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Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 10:21 pm
by Missingo
Alex wrote:Y-yeah.... Pancakes sound good. *Turns to Rachel* (Whispers) Gee.... this really is kinda weird. I don't know how to thank him, nor you, for taking care of me.
"There's no need to thank. Friends help each other out, it's what they do," Rachel said, smiling. "Besides, I didn't do anything besides come over and eat some of your chips."~

"Cool," Matthew said as he began to pull various items out of the cupboards as he found them. Flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, vanilla, various bowls, measuring cups, and other utensils. He washed his paws thoroughly, then set a frying pan on the stove and oiled it, turning the heat up to medium. He sifted the dry ingredients into a bowl, and gently beat in the eggs, milk, vanilla, and butter which he had melted in the microwave. Carefully, he measured the batter onto the pan for two. After a few minutes, he expertly flipped the pancakes with a spatula, waiting for them to brown perfectly on the other side, before he dished the pancakes onto a plate, garnishing them with a slice of butter and some powdered sugar.

"Bon appétit!" Matthew said delightedly as he set the plate and a bottle of syrup on the table. "And there's plenty of batter left over; a couple more will be out in a few more minutes."
He went back into the kitchen and began to fry two more.

((Pancakes cook quickly, so not much time has passed :3 ))

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 1:42 am
by Djinn
Djinn sits down under the bridge, wiping water out of his eyes and wringing the water out of his tail a little. "Well that was entirely unpleasant. Still should count my blessings, got a home, starting to gain some friends and-" He is cut off by a deep voice behind him "Well well well, no tags huh?" Djinn looks behind him to see a tall animal control officer with a loop-on-a-stick, he tries to get up and run but the water causes him to slip again and he's caught. "Glchk!" As he's dragged off he keeps trying to shout but it keeps getting choked out of him by the officer as he's dragged into a cage in a van, though fortunately this all happens in the street.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:46 pm
by Teh Brawler
caelei wrote:Felix? I've only known him about two weeks, actually. He showed up in my house and ambushed me. If I can though, I'd not like to rethink that day. It was slightly unpleasant for me. As for Felix's story, I honestly don't know a lot about him. For some reason, he showed up and hasn't left. He wants me to go with him. Back to where he came from. Back to where I came from, I suppose, though I was little the last time I was there, wherever it is. I can't remember that place. All I remember i--
Pavelle's sudden squirming confirmed O'Connor's worst fears: he had asked the wrong question. There was obviously a lot of emotion attached with Felix and his sudden appearence, very little of it positive, if any. And Pavelle was obviously not only uncomfortable with Felix himself, but anyone's curiosity in him.
Tory felt it, too. He flew off of Pavelle's head, but turned around in middair, and landed on her shoulder. "Miss Pavelle, O'Connor didn't mean anything by it. He's just friends with Felix, is all, and was just curious. Honest."
O'Connor sighed, smiling at the bird's child-like demeanor. The simplicity of the statement surprised him, and he was reminded of how easily a child can say what an adult struggles to find the words for. There wasn't much else to be said, so instead, he walked up to Pavelle and put his hand on her shoulder. "'Aow about ye 'elp an ol' mutt with bahd joints carreh this rope bahck tu the rivere, eh?" he said, offering her the rope.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:36 pm
by Dylan
Amelia rolled over on to her side, she was awake, but didn't want to open her eyelids. Ugh, I can't sleep anymore. She slowly lifted herself out of bed and slightly stretched. Amelia picked up her glasses on her desk and put them on. Amelia sighed, Maybe I can... She stopped in the middle of her sentence, she couldn't visit Alex now could she? His mom and her dad were really angry with them... She shook her head, Maybe his mom would understand...She seemed nice enough before it got all crazy... Amelia picks up a small bag of her belongings and heads down the stairs. Before she could walk out the door her stomach started to growl. oh...right, I missed Breakfast this morning... She set down her bag next to the door and entered the kitchen. She grabbed the nearest can of cat food and carefully gulped it down as fast as she could. Finally setting down her can on the table, taking in a big gulp of air after eating all the food at once. She wiped her mouth and ran back to the door, grabbing her things before she left. As soon as she stepped out of the door, her eyes immediately saw a familiar cat being strangled by a animal control officer. Amelia slowly walked behind the officer and crossed her arms. What in the world do you think you are doing?

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 8:37 pm
by caelei
"Miss Pavelle, O'Connor didn't mean anything by it. He's just friends with Felix, is all, and was just curious. Honest."
Pavelle gave a tiny, tight smile at the little bird sitting on her shoulder. "I know, I know. Just... I first met Felix on a very bad day for me." She took another deep breath, calming down, and then added, somehow wistfully, "Sorry for being so unstable with my emotions. I had an interesting encounter with my father this morning, and it kinda set a bad precedent for the entire day."
"'Aow about ye 'elp an ol' mutt with bahd joints carreh this rope bahck tu the rivere, eh?"

