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Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 7:51 pm
by Legotron123
Luke seemed to perk back up a little bit after Hagane mentioned showing what he was capable of. He remained silent as he followed the Guildmaster up the stairs, though anyone could see he was still very excited.
Alan, being a Ninetales, was quick to pick up on T’s apprehension towards meeting Hagane. ”It’s okay if you’re afraid of the Guildmaster. Believe me, I was too when I first met him.” He did not, however, correct guess why he was scared. ”But underneath that, he is a kind if strict man. You shouldn’t have anything to worry about.” He turned around. ”Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to the kitchen. I told Taylor I wouldn’t be too long.”

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 10:13 pm
by Gameb18oy
Buster wrote:the soggy Liepard apparently knows how to coil her tail like a certain other species of feline, as Scallop is quickly roped into helping with her search. looping it around him so as to pick him up and set him on her back, fully intent on adding him to her collection of cuddly things that aren't technically hers at some point, but for now mostly needing directions as she heads inside. asking, "which way?"

- - - - - -

"well... hopefully it helps." Rose comments, before noticing something about how her shadowy guide kept moving and adds snarkily "also you can stop trying to steer me away from things you think are 'tempting', I'm not like Smoke or Baja."
He seems caught off guard but this bit but does his best to help as he’s asked, figuring he’d get out quicker without incident if he helped her. “Take the first left you see and after that your nose should let you know when you’re getting close to the kitchen... though don’t take anything if they are cooking, they get mad when me or the other guild kids do that.”
- - - - -
Atum seems mildly surprised she noticed, an eyebrow raised as he thought he’d been subtle. “Forgive me, can’t be too careful. Though you’re saying I should worry about kleptomania in regards to your sister huh? How bad is it?” He kept an eye on the main group as he heard mention of training beginning. Once it officially started, he might have to ask the glameow to test her abilities a bit.

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 10:35 pm
by Buster
"If it's soft and small enough for her to pick up it better be nailed down. Or able to walk." She finishes as they reach the main group. looking the others over before asking, "I'm guessing blue and spiky is the one in charge?"

- - - - -

searching around the area given to her trying to find the gloom from earlier, she spends more time trying to be sneaky than actually accomplishing anything. following the spell of berries up until she almost runs into the biggest bug she's ever seen. confusedly commenting "that's not a walking flower..."

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 9:49 am
by Gameb18oy
Buster wrote:"If it's soft and small enough for her to pick up it better be nailed down. Or able to walk." She finishes as they reach the main group. looking the others over before asking, "I'm guessing blue and spiky is the one in charge?"

- - - - -

searching around the area given to her trying to find the gloom from earlier, she spends more time trying to be sneaky than actually accomplishing anything. following the spell of berries up until she almost runs into the biggest bug she's ever seen. confusedly commenting "that's not a walking flower..."
Atum chuckles "His name is Hagane, but yes you are correct that mr. blue and spiky is usually the one in charge" He let that statement hang in the air, to be responded to if she wanted to. "I am curious, are you here for your own reasons, or do you just not trust your sister to do well here without some guidance?"
- - - - -
Scallop waved at the Vespiquen. "Hi Ms. Bee" He knew this wasn't their name, but had grown so used to calling her that since his days as a newborn hatchling that he never could get out of the habit. He looked over and saw Kim with a poochyena he didn't recognize in another area of the kitchen, talking to Alan. He gave a little wave, letting them know he saw them, though he didn't feel he should interrupt the conversation

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 6:21 pm
by CyberDragon
Legotron123 wrote:Alan, being a Ninetales, was quick to pick up on T’s apprehension towards meeting Hagane. ”It’s okay if you’re afraid of the Guildmaster. Believe me, I was too when I first met him.” He did not, however, correct guess why he was scared. ”But underneath that, he is a kind if strict man. You shouldn’t have anything to worry about.” He turned around. ”Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to the kitchen. I told Taylor I wouldn’t be too long.”
"Alright! We have to get going to. See ya!" He gestured for T to follow him. "Come on! We might even make it for the rest of the tour!"
Deske wrote:Upon hearing the words "special invite" Kimera might feel a bit of confusion emanating from T. After the words "My dad wants to see him," that feeling would have a bit of fear added to it. He didn't, or at least tried not to, let it show on the outside as he dipped his head quickly in greeting to the Ninetails.
"And don't worry. If Dad was going to turn you in or kick you out, he'd have told me to do it. He didn't. He said he wanted to talk to you himself after the tour. And he already knows you took the berries." He went quiet again when they saw someone ahead of them.
Buster wrote:searching around the area given to her trying to find the gloom from earlier, she spends more time trying to be sneaky than actually accomplishing anything. following the spell of berries up until she almost runs into the biggest bug she's ever seen. confusedly commenting "that's not a walking flower..."
"Hello Mrs. V." Kimera said to the Vespiquen cheerily. He then turned to Baja, not realizing that his combined half-shiny coloring with his adorable and cuddly appearance made him a prime target for the feline's sudden hugs. "Can I help you?"

