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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:38 pm
Pifer nodded at Melinda as she left, turning toward the garden just as the door clicked. He stretched out his arms tenderly, testing the muscles in his back. When he found that the pain was durable, he stretched his limbs, lossening the cramps. The sun felt good on his fur, a delightful change to the rain from the night before, and he purred as it warmed him.

After several minutes of getting himself comfortable and enjoying his time outside, Pifer pulled the door open, stepping inside. He took a minute to look around at the room. Everything was exactly the same as when he had been here 2 years ago, yet it wasn't as ominous as he had originally the thought. The station was a nice, cozy place. It was his own mind that made it seem bad. He sighed, then walked deeper into the building, following Melinda's scent.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:14 pm
by Bolly
Neko wrote:"Thanks, I really love it, almost never take it off." She grabbed the pendant with two fingers, tilting it to make it glint in the sunlight.
Jay giggled and stared at the pendant. Ooooooooh...pretty.......kinda like you are............did I say that out loud? Woops...

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:20 pm
by Neko
"Yea you kinda did," Meeka giggled. She quickly changed the subject, "So you just moved here, have you seen any of the neighborhood yet? Maybe we could look around a bit before I have to leave."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:26 pm
by Atari
Kyra had decided to let go of Arro's arm, seeing as how he was acting nervous near every being around him. She sighed and said, "You are not clinging to me. So, go out and find friends, or whatever they say. I give you permission." Silence. "No, really. How about..." Kyra scanned around, and saw Xuan. "How about Xuan?" she offered, gesturing her hand towards Xuan. Arro looked over, and saw who Kyra was talking about. "Okay, I can do that!" And he ran off towards Xuan, a lot quicker than Kyra could run. "I'm only 4 and I already feel old now," she said to herself. "Hi there, Mr... WHAT WAS IT, KYRA?" He said, calling back to Kyra when he forgot. "Xuan, his name is Xuan, hehehe," she said, feeling awkward and embarrassed at the same time. "Oh, okay! Hi Xuan, I'm Arro! My sister-" Arro referring to Kyra as his sister surprised her "-and I were wandering about, and she said for me to go say 'hi'! So... Hi!" He said in a cheerful and not at all shy voice, completely different from before.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:56 pm
by Bolly
Neko wrote:"Yea you kinda did," Meeka giggled. She quickly changed the subject, "So you just moved here, have you seen any of the neighborhood yet? Maybe we could look around a bit before I have to leave."
Jay smiled at Meeka. Apart from what I've seen while walking around...and my own house...only one house, which I think belonged to someone called Shep. I'd love to take a look around, but I haven't even had breakfast yet. Mind if I go back to my house real quick? You can come with if you want.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 4:02 pm
by Neko
"Oh sure, I wouldn't mind seeing another house. After you eat we can explore a bit." Meeka smiled, waiting for Jay to lead the way.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:08 pm
by RockstarRaccoon
Melinda looked up from the counter where she had just been staring at a bowl of chunky canned carnivore-food that she'd prepared. "Oh hey Pifer, I got you some food. Rikki told me this was the best tasting of all the canned food I gave him, so I got you some. Come eat it at the front desk..." She started to lead him out into the hallway.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:15 pm
The scent of the food drifted to Pifer's nose, causing him to salivate. He followed Melinda to the front, gazing up at the food she was carrying. "That does smell really good..." He sighed, stomach growling again.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:19 pm
by RockstarRaccoon
Melinda smiled, "I'm glad you think so, Rikki used to tell me that all this canned food made him want to vomit." She sat down at the front desk, starting up the computer before turning to him and setting the food down, patting him on the head as she gave it to him. "Alright boy, just let me log that you were here and I'll let you go..." She turned and began to mess with the database.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:37 pm
Pifer scurried over to the food, sniffing it. The smell was intoxicating due to his empty stomach. He leaned down, eating it straight from the bowl. It didn't taste nearly as good as the real thing, but it was sufficient. After he had finished it, Pifer sat back, licking his chops. "Not bad." He said with a burp.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:39 pm
by Neko