Pavelle smiled again, and this time it was a little more natural. She was grateful for the change in subject, and she couldn't help but think that the others were, too. Though that might have just been her emotions flavoring her perception of her companions, who knew? She accepted the rope, looping it over her shoulder so it was easier to carry. "So, this all we need?" She tried to keep her voice light, carefree. She didn't want another repeat of memories, or anything else, for that matter. That sort of stuff always exhausted her, for some reason. Plus it was highly uncomfortable and unwanted.

Felix helped Magnus break off the last of the better branches from the tree, carefully staying away from the big dog's touch the entire time. He mock-wiped his brow purely for effect, as if he were tired, and then bent down and heaved up a branch. It was thick enough that he could hardly put his arms around it. Of course, his wingspan wasn't even close to a human's, or Magnus', for that matter, but still. The thing was pretty thick. "Okay, Magnus, grab as many of the branches we cleared that you can, and come this way." He motioned back towards where they had come, and started half-dragging his branch in that direction. Behind him, he heard a stale grinding of wood against wood, and looked back over his shoulder. Magnus held three of the branches in his arms, balanced precariously one on top of the other. Felix had to try not to ogle. This one branch was hard enough to lift by itself. Felix really couldn't get the whole thing off the ground, though that was partially because the thing was too long, taller than he was. But still, the dog made him feel weak, in comparison. Magnus had three whole branches lifted off the ground. They had to be almost as tall as the Great Dane, and as thick as the one Felix held. Magnus started lumbering after him, feet digging into the meager grass, and passed easily by Felix as the raccoon dragged his sole branch away. They eventually got to the original place they had started at, by the river, and dumped their wood on the ground. Truthfully, they should probably cut the things down a little, they were so long. Of course, if two raccoons, a Scottish Terrier, and Magnus, plus Tory, were all going to fit on one raft, if only for a couple minutes, they would need as much room as they could get. They returned to the forest for a second trip, on the idea that it was better to have more than enough wood than not enough at all.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 8:40 pm
by Buckdida
(OOC: Cier and Venison's conversation happens before Ven's conversation with Rav.)
Cier wrote:"Escape? What was so bad about it that you would need to escape? I doubt it was particularly abusive if they let you read books as much as it sounds like you did."
"And internet, too. They let me use a computer, and I learned some human high school level things. Basic physics, algebra. All of it's been fairly helpful. But on the internet, you can find things you can't see in books, like picking a lock, or making a Molotov cocktail, sneaking helped give me an edge over others while I was trying to survive..." Venison kept talking, hoping that Cier wouldn't pick up on the fact he was avoiding the subject (OOC: Unlikely, CHA 2!) and that Rav or someone would interrupt. Lucky for him, Rav did...

Keeshah wrote:Rav pins back his ears as he droops his tail down between his legs. looking hurt an dejected, he walks along quietly for several steps trying to hold back his tears. once he gets his emotions under control he replies.
I was just trying to keep you safe, an hopefully keep things like what just happened back there from happening....
Rav walks along quietly again, wiping his eyes. then adds..
it's reversible, it has a non-reflective flat black back side, that you can turn out. So it won't give you away when your sneaking about.
Rav slinks over to walk with Cier an Sean, with his tail dragging.
"Rav! Don't give me that! You know very darn well that I don't want to wear a collar. I don't like being tied down to any one place. I don't..."
Venison's thoughts stop in their tracks as he hears a struggle coming from under the bridge he was standing on, followed by yet another animal control officer dragging a somewhat familiar cat into the back of a van.

"Okay, FINE. I'll wear it for now. JUST for now." Venison reached into the bag, wrapped his hand around the red collar, and pulled it out. He hadn't noticed the small deer tag until now. "Rav SERIOUSLY?!? The tag?!? I just..." Venison was interrupted as a cage rattled around for a moment before a loud distinct slam.

'I'm doing this to avoid animal control, I'm doing this to avoid animal control, I'm doing this to avoid animal control, I'm doing this to avoid animal control, I'm doing this to avoid animal control, I'm doing this to avoid animal control...'

The collar hadn't been adjusted to his neck size yet, and just as well; Venison quickly slipped it over his head, letting rest loosely around his neck, drooping slightly down onto his chest.

The light red streak just above his muzzle was no longer "light."

"I'm going to the park," Venison quickly blurted out, and then proceeded to move as fast as he had talked. 'This weird emotion again. This **** weird emotion. Go away! GO AWAY!'

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:29 pm
by Keeshah
Buckdida wrote: "Rav! Don't give me that! You know very darn well that I don't want to wear a collar. I don't like being tied down to any one place. I don't..."

Rav continues to walk along silently with Cier an Sean, feeling sad an rejected as possible, as venison continues to berate him for daring to have given him a collar as a gift.
Buckdida wrote: "Okay, FINE. I'll wear it for now. JUST for now." Venison reached into the bag, wrapped his hand around the red collar, and pulled it out. He hadn't noticed the small deer tag until now. "Rav SERIOUSLY?!? The tag?!? I just..." Venison was interrupted as a cage rattled around for a moment before a loud distinct slam.

