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Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 5:07 am
by Legotron123
It's simple Pete. It's because they deserve it, and you don't.
I'm honestly surprised by how many people feel bad for him. Have you forgotten all the bad things he's done in the past? Though I might not be one to judge, I practice my maniacal laughter every day.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 5:14 am
by Welsh Halfwit
Argent wrote:

"Okay!" *uppercut Pete's beak*
Precisely. The panels loaded kind of slow for me this morning, so there was a bit of a pause right after I was expecting the first panel of the second row to be Joel laying a haymaker on beaky.
That COULD have led to victory for Spirit Dragon though. A pawn changing sides is NOT the same as the pawns refusing to fight for either side.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 5:28 am
by WhoElseButQuagmire
ConvoyWolf wrote:
WhoElseButQuagmire wrote:
GK then goes to King. "Before I go, there's one thing I need you to do for me...." King rolls his eyes "I know, I know....'wake up'." GK shakes his head "No.....Be happy."
Without the watch or unless GK changes him back to a Corgi i doubt King will be completely happy.
My thinking was if GK turns Pete into Joel for his mortal body, and have him have to serve the jail time for Joel's dog napping and assorted crimes, that would symbolicly allow King to leave his human self behind and be a corgi for good.

I guess it's just the juxtaposition from how he looked in the previous two panels, but Pete looks naked in the last panel. Not just the normal 'Housepets! Are always naked" type naked, but real cover your shame naked.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 6:06 am
by Gesque
ConvoyWolf wrote:
WhoElseButQuagmire wrote:
GK then goes to King. "Before I go, there's one thing I need you to do for me...." King rolls his eyes "I know, I know....'wake up'." GK shakes his head "No.....Be happy."
Without the watch or unless GK changes him back to a Corgi i doubt King will be completely happy.
GK did say at the end of the "Celestial Reveal" story arc that there were "rewards for reaching the end of the game."

Maybe Joel / King is going to get to name his reward soon.

Also, the whole "turning Pete into Joel" idea is cute, I guess, but I don't think its very likely. The terms of the duel specified "one full, mortal lifetime" and it hardly seems fair to incarcerate Pete and cut 20-30 years from his sentence by making him into Joel.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 6:18 am
by 69eist
Some of you may not know this but Kitsune or rather kitsunes in lore teach people humility. It's like their job.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 6:30 am
by Acritic2
Am I the only one who noticed Kitsune doing a move Keene did one time?
It's actually kinda funny the more you think about it.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 6:40 am
by Gamewolf67
Someone bout to throw a Kamehameha!

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 6:45 am
by valerio
Heh, just came to mind: Now that Pete is quite probably ending up a mortal, he'll have to go to work for Keene as stipulated and verbalized.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 7:53 am
by dryideabat
Oh how the mighty have fallen. Pete, you will be missed (like a bad itch on your back)... or will you?

Who would have thought that he was such a malignant manipulative narcissist after his first debut. He seemed like such a nice (albeit mysterious) guy back then. And now look at him, throwing tantrums and molting-away like an angry little bird about to have his wings clipped....

This better not all be a dream like in "The Devils Advocate" or something. Oh Dog! Joel wakes-up back in his cell and his parole officer (Pete in disguise) enters. I mean it most probably won't, but just saying... Forget I even mentioned it.

Hehe, Boss Up. Love it.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 7:59 am
by WhoElseButQuagmire
I'm surprised Pete hasn't mentioned the one thing in his favor....if it wasn't for him, Joel/King would never have found Bailey.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 8:05 am
by Argent
Maybe now we'll see how Pete likes getting the "Wake Up" treatment.

Kitsune: The game's over, Pete, time to WAKE UP.
Pete: Oh no you...
FX: *popping sound*
Scene: Basket on fire station steps.
Pete: (blue kitten in basket) Miaow? WAAAAAAAUGH!
Dragon: (green kitten) This is another fine mess you've gotten us into...

