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Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:45 pm
by RockstarRaccoon
Sid looked at Sam and sighed, feeling stupid, "Yeah, you're right. I should try to start being less violent now." He went to Rocky, getting in his way and stopping him, "Look, Rocky, right? I understand why you're so angry, this guy sounds like a real jerk, but your brother is bleeding all over the place. You should carry him inside and see if you can deal with that wound or else he could be in trouble pretty soon. Alright? Felix can wait until later."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:58 pm
by thrasherblades
RockstarRaccoon wrote: ---------------- Meanwhile.... ----------------
Rikki nodded, "Alright then, just making sure, 'cause, well..." he jingled his state-issue tags, "you know..."
"So, target practice? That sounds like a good idea, just let me get somethin' to eat first. You still haven't gotten me that extra-rare burger..." he gave a still-friendly smile.
"Oh that's right! Almost forgot!" Robert said as he hastily hoisted the patty put of the grill and put it between to buns, squirting some mustard and putting tomatoes. He gave the burger to the raccoon and got him a can of coke as well. "'ve got any experience with guns?" Robert asked.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:02 am
by RockstarRaccoon
Rikki grinned, taking the burger, "Me? Oh yeah, Jack wanted someone to practice with him in the shooting-range underneath the Ranger's Station, so he taught me how to use all the guns in the armory. I'm a great shot with everything, you got any high-caliber revolvers dow there?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:13 am
by thrasherblades
"Revolvers, pistols, shotguns, you name it, I got 'em all down there buddy." Robert said, pointing to the door in the kitchen which led to the underground range. "Wow, never thought a station ranger would teach a raccoon how to shoot. He's like your friend ain't he?" Robert said. "Hey, lemme show somethin'.." He sipped the last drops of beer and ran down to the range, returning a few minutes later with his custom Desert Eagle. He then showed it to Rikki. "Ain't she a beauty?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:19 am
by Zander
Rocky fumed down a bit.
"yeah I guess your right..." he looked down at Cales wounds. He let go of Cale and bent down, picking him up. He started to head back to his house.

(last post for tonight)

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:23 am
by RockstarRaccoon
Rikki took the gun, flipping open the chamber and letting out the clip, making sure it wasn't loaded before he examined it, weighing it in his hand. "It is a nice weapon, seems to have good center of gravity and all that. I'm not too big on the differences between guns though," he shut it and handed it back, "I just shoot them."
He went back to the previous subject, "Jack and I have been best friends for over a year now, after an incident with a mountain lion that got into the preserve. I live with him down at the station, and I end up helping him alot, hence the service-animal tags." He jingled them again, "Like I said, he wanted someone to practice with, and I was around."

---------------- Meanwhile, in front... ----------------
Sid tilted his head as Rocky just picked up Cale and walked off. "Well that was easy...." He walked back over to Sam, putting his arm over her shoulders again, "Hey, thanks for stopping me back there, I was feeling a little giddy I guess..."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:46 am
by Neko
Sam leaned into Sid's touch,"You're welcome, what are girlfriends for right? I'd really like to find Zeke though...Hopefully the owners won't mind us barging in." She took his hand and lead him to the house.

Cale looked up to Rocky, "Hey uh, thanks for... not beating up that cat and for"Due to Cale's constant movement and applying pressure to his foot he had caused the wound in his foot to reopen. It made the bandages get loose and soaked with blood. He had been slowly loosing blood ever since the fight had ended causing him to get lightheaded (not to mention he lost a good bit of blood from that morning). Cale laid his head back, starting to feel not so swell. "Ugh, I'm starting to see stars..."

(Note: Mrs.Patterson left for the grocery store, leaving the house locked, so Rocky can't get inside.)

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:52 am
by RockstarRaccoon
Sid moved beside her and put his arm over her shoulder, walking through the front door with her, "Looks like an open party or something to me..."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:53 am
by Neko
Sam looked around the room, not seeing anyone. "Everyone must be in the backyard."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:55 am
by RockstarRaccoon
"Well, that seems to be where the food is at..." he made a note to grab a snack later. "Let's head over there." He began moving towards the back door...