Rav looked up, from where he had been hanging his head down..
An whats wrong with the tag, it's a deer just like your...
Rav jumps as the cage door slams.. What animal control right on top of us.. How did they get so close without seeing them, or did we walk up on them, while not even being aware of it?
Buckdida wrote: The collar hadn't been adjusted to his neck size yet, and just as well; Venison quickly slipped it over his head, letting rest loosely around his neck, drooping slightly down onto his chest.

Rav looks over venison strangely.. He seems like .. well like a pet now, instead of a fur covered human..
Rav resists the urge to ask why he is wearing it now, after just making such a fuss over it.
Rav was still deeply hurting an didn't want to argue an say something he would regret later. besides there was a more pressing problem, as in putting distance between him an the animal control ..
The light red streak just above his muzzle was no longer "light."
(OOC.. blushing or anger streak?)
"I'm going to the park," Venison quickly blurted out, and then proceeded to move as fast as he had talked. 'This weird emotion again. This **** weird emotion. Go away! GO AWAY!'
Yes sir, right on your tail.Rav replies, follow the coydog closely into the park.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:48 am
by Kalvin
Lucky is standing by, almost ready to respond to Venison, but then realizing that Venison is embarrassed instead of angry. He quietly follows, looking over his shoulder at the animal control officer, not really taking in the full situation over there.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:24 pm
by Djinn
Djinn is just being locked up, the loop at the end of the pole removed from his neck when...
Dylan wrote:What in the world do you think you are doing?
"Oh thank god! I was worried I was about to-" The animal control officer hit the cage softly to get him quiet. "I currently apprehending a known and regular suspect. We have been after this little monster for about a month now and he has continued to evade us." The animal control has a slight drawl in his speak. "Oh please, you're just a piece of $%#& who wasn't good enough to be a real cop!"

(Apparently I wasn't clear enough, I meant Djinn was being strangled on the end of one of those pole things. Not like barehanded.)

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:26 pm
by ArgentFlame
Cier was about to tell Venison that he hadn't answered his first question when Venison was distracted by Rav, and was in the process of explaining why he didn't want the collar Rav had gotten him when he noticed the animal control van, quickly put the collar on, looking highly embarrassed, and took off running. At the same time, Sean noticed the animal control van and also took off running in the direction of the park. Cier sighed and started jogging after them.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:35 pm
by ToastyJester
Caroline nods and says, "Well okay then. That was my backup plan in case no one knew." She looks around the lobby a bit, curious as to why Jester finds this place so appealing, and drinks down her water.

Meanwhile, Jester searches every cupboard and corner for his spare tags, throwing empty boxes around the room and leaving a complete mess. After a few minutes of reckless searching, he lifts up his mattress and says, "Finally!" He picks up the tags and spends a little bit of time hooking them onto his collar. He heads out of his room and down the hall, then inspects his tags as he heads down the stairs.

Jester walks back into the lobby and finds his company standing, or in Sasha's case sitting, and says, "Okay now I'm bored, so Octavian think of something to do, I'm going to get myself some toast. I'll be back shortly." He turns around again and heads off, making his way past a few people heading into theaters, and into the kitchen, where he promptly begins the process of creating toast.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:21 pm
by Alex
Rachel wrote:Besides, I didn't do anything besides come over and eat some of your chips.
But that means a lot to me. You woke up earlier and are giving up your time so you could be with me, and watch over me. That's quite a lot. - said Alex, before his stomach growled again. Just then, Matthew came out of the kitchen, carrying a plate with pancakes and syrup, then setting it on the table in front of Alex. He moved to a sitting position, and threw the blanket over his shoulders.
Matthew wrote:Bon appétit! And there's plenty of batter left over; a couple more will be out in a few more minutes.
Thanks, Matt. I don't think more will be necessary... I don't eat a lot.
Without further delaying, Alex started eating, and the pancakes in front of him were gone soon, but it wasn't enough to calm his hunger. It was fine, though, Matthew said that more are coming soon. On the other hand, Alex doesn't want to bother the dog anymore, so what to do? After a couple of seconds of thinking, he figured it would be best to stay quiet over this, and let the dog do whatever he wants.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:28 pm
by Dylan
Pyxis faced pawed as soon as he saw Djinn under arrest with animal control, and at the same time the the dogs he was following immediately ran towards the park. Really! That is just I'm going to lose that dog...But Djinn is more important. He almost stood up when he noticed Amelia walk over towards the officer. Hey, you can't take him! He is a pet in our household! Pyxis gave a sigh of relief, Amelia could handle this. Amelia had her hands at her side, one of them in her bag, Look I know you have your job and all, but I can't let you take that cat.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:59 pm
by Teh Brawler
caelei wrote:Sorry for being so unstable with my emotions. I had an interesting encounter with my father this morning, and it kinda set a bad precedent for the entire day. So, this all we need?
"Aye, tha's i', othere then the lohgs yur brotheres are ge'in," O'Connor said, beginning to head back to the river.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:29 pm
by caelei
"Aye, tha's i', othere then the lohgs yur brotheres are ge'in," O'Connor said, beginning to head back to the river.
Pavelle followed, face feeling a little tight with the smile she still held. She let it relax a little, adjusting the rope she held so that none of it would drag on the ground. "So. Do you have a sort of design for the raft in mind...?"

