Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by Zander »

"Sounds great to me." Rocky said, finishing up his waffle. He placed his fork onto the plate.

Felix just finished half of his, he placed his fork on his plate signaling he was done.

"Yeah, sounds like fun." Joy finished her waffle up.
Fursona! :3

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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by Dr. Prower »

thrasherblades wrote:Oh oh yes, do come and join me for breakfast Jacob. One of my chefs are from Britian and he has prepared this really savoury English style morning feast for us!" Enya said as she snapped her fingers and two pretty waitresses walked up to the massive dining table with trays filled with scrambled eggs, English sausages, muffins and fried bacon on their skilled palms. They swiftly placed the food on the table and set a napkin on both of Jacob and Enya's laps. They bowed and quickly left the room.
"Jacob, do help yourself to the food. I promise you'll love it!!!" Enya said as she grabbed a knife and spread syrup on a piece of french toast.
"Well, it certainly looks delicious," Jacob sad as he prepared to dig in.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

JOFOXX wrote:Pifer stared at Melinda for a moment, confused. "Wh-What? How- Where did they all go?" Pifer didn't understand how he could be the last of anything. There had always been weasels, well not lately obviously, but he had still seen lonely males come wondering through the forest every so often. That hadn't happened in a while either though.
Melinda leaned over and rubbed Pifer's head. "I don't know Pifer, all I know is that there aren't many left. But what that means is that we're supposed to watch you more closely to make sure nothing happens to you..."
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by Neko »

bollythewolf wrote:Jay giggled. "You don't say, Meeka. I love the stuff!
Meeka smiled and drank some more of her water. "So, do you like it here so far? My parents might buy a house here, and it seems like a very nice place."
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by Buckdida »

Continued from this post.

Kytes was confused. "Okay. Then why do you keep it up on that shelf if you're going to give it to someone in need?"
"Because it's not like I can just carry it on me the entire time," Trinket said, chuckling. "I've made quite a few that can help others, and I can't carry them ALL on me. It's not too hard to run home and get one, once I find someone who would need it."
"Oh," Kytes said, feeling stupid. "So what other-, *Achoo,* things have you made?" Kytes held his hand on his nose to try to stop the sneezing.
Trinket looked at him, slightly horrified. "Sneeze into your elbow please; that's the most sanitary thing you can do." Trinket looked back at the shelf, thinking what would be an interesting thing to share. "Ah, what about this?" He slid a strange coin off the shelf, bringing along some dust with it. One side was clear glass, but the other side was copper. It was large enough to cover the center of his palm.
Kytes started holding his arm across his face as if there was some sort of gas leak. "What's this one do? Or is it just a weird coin?"
"It's mainly a weird coin, since I wasn't thinking when I made it," Trinket said, chuckling again. "See, it usually lands the glass side up, since the copper side is heavier. But it's basically a combat charm. The flipper gets the win if it's copper side up, and the other player gets the win if it's glass side up. Then again, it might be a metaphor for attempting to alter fate though magical means. Or rather, how you shouldn't!"
Kytes was completely lost in that statement. "What?" was all he managed to get out.
Trinket rolled his eyes in amusement. "I mean you can use this to automatically decide who wins in a conflict, a conflict of any sort. The only problem is that the person who flips the coin needs the copper side up to win, but it's the heavier side, so the glass side usually comes up. Generally, bending the supernatural for one's own greed is a bad idea; this charm shows that."
"Okay..." Kytes was still confused, but figured he'd never fully understand. He sneezed again, with his elbow still right in front of his face. "What else is there?" he asked, walking over to a window and standing with his back to it.
"Uh..." Trinket returned the coin to the shelf, setting next to the return pin and a pair of sunglasses, as well as the vase and some rings. "Well, we've got other worn things, like pendants and rings and stuff. Oh, and cursed items too; does the opposite thing of charms..."
"Curses like what?"
"Oh, like uh...bad luck, constantly being harassed by ghosts, feeling sick all the time...things like dampened senses, temporary insanity, speaking your mind when you know you should hold your tongue...all kinds of nasty things. It mainly depends on the item you're taking. Which is why I told you not to touch anything shiny."
"Kinda makes me glad I hardly walked in earlier," Kytes said as he wrapped his tail around his legs to make sure it didn't touch anything.
"Oh, don't worry, it's only if you wear things." Trinket grabbed a ring off the shelf that was next to the coin and the sunglasses. "Like this one. I didn't make this one, but belonged to a demon. Spooky, huh?" The ring was silver, and had both a red and green gem in the center, side by side.
"Yeah. So how'd you get it then?" Kytes sneezed again.
"Me? I didn't get it. My mum did," he lied, saying so with a straight face. "I'd hate to be the sucker that tried to steal it and wear it, though, 'cause doing that is supposed to siphon your physical energy straight to the demon in question. Or was that mental energy? I can't recall. I need to ask my mum again."
"That's... descriptive. Sounds almost like you were there when someone put it on." Kytes walked over to the shelf to get a closer look at the ring.
Trinket pulled the ring away. "Legends are often quite descriptive, and sometimes overblown to make them more exciting. Not that I'd want to test with this one!" he said, laughing, "Especially when it could be mental, physical, or even BOTH." He set the ring back down on the shelf, next to the others and the coin and sunglasses.
Kytes looked at all the things on the shelf. "So all of the stuff here does something, right? What do the sunglasses do?"
"Oh, those? Well...they're SUPPOSED to be perfect glasses. Vision 20/20, deflects rain and such...even see at night. There's one problem with them can't SEE though them!" Trinket said, chuckling, pulling them off the shelf. "See? Pitch black, on both sides," he said, flipping them around. "Not even like a mirrored lens. I do know that they work for specific types of people, though."
"People like who?"
"People who shouldn't be making use of them, that's for sure." Trinket placed the glasses back on the shelf. "Most of these are failed prototypes, really, except for the Return Pin. At least, as soon as they reach a higher function than 'giving good luck,' things become hard to craft. Ooooorrrr, it's just fun giving silly stories to works of art," Trinket said, sticking his tongue out. "Every piece of art has a story, right? Why not give it an entertaining one?"
Kytes stared at Trinket. "You made all that up?"
"So to speak," he said smiling.
"Of course you did..." Kytes started a sigh, but ended up sneezing. Man, this is getting annoying
"Errr...why are you sneezing so much? You don't have a cold, do you?"
"I don't think so. Though I may be getting one. When I woke up, my window was open and half my room was wet. Me included."
"I think there was a hailstorm last night. Maybe that knocked open your window or something? It probably wasn't latched," Trinket said.
"Probably, it never is locked." Kytes went back to the window, now looking outside. "Where's the bathroom? I need to wash my paws.
"Oh. Uh...upstairs, first door on the left," Trinket said, pointing up the stairs.
"Okay, be right back. Kytes went up the stairs, still careful not to touch anything. A few minutes later he came back down, eating a piece of the ham from his collar.
Trinket gave him a strange look. "...Is that ham?"
"Yeah, you want some?" Kytes asked, taking another piece out from a bag in his collar.
"...Okay, sure. I haven't had any breakfast." Trinket took the piece of ham from Kytes. "Well, maybe we should go out somewhere? Find something to do? We'll run into somebody, I'm sure..."
Kytes finished his piece of ham and went to put the bag back in his collar. "Okay, maybe some freash air could put a hold on all the sneezing. As if on cue, he sneezed seconds after puting the ham back in his collar.
Trinket cringed and reacted from the spray that hit his face. "Ooooeeeaughiaugh! YUCK! Ungh, let's get outside! Com'on, maybe Zeke is doing something interesting." Trinket walked out his front door. "Just close it behind you. Know where Zeke's house is?"
"Sorry..." Kytes said, following Trinket out the door. "No, I don't."
"Well then...I guess...uh, I guess we'll just wander about and find someone who does!"
"Wandering... That always works..."
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