Sam rubbed Sid's chest fur as she woke up, snuggling against his side.
Sid snuggled into her in his sleep. He was a little sweaty from having both Sam and a blanket on top of him, which meant Sam's front was slightly wet.
Sam pulled the blanket off of them feeling a bit hot. She smiled and caressed Sid's head, nuzzling his cheek.
Sid hugged and nuzzled her back a bit, purring and making biting motions with his mouth, still asleep.
Sam giggled softly at Sid's actions, petting his head fur one last time before slowly extracting herself from his grasp. I'll just let him sleep, he seems so content...I wonder if mom and dad are still here. She carefully opened her door to not make any noise, leaving it slightly ajar before going down the stairs. After checking the living room and kitchen, she found a note on the fridge.The note said that her dad had gone to work and her mother was going back to their old house to finish bringing over their things. Well that works I suppose, Sid won't be all shy and nervous now. Oh, I know! I'll make him breakfast, sunny side up eggs and some toast. She opened the fridge grabbing eggs and butter, then getting a pan. She turned on the stove and went to work.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:43 pm
by RockstarRaccoon
Melinda looked away and smiled down at him, "I'm glad you think so." Suddenly the comuter made a blip as an alert popped up on the screen. She blinked, "Hold on a second Pifer, looks like someone from the capitol has taken an interest in you...."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:49 pm
Pifer jumped at the sound from the computer. He stood up slowly, looking confused. "Why would anyone be interested in me? What's a "capitol"?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:50 pm
by CY_Law
Atari wrote:Kyra had decided to let go of Arro's arm, seeing as how he was acting nervous near every being around him. She sighed and said, "You are not clinging to me. So, go out and find friends, or whatever they say. I give you permission." Silence. "No, really. How about..." Kyra scanned around, and saw Xuan. "How about Xuan?" she offered, gesturing her hand towards Xuan. Arro looked over, and saw who Kyra was talking about. "Okay, I can do that!" And he ran off towards Xuan, a lot quicker than Kyra could run. "I'm only 4 and I already feel old now," she said to herself. "Hi there, Mr... WHAT WAS IT, KYRA?" He said, calling back to Kyra when he forgot. "Xuan, his name is Xuan, hehehe," she said, feeling awkward and embarrassed at the same time. "Oh, okay! Hi Xuan, I'm Arro! My sister-" Arro referring to Kyra as his sister surprised her "-and I were wandering about, and she said for me to go say 'hi'! So... Hi!" He said in a cheerful and not at all shy voice, completely different from before.
"Yes that's my name, so you're Arro, and you're..." Xuan look past Arro and onto Kyra, "Kyra's your sister? You both certainly don't look alike..." Xuan replied to the dog. "Though, it is my pleasure to meet you, I suppose?" Xuan extended his paw towards Arro.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:21 pm
by Buckdida
DarkHeartsAndSuch wrote:Kytes woke up, surprised to find his fur wet, along with most of his room. He looked out the window; sun. But also something else. The window was open. Did I leave it open last night? I don't even remember opening it. He didn't have anything on his floor, so nothing was ruined, except maybe the brown carpet. Stumbling out of bed, Kytes didn't feel right. His stomach grumbled, but he wasn't hungry. He ignored it and walked across the hall into his bathroom, grabbing a towel to dry himself off before heading downstairs. He looked behind the stairs when he reached the bottom. The door at the end of the hall was closed, meaning his parents were still asleep. He slinked his way back to the kitchen and grabbed some ham (he really likes ham, doesn't he?) to eat when he did get hungry, stuffing it under his collar. He looked out the window again, Isn't that Trinket's house? I wonder if he's up yet. Kytes turned and walked out his back door and through his back yard to the gate. He went through the gate and walked over to Trinket's front door, passing the ruined tree along the way. He sneezed before knocking on the door.
A rapping on the door. Noise? Yes noise. Dream? No, probably not. Awake then. Don't open eyes. Just lie belly down, reach right, and pray for the latch on the first shot. *click* Don't think. Just go through the motions.
Trinket was awake, but one wouldn't see that, aside from his arm outstretched from under his blanket, opening the Return, and grabbing the Ear Banner. Trinket wasn't much of a morning person, but there was a good reason for that...every morning, he was charmless. And from his own experience, seeing light before having any of the charms on was very, very, hazardous. He sat up, throwing the covers off and forward, tugging at the banner's ribbon to ensure it was on. Then his red eyes met the light.

*Yawn* "Who could be knocking on the door this early?" Trinket was still half asleep, but not groggy enough to forget to put on his Pendant before interacting with someone. He reached into the box and slipped it over his head before going to the window and poking his head out. The pendant's jewel glittered in the light, and the banner's ribbon flowed slowly on non-existent wind as it hung out the window. Looking down to the front door, he spotted Kytes from the day before. "Oh. Good Morning Kytes. What, uh, brings you here?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:02 pm
by DarkHeartsAndSuch
Kytes looked up at a window where he found Trinket. "Hey Trinket. I didn't have anything to do, so I came over to see if you wanted to do something today."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:09 pm
by thrasherblades
Zander wrote:"It's good" Joy said while eating.
"Thanks" Rocky said, glaring at Felix as he received the syrup. He poured it over his waffles.
Felix slowly ate his waffle.
"Sooo uh, any idea what we all should do today?" Shep asked Joy, Rocky and Felix.

Dr. Prower wrote: Jacob took the envelope and put it in his collar. "Give him my thanks. I'll be sure to make this a wonderful night for her."
"Jaacooooobb! Come on out! Breakfast today is really good!" Enya hollered from across the dining hall.