Leafolawl wrote:The suddenness of the voice in his head causes a brief pause in the rockruff as a shiver runs down his spine. "I forget some of you gain telepathy..." is his most immediate reply, followed by, "I just don't think right he's a good place for the question." Einar, for his part, remains with the group fairly well in spite of the surprise.
Hagane looked at the rockruff for a moment. Then he shrugged and continued on with the tour.

"Aside from the library, the third floor is where all of our research is done. Any items the guild develops are developed on this floor. Research into artifacts guild members may find is likewise done here. If you find something and you're not sure what it is, bring it here. Questions about the third floor?"
GrimD@rk8290 wrote:"That's right! I hope when the time comes you all can show us what your made of. Speaking of which, when does that happen, Hagane?" Lance follpwed Master Hagane, though he wondered who if any would be picked. Lance seemed interested in Luke. That Riolu had some fire in his eyes. Reminded him of himself at that age.
"After the tour, I will welcome you all to the guild and give you your own explorer's bags and guild badges. Then we will arrange you into teams, and you will be ready for your first assignments."
Gameb18oy wrote:Atum chuckles "His name is Hagane, but yes you are correct that mr. blue and spiky is usually the one in charge" He let that statement hang in the air, to be responded to if she wanted to. "I am curious, are you here for your own reasons, or do you just not trust your sister to do well here without some guidance?"
If you could bring yourself to stay awake for more than five minutes, perhaps you would have this position. Hagane said telepathically to both Rose and Atum.

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 8:00 pm
by Gameb18oy
Gameb18oy wrote:Atum chuckles "His name is Hagane, but yes you are correct that mr. blue and spiky is usually the one in charge" He let that statement hang in the air, to be responded to if she wanted to. "I am curious, are you here for your own reasons, or do you just not trust your sister to do well here without some guidance?"
If you could bring yourself to stay awake for more than five minutes, perhaps you would have this position. Hagane said telepathically to both Rose and Atum.[/quote]

He got a light smirk as the Umbreon made his thoughts clear for the headmaster to pick up. Oh? I thought we made you guildmaster since we were already used to you being in charge from our exploration days? Did you have to tell someone I’m second in command though? It’s so much nicer when it’s not common knowledge and people wake me up for advising

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 10:03 pm
by Buster
Well, maybe i should let him get back to his nap then.

"I trust Baja to be Baja."
the glameow simply stated cryptically, not actually answering anything. paying more attention to the others present, trying to gauge what hey might be capable of by how they moved and carried themselves. "Wait a minute, you reacted to him, aren't your kind supposed to be immune to other 'mon getting inside your heads?"

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 11:47 pm
by Deske
T gave a small wave to the Ninetales as best he could as Kimera hurried him out of the room. "Do you know what he wants to talk about," he asked before turning to stare at the bee as they walked through the kitchen, not entirely sure if she was trustworthy after his last run-in with another bee-like Pokemon. T followed Kimera's attention to the Liepard, wondering who it was.

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 12:08 am
by Legotron123
Luke was trying to trying to remain quiet, but when Hagane mentioned getting assignments, a faint but delighted squeal could be heard coming out of his mouth.
”Pleazze Kim. Friendzz get to call me Taylor.” The Vespiquen said, before turning the face Baja. ”Now then, what izz this child doing in my kitchen?”
”I believe you mean our kitchen.” Alan said as he walked in, his tails looking all soft and fluffy and hugable. ”I’ve been here for two years, I at least deserve that.”

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 7:55 am
by Buster
"I, um, berries?" Baja manages to get out, sounding distracted. a bit out of her element, visibly torn between trying to figure out why she was suddenly surounded by strangers, wanting to find the gloom from earlier, and the overwhelming desire to pounce on the collection of giant fluffies that were almost as big as her.

not fair! why does that pokemon get a tail that looks that soft! and more than one...

at least partially giving in a paw darts out capturing one tail and Immediately curling herself around it.