Sam lead Sid into the bathroom, opening the cabinet and grabbing a box of bandaids. She opened it up and pulled a handful of tiny circular bandaids, perfect for the small holes in her skin. She set the bandaids down on the sink, sitting down on the closed toilet and wipping the blood from her fur with toilet paper.
Sid leaned down and licked at the small puncture-marks, "Sam, it's better to lick at them, they'll heal better..."
Sam threw away the used toilet paper. "Really? I didn't know that."
"Yeah," Sid looked up at her, "Animal saliva has sterilizing and clotting agents. You didn't know that?"
Sam picked up a bandaid and started to unwrap it. "No actually," she pushed the fur away from a puncture mark and put the bandaid down. When she let her fur fall back into place it concealed the bandaid pretty well.
Sid finished licking all her wounds, but continued, grooming her.
Sam reached up and grabbed another bandaid, looking down at Sid. She scratched the top of his head, smiling.
Sid worked his way up to her neck and started licking her face
Sam giggled, licking the side of Sid's face. "I'm never going to finish putting bandaids on at this rate," She nuzzled his cheek.
Sid grinned, moving around her muzzle until he was licking at the side of her mouth.
Sam smiled at him, rubbing the back of his neck. "My affectionate kitty," she mused.
Sid moved his tongue to the front of her mouth and stated licking her lips.
Sam's eyes glinted, licking Sid in return.
Sid grabbed Sam by the sides and started making out with her.
Sam wrapped her arms around Sid's neck, closing her eyes and enjoying the kiss.
Sam's mom had come through the front door. "Sam! I'm home! Is your friend still here?