Dr Rashid sighed as he sat down and put on his glasses. "Go now. You matter more to her than any of us." Dr Rashid said, patting him on the shoulder and pulling up to his desk to work.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:09 pm
by Buckdida
DarkHeartsAndSuch wrote:Kytes looked up at a window where he found Trinket. "Hey Trinket. I didn't have anything to do, so I came over to see if you wanted to do something today."
"Oh. Oh okay. Uhh...sure. Lemme get on my collar and stuff. Com'on in, the door's always unlocked. Just don't touch anything shiny, okay?" Trinket pulled his head back in though the window, and walked back to the Return, maneuvering around boxes. He just go lucky he didn't trip on them the first time, being sleepy and all. He reached into the box, and pulled out his collar, hearing something else clatter in the box. "Huh?" He looked inside. "Oh, right. That key. I wonder who it belongs to?" He fastened the collar around his neck, then got the key out of the box, putting it in the collar. "I guess I might try and find who lost this..." Trinket closed the box and latched it shut, then headed down the stairs to the living room.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:29 pm
by DarkHeartsAndSuch
Kytes opened the door and stepped inside. "Woah," 'Don't touch anything shiny?' What isn't shiny? He stood in the doorway, fearing the floor counted as "shiny."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:27 pm
by Buckdida
"Hey, Kytes," Trinket greeted as he walked down the stairs, slightly amused with Kytes reaction. "Hey, I wasn't kidding when I said my mum was a gypsy. Or was that someone else I told that to?" He wondered, putting a quizzical look on his face. "Oh well. So...uh...well, let's see. What could we do...well...uh...I don't have any ideas, really. We could...well, nose around my house, or yours...or we could wander about...I found someone's key, maybe we could find its owner? Wadda you wanna do?" Trinket asked Kytes.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:25 pm
by DarkHeartsAndSuch
"Yeah, you said that, but you also said don't touch anything shiny, and, well..." Kytes motioned to just about everything in the room. "Best not take any chances." He thought for a second, still standing in the doorway. He sneezed again before saying, "I would say take the key back, but the last time I went to give something back, I got dirt."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:54 pm
by RockstarRaccoon
JOFOXX wrote:Pifer jumped at the sound from the computer. He stood up slowly, looking confused. "Why would anyone be interested in me? What's a "capitol"?"
Melinda looked at the screen, reading the notice to herself.
State Department of Wildlife wrote:We have noticed that you recently took in a Central American Weasel for treatment. The species has recently been added to this state's list of protected species by our offices. Please follow protocol ######.
She looked down at Pifer, wondering how he'd react. "Pifer... I've got something to tell you that might be upsetting... You know how there haven't been any other weasels like you in the forest for a while...? Apparently there aren't many left in the state. You're one of the last. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 12:28 am
by Buckdida
DarkHeartsAndSuch wrote:"Yeah, you said that, but you also said don't touch anything shiny, and, well..." Kytes motioned to just about everything in the room. "Best not take any chances." He thought for a second, still standing in the doorway. He sneezed again before saying, "I would say take the key back, but the last time I went to give something back, I got dirt."
Trinket drew back a little. " you have a cold...? Uh, well, the key can wait, I guess. I have no idea where I found it, but I'm sure I'll find the owner eventually." Trinket looked around. "Huh...yeah, I guess most of this is shiny...even the floor." 'I wonder if mum warded the floor too?' "Well...uh...then...hmm...oh! Well, you can touch things and ask about them as long as you have permission. A lot of these...err...trinkets, for lack of a better term, are all supposed to have powers and stories behind them..." Trinket brought up his hands and wiggled his fingers. "What better way to pass some time than telling some strange stories? Go on, pick some things and ask about them!" He motioned around the room.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:36 am
by Buckdida
From the IRC: Trinket's House
"So," Trinket asked, "Anything here catch your eye?"
"Only about everything." Kytes slowly walked in, watching his step. "Though that vase is... different," he said, glancing at said vase.
"Oh, this vase?" Trinket chuckled. "Right, you picked the ONE THING...sometimes, a vase is just a vase. Or was the saying something else? Anywho, my mum got this from some fancy-pants artist in exchange for reading his fortune." Trinket looked at it again. Clear glass with intricate designs; it appeared to have a demon and an angel fighting on it. In truth, it was one thing that his mother never fully explained. "Anything else that catches your eye?"
"Nothing stands out more than any of the others," said Kytes before sneezing again. "I'll let you choose."
" Uh...let's see...hmm..." Trinket looked around the room, tying to find something interesting. "Ah! What about this?" Trinket maneuvered around tables and chairs to reach up on a shelf and bring down what seemed to be a small ear stud of crystal. Or a pin of sorts. He heard Kytes sneeze behind him, and Trinket's fur stood up slightly. "Ack! Don't sneeze on anything!"
"Okay," Kytes said, looking at the crystal. "I'll try not to."
"Hmm, careful. See...some of these I actually made on my own. When I get the materials. That's the hardest part," Trinket explained. "I made this one. It's really beautiful in the sunlight..." Trinket walked over to an open window, and passed the crystal into a sunbeam. Colors spread about the room, putting on what seemed to be nothing less than a light show as Trinket slowly rotated the pin.
"Woah," The light caused Kytes to sneeze again, making him take a small step back. "How'd you make it?"
"Mainly? With a lot of time...I call it "The Return Pin," though I wish I could come up with a...more poetic name." Trinket shrugged and put it back on the shelf, next to a pair of sunglasses.
"Why'd you call it 'The Return Pin?'"
"Oh...cause of what it's SUPPOSED to do," Trinket said with a mischievous smile, before giggling. "I doubt it actually has a chance of REALLY working though, and I'd imagine that you would doubt too."
Kytes looked at Trinket confusedly. "It's kinda hard not to doubt when you don't even know what exactly something does. What do you mean, 'return?'"
"Well...if you smash it, it's supposed to guide you home," Trinket said with a weak smile. "Not really willing to test it, as you can imagine. I'll give it to someone who might really, REALLY need it. Never know when you can use an extra bit of hope, you know? Even if it doesn't work."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:18 am
by RockstarRaccoon
Sid rolled over after Sam left , reaching for her with his arms. He woke up when he realized she was gone, rubbing his eyes and looking around. Sam gets up too early... he thought, getting up and walking back downstairs, leaving his clothes behind. He walked quietly down the stairs, crouching slightly as he walked into the kitchen, sneaking up behind Sam and grabbing her from behind in a hug, pulling her into him and nuzzling at the side of her face from behind. "Mreow!"
"Aaah!" Sam jumped at the sudden attack, laughing at the nuzzling. "You can't sneak up on me when I'm cooking!" she nuzzled him back.
Sid buried his face in her back, rubbing it against her and purring, ruffling her belly with his paws. "Mreow mreow mreow!"
Sam started laughing, wiggling around in Sid's grasp. "S-stop! Ha ha, I'm gonna mess up your egg!"
Sid stopped, standing up straight, looking over her shoulder with his arms loosely wrapped around her waist so he wasn't interfering. "Mreow mreow?"
Sam picked up the spatula flipping the two eggs in the pan, careful not to break the yolk. "It'll have a runny center, just how you like it right?"
Sid nodded with a smile, lightly hugging her, "Meow meow!"
Sam giggled putting the eggs onto a plate once they were done cooking. The toast popped up in the toaster, she grabbed the two pieces and quickly buttered them and put it onto the plate. She picked it up and held it to Sid, "Here ya go! I hope you like it..."
"Meow meow!" Sid yipped happily, taking the plate and moving over to the table with it, sitting down and putting the egg on the toast, digging in.

