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Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 1:47 am
by Duster
TheMobian wrote:*walks in*

Whats that? No one remembers me?
ok. XP

Sorry for disappearing for nearly two months, I've just been extra extra busy lately with art, my website, my webcomics, and a ton of other stuff, I just haven't had time to hang out here for so long.
But, I'm back (for at least a little bit) now. So how have things been going? Anyone eat any of my moon pizza while I was away? *shot*
Hey Mobs, welcome back dude!

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 6:33 am
by Dissension
TheMobian wrote:*walks in*

Whats that? No one remembers me?
There's a hilarious clip of Nigel Farage I'd have loved to post here, but it could be taken wrong.

---- ---- ---- ----

Also, it's hard to believe 16 months and six days have passed since this jewel from the Chat Thread Archives:
Psykeout wrote:
texascat018 wrote:
Dissension wrote:I'm still not sure when Sleet and I started hating each other.
I think your hate toward Sleet is manly way of expressing bro love.
I'm not sure when the hate began.

I remember when I became aware of it though. It was a sharp autumn day and the zephyrs had kept it sharp, the cold was digging into my skin like a mole digs through soil, but without actual dirt or moles and instead with my skin and cold wind. I saw Sleet walking out of his house. He was wearing a seasonably inappropriate kilt, or perhaps a skirt, it was getting more difficult to tell her gender these days. and then a particularly cold wind blew through my very soul and heart, and I realized that it was a wind of emotion, and that my utter contempt for Sleet was fueling some sort of deep desire to just.
Forget that guy.

As she strode across the lawn laden with crisp, white snow in his thick pants, I scowled at her. Sleet was clearly unaware of my presence. He was unaware of me in such a way that I was forced to contain my freezing desire for some sort of negative contact. I wanted to ambulate directly up to her and scratch his ugly face and tell her that she was the only person that I could ever feel this hatred about, tell him that the feelings I felt for her were stronger than any distaste and wider than any river except maybe the amazon or Mississippi because I didn't think that they manufactured feelings in that size but if they did then that was probably the size of emotion that I felt for him. This emotion could not fit in just one cold heart I needed her to share my contempt, to feel my disgust, to share with me the pain of a black and bitter heart reserved for the hatred of one individual only.

I talked myself down, told myself that these icy flames were far too cold. They were absolute less than zero on the scale of the hate-o-meter D-lux. This sort of anti-passion would consume us both and create all sorts of violent frictions until our minds and souls glazed over in a layer of numbing snow, like doughnuts. Mmmmm... doughnuts. Why is there a baker's dozen and then a regular dozen. I always get a regular dozen. Is a "baker's dozen" an archaic term yet? I confess I haven't been to my local bakery lately. You should support small business, it's good for your local economy. I stared at the new spring flowers that had bloomed last week and thought of Sleet and I. In my mind's eye I could see us. I would confront him and we would have a seat in her living room, drinking iced lemonade and having petty arguments, and then he would get so angry at me that she would say that he had had enough, and I needed to leave. There was only so much she could take, you know? As he gave me the bum rush I would insult her mother, and then he would turn to me and swiftly smack me right across my face, and I wouldn't hit her because she's a lady, but then at the next pronoun, I would make sure it was male so I could return his tender hand-to-cheek collision.

And then the daydream was over and I was staring at Sleet again. I could stand it no longer. I stood up from my park bench and propelled my powerful leg muscles. The hot, hot mid-day summers sun pressed down against my neck and back but I forced onward. Sleet's image moved closer to me, and my legs pushed off against the ground, I was advancing at her. I rehearsed what I would say in my mind over and over. Man, look at his detestable figure. I wanted to feel that against my fist and at the end of my blunt weapon. I wanted her to hurt at my command, my hatred was seething and I wasn't ready to let him not feel it. Sleet noticed me and started to watch me as I slithered towards her on my belly using my powerful snake muscles oh wait I'm not a snake forget I said that. And then I was standing in front him and it was time for me to say something and I knew that this was the moment for me to tie our lives together forever and ever in a dance of black emotions.

"Sleet ur faice is ugly like buttz lol"
"Aw, you're so funny Diss. :3"

I'm a literary genius
Sleet <3- Diss OTP.

