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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:18 pm
by DarkHeartsAndSuch
Kylie laid down, putting her head on Pifer's chest, her arms still around him. "You too." She closed her eyes, but couldn't fall asleep.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:23 pm
Pifer regulated his breathing, it was comforting to feel Kylie's fur against him, but he didn't want to just fall asleep and leave her to her own thoughts. He tried to stay awake, to wait until she had drifted off, but he was too exhausted. Slowly, he slipped into unconciousness.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:32 pm
by Dr. Prower
thrasherblades wrote:
Dr. Prower wrote:Jacob chuckled. "Funny you should mention that..." He pulled the envelope of money from his collar and grinned. "I think this should be more than enough to cover it."
Enya's sea green eyes popped out as he held out the money. "Jacob where did you get this much money from???" She asked, pointing at the envelope.
"You can thank your uncle for that. He gave this to Dr. Rashid to give to me to spend on you."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:34 pm
by DarkHeartsAndSuch
After Pifer drifted off, Kylie started crying again. After a few minutes, she too, fell asleep.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 11:18 pm
by ctcmjh
A mid-sized SUV drove down the road, just as it had for the last four hours. The driver of the car seemed oddly happy for one who had been driving four hours straight. His wife, who sat in the passenger seat was busy reading a magazine. In the back of the car, their dog Erin sat, half-asleep, watching the cars pass by with a smile on his face. They were visiting family in Wales while the movers got their house ready. Erin's twin sister, Ellen, was staying with their Aunt for the time being, because she loved it there so much. They came straight off the plane to go to their new home, so Erin was a little jet-lagged, but was wide awake. "Are we there yet?" He asked, not impatient but curious. His owner, Mrs. White looked back at him, "Almost, it's only a few more miles." She told him. At this, Erin's ears pricked up, "We're almost there?! It's called Brookshire Meadows, right? Do you know how many pets live there? Can I play in the forest you told me about? Did the movers unpack too, or do we have to do that? When is Ellen coming home? Do I have to share a room with her? Can I explore when we get there?" He asked in a single breath, but was interrupted by Mr. White, "Hahaha, don't worry, you'll have all the time in the world to answer those questions. You have to help unpack, then you can explore." He told Erin. Erin smiled, his tail wagging, "That sounds good!" He said, as he went back to staring at the cars.
As the SUV pulled into the neighborhood, Erin looked at everything that they passed, and payed attention to all the pets. He saw a skipping cat that he thought looked cute, who was walking with a corgi. They pulled into the driveway of a nice two-story house, "Okay Erin, we're here!" Mrs. White said, "Yay!" He said as he put his pink scarf back on and ran out of the car to the house. Erin tried to open the door, but was met with the clicking noise of the lock, "Mom, Dad, it's locked." He said as Mr. and Mrs. White walked up to the door. Mr. White laughed at ruffled the hair on Erin's head as he unlocked the door with his other hand. Erin dashed inside the door, eager to explore his new house. He ran straight to the kitchen and looked at it, "Wow! This kitchen has everything!" Erin said as he inspected all the drawers, cabinets and appliance. Erin ran up the stairs and looked at the doors. He peeked his head into the bathroom and his sister's room, smiling at their awesomeness. He opened the door to his room and jumped onto the bed, "This is awesome! I don't have to share a room with Ellen!" He said in awe of his room. He looked at everything, most of it was red, or made of cherry-wood. He saw a few boxes on the floor, all labeled, Erin He opened up all of them, one by one and placed the contents around the room. He opened a drawer in his dresser and folded all of his many many scarves and placed them inside. He kept his pink scarf on, because it was his favorite. Erin rushed back downstairs and to the kitchen. He grapped a bagel put it in the toaster, waiting for it to be toasted. When it was toasted, he placed cream cheese and ham on it and gobbled it right up. He washed his hands and made sure he had no cream cheese on his muzzle. He walked to the door, "I'm gonna go explore, 'kay thanks bye!" He said as he left.
Erin started to walk down the street, looking for someone to befriend.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 5:22 am
by Neko