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:01 am
DarkHeartsAndSuch wrote:"Nice to meet you, Pifer." Kytes took another bite of the burger and then glanced over at where Pifer did. "No, I don't think so."
Pifer squinted at the cat. Some fox girl from before was taking him inside now. "You sure?" Pifer looked back at Kytes, then squinted even harder at the other cat. "Huh... I can't tell you housepets apart." Something else caught his attention at the house then. More pets were coming out of the back door. "Wait!" Pifer exclaimed, pointing at them. "That's him right?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:05 am
by Neko
Sam looked around the backyard as they reached the backdoor, seeing all kinds of pets. She pulled Sid along as she walked out looking for Zeke. I hope he didn't get mad and run off...

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:10 am
by RockstarRaccoon
Sid looked around: there were alot of pets out there, and he couldn't really see them all. He sniffed the air, but he couldn't seem to pick out Zeke's smell. "I don't think he's out here..." he said, "I thought I smelled him in the house though, so he must be in there." He looked over by the grill, "Oh, hey, there's Kytes. I should go talk to him... you gonna be able to find him by yourself?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:28 am
by Neko
"Uh, sure." Sam hugged Sid before turning and heading back inside. Hmmm...*sniff sniff* Yea, he's here some where.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:36 am
by CY_Law
JOFOXX wrote: "So, what are we going to do now, hon?" Ian rolled his eyes, trying and failing to ignore the energetic blue tom that was following him down the street. Terry hadn't stopped talking since they left Xuan's house, ..........
Atari wrote:"Well... uh... hi," Kyra said to Xuan, not sure what else to say. You might just make it out of this alive, Kyra, just maybe.But first, what do I do!? She stood awkwardly, not sure of what direction to take, or what to do.
"*Phew!* That was some good matches we had, I can't believe you actually "check-mate" me so many times! You're good considering you are a first-timer," Xuan said after Kyra beat him a few times in the chess game. ((Don't care about the stats here now okay? @_@))

"Hmm... now that Ian and Terry had left some time ago, seeing that it won't rain until later according to the forecast," Xuan approaches the front door, indicating that he is going out too.

"Come on, maybe we should get out too instead of staying here," Xuan continues while he opens the door.

Xuan's nose immediately picks up a smell, "Hmm do I smell a barbecue? And it's close, Kyra, let's go check it out shall we?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:47 am
by Atari
"Oh, cool, food-- I mean, sure." Kyra wasn't one to pass up food, especially if it wasn't whatever her mom makes her daily (although she never meant offense by it). She started to follow Xuan, still wondering how she started playing Chess with him.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:47 am
by Buckdida
Rubin wrote:"I dunno. Mine has a pool table. Who's house is this again?" He looked down the stairs. "Well, Might as well check it out." he said, before creeping down the stairs.
Trinket had gotten distracted by the smell of cheeseburgers somewhere outside of the kitchen, not noticing Zeke heading down the stairs. "Hey, Zeke, I think that the backyard is this-" He turned around to see Zeke headed down the stairs. "-way? Hey! Come back! I just wanted to get a little food and go!" Trinket rushed after Zeke, running across the kitchen floor...and slipped on some spilled soda, spiraling down the stairs. "WARGH!" *CRASH* He collided with poor Zeke in midair, sending them both tumbling down the stairs.

"Owwwwwwwwww...again? Well, I'm surprised neither of us got knocked out." Trinket looked around the room. It smelled faintly of gunpowder, though Trinket had a different charm making term for high quality versions of the substance. "Why does it smell like Firedust in here?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:55 am
by CY_Law
Atari wrote:"Oh, cool, food-- I mean, sure." Kyra wasn't one to pass up food, especially if it wasn't whatever her mom makes her daily (although she never meant offense by it). She started to follow Xuan, still wondering how she started playing Chess with him.
"I hope it's open to all by the way," Xuan continues to sniff the air, and that delicious smell leads Xuan to a direction pointed to the center of the neighborhood.