Sid froze for a second, his mouth still locked with hers. He jumped up and started getting frantic, "Oh crap," he said quietly, "Is she gonna be mad?"
Sam laughed, ruffling Sid's head fur, "Calm down." She got up and fixed her fur so that the small wounds weren't showing, thankfully they weren't bleeding anymore thanks to Sid's efforts. She quickly stashed the bandaids away before running out of the bathroom and going down the stairs. She ran over to her mom who was carrying in boxes. "Hi mom! Oh, Sid? He's still here, we were just playing outside. Do you need any help?"
Ashley set the box down, "That'd be nice actually, there are a few more boxes out in the car."
Sid jumped up on the counter before he followed her, glancing at himself to make sure nothing was obvious, licking his paw and smoothing down some of his fur. He jumped down and quickly moved after her. "Hi Sam's mom."
"Hey sweety, did you have fun sleeping over?"
Sid nodded, putting a poker-face on, "Yeah, it was great. Thanks for giving me the blanket to sleep on."
"Oh your welcome, I'm glad you had fun. I'm going to get a drink then help with the rest of the boxes." "Okay mom, we'll go ahead and help!" Sam took Sid's hand and pulled him out to the car. "Parents are so good at ruining moments, heh..." Sam was actually rather disapointed that her first kiss had been rudely interrupted.
Sid chuckled, "Yeah. If you wanna continue, we can go back to my house when my dad gets home. He wouldn't mind..." He walked to the car and stacked a few boxes, picking up the heavy load and carrying it back inside. "So, after we finish with these boxes you wanna go check out the forest?"
Sam picked up a box and followed Sid. "Don't you want to go back to your house and let your dad know you're ok, who do you think he hasn't come back yet?" She sat the box down by the front door.
"Well, it's still kinda early in the morning, he may not even be up yet. Even then, it's a few hours to drive from Detroit to here."
"Well I don't want him to worry about you. I suppose we could go explore for a bit then come back so you can see him."
"Or we can just pass my house on the way out there..."
"That works too," Sam headed out the front door again.
Sid stacked the last of the boxes, carrying them in, "Is this all of it?"

Sam check the back of the car, seeing that was empty. She closed the door, "That's everything!"
"Great!" Sid said, setting the boxes down with the others, "Let's get going!"
"Alright. Mom, we're going now, I'll see you later!" Sam called towards the kitchen. "Ok, be careful and have fun!" Ashley called back. Sam took Sid's hand going out and closing the front door behind them.
Sid lead sam back behind the houses, taking the fences to his house, looking out front. There were no cars in front of it. "See? No one's there yet."
"Then we'll go with my original plan and come back later. I don't want your dad to get a bad impression about me from keeping you away from him and make him worry."
Sid laughed, "That's ok, I've been out of a house longer than this before..." He took her back behind the houses and started leading her towards the forest.
Sam followed Sid, "I wonder if we'll run into any wild animals. You think they would be friendly?"
Sid looked back at her, "I dunno... Don't worry though, I'm sure I can take them if they arent."
"I'm sure you could, though I wouldn't want to see you fight a wolf or something."
Sid continued along the fences, "Well, a wolf is like a big dog, right?"
"I suppose...A dog that's over 5 feet high, claws to shred you apart, razor sharp teeth, and are really strong...Yep just like a dog." She said sarcastically.
Sid leaped off the fence, flipping onto his feet, looking both ways before crossing the road "Yeah, I bet I could take that." He leaped up on the fence and stood atop it, looking down at Sam with a smirk. "What, you think I'm not the biggest, baddest cat in town?"
"Yes you are, toughest cat in town. But that doesn't apply to the forest," She jumped up onto the fence to join Sid.
"Well... what if this was like some crazy roleplaying game, and the ferals of the forest decided to start a war with the pets in town? Then wouldn't I be like, the awesome guy who knows how to fight everything bigger than him? My name could be like, some sort of meat, maybe Venison..."
Sid laughed, squeezing her into a hug, "Crazy is my thing! You should know that girl!"
"I guess I should," She hugged him back, noticing something felt different.Sam pulled away to look at Sid. "Sid...we forgot to get your collar from the backyard. Do you want to go back and get it?"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by Rubin »

Zeke yawned as he stretched out of bed. He had what seemed like a restful night of sleep, In reality, he had been tossing in his sleep, often waking to the sound of gunfire and fireworks. Even as he woke, the images of the strange man with the hole in his body, and white streaks flying by haunted him. Feeling defeated by the nightmare, he crept down the stairs, and pulled himself onto his chair.

"Whats got you down today?"Shelly asked in an over happy tone.
Zeke shrugged. "I dunno. Wild day or something." He didn't feel like explaining his dreams to her, even as she poured him breakfast. He ate his cereal slowly before looking back up at Shelly, who was back to... What exactly dose she do every day? I know she cleans the furniture, and DeFurrs it, and she plays with me, but I don't sit on THAT many chairs! He pondered this over his last few bites before asking, "Can I go out again today?"

"Will you cheer up if I say 'Yes'?" She gave him a squint as he stuck his tong out at her. "Oh, alright then. Go out there, have fun... just find someone before you leave the yard." She pondered a moment as Zeke left his chair, "And tell me when your going this time!" she waved at Zeke as he held up his hand in a wave, intent on the yard.

