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Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 2:22 pm
by trekkie
Maybe the Sandwiches could pay the fine, and Jeff could pay them back.

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 2:48 pm
by dr_eirik
trekkie wrote:Maybe the Sandwiches could pay the fine, and Jeff could pay them back.
Jake, Joeys owner, is his brother. So that seems more likely.

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 3:19 pm
by trekkie
Forgot about Jake, hopefully he can get them out.

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 3:55 pm
by dr_eirik
trekkie wrote:Forgot about Jake, hopefully he can get them out.
Unless he's bust playing D&D. Or was that Jeff that did that? Or both?

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 4:04 pm
by trekkie
dr_eirik wrote:
trekkie wrote:Forgot about Jake, hopefully he can get them out.
Unless he's bust playing D&D. Or was that Jeff that did that? Or both?
I thought that was Ryan, Fido's dad/owner. Though Jeff and/or Jake may do it too.

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 4:30 pm
by dr_eirik
trekkie wrote:
dr_eirik wrote:
trekkie wrote:Forgot about Jake, hopefully he can get them out.
Unless he's bust playing D&D. Or was that Jeff that did that? Or both?
I thought that was Ryan, Fido's dad/owner. Though Jeff and/or Jake may do it too.
You're right, I mixed up Ryan and Jake.

Part 19: aftermaths

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 9:36 pm
by Buster
To the local rodents,
I knew renting space jam for you was a mistake. Look, i know Spo has a PHD now, but it's in linguistics, not one of the sciences. even if it was, basket balls do not work that way.



How did you...
i don't even...



Spot, that's not a monster, it's just scratch. and while i appreciate you convincing the rodents their idea was dumb, next time find a way to do it peacefully please?



Of course it's you, all you did was take your glasses off and tie a red beach towel around your neck! Heck i can't even call it Clark Kenting because he at least has different posture and mannerisms. we saw you flying when you helped clear the snow.



...And now he's crying...



Sasha you can't arrest him you're not officially part of the squad.



Kevin holding up his spare uniform and shouting 'happy birthday' to get you to stop wreaking havoc on the neighborhood doesn't count as becoming a deputy.



what training course?



You what?



Probationary officer?



So apparently i'm in charge of announcements until fidey gets back from his therapist.



If anybody sees a digital stopwatch can they let King know?



When i said 'let king know' i didn't mean 'ransom the watch' bone breath.



So Bino's in the hospital, knight is traumatized and in therapy, Fidey had to go back to therapy straight after getting home, and the watch face getting cracked made king's head pop off.
He's fine though. somehow. just, carrying it around under one arm, it doesn't even drip or anything...


PS: Hey king? Sabrina says if you get the watch face fixed, it should stick back on like it never came off.


No i'm not explaining how i know 'Brina, fidey would kill me.



No, i'm not explaining that either.


Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 9:52 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
I think Spo found that out by the way I think most mice get into trouble: through eavesdropping. LOL

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 12:19 am
by D-Rock
Did Spot hurt Scratch?! :cry:
And don't blame him for not getting the subtleties of Clark Kent down, Peanut isn't a subtle person.
And Spo seems to not get how "pet names" are usually in private. Especially for a private relationship.
So Knight made King pull a Genstar, but without the floating benefit.

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 11:28 am
by trekkie
I guess 'bone breath' is Bino?
Aw, don't make Spot cry, Fido.

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2019 5:01 pm
by Nathan Kerbonaut
I thought celestial tech would be more resilient than that. Kinda disturbing, but okay. :?

Intermission #2: Indoor rock concert

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 6:59 am
by Buster
looks like i'm back in charge. Fido says we're 'too insane for him'.
The whole 'cult leader' thing wasn't panning out anyway, might keep it as a side gig.



Kinda disappointed king got the head-thing fixed so fast, the whole headless doggo look was actually pretty cool.



Wait, Magnets in your collar?? why?



I did not know watch repairs cost that much...



Also Rex and co are going to be doing a concert over at the old manor. Apparently it has a room the size of a stadium in it, despite only being a third that big outside.


Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 11:54 am
by D-Rock
Anyone else's fate gets messed up, they could do a whole mix and match sort of deal. :lol:

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 5:17 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
I wonder if there is a place you can go to trade in your fate for a different one? :geek:

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 8:47 am
by trekkie
So, Bino is in charge. That doesn't bode well for the club. Good job, on these!

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 2:01 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
When does Bino in charge ever bode well for anything? XD

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 6:14 pm
by Nathan Kerbonaut
The answer is never. On an unrelated note, I don't recall Rex being the musical type.

