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Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 3:43 am
by SuperStar
Urh. I don't know really what to think of this. I've never really liked King arcs, they always get awkward and odd. I'm not a big fan of the Celestial stuff either. And the name of the arc, "Heaven's Not Enough" doesn't exactly sound that good.

But hey, It's my Birthday, and I get the start of a big arc, so yay!

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 3:50 am
by CHAOKOCartoons
Please tell me I'm not the only one who imagined an epic explosion after the last line of panel 4.

EDIT: Also, just noticed that the title of this strip is "Chain of Memories". +10 epic points :D

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:06 am
by Macsen
Why not just say Mister Falcon?

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:24 am
by WhoElseButQuagmire
Kyuunado wrote:
Help, my Son is a Demi-god? :lol:
Now there's a 12 part miniseries for A&E :)

On a side note, seeing it out of context, does anyone else think Kitch's avitar looks like Tiger wearing eye shadow?

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:30 am
by pokeblue
Yeah, you tell that overgrown turkey whats-what King.

This is the arc I've been both at the edge of my seat, and dreading, all year. Time to see how this plays out.

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:12 am
by Iwuh
Yay, more of the cosmic nerds!

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:22 am
by Saturn381
Here it is, the arc we've all been waiting for!

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:32 am
by ArcWolf

Now the forum banner makes sense!

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:35 am
by Acritic2
Time for the King to put Pete in check(-mate) !!!!!:!: !!!!!
Kitch wrote:Why not just say Mister Falcon?
because he's cursing (pet style) at Pete, and I like that he's starting to lose his sailor's mouth.

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:52 am
by legionbunny
-insert brain melting fangirl squeal-

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 7:06 am
by Render
And once again it's time to listen to Mrs Robinson along with singing the amended lines:
Why, down on you knees, Mr. Robinson.
Heaven holds a place for those who pray
Hey Hey Hey

King's dreaming of floating islands. ;)

And he still has that clock...

slythecat wrote:So here's my prediction. Pete loses inevitably and the last strip for this arc is King talking to whatever mortal vessel Pete ends up stuck in. My guess it's gonna be a blue....bird? Eagle? Pigeon?

PS: Welcome to the forums, slythecat.

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 7:09 am
by FinalFormTailKicker
Am I the only one who feels the need to point out the Kingdom Hearts reference?

...Sorry, I just really like references. I mean hey, my username is two in one!

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:18 am
by falcon01
Oh yea, Love the look on King's face in that last panel, makes me a bit sorry for Pete, looks like someone's gona get his feathers ruffled! I can only hope and watch!

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:19 am
by Frank
Oh no! He's calling Pete! Run! Hide! And bring the popcorn, 'cause this will be awesome

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:57 am
by Argent
Well, it should have been returned to Heaven for charging months ago. Wireless charging doesn't work so well between universes.

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:55 am
by GameCobra
I almost thought that floating island for a moment there was underwear. Dreaming about underwear is a human thing.

I'm not a big fan of King arcs, but I do want to see how this works out in the end. I'm fairly certain King has a bad habit of assuming or trying to call out things without realizing just to what extent Pete can go. I'm also wondering if my prediction will happen and that Joel and King will be two separate entities.

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 10:12 am
by Argent
As for Pete, I vote for a big blue turkey. Or maybe one of those stupid parrots from New Zealand that don't know how to fly?

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 10:54 am
by Silly Zealot
Is that valerio's handywork I see in the banner?
Sleet wrote:I'll admit I'm slightly concerned this arc will be a little... dense.
If by "dense" you mean long, I really can't see why you are complaining at all!
Xane wrote:King's definitely gone completely native, since he didn't require a censor box this time!
Oh, noooo! :cry:
max7345 wrote:
slythecat wrote:So unless Pete has some other Ace in the Hole, he's basically done for. So here's my prediction. Pete loses inevitably and the last strip for this arc is King talking to whatever mortal vessel Pete ends up stuck in. My guess it's gonna be a blue....bird? Eagle? Pigeon?
I feel that "Pigeon" is the funnier choice for some reason. xD I can just imagine pigeon-Pete conversing with King and looking very, very unhappy about his predicament.
Pete the Parakeet!