Rikki continued back to the station, letting the pup's hand go so he could walk on his own. ""So, I have a few things to do with you today. I think you'll enjoy them better than sitting indoors all day, how does that sound?"
Darin looked up at Rikki with a smile. "Really, like what? Are we going to see more of the forest?"
Rikki nodded down at the pup with a smile, "Yes Young One, quite a bit of the forest. In fact, we're going to a part that Jack doesn't even see very often: we're going to the wolf pack's territory."
"The wolf pack...Are there a lot of wolves?"
Rikki nodded, crouching to move through the bushes on the edge of the forest next to the station, "Well, we're going to visit them as soon as I grab some things from the station. You might end up staying with them for a while if you don't go back to your old pack: try and make a good impression and remember their names, ok?"
Darin went through the bushes. Stay with them? But I am going to my old pack..aren't I? Darin nodded, "Ok..."
Rikki walked up to the back door, pulling out his keys and opening it to find Melinda and Jack just finishing a conversation on the other side. "Alright then, I'm sure Rikki would be fine with sharing some of his meat with them. Oh hey! There you are little buddy!" Jack looked down at Rikki with a grin, "We were just talking about you..."
"Yes, Jack, Pifer and Kylie can share my food. I'm assuming that's what you wanted to know? In any case, I'm taking the pup out to meet Ceasar and the pack. Watch him for a minute while I grab some stuff, will ya?"
"Sure!" Jack turned to the pup while Rikki and Melinda walked to the back, Rikki mentioned Taku in a fading conversation... Jack knelt down, holding his hand out to pet the pup, "So how was your night?"
"It was good, I got to see ice rain and we slept in Pifer's den. It was really cozy," he smiled and wagged his tail remembering that.
"Really now? That sounds like fun." Jack said, ruffling the fur on the pup's head, "So, Rikki's taking you to meet the wolf-pack, are you excited?"
"I guess so, I never met other wolves before besides my pack. But they sound nice..."
Jack chuckled, "Yeah, I don't know Ceasar or any of his packmates very well, but I know Rikki and Ceasar go way back, and by that I mean Rikki was there when Ceasar's kids were born, before I was even a full ranger!"
"Wow....Oh, he told me Ceaser helped raised Taku and his brother. They must be really good friends."
Jack nodded, "Yep. Apparently they met when Rikki was courting Tinook, and when Ceasar was still a dispersal searching for a mate, and they somehow hit it off from there..." He chuckled, "It's quite a strange friendship, but apparently they were hunting partners for a long time after..."
"They hunted together? Wow..."
"Yep. Them and their mates were friends too, and they were never hungry after that." Jack said.
At that moment, the door opened and Rikki walked out with his walkie-talkie attached to his collar, along with a Ranger's-Issue pack slung over his left shoulder. "Alright, Jack, I'll be back before midday. See ya later!"He turned to the pup, "C'mon Young one, let's get going." He walked to the door and opened it.
"Ok, bye Jack!" Darin waved to Jack, going out the door.
"Alright, you two have fun now!" Jack sat down at the desk to mess with the computer as Rikki closed the door behind him.
Rikki walked at a brisk pace, climbing through the bushes with the pack with a grin. "I haven't seen Ceasar since earlier this season, it'll be great to see him again."
Darin followed Rikki, keeping up behind him."Is his territory far away?"
"A little ways, actually," Rikki said, "He doesn't like being too close to humans, so he sticks to the other side of the forest. Keep up the pace Young one, we've got alot of ground to cover..."
"Ok," Darin sped up, keeping up with Rikki.
Rikki and Darin walked for a while, passing Pifer's territory early on. If Darin was paying enough attention, he'd notice that Rikki did not go in a straight line, but was slowly turning to the left the entire time. At some point, the smells of the nearby animals changed and Rikki slowed his pace. "Alright Young one, take note of the area's smell: We've been in Ceasar's territory for a while, and we've just hit the point where mine stops overlapping with it. We should be at his main den in no time..."
Darin noticed the change in smell, "Yea it smells different...Is it the smell from the other wolves?"
Rikki nodded, "Yep, they don't work too hard on making sure their territory is marked, because they're big, and there aren't any other packs nearby, but they still make it quite obvious. Now, for me, I don't have to work on it either, 'cause the other two raccoons in the forest know where my territory is, especially Taku, who lives east of me..."
"Does Taku live in a tree like where you live?" Darin had been curious about where Taku had lived.
Rikki nodded, "Yep, I've slept there with him a couple times. Our territories overlap almost entirely, because we're so close, obviously. We have a few different trees we like to spend the night in when it gets cold in the winter too." He sighed, "It's always nice to spend a cold night snuggled up to my son..."
"It's always nice to sleep snuggling with someone..." Darin had always fallen asleep everynight snuggled with his parents. It was hard for him to imagine living on your own.
Rikki nodded with a smile, "Sure is. Looks like We're here." He put a hand to his mouth and shouted "CEASAR! DIANA! SPARTICUS! It's Rikki! Anyone home?"
Darin moved to Rikki's side, looking around for the wolves. I wonder where they are...