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 11:22 am
by Legotron123
Everything seemed to stop as soon as Baja grabbed one of Alan’s tails. All of the Combee stopped to stare at the Liepard, and Taylor visibly tensed up. Alan stared directly at Baja, his expression looking like he had gotten so angry he had looped back into calm. ”I am going to assume you don’t know how important our tails are to my species, so I’m going to be generous and give you ten seconds to let go and apologize. Ten, nine, eight....”

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 5:38 pm
by CyberDragon
At that moment, Two stories above the confrontation between Baja and Alan, the guildmaster paused. He could sense conflict and hostility down below, and he didn't like it.

"Lance, Atum, please take over the tour for now. I have a situation that requires my immediate attention. I will return shortly."

With that, he vanished in a blur. The only indication he had not simply teleported being the draft that followed him, kicking up papers and turning pages on books in the room.

- - - - -
Buster wrote:"I, um, berries?" Baja manages to get out, sounding distracted. a bit out of her element, visibly torn between trying to figure out why she was suddenly surounded by strangers, wanting to find the gloom from earlier, and the overwhelming desire to pounce on the collection of giant fluffies that were almost as big as her.

not fair! why does that pokemon get a tail that looks that soft! and more than one...

at least partially giving in a paw darts out capturing one tail and Immediately curling herself around it.
Legotron123 wrote:Everything seemed to stop as soon as Baja grabbed one of Alan’s tails. All of the Combee stopped to stared at the Liepard, and Taylor visibly tensed up. Alan stared directly at Baja, his expression looking like he had gotten so angry he had looped back into calm. ”I am going to assume you don’t know how important our tails are to my species, so I’m going to be generous and give you ten seconds to let go and apologize. Ten, nine, eight....”

The guildmaster appeared out of nowhere in the room. Kim almost felt like he was going to fall over, sensing the rather sudden shift in the balance of power in the room as his dad entered it. Hagane remained calm and composed, his arms crossed behind him in a dignified manner. However, his eyes were narrowed at Baja and Alan, and when he spoke, there was a definite air of authority and power in his voice. "Baja. Release Alan's tail and join with your guildmates on the third floor. We will discuss this later. Alan, compose yourself. I will not tolerate threats in this guild hall. You must show restraint."

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 8:25 pm
by Deske
Once Hagane had entered the room, T felt like seeing just how far he could push himself into the shadows. For most of his life he'd never been face to face with powerful Pokemon long enough for them to even guess what species he was and right now, Hagane's presence was tripping every switch in his mind that told him to Run Away. But instead of following along with that instinct, he held his ground, determined to at least try and present himself well enough that maybe the Lucario would take it easy on him.

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 10:44 pm
by Leafolawl
Einar looks at everyone else, then over to the Library. "How much time do you expect us to be in a library?" he questions, hoping to return momentum to the tour from the departing of their primary guide.

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 12:05 am
by Gameb18oy
Buster wrote: Well, maybe i should let him get back to his nap then.

"I trust Baja to be Baja."
the glameow simply stated cryptically, not actually answering anything. paying more attention to the others present, trying to gauge what hey might be capable of by how they moved and carried themselves. "Wait a minute, you reacted to him, aren't your kind supposed to be immune to other 'mon getting inside your heads?"
He nods "That's partially due to his own strength overriding the usual rules, though I did a mild bit of training of my natural ability to let him do that, to his annoyance, enhancing my synchronize ability also means I know how he's moving, makes it hard for him to directly catch me at my laziest." He chuckles a bit at that fact.
CyberDragon wrote:At that moment, Two stories above the confrontation between Baja and Alan, the guildmaster paused. He could sense conflict and hostility down below, and he didn't like it.

"Lance, Atum, please take over the tour for now. I have a situation that requires my immediate attention. I will return shortly."

With that, he vanished in a blur. The only indication he had not simply teleported being the draft that followed him, kicking up papers and turning pages on books in the room.
Leafolawl wrote:Einar looks at everyone else, then over to the Library. "How much time do you expect us to be in a library?" he questions, hoping to return momentum to the tour from the departing of their primary guide.
He sighed, walking away from Rose to the spot Hagane had been in, and starts to respond to the young rockruff while forced to act as command. "I'm not sure I understand what you mean, so tell me if this answer satisfies you. The library is expected to be used as often or as little as you and your team deem necessary. We do ask that you only take advantage of it when out bookkeeper is awake though, some of the materials are quite fragile so we have an expert handling them." He looked at the pup to see if they were satisfied.

