HPU - Richmond Acres

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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Gameb18oy »

Rudder chuckled a bit at that. “you tried whispering to keep a blind mouse from hearing you? Something tells me you don’t keep secrets from this little one well.” he moved her up slowly, looking her over a bit so he could memorize how she looked, then he carefully shifted his paw to form a ramp down to his left shoulder. “I prefer you little ones standing at my shoulders, paws get a little tired from holding you too long. Figure you’ll want a sense of how both my fur and the fabric over it feels so you’d be able to tell it’s me if your ever stuck with a cold or something.” He looks down at the other mouse... mouthing “sorry about stealing the little lass from you. You need her back quickly or you have enough time to be a patient gentlemouse?”
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by CyberDragon »

Welsh Halfwit wrote:Juniper had to sit down. "I...I thought I was hallucinating the smell," she said. "You, um, smell a bit of Tracks. Is... is he with th..." The blind Mouse sniffed again. "Why do I smell a river," she asked, having tuned Nola out for a bit.
Gameb18oy wrote:Rudder chuckled a bit at that. “you tried whispering to keep a blind mouse from hearing you? Something tells me you don’t keep secrets from this little one well.” he moved her up slowly, looking her over a bit so he could memorize how she looked, then he carefully shifted his paw to form a ramp down to his left shoulder. “I prefer you little ones standing at my shoulders, paws get a little tired from holding you too long. Figure you’ll want a sense of how both my fur and the fabric over it feels so you’d be able to tell it’s me if your ever stuck with a cold or something.” He looks down at the other mouse... mouthing “sorry about stealing the little lass from you. You need her back quickly or you have enough time to be a patient gentlemouse?”
"Oh... It's fine... 's not like I was saying anything life-alteringly important just then or anything..." he mumbled beneath his breath. He took a step back, got a running start, and flung himself through the air. "Excuse me!" he said as he landed on the otter's other shoulder. "Sorry. That was kind of rude of me, but I still need to talk to my friend. It's really important." He looked behind the otter's head at Juniper. "Tracks is alive. He is leading the group. I also remember a couple of other names. Granule, Salt, Peaches, Pipkin... and honestly I can't remember any other names. I've been working around the clock trying to make the cave livable for them. Making furniture, building rails to keep them from accidentally falling into the underground river, that sort of thing."
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by GrimD@rk8290 »

Hlaoroo wrote: ~~~~
"Don't worry, Luna. I understand." Paul smiles, helping Luna onto the table.
"I'll tell you what. I'll make sure you don't see or feel the needle. What do you say to that?" Paul pulls on a glove and squirts some gel from a tube onto his rubber-clad finger.
"This is an anaesthetic cream. I'll rub it into the back of your neck now and by the time I'm finished checking you over that spot'll be numb so you won't feel a thing when I give you your shots. And don't worry about the glove. That's just so my fingers don't go numb too." The vet applies the cream to the cat's scruff and then tosses the glove away.
"Now, shall I look at your ears or your eyes first? Your choice."

Luna smiled."Thanks but if you could maybe just keep talkin to me while you do that...and start with the eyes." The blue russian had looked up at Paul and it seemed his kind treatment had helped calm her down a little. Chester, their owner was keeping an eye on Sunny while he interacted with an...otter of all things?
Gameb18oy wrote: ... Rudder slowly nodded. “Sorry, it’s just nerves... y-you just said your name was Sunny right? I’m Rudder... my mom’s planning to work here in a few days so we came by to get her ID.” He still twiddled with his fingers a bit, but he was calming down a bit as he looked over his and the other pets’ expression. There didn’t seem to be much animosity present, and what there was seemed to be the cat and mouse... which to be fair. Wasn’t that unusual. He kept his eyes locked with Sunny. “... you seem kinda upbeat considering where we are, I’m guessing you’re not here for your own checkup?”
"Actually I've already had my check up. See?" He showed off his yellow lemon sucker, a sure sign he had been a good boy.