No, wait! Pete the back-flipping robot penguin!

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 11:41 am
by Pladim
PIERULEZ wrote:Why does the watch thing say low battery? :?:
My theory, Joel's time is running out, but King's time is just beginning.

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 11:58 am
by AstroOtter
"Heaven's not Enough" is the opening track to the second Wolf's Rain soundtrack.

Let's hope this arc ends more happily than that anime.

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 1:00 pm
by deepskycyan
Yeah I think staying off this arc until its done will result in a better reading experience, but Rick did say this would be a LONG arc, so long that he's gonna have to split it, with one-off intervals in between. I don't think I could survive so long without housepets though...
Gahhh the last thing I need right now is a super depressing story. Please let there be a happy ending.

I sure hope this arc marks the end of the whole cosmic game subplot, can't say I enjoyed watching cosmic nerds bickering.
Also, that pocketwatch sure does have an amazing battery life. Its been what, three years?

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 1:09 pm
by Obbl
Silly Zealot wrote:Is that valerio's handywork I see in the banner?
Ahem Kurowolfe *cough cough*

WHOOOOOOOOO!!!! The final showdown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!exclamation poooints!!!
I have been eagerly awaiting this! What mind games does Pete have in store for us? And how will King respond? Check! Counter-Check! And what of the final duel between Pete and Dragon?! CHECKMATE!!! :D
Is excite.

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 1:35 pm
by tychoaussie
I think Pheasant starts with an "f" sound such that Pete will get the message and intent. However I suspect Pete's used to receiving such language and will be non-plussed about the whole thing. Then again, Do you think King is about to rattle the celestial birdcage a little?

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 1:38 pm
by Azsassin
It seems that kings secret may be spilled at a point in time in this arc. As so it seems, I'm not saying it will.

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 1:39 pm
by HundKatzeMaus
Oh yeah this is it guys, the climax of King's saga :shock:

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 2:04 pm
by Titanium Dragon
IceKitsune wrote:
RockstarRaccoon wrote:
slythecat wrote:Pete loses inevitably
What if he doesn't? I'm sort of rooting for him and Keene to sort of team up and win together: they do have the same goals, after all....
I really have a feeling this is just going to end with both of them somehow losing and Dragon and Petes whole thing just not being resolved at all. Lets face it having Pete and Keene win is pretty unlikely considering what massive changes that would bring to the whole Housepets earth. If Pete wins I have a feeling it will be a thing were it will take years to happen and we never seen any of their plans come to pass making the whole thing rather pointless in the long run.

This whole thing is about King and his struggle. Pete, Dragon, Kitsune and their dumb little game and what it means is likely to end up being pointless in the end and amount to nothing. Pete wins and it changes thing far to much to much for Rick to write the comic the way he has been, or its going to end up taking for ever to happen and be rather pointless anyway for us. Its unlikely Rick will get to that point in the story. Dragon wins and ummm nothing changes from what I remember, shes not playing for anything world changing from what I recall.
Well, that would assume that Status Quo Is God, which may well not be the case. The game ending could cause major problems for any number of characters - Peanut might not end up with Tarot anymore at that point, for instance, which would disrupt all sorts of other things, and there's also the fact that if Dragon lost, she would become mortal... well, that would further complicate the whole Peanut situation.

Honestly I'd love to see Pete actually win, but it would probably either be the end of the comic, or presage a major shift in it. But it is a huge part of the plot; your argument against it is a bit silly, given that, you know, the whole human-pet conflict is a kind of big part of the world.