"It's around there," Xuan said while continues to follow the scent.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:57 am
by DarkHeartsAndSuch
JOFOXX wrote:Pifer squinted at the cat. Some fox girl from before was taking him inside now. "You sure?" Pifer looked back at Kytes, then squinted even harder at the other cat. "Huh... I can't tell you housepets apart." Something else caught his attention at the house then. More pets were coming out of the back door. "Wait!" Pifer exclaimed, pointing at them. "That's him right?"
Kytes looked back up at where Pifer was pointing. "Yeah," he said, swallowing the bite in his mouth. "That's him."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 2:01 am
by Atari
Kyra tried smelling the air around her, but all she got was the smell, not the location. Maybe Xuan's nose had a GPS and had a food locator on it? Kyra tried sniffing the air again, but just ended up feeling more hungry. Any more, and her stomach would start hurting from it, she assumed. "If it's not open to all, it doesn't really matter, I guess I could go back and find my own, hehe." Kyra tried to act like she wasn't as hungry as she actually was, which was a really hard task for her to attempt. She was silently hoping that the food was open to all.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 2:02 am
by RockstarRaccoon
Sid hugged Sam back, hoping it'd help him keep his cool while he talked to Kytes. He turned back to the direction of Kytes and began walking toward him with a nonthreatening demeanor, sure not to look like he was making direct eye contact: he wasn't here to challenge him. He looked at the weasel who Kytes had been talking to before moving back to Kytes. "Kytes. We need to talk. Alone."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 2:11 am
Pifer opened his mouth to say something, but stopped when he saw Sid walking toward them. He backed up a few steps as Sid walked up to Kytes, surprised at the cat's calm. When he asked to talk to Kytes, Pifer held his hands up, turning. "Alright, do whatever you housepets do." Pifer glanced at Kytes before turning and walking off. "I'll be around." He said, an underlying warning.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 2:16 am
by CY_Law
Atari wrote:Kyra tried smelling the air around her, but all she got was the smell, not the location. Maybe Xuan's nose had a GPS and had a food locator on it? Kyra tried sniffing the air again, but just ended up feeling more hungry. Any more, and her stomach would start hurting from it, she assumed. "If it's not open to all, it doesn't really matter, I guess I could go back and find my own, hehe." Kyra tried to act like she wasn't as hungry as she actually was, which was a really hard task for her to attempt. She was silently hoping that the food was open to all.
"Oh come on, I'm pretty optimistic about this, and it's really close, it wouldn't hurt to try isn't it? Plus, don't leave me alone and be such a wet blanket, I need someone or else I'll get nervous," Xuan said and then grabs Kyra by her paw and pulls her along to the seems-to-be-party.

As they get close to the source of the smell, noises can be heard as well, and in the distance, a large group of pets can be seen gathered together at a house and its backyard, with foods in their hands/paws.

"Hmm... I'm pretty sure that the party is open, but let me make sure first," Xuan leads Kyra to the backdoor of the house. "Stay here while I'll go ask some one," after Xuan confirmed his statement, he shouts back to Kyra, "Come on Kyra! We're authorized to go in!"

Now with both of them in, "So, grab something for yourself to eat, I'll see you next time, bye~!" Xuan waves goodbye to Kyra and proceeded to "explore" the party.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 2:26 am
by DarkHeartsAndSuch
RockstarRaccoon wrote:Sid hugged Sam back, hoping it'd help him keep his cool while he talked to Kytes. He turned back to the direction of Kytes and began walking toward him with a nonthreatening demeanor, sure not to look like he was making direct eye contact: he wasn't here to challenge him. He looked at the weasel who Kytes had been talking to before moving back to Kytes. "Kytes. We need to talk. Alone."
Kytes finished the last bite of the cheeseburger. "Okay?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 2:28 am
by RockstarRaccoon
"C'mon then." Sid gestured for Kytes to follow and lead him behind the side of the house where they wouldn't be interrupted.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 2:53 am
by Rubin
Buckdida wrote: "Owwwwwwwwww...again? Well, I'm surprised neither of us got knocked out." Trinket looked around the room. It smelled faintly of gunpowder, though Trinket had a different charm making term for high quality versions of the substance. "Why does it smell like Firedust in here?"
"uhh..." he sat for a moment, holding his head, "I dont Know. Its too dark in here. I can't see a thing." He sniffed futiley. It smelled like potting soil to him..