"I'm only so upbeat because I recently moved and no one hates me yet." He said with a smile, the golden lab with his bandana hanging around his neck.
Last edited by GrimD@rk8290 on Thu Oct 04, 2018 1:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Gameb18oy »

*he deposited Juniper on his shoulder a little faster than he wanted as the other mouse unintentionally hit his old wound as he scampered up to the otter’s shoulder... he tried to be civil though* “calm down little guy! Regardless of what it is, I’m sure... you said juniper right? Anyway, not like you can’t talk to her while up there, just ask and I’ll put you two down if you'd like me to at anytime as well.” He started to walk over to Sunny as he showed off his lemon lolly. He seemed excited by the mention of Sunny being new in town as well. “wait, how long you been here? I was worried I was gonna be the only one having to take time to adjust to the town!”
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Aw, don't be annoyed, Flash," Juniper said, feeling her way over Mr Otter towards the voice. Her footclaws scritched on the clothing and sank into his sleek fur as she moved. "I mean it's..." Her voice shrank away as she heard the rest of what he'd said and she laid her left handpaw on one of his arms. She hugged him, gave him a peck kiss on what she hoped was his lips and just held him as the Otter moved.

Behind her back, but facing Flash, Sally gave him a 'thumbs up' whilst wondering how long it would take someone to work out Flash had said 'underground river'.
"Now why would anyone hate you, Sunshine," Nola asked. "I mean I've known you a minute and I don't hate you." She'd said it dead pan but there was still a twinkle in her eye...
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Keeshah »

Hlaoroo wrote: "Oh, yes. Make sure you bring him home safely! And don't forget to bring the treasure too!" Piper grins, joining in the game and sliding from the arm onto the couch proper and into a more comfortable position.

Oh that's easy! How can you be any safer then wif a SKUNK!! No one messes wif us!!!
WeirdGamer wrote: Lucky took the flowers out of his pocket again and smiled. "Oh, don't worry, I've got some good treasure."

Oreo tilts his head off to the side, in a canine quirk he has picked-up.
How is that going to be a good treasure?
WeirdGamer wrote:Lucky turned to the two adventurers. "Alright you two, I guess I'm commissioning your vessel to take me on a safe voyage."

Yeah!! wot's a commission?
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by GrimD@rk8290 »

Gameb18oy wrote:He started to walk over to Sunny as he showed off his lemon lolly. He seemed excited by the mention of Sunny being new in town as well. “wait, how long you been here? I was worried I was gonna be the only one having to take time to adjust ito the town!”
"I just moved here a couple days ago with my owner and my best friend Luna. She is being looked at right now by the nice vet guy." Sunny explained to the otter before looking back at Nola.
Welsh Halfwit wrote: "Now why would anyone hate you, Sunshine," Nola asked. "I mean I've known you a minute and I don't hate you." She'd said it dead pan but there was still a twinkle in her eye...
"Dogs usually hate me because my best friend is a cat and cats usually hate me cause I am a dog. That and I've lived in some pretty bad towns." He explained to Nola, the tabby while he took a bite of his lemon lollipop.
Sunny Briggs -Golden Labrador Retriever- S3 P5 E7 C6 I3 A8 L10
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Gameb18oy »

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Aw, don't be annoyed, Flash," Juniper said, feeling her way over Mr Otter towards the voice. Her footclaws scritched on the clothing and sank into his sleek fur as she moved. "I mean it's..." Her voice shrank away as she heard the rest of what he'd said and she laid her left handpaw on one of his arms. She hugged him, gave him a peck kiss on what she hoped was his lips and just held him as the Otter moved.
Rudder smiled as he felt her moving along his back. It felt pleasant, like a little back scratcher was moved around his neck.
GrimD@rk8290 wrote: "I just moved here a couple days ago with my owner and my best friend Luna. She is being looked at right now by the nice vet guy." Sunny explained to the otter before looking back at Nola.

"Dogs usually hate me because my best friend is a cat and cats usually hate me cause I am a dog. That and I've lived in some pretty bad towns." He explained to Nola, the tabby while he took a bite of his lemon lollipop.
Rudder chuckled at the name theme. If there was a mouse with star themed name in their family, he’d not be surprised too much. “I don’t know, I see a lot of cats and dogs being brought in to see my mom Sue all the time, I think at least if you’re raised together, it’s not that odd to be friends with a cat... now if you said a squirrel was your best friend on the other hand, I’d be more surprised by that. He chuckled a bit at his own mild joke. “what towns you lived in? My momSue’s worked in quite a few so maybe you or Luna might know her already. I bet she’d be happy to recognize some of her patients.”
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Roarin »

Keeshah wrote:Kandi and Senka, having finally gotten to get away from everyone, are now roughing it out in the deep woods..
I've got the fire plugged in, you wanna roast marshmallows, or set up the tent..?
Peace and quiet at last! The past few days had been filled with more humans than Senka is comfortable mentioning in a conversation! Strangers flooded the streets and came from far and wide to view the ceremony, which she had to admit was... kind of touching. But enough was enough! A few days out in the woods would do her some good! Or so she thought.