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:51 am
by Sleet
Ah, caliginous love. <3<
TheMobian wrote:*walks in*

Whats that? No one remembers me?
ok. XP

Sorry for disappearing for nearly two months, I've just been extra extra busy lately with art, my website, my webcomics, and a ton of other stuff, I just haven't had time to hang out here for so long.
But, I'm back (for at least a little bit) now. So how have things been going? Anyone eat any of my moon pizza while I was away? *shot*
I remember you! :D You're cool!

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:53 am
by Radio Blue Heart
TheMobian wrote:*walks in*

Whats that? No one remembers me?
ok. XP

Sorry for disappearing for nearly two months, I've just been extra extra busy lately with art, my website, my webcomics, and a ton of other stuff, I just haven't had time to hang out here for so long.
But, I'm back (for at least a little bit) now. So how have things been going? Anyone eat any of my moon pizza while I was away? *shot*
Gasp! You survived the silo explosion?!

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:58 am
by The Grey Wolverine
TheMobian wrote:*walks in*

Whats that? No one remembers me?
ok. XP
I remember you -wave-

On another note, my application is in at the collage I am trying to go to (Massasoit if you wish to know) and I hope to be attending this semester

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:14 am
by Seth
Too much nostalgia on one page!

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 2:32 pm
by Mickey the Luxray
TheMobian wrote:*walks in*

Whats that? No one remembers me?
ok. XP

Sorry for disappearing for nearly two months, I've just been extra extra busy lately with art, my website, my webcomics, and a ton of other stuff, I just haven't had time to hang out here for so long.
But, I'm back (for at least a little bit) now. So how have things been going? Anyone eat any of my moon pizza while I was away? *shot*
*nom nom mon* What moon pizza?

Still great to have you back. c:

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:36 am
by Sleet
So I had the idea a while back of someone making horror vines. I think it could be an interesting challenge. What do y'all think?

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:38 am
by Radio Blue Heart
Sleet wrote:So I had the idea a while back of someone making horror vines. I think it could be an interesting challenge. What do y'all think?
Then we can unleash them on all of North America! The perfect tool to destroy mankind!

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 11:00 am
by JeffCvt
I know someone who made one that was pretty funny. It was just a bunch of random shots through the windshield of a car while one of his friends was driving around. But for a split second, he had one of his face. It was so unexpected and his face was so serious that it would be a little freaky if you didn't know it was coming. It was more funny than anything though.

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 12:18 pm
by Seth
Sleet wrote:So I had the idea a while back of someone making horror vines. I think it could be an interesting challenge. What do y'all think?
I don't think you'd have enough time to do much more than jump scares. So I guess its possible but it would get lame pretty quickly.

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 3:26 pm
by Sleet
That was a concern of mine; I'd want to avoid jump scares. It'd be tricky and I doubt I have the skill, but I'd be intrigued if someone could pull it off.

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 6:52 pm
by Silly Zealot
TheMobian wrote:*walks in*

Whats that? No one remembers me?
ok. XP

Sorry for disappearing for nearly two months, I've just been extra extra busy lately with art, my website, my webcomics, and a ton of other stuff, I just haven't had time to hang out here for so long.
But, I'm back (for at least a little bit) now. So how have things been going? Anyone eat any of my moon pizza while I was away? *shot*
Yeah, I remember you, foreteller of Fino.

You owe me that fan webcomic, by the way!

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 12:43 am
by JakJak
Maybe something involving you freaking out in the dark at something?

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:49 am
by Seth
But how would you create the atmosphere in 7 seconds? Not to be a snob but most good horror is a slow burn. A lot of the tripe that passes for horror is just shock. Which while in some cases can work well and be fun, wouldn't work in such a short time. It'd be too easy to see what's coming when the videos have a standard length.

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:34 am
by Radio Blue Heart
Sometimes the best horror is in the concept.

When Frank Henenlotter came up with "Basket Case", he actually thought of the title first. He was trying to come up with "Psycho" style titles and came up with that one. He then thought that a literal interpretation of the title would be a monster in a basket that leaped out like a malignant jack-in-the-box. But then the story didn't make sense to him, because why would some one carry a deformed monstrosity a wicker basket?

Unless, it is his brother...

and that gave him a lot to work off of!

It can also help if you have a creepy set up. Like with "The Keep".

People keep turning up dead at an isolated location. One night, the killer leaves a message written on the wall in blood. No one can read it. A linguistics expert arrives, he can read the message but more importantly he knows what language it is.