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 2:25 pm
by Obbl
Well, most importantly is that the equivocation of animals and humans thing is not the point of Pete and Dragon's duel. That's more of a side project of Pete's. Dragon and Pete's duel simply determines the outcome of a dispute between them in another game they are playing.
Furthermore after the game is over, will Pete be able to continue his influence in our universe, or will he have to leave the equivocation where it is? We don't know that one. So, Pete's victory may not actually have any more consequence for the world than Dragon's.

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 2:36 pm
by jrh150482
Yay! King's back! Bringing along with him a King-based arc!

*sings the Hallelujah Chorus*



Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 2:52 pm
by Sinder
I really don't think either one of them is going to live that long

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 2:58 pm
by Gamewolf67
1. Isn't Chain of Memories a Kingdom Hearts game?
2. I love the new banner.
3. The art looks a bit different.
And finally, 4. Is this the arc where King reveals his devastating secret?

Only time will tell...

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 3:20 pm
by Argent
All of Pete's motivations are suspect, all the way down to the "animal equality" thing. Because he didn't say "equality", he said "equivocation":

e·quiv·o·ca·tion /iˌkwivəˈkāSHən/

noun: equivocation; plural noun: equivocations

1. the use of ambiguous language to conceal the truth or to avoid committing oneself; prevarication.

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:06 pm
by JtGoP
Ryusuta wrote:
RockstarRaccoon wrote:
slythecat wrote:Pete loses inevitably
What if he doesn't? I'm sort of rooting for him and Keene to sort of team up and win together: they do have the same goals, after all....
They can't team up. As far as I remember, the participants are cats or dogs only. That's why King was turned into... um... King in the first place.
"alright, so you know that whole 'business' with Sandra, and so on?', well would you mind if I turned you into a cat for a bit? Otherwise I won't be able to follow up on the promise I made your father"

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:41 pm
by Draj
Alright, barring shenangans, it doesnt look like King is going to become Supercorgi, even temporarally. (Dark paladin strength and speed bonuses) That rules out a delaying tactic, so this is almost certiantly the final showdown.

As far as "Status Quo is god" is concerned, best case is Pete loses/surrenders and becomes a woodland animal, and Dragon sticks around because she likes Peanut/max/Pete's new form. King's fate lets him stay as a dog, Tarot keeps her powers for the duration of a "Hapilly ever after" (dont you love subjective time?) and Keene keeps working toward equality.
Alternatively, Pete loses, and is never head from again, and dragon leaves and is never heard from again.

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:44 pm
I remember the great kitsune said there will be rewards... link ---> ... ts-not-so/

Also are king and baily naked in the first panel ... Where's there collar???

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:44 pm
by Cesco
Here it came. This is going to be crucial for King's story, I hope everything will be fine with accepted Joel's dog life. Time's running out, the fate decided to him by Pete may over now, right when it shouldn't anymore... Yeah King, your truth is so heavy to bear and so hard to confess to your dear love and friends. What can happen if it'll be unleashed? Fido unleashed his totally different own, how's he paying the confession?
What a lovely dream. :D Shame that's interrupted so abruptly. :|

Their collars aren't there because they use to sleep on bed without them. ;)

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:47 pm

I think the reward might be .... PUPPYS

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:54 pm
by Argent
Draj wrote:Alternatively, Pete loses, and is never head from again, and dragon leaves and is never heard from again.
That would solve the Dragon-Tarot-Peanut triangle.

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:00 pm
by Prof
*cues "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"*


"And so it begins!"

... Uhm, or is it: "And so it ends?" :roll:

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:34 pm
by ZeroTheFated
New arc, this is going to be worth all of my uncontrolled excitement. I hope I don't punch my best friend in the face again. :lol:

Re: 2014/04/28 - Chain Of Memories

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:57 pm
by max7345
Silly Zealot wrote:Pete the back-flipping robot penguin!
xD He best hope Tiger doesn't spot him if this becomes the case.