Looking around the campground Senka let out the fifth grumpy harrumph of the day. This was definitely too much stuff just to live outside for a few days. But... she had to admit, it was a lot comfier than sitting in the dark in some cave. Foldy chair spread out near the camping pit, tents ready to pitch up and sleep in, and the marshmallows her human was suggesting were sounding quite tempting. But her training told her to finish all the groundwork first and resist the temptation of those melty edible pellet packers until the appropriate time! “Let’s do the tent first.” The feline concluded, wandering over to the material splayed out on the ground. She had practiced with Kandi at home... now this went over here, and this over there, and...

After a minute or so the mountain lion would find herself wrapped in a cocoon of tarp and strung together sticks. “How did this even-“ She started to say before the arm flailing began.
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by CyberDragon »

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Aw, don't be annoyed, Flash," Juniper said, feeling her way over Mr Otter towards the voice. Her footclaws scritched on the clothing and sank into his sleek fur as she moved. "I mean it's..." Her voice shrank away as she heard the rest of what he'd said and she laid her left handpaw on one of his arms. She hugged him, gave him a peck kiss on what she hoped was his lips and just held him as the Otter moved.

Behind her back, but facing Flash, Sally gave him a 'thumbs up' whilst wondering how long it would take someone to work out Flash had said 'underground river'.
For what felt like a long time, Flash found he couldn't move. He was stunned by the kiss. It was only a small one, but it caused his heart to leap. Once he regained his senses, he returned the kiss, and enjoyed the feeling of her hug, returning it as well.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Keeshah »

Roarin wrote: Looking around the campground Senka let out the fifth grumpy harrumph of the day.

Still worried that your mother is going to show up and roar at you for going civilized?
Roarin wrote: This was definitely too much stuff just to live outside for a few days. But... she had to admit, it was a lot comfier than sitting in the dark in some cave. Foldy chair spread out near the camping pit, tents ready to pitch up and sleep in, and the marshmallows her human was suggesting were sounding quite tempting. But her training told her to finish all the groundwork first and resist the temptation of those melty edible pellet packers until the appropriate time! “Let’s do the tent first.” The feline concluded, wandering over to the material splayed out on the ground. She had practiced with Kandi at home... now this went over here, and this over there, and...

After a minute or so the mountain lion would find herself wrapped in a cocoon of tarp and strung together sticks. “How did this even-“ She started to say before the arm flailing began.
Kandi laughs.. Cats and strings..
Going over to untangle the cougar, before she claws and rips the tent apart, as it might rain this evening, and it would be quite a bit cramped to have to sleep in the pick-up truck....
Now these poles go in these pockets here on the tent. then they arch up to form a dome
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Hlaoroo wrote:Setting aside his empty bowl, Flynn pulls out his phone and texts awkardly.
Morning, honey. Any plans for today? I wanna see you again.
"Good morning, Flynn" the responding text said, "It's Josh, I think we should meet"
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Hlaoroo »

"Ooh, I can't wait to see it!" Piper grins. "Let me guess, is it buried somewhere?"

"It's no trouble. Paul's with a patient at the moment but I can get you started. Come to the office. I've got your packet all ready." Sam leads Sue into the office and invites her to make herself comfortable. She rummages in a drawer and pulls out a stapled contract and a badge.
"There you are. Read it carefully and sign where indicated."

"Ah. Well, that's great news! Will you go to the cave and see them then?"

