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Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 3:33 am
by ctcmjh
I am absolutely certain my parents have no clue what a furry is. But I'm confident that if I did tell them what one was, and that I am one, then they would tell me "That's stupid. Grow up." Yeah, my parents are kinda like that. They're usually pretty good, but they see a lot of things as childish and immature.

That being said, they have no idea. My sister? Same as above, except she would probably say, "Oh, that's kinda cool."

My girlfriend is a furry as well, so I have no worries here.

My brother, on the other hand, was looking over my shoulder while I was looking through my folders on my laptop. His eyes saw the folder labeled, "Furry" and he looked at me weird and said, "Really? Furry? Really?" He asked sarcastically. So I think it's obvious he has a negative view on furries, and he might be suspecting that I am one.

My friends IRL? Only one knows I'm a furry, but I'm sure that most of my irl friends would have no problem if I was a furry.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 3:58 am
by Kyderra
what Nitrosparxx said.
they have no idea what a furry is,
All they know, is that I draw them, and they thing it's a more productive thing to do then play World of Warcraft all day.

so yay, my parents support being a furry over playing WoW
My classmate was also frowning at me first, until I made him a drawing of his Tauren, now he's all like, "yay furry"

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 3:09 pm
by ReCreate
To continue my previous post, my family has seen several of the furry wallpapers i have. Though they've said nothing of it. As it looks like something random to them. :P Since they're not a furry themselves.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 5:45 pm
by Zalgo
It's kind of half yes half no. I wear a collar and such, every now and then, but then never really got into why I was wearing it. I have a tail and ears as well.

My mom just thinks I'm one of those people who would jump into a mascot outfit if given the chance... umm, a fur suit? I think thats what it's called.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:50 am
by garbud
Well my parents are very anti furry so I try to hide it from them

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:24 am
by viridis
Well it's hard to find anyone in New Zealand that knows what a furry is, let alone my parents. I don't see a need to tell them and their pretty open minded so I don't think it would make a difference if I did. I'm also pretty sure my little brother is one too, but Ill let him figure that out for himself. I told my friends and only one was a bit weirded out a first, the rest either didn't know or didn't care. My newly immigrated American media studies teacher on the other hand had a very negative and strange idea of what furries were. Spent half a class trying to explain it, I was just laughing to myself.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:28 am
by Blue Braixen
viridis wrote:Well it's hard to find anyone in New Zealand that knows what a furry is, let alone my parents. I don't see a need to tell them and their pretty open minded so I don't think it would make a difference if I did. I'm also pretty sure my little brother is one too, but Ill let him figure that out for himself. I told my friends and only one was a bit weirded out a first, the rest either didn't know or didn't care. My newly immigrated American media studies teacher on the other hand had a very negative and strange idea of what furries were. Spent half a class trying to explain it, I was just laughing to myself.
As an American furry, I really want to hear that explanation. :lol:

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:03 am
by mariomarc
viridis wrote:Well it's hard to find anyone in New Zealand that knows what a furry is, let alone my parents. I don't see a need to tell them and their pretty open minded so I don't think it would make a difference if I did. I'm also pretty sure my little brother is one too, but Ill let him figure that out for himself. I told my friends and only one was a bit weirded out a first, the rest either didn't know or didn't care. My newly immigrated American media studies teacher on the other hand had a very negative and strange idea of what furries were. Spent half a class trying to explain it, I was just laughing to myself.
your teacher was trying to explain what furries were to the whole class?

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:14 am
by viridis
Yea trying is the key word. I don't think anyone cared or understood but it was a good laugh for me. I probably can't say what she was saying on these forums, she probably wasn't allowed to say it in class either tbh haha.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 7:27 am
by mariomarc
why was she doing that?

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:27 am
by Sleet
Yeah, I'm curious.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:36 am
by FlintTheSquirrel
No, and I doubt they know what it even means so I guess it really does not matter. ^^;

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:33 pm
by viridis
mariomarc wrote:why was she doing that?
I really can't remember how she got onto talking about it from what we were studying, which was horror films. May have been something about a Disney film, but I can't even remember. She was a very strange teacher always told us her opinions on everything, other than that I have no idea why she was doing it.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:56 pm
by mariomarc

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:05 pm
by Grape117
I Don't really know at this point because the only two furry comics that I am "up to date" with is Housepets and Two Kinds. Either way I do like them alot and can see myself later on doing fanart and such.....I dunno maybe being a furry is going to be kinda fun, untill the point where im put into a corner with family members surrounding me pleading I give up my furry lifestyle. It may come to that if you tell your parents anything???????~!