Outside, he decided to lay back in the hedges, and look for random people he knew. Sticking his head out, he craned his ear to the pavement, like he had seen in the movies.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by Neko »

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Sid's hand shot to his neck. "What!?" He looked around frantically, "Yes, we need to get it back right now!" He tore off, heading back to Sam's house
Sam took off as well, trying to keep up to Sid. "Hey, calm down! It's not lost or anything, I'm sure it's still in the backyard!"
"But Sam! If I run around without my collar someone could call AC on me!" Sid called back, scurrying across the fences.
Sam kept up behind Sid. "It's a pet-friendly neighborhood, I doubt anyone would do that."
Sid dropped into Sam's backyard, slamming into his collar and hastily getting it on. "Yeah, I don't wanna take any chances though... I've been to the pound, and I don't ever wanna go back, not even for a minute." he flopped onto the ground, panting.
Sam stopped on her fence, crouching down and panting. "I don't know about you but *pant* I could use a drink *pant* Want to get a drink?"
Sid looked up at Sam, "Oh, shoot, you're a dog! You can't sweat can you? Yeah, we should get you inside and give you some water..." He got up and walked over to her with his hand out to take hers.
Sam took Sid's hand, hopping down from the fence. "I'm not a dog *pant* I'm a fox *pant* but i get what you're saying.*pant*"
"Yeah, close enough for this..." Sid quickly led her into her kitchen, grabbing her a glass and filling it with cold water from the tap.
"Thanks," Sam took the glass and steadily drank it, feeling refreshed. "You should have a drink too."
"Yeah," Sid said, getting one for himself and taking it to the table. "You want me to get you more while I'm up?"
"There's some lemonade in the fridge. I'd like a little bit of that, and you should try it." Sam smiled, panting lightly, holding out her glass.
Sid looked at the fridge, taking her empty glass. He took his own to the sink and emptied it before taking them both to the fridge in one hand and grabbing the lemonade out, taking it to the table.
Sam took the pitcher of lemonade and poured herself a small amount, pouring half a glass for Sid. She took her glass, taking a sip. "Mmmm, have you ever had lemonade?"
Sid took a drink and tried it, "Yeah, at the shelter sometimes, and out of a soda-can after that. This is better than the canned stuff though..."
"Yea, mom just made it today. All you do is mix some power in some water and you have instant lemonade!" Sam drank the rest of her glass, now feeling fully refreshed.
Sid took another drink, thinking, "I guess it must be fresher like that... I always thought canned things were fresh..."
"Not really. Anything canned is usually in the can for months before it opened and used. Just shipping it from the factory and then to a store or vending machine could be weeks. Not to mention how long it sits before someone actually buys it. But then again...." Sam paused and set her glass down. "Sorry, I ramble sometimes.."
"That's ok. I still like you." Sid took another drink.
Sam stood up and sat the glass down in the sink. "Like me, that's all?" Sam teased, walking to the back door with her tail swooshing back and forth.
"Maybe..." Sid grinned, watching her tail, "Maybe a little more than 'like'..." He got up and took his glass to the sink, putting it with hers and following her out.
"Oh really, More then like?" Sam gave Sid a devilish grin before opening the door and running out into the yard, jumping up onto the fence.
Sid darted after her, hopping onto the fence with her, "Maybe I can 'explain' it a little better in the forest. C'mon!" he darted off across the fence.
Sam followed Sid across the fences, a smile on her face the whole way.
Within minutes, Sid was climbing over the fence with Sam. He leaped down and started crawling through the thick bushes.
Within minutes, Sid was climbing over the fence with Sam. He leaped down and started crawling through the thick bushes.
"I don't remember this being a race!" Sam laughed as she followed Sid through the bushes.
They came out of the bushes into the cool, open area of massive trees. "So, this is it. Wanna do anything?" Sid asked, looking around at the place.
Sam surveyed the area, enjoying the shade. "Let's go explore a bit, there must be a lot to see."
"Well, I guess we should just start walking straight in." Sid said, walking away from the place they'd entered from.
Sam ran up alongside Sid and began walking. "It's so nice and cool in here, tons of Shade."
Sid looked around as he walked, "Yeah, and I bet those bushes keep it insulated from the outside temperature too..."
"Yea I bet..." Sam stopped, kneeling down to the ground and sniffing. "What a strange smell..."
Sid got down on all fours and sniffed with her, "Yeah, I guess this place is pretty interesting... It smells kinda like the entire population of Detroit zoo stampeded through here at some point..."
Sam took one last sniff before standing back up. "Maybe we can find someone to give us a tour or something. What do you think?"
Sid laughed, staying on all fours and continuing, "Nah, wild animals don't usually like to socialize with pets unless they have some motivation. I doubt we'll even see that many out here, they'll probably just hide..."
"Have you ever met a wild animal before?"
"Kinda. Back in Detroit, there were animals like raccoons, squirrels, and owls which lived in the parks and all that..." He sniffed around at the ground as he walked, staying on all fours.
"Hmm..Can you consider them wild if they live in a city?" Sam followed alongside Sid.
"Yeah, well, some were in the suburbs, and they weren't domesticated "
"Yeah, well, some were in the suburbs, and they weren't domesticated so..."
"Maybe they'd be strays, living in the city...Well either way I'd imagine them to be happier in a forest then a city or park."
"Yeah, well, some of them liked human territory better, because they had a different set of food sources and dangers than they did in the wild..."
"I suppose you're right..." Sam scratched the top of Sid's head as they walked.
Sid looked up at her from the ground, "Hey, why're you still standing up? It's more fun to go on all fours to explore..."
"You think so? I never tried that before..." Sam got down on all fours next to Sid, rubbing up against his side. "If you say so, I'll try it out."
Sid rubbed back against her, "Yeah, it's easier to get the smells of the place you're exploring, see?" He stuck his nose close to the ground and sniffed at it.
Sam mimicked Sid, smelling the ground. "Yea *Sniff Sniff*, Wait, I've smelled this scent before..." She sniffed the ground and followed the scent, walking slowly to not lose it.