"Sure, Luna. No problem. So, this is really just a light and a tiny magnifying glass. A very expensive light and magnifying glass. I just need you to focus on my ear while I shine the light so I can see into your eyes, okay? I'm going to get a bit close and it's going to be a bit bright so I apologise in advance for that but it'll be over quickly if you just hold still, okay?" So saying, Paul gets to work.
"Okay, good girl. Well, your eyes look good. Now for the ears. This is also a magnifying glass and a light but it's also got a tube so I can see past your fur and down the ear canal. I'll stick it into your ear a little and it might feel a little strange but it shouldn't hurt so let me know if there's any pain, okay? ... Doing well... And your ears look fine too. Now I'll just get you to open wide and say "ah" so I can see your mouth. My, that is an impressive set of choppers. I'll just hold down your tongue for a moment with my stick. Say "ah" again, please... Perfect. Great job. Now to listen to your chest and back. The stethoscope shouldn't be cold after Sunny. Just take a couple of nice, deep breaths, okay? And in... And out... And in... And out... Fantastic. You're being so brave! Now comes the palpitation. That means I'm going to run my hands over you to feel for any lumps and bumps. Just think of it as a thorough, full-body pat. You're doing so well."

When and where? What's going on? Flynn replies, frowning.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

After a moment, Junipr pulled back from the hug. "Sorry about that," she sniffed. "I take it you're going to take Sally and me to see them, yeah?"
"I won't get in the way, Flash," the girl promised.
Nola scowled. "Them that haven't done the streets don't get that it's not the shape of your muzzle... or Dog's odd way with tails... that makes a friend. Dunno about friends but you got a non-enemy here. Same to you," she added to Rudder before mouthing the same and pointing a stern(ish) finger at Flash adding a silent unless you hurt her to the comment.
"Oh, possibly in a few days," Kilo mused. "Apparently Tracks is setting up. He needs to establish his leadership first. Besides," he added, glancing over at Flynn, "either Flynn is being frustrated by Carrot Crush again or something unpredicted has happened."
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by CyberDragon »

Welsh Halfwit wrote:After a moment, Junipr pulled back from the hug. "Sorry about that," she sniffed. "I take it you're going to take Sally and me to see them, yeah?"
"I won't get in the way, Flash," the girl promised.
Welsh Halfwit wrote:Nola scowled. "Them that haven't done the streets don't get that it's not the shape of your muzzle... or Dog's odd way with tails... that makes a friend. Dunno about friends but you got a non-enemy here. Same to you," she added to Rudder before mouthing the same and pointing a stern(ish) finger at Flash adding a silent unless you hurt her to the comment.
Flash snapped back to his senses. "Ah..." Flash said, rubbing the back of his neck. "As much as Deus and I would love guests, that might not be such a great idea..." Flash said, trying to be delicate. "For one thing, Sally right? As friendly and laid back as Deus usually is, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to bring a human child to a cave we know for sure has a giant bear living in it. Can you imagine how much trouble everyone involved would be in if anyone found out? Maybe sometime you could ask your parents if they'd like to go with you, though I don't think they'd be OK with it unless they met Deus."

The next part would be harder. He had to tell Juniper she couldn't go either. Tracks said to say the cave wasn't ready yet. Which, in all fairness, was true. Flash hadn't finished walling off all of the dangerous sections, and the ground wasn't exactly even to walk on. What tracks said after that, however, about Juniper being "safe" for him, led him to believe that Juniper was hoping or expecting to see someone she really cared about. Someone who... wasn't going to be there. If that was the case, Flash had to let her know. He couldn't lie to her. He couldn't give her false hope. Nola's threat didn't matter to him. He had dealt with bigger and angrier predators. He knew that, when he tells Juniper, it would devastate her. He didn't want to do that to her, but it would be better that she find out from him than find out a different way. At least then he could help her and console her through the period of grief.

Regardless, this wasn't the place to talk about it. It was too public. He couldn't do that to her. "As for you, Juniper, the cave isn't safe right now." He said. "There is still a lot of work to do to get the place fully livable. Tracks agrees with me on this. And... we should talk more about this later, someplace quieter."
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by GrimD@rk8290 »

Gameb18oy wrote:
Rudder chuckled at the name theme. If there was a mouse with star themed name in their family, he’d not be surprised too much. “I don’t know, I see a lot of cats and dogs being brought in to see my mom Sue all the time, I think at least if you’re raised together, it’s not that odd to be friends with a cat... now if you said a squirrel was your best friend on the other hand, I’d be more surprised by that. He chuckled a bit at his own mild joke. “what towns you lived in? My momSue’s worked in quite a few so maybe you or Luna might know her already. I bet she’d be happy to recognize some of her patients.”
"Oh geez wow...that is hard to answer." He said as henscratched his head in thought.