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 2:59 am
by Buckdida
Rubin wrote:
Buckdida wrote: "Owwwwwwwwww...again? Well, I'm surprised neither of us got knocked out." Trinket looked around the room. It smelled faintly of gunpowder, though Trinket had a different charm making term for high quality versions of the substance. "Why does it smell like Firedust in here?"
"uhh..." he sat for a moment, holding his head, "I dont Know. Its too dark in here. I can't see a thing." He sniffed futiley. It smelled like potting soil to him..
"Give it some time. Your eyes will adjust," Trinket said. "I mean, it's certainly not as easy to see in the dark, but...uh...well...let's see if we can find a light-switch... " Trinket's eyes weren't adjusted yet, so he tried groping along the wall for the errant switch. "I thought I saw a light down here...Zeke, help me out here..."
Trinket's Current stats: S6 P7 E6 C6 I7 A8 L2
Luck Curse: -2 Luck to Zeke for being nearby
Collar: +1 END and AGL, and +2 PER to Zeke for being nearby
Pendant: Kytes and Rikki can now use the +2 CHA boost when they want
Xuan: +3 Luck (max boost to 11 Luck) for wearing the Ear Banner, and +2 Luck for anyone close to Xuan

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 3:21 am
by Rubin
Zeke fealt his way up the wall. "Well, I Dont feel one over here... Ow! what was that?" He bent over as he stubbed his toe on a metal pole. "Whats with this place?" he asked, somewhat angerly.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 3:48 am
by Buckdida
Rubin wrote:Zeke fealt his way up the wall. "Well, I Dont feel one over here... Ow! what was that?" He bent over as he stubbed his toe on a metal pole. "Whats with this place?" he asked, somewhat angerly.
"You're the one who randomly wandered down here! And how did you not see that pole? Metal reflects a lot of light." Trinket's charms still gave a noticeable shimmer in the dark. "Your eyes should have adjusted by now...can you not see at all in the dark or something, like humans? AHA! Found it!"


A large amount of grinding mechanical noises began to ring out. It seems Trinket had inadvertently started up the shooting range's target conveyor belt.

"...or not. What the heck is going on?!"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:10 am
by Rubin
Zeke was impresses that Trinket's charms still seemed to glow in the dark. He was about to mention it when he was startled by the Machenirey. "I dont like it down here!" He clung onto trinkets arm. "Are we going to die now?" In a panicked voice he added, "I really dont want to die now" He clasped his eyes shut.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:42 am
by Buckdida
Rubin wrote:Zeke was impresses that Trinket's charms still seemed to glow in the dark. He was about to mention it when he was startled by the Machenirey. "I dont like it down here!" He clung onto trinkets arm. "Are we going to die now?" In a panicked voice he added, "I really dont want to die now" He clasped his eyes shut.
Trinket became really surprised when Zeke clasped onto Trinket's arm. "Wha-...Huh? Uh..." 'He's really scared...' "That's it, we need a light." Trinket tapped the jewel on his collar, and an ambient light slowly started to emanate from him. "...uh, it doubles as a flashlight. It's just that the batteries are really expensive, so I don't use it, what do we have down here?" Trinket looked around and saw guns sitting on the nearby counter, and an automated moving target range.
"...maybe it would have been better to keep the lights out."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:59 am
by Rubin
Zeke saw the light through his eyelids. slowly he opened one eye and looked out onto the bacement. the first thing he noticed was a strange blue glow that accompanied the light.
Buckdida wrote:"...maybe it would have been better to keep the lights out."
He looked out and saw a retivly Man shaped thing moving about. at first it seemed normal, but as it passed around, Zeke Could clearly see through it to the other side. "I REALLY dont like it down here!" He shut his eye again, and clamped onto Trinket more.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:26 am
by Zander
Rocky carried Cale up to his house, gently setting him down on his feet again. He walked over to the door to open it but the doorknob wouldn't turn.
"uhhm Cale, its Locked."

thrasherblades wrote:
Zander wrote:"Awww, thank you..." She looked back to make sure Felix wasn't following.
Shep took her to the backyard, where now a few pets were gathering at the BBQ with Robert. He waved to the others and sat Joy down on another bench. He held her paw and carressed her cheek and faced her another time. "I'm just curious Joy, why choose me from Felix? I'm" Shep said.

