like that. As you ease into your daily routine of classes, you will eventually not need it anymore, But for the time being, Keep it at your side at all times.
I always memorized my schedule by the first day.

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:12 pm
by Challenger01
Alright, I TOTALLY don't mean to derail the main conversation here, but I have to ask. Does anyone here play Fantasy Football by chance? I'm thinking of starting a Housepets! only League and I wanted to know if anyone was really interested instead of making a brand new thread only to find that it was completely meaningless... If anyone WANTS to play, then I guess that's a good sign, just hit me up.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled chat!

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:48 pm
by Sleet
It's impossible to derail this thread, so don't worry. That said, don't be afraid to make a thread for it! If the thread dies, the thread dies. But it'd be the best way to get peoples' attention. That said, I don't play Fantasy Football.

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:51 pm
by Chaplin
Even if a thread dies, there are those of us who won't let it die.

We destroy the boundaries of life.
We bring back the ones in the grave.
We look death in the eye and spit in her ugly face.


Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:54 pm
by Challenger01
Okay okay, I get it... I'll go make the thread *grumble*

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:55 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
as long as you say more than "I'm necro'ing this thread" that's fine.

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:57 pm
by Sleet
Chaplin wrote:Even if a thread dies, there are those of us who won't let it die.

We destroy the boundaries of life.
We bring back the ones in the grave.
We look death in the eye and spit in her ugly face.

I don't think this thread can possibly die. It has to be routinely put down periodically, but it rises from the ashes.

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 3:58 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
I think he meant the hypothetical "fantasy football" thread.

Re: Chat Thread XXX: It's Not What You Think

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:01 pm
by Blue Braixen
Box O Lions wrote:So then I can growandgetahugeheadandtakeovertheworld!!... more or less. X3
*flashes back to the episode of Jimmy Neutron where he gives Sheen a crown that increases the size of Sheen's head and he attempts to take over the world with his psychic powers*

What? I used to watch a lot of TV. X3