Sid continued sniffing at the ground, picking out what she was talking about, "Oh hey, that's those weird wild-ferret-things I saw at the party last night. You wanna go visit them?"
"So that's where I smelled the scent from...Hmm, wait why were there wild ferrets at a party?"
"I dunno," Sid said, following the trail, "they probably smelled the food and managed to get in without being noticed... So are we visiting them?"
"Sure, if they were at a party they must be social right?"
"Yeah, they seemed ok. Let's go then..." Sid started following the rain-drenched trail through the forest at a good pace.
Sam followed behind Sid, focusing on the scent. Mean while Darin got down on all fours, sniffing the ground. Looks like all the ice rain melted already...*ears twitch* Wait, whats the sound? He stealthy moved to a tree that was towards the sound, peering around to see the noise. Is Pifer coming back?

Sid was focused on the trail he was on.
Sam stayed focus on the scent, not even bothering to look up. Darin walked out towards the noise, staying on all fours. "Pifer, is that you?" He called out.
Sid looked up. Pifer? Wasn't that the name of one of those ferret-things? He moved a little quicker, homing in on where the scent was leading.
Sam sped up to keep alongside Sid, "Did you hear that?" Darin crotched down more, almost lying on the moist forest floor. He scanned the area, the noise getting closer. The sound bounced around the trees a bit, confusing the pup. He slowly backed up to not make a noise, but stepped on a branch to produce a loud crack (luck 4).
Sid heard a branch break but continued, "Yeah, I think we're getting close." He stood up calling out as he walked forward, "Hello! Anyone there?"
Sam stood, "Hello! Are you a wild ferret or weasel?" Darin stopped when he heard the voices. A weasel? They must be from the station looking for their group, he thought. "W-who's there, are you from the station?"
"Weasels? Is that what they are? And what Station is this one talking about?" Sid said over his shoulder, he called out again, "No, we're pets from the development, who's there?"
Sam whispered,"There's a ranger station outside the forest, maybe they're talking about that." Darin saw the two pets emerge from behind a tree, maybe 10 meeters away. He quickly dashed behind the same tree from before, not sure whether or not to trust them. The only pets I know is Mr.Raccoon and Frank and they're nice but...
Sid continued forward, still calling, "Hello?"
Sam saw the sudden movement from the corner of her eye, tapping Sid on the shoulder and pointed towards the tree. Darin leaned against the tree, deciding to speak up. "What do you want?"
Sid stopped. "Well, we were just going to visit you guys, but if you don't feel like that, we'll just leave, ok?"
They just want to visit? Why would they leave their...houses, to come out here? Darin took a deep breath, looking around the tree to see the cat and...weird dog? "Why do you wanna visit?" Sam let out a silent gasp, "It's a puppy with a collar!" She whispered to Sid.
Sid walked forward, moving towards the puppy, "Hey, what're you doing out in the forest little guy?"
Sam slowly followed Sid, not want to scare him. Darin slowly backed away, scared by the strange cats clothing and collar.
"What do you mean, I'm suppose to be in a forest."
Sid stopped as the puppy backed away, turning to Sam, "I'm not really good with kids... Maybe you should talk to him?"
Sam nodded, moving a bit closer to the puppy. "Don't be afraid little guy, we're just wonder why-" Sam stopped advancing, realizing it wasn't just an ordinary Puppy, but a wolf pup. She backed up next to Sid, Whispering to him."It's not just a puppy...It's a wolf pup." Darin was confused, not understanding why the dog was backing away.
Are they afraid of me...Or are they planning something? Darin stopped walking getting caught in his thoughts.
Sid pulled Sam back a little, whispering, "A wolf? Maybe we should stay back: if one of its parents sees us too close, they might get mad... then again, its got a collar, so it must be a pet..."
Sam spoke up, "Are you ok? You're a pet, what are you doing out in the woods? Are you're parents, or owner nearby watching you?" Darin looked down at his collar, forgetting that he had on it. He started to tear up, he wished he was with his parents... "I-I'm not a pet and...and my parents are gone!" He turned and ran back inside Pifer's den, trying not to cry.