Felix and Magnus brought the last of the wood over to their pile. Felix huffed out a breath, a little tuckered out after dragging his portion of the wood. Magnus bounced around him, ears perked up, happy. "More stuff to fetch?" he asked excitedly, and Felix gave him a death glare that Magnus didn't see. Instead of answering, the raccoon just sat atop the pile, hands on knees. Phew. He was getting out of shape. Suddenly, Magnus stopped his prancing, head pointing in one direction. And then he started sprinting as fast as he could. "Veeeeennnniiiissooooooon!!!....?" His excited yell garbled off as he reached the Coydog. He halted from his sprint, nearly tripping himself up. He looked the dog up and down. It looked like Venison. But it wasn't. His eyes focused on the new collar, too large for the dog but there all the same. "I thought... you..." he frowned, and scratched his head with one hand, confused. "You know a dog named Venison?" he asked suspiciously, cocking his head. Maybe Venison had a twin brother, like Pavelle!

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:34 pm
by Jimmy Jazz
ToastyJester wrote:"Okay now I'm bored, so Octavian think of something to do, I'm going to get myself some toast. I'll be back shortly." He turns around again and heads off, making his way past a few people heading into theaters, and into the kitchen, where he promptly begins the process of creating toast.
Octavian looks after Jester for a moment a little confused then starts thinking "Well, we could always try to steal a Biplane" Octavian says grinning at his own joke. "We could... Walk in the woods... go back to the park... go to the coffee shop and see if it's closed or not... Lumber Jacking... heh..." Octavian smiled at his mention of Lumber Jacking. "Or we could share some sort of stories... oh so many choices" he said rubbing his forehead. "Oh, lets go to the park and decide on the way, how about that?" he called into the kitchen.

During the entire scene all Sekhmet did was look around the building wondering what most of the things where. she got up and walked towards a long machine with a seat in it and a wheel along with a large screen in front of both, while the other one had Bright red and blue plastic gun looking things sticking out of them. she moved on past the tall box thing and saw a glass box perched atop another metal box with a board that had a stick poking out of it and a large red circle button-like thing. she looked around at Octavian and Caroline and asked "What are these?" pointing at the three oddity's.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 2:40 am
by Buckdida
caelei wrote:"Veeeeennnniiiissooooooon!!!....?" His excited yell garbled off as he reached the Coydog. He halted from his sprint, nearly tripping himself up. He looked the dog up and down. It looked like Venison. But it wasn't. His eyes focused on the new collar, too large for the dog but there all the same. "I thought... you..." he frowned, and scratched his head with one hand, confused. "You know a dog named Venison?" he asked suspiciously, cocking his head. Maybe Venison had a twin brother, like Pavelle!
Venison tried to smile despite the fact his eye was periodically twitching with sheer, unbridled anger. 'Magnus wouldn't know any better. Magnus wouldn't know any better.' "Thissss...isss....Venissssonnnnn...." Venison tried to speak with his jaw clenched shut. He wouldn't be yelling at Magnus. No, he'd do all he could to keep from opening his jaw, because that would surely result in yelling, and biting the head off of anyone who got too close. The blush on Venison's face was humongous. "'" Venison's eye and tail twitched simultaneously.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:42 am
by Keeshah
Buckdida wrote:
caelei wrote:"Veeeeennnniiiissooooooon!!!....?" His excited yell garbled off as he reached the Coydog. He halted from his sprint, nearly tripping himself up. He looked the dog up and down. It looked like Venison. But it wasn't. His eyes focused on the new collar, too large for the dog but there all the same. "I thought... you..." he frowned, and scratched his head with one hand, confused. "You know a dog named Venison?" he asked suspiciously, cocking his head. Maybe Venison had a twin brother, like Pavelle!
Venison tried to smile despite the fact his eye was periodically twitching with sheer, unbridled anger. 'Magnus wouldn't know any better. Magnus wouldn't know any better.' "Thissss...isss....Venissssonnnnn...." Venison tried to speak with his jaw clenched shut. He wouldn't be yelling at Magnus. No, he'd do all he could to keep from opening his jaw, because that would surely result in yelling, and biting the head off of anyone who got too close. The blush on Venison's face was humongous. "'" Venison's eye and tail twitched simultaneously.

Rav looked up as magus come bounding at the group of dogs, Howling venison's name as he came running up.
Rav scampered off to the side out of the line of fire, if the Dane made a tackle-hug upon the coydog, but he brought himself to a skidding stop just in time.
His hurt an depressed mood lifting as Magnus was getting the better of a brightly redden an yet stiffened standing an growling coydog... As he noticed his new collar..