Sam smiled, cracking 2 eggs into the pan, cooking them scrambled. She popped in a slice of bread into the toaster and pushed the lever down, putting her attention back on the eggs.
Sam turned away from the stove to see Sid eating. "I'm guessing you like it?"
Sid looked up at her and purred happily before going back to his food.
"I'll take that as a yes." Sam finished cooking, putting her scrambled eggs and piece of toast on a plate. She took a seat next to Sid, setting down her plate and 2 glasses of orange juice, placing one in front of Sid. "Here, try some orange juice. If you don't like it I can get you milk or water."
Sid sniffed at the orange juice before pouring some down his throat, setting the glass and purring at Sam more as he licked his cops before going back to the food.
Sam took a bite out of her toast, raising an eyebrow at Sid. "Why aren't you talking? All I've heard is cat noises all morning."
Sid looked up at her, tilting his head. "Mreow?"
Sam smiled, deciding to play along. "Ok then my little kitty. Once we're done eating I'll grab your leach and we can go for a walk." She took another bite of toast.
Sid tilted his head the other way. "Meow Meow?"
Sam smiled and ruffled Sid's headfur. "You're such a cute wittle kitty." She giggled and started eating her eggs.
Sid purred more, leaning over into her lap on his back, his legs and tail resting on his chair, and looked up at her. "Mreow!"
Sam continued eating, using her spare hand to scratch Sid's chin.
Sid purred, nuzzling against her hand as it petted him. He reached up with his paws and wrapped his wrists around her arm, cuddling with the hand like a kitten.
"Aww, you're so cute." Sam continued scratching his chin, moving to caress his cheek.
Sid purred more, nuzzling into her.