Buster wrote:"I, um, berries?" Baja manages to get out, sounding distracted. a bit out of her element, visibly torn between trying to figure out why she was suddenly surounded by strangers, wanting to find the gloom from earlier, and the overwhelming desire to pounce on the collection of giant fluffies that were almost as big as her.

not fair! why does that pokemon get a tail that looks that soft! and more than one...

at least partially giving in a paw darts out capturing one tail and Immediately curling herself around it.
Legotron123 wrote:Everything seemed to stop as soon as Baja grabbed one of Alan’s tails. All of the Combee stopped to stared at the Liepard, and Taylor visibly tensed up. Alan stared directly at Baja, his expression looking like he had gotten so angry he had looped back into calm. ”I am going to assume you don’t know how important our tails are to my species, so I’m going to be generous and give you ten seconds to let go and apologize. Ten, nine, eight....”
CyberDragon wrote: whoosh...

The guildmaster appeared out of nowhere in the room. Kim almost felt like he was going to fall over, sensing the rather sudden shift in the balance of power in the room as his dad entered it. Hagane remained calm and composed, his arms crossed behind him in a dignified manner. However, his eyes were narrowed at Baja and Alan, and when he spoke, there was a definite air of authority and power in his voice. "Baja. Release Alan's tail and join with your guildmates on the third floor. We will discuss this later. Alan, compose yourself. I will not tolerate threats in this guild hall. You must show restraint."
Scallop, for his part was prepping to defend himself if Alan made good on his threat, puffing up his cheeks so he could properly use water gun, hoping it would be enough to deter the much stronger fire pokemon. He was happy when he saw the guildmaster walk in. "Hi uncle Hagane! You got down here just in time. The liepard lady is making Alan mad enough to want to burn down the kitchen again."

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 12:28 am
by Leafolawl
In order, Einar's expression changes from that of confusion, to thoughtfulness, then briefly passes through reverence as he looks to the library's entrance again. Then confusion again. "How often is the bookkeeper asleep if that needs to be made note of?"

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 12:40 am
by Gameb18oy
Leafolawl wrote:In order, Einar's expression changes from that of confusion, to thoughtfulness, then briefly passes through reverence as he looks to the library's entrance again. Then confusion again. "How often is the bookkeeper asleep if that needs to be made note of?"
Alum yawns a bit at that. "Bookmaster is one of my many tasks, so... yeah most of the early parts and latest parts of the day you will only be permitted to handle the stuff I have deemed low handling risks. Hagane attempts to keep me up a large part of the other hours, so if you want something you could feel the age of just with a glance then thats when I'd prefer you ask me. You seem eager to be in there though, I can ask Hagane later about training you as an apprentice if you like." The idea of getting someone ready to take over so even more time could be spent in blissful sleep delighted him as he surveyed the room for other questions

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 8:16 pm
by Buster
Legotron123 wrote:Everything seemed to stop as soon as Baja grabbed one of Alan’s tails. All of the Combee stopped to stare at the Liepard, and Taylor visibly tensed up. Alan stared directly at Baja, his expression looking like he had gotten so angry he had looped back into calm. ”I am going to assume you don’t know how important our tails are to my species, so I’m going to be generous and give you ten seconds to let go and apologize. Ten, nine, eight....”
Baja lets go immediately and shrinks back, though her lack of verbal response, stilted body language, and facial expression make it clear she's reacting solely to his tone. There isn't a single hint of comprehension on her face, as if she doesn't even realize she's being threatened. actually she looks more hurt that someone would react to her in a manner other than playful, than anything.
CyberDragon wrote:The guildmaster appeared out of nowhere in the room. Kim almost felt like he was going to fall over, sensing the rather sudden shift in the balance of power in the room as his dad entered it. Hagane remained calm and composed, his arms crossed behind him in a dignified manner. However, his eyes were narrowed at Baja and Alan, and when he spoke, there was a definite air of authority and power in his voice. "Baja. Release Alan's tail and join with your guildmates on the third floor. We will discuss this later. Alan, compose yourself. I will not tolerate threats in this guild hall. You must show restraint."
likewise her reaction to Hagane was practically a mirror image. pushing her to the point of tearing up as she started to shake.