No no, It's the same old venison.. He is just deploying some "Pet camouflage" to keep from being picked up as a stray by animal control.. altho i think he looks dashing an smart in it..
Rav fluffs up his new Deep Green an tan puppy paw scarf, showing it off to Magnus to distract him from the stressing Coydog.
look I'm a male again!! Well actually i haven't done any tests, but i'm almost sure i am.. I think.. still swishy altho.. Hmmm

How about a Group Hug!!???

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:20 pm
by ArgentFlame
Cier continued to follow Venison until Magnus arrived and began talking to Venison, who was obviously angry for some reason. He stopped, listening to the other dogs talk.

Sean ran for several minutes, and finally stopped when he looked back and saw that animal control hadn't followed him, he also noticed that he seemed to have passed the group he was with, and was now down past the park, near the other bridge.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:24 am
by ToastyJester
Jester listens to all of Octavian's ideas, then says, "Yeah okay. I'm rooting for stealing the biplane though." Just then his toast pops out of the toaster and he quickly butters it up, then heads back out to the lobby.
Jimmy Jazz wrote:"What are these?"
Caroline looks in Sasha's direction and sees the three machines, then says, "Oh those are games. You pay a quarter or two to play them and pass time." Caroline walks over to the racing game and says, "This is a generic race car game. You hold the wheel, and press down on the pedal to move. That's pretty much it." She walks to the shooting game and says, "This is a shooting game, after you put in a quarter the game should start and you pick up one of these." She pulls out one of the guns and clicks the trigger while pointing at the screen. She finally moves onto the crane game and says, "This is the "Skill" crane. You basically move the crane thingy with the stick and press the button to make it drop. Most of the time it's nearly impossible, but from time to time you can actually win a toy." She looks inside the crane game and is unimpressed with the stuffed animals and toys lying inside.

While Caroline explains the three games to Sasha, Jester munches on his toast and waits for them to finish up so they could leave and steal that plane. "Man we're gonna fly all over the place with that plane..." he says to himself out loud.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:37 pm
by Missingo
When the next pancakes were almost ready, Matthew came and took Alex' plate; there was no need to dirty another dish. He dished the pancakes onto the plate and again garnished them with a slice of butter and powdered sugar. He came out of the kitchen and set the plate in front of Alex. He took a seat at the table near Alex. "So how is it?" Matthew asked, grinning.~

Rachel didn't have anything to say to this; she really hadn't done anything. Waking up? Only an extremely insensitive person would ignore a phone call like that and go back to sleep. And coming over to be with a friend instead of being stuck in her room seemed like something one would do out of their own self interest. But if he wanted to be grateful, she would just let him be grateful. She hopped over to the table on her good leg, carefully balancing so she wouldn't fall over, and took a seat next to Alex.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 6:12 pm
by Alex
Alex grabbed the fork and the knife immediately after Matthew placed the pancakes in front of him, but before he started eating, both Matt and Rachel sat next to him, on the opposite sites. This made him nervous. They may have saved him, but they were still dogs, and having two dogs this close was wrong, at least for him. While thinking about this situation, and possibly becoming more friendly with dogs, his stomach gave yet another growl. A red streak appeared on his face, before he started eating the pancakes very fast. They were gone after a short amount of time, and it was enough to calm the hunger.
Man, these were delicious. Thanks, Matt! *Turns to Rachel* I... Uh, is something wrong? - he asked, after noticing her, in a state of deep thinking, as it seemed. Perhaps she's bored? A feeling of guilt appeared in his chests. A guest being bored would just make him look like a bad host, wouldn't it?
Would you guys like me to get the Nintendo Wii downstairs, so you can play? It's a 5 minutes job. Or the guitar? Or I can get the other instruments from the basement, if you want. Or I can turn the TV on.
Alex already removed the blanket, and stood up slowly, but he got dizzy again, so he grabbed Rachel's shoulder to avoid falling down. After a couple of seconds the dizziness was gone, so Alex shook his head, ready to go get the things.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 6:13 pm
by caelei
The confused expression dropped off Magnus' face, to be replaced with a happy smile, which then faltered as he finally realized that Venison looked livid. He stared at the Coydog guiltiy, wondering what he had done, and the look on Venison's face reminded Magnus all too much of the one his father had worn his morning. He nearly let out a small whine, but cut it off, not wanting to further his friend's anger.

Felix said nothing, no reaction clear on his face, but for some reason, he was feeling a little annoyed. It might have just been because it was Venison, but Felix wasn't pleased with the anger the Coydog was clearly showing to Magnus. He cleanched one fist, popping his knuckles testily, trying not to wince as he did. Why was popping knuckles a habit humans learned? It didn't feel pleasant; almost the opposite. He watched Venison, wondering idly why he cared if he was making Magnus feel bad.
No no, It's the same old venison.. He is just deploying some "Pet camouflage" to keep from being picked up as a stray by animal control.. altho i think he looks dashing an smart in it..
Rav fluffs up his new Deep Green an tan puppy paw scarf, showing it off to Magnus to distract him from the stressing Coydog.
look I'm a male again!! Well actually i haven't done any tests, but i'm almost sure i am.. I think.. still swishy altho.. Hmmm