"We've lived so many different areas, it is hard to recall all of them. I remember Birchwood was nice, even if the dogs were a bit mean there. Uh..." He got lost in thought as he heard Nola talk to him.
Welsh Halfwit wrote: ----------------------------
Nola scowled. "Them that haven't done the streets don't get that it's not the shape of your muzzle... or Dog's odd way with tails... that makes a friend. Dunno about friends but you got a non-enemy here. Same to you," she added to Rudder before mouthing the same and pointing a stern(ish) finger at Flash adding a silent unless you hurt her to the comment.
His tail swayed and wagged at the thought of a new friend."You mean it?" Sunny asked as he went ahead and without even putting a moment into thinking about it, hhugged Nola.

Hlaoroo wrote: ~~~~
"Sure, Luna. No problem. So, this is really just a light and a tiny magnifying glass. A very expensive light and magnifying glass. I just need you to focus on my ear while I shine the light so I can see into your eyes, okay? I'm going to get a bit close and it's going to be a bit bright so I apologise in advance for that but it'll be over quickly if you just hold still, okay?" So saying, Paul gets to work.
"Okay, good girl. Well, your eyes look good. Now for the ears. This is also a magnifying glass and a light but it's also got a tube so I can see past your fur and down the ear canal. I'll stick it into your ear a little and it might feel a little strange but it shouldn't hurt so let me know if there's any pain, okay? ... Doing well... And your ears look fine too. Now I'll just get you to open wide and say "ah" so I can see your mouth. My, that is an impressive set of choppers. I'll just hold down your tongue for a moment with my stick. Say "ah" again, please... Perfect. Great job. Now to listen to your chest and back. The stethoscope shouldn't be cold after Sunny. Just take a couple of nice, deep breaths, okay? And in... And out... And in... And out... Fantastic. You're being so brave! Now comes the palpitation. That means I'm going to run my hands over you to feel for any lumps and bumps. Just think of it as a thorough, full-body pat. You're doing so well."
Luna did as she was told doing absolutely fine and taking to Pauls soothing voice rather well. No problems arose just yet that he could feel.
Sunny Briggs -Golden Labrador Retriever- S3 P5 E7 C6 I3 A8 L10
Luna Briggs - Blue Russian Cat- S8 P6 E6 C6 I7 A5 L4
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Nola reacted with some surprise to the Dog's action and thought about defending herself but managed to hold off. He was being... friendly. "Watch the wounds," she warned. "I'm gonna smell of Dog" she complained, not quite getting the amusement out of her tone.
"Somewhere private, hmm," Thomas said, trying not to loom over the tiny Mouse. "I'm Thomas, Sallys' older brother. Sounds like you're coming to our place for a visit, Flash?"
Juniper started slightly as he spoke. She grinned and put a hand to her chest. "Gotta get used to that. So, um, a few days to tidy up, yeah? Your 'man' cave?"
"Oh and hello to you as well, Mr Otter." Thomas added, suddenly noting who the Mice were standing on.
The 'Shark' fell into step with his not-at-all smelly best friend and relaxed his jaw so he didn't stick like that. "Think it meens he's gotta pay us. And Gurls like Flours. Vera does anyway."
Last edited by Welsh Halfwit on Sun Oct 07, 2018 7:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Gameb18oy »

Hlaoroo wrote:"It's no trouble. Paul's with a patient at the moment but I can get you started. Come to the office. I've got your packet all ready." Sam leads Sue into the office and invites her to make herself comfortable. She rummages in a drawer and pulls out a stapled contract and a badge.
"There you are. Read it carefully and sign where indicated."
Sue smiled as she took the contract, reading over it as instructed. "Anything I need to know that won't be mentioned in the contract?" Sam would here her scribble her name down every few seconds. "You said I might know a few of the pets here last time I talked with you? Something about their medical records having my name come up on them?'
Welsh Halfwit wrote:Nola scowled. "Them that haven't done the streets don't get that it's not the shape of your muzzle... or Dog's odd way with tails... that makes a friend. Dunno about friends but you got a non-enemy here. Same to you," she added to Rudder before mouthing the same and pointing a stern(ish) finger at Flash adding a silent unless you hurt her to the comment.
Rudder looked puzzled for a moment but quickly accepted Nola's offer at... camaraderie he guessed if not friendship. "Thank you my fine feline fri... female. I hope to not make an enemy of you anytime soon then." He chuckled a bit, catching the mouthed threat, just letting his silence tell the cat he wouldn't stop her if that came to pass.
GrimD@rk8290 wrote: "Oh geez wow...that is hard to answer." He said as henscratched his head in thought.