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 1:17 am
by Legotron123
”I wasn’t going to hurt her Hagane, I learned from last time. I was just going to use Hypnosis and knock her out for a few minutes.” Alan said, maintaining his fierce expression. After a moment though, he calmed down, letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. ”But you’re right that I should’ve have gotten so threatening with a child. It’s not her fault no one told her not to touch a Ninetales tail without permission. She’s just lucky I’m not like my mom, or she’d already be under some kind of curse.”

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 2:28 pm
by Leafolawl
The rockruff takes a pause at the proposition, ears folding back. "I... would like to have time to consider it. If, of course, that's okay." he answers, paw rubbing against the floor anxiously.

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 6:41 pm
by CyberDragon
Deske wrote:Once Hagane had entered the room, T felt like seeing just how far he could push himself into the shadows. For most of his life he'd never been face to face with powerful Pokemon long enough for them to even guess what species he was and right now, Hagane's presence was tripping every switch in his mind that told him to Run Away. But instead of following along with that instinct, he held his ground, determined to at least try and present himself well enough that maybe the Lucario would take it easy on him.
Buster wrote:Baja lets go immediately and shrinks back, though her lack of verbal response, stilted body language, and facial expression make it clear she's reacting solely to his tone. There isn't a single hint of comprehension on her face, as if she doesn't even realize she's being threatened. actually she looks more hurt that someone would react to her in a manner other than playful, than anything.

likewise her reaction to Hagane was practically a mirror image. pushing her to the point of tearing up as she started to shake.
Hagane immediately knew what they were thinking, of course. Not wanting the situation to deteriorate, Hagane turned to Kimera. "Kim, would you please take Scallop, T, and Baja up to the research floor so they can join the others? I must speak with Alan further."

Kim, wanting to get out of there as much as T did, gathered his guildmates and led them up the stairs. "Mr. Alan really, really doesn't like it when people touch his tails." he explained to Baja as they walked.

- - - - -
Legotron123 wrote:”I wasn’t going to hurt her Hagane, I learned from last time. I was just going to use Hypnosis and knock her out for a few minutes.” Alan said, maintaining his fierce expression. After a moment though, he calmed down, letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. ”But you’re right that I should’ve have gotten so threatening with a child. It’s not her fault no one told her not to touch a Ninetales tail without permission. She’s just lucky I’m not like my mom, or she’d already be under some kind of curse.”
Once the kids were gone, Hagane turned back to Alan. "Threatening to use any offensive attacks against guild members is strictly forbidden, Alan. It doesn't matter if it causes physical harm or not, it's the hostility of the threat that matters. I do not care what provoked it. If there is a problem, you bring it up with me, Atum, or Lance. And two of us have telepathy, so it's not like you have to go anywhere to call for us."

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 10:12 pm
by GrimD@rk8290
Gameb18oy wrote: Alum yawns a bit at that. "Bookmaster is one of my many tasks, so... yeah most of the early parts and latest parts of the day you will only be permitted to handle the stuff I have deemed low handling risks. Hagane attempts to keep me up a large part of the other hours, so if you want something you could feel the age of just with a glance then thats when I'd prefer you ask me. You seem eager to be in there though, I can ask Hagane later about training you as an apprentice if you like." The idea of getting someone ready to take over so even more time could be spent in blissful sleep delighted him as he surveyed the room for other questions
Lance stepped up as he cleared his throat. "And I'm the Quartermaster. If you want to do a task from the bounty board or the outlaw board, it gets run by me for my approval. Most importantly however, I'm in charge of training new recruits! So if you have downtime, want to be stronger, tougher, pr faster, I can more than oblige you." Lance smirked as he looked down at Atum.

"I mean, I think I've said my piece."

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 10:08 pm
by Legotron123
Lance would find that the next time he looked to his right, Luke would be standing about a foot away. He wasn’t saying anything, but he was staring at the Dragonite with the same overly excited expression he’d had since the start of the tour. It was starting to look a bit creepy.
”You’re right, I just...” Alan trailed off, uncertain of what to say next. Eventually he decided on something. ”I don’t have any excuses that don’t feel hollow. I should’ve known better, I should’ve done better, and I need to do better in the future.” He went silent for a moment before speaking up again. ”I’m willing to apologize to the child if she’ll apologize to me.”

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 10:37 pm
by Buster
CyberDragon wrote:Hagane immediately knew what they were thinking, of course. Not wanting the situation to deteriorate, Hagane turned to Kimera. "Kim, would you please take Scallop, T, and Baja up to the research floor so they can join the others? I must speak with Alan further."