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 8:11 am
by valerio
WhoElseButQuagmire wrote:I'm surprised Pete hasn't mentioned the one thing in his favor....if it wasn't for him, Joel/King would never have found Bailey.
Oh, he did. Too bad he messed up his chance to get thanks istead of using that argument to cause furter grievance

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 8:15 am
by Douglas Collier
Has anyone else noticed that Joel's nose shape has changed since the last arc he appeared in? Maybe the thing has had an effect on him. Or maybe it's just that one panel.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 8:17 am
by Gabi
I don't know about his nose, but he has certainly grown a lot since he first appeared - and I don't mean physically.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 8:35 am
by Indagare
I wonder if "Pete's Dragon" is ever going to be used. There won't be that many more chances.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 9:34 am
by SuperStar
This is how the arc should end.
Pete: OH THAT'S IT! I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE GAME ANYMORE! *transforms into Eldric Abomination and hovers over the Earth, shrouding it in darkness*
King: My dog...
Fox: What can we do to stop this?
Kitsune: There's nothing you can do. However, I have prepared for this, I have a back-up plan. *Snaps fingers and everyone gets teleported to the front of a house in Babylon Gardens* *knocks on door*
*door opens*
Kitsune: The world is in danger, only you can save it!
Peanut: Awesome.
Grape: *looks around in confusion*
Just needed to do that... :P

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 9:58 am
by Zanerus
Here we go, the break I've been waiting for years to happen. Pete has had hints of this depressive break for years and his repeat of "Mortals get their happy ending." Just hammers it home. I'm not sure where this will lead, but I have a feeling it is time for some back story and the avatar we have been waiting to see will be revealed.

As for Cerbbie, she will most likely retrieve King's Fate to end this.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 10:00 am
by valerio
Xane wrote:Also, why is Cerberus there (other than to watch Pete's comeuppance)?
Do you *really* want to run the risk of a demigod running havoc mad all around?

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 10:27 am
by Macsen
Joel is still wearing Bailey's scarf. :3

The last two panels of Pete reminds me of Vegeta's despair event horizon at the end of Team Four Star's "Renegade For Life" LP of Surgeon Simulator 2013. I'd link it, but the language is VERY foul.

BTW, Pete: The mortals get the happy endings because the immortals don't need them.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 10:27 am
by Bucky-Roo
Oh Pete. You should have known by now that the good guys always win. Well, time is almost out. I am very eager to see what happens next :D

Edit: Middle panels=INFINITE COSMIC POWER (from Aladdin)

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 10:28 am
by RedDagger
KoloroDrako wrote:Uh-oh. Pete's having a tantrum.
There are many ways Pete could have reacted, and this one just seems the most...Pete-y.

Well, I hope the white room means he'll get some humility.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 10:32 am
by Macsen
RedDagger wrote:
KoloroDrako wrote:Uh-oh. Pete's having a tantrum.
There are many ways Pete could have reacted, and this one just seems the most...Pete-y.

Well, I hope the white room means he'll get some humility.
And when did Dragon get any from it? It might be a default form to Heaven for the supreme beings.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 11:06 am
by Argent
valerio wrote:Oh, he did. Too bad he messed up his chance to get thanks istead of using that argument to cause furter grievance
Notice that he's dismissive of his own character growth in that strip. No wonder Great Kitsune thinks he needs some.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 11:10 am
by Gren
Oh my god, the "Boss HP" shirt is so cool! I want it! XD
I was expecting this reaction on Pete. His defeat was predictable since a while ago and at this point there was no other possible resource he could pull out of the sleeve. He's been desperate about the duel since the first time he appeared before Joel in that prison. That's why he did what he did and the reason why I said this reaction was most likely to happen.
Obbl wrote:I see we have reached Pete's deep-rooted issue here. Must say, I'm intrigued to find out why this bothers him so much.
I think the reason of why he is so frustrated is probably because he's always the one who picks the short straw. If I recall correctly, Pete was playing fair at the beginning of the duel but then Dragon tricked him and sealed him up for millennia. Pete also admitted that Kitsune is always messing with the players so I guess this is not the first time he's done such thing. I think Kitsune is just a prankster and not a spiritual guru as some of you may think. The kind of guy who's always pulling jokes on friends till it gets annoying. And now all what he had said is merely an excuse for a good trolling. Besides, who the **** he think he is to give lectures to other gods? Who gave him the authority to decide what is good and what is wrong? Not to mention that Bahamut said that none of this was bad so long as they don't disturb mortal souls pass into eternity.
Now I'm not trying to justify Pete's actions, he is a jerk, but probably his jerky attitude is caused by the jerkiness of other people towards him.