"We've lived so many different areas, it is hard to recall all of them. I remember Birchwood was nice, even if the dogs were a bit mean there. Uh..." He got lost in thought as he heard Nola talk to him.
"You know, Birchwood does sound familiar, think mom took me there when I was still having to deal with stitches. While the dogs were mild jerks, she said it was a pretty calm clinic..." He blinked as he thought of a specific moment there. "Wait... I think mom mentioned a labrador one time. Brought in an orphaned kitten that he'd found near his home that had a broken leg... oh what am I suggesting? If that was you I doubt that kitten would have let you ever leave. He chuckled a bit.
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Somewhere private, hmm," Thomas said, trying not to loom over the tiny Mouse. "I'm Thomas, Sallys' older brother. Sounds like you're coming to our place for a visit, Flash?"
Juniper started slightly as he spoke. She grinned and put a hand to her chest. "Gotta get used to that. So, um, a few days to tidy up, yeah? Your 'man' cave?"
"Oh and hello to you as well, Mr Otter." Thomas added, suddenly noting who the Mice were standing on.
Rudder smiled, looking up at the man. "and a good day to you sir, do I need to let these two down once they're done talking so you can take them home?
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Hlaoroo wrote:"Ooh, I can't wait to see it!" Piper grins. "Let me guess, is it buried somewhere?"
When and where? What's going on? Flynn replies, frowning.
"it's nothing, nothing is going on, don't worry. But if you want to, we can meet at my house today, any time would be fine" Josh replied
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by CyberDragon »

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Somewhere private, hmm," Thomas said, trying not to loom over the tiny Mouse. "I'm Thomas, Sallys' older brother. Sounds like you're coming to our place for a visit, Flash?"
Juniper started slightly as he spoke. She grinned and put a hand to her chest. "Gotta get used to that. So, um, a few days to tidy up, yeah? Your 'man' cave?"
"Oh and hello to you as well, Mr Otter." Thomas added, suddenly noting who the Mice were standing on.
"Yes please." Flash replied to Thomas. "If you don't mind me visiting for a little bit?"
"It's not my job to seek the truth.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Roarin »

Ma would have a fit if she knew what I was doing now. She never did like humans, she didn’t like how they smelled, or how loud they were. She was convinced that they would eventually die out with how soft and squishy they looked. Guess she never knew How civilization worked.

...She’d probably ask why she doesn’t have grandkits yet too... Thank dog she lives on the other side of the forest...”.

After fumbling around and finally flopping out of the mess of sticks and strings Senka watched from a safe distance as Kandi finished assembling the tent. “Straight things turning into curved things. Still can’t figure out how that works...”. She grumbled, cautiously prodding at the metal poles.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Keeshah »

Welsh Halfwit wrote: ------------------------------------------------
The 'Shark' fell into step with his not-at-all smelly best friend and relaxed his jaw so he didn't stick like that. "Think it meens he's gotta pay us. And Gurls like Flours. Vera does anyway."

Oreo, scampers along with the others..
How munch are wee going to git paid? Why do gurls lick flours? an why wood we want to git them flours anyways? Annnnnd... who is Vera???????

Roarin wrote:Ma would have a fit if she knew what I was doing now. She never did like humans, she didn’t like how they smelled, or how loud they were. She was convinced that they would eventually die out with how soft and squishy they looked. Guess she never knew How civilization worked.

...She’d probably ask why she doesn’t have grandkits yet too... Thank dog she lives on the other side of the forest...”.