"Well, don't take this the wrong way... when Felix first came over, i was actually going to go back with him. But then i realised how much of a jerk he was when he found out that i wasn't with him anymore. And the whole "Dog thing" doesn't really matter to me, as long as the pet loves me for who i am personally, instead of physically."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:55 am
by Dr. Prower
thrasherblades wrote:Enya smiled and her tongue licked his nose, enjoying every moment she had with Jacob so far. She gripped Jacob's body closer to her and purred, looking at him back with her sea green eyes. "Jacob...I'm going to miss you.....I...*sigh* Enya said, looking down.
Jacob's smile slowly went away. "What do you mean 'I'm going to miss you'?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:31 am
by Neko
Cale swayed a bit holding his head. "Oh...I got a key." He pulled out a key from his collar, limping towards the door and struggling to push it into the lock.

Sam got down on all fours, following Zeke's scent to stairs that lead to the basement. She stood back up peering down the stairs, seeing a faint glow. Taking hold of the railing she slowly walked down into the darkness. "Zeke, Are you down here?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:36 am
by Zander
Once the door was unlocked Rocky opened the door for Cale, he put his arm around him and helped him walk toward the living room couch.
"Do you need any water? something to eat? rest?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:54 am
by thrasherblades
RockstarRaccoon wrote:Rikki took the gun, flipping open the chamber and letting out the clip, making sure it wasn't loaded before he examined it, weighing it in his hand. "It is a nice weapon, seems to have good center of gravity and all that. I'm not too big on the differences between guns though," he shut it and handed it back, "I just shoot them."
He went back to the previous subject, "Jack and I have been best friends for over a year now, after an incident with a mountain lion that got into the preserve. I live with him down at the station, and I end up helping him alot, hence the service-animal tags." He jingled them again, "Like I said, he wanted someone to practice with, and I was around."

"That's an awesome tale ya got there buddy, I'd give ya props for that." Robert said, taking back the gun and tucking it into the back of his jeans. It was getting warm and he removed his trucker cap and fanned himself with his shirt.

CY_Law wrote:
Atari wrote:Kyra tried smelling the air around her, but all she got was the smell, not the location. Maybe Xuan's nose had a GPS and had a food locator on it? Kyra tried sniffing the air again, but just ended up feeling more hungry. Any more, and her stomach would start hurting from it, she assumed. "If it's not open to all, it doesn't really matter, I guess I could go back and find my own, hehe." Kyra tried to act like she wasn't as hungry as she actually was, which was a really hard task for her to attempt. She was silently hoping that the food was open to all.
"Oh come on, I'm pretty optimistic about this, and it's really close, it wouldn't hurt to try isn't it? Plus, don't leave me alone and be such a wet blanket, I need someone or else I'll get nervous," Xuan said and then grabs Kyra by her paw and pulls her along to the seems-to-be-party.

As they get close to the source of the smell, noises can be heard as well, and in the distance, a large group of pets can be seen gathered together at a house and its backyard, with foods in their hands/paws.

"Hmm... I'm pretty sure that the party is open, but let me make sure first," Xuan leads Kyra to the backdoor of the house. "Stay here while I'll go ask some one," after Xuan confirmed his statement, he shouts back to Kyra, "Come on Kyra! We're authorized to go in!"

Now with both of them in, "So, grab something for yourself to eat, I'll see you next time, bye~!" Xuan waves goodbye to Kyra and proceeded to "explore" the party.
"Well well, looks like we have more guests!" Robert said, turning his head to see two more dogs enter the backyard. He got up and shook their paws. "Hey there! I'm Robert Shepard! Welcome to my housewarming BBQ party and the opening of my underground shootin' range. Do make yourselves at home and get as much food as ya want!" Robert said cheerfully, taking two pairs of tongs and two plates and handing it to the pets. "The grill with th' food is over there." Robert said, pointing to the big metal grill which had all sorts of food being cooked in it. "So thanks fer comin' and do enjoy yourselves!" Robert said, heading back to Rikki. "So, wanna see th' range?" Robert asked him, his thumb pointing to the door in the kitchen.