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 5:37 am
by RockstarRaccoon
Jack went about his business on the computer when suddenly an alert popped up. He had gotten a reply to his interested-case note on Darin's pack. The status had changed: they were finished being processed.
Jack read of their fate and instantly had a bad feeling, Uh oh... Looks like I'm gonna have to figure out how to break this to the kid...
He sent a printout to the printer, getting up to go get it and tell Melinda. Behind him, the screen stayed on, the status of the wolf-pack in big letters on the screen:
City of Brookshire Animal Control wrote:In transit to Brookshire Central Zoo for placement in new exhibit.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:04 am
by thrasherblades
Dr. Prower wrote: "You can thank your uncle for that. He gave this to Dr. Rashid to give to me to spend on you."
"And of course I must thank you for spending time with me to do shopping too." Enya said, closing her eyes and giving him a kiss on the lips.
"Okay boyfriend!" Enya commanded Jacob jokingly. "Go get me that bracelet!!!" Enya said, pointing to it in the display cases.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 1:54 pm
by Rubin
Shelly quickly made her way down the stairs. "Hey Zeke," she called from the other room.

"Hey!" He called back, "We're in here!"

"We're? You found friends that quick?" she popped her head into the room, preparing for another Raccoon, but relaxed as she saw two cats. "Well hello there! Aren't you a pretty girl!" She added as she looked at Trinket, reaching a hand out to scratch her his ears.

"Shelly, this is Trinket and er... Your name is Kytes, right?" he pondered the name for a few more seconds.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 2:18 pm
by Atari
CY_Law wrote:"Aww, you poor little guy," said Xuan with a hint of teasing. "So you're not really Kyra's brother I suppose? That actually makes sense." He continued.

"So, umm Arro, I don't mind you both tagging along, as I didn't have any specific direction to go..."

When Arro was interrupted by Kyra, Xuan's curious as of what he is trying to say, after Kyra finishes her sentence, "Tsk tsk tsk, Kyra, it's not nice to interrupted the others," said Xuan, sounding like a father talking to his children, "So what is that you were going to say just now, Arro?" He continued as he looks at Arro.
Yes father, Kyra sarcastically thought, not showing any emotion on her face. Arro stared off into space for a couple seconds before looking up at Xuan. "I can't remember, actually. I think it involved Linux, or something, though." He squinted off into space again, as if the answer would be far off, but gave up. "Off to the forest!" he exclaimed, marching off. "You said you didn't want to go into the forest!" Kyra said, but got no response.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 2:37 pm
by CY_Law
Uhh... computers... Xuan was blaming himself for not being able to keep up with the trend.