Yes, we all wonder how we have survived this long, without having killed are selves off..
Kandi gets that mischievous look in her eyes..
regarding grandkits. You do remember that the twin cougar brothers, still live at the ZOO.. I can arrange a date. errrr visit anytime you might like....
Roarin wrote:After fumbling around and finally flopping out of the mess of sticks and strings Senka watched from a safe distance as Kandi finished assembling the tent. “Straight things turning into curved things. Still can’t figure out how that works...”. She grumbled, cautiously prodding at the metal poles.
You'll get it.. once you have been contaminated with more civilization tech.
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Keeshah wrote:Oreo, scampers along with the others..
How munch are wee going to git paid? Why do gurls lick flours? an why wood we want to git them flours anyways? Annnnnd... who is Vera???????
"Donut know," Leslie explained - sort of. "Reward coud be moeny or food." He checked through the questions mentally in order. "I fink Gurls like to sniff them or sumthing. Seen Human gurls do that. Vera does too. Then eats them a bit." He simulated Vera gnawing a stalk. "She's a doughbunny lives wif me and Aron."

(doughbunny = Doe Bunny))
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by GrimD@rk8290 »

Welsh Halfwit wrote:Nola reacted with some surprise to the Dog's action and thought about defending herself but managed to hold off. He was being... friendly. "Watch the wounds," she warned. "I'm gonna smell of Dog" she complained, not quite getting the amusement out of her tone.
"Oh I'm sorry, I just got all excited and I totally didn't mean to... It seemed in his eagerness Sunny felt sorry about almost hurting his new friend. Chester meanwhile decided to come over.

"You remember what the nice vet said. Try not to play too much with the other pets." Chester reminded him as he gave him a pat on the head.

Gameb18oy wrote:
"You know, Birchwood does sound familiar, think mom took me there when I was still having to deal with stitches. While the dogs were mild jerks, she said it was a pretty calm clinic..." He blinked as he thought of a specific moment there. "Wait... I think mom mentioned a labrador one time. Brought in an orphaned kitten that he'd found near his home that had a broken leg... oh what am I suggesting? If that was you I doubt that kitten would have let you ever leave. He chuckled a bit.
"Birchwood? Isn't that where you were staying with Uncle Elbert while I was deployed?" Chester asked Sunny, looking down as he scratched Sunny's head.

"Well yeah, the dogs were kinda mean though but we only stayed there for a year or so. I remember Uncle Elbert! And I remember the vet lady was real nice too." Sunny began to remember his time in Birchwood but he still couldn't remember a cat. Or at least the cat Rudder had brought up.
Sunny Briggs -Golden Labrador Retriever- S3 P5 E7 C6 I3 A8 L10
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Not a problem, fella," Thomas said pleasantly, I doubt you'll take up much room, eh?"
"Plus you can tell us of any things we'll need to buy for Juniper" Sally added. "'Cos we're a bit basic at the moment. Juni's got a table with raised edges and straw to live on at the moment."
"We'd probably better go back to Sally, Mr Rudder," Juniper said, not quite looking at his face. "Thank you for letting us walk on you."
"Ah, it's OK, Sunny," Nola mock grumped badly. "Looks like we're headed out. I'm usually about town so I'll see ya. If'n you don't drop in on us." She gave the Dog and Otter her address. "Being friends with a Dog can hardly damage my rep now I'm living with a Mouse!" She stressed the last few words to add a little irony to her tone.
Last edited by Welsh Halfwit on Wed Oct 10, 2018 12:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by CyberDragon »

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Not a problem, fella," Thomas said pleasantly, I doubt you'll take up much room, eh?"
"Plus you can tell us of any things we'll need to buy for Juniper" Sally added. "'Cos we're a bit basic at the moment. Juni's got a table with raised edges and straw to live on at the moment."
"We'd probably better go back to Sally, Mr Rudder," Juniper said, not quite looking at his face. "Thank you for letting us walk on you."
"Ah, it's OK, Sunny," Nola mock grumped badly. "Looks like we're headed out. I'm usually about town so I'll see ya. If'n you don't drop in on us." She gave the Dog and Otter her address. "Being friends with a Doc can hardly damage my rep now I'm living with a Mouse!" She stressed the last few words to add a little irony to her tone.
"Huh. I can probably help with that, actually. Over the past few days I've gotten pretty good at making mouse-sized furnishings." Flash said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. He looked at Rudder. "Sorry I jumped on you. Also, sorry I apparently touched an old wound."
"It's not my job to seek the truth.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Gameb18oy »

["GrimD@rk8290"]"Birchwood? Isn't that where you were staying with Uncle Elbert while I was deployed?" Chester asked Sunny, looking down as he scratched Sunny's head.