Sam kept petting Sid, finishing her breakfast. She noticed Sid hadn't finished and stopped the petting. "Are you done eating my little kitty?"
Sid sat back up and looked down at his plate. He pulled his legs up and squatted on his chair with both of his front-paws on the table, sticking his face in the plate and eating with his mouth.
Sam giggled, getting up with her empty plate and glass. She took them to the kitchen and started to clean them both. "Try and finish the orange juice too," she called to Sid.
Sid finished off his plate, licking it clean before moving to the glass. He stuck his nose in it and lapped it up until he couldn't get at it, then he got on the side of it and tipped the glass into his mouth, drinking it without using his hands.
Sam finished cleaning, putting them in the drying rack. She walked back to the table seeing Sid finish off the orange juice in a strange manner. She took the plate and glass when he finally finished. "Next time I'll give you some milk in a bowl, how's that sound?" She smiled at him and went back to the sink to clean.
"Meow!" Sid said happily, hopping down and following her to the kitchen on all fours. He rubbed himself against her legs as she washed the dishes, purring.
Sam laughed as she finished up, leaning down and scratching him behind the ears. "C'mon Kitty," she scratched him one last time before heading towards her room.
Sid followed her to her room on all fours, still playing his little game.
Sam picked up Sid's collar from the floor, walking to him and kneeling down. She put it on him, making sure it wasn't to tight. I wonder how far he's willing to go..." She ruffled his head fur then went to one of her boxes and began searching through it.
Sid sat patiently on his haunches, watching her dig through the boxes with his head tilted, his tail slowly flicking back and fourth, the limp end flopping from side to side.
Sam smirked when she finally found her old leash. Her parents used it when she was younger for Vet trips. Now she used it as rope when she explored, or in this case, for it intended purpose. She walked back to Sid with a smile, quickly clipping onto his collar. "Alright little kitty, let's go for a walk."

Sid looked down at the leash, sitting where he was. Is she seriously gonna go through with this? He looked up at her, tilting his head again, "Mreow?"
Sam gave a Cheshire grin, "Let's go kitty." She started walking out of the room, tugging on the leash a bit.
Sid reluctantly allowed her to lead him along, pulling slightly on the leash as he lagged behind her.
Sam went down the stairs and to the front door, opening it and waiting for Sid to go out. She smiled at him, "let's go for our walk now."
Sid looked out the door, then back up at her. "...Are you seriously gonna take it that far?" he finally said.
Sam giggled, "What, you don't wanna be my little kitty anymore? Cause I love my little kitty..." She kneeled down and petted him.
Sid looked at her for a second. "Well... I'm all four keeping this up, but I'm not sure I wanna take it out in public..." He smirked, "Unless you wanna switch the roles around..."
"Oh, so you want to be the owner then?"
"If you'll be my puppy, sure!" Sid said, standing up and giving the door a light push to shut it.
Sam stood back up, giving Sid a devilish grin. "You'll have fight for ownership then!" She quickly pounced and tackled Sid to the ground.
Sid let out a playful growl, rolling on the ground with her as he unlatched the leash and started grabbing at her collar and trying to put it on her.
Sam playfully growled back, pushing Sid's hand away with the leash trying to pin him down.
Sid scooted sideways, shoving her onto her stomach so he could jump on her back, putting one hand on her collar to turn it and bringing the clip on the leash to it with the other.
Sam struggle underneath Sid, trying to move out from under him but with no success.
"Hah! Gotcha!" Sid finally clipped the leash onto her collar, standing up with it held tight in his hand. "Now it's your turn! Happy?"

Sam got up, sitting back on her haunches. She whimpered softly, giving him puppy dog eyes. It was all she could do not to laugh, she was having too much fun.
Sid looked down and laughed, "Aww, whats'a matter girl? Don'tcha wanna be my puppy-fox?" he knelt down and ruffled the fur on her head. "I promise I'll take good care of you!"
Sam smiled and licked his face, causing his fur to stick up. She held in her laughter as her tail wagged.
"There's my good girl!" Sid laughed, cuddling her head in his hands. "So, do ya actually wanna go for a walk on the leash, or do ya wanna have some fun here?"
Sam looked back to the front door, her tail stopped wagging. I'd rather not go outside right now, heh...though that would be kinda funny. She turned back Sid and barked, moving in a circle around him staying on all fours.
Sid laughed as the leash was looped around him, "You wanna stay in here girl? Alright, lemme get this off you..." He reached out and unclipped the leash. "Alright girl, do we have any treats for you? Can you take me to them, girl?"
Sam barked and ran to the kitchen on all fours, stopping at the pantry door and scratching at it.
Sid followed her into the kitchen, opening up the door and looking inside. He pulled out a bag of peanut-butter cookies, "You want these girl?" he asked with a grin.
Sam barked and wagged her tail, looking up to the cookies

