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Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 12:02 pm
by The Grey Wolverine
Mettlebird wrote:Making me irate: My idiot (ex)dad is harping on me about the **** child support, and being such a huge ****** that I am completely ready to rip him a new one. If he doesn't shut the cuss up in a little while I'm going to flip.
Peace brother, peace.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 12:31 pm
by ChewyChewy
Mettlebird wrote:Making me irate: My idiot (ex)dad is harping on me about the **** child support, and being such a huge ****** that I am completely ready to rip him a new one. If he doesn't shut the cuss up in a little while I'm going to flip.
Calm down.... :shock:

Take a deep breath....

Out goes the bad air, in comes the good....

I understand that you don't appreciate what he's doing, but you can't let it get to you--it isn't worth it.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 12:39 pm
by FlintTheSquirrel
Erm....dunno if this is a good time.

Joy: Got 33 Yu-Gi-Oh Card Packs for $2 at the Flea Market. All of them 1st Edition.
Joy: Got a Squirrel related picture painted and burned in on wood that I can hang up in my room for a Dollar.
Sorrow: Not many stuff in the way of games though. I think Frogger 2 (PS1) is pretty much the highlight on that.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:19 pm
by 44R0NM10
FlintTheSquirrel wrote:
Joy: Got 33 Yu-Gi-Oh Card Packs for $2 at the Flea Market. All of them 1st Edition.
You are such a lucky squirrel :P

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 7:14 pm
by Mettlebird
Joy: My idiot (ex)dad left me alone after a while.

Sorrow: I had to tell him that Mom would check the stupid thing later but he kept on harping on me and wouldn't shut up.

Joy: I told him off in a low-key way, and he got the message. :3

Sorrow: I no feel good. :c

Sorrow: I didn't hear from my mate today. Oh well, they said I probably wouldn't. But still, I was hoping against hope.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:26 pm
by FlintTheSquirrel
Joy: We have now got a in case and working copy of the Zelda CDi games, Wand of Gamolon and the Faces of Evil. I know there is a third one before you mention it, but it is $300. :I
Sorrow: The problem is the game save battery on the CDi is pretty much gone. It saves things for the shortest time, and I have NO plans on playing the entire Zelda CDi game in one day, there is only so much a Squirrel can handle.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:57 pm
by FlintTheSquirrel
The Grey Wolverine wrote:And Flint, why waste money on CDI games, hey have you seen the AVGN review on the CDI?
Why would we not? I saw his review of Fester's Quest and Dr. Jackal, which made us want it and play it even more. These types of games are fun because of how bad they are, almost historic feeling. Anywho, play them with a friend, and you can have much fun. ^^

MOD NOTE: a response to a message deleted too quickly. should have just been edited. sorry. carry on.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:48 pm
by CaptainPea
Blech: What I thought was a developing cold turned out to be some sort of flu or something else icky. And this is a really busy weekend, not a good time to get sick at all.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 1:38 pm
by Mettlebird
Joy: Only one day to go! Well, one day and four hours at the least to go till I talk to my mate!

Joy: I feel pretty good today.

Joy: I slept very well last night!

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 1:51 pm
by DismayWolf
Joy: I has a puppy :D

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:00 pm
by Sleet
As in a pet or a child?

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:32 pm
by yehoshua
Most likely a pet, who would want to buy a puppy a computer, console, television, etc.?

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 4:25 pm
by Wanderer
Sorrow: I'm trying to play Chopin etude op10 no3... I got to be the most uncoordinated person in the world lol
Sorrow: Riding a plane tomorrow. Security and sitting in a tight spot for 10 hours :(
Sorrow: My friend's hitting on me and I want to tell him to stop but worried about his reaction.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 4:50 pm
by Seth
joy:My drunk uncle's antics at the christmas party last night.

Joy:at my parents for break, I get to see my Dogs and eat my Mom's cooking!!!!

sorrow:no Wi-fi so i have to go to the internet cafe to get on the internet with some degree of privacy.

sorrow:no plans to tell my parents I'm a furry ever so I can't really surf the forum at their place.

Joy:Party at my friends place tonight with several colorful personalities, it will not end well.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 4:58 pm
by Wanderer
Do your parents even know what a furry is?
Most people don't know.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 5:02 pm
by Seth
Wanderer wrote:Do your parents even know what a furry is?
Most people don't know.
They probably dont
but I dont want to encourage research.
Like I've said before
My parents dont know alot about me.
and that's something I try to maintain.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 5:55 pm
by TensaZangetsu
Joy: Days of practice does pay off in the long run.
Joy: by January, I should be good enough to rub it in others people's face
Joy: just a month til the date of my birth. Can't wait
Joy: few more days til Christmas

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:04 pm
by Seth
my best friend is going to spend a few days in town over break while he's on leave from his military training

Joy:My parents love him, so they're gonna let him crash at our house while he's here

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:12 pm
by TensaZangetsu
Seth wrote:JOY!!!!!!:
my best friend is going to spend a few days in town over break while he's on leave from his military training

Joy:My parents love him, so they're gonna let him crash at our house while he's here
Joy: he's happy
Sorrow: I can't decide on a good avatar for Apacci

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:16 pm
by Nurematsu Zenpaw
Joy: I'm nearly finished with one of the paintings I'm giving out as Christmas Presents

Joy: I bought a bunch of tabletop frames for my engagement pictures to send out to family members

Joy: We're getting very close to finalizing our wedding gift registry!