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:52 pm
by FlintTheSquirrel
I do not ever see it come to that. It depends on what you do really. I just think of it as liking the whole idea of Anthropomorphism. I doubt they would get mad at that.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:55 pm
by Sleet
It's more of a hobby than a lifestyle, if even that. As long as you explain it right and they don't have any preconceived notions from watching CSI or something like that, there's not much to be worried about. Unless they don't approve of nerdy or silly stuff in the first place.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:15 am
by Grape117
Sleet wrote:It's more of a hobby than a lifestyle, if even that. As long as you explain it right and they don't have any preconceived notions from watching CSI or something like that, there's not much to be worried about. Unless they don't approve of nerdy or silly stuff in the first place.
Ya I guess that makes more, so I think being a furry will be enjoyable.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 12:17 am
by Ebly
well there have been enough people saying 'i'm not a furry' so i'm going to say something a bit different

i see absolutely no reason that 'being a furry' is something you're obligated to tell your parents – there are already widely differing definitions of this crud that mean for some people, telling their parents that they're furry is akin to (or flat out is) describing in detail what they do in bed, but for others is more like telling their parents what kind of job they would like to have when they're older.

besides that, i don't know why 'parents' is specified, but i've noticed it always is for some reason (not just furry stuff, people tend to have a thing about "do your parents know you [something niche and/or weird]?") – is there some kind of parent-stigma? i've found friends are usually less accepting than people related by blood, unless you're just that unlucky or your friends are just that awesomazing, so isn't it a better question to ask if someone's friends know?

. . . well and besides all that, i see no reason why you can't tell your parents, i just wanted to say something about how this topic seems to me

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 12:57 am
by Aquablast
Really? I thought most parents would be less open-minded than your teenager friends. Besides, the parents might find the idea of being furry weird, and that's why people are usually reluctant to tell their parents. While it is true your friends could also find it weird, but the parents might try to force their child to change, where your friends would probably just shun you or something.

In my opinion, parents are probably less open-minded and are more likely to force their opinion. While the friends are more likely to be open-minded and can't really force you.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 1:06 am
by Ebly
The idea of being a furry is weird, so I see no issue there. My experience and the experience of most people I know is that the familial connection far overrides personal distaste. I hate zucchini but I don't hate being served it by my parents (while i do honestly hate it enough that i legitimately resent other people expecting me to eat it).

Parents won't always force their opinion, but they'll let you know. And you can let them know your opinion. Wait a minute – – isn't that the function of a relationship in the first place? >->

The fact of the matter is, parents can't force you to change even if they try, and because (unless they're totally messed up and kick you out or something stupid like that) they have to be around you all the time, they'll get over it. Your parents should be a strong, safe relationship that you can count on always being there.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:02 am
by Sleet
Honestly, I think the idea that being a furry is some big confession to your parents comes from people who are furries in really weird ways. Even if other people are perfectly normal furries, this idea that it's some big confession rubs off on them.

It's just an interest, really. It's nothing to be too concerned about.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:18 am
by Ebly
Sleet wrote:Honestly, I think the idea that being a furry is some big confession to your parents comes from people who are furries in really weird ways. Even if other people are perfectly normal furries, this idea that it's some big confession rubs off on them.

It's just an interest, really. It's nothing to be too concerned about.
well even if it's not a 'big confession' to someone the topic's still fine – as an example, being into anime was never a big confession for a friend of mine (which would normally be obvious, but she is really into anime to the point of anime quality blindness – she even likes naruto) but yeah, her parents kind of know about it, duh.

. . . i don't know if putting it in that way will get what i mean across, but hey, i tried

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:35 am
by Sleet
What I think you're saying is more or less what I think. Saying you're a furry isn't really any different than saying you like anime.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:40 am
by Dissension
I concur, which is why I haven't participated in this discussion till now. My mom doesn't know the term "furry," but she knows that I appreciate and draw anthropomorphic animals and have friends who do the same thing. *shrugs* She doesn't think I'm weird for it, it's just something I like. (She actually encourages me to practice drawing more so I can take commissions and earn some money off my hobby.)

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 3:33 am
by Dubiousity
I'm not sure my parents know what a "furry" is, but I know for a fact my mother would accept me no matter what, my father on the other hand...

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 6:09 am
by GameCobra
Although my parents don't fully understand what a furry is, they are fine with it as long as it's not on the 'weird' level.

My mother loves the fact that i like animals, even cartoon ones. she sees no problem with it. My dad loves teasing me about it, comparing it to something like a 'girl' thing >_____________> but luckily i know it's just teasing. can get aggravating though =P

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 12:01 pm
by Blue Braixen
My mom already knows that I draw this stuff, and I've shown her Housepets strips before. She doesn't seem to mind any of it, just that I spend too long on here. My dad, however...he has no idea and I'd like to keep it that way...he likes to overreact.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:54 pm
by ctcmjh
I brushed the subject with my parents the other day. We were talking about all sorts of things that people have as hobbies. From what I could gather, my dad could care less what someone is interested in or does, as long as it doesn't interfere with his social and working life.