Kim, wanting to get out of there as much as T did, gathered his guildmates and led them up the stairs. "Mr. Alan really, really doesn't like it when people touch his tails." he explained to Baja as they walked.
As they walk Baja counters with "But they're fluffy." as if that somehow explains away... well, anything really.

when they reach the others, rose takes one look at Baja's expression, sighs and facepaws.
I know you're still listening. Baja's got that stupid 'everyone's being mean to me' look that she gets whenever she breaks something. so how much is it going to cost?

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 11:53 pm
by Deske
T needed little persuasion to remove himself from the vicinity if the two Pokemon. He followed Kimera to the rest of the group, lifting an eyebrow when Baja gave her "explanation." "I think attacking someone over it is a little much though. It didn't sound like he was gonna use something light either."

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 5:48 pm
by CyberDragon
Legotron123 wrote:”You’re right, I just...” Alan trailed off, uncertain of what to say next. Eventually he decided on something. ”I don’t have any excuses that don’t feel hollow. I should’ve known better, I should’ve done better, and I need to do better in the future.” He went silent for a moment before speaking up again. ”I’m willing to apologize to the child if she’ll apologize to me.”
Hagane relaxed. "Unfortunately she seems completely unaware as to what went wrong. I don't think she realizes she did anything that warrants an apology."

- - - - -
Buster wrote:As they walk Baja counters with "But they're fluffy." as if that somehow explains away... well, anything really.

when they reach the others, rose takes one look at Baja's expression, sighs and facepaws.
I know you're still listening. Baja's got that stupid 'everyone's being mean to me' look that she gets whenever she breaks something. so how much is it going to cost?
Kim looked sideways at Baja. "Yeah, they're fluffy. But they're his, and he doesn't want anyone touching them."

Hagane responded in Rose's thoughts. No damage. However, you may want to impress upon your sister how much of a bad idea grabbing a Ninetales's tails is. She is lucky Alan is normally timid.
Deske wrote:T needed little persuasion to remove himself from the vicinity if the two Pokemon. He followed Kimera to the rest of the group, lifting an eyebrow when Baja gave her "explanation." "I think attacking someone over it is a little much though. It didn't sound like he was gonna use something light either."
"For a Ninetales, that was really restrained actually." Kim said, turning his attention to the tour.

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:39 pm
by Buster
I'll try, but I'd have an easier time teaching Fly to a Pignite.

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 10:55 pm
by Legotron123
”Well, if we just explain why what she did was wrong, she should understand.” Alan said, not knowing how wrong he was. ”She wouldn’t be here if she didn’t have at least SOME capacity to understand when she’s made a mistake and correct her behavior. It’s rather necessary to surviving in the dungeons.”

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 3:31 am
by Deske
"Glad I've never accidentally stumbled on them when I was-... Nevermind," he cut himself off after remembering that it wasn't just Kimera there. He turned his attention to the tour as well.

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 5:12 am
by Leafolawl
Chailyn steps closer to the liepard, smiling. "I'm glad to see you all found your way up," she welcomes quietly to not interrupt their current guide. "They'll be serving dinner after the tour if you missed that detail, and I'm sure any of your fellow recruits will be happy to recap anything you missed before bed."

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:59 am
by Buster
CyberDragon wrote:Kim looked sideways at Baja. "Yeah, they're fluffy. But they're his, and he doesn't want anyone touching them."
"Why?" Baja asks, tilting her head to the side, confused. "Flyffies are fore curling up, how can you curl up with fluffies if they wont share?"

"It's kinda hard to curl up for a nap when you're on fire. Please try not to make people who can light you on fire angry sis." Rose requests sounding worried, Also sounding like she'd said this before, rejoining the physical half of the conversation. "also if the tour guide has to 'port out of the room to break up whatever happened, i'd hardly call that restrained."

"What's Recap?" And rose just facepawed again. trying to resist the urge to question how her sister is this dumb for the umpteenth time, solely because they're not alone.

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 4:40 pm
by CyberDragon
Legotron123 wrote:”Well, if we just explain why what she did was wrong, she should understand.” Alan said, not knowing how wrong he was. ”She wouldn’t be here if she didn’t have at least SOME capacity to understand when she’s made a mistake and correct her behavior. It’s rather necessary to surviving in the dungeons.”
"Kim is trying." Hagane sighed. "I don't really know how successful he's being yet. I will speak with her later. You may go about your business, Alan." And with that, Hagane vanished again.