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:47 pm
by Mettlebird
JOYJOYJOYJOYJOY: My mate was able to talk today!!! :D

Joy: We get to talk again tomorrow!

Joy: We grew even closer tonight!

Joy: I feel really happy!

Joy: SQQQUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:53 pm
by TensaZangetsu
Mettlebird wrote:JOYJOYJOYJOYJOY: My mate was able to talk today!!! :D

Joy: We get to talk again tomorrow!

Joy: We grew even closer tonight!

Joy: I feel really happy!

Joy: SQQQUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Joy: one of my best buddies is happy!
Joy: on longer than I planned to be

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 7:21 pm
by Frooxius
Joy: I'm going to the Academy of Science of Czech republic tomorrow (again :3 though this time, to the department of Physical Chemistry, instead of information technology one, though it's near) in Prague (capital of my country), because I was invited there as a guest. Image

I nominated one of my teachers there (only 18 winners (18 science fields) of the national round of the competition for young scientists got that chance) so he'll receive a well deserved award, he was quite happy, plus he'll be driving me back home (it's almost on the other end of my country) Image

Specifically the event is funded by the "Fund of Jaroslav Heyrovský", one of famous Czech scientists and nobel prize winners.

I'm really looking forward to this day, it's going to be great and I'll show you some photos once I get back :3 Plenty of smart people there, very nice place! ^^

Joy/Sorrow: A few magazines want to do an interview with me, based on my scientific research and the awards. It's partially good, but also quite embarrassing, especially when they say "we would like to write an article about you" Image Image

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 7:27 pm
by TensaZangetsu
To make sure you guys know

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 7:34 pm
by ReCreate
Sorrow: (Mental and Social)Silence.
In multiple ways, Quite simply. I guess.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 7:42 pm
by Sleet
That's really awesome, Frooxius! Congratulations!

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 7:43 pm
by TensaZangetsu
Sleet wrote:That's really awesome, Frooxius! Congratulations!
Hey! I'm here too! >3<

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 7:46 pm
by Sleet
I'm glad you're working on your fanfiction again. I'm real happy for you, and I'mma let you finish, but Frooxius' accomplishment is a little better. *hugs*

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 7:48 pm
by TensaZangetsu
Sleet wrote:I'm glad you're working on your fanfiction again. I'm real happy for you, and I'mma let you finish, but Frooxius' accomplishment is a little better. *hugs*
You didnt have to put it like that

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 8:06 pm
by The Grey Wolverine
Mettlebird wrote:JOYJOYJOYJOYJOY: My mate was able to talk today!!! :D

Joy: We get to talk again tomorrow!

Joy: We grew even closer tonight!

Joy: I feel really happy!

Joy: SQQQUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Man are you happy, thats good, keep it up.

Hey Frooxius, that's great, keep science moving forward for without it, we are nothing.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:04 am
by KalloonWhite
JOY: My birthday is on Wednesday, as well as the day I joined the forums! :D

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:15 am
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
but it says you joined on the 27th. that's a week from tomorrow, not Wednesday.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:17 am
by KalloonWhite
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:but it says you joined on the 27th. that's a week from tomorrow, not Wednesday.
Huh. Think I shoulda noticed that.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:58 am
by TensaZangetsu
Sorrow: the doubt.... The awful doubt of thinking everything you do is wrong.... It's gotten so bad, I'm even afraid to post. Out of fear that what I say will cause something awful to happen

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:03 am
by ReCreate
I know how that is, an oddly lot. Though probably a bit differently.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:07 am
by RancidRabbit
Joy: Hey lookit, a forum.
Joy: Can't say I have a sorrow, and finally started hitting the keys again.
OVERKILL: Sister graduated and Mother was in town. Got to see family this weekend.
Oh, and joy: Caught up on Housepets! and decided to check the forums out XP

And, Tensa, I'm sure your all good.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:08 am
by KalloonWhite
MEGA JOY: My prologue is finally done! It's not very long, but it at least kicks things off! Now I just need to work up the courage to post it.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:11 am
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
hey, if I had the courage to post drawings and a fan fiction, you can post your work.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:12 am
by Wanderer
Sorrow: My "friend" was just using me. I'm planning my revenge right now.

Re: Joys And Sorrows

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:13 am
by TensaZangetsu
ReCreate wrote:I know how that is, an oddly lot. Though probably a bit differently.
I'm not sure I follow you... Can you explain better

(half the time, I think I should just give up with trying and just do nothing at all:sorrow)