Sid looked at Sam, "Ok.... maybe we should just go...?"
Meanwhile, Rikki's eyes opened. He shot up, leaping over Kylie and grabbing the pup. "Little one, what's going on?"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by thrasherblades »

Zander wrote:"Sounds great to me." Rocky said, finishing up his waffle. He placed his fork onto the plate.

Felix just finished half of his, he placed his fork on his plate signaling he was done.

"Yeah, sounds like fun." Joy finished her waffle up.
"Well I guess it's settled then!" Shep said as he finished up his waffles and licked his nose and mouth clean from the sticky syrup. "Ill shall go and tell Dad first and I'll get everything ready and Ill AAAGH!" Shep yelped as he fell to the ground when he got out of his chair. His ankle now felt super sore and was a little surprised that it didn't heal throughout the night. That's funny, how did he manage to even lead Joy down just now? "Yikes it hurts aplenty...ugh...Joy can you help me..." Shep said, reaching his hand out to his girlfriend.

Dr. Prower wrote: "Well, it certainly looks delicious," Jacob sad as he prepared to dig in.
Enya smiled as she and Jacob dined together. She was still nervous about going under the knife for the second time. She could die, this time without any chances of revival or lifelines. She looked at Jacob deep into his eyes and put her hand on his. Her tail curled around his body and she scoothed herself over to him. "Jacob. I will promise you this. I will stay alive for you. You say that I will pull through and I believe in you because I love you. Even if I have to die a thousand times, my heart will still beat for you." she said, kissing him. She read his mind through his anxious eyes and now hers were filling him with assurance.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by Zander »

thrasherblades wrote:
Zander wrote:"Sounds great to me." Rocky said, finishing up his waffle. He placed his fork onto the plate.

Felix just finished half of his, he placed his fork on his plate signaling he was done.

"Yeah, sounds like fun." Joy finished her waffle up.
"Well I guess it's settled then!" Shep said as he finished up his waffles and licked his nose and mouth clean from the sticky syrup. "Ill shall go and tell Dad first and I'll get everything ready and Ill AAAGH!" Shep yelped as he fell to the ground when he got out of his chair. His ankle now felt super sore and was a little surprised that it didn't heal throughout the night. That's funny, how did he manage to even lead Joy down just now? "Yikes it hurts aplenty...ugh...Joy can you help me..." Shep said, reaching his hand out to his girlfriend.
Joy rushed over, kneeling down, putting her arms around Shep. She strained to lift him up. Rocky saw and rushed over to her aid. he put his arm around shep and lifted him up onto his feet with minimal effort. He slowly let go as Joy regained control over Shep.

Felix just stayed seated, watching the show.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by thrasherblades »

Zander wrote:
Joy rushed over, kneeling down, putting her arms around Shep. She strained to lift him up. Rocky saw and rushed over to her aid. he put his arm around shep and lifted him up onto his feet with minimal effort. He slowly let go as Joy regained control over Shep.

Felix just stayed seated, watching the show.
"Darn it! Now what are we gonna do for fun?" Shep said as he laid his head on Joy's shoulder. His ankle had taken a swelling during the night and had partially immobilized his movement. He looked at a corner and spotted his frisbee, something his dad would play with him during the day. His ears perked up. "Oh wait we can...awww yeah frisbee requires me to what are we gonna do?" he asked.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by Dr. Prower »

thrasherblades wrote:Enya smiled as she and Jacob dined together. She was still nervous about going under the knife for the second time. She could die, this time without any chances of revival or lifelines. She looked at Jacob deep into his eyes and put her hand on his. Her tail curled around his body and she scoothed herself over to him. "Jacob. I will promise you this. I will stay alive for you. You say that I will pull through and I believe in you because I love you. Even if I have to die a thousand times, my heart will still beat for you." she said, kissing him. She read his mind through his anxious eyes and now hers were filling him with assurance.
Jacob started to smile a little bit. "I know you will..." He gave her a kiss in return and tried not to look worried anymore. "Hey, is there anything you want to do today? We can do whatever you want, just name it."
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by thrasherblades »

"Mmmm to be honest I love shopping!" Enya said, finishing her meal. She then sprawled her back onto his chest and sighed. "I just loooooooove those long hours at the mall. I can never stop!" Enya squealed.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

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"Then I'll take you shopping," Jacob said, "Where do you wanna go to? The shopping mall down the road?"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by thrasherblades »

"Oh and not just that, other bigger malls as well! They have them here in America don't they???" Enya said, picturing to Jacob a mega mall.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by Bolly »

Neko wrote:
bollythewolf wrote:Jay giggled. "You don't say, Meeka. I love the stuff!
Meeka smiled and drank some more of her water. "So, do you like it here so far? My parents might buy a house here, and it seems like a very nice place."
"Well all the pets I've met so far have been friendly, this seems like a really nice house, and yeah, the neighbourhood itself just seems to be a very nice place, like you say. And I'd be happy if you moved in, because you seem like a really nice friend, Meeka." Jay laughed after saying this, but he was serious. Meeka just seemed to be a good friend...he couldn't really explain it.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by Neko »

Meeka Smiled, "Thanks, you're really nice too. I really hope we move here, it's sounds great. Not to mention there is a forest right outside the neighborhood to explore....Hmmm, even if we do buy the house it would be awhile before we moved which kinda sucks."
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by Dr. Prower »

thrasherblades wrote:"Oh and not just that, other bigger malls as well! They have them here in America don't they???" Enya said, picturing to Jacob a mega mall.
"Yep, those things are pretty much all over the place!"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by thrasherblades »

"TAKE ME TAKE ME!!!" Enya jumped up and down. She then grabbed Jacob's hand and raced to the front of the door. Her chauffeur greeted her outside the mansion where the big white water fountain was and opened the door to the limousine. She playfully pulled him inside and instructed the driver to drive them to the biggest mall.