"Alright, let's see you work for 'em! Now Sit!" He pulled out a cookie and held it up.
Sam sat back on her haunches, looking up to the cookie held out.
"Good girl! Now open up!" Sid congratulated, breaking off a piece and tossing it to her mouth.
Sam caught it and ate it, tail wagging.
"Alright girl, now lie down!"
Sam rolled onto to her back, holding her paws above her. She tilted her head back to see Sid.
"Good Girl!" Sid dropped another third of the cookie into her mouth. "Alright, last piece, let's see you do something really amazing for it!"
Sam ate the cookie and sat back up on her haunches. She tilted her head and gave him a confused look.
"C'mon girl, I'm sure you can think of something really amazing to earn this last treat. Now let's see it!"
Sam smiled, jumping up and licking Sid's face, tail wagging.
"Is that it?" Sid chuckled, "C'mon girl you can do better than that..."
Sam sat back down on her haunches, whimpering and giving him puppy dog eyes.
"Awww.... C'mon girl, don't give me that, I'm sure you can thinka somthing!"
Sam sat there, staring up at him, unable to think of anything.
"Ok, fine, how about this one: Play dead."
Sam flopped onto her side, closing her eyes, tongue hanging out, relaxing her muscles and keeping still.
Sid looked down and nodded, "Wow, that's pretty good." He paused for a minute, "Well, looks like Sammy's dead, guess I'm gonna need a shovel..."
Sam jumped back to all fours and barked at Sid.

Sid laughed back at her, "Well that's not playing dead! Dead foxes don't move!" He sighed, tossing her the treat. "Well, I guess we're not gonna bury you in the back yard, but do ya wanna go back there anyway?"
Sam barked and ran to the back door(staying on all fours unless said otherwise), turning and waiting for Sid.
"Alright girl! Let's go!" Sid opened the back door, letting Sam out as he walked out himself.
Sam ran out into her grassy backyard, circle around the only oak tree a few times before stopping and looking back at Sid.
Sid jogged out to the tree with her, reaching down and picking up a stick. "Alright girl, see the stick?" He waved it at her?
Sam looked at the stick, He wants me to play fetch, huh?
Sid slowed, "What'sa matter girl? You don't wanna play with the stick?" Is she not interested in 'fetch'? I thought dogs liked to play 'fetch'...
Eh, why not. Sam barked and wagged her tail, jumping up to get the stick.
Sid waved it up and down, keeping it out of her reach, "There's my girl! Alright, now FETCH!" He chucked it towards the other side of the yard.
Sam chased after the stick, picking it up with her teeth and running back to Sid. She dropped it at his feet and panted with her tail wagging.
"Good job Sammy!" Sid praised, ruffling her head as he grabbed the stick again, "Alright, let's do it again," He chucked it in an arc this time, "Fetch!"
Sam turned and took off after the stick, she tried to catch it mid air but it hit the ground before she could reach it. She picked it up and returned it to Sid, dropping it at his feet.
"Good girl! Let's go again! Fetch!" He threw it with less force this time so it'd be easier to catch.
Sam ran after it again, this time jumping up and catching it in her mouth. She walked back to Sid panting, tail wagging in victoy. She dropped the stick and laid down at his feet. Didn't know I could do that.
Sid knelt down, taking her head and ruffling it in both of his hands, "You tired girl? You wanna take a break?"
Sam was panting, stopping to lick Sid's hands before panting again. running on all fours is a bit tiring.

Sid lied her head on the ground and gave it a pat. He looked down at her for a second before unclipping his collar and tossing it down, backing onto all fours into a pouncing position. "Little did the fox know, a fearsome tiger was watching, preparing to strike!"
Sam smirked, jumping up and quickly climbing the tree with her claws. She reached a decently high branch, laying down on it and peering down. "Little did the tiger know that the fox was an excellent climber."
"Little did the poor fox realize..." Sid shot up the tree, cornering her on the branch in seconds, "...Tigers can climb too!"
Sam backed up a bit, "Oh no, the mean tiger is going to eat me!"
Sid stalked down the branch with an evil grin, bearing fearsome teeth, his tail flicking back and fourth, "Oh yes little foxie, you're going to make a nice snack!"
Sam smiled at Sid before dropping down from branch to branch till she reached the ground. She looked up at him before darting away.
"Oh no you don't!" Sid rushed to the end of the branch, shooting himself forward at her, dropping to grab her hindquarters with his front paws, like a lion attacking a zebra.
"Aaah!" Sam fell to the ground from Sid's attack, struggling to get out of his grasp.
Sid started mock-biting her back, sinking his claws into her sides. "Om nom nom, you're mine now!"