As Arro walked off to the direction where the forest is,

"Heh... youngsters nowadays would just sped off like that, I guess we follow him, Kyra? I've never been to the forest before." Xuan asked.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 5:28 pm
by Atari
"Ironically enough, he didn't want to go to the forest. And... now he does. I don't think I'll ever understand him." Nonetheless, she walked off towards Arro was going. He was holding a watch-like device. "What do you need a stopwatch for?" Arro looked behind him. "Oh, this isn't a stopwatch! It's a GPS!" He then sighed when Kyra gave a blank, slightly confused stare to him.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 5:48 pm
by DarkHeartsAndSuch
Rubin wrote:"Shelly, this is Trinket and er... Your name is Kytes, right?" he pondered the name for a few more seconds.
"Yeah," Kytes said. He coughed before resting his head back against the wall.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:24 pm
by Buckdida
Rubin wrote:"Well hello there! Aren't you a pretty girl!" She added as she looked at Trinket, reaching a hand out to scratch her his ears.
"But I'm-!" Trinket was interrupted by the ear scratching; he didn't want to say anything because it felt so nice...his mother didn't do this much, she was often busy with SOMEthing, so he let himself enjoy this. "Nyahhhhhh..." He shook his head out when Shelly stopped scratching. ", right! Kytes isn't feeling all that well. We think he's got a cold or something..." Trinket took another step away from Kytes as he herd him cough. How did Trinket keep ending up in the cat's blast zone? "He's sneezing and...uh, well...anything else hurt?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:31 pm
by DarkHeartsAndSuch
"My stomach." Kytes was still clutching his stomach. I thought Trinket was a guy. But she didn't say otherwise, so I guess I was wrong...

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:39 pm
by ctcmjh
As Erin walked down the street, he passed the gates to a huge house with it's door wide open. In the foyer of the house, he saw a fox and two cats. He looked towards them and waved, walking closer to the gate, "Hey! I'm new here. My name's Erin!" He called to them.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 7:52 pm
by Rubin
Zeke thought he heard something outside, but chalked it up to neighbors.

"Oh, you poor thing!" Shelly Scooped up Kytes and brought him into the Dining room, where she sat him on a chair. Zeke stayed behind, surveying the lawn, just in case. She rummaged a bit in the cupboards and brought out a vile smelling red liquid. "Now tell me exactly whats wrong!"
_ _
He snickered, "Well, I thought you were a girl... for a moment, I thought you were a guy, but Shelly is better then me at this kind of thing," He looked some more, "Hello?" Zeke called from the door, before noticing the pet at the gate.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:12 pm
by ctcmjh
Rubin wrote:Zeke thought he heard something outside, but chalked it up to neighbors.

"Oh, you poor thing!" Shelly Scooped up Kytes and brought him into the Dining room, where she sat him on a chair. Zeke stayed behind, surveying the lawn, just in case. She rummaged a bit in the cupboards and brought out a vile smelling red liquid. "Now tell me exactly whats wrong!"
_ _
He snickered, "Well, I thought you were a girl... for a moment, I thought you were a guy, but Shelly is better then me at this kind of thing," He looked some more, "Hello?" Zeke called from the door, before noticing the pet at the gate.
Erin waved when Zeke noticed him, "I'm new to the neighborhood, and I wanted to say hi!" Erin called to Zeke.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 9:09 pm
by DarkHeartsAndSuch
Rubin wrote:"Oh, you poor thing!" Shelly Scooped up Kytes and brought him into the Dining room, where she sat him on a chair. Zeke stayed behind, surveying the lawn, just in case. She rummaged a bit in the cupboards and brought out a vile smelling red liquid. "Now tell me exactly whats wrong!"
"Well, when I woke up this morning..." Kytes told her everything about how his room was wet, the constant sneezing at Trinket's house, (using 'she' and 'her' when referring to him,) and the sudden onset of stomach pain. "Is that what I have to take?" he finished, motioning towards the vile.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 9:27 pm
by Rubin
Shelly nodded as he retold his story, then laughed at his question. "This? oh, that's only Cough syrup! No, I have something else for the other stuff, but this should help you quit sneezing... or make it worse." She poured out a spoon full, and handed it to him, and rummaging through more cupboards, "Drink Up!"

♪♫♪♫♪ ♫♪♫♪♫ ♪♫♪♫!