Zander wrote:
"Well, don't take this the wrong way... when Felix first came over, i was actually going to go back with him. But then i realised how much of a jerk he was when he found out that i wasn't with him anymore. And the whole "Dog thing" doesn't really matter to me, as long as the pet loves me for who i am personally, instead of physically."
"Joy..." Shep quivered, looking at her. Those were the most beautiful things she had said, and Shep turned to shed a tear. "Joy, when I first met you at Jacob's house, I....I found you very" Shep said, holding her body close to his and kissing her.

RockstarRaccoon wrote:
---------------- [ii]Meanwhile....[/i] ----------------
Zuchinni was on the same street as the fire and it turned out the best-case scenario was true! It was an awesome cookout in someone's back yard. He climbed up onto the fence with a grin and called to the first person he saw, (Joy, perhaps?) "Hey, sweet party. Whaddo I gotta do too get invited?"
((hmm isn't zuchinni metaecho's character?))

"MmMmmmRmmmmm????" Shep murmured in Joy's mouth as he was kissing her, wide eyed as a voice boomed from behind them. He turned his head and saw a friendly dingo on the fence. Shep blushed as he faced him. "Oh uh hey! Go right ahead and join! It's my housewarming BBQ party for all! Food right over there! I'm Shep by the way.." Shep said, returning to face Joy. "Oh uh where were we? Oh right..." Shep said, and continued to kiss her.

Dr. Prower wrote:
thrasherblades wrote:Enya smiled and her tongue licked his nose, enjoying every moment she had with Jacob so far. She gripped Jacob's body closer to her and purred, looking at him back with her sea green eyes. "Jacob...I'm going to miss you.....I...*sigh* Enya said, looking down.
Jacob's smile slowly went away. "What do you mean 'I'm going to miss you'?"
Enya hugged him tightly as a tear ran down from her eye. "It's decided. I will be flying back to Saudi Arabia 2 days later for an operation. My daddy hired the best veterinarians in the world to try to fix my lungs. I hope I...will still be alive to see you. But if I don't....." Enya sighed as she stroked Jacob's head and began crying.

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:06 pm
by Dr. Prower
thrasherblades wrote:((hmm isn't zuchinni metaecho's character?))
((Yes, but metaecho gave rockstarraccoon temporary control of Zuchinni while he's away.))
thrasherblades wrote:
Dr. Prower wrote:
thrasherblades wrote:Enya smiled and her tongue licked his nose, enjoying every moment she had with Jacob so far. She gripped Jacob's body closer to her and purred, looking at him back with her sea green eyes. "Jacob...I'm going to miss you.....I...*sigh* Enya said, looking down.
Jacob's smile slowly went away. "What do you mean 'I'm going to miss you'?"
Enya hugged him tightly as a tear ran down from her eye. "It's decided. I will be flying back to Saudi Arabia 2 days later for an operation. My daddy hired the best veterinarians in the world to try to fix my lungs. I hope I...will still be alive to see you. But if I don't....." Enya sighed as she stroked Jacob's head and began crying.
"Hey, hey, don't talk like that," Jacob said, holding Enya in his arms. "Everything will be fine. You're not going to die..." He began to tear up despite what he told her. "You just have to be brave, okay baby? Nothing bad's gonna happen." A tear rolled down his cheek. "And if it does...I'll never be able to forgive myself for convinging you to go through with it."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:12 pm
by Zander
A chill ran through Joys body as Shep kissed her, a feeling that she never felt before with Felix. She stopped and looked him in the eyes, not even noticing the dingo.
She whispered into his ear. "I love you."

Re: Pet Friendly - Brookshire Meadows

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:18 pm
by RockstarRaccoon
Rikki looked over at the door, halfway through his burger. "Yeah, in a bit, though I've actually been wondering: how're you gonna get this stuff inside?" he gestured at the food and things scattered about.

---------------- Meanwhile in Zuchinniland ----------------
Zucchini jumped down from the fence, "Oh, sorry, I didn't realize I was interrupting something. Carry on!" He moved on into the party, seeing a man and a raccoon talking by the grill and walking over. "Hi! Nice party! My name's Zucchini, can I have a hot-dog?"