Sam yelped, jerking underneath of Sid as his claws dug into her. "Ow that hurts!"
Sid laughed, not realizing that his claws were in her sides, "I'll bet it does! I'm eating you alive! Rar!" He dragged her underneath him and started playfully biting at the back of her neck, wrapping his arms around her chest, his claws still poking into her.
Sam's eyes started to tear up from the pain, still trying to get away. "S-Sid please stop, you're hurting me! Y-you're claws..."
Sid stopped laughing, looking down in surprise, "Huh? AHH!" He quickly retracted his claws, jumping off of her, whimpering, "Oh Sam! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that I.... You're not hurt are you?"
Sam whimpered from the pain, slowly sitting up. She Looked down at the claw marks on her sides which were now bleeding.
"Here! Lemme help you!" Sid said, rushing to her side and licking at the small clawmarks in the sides of her stomach, trying to shut them with his tongue.
Sam calmed down, Sid's tongue slowly easing the pain. "Thanks...but I can just put some bandaids on it. You don't have to do that..."
Sid whimpered as he licked, "I'm so sorry Sam, I'm so sorry. I didn't ever want to hurt you, I'm so sorry I hurt you..."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:30 am
by Bolly
Neko wrote:"Oh sure, I wouldn't mind seeing another house. After you eat we can explore a bit." Meeka smiled, waiting for Jay to lead the way.
Jay smiled, and walked back to his house. Meeka followed him. When they got there, he opened the door, and they both stepped inside. Sean was standing just inside the house, waiting for him. "You sneaky dog, Jay, getting out of the house without waking me...who's your friend?" Oh, this is Meeka. Meeka, this is my Dad.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:36 am
by Neko
Meeka waved to Jay's dad. "Hi, it's nice to meet you! You have a really nice house from what i've seen."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:46 am
by Bolly
Neko wrote:Meeka waved to Jay's dad. "Hi, it's nice to meet you! You have a really nice house from what i've seen."
"Well you haven't seen much of it yet, and we've barely seen any of it ourselves, but I'm sure you're right, sweetie. Nice pendant by the way. Do you two want some breakfast?" Yeah! I'm up for food any time!

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:49 am
by Neko
"Oh thanks, but I already had breakfast. A glass of water would be nice though."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 4:59 am
by Bolly
Neko wrote:"Oh thanks, but I already had breakfast. A glass of water would be nice though."
"Okay little lady, I'll get you that. And don't worry Jay, your breakfast is already cooked. I unpacked the emergency bacon for you." "YAYAYAYAYAY BACON." "Calm down, Jay! Just come through to the kitchen. Your bacon is on the table, and I'll get a glass of water for you, Meeka." They walked through to the kitchen, where Jay immediately started wolfing down his bacon. "Slow down, Jay!!!" "Okay...if I must..." Sean then filled a glass with water and handed it to Meeka. "There you go, sweetie."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:05 am
by Neko
"Thanks," Meeka giggled watching Jay eat, taking a sip of water. "So I take it you really love bacon?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:20 am
by RockstarRaccoon
Sam petted the top of Sid's head. "It's ok, it was just an accident right?"
Sid was starting to cry now, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I don't want to hurt you anymore. Oh please, please, please..."
Sam took Sid's head in her hands, bring him up to face her. "It's ok, please stop crying. I'm fine, See?[ Stop being so hard on yourself."/color] She hugged him, trying to comfort him.
Sid hugged her back, crying into her shoulder, "But.. Sam... I hurt you, that was the one thing I never wanted to do... I never wanted to hurt you Sam, ever, and now I have..." He sobbed more.
Sam sighed, the claw marks still hurting a bit. "It was just an accident. It's ok, it's just some small claw marks, nothing that won't heal. Please stop crying, for me?"
"But... Sam.... You don't understand..." He sobbed, "I could've really hurt you..."
"But you didn't, it was just a small accident. Don't look so deep into it, ok? I'm fine and that's all that matters."
Sid sighed, calming down a bit. "I know it was an accident... but Sam... What if I do something like that again? What if I really hurt you? ...I've hurt people like that before..."
"You just have to be a bit more careful, and if a small accident happens I'll forgive you. Do you know why?"
Sid sighed, "...Because you love me..."
"Exactly," She stroked his back for a few moments before standing up with him. "C'mon, I'd like to get some bandaids and I'll need some help putting them on."
Sid didn't move, "But... Sam... You don't understand.... I'm...." his voice softened, "Dangerous..."
Sam scratched his chin, smiling at him. "You're not dangerous, you're my wittle kitty." She nuzzled his nose.
Sid turned away from her, still feeling upset and afraid of himself, "Sam, I mean it. I've hurt other animals before... badly... You're not very strong either... I could hurt you really badly... I could even..." he trailed off, afraid to finish.
Sam hugged Sid from behind. "I wish you would stop worrying about that. When you hurt other animals wasn't it on purpose? You're only going to really hurt me if you mean to do it, and I know you won't. So please, stop worrying so much and come inside..."
Sid sighed, standing quiet for a moment before taking her arms in his, "I guess you're right." He turned around and hugged her back, "I'm sorry Sam, it's just so hard for me to try and live like a normal pet after so long... I'll try and stop worrying about it. Let's go back inside..."