Also Pete, if you wonder why mortals get happy endings and gods don't, well, that's probably because gods do not have "endings". They live forever, so no beginning and no ending.
WhoElseButQuagmire wrote:GK will pick up the phone "Hello, Police? I believe I just saw Joel Robinson, I think you'll find he is wanted in the States for dognapping and various other PETA related crimes. Plus he's apparently stolen three other dogs and a cat, so you can add those to the charges, and please see that they have safe passage to Babylon Gardens, USA. Thank you." GK grins to Pete who we now see has been transformed into the human Joel. "You wanted more time? Fine. You have about five minutes before the police get here, I'd start running if I were you...Mr Robinson. I think you'll have a long time to think about what you've done."
I think that would be unfair. Why Pete has to pay for Joel's crimes? His punishment is supposed to be a full mortal lifetime, not this. Joel has to pay for the crimes he committed, no matter how much he has changed now. Otherwise it would be unfair for all the other guys in prison who have changed already but still have to continue serving their sentence.
D-Rock wrote:But more importantly, this page was a great big "wow." Remember when Max was in a white space when he finally let out all of the frustrations, sadness, and pain in his heart? I'm starting to think that Pete has similar problems deep within.
Meh, I think Max just overreacted because things didn't went the way he expected. He is the kind of guy who tries his best to be the coolest guy in the neighborhood but at the same time is very insecure of himself. He cares too much of his own image and reputation because he thinks that's the only thing that makes him look interesting and appealing. When things does not go smoothly then he think less of himself and fears he's not worthy enough to deserve Grape's love. Kinda pathetic, I know, but Grape knows that too and still loves him. :P
Gesque wrote:GK did say at the end of the "Celestial Reveal" story arc that there were "rewards for reaching the end of the game."
No, they refused to play the game according to the rules and decided to take the penalties for losing. Therefore, no rewards, only consequences. Otherwise it would be stupid. You can't refuse to do a god's order without expecting any consequences. I'm not saying there won't be a happy ending but probably won't be THAT happy.
dryideabat wrote:This better not all be a dream like in "The Devils Advocate" or something. Oh Dog! Joel wakes-up back in his cell and his parole officer (Pete in disguise) enters. I mean it most probably won't, but just saying... Forget I even mentioned it.
Nah, I doubt it. But I have to admit it doesn't sound bad at all. Interesting and unexpected, the best qualities for a good ending. :mrgreen:

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 11:31 am
by HundKatzeMaus
I really like how it turned out, because we had some proper foreshadowing since a long time.
It's really obvious that Pete tried to be a trickster like Kitsune, but failed at the end.
Still I do feel really bad for him, also I hope Dragon will also get her piece of the lecture, she also manipulated Taro.
Well you can't say the players did too much harm to their avatars (okay King was never Pete's avatar) and they also got something nice in the end.
Maybe Kitsune wanted to end it, before it becomes bloody.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 11:48 am
by Leomon2004
Wolfbane wrote:I do want Kitsune to have something to do in the meantime though... Hmm, how about making his own cooking show?
That wasn't random at all. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 12:20 pm
by Wolfbane
Wait, it completely slipped my mind... Up until this point Bailey hasn't seen King as Joel, right?
This is going to be... Awkward. Like, not a minature person in a dog suit but a person as a dog awkward.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 12:24 pm
by Obbl
But King did already tell her he was human, and she did accept that fact. Though she didn't know who King as a human was, she also doesn't really know who Joel is at all. So, I doubt there's too much to be surprised at. Still a slight shock at actually seeing the transformation (cause it's one thing to know, and another thing to see), but still...

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 12:41 pm
by Saturn381
Does anyone feel sorry for Pete now? I know I do. :(

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 12:43 pm
by valerio
Saturn381 wrote:Does anyone feel sorry for Pete now? I know I do. :(
just you wait...for all we know, the face hidden behind the paws may be only angry as heck.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 12:45 pm
by valerio
Obbl wrote:But King did already tell her he was human, and she did accept that fact. Though she didn't know who King as a human was, she also doesn't really know who Joel is at all. So, I doubt there's too much to be surprised at. Still a slight shock at actually seeing the transformation (cause it's one thing to know, and another thing to see), but still...
Not to mention that Fox is ther. He's the best dog to explain her about forgiveness from his side.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 12:50 pm
by deepskycyan
I'm probably reading too much into this, but wow, this is deep stuff.