Zeke waved more, beckoning it twords him. "Come over here! I cant here you!" he lowered his voice, "Hey trinket, do you know this person?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 9:34 pm
by RockstarRaccoon
- 4 years ago.....
Timothy walked through the back of the shelter, holding his mother's hand. "Over there's where we keep the young animals. Those are the best for young children, because they grow up with them..."
Timothy let go of his mother's hand as she stopped to discuss the kind of dog they were going to get their son with the woman there. He looked into the cages as he passed them: the animals retracted to the back, not wanting anything to do with a human child. He was feeling very uncomfortable when he noticed a small fluffy head poke out of a cage above him. The "puppy" blinked down at him, "HAI!"
Timothy looked up at the happy "puppy", tilting his head, "Um... Hi."
"My name's Peter-Rabbit!" The extra-friendly "puppy" said, his fluffy tail wagging behind him, "What's yours?"
"My name's Timothy Patterson." He said, straightening up, "You're a very fluffy puppy..."
"I'm a maine-coon!" the "puppy" said, "We're all really fluffy!"
Timothy nodded, So he's a raccoon too? Ok... He noticed his parents walking over, "Mom! Dad! Look at this cute doggy I found!"
"Hey! I'm not a dog!" The not-actually-a-puppy/raccoon chimed in, "I'm a Cat!"
"Oh..." Timothy was slightly disappointed: they were there for a dog, not a cat...
"Oh, I see you've met Peter-Rabbit!" The woman who worked there said, "He'd make a great pet for a kid! Would you like me to take him out?"
"Oh! Please let me out! I wanna play!" Peter-Rabbit stuck his arms out of the cage, reaching out with his paws.
Timothy's mother nodded, at the woman. Who them moved over to the cage, unlocking the door and pulling the kitten out, setting him down in front of the boy. Peter-Rabbit stared up at him for a second before he started sniffing at him and rubbing up against his legs. Timothy laughed kneeling down and rubbing his hands through the kitten's soft fur. Peter-Rabbit started to climb on the child with blunted claws, tickling him with his fur. Timothy laughed, falling softly onto his back, cuddling the kitten.
He turned to his mother, "Mom! This is the coolest pet ever! Can we take him home?"
His mother exchanged a glance with his father before looking back and responding with a smile, "Alright Timmy! That sounds great!"

- 4 Years later: Present Day...
A car was driving into the Brookshire Meadows development with a young boy and his cat in the back seats. "So," a woman called back from the back seat, "Are you two ready to see your Aunt Carol?"
The young boy, now 4 years older, piped up, "Yeah! I can't wait to play with her cat again!"
The now fully-grown fluffy cat next to him nodded, "Yeah, I haven't seen cousin-Cale in almost a year!"
The mother laughed, turning forward, "Well, we're almost there, that's the driveway now!"
Timothy pressed against the window, his cat leaning over behind him to get a look as they pulled into the driveway. The second the car had stopped, they tore off their seatbelts and rushed to the front door, both of them pounding on it with their four fists excitedly. "CALE! AUNT CAROL! WE'RE HERE!!" They screamed, eyes shut with wide grins.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 9:37 pm
by ctcmjh
Erin walked up to Zeke. He smiled at him as he approached, "Hey, I'm Erin. I just moved in here. I wanted to stop by and say Hello!" He said, offering his paw.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 9:45 pm
by Neko
Cale jumped awake from the loud knocking on the door, slipping off the couch with a soft thump as he hit the carpet. "Ow...Wha? Who's at the door? I hope Rocky didn't come back already..." Cale stood up without much difficulty, his foot was feeling a lot better after he put some aloe and fresh bandages on it. He went to the door and opened it up, seeing his Cousins Timothy and Peter."Timmy, Peter, what're you doin here?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 9:54 pm
by RockstarRaccoon
Timmy and Peter immediately glomped Cale, rolling on the floor.
"It's Cale! Yay Cale!" Timothy shouted, hugging Cale.
"Hey cousin Cale! We came to visit for the day! How're you doin'?!"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:04 pm
by Neko
Cale winced at the sudden attack, his foot getting hurt in the process. "Urg...I'm glad you're visiting and all but, you're kind of hurting me."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:20 pm
by RockstarRaccoon
"Aww! But Caaalllee!!" Peter-Rabbit whined, rubbing his face in Cale's fur, "We LIKE you!"
They both got off, pulling him up with them.
Their mother and father walked up the front walk behind them, "Hi Cale, where's your mom at?" The mother called.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:28 pm
by Neko
Cale smiled despite the slight pain in his foot. "Oh, mom? She out doing her yoga or something, won't be back for awhile. I didn't know you were going to be visiting today, does mom know?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:39 pm
by RockstarRaccoon
Mrs. Patterson (Peter-Rabbit's mom) nodded, her husband walking past her with a large suitcase, "She didn't tell you? We're thinking of moving in nearby, so we're down here to look for a house. We're spending the night here."
"Isn't it great Cale? We can come visit you every day!" Timothy said with a grin.
"Yeah, now you'll always have someone to play with!" Peter-Rabbit chimed in, giving him a hug.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:52 pm
by CY_Law
Atari wrote:"Ironically enough, he didn't want to go to the forest. And... now he does. I don't think I'll ever understand him." Nonetheless, she walked off towards Arro was going. He was holding a watch-like device. "What do you need a stopwatch for?" Arro looked behind him. "Oh, this isn't a stopwatch! It's a GPS!" He then sighed when Kyra gave a blank, slightly confused stare to him.
Xuan walked up towards Kyra and Arro to keep up with them, and as he looked over Arro's shoulder, noticing the watch-like device too which Kyra just queried about, out of curiosity, he asked,