"Oh Jacob this is going to be soooo fun! You do like shopping too do you??" Enya said, lying her head on his warm chest. Her ears picked up his steady heartbeat and she purred to the pure sound of it.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by Dr. Prower »

thrasherblades wrote:"TAKE ME TAKE ME!!!" Enya jumped up and down. She then grabbed Jacob's hand and raced to the front of the door. Her chauffeur greeted her outside the mansion where the big white water fountain was and opened the door to the limousine. She playfully pulled him inside and instructed the driver to drive them to the biggest mall.

"Oh Jacob this is going to be soooo fun! You do like shopping too do you??" Enya said, lying her head on his warm chest. Her ears picked up his steady heartbeat and she purred to the pure sound of it.
Jacob grinned. "Yeah, I like to shop, though apparently not as much as you." He put his arm around Enya and nuzzled the top of her head, letting out a purr of his own.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by thrasherblades »

"You know I would actually want you to visit my country Saudi Arabia someday....if only Daddy allowed you to come along..." Enya giggled.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

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"I bet that would be fun...Too bad he'd never let me go there." Jacob chuckled.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by thrasherblades »

"Oh I'll convince him take along my handsome boyfriend which is you....and.."

"<We're here Miss Enya..>" the chauffeur announced, bringing the vehicle to a halt. Enya was halfway nipping on Jacob's neck when the window lowered to reveal a big white building with lots of windows and various items being on display, clothes in particular.

Her mouth hung open and her eyes widdened.

"WE'RE HEEEERRRREEE!!!!" Enya cried out as she stepped out to marvel at the mega mall.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by JOFOXX »

RockstarRaccoon wrote: Melinda leaned over and rubbed Pifer's head. "I don't know Pifer, all I know is that there aren't many left. But what that means is that we're supposed to watch you more closely to make sure nothing happens to you..."
Pifer glared up at Melinda. "So you just turn a blind eye until after we're all dead?!" He snarled, eyes flashing. "What's the difference between me now and before everyone else was gone? I don't feel different, and yet I get more care than they did!" He swatted Melinda's hand off of his head. "Why didn't anyone care as much when Eirsa died?!"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

Melinda jumped back a bit, afraid that Pifer might attack her. "Pifer, I'm sorry! I can't do anything about it, it's just what we're supposed to do now! I'm sorry we weren't there to save her, but even then that was our job as much as it is now!" She stared at him, surprised but ready to subdue him if he got violent...
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by JOFOXX »

Pifer glared at Melinda for a second longer, then turned away running a hand over his eyes. "I-I'm sorry Melinda." He said finally. "I know you guys do all you can to help, but..." He stared at the wall. "I just- I can't understand you humans." He was silent for a while, a sigh escaping him. finally, he turned to look at Melinda. "Can I go now?"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by DarkHeartsAndSuch »

Kylie woke, startled by Rikki suddenly leaping over her. "What happened?"

(Neko, Coon, I'm replying here because I won't be able to be on the IRC 'till late tonight, and I want to keep this moving, despite my falling asleep last night.)
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

Rikki didn't really notice Kylie behind him, focusing on the pup.

-------- So anyway --------
Melinda sighed, "I've got a couple more things I want to go over with you before you leave, but first I need you to tell me you stay calm now, ok? You scared me a bit there..."
Last edited by RockstarRaccoon on Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by Neko »

Sam watched the pup disappear into the log. "We can't just leave, what if he's lost or needs help? He seemed pretty upset about something..."

Darin hugged Rikki tight, "T-there are *Sniffle* weird pets outside..."
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by DarkHeartsAndSuch »

Kylie got up and crawled over to Rikki and the pup. "Pets from the neighborhood? What are they doing out here?"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by JOFOXX »

"I- Yes, I'm sorry." Pifer sighed, wringing his hands awkwardly. "I just haven't been in the best of moods lately. Wh-What else do you need?"

------Sleepy-heads, er... *head------

Ian stamped down the stairs, grumpy at being woken up. He was just stepping off the stairs, when a loud voice startled him. "WAIT!" With no time to react, Ian was crushed under the lanky wad of blue fur that is Terry. "I'm coming with you! Maybe we can meet more fun people today!" Terry was wide-awake, much to the dismay of Ian, and the tomcat was grinning ear to ear. With a sigh Ian rolled his eyes, not in the mood for Terry's games just yet (if he was ever). "Ok," He grunted under the tom, "Just lemme get some food first." "Ok!" Came Terry's reply, as he gave Ian a quick smooch on the cheek. "I'll be outside!" He hopped up, scampering out of the door. Ian stayed on the floor for a few seconds, a little stunned. Finally, he got up, walking into the kitchen as he rubbed his cheek tenderly.