The cyclicality of it all...I'm not sure if it was intentional of Rick to make an attempt to mirror this strip with the alt. text, but if so, it's really fitting.
See, that strip was when it all first started; the very beginning. Joel was the target character then, and he was 'punished' by Pete. Now that it is Pete's turn, he will too, see consequence and will have to answer for his actions. What's also interesting is the fact that Pete justifies his behaviour by placing blame on mortals, just as Joel justified his crimes by placing blame on his pets.

Intentional or not, Rick brings the whole meta-arc full circle. And Joel's reward at the end of the game? He has learnt a valuable lesson. Joel's change of character and Pete taking Joel's place as the victim is also a life lesson for us; that there are things that will change, and there are things that will never change.

Okay, I've waded in too deep. Somebody pull me out.
By the way, really love how Rick does his backgrounds. The stormy purple clouds really do compliment the whole situation.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 1:12 pm
by Argent
Gren wrote:Joel has to pay for the crimes he committed, no matter how much he has changed now. Otherwise it would be unfair for all the other guys in prison who have changed already but still have to continue serving their sentence.
Joel has served his whole sentence for everything he's responsible for. He is not responsible for Pete busting him out of jail before the trial, and everything else was going to be "time served". If anyone should serve time for Joel's "escape", it's Pete.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 3:02 pm
by Acritic2
Pete wrote: Why do mortals get the happy endings?!
Because we earn ours through hard honest work. what have you done? Bent rules and black mailed.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 3:07 pm
by Zanerus
Acritic2 wrote:
Pete wrote: Why do mortals get the happy endings?!
Because we earn ours through hard honest work. what have you done? Bent rules and black mailed.
Interesting how this phrase keeps popping up from King, although I think this is only the third time. I have a feeling he doesn't want to just be a jerk or villain but simply doesn't know how to be anything else. Though it begs one question.

Will the comic end when the Heaven crew are finished?

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 3:17 pm
by Cesco
The situation caused by you two in the game, especially the double play of Pete with his previous avatar, impose you to be "tricked" by the game master (he must control the going of game and players, no?). The book of fate says clearly what's the main rule... ;) Pete is really scaring when gets insane. :? Pete, your brutal way to try to convince King shows a comprehensible frustration, but it's also a falling in the umpteenth blackmail. :| It's only going to be bad for you now... According to you, a mortal is all those things? :P Please, Great Kitsune, pass him again the kettle at the phone! :lol: Great reply, Joel (you could also throw the punch at him, but doesn't matter)! :) You want to know why is that, Pete? It's because that's a fact of only the creatures with life and death... ;) It's now game over for you two, but Pete deserves the worse...
BTW, Pete became gigantic, that's its demigod form... Uhm, didn't he destroy the local? :P At last, he seems to be teleported in that "white place" already visited by Maxwell. We'll see. ;)

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 3:17 pm
by Saturn381
Zanerus wrote:Will the comic end when the Heaven crew are finished?
No. I think Rick himself said the comic won't end after this arc.

Welcome to the forums by the way! :D

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 4:43 pm
by WhoElseButQuagmire
Xane wrote:Also, why is Cerberus there (other than to watch Pete's comeuppance)?
She's there for the OTHER contest... Ice cream sundaes at seven paces.


Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 4:46 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
I would really relish it if GK turned Pete into Joel. That way, he would REALLY have to work hard to earn his happy ending.

Re: 2014/09/05 - White Space

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 6:05 pm
by GameCobra
Actually, I had a funny feeling today that one of the most unusual twists to Pete and Dragon's mortal punishment is if they were forced to hang out with the sandwiches regularly ~ you know, the family with a high potential chance for avatars for Pete? Feels like bad guys gone good. Only catch is, King and Tarot would keep an eye on them. Oh, that would be clever. Mwahaha.

Dragon and Pete look at mortal life like it's the end of the world, but they never had the experience before and are basically crying over something that will likely have a lot more good things happen than bad. They are just spoiled =3