How about a Group Hug!!???
Pet camoflauge? Magnus had no inkling of what "camoflauge" was, but he wasn't going to say anything. He then looked obediently at Rav's new scarf, and a bit of his fear of upsetting Venison diminished as he became curious, again, of the whole male vs. female thing. You could get changed back and forth so easily, quickly? And then a connection zapped in Magnus' brain. Oh. Ohhhhhhhhh. Was that why Venison was so irritable? Because Rav, who may-or-may-not be his mating partner, got changed back from a girl to a guy? It kinda made sense. He looked at Venison, then back to Rav, and shrugged. And then he remembered "Group Hug", and a bright smile lit up his face. He put one arm around a startled Felix, who swore under his breath and immediately tried uselessly pushing away from Magnus' strength, and wrapped the other around Rav, huddling Venison's form in between. "Group Hug!" he proclaimed, squeezing them all a little too tightly to his sides, crushing the air out of Felix's lungs and making the raccoon see stars.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 12:00 am
by Buckdida
Keeshah wrote:How about a Group Hug!!???
Venison turned to Rav, giving him a 'I think you've done enough look...' And opened his mouth to speak.

"Group hug?!?! What are you, h-"
Venison was swept up into Magnus' arms before he could react, as Rav had distracted him. Trapped in a full-bodylock-hug, Venison could only look around in embarrassment, with the large red streak still plastered across his face. At least he wasn't alone. Felix had also been swept up.

"Hey," Venison said to Felix. "Doing okay?" It was hard for Venison to stay angry. Magnus didn't know any better, and it was thus hard to say that Magnus had any alterior motives than to make Venison feel better, and Venison calmed down from angry, to slightly annoyed...but still very embarrassed. He tried to sigh, but Magnus' grip was too tight to allow breathing!

"Auuukk! Alright, alright! I feel a little better. Can you put us down now?"

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 1:42 am
by Keeshah
Buckdida wrote:
Keeshah wrote:How about a Group Hug!!???
Venison turned to Rav, giving him a 'I think you've done enough look...' And opened his mouth to speak.

"Group hug?!?! What are you, h-"
Venison was swept up into Magnus' arms before he could react, as Rav had distracted him. Trapped in a full-bodylock-hug, Venison could only look around in embarrassment, with the large red streak still plastered across his face. At least he wasn't alone. Felix had also been swept up.

"Hey," Venison said to Felix. "Doing okay?" It was hard for Venison to stay angry. Magnus didn't know any better, and it was thus hard to say that Magnus had any alterior motives than to make Venison feel better, and Venison calmed down from angry, to slightly annoyed...but still very embarrassed. He tried to sigh, but Magnus' grip was too tight to allow breathing!

"Auuukk! Alright, alright! I feel a little better. Can you put us down now?"

Rav counter hugs with the group, enjoying the brief moment of closeness bonding with the other pets.
Yea Hugs!!!He barks happily

Ok better turn them free my dear Magnus.. remember some pets don't like being touched or held, an will only tolerate it for a very short time..Barks Rav, Giving Magnus a lick on his twitching nose. Rav is seemingly able to to take being held in Magnus's crushing grip better then the others are...
Well, now that everyone is together an happy again, what have you all been up too while we were away?
Wagging his tail a mile a minute behind him.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 9:31 am
by caelei
"Hey, doing okay?

Felix swiveled his gaze to Venison, but didn't say anything since he was too busy trying to find breath and shimmy out of Magnus' arms to talk. He did, however, find himself sneering.

Magnus was so caught up in the hugging that he had partially forgotten what he was doing. So his grip loosened a bit when Rav talked, though not enough to let anyone free.
Ok better turn them free my dear Magnus.. remember some pets don't like being touched or held, an will only tolerate it for a very short time..
This sentence, coupled with Venison's...
"Auuukk! Alright, alright! I feel a little better. Can you put us down now?"
...thoroughly convinced him to release his buddies. He did so, gently, so that the sudden release wouldn't trip them up and send them sprawling to the ground. He was pleased to find that Venison's anger had been reduced, but Felix seemed to have reacted the opposite way. Magnus gave the raccoon a small, sad look as Felix stormed a couple feet away, going towards the wood pile that Magnus had run from to greet his friends, keeping carefully out of Magnus' reach the entire time. Felix kept telling himself repeatedly, fuming, that Edie would be upset with him if he broke some of Magnus' fingers as a reminder not to touch. He also kept rubbing his arms and sides where Magnus had touched him, like he had been contaminated with some form of pet-born disease.
Well, now that everyone is together an happy again, what have you all been up too while we were away?