- - - - -

Hagane reappeared upstairs next to Atum and Lance. "I am sorry about that. Thank you two for taking over while I was gone. Anyway..." he addressed the group, arms calmly folded behind his back again. "Above this floor is where the staff sleep. Except for Atum who of course sleeps anywhere he can be left alone for more than three seconds." he said as a rare joke. "Everything else is still under construction. The storm set us back a little bit. And so I think that's the end of the tour. Any questions?"
Buster wrote:"Why?" Baja asks, tilting her head to the side, confused. "Flyffies are fore curling up, how can you curl up with fluffies if they wont share?"

"It's kinda hard to curl up for a nap when you're on fire. Please try not to make people who can light you on fire angry sis." Rose requests sounding worried, Also sounding like she'd said this before, rejoining the physical half of the conversation. "also if the tour guide has to 'port out of the room to break up whatever happened, i'd hardly call that restrained."

"What's Recap?" And rose just facepawed again. trying to resist the urge to question how her sister is this dumb for the umpteenth time, solely because they're not alone.
"Those fluffies are different." Kim said, trying to explain things so she would understand and finding it weird that he had to do that with a pokemon that was older than he was. "Ninetales tails have superpowers, and even make the Ninetales live a long time. If the tail gets hurt, it hurts the Ninetales really badly. So they don't like things touching the tails in case they get hurt." he said, not fully sure how much of that was true.

Typically a Ninetales will immediately curse anyone or anything that touches their tales immediately. Our resident Ninetales gave her ten seconds to let go or he would put her to sleep with hypnosis. Hagane thought to Rose. That's why it was restrained.

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 5:30 pm
by GrimD@rk8290
Legotron123 wrote:Lance would find that the next time he looked to his right, Luke would be standing about a foot away. He wasn’t saying anything, but he was staring at the Dragonite with the same overly excited expression he’d had since the start of the tour. It was starting to look a bit creepy.
Lance didn't seem to find Luke's stare creepy, rather he found the excited Riolu's energy made him wonder the possibilities of just how strong Luke could be. As the guildmaster showed up however he was snapped back to attention.
CyberDragon wrote: - - - - -

Hagane reappeared upstairs next to Atum and Lance. "I am sorry about that. Thank you two for taking over while I was gone. Anyway..." he addressed the group, arms calmly folded behind his back again. "Above this floor is where the staff sleep. Except for Atum who of course sleeps anywhere he can be left alone for more than three seconds." he said as a rare joke. "Everything else is still under construction. The storm set us back a little bit. And so I think that's the end of the tour. Any questions?"
The dragonite gave Hagane a respecctful, albeit slight nod. "Thank you, Hagane." He said his name with an air of respect rarely showed to anyone else.

"Is it too early to train the recruits or do you have something else in mind?" Lance asked, his eyes seeming to take a quick glance at Luke particular though he seemed ready to train many of the new recruits.

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 10:34 am
by Gameb18oy
CyberDragon wrote: Hagane reappeared upstairs next to Atum and Lance. "I am sorry about that. Thank you two for taking over while I was gone. Anyway..." he addressed the group, arms calmly folded behind his back again. "Above this floor is where the staff sleep. Except for Atum who of course sleeps anywhere he can be left alone for more than three seconds." he said as a rare joke. "Everything else is still under construction. The storm set us back a little bit. And so I think that's the end of the tour. Any questions?"
Atum rolled his eyes, merely giving a mild note to Hagane telepathically. "Good luck getting an answer out of them, you'd have better luck reading their minds if you want them to respond... I do like the look of the rockruff though, actually tried to give me something to do up there. Might like them as an apprentice if Lance doesn't mind me training them instead."
CyberDragon wrote:
Buster wrote:"Why?" Baja asks, tilting her head to the side, confused. "Flyffies are fore curling up, how can you curl up with fluffies if they wont share?"

"It's kinda hard to curl up for a nap when you're on fire. Please try not to make people who can light you on fire angry sis." Rose requests sounding worried, Also sounding like she'd said this before, rejoining the physical half of the conversation. "also if the tour guide has to 'port out of the room to break up whatever happened, i'd hardly call that restrained."

"What's Recap?" And rose just facepawed again. trying to resist the urge to question how her sister is this dumb for the umpteenth time, solely because they're not alone.
"Those fluffies are different." Kim said, trying to explain things so she would understand and finding it weird that he had to do that with a pokemon that was older than he was. "Ninetales tails have superpowers, and even make the Ninetales live a long time. If the tail gets hurt, it hurts the Ninetales really badly. So they don't like things touching the tails in case they get hurt." he said, not fully sure how much of that was true.