My mom said that it's just good for people to have a hobby. Really, she said, "Everyone needs a hobby, like you do with your anime, those Warhammer models and those drawings of animals you do." lol. Drawings of animals I do.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:25 pm
by Zander
viridis wrote:
mariomarc wrote:why was she doing that?
I really can't remember how she got onto talking about it from what we were studying, which was horror films. May have been something about a Disney film, but I can't even remember. She was a very strange teacher always told us her opinions on everything, other than that I have no idea why she was doing it.
My bible teahcer talked about anthro :3

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:47 am
by Buckdida
Eh, no. And yes?

The topic has certainly come up, and I've told them everything that I do that would make me a furry, basically ("Well, see, I have this character that's half-cat and half-wolf that I use as my online avatar..."). Only thing I haven't said is "I am a furry," and unless asked point blank, probably wouldn't say so, since I see no reason to.

I mean, it's jus' a hobby. I've basically told everyone I know, including my girlfriend, and they don't care... The trick? Not rubbing it in people's faces, or making it otherwise obviously annoying (i.e. Wearing Tail to school without reason = bad idea). Talking against pre-conceived notions? A careful and balanced explanation, as to not appear biased, works wonders. :lol: Surprisingly, it's a lot easier for a furry to co-exist easily with people who don't like furries than one might think. Example would be me (a furry) and my IRL friends ("at least you're not one of those crazy people who wear ears and a tail to school/work").

Seriously, being a furry isn't as big as people make it out to be sometimes.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 4:05 pm
by Dubiousity
Buckdida wrote:Eh, no. And yes?

The topic has certainly come up, and I've told them everything that I do that would make me a furry, basically ("Well, see, I have this character that's half-cat and half-wolf that I use as my online avatar..."). Only thing I haven't said is "I am a furry," and unless asked point blank, probably wouldn't say so, since I see no reason to.

I mean, it's jus' a hobby. I've basically told everyone I know, including my girlfriend, and they don't care... The trick? Not rubbing it in people's faces, or making it otherwise obviously annoying (i.e. Wearing Tail to school without reason = bad idea). Talking against pre-conceived notions? A careful and balanced explanation, as to not appear biased, works wonders. :lol: Surprisingly, it's a lot easier for a furry to co-exist easily with people who don't like furries than one might think. Example would be me (a furry) and my IRL friends ("at least you're not one of those crazy people who wear ears and a tail to school/work").

Seriously, being a furry isn't as big as people make it out to be sometimes.
Thank you.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:33 pm
by Anthroguy101
I was having a conversation at the dinner table and said I talked to "a group of people" online. They asked "what group of people?" I was very nervous, but they wouldn't stop bothering me until they got an answer. They were worried that I was hanging out with some sort of "government overthrow" conspiracy (It's worth noting that I have very strong political opinions of which I am not able to express on this forum). Then I said, "They're called furries."

They actually breathed a sigh of relief.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:38 pm
by mariomarc
Anthroguy101 wrote:I was having a conversation at the dinner table and said I talked to "a group of people" online. They asked "what group of people?" I was very nervous, but they wouldn't stop bothering me until they got an answer. They were worried that I was hanging out with some sort of "government overthrow" conspiracy (It's worth noting that I have very strong political opinions of which I am not able to express on this forum). Then I said, "They're called furries."

They actually breathed a sigh of relief.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:57 pm
by Chaplin
Wait, so in order to crown yourself as a furry you need a fursuit?

No thanks then, it's the one thing that I don't like about anthromorphism

EDIT: My parents don't know, I don't think they'd approve of me.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:10 pm
by Dissension
I'm pretty sure nobody said that.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:34 pm
by Sleet
Yes, that's totally not necessary to be a furry. I'd be surprised if any of us here owns a fursuit. I just have a tail and a collar and even that's more animal apparel than most furries have.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:44 pm
by Blue Braixen
Sleet wrote:Yes, that's totally not necessary to be a furry. I'd be surprised if any of us here owns a fursuit. I just have a tail and a collar and even that's more animal apparel than most furries have.
I have none of that stuff...although a tail would be awesome.

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:49 am
by mariomarc
Tha Housedog wrote:
Sleet wrote:Yes, that's totally not necessary to be a furry. I'd be surprised if any of us here owns a fursuit. I just have a tail and a collar and even that's more animal apparel than most furries have.
I have none of that stuff...although a tail would be awesome.
you'll need ears with that

Re: Do your parents know that you are a furry?

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 12:53 am
by Blue Braixen
mariomarc wrote:
Tha Housedog wrote:
Sleet wrote:Yes, that's totally not necessary to be a furry. I'd be surprised if any of us here owns a fursuit. I just have a tail and a collar and even that's more animal apparel than most furries have.
I have none of that stuff...although a tail would be awesome.
you'll need ears with that
...Maybe so. It'd be kinda cool to have dog ears...*Starts daydreaming*