Magnus looked at Rav a minute, thinking, trying to remember. His eyes strayed towards the retreating Felix, and then at the wood pile. He suddenly remembered. "Oh!" he said, and then sprinted after the raccoon. He rushed past Felix, who, out of instinct jumped a mile to the side to clear the way, and grabbed one of the large pieces of lumber, spinning in place, (and almost taking out Felix with the end of the branch; luckily, Felix ducked) afterwards running back to the group with the log over his shoulder. He plunked it down in front of them, as if they had said "fetch", and smiled, tail wagging. "Me and Felix found sticks!" he said excitedly, gesturing proudly back to the large pile of wood, near which Felix sat on the ground, muttering to himself.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:28 pm
by Djinn
The officer shakes his head. "Sorry, he's got no tags and is a known stray. I have to take him in. Nothing I can do about it. I can't do anything but if you want you can send your owners to the animal shelter to speak with my superiors." Rolling his eyes, Djinn sits back. "Well, that looks like it for me then." While the officer is distracted he extends a claw and starts fiddling with the lock.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:10 pm
by ArgentFlame
Cier manages to avoid getting caught up in the huge dog's crushing hug. He smiles when the hug seems to cheer Venison up.
Caelei wrote:"Me and Felix found sticks!"
'That's what he considers a stick?' Cier looks at the pile of wood, then at Magnus. "So, What are you doing with those?"

Sean continued walking, glad to be away from the other animals for awhile.'Cier's not around. Now's my chance to get that mouse.' He made his way back to Cier's house, and was about to open the door when he stopped. 'Wait, if do something now, he's bound to find out about it, and then he might kick me out. I'll have to wait until that mouse is no longer here.' He sighed and turned around. 'Maybe I should just go back to the park.'

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:24 am
by Dylan
Djinn wrote:The officer shakes his head. "Sorry, he's got no tags and is a known stray. I have to take him in. Nothing I can do about it. I can't do anything but if you want you can send your owners to the animal shelter to speak with my superiors." Rolling his eyes, Djinn sits back. "Well, that looks like it for me then." While the officer is distracted he extends a claw and starts fiddling with the lock.
Amelia smiles at Djinn messing with the lock. Well, I know you have your job and all, but wouldn't it just be a lot easier for the both of us if you just hand him over...or should I just start yelling dad right now?

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:26 am
by caelei
"So, What are you doing with those?"
Magnus smiled at Cier, really excited now. "Me and Felix and Pavelle and O'Connor and Tory are all gonna build a... build a... a..." he frowned, having forgotten the word, and looked back over at Felix. "Felix, what're we building again?" Magnus asked, and the raccoon stopped his muttering enough to stormily call over the word 'raft'. "Oh yeah!" Magnus said, "A raft! To go in the water." He pointed at the river, tail wagging.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:44 pm
by Teh Brawler
caelei wrote:"So. Do you have a sort of design for the raft in mind...?"
"If buy 'desuign, ye mean some lohgs tuied tegether with the rope." O'Connor chuckled at his joke. "Ahctualleh, wei muight want teh ge' a blade o' some sort to cu' inteh the log, so tha' the rope won' come awff. Aneh ideas where we culd ge' somethin' luike tha'?"

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 4:47 pm
by Djinn
Djinn keeps fiddling about with it, then shrugs, not really having any idea what he was doing but he's seen other animals do it before. Sitting back begrudgedly he sighs. "Look, you can bring you dad out here and I'll tell him the same thing. Besides he'll be up for adoption at the animal shelter, it's not like we're going to put him down."

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 6:05 pm
by Dylan
Amelia looked unbelieving at the animal control officer, Look can you just hand him over? I don't want this day to get any worse mister and I'm in horrible mood already.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 6:53 pm
by Jimmy Jazz
ToastyJester wrote:"Yeah okay. I'm rooting for stealing the biplane though."
Octavian laughed "I'm not even sure if there is a Biplane anywhere near by" he said grinning and looking around to find Sasha. he saw her looking at the Arcade games in the corner, he walked over remembering his train of thought from when he was back at the river. Why do I feel like I've met her... he thought walking up behind Caroline and Sasha.
ToastyJester wrote:"Oh those are games. You pay a quarter or two to play them and pass time."This is a generic race car game. You hold the wheel, and press down on the pedal to move. That's pretty much it. This is a shooting game, after you put in a quarter the game should start and you pick up one of these." She pulls out one of the guns and clicks the trigger while pointing at the screen. She finally moves onto the crane game and says, "This is the "Skill" crane. You basically move the crane thinggy with the stick and press the button to make it drop. Most of the time it's nearly impossible, but from time to time you can actually win a toy." She looks inside the crane game and is unimpressed with the stuffed animals and toys lying inside.
"Ah.. uhm... okay..." she said pretending to know most of what Caroline said. she turned around and gasped a "Oh!" in surprise, Octavian was standing right behind her "I didn't hear you walk up" she said taking a step back from Octavian. "So, uhm... lets go?" she said pointing towards the door. You would... SHOULD get angry at that! part of her mind yelled at her Why?... asked another quieter voice. Sekhmet shook her head and thought Shut up, just shut up... oh what am I doing... she thought walking towards the theatre doors. Not going insane, not going insane she thought pushing the door open and walking out.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 3:41 am
by Keeshah
caelei wrote:
"So, What are you doing with those?"
Magnus smiled at Cier, really excited now. "Me and Felix and Pavelle and O'Connor and Tory are all gonna build a... build a... a..." he frowned, having forgotten the word, and looked back over at Felix. "Felix, what're we building again?" Magnus asked, and the raccoon stopped his muttering enough to stormily call over the word 'raft'. "Oh yeah!" Magnus said, "A raft! To go in the water." He pointed at the river, tail wagging.