Typically a Ninetales will immediately curse anyone or anything that touches their tales immediately. Our resident Ninetales gave her ten seconds to let go or he would put her to sleep with hypnosis. Hagane thought to Rose. That's why it was restrained.
Scallop, who had been silent most of the way up, decided to come over hearing Kim trying to explain the problem of touching Alan's fluffy nine tails... and oddly enough, considered the fact a sillier answer might have an even bigger impact on the Liepard's unusually slow brain. "He also takes a lot of time and effort cleaning them a fluffing them up for people to see, so he can get pretty irritable if they get messed up." He looked over at Rose, hoping she'd back up an assumption he was about to make. "Cat's are really big on grooming right? How mad would either of you be if say a mudkip used mud shot on either of you right after you'd just made your fur as clean and pretty as possible?"
Deske wrote:"Glad I've never accidentally stumbled on them when I was-... Nevermind," he cut himself off after remembering that it wasn't just Kimera there. He turned his attention to the tour as well.
Atum, still not very trusting of the poochyena, made another request, trying to keep his motives hidden from Hagane. "also, your son and this poochyena he's hanging out with might be good choices. Knowing Kim, he may even do most of the work for me" He chuckled as he found a spot to lay down away from the crowd of recruits.

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 4:05 pm
by Buster
It's not a sliding scale. other people being worse at it doesn't make 'less bad' into 'good'. Rose grumbles to herself, before listening to Kim's attempt, letting out a quick almost choked sounding laugh and sarcastically quipping, "and here I thought they just like keeping around a few spares."

Baja however went a different direction with it, "Wait, like how dad can slash through lots of stuff easy with his claws?!"

"That's not a superpower, that's just because he's old enough to know how to hone them properly." Rose comments with an eye-roll before switching gears. adding, "A superpower would be more like how he can take a nap in the snow and not freeze."

"I thought you said that was because dad was fat."

"I- Wait... you actually remembered that?!" Rose stumbles sounding genuinely surprised, and impressed.
Gameb18oy wrote:Scallop, who had been silent most of the way up, decided to come over hearing Kim trying to explain the problem of touching Alan's fluffy nine tails... and oddly enough, considered the fact a sillier answer might have an even bigger impact on the Liepard's unusually slow brain. "He also takes a lot of time and effort cleaning them a fluffing them up for people to see, so he can get pretty irritable if they get messed up." He looked over at Rose, hoping she'd back up an assumption he was about to make. "Cat's are really big on grooming right? How mad would either of you be if say a mudkip used mud shot on either of you right after you'd just made your fur as clean and pretty as possible?"
Rose's claws come out almost reflexively, and while she' hasn't made any actual move from her sitting position, she's noticeably trying not to hiss at the thought of that.

Baja absently comments "Well rosie doesn't like muddy hugs and always makes me clean it off before we go back inside..." Baja comments looking herself over, confused "Do i still have muddy spots?"

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 12:03 am
by Leafolawl
The rockruff perks at the mention of continued construction, tilting his head curiously. "Construction's ongoing? What's left to be added?" He asks, following Hagane's prompt.


Chailyn looks across them, then nods slowly. "... I'll take you all back through and explain anything you missed from the tour. I'll be sure to help with any questions not answered here, later." The gloom then turns back to watch over everyone.

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 11:23 am
by Deske
T turned slightly towards Kimera as the tour ended, "I don't think that Umbreon likes me too much..."

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 2:34 pm
by Legotron123
Luke got rather excited by Lance mentioning training, but was distracted when Kim mentioned a Ninetales. Using Quick Attack, he rushed over to the group. ”Did you guys meet my dad!? He’s super cool, isn’t he?!”
Alan gave a quick nod and went back to work, using the berries Kim got him to make some dishes.

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:00 pm
by Deske
T stumbled back as the Riolu zoomed up to them, "Gah, what is it with you people and just appearing from no where..." He straightened himself up to face Like, "Sure, when someone isn't grabbing his tails I'm sure he's great."

Re: Non-HPU: Pokémon: Explorers of the Veil

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:05 pm
by Buster
being cats, the sisters both do that 'spring into the air and scramble away' thing felines are prone to. though rose gets significantly more air being a smaller variety of feline.