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Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 10:05 pm
by NHWestoN
The Spa seems to be a labyrinth of infinite numbers of rooms like a Sultan's palace.

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 11:35 pm
by HundKatzeMaus
Zesortinge wrote:I know that Grape can do what she did, but why did she do it.
Because she is a cat.
No really that is the whole explanation.
Cats can come up with some...interesting ideas :lol:
My dad had a cat (which he more or less inherited from his grandma) and said cat was sitting at the table on his own special chair to eat along with my dad. Don't get me started how the cat was able to get on the pillow when my dad was sleeping :lol:

My own cat tried to drink out of the toilet and acted like he had to throw up in the hopes he would get something different to eat. I think every cat owner knows how crazy those animals can be :lol:

And about Jeff forgetting Max outside, it can happen if the cat goes outside a lot and comes back very late.

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 11:52 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
Well if Jeff knew that Max would be coming back very late, why would he lock the door? I think Jeff is only attentive part of the time and the other part he could care less. Also I stand by my opinion that Jeff could care LESS about Bino now.

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 12:50 am
by John-056
Gameb18oy wrote:@john-056 okay, I am definitely not the biggest defender of Tarot and Peanut’s relationship, no one is gonna make that claim, but both the fact that I think Rick would know that’s basically another take on the problems with a love potion if he did that, and the fact that the two clearly care about each other, even if you have trouble buying their love lately, I really doubt Tarot would do what you’re suggesting she did in the last comic
Not a Love Potion/Poison. I already know that they are so far into their relationship that they don't need it.

I am referring to the fact that before the Christmas Page, Tarot was getting rather touchy-feely with Drugged Peanut, who Wasn't acting as his Hyper Self. Quite a few of the comments on that were hoping Tarot won't decide to Keep him dopey.

And honestly, I really keep trying to give Taronut (a Shipping Name I am using as a Placebo, since Tarnut sounds kinda off for me right now) a chance quite a few times, but the fact that she Suddenly swaps on a dime is making me awkward with it.

It's Why I am saying I am skeptical until proven otherwise. The last few times in the Major Arcs, when Tarot seems to change, she then does something that Sours things. (A Prime example being to Leave Team Sandwich, One of the party members being her boyfriend, alone in a Temple that is rapidly becoming a Death Trap, and expecting them to fend for themselves, even though their last few Skirmishes had Gone Crater-shaped. Had Peanut not Gone as Puzzle Master, which is an overly-specialized class, there was a High chance the Team may not have survived/revived. No Medic/healer Class.)

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 1:59 am
by Champion Wallace
Argent wrote:So now I'm wondering if Bino gets away with his stuff because Jeff thinks Max is the "bad one" with the catnip thing.
I'm not convinced Max's relationship with catnip is at the point where it's a problem. The only strip Max had withdrawal symptoms was taken down. My interpretation is catnip is more like junk food for cats and Max has a sweet tooth so to speak. I think here Jeff is just being an overprotective father.
Argent wrote:Also, decking Joel-from-PETA was absolutely NOT "bad owner" behavior.
fenrirblack wrote:Again, Jeff punched Joel for no good reason. Yes it was funny but who punches random people who come to the door? Slam the door shut like King did to Tarot that one time but punching? That's says a lot about Jeff's character even if it was a joke.
I could make some joke about Peta members deserving a punch to the face or debate the ethicality of Jeff doing that, but instead I'd like to point out that afterwards Jeff did the responsible thing and went to the police to confess.
John-056 wrote:Two separate events later in the Comic shows that Dragon is able to change the weather system through overwhelming emotion... Twice. If she can do that just by bawling, what's stopping her from doing it simply by clapping her hands and focusing?
Sometimes it's more difficult and you need to punch a weather system, metaphorically speaking, but that's not important right now. What's important is it's definitely within her abilities to change the weather.

While Pete and Dragon's followers weren't limited to animals, they did first need to cultivate a relationship with the mortal (well, she could override his brain, but not without getting in trouble). It's not impossible that Jeff does what SD asks, but no humans were shown to ever have knowledge of U&U. However, I don't think SD is above asking Tarot or Sabrina to magic(k) the locks on Max's house (or use mundane lock picks). Dragon has so much to gain by influencing things to that end because it lets Tarot give Grape an ultimatum that preserves free will and denies Pete a Dream Sunderer regardless of what Grape chooses. There is still the "again" though. It means Max wouldn't be as suspicious about being locked out, but it also means even if Jeff isn't culpable this time he would've locked him out in the past, though Obbl made some good points about that.
tych wrote:
MrBlueSky7 wrote:I almost don't want them to leave the Spa. In fact, I'm willing to believe that their time is cohesive with ours in which they'll be stuck in that Place for a Month... ;)
well depending on the weather they might actually be stuck there until maybe February even maybe March or at least until it gets above freezing if they really are still stuck in there cause you know wet fur
First, Ralph said they would be extricated in a day or two. Second, I should hope fur dries faster than it takes for winter to end. Third, you could still get months more of spa as long as their time isn't cohesive with ours (Rick Griffin permitting).
fenrirblack wrote:It also makes you question how much influence the owners have in how the pet grows up and what they become. It’s more than just training or learning commands. You are raising a child like any other. You know I never really thought about very hard before but the fact that the pets call their owners Mom and Dad actually makes a lot of since because they are their actual parents and are raising them (duh).
He finally got it.png
He finally got it.png (53.67 KiB) Viewed 9245 times

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 2:54 am
by fenrirblack
Let me get on my soap box.