A few minutes later, Ian pushed the front door open, stepping out into the warm air. He sighed, the sun feeling good on his fur. I wish my books weren't boxed up, he thought, looking around for Terry. He caught sight of the cat near the edge of the street, kicking around at one of the few puddles that remained from the storm. Terry wved as Ian started walking toward him. "Took you long enough! Cmon, let's go see if we can find anything to do!" Ian followed Terry with a sigh, as the blue tom skipped of downt the sidewalk.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by Zander »

thrasherblades wrote:
Zander wrote:
Joy rushed over, kneeling down, putting her arms around Shep. She strained to lift him up. Rocky saw and rushed over to her aid. he put his arm around shep and lifted him up onto his feet with minimal effort. He slowly let go as Joy regained control over Shep.

Felix just stayed seated, watching the show.
"Darn it! Now what are we gonna do for fun?" Shep said as he laid his head on Joy's shoulder. His ankle had taken a swelling during the night and had partially immobilized his movement. He looked at a corner and spotted his frisbee, something his dad would play with him during the day. His ears perked up. "Oh wait we can...awww yeah frisbee requires me to what are we gonna do?" he asked.
"I dont know, can you think of anything else?" Joy asked, looking at Shep.

Rocky walked back to the table and sat down. Felix just kept seated, bored.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by thrasherblades »

"...Guess we'll depend on the Nintendo Wii for the source of entertainment." Shep said, struggling to get up to his room.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

Neko wrote:Sam watched the pup disappear into the log. "We can't just leave, what if he's lost or needs help? He seemed pretty upset about something..."
Sid was a little hesitant, "Maybe... He'd have to come back out though... That's someone's den he just ran in to: we're not going in unless they invite us..."
Darin hugged Rikki tight, "T-there are *Sniffle* weird pets outside..."
Rikki looked up, "Pets? They didn't do anything, did they? Stay here, I'll go deal with this." Rikki let go of the pup, leaving him where he was and walked to the front of the den, poking himself out so he could see and be seen, collar and all. "Who's there and what do you want?"

-------- Over here... --------
JOFOXX wrote:"I- Yes, I'm sorry." Pifer sighed, wringing his hands awkwardly. "I just haven't been in the best of moods lately. Wh-What else do you need?"
Melinda sighed, straightening back up in her chair. "Well, I need to make sure you're not sick with anything, so you're gonna have to come to the back again..." She turned to the computer and logged out, getting up and walking towards the back room.
Last edited by RockstarRaccoon on Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by Neko »

Darin watched Rikki leave, sitting back in the den. I hope they go away...

Sam was about to respond to Sid when she saw a raccoon's head pop out of the log. "Rikki, is that you? What are you doing with a wolf pup?"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by JOFOXX »

Pifer sighed, his shoulders drooping. "Alright..." He said, following her slowly. "I feel fine though."
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by RockstarRaccoon »

"I'm sure you do," said Melinda, "I just want to check you in case you're sick and don't realize it. If there's anything wrong with you, I can fix it." She took him into the back and motioned to the second table before going into the cabinets for some instruments... "Go ahead and lie down, I'll be there in a second..."

-------- Yeah... and... --------
Sid recognized the raccoon from the party as he spoke, "Yes Sam, it's me. Frank and Matt found him, I'm taking care of him until we can find his pack. So what do you want?"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by Neko »

That must be why he's so upset... Sam sighed, feeling bad for the little pup. "Well we were just exploring the forest when I recognized the weasel's scent from the party. We just wanted to visit them, but if you're busy we'll leave you alone..."
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by JOFOXX »

Pifer slouched his way to the table, casting a sideways glance at the first one as he past it. He hoisted himself up, wincing a little at the stitches, and laid down. His back throbbed a little under the pressure, but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle for a few minutes. "So... What are you checking?"
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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Post by Buckdida »

Trinket was walking along, somewhat awkwardly and silently with Kytes. He didn't feel quite at ease with him as he did Zeke. Who was the other cat Trinket had met? Cale? Some meetings are just strange. "So...uh..." Trinket tried to make conversation, but the only topic he could think about was 'Do you feel okay after yesterday?' He was far too timid to bring up that topic; he didn't want to accidentally offend Kytes by accident. " are you doing...?" Trinket was quite unsure of the question. The two had been wandering for some time. Not much looked familiar, or, rather, too much looked familiar. Suburbia, after all. And then...
Rubin wrote:Outside, he decided to lay back in the hedges, and look for random people he knew. Sticking his head out, he craned his ear to the pavement, like he had seen in the movies.
"...? Uh, Zeke? Is that you? What are you doing? Why are you semi-trying to hide in your bushes?"
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