"GP- what?... I heard it functions just like a map..."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:55 pm
by Neko
Cale hugged Peter back, "Oh, cool. You guys will like it here. There are a lot of different pets here, and we'll be able to hang out too."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:04 pm
by RockstarRaccoon
"Cool!" Peter grinned, "Lemme go get Timmy's bag, then you can show us to our room!" He started walking back to the car to grab the bag, Timothy following him.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:16 pm
by Neko
Cale turned to his aunt and uncle. "Well I guess you'll be using the pull out couch, Peter and Timmy can have my bed."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:23 pm
by RockstarRaccoon
"Yay! We get to sleep with Cale!" Peter-Rabbit squealed as he came back with a smaller suitcase held over his head.
"In Cale's room!" Timothy added, follinging him back.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:31 pm
by Neko
"Heh heh, yea. Do you wanna see me room?" Cale motioned towards the stairs.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:32 pm
by DarkHeartsAndSuch
Rubin wrote:Shelly nodded as he retold his story, then laughed at his question. "This? oh, that's only Cough syrup! No, I have something else for the other stuff, but this should help you quit sneezing... or make it worse." She poured out a spoon full, and handed it to him, and rummaging through more cupboards, "Drink Up!"
Kytes took the spoon and took the medicine. He spit it out. "Blegh, this is nasty!"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:41 pm
by RockstarRaccoon
"Yeah! C'mon!" Timothy started up the stairs, pulling Cale by the hand. Peter-Rabbit followed...

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:53 pm
by Neko
Cale struggled up the stairs, finally reaching the top."No offense or anything, but my foot is hurt so...could you stop pullin and tacklin me?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:12 am
by RockstarRaccoon
They both looked at his foot. "Oh sorry Cale! I was too excited to notice!" Peter-Rabbit said.
"Sorry Cale! I'll stop!" Timothy said, letting go of his hand.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:21 am
by Neko
"It's alright just don't get to rough, ok?" Cale walked to his door, limping just the slightest. He opened it and motioned for them to go in. "Go ahead and take a look. If a want you can play on my PS3."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 12:44 am
by RockstarRaccoon
Peter-Rabbit plopped the bag down on the bed before sitting down himself, patting the spot next to him, "Come sit with me Cale!"
Timothy grabbed three controllers and started up the console, looking up at Cale, "Which game should we play?"