Is Jeff a good owner? I mean most signs point to no but you can’t deny that this new side of him does say a lot about how much he’s matured as a human being. There are still problems with the fact that Max was locked outside because one why doesn’t Max have his own key and secondly why wasn’t there a spare for him to use? I mean now he has a cell phone so that helps but it still raises several questions about Jeff’s ability to be a responsible pet owner. There is still the issue with Bino who, despite his flaws, was locked in the pound for a week and Jeff just shrugged it off like it was no big deal. I don’t understand this ignorant attitude most owners have towards their pets. I’m not expecting them to know what each of them do on a regular basis or to go read their pets diaries but when your pet doesn’t come home at night, maybe it’s time to start caring about what they’re up too. You wouldn’t let your human child wonder the streets alone at night so why would you let your pet. These aren’t just simple creatures like our pets, but creatures who are intelligent and immature enough to get into real trouble (Bino trying to be a wolf). We can let our pets wonder the neighborhood because in the back of our minds we know that they can’t do real harm especially cats. Just because your pet is smart enough and physically capable of taking care of themselves without 24/7 monitoring doesn’t mean you can let them do whatever they want. Jeff and the rest of the owners are responsible for their pets wellbeing both legally and because they are essentially their children. Like children there are times when they clearly can’t handle the real world alone and need their parents to support them. It really isn’t about Jeff anymore but the entire pet owner mind set that seems to have this disconnect that despite their anthropomorphic nature in a lot of ways they are still being treated like mindless beasts. Henry Milton was the only one who actually could recognize that the pets are smarter than people want to believe. I think Jeff is starting to get there since he’s acting more like a father and less like an owner but I want to see that from all the owners. The Sandwiches do a good job but people like Bill still have a long way to go.

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:50 am
by biddyfox
Max and grape are really cute and they have a sweet relationship

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:18 am
by Frank
Welsh Halfwit wrote:
Zesortinge wrote:I know that Grape can do what she did, but why did she do it.
Because she knew Max wanted to make a private call. And that usually means something embarrassing...
And now Grape has something to use when news of "Princess Periwinkle" inevitably reaches him

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 10:22 am
by Douglas Collier
She also likes to tease.

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 12:09 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
If Grape does go and take it too far with Max, I'm sure he can find and use "Princess Periwinkle" on her so that they would both be even.

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 4:58 pm
by NHWestoN
… and I think it's sweet of Max to say "I love you" to his "Dad". :) (...and, Grape, your "Daddy" loves you, too!)

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 11:52 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
Here is hoping Grape is mature enough not to taunt Max with it.

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 12:47 am
by fenrirblack
Amazee Dayzee wrote:Here is hoping Grape is mature enough not to taunt Max with it.

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 7:44 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
Yeah based on the strip that was just posted for today, I can see Grape using it to humiliate and demean Max.

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:06 pm
by NHWestoN

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 10:12 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
If Grape teases Maxwell about it after this arc, then I feel comfortable in saying she's a *****.

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 11:01 pm
by Gameb18oy
Amazee Dayzee wrote:If Grape teases Maxwell about it after this arc, then I feel comfortable in saying she's a *****.
Does that implied word work as well in a world where most of the major characters are animals, and the majority of which are dogs?

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 3:07 am
by Champion Wallace
I think Grape and Max have a healthy enough relationship at this point that one can tease the other about stuff like getting kissed by a dog or having an embarrassing shelter name without going overboard or causing any lasting issues.
Gameb18oy wrote:
Amazee Dayzee wrote:If Grape teases Maxwell about it after this arc, then I feel comfortable in saying she's a *****.
Does that implied word work as well in a world where most of the major characters are animals, and the majority of which are dogs?
Evidently so.
It works well enough for King and he's the only one who actually swears.

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 1:54 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
Well as much as he can swear in a PG rated comic. :mrgreen:

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 2:19 pm
by Gameb18oy
Amazee Dayzee wrote:Well as much as he can swear in a PG rated comic. :mrgreen:
I mean, carp is clearly their version of a swear word, probably because fish are the one thing that has never had a single intelligent species representing them, even the dolphins are shown to be simpletons at best with some desire for world domination

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 4:22 pm
by NHWestoN
Actually, the dolphins thought the idea of world domination over again and decided it wasn't such a hot idea - all that paperwork!

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 9:17 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
But if you are a world dictator, you can destroy the paperwork! LOL

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 2:05 pm
by Gameb18oy
Champion Wallace wrote:I think Grape and Max have a healthy enough relationship at this point that one can tease the other about stuff like getting kissed by a dog or having an embarrassing shelter name without going overboard or causing any lasting issues.
Gameb18oy wrote:
Amazee Dayzee wrote:If Grape teases Maxwell about it after this arc, then I feel comfortable in saying she's a *****.
Does that implied word work as well in a world where most of the major characters are animals, and the majority of which are dogs?
Evidently so.
It works well enough for King and he's the only one who actually swears.
Just found this and remembered this discussion. While King is still the... well king of potty mouths, it seems that there’s evidence that Max is a close second. You don’t even need to get him angry to do it. Bet Heff being present is the only reason he didn’t finish that word ... und-puppy/

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 4:37 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
Ah yes I remember that. Poor Bino. Has such a toxic attitude no wonder why the universe makes him its LOSER! :twisted:

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 4:42 pm
by Gameb18oy
Amazee Dayzee wrote:Ah yes I remember that. Poor Bino. Has such a toxic attitude no wonder why the universe makes him its LOSER! :twisted:
He got Duchess and he also has a bear. His misery is just compensation for it giving him anything

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 4:44 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
A bear that doesn't listen to him and a girlfriend that would sell him if it meant she could get more power.

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 7:39 pm
by Gameb18oy
Amazee Dayzee wrote:A bear that doesn't listen to him and a girlfriend that would sell him if it meant she could get more power.
I never said what he got was good, but it’s still more than he deserves

Re: 2019/01/14 - Fatherly Concern

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 11:07 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
That I will agree with you on.