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 9:04 pm
by dr_eirik
Nathan Kerbonaut wrote:The answer is never. On an unrelated note, I don't recall Rex being the musical type.

I think Rex could have a lot of talents we don't know about. We did find out at some point that hes a good baker.

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 11:10 pm
by Buster
*shrugs* a D20 picked rex when i needed a name for who started a band to rival F&K a few chapters back.

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 4:25 am
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
Buster wrote:*shrugs* a D20 picked rex when i needed a name for who started a band to rival F&K a few chapters back.
we do see him singing "Most Wonderful Time of the Year" in an early Christmas comic

my question is: how did King's watch fall in this universe. Is Pete still trying to get him back instead of moving on to Knight?

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 6:46 am
by Buster
king tarot sabrina and the old temples are considered void because of the restart, King is in between knight and the old temple. if pete
can reclaim it before Dragon gets bigs up to speed it's a HUGE strategic advantage.

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 5:18 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
In other words, everything is now infinitely more complicated. :lol:

D20: Furry

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 1:34 pm
by Buster
Where is everybody?









Also why are there posters up for Macbeth?


Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 1:59 pm
by D-Rock
Why go to a boring meeting when you can watch a weird theatrical adaptation?

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 2:40 pm
by dr_eirik
I like the image of a lonely Bino posting notes that just say "Anyone?" And going back to sit down.

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 2:42 pm
by trekkie
No, Bino, you’re supposed to say “The Scottish Play” .
So, dogs would rather watch Shakespeare than go to a Bino-led meeting, eh? I don’t blame them.

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 7:02 pm
by Nathan Kerbonaut
Didn't ya hear, Bino? The Club's been disbanded and replaced with an all-pets theater troupe. Sorry, you weren't invited. ;)

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 1:20 am
by Amazee Dayzee
Why deal with Bino when you can do anything else that shows that you don't respect him or care too much for him and wish he would fall off a cliff? After all, everybody knows he is a loser and always will be. :lol:

Wait. That's ******* depressing. :cry:

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2019 11:29 am
by Buster
Don't know if ill be continuing this. The lack of a consistent main cast in the source material, especially early on, really hurts my ability to adapt many of the actually interesting arcs, and in searching for material to use ive come to realise i dont actually like the comic that much. When i started reading it the majority of the plots were about king and there was a strong fantasy element which just isnt as consistent anymore and other than fox king and grape, i dont really care about most of the characters (hating keene and findiing tarot irritating doesnt help either.) So arcs not focused on them are kinda boring...

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2019 1:10 pm
by D-Rock
I understand. This was a great little series in the meantime, though. :)

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2019 6:50 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
If you don't feel like you wanna continue, its OK but it was really intriguing to watch everybody go over the rails. I will of course be a little bit sad but its your decision. Not gonna force you to keep doing it. It was definitely a great ride while it lasted.

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2019 9:10 pm
by GameCobra
Nice ride while it lasted, though. I really enjoyed it! Thanks for the awesome fun and writing and ideas, Buster :)

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2019 11:06 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
I'm sure we all do look forward to whatever you are gonna next in terms of writing!

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 11:20 am
by Buster
Going to have to track me down elswhere then.
Not going to write about/draw art of a series that nolonger holds my interest.
Honestly, the only reason im still on this forum at all is feeling guilty over considering ditching the RP crew here...

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 11:35 am
by D-Rock
Alrighty. What other places are you on, anyway?

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 1:35 pm
by Buster
Several discord servers, under the same name as here, Cant link em cause none of em are SFW, even slightly. A few minecraft servers under the same name i use for the housecraft server. Roll20, FA, and nationstates, under different aliases.

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 2:44 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
It sucks that you grew out of Housepets! but I do hope we can occasionally see you around.

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 12:19 pm
by D-Rock
Well, if anyone wants to talk on Discord, I'm at D-Rock92#3747. I'm not much of one to start a conversation, though, so I pretty much never make the first move.

Anyway, I've been wanting to whip this up for a while now. Time with internet to post this is incredibly limited for a while, but while I can, wanted to show how I envisioned Scratch.
scratchconcept.png (7.88 KiB) Viewed 11045 times
recolor of Squeak. Thought it'd be neat if Bino made him something to act as a tag to show his affiliation to him. Hence the green scarf.

Re: (Meta-fic) Please Stop Letting Grape in Here

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2019 5:46 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
The scarf kind of reminds me of Fox's bandanna but it still is pretty cool.