They turned and walked back into the house together.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 6:33 am
by Bolly
Neko wrote:"Thanks," Meeka giggled watching Jay eat, taking a sip of water. "So I take it you really love bacon?"
Jay giggled. "You don't say, Meeka. I love the stuff!

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 6:37 am
by Dr. Prower
Jacob raced out of the office and up to Enya, giving her a big hug. "I'm here, Enya! What's up?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 7:23 am
by thrasherblades
Oh oh yes, do come and join me for breakfast Jacob. One of my chefs are from Britian and he has prepared this really savoury English style morning feast for us!" Enya said as she snapped her fingers and two pretty waitresses walked up to the massive dining table with trays filled with scrambled eggs, English sausages, muffins and fried bacon on their skilled palms. They swiftly placed the food on the table and set a napkin on both of Jacob and Enya's laps. They bowed and quickly left the room.
"Jacob, do help yourself to the food. I promise you'll love it!!!" Enya said as she grabbed a knife and spread syrup on a piece of french toast.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:21 am
RockstarRaccoon wrote:Melinda looked at the screen, reading the notice to herself.
State Department of Wildlife wrote:We have noticed that you recently took in a Central American Weasel for treatment. The species has recently been added to this state's list of protected species by our offices. Please follow protocol ######.
She looked down at Pifer, wondering how he'd react. "Pifer... I've got something to tell you that might be upsetting... You know how there haven't been any other weasels like you in the forest for a while...? Apparently there aren't many left in the state. You're one of the last. Do you understand what I'm saying?"
Pifer stared at Melinda for a moment, confused. "Wh-What? How- Where did they all go?" Pifer didn't understand how he could be the last of anything. There had always been weasels, well not lately obviously, but he had still seen lonely males come wondering through the forest every so often. That hadn't happened in a while either though.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:11 am
by Atari
Arro took Xuan's paw, and shook paws. He looked at his own afterwards. "I've never been that formal before. Then again, I wasn't allowed far from the house, with those electric collars, so I was usually on my friend's parents' netbook, although I couldn't understand much. I call Kyra my sister because my 'family' consisted of my owner, who I didn't necessarily think of a father, and my friend, a really nice wolf cub. So when I moved here, I immediately took them in as family, just as they did with me." By the time Arro finished speaking, Kyra had walked up, deciding in the first place not to run. "Hi! This is Arro, as of yesterday he's my 'brother'. So, figuring as how it appears that nothing else is going on,"- excluding Arro's ramblings- "wanna tag along? We're not doing much, just wandering--"
"Which reminds me, there's a new--" He looked at Kyra, and stayed quiet, as her glare showed the trouble he'd be in. He could sacrifice embarrassment, but he had no clue what Kyra was like. For all he knew, he could say one word wrong, and next thing he'd know, he'd be in a pitch black room, unsure of how he got there. Kyra spoke again. "Sorry about that, he can be worse than me with what he says, heh. Anyway, we're just wandering around, and I can see that Arro gets easily bored, so maybe someone else tagging along might not make it so boring?" She was hoping that having someone else could have Arro at least keep a conversation, as she wasn't the one to talk, and five more minutes of rambling on about nonsense on the new... Linux, or whatever, would likely kill her. Now I know why I read books...

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:41 am
by CY_Law
"Aww, you poor little guy," said Xuan with a hint of teasing. "So you're not really Kyra's brother I suppose? That actually makes sense." He continued.

"So, umm Arro, I don't mind you both tagging along, as I didn't have any specific direction to go..."

When Arro was interrupted by Kyra, Xuan's curious as of what he is trying to say, after Kyra finishes her sentence, "Tsk tsk tsk, Kyra, it's not nice to interrupted the others," said Xuan, sounding like a father talking to his children, "So what is that you were going to say just now, Arro?" He continued as he looks at Arro.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 10:33 am
by Zander
thrasherblades wrote:
Zander wrote:"It's good" Joy said while eating.
"Thanks" Rocky said, glaring at Felix as he received the syrup. He poured it over his waffles.
Felix slowly ate his waffle.
"Sooo uh, any idea what we all should do today?" Shep asked Joy, Rocky and Felix.

"I dont know, what do pets do for fun around here?"
"How about finding your brain." Felix murmured as he was eating his waffles.
"What?" Rocky interjected, looking toward felix.
"What? i didnt say anything..." Felix continued to eat his waffles.
"Yeah, what is there to do?" Joy butted into the conversation.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 10:40 am
by thrasherblades
I so feel like punching you right now Felix, seriously... Shep thought as he chewed on the waffles. His canines showed slowly from his gums but concealed them quickly as Shep managed to practice patience on this.....fool.

"I sorta feel like doing some targets again....what do y'all think..." Shep said, playing around with his fork.