He looks at you and says "It is Old Slavonic, written in the Cyrillic alphabet. Your killer is writing to you in a language that has been dead for 500 years!"

That opens up a whole nightmare world of possibilities!

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 2:06 pm
by Seth
No matter how cool the concept is it still needs to be done well. A good concept can take a less than stellar movie and make it decent. But in the end its all about having a good team working on it and making it genuinely scary. That's why a fantastic idea like the purge can turn out forgettable and blatant rip offs like Halloween ( I love the series but it was just a way in on the slasher craze) can become a staple of the genre.

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 2:25 am
by FritzyBeat
Radio Blue Heart wrote:
TheMobian wrote:*walks in*

Whats that? No one remembers me?
ok. XP

Sorry for disappearing for nearly two months, I've just been extra extra busy lately with art, my website, my webcomics, and a ton of other stuff, I just haven't had time to hang out here for so long.
But, I'm back (for at least a little bit) now. So how have things been going? Anyone eat any of my moon pizza while I was away? *shot*
Gasp! You survived the silo explosion?!
Sea turtles mate.

Silly Zealot wrote:
TheMobian wrote:*walks in*

Whats that? No one remembers me?
ok. XP

Sorry for disappearing for nearly two months, I've just been extra extra busy lately with art, my website, my webcomics, and a ton of other stuff, I just haven't had time to hang out here for so long.
But, I'm back (for at least a little bit) now. So how have things been going? Anyone eat any of my moon pizza while I was away? *shot*
Yeah, I remember you, foreteller of Fino.

You owe me that fan webcomic, by the way!
lol, Why is that? XD
I design one little Housepets fan character and now he all of a sudden must have his own fan comic? phht, he's shooting WAAAAAY higher then that.

After the full length movie and collectable action figures, he's plotting to take over the comic 8-)

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:45 am
by FritzyBeat
GUUUUUYYYYSSSSSHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! You can't let this thread die! DX



wait, let me rephrase that. *shot*

<<< *is totally not a stalker*

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:51 am
by Dissension
Well, I found your Twitter and Facebook profiles.

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:58 am
by Kyuunado
... And there is not a single way bar altering the font to make that sound any creepier Diss... :|

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:33 am
by The Grey Wolverine
Guys! I just got my letter of acceptance to college

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:19 pm
by Hukley
Congratulations, Grey! :D

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 4:07 pm
by Dissension
Kyuubi Kitsune wrote:... And there is not a single way bar altering the font to make that sound any creepier Diss... :|

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 5:38 pm
by JeffCvt
I worked with my Dad today, have recently gotten a chromebook, just ordered a new pair of boots two days ago that cost me $130, also ordered a cover for my chromebook, also ordered a screen protector for my phone, by brother just finished his third full day of high school, my mom is in the hospital, my phone is almost dead so I'm charging it before I go bowling with a friend in about half an hour, we're probably going to get something to eat before we bowl, we have no Sprite in the house at the moment and I'd really like one, and I just caught two annoying flies that I've been trying to swat for the past week with a sticky fly trap hanging directly above my head.

Is that specific enough for you?

The Grey Wolverine wrote:Guys! I just got my letter of acceptance to college
Congrats man! You must have been quite nervous waiting for it to come in.

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 5:40 pm
by Aarden
Dissension wrote:
Kyuubi Kitsune wrote:... And there is not a single way bar altering the font to make that sound any creepier Diss... :|
Well, Dissension works at the NSA so he probably knows what pizza you like too.

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:32 pm
by Dissension
I can neither confirm, nor deny, my place of employment. However, it sure does have some English letters in its name! *giggles*

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 8:39 pm
by Tatsuo
Are we going back to creepyin on each others facebook's and twitter pages again? In that case....Hello Diss.

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 8:44 pm
by Duster
Dissension wrote:I can neither confirm, nor deny, my place of employment. However, it sure does have some English letters in its name! *giggles*
Well guys, since Dissension lives in Arkansas, he must be working at Walmart. *bricked*

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:08 pm
by Sleet
Statistically speaking, that's the most likely guess.

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 1:29 am
by Tatsuo
Sleet wrote:Statistically speaking, that's the most likely guess.