Rav managed to coil his tail into a question mark form.
Your making a raft to go rafting on..?? for how many pets?
Rav frowned..
from what i've watched of construction shows on TV.. it's going to take a lot of logs lashed together to support just one person.. does this rafting crew have any ax's? saws? a sharp knife? or lots of rope? An this is going to take a great deal of time to build as well..
Rav ponders, the pet supply store has all the tools they would need, but there not to happy with the pets right now..
He rubs Magnus's shoulders as he rains on there rafting plans...
Now if we had some air tight, 30 or 55 gal drums, we would have a lot more floatation ability, an lesser weight of the raft as well. meaning it could carry a lot more pets.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:37 pm
by ArgentFlame
While the others were discussing how best to build a raft, Cier noticed that Sean was no longer with the group. He looked around, but didn't see his brother anywhere, he did however see Pavelle and O'Connor walking towards the group. He tuened to the other pets "If you would excuse me, Sean seems to have wandered off somewhere, I'm going to go look for him."

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:43 pm
by caelei
"If buy 'desuign, ye mean some lohgs tuied tegether with the rope. Ahctualleh, wei muight want teh ge' a blade o' some sort to cu' inteh the log, so tha' the rope won' come awff. Aneh ideas where we culd ge' somethin' luike tha'?"
Pavelle shurgged at O'Connor's question. "Ummmm..." she said, thinking back, though she had never been to a store with any type of hardware. Of course, she hadn't been to too many stores, either. Just a couple in the city, small pawnshops, and occasionally giftshops or a supermarket. Nothing big or impressive. She did, however, think that other pets might know. Like maybe Cier. Or Rachel? They had lived here for a while, right? "I don't honestly know," she answered truthfully, after the pause, "Maybe we should get some help..." her voice trailed off as she looked up, noticing that the group of pets left behind had multiplied. "Well, that's handy," she said, gesturing at the group as they walked towards it.
Your making a raft to go rafting on..?? for how many pets?
from what i've watched of construction shows on TV.. it's going to take a lot of logs lashed together to support just one person.. does this rafting crew have any ax's? saws? a sharp knife? or lots of rope? An this is going to take a great deal of time to build as well..
Now if we had some air tight, 30 or 55 gal drums, we would have a lot more floatation ability, an lesser weight of the raft as well. meaning it could carry a lot more pets.
Magnus marveled at Rav, enjoying the shoulder rub with a wagging tail, but he was still dumbfounded. Ax's? Saw's? Drums? Didn't Alex have drums? Or were they someone else's? Magnus wondered briefly if the cat would let him borrow the drums, so that their raft would float better. Maybe. But he didn't understand why an instrument would help something float? The magic of music? His expression twisted into confusion. "Drums? Do we need a pi-an-o, too?" Though he doubted that a piano would float. Huh. If logs floated, other stuff could too, he supposed. Felix, meanwhile, pricked his ears up at Rav's suggestions, saying nothing, but snickered at Magnus silently to himself. A piano? Even he knew that that wouldn't do them any good, and it wasn't like he had spent his lifetime familiarizing himself with human-made instruments.

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 12:03 am
by Teh Brawler
O'Connor looked up to see the large group of pets that had come to the river, including Rav and Venison. Then he noticed Venison's collar, and snorted, trying to keep from laughing. Tory, on the other hand, flew over, and cried, "Nice collar, Beefcake! You gotta knife we could use???"

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:16 am
by Keeshah
caelei wrote: Magnus marveled at Rav, enjoying the shoulder rub with a wagging tail, but he was still dumbfounded. Ax's? Saw's? Drums? Didn't Alex have drums? Or were they someone else's? Magnus wondered briefly if the cat would let him borrow the drums, so that their raft would float better. Maybe. But he didn't understand why an instrument would help something float? The magic of music? His expression twisted into confusion. "Drums? Do we need a pi-an-o, too?"

Huh what? a piano? what are you talking about? A piano would just sink the raft..
Rav yaroops, tilting his head off to the side in canine confusion.
No no not musical drums, oil drums. you know like Barrels! Like what they use for trash cans in the park, only with lids..

*** meanwhile ***

Sara leaves the town hall meeting, an heads over to the Movie house..

Re: Pet Friendly-Richardson Valley

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 11:35 am
by Djinn
The animal control officer sighs. "Look, I can give you the address of the animal shelter but it's my job to do this. I'd like to help you, I really would but I don't have much of a choice." Djinn sighs in response as the officer writes down the address on his notepad and hands it to Amelia. "Just do me a favor and stay out of trouble." He closes the doors as Djinn starts to say, "I'll be fine, just don't waste any time getting there." With that the officer drives off with Djinn reclining in the back with a sigh.