Hmm so is it safe to say that we've ruled out most possibilities? In that Case, "Diss! What color are those english letters?" *Teethy grin*

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 1:56 am
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
they are somewhere between ultraviolet and infrared

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 2:01 am
by Tatsuo
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:they are somewhere between ultraviolet and infrared

Ahh so the electronic section =P

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 2:54 am
by FritzyBeat
Dissension wrote:
Kyuubi Kitsune wrote:... And there is not a single way bar altering the font to make that sound any creepier Diss... :|
Great, now I'm being stalked by John Wayne, could this really get any more fantastic worse?
JeffCvt wrote:
I worked with my Dad today, have recently gotten a chromebook, just ordered a new pair of boots two days ago that cost me $130, also ordered a cover for my chromebook, also ordered a screen protector for my phone, by brother just finished his third full day of high school, my mom is in the hospital, my phone is almost dead so I'm charging it before I go bowling with a friend in about half an hour, we're probably going to get something to eat before we bowl, we have no Sprite in the house at the moment and I'd really like one, and I just caught two annoying flies that I've been trying to swat for the past week with a sticky fly trap hanging directly above my head.

Is that specific enough for you?

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:51 pm
by Seth
TheMobian wrote:GUUUUUYYYYSSSSSHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! You can't let this thread die! DX


Doing Seth stuff.

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 4:10 pm
by JeffCvt
TheMobian wrote:
JeffCvt wrote:
I worked with my Dad today, have recently gotten a chromebook, just ordered a new pair of boots two days ago that cost me $130, also ordered a cover for my chromebook, also ordered a screen protector for my phone, by brother just finished his third full day of high school, my mom is in the hospital, my phone is almost dead so I'm charging it before I go bowling with a friend in about half an hour, we're probably going to get something to eat before we bowl, we have no Sprite in the house at the moment and I'd really like one, and I just caught two annoying flies that I've been trying to swat for the past week with a sticky fly trap hanging directly above my head.

Is that specific enough for you?
Fine. I'll be even more specific on things:
My shoe size is between 9 and 9 1/2, but I had to order the boots in a wide size because they have a safety toe, the chromebook is working well and the cover should come in between tomorrow and next week, so should the screen protector for my phone, so should the boots, my phone is no longer almost dead but that's because I charged it, I bowled about a mid 80 last night, we ate a pizza and cheese fries before actually bowling, we still have no Sprite, I haven't removed that fly trap yet despite there being no more flies to catch, I worked with my dad again today, will be working by myself tomorrow, visited my mom in the hospital twice while we were out, I have laundry in the dryer, we got a can of free cat food today in the mail (yay?), and I think that's about it.

Anything else you'd like to know, overlord TheMobian?

Also, while we were out today, my dad got an "emergency" call about a leaking sink.
So we drove 20 minutes out of our way to go check it out only to discover that while the floor had been leaked on, and there was a bowl under the sink that had stuff dripping into it, the problem was not the sink.

In fact, the problem was not the sink, pipes, garbage disposer, or anything having to deal with water flow to and from the kitchen.

If someone here can guess what the problem was before I go to bed, I will personally send you $100 and get Diss to give you a title on the forums, whatever you want it to say. I'm serious. Because you all won't believe me when I tell you. (Fortunately, I got some pictures.)

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 6:50 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
I'm not sure you can make promises of titles.

but I'll give this a stab. so the bowl did catch something, so the problem was above, and not water seeping up from a sewage system, right?

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 6:53 pm
by JeffCvt
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:I'm not sure you can make promises of titles.
I can because no one will ever guess it. (But if someone seriously guesses it, don't expect a title. I made the offer of a title jokingly because I am not able to give you one.)

And while I won't give hints, I will say that it wasn't related to any man made plumbing.

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:56 pm
by FritzyBeat
JeffCvt wrote:Anything else you'd like to know, overlord TheMobian?
nah, I think I'm good X3 *shot*
hmmmm.... Overlord Mobi... I like the sound of that... :mrgreen:

Re: Chat Thread 40: What in the world is JeffCvt's other nam

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 11:09 pm
by JeffCvt
Oh, and since no one really tried guessing (Which is a shame. I may have been joking about the title, but I wasn't really joking about the $100) and I'm about to go to bed, the thing that was causing the excess water was a rotten watermelon on the counter.

It made enough water to make someone think the sink had a pretty bad leak. I'm dead serious. I have pictures that I'll post tomorrow if you guys don't believe me.