"Well yeah, the dogs were kinda mean though but we only stayed there for a year or so. I remember Uncle Elbert! And I remember the vet lady was real nice too." Sunny began to remember his time in Birchwood but he still couldn't remember a cat. Or at least the cat Rudder had brought up.[/quote]
"Mom seemed to like you too if you're who I think you are, said it was nice having a dog who didn't snap at all her feline patients" He snickered a bit as something came to mind. "Though she did bring up you were worse than a pup when she had to update your vaccinations."
CyberDragon wrote:
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Not a problem, fella," Thomas said pleasantly, I doubt you'll take up much room, eh?"
"Plus you can tell us of any things we'll need to buy for Juniper" Sally added. "'Cos we're a bit basic at the moment. Juni's got a table with raised edges and straw to live on at the moment."
"We'd probably better go back to Sally, Mr Rudder," Juniper said, not quite looking at his face. "Thank you for letting us walk on you."
"Ah, it's OK, Sunny," Nola mock grumped badly. "Looks like we're headed out. I'm usually about town so I'll see ya. If'n you don't drop in on us." She gave the Dog and Otter her address. "Being friends with a Doc can hardly damage my rep now I'm living with a Mouse!" She stressed the last few words to add a little irony to her tone.
"Huh. I can probably help with that, actually. Over the past few days I've gotten pretty good at making mouse-sized furnishings." Flash said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. He looked at Rudder. "Sorry I jumped on you. Also, sorry I apparently touched an old wound."
Rudder smiled at the mice as he walked over to Sally for them, gently picking them up in his paws to hand to her. "You were a pleasure to act as the ground for my little lady" He said to Juniper before turning to Flash with a smile, mouthing "Make your girlfriend feel like a queen, and I'll just forget about it." He turned back to Nola as he waited for the Mice to be grabbed. "I think you should be more worried about me than Sue, I never met a single housepet that knew what to expect from a former circus performer after all."
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by WeirdGamer »

Hlaoroo wrote:"Ooh, I can't wait to see it!" Piper grins. "Let me guess, is it buried somewhere?"
"It's buried in my pocket," replied Lucky. "I'll see you soon. Love you, bye!" He waited for Piper to say goodbye and then hung up. He turned to his erstwhile companions.
Welsh Halfwit wrote: The 'Shark' fell into step with his not-at-all smelly best friend and relaxed his jaw so he didn't stick like that. "Think it meens he's gotta pay us. And Gurls like Flours. Vera does anyway."
"Tell you what, I'll pay you in exposure and experience. How's that sound?"
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Keeshah »

Welsh Halfwit wrote:
Keeshah wrote:Oreo, scampers along with the others..
How munch are wee going to git paid? Why do gurls lick flours? an why wood we want to git them flours anyways? Annnnnd... who is Vera???????
"Donut know," Leslie explained - sort of.
You Donut hole?he gasps!
Welsh Halfwit wrote: "Reward coud be moeny or food." He checked through the questions mentally in order. "I fink Gurls like to sniff them or sumthing. Seen Human gurls do that. Vera does too. Then eats them a bit." He simulated Vera gnawing a stalk. "She's a doughbunny lives wif me and Aron."
Food is always good... I see..... no i don't.. why should we care what gurl's like?
WeirdGamer wrote: "Tell you what, I'll pay you in exposure and experience. How's that sound?"
It must be good, don't know what either of those are
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by GrimD@rk8290 »

Welsh Halfwit wrote: "Ah, it's OK, Sunny," Nola mock grumped badly. "Looks like we're headed out. I'm usually about town so I'll see ya. If'n you don't drop in on us." She gave the Dog and Otter her address. "Being friends with a Dog can hardly damage my rep now I'm living with a Mouse!" She stressed the last few words to add a little irony to her tone.
"Being friends with a cat can be fun too! We can play all kinds of games! And I'll be sure to try and see you when we get to town." Sunny said as seemed almost sad that a new friend was leaving but hoped Luna's appointment would be over soon.
Gameb18oy wrote: "Mom seemed to like you too if you're who I think you are, said it was nice having a dog who didn't snap at all her feline patients" He snickered a bit as something came to mind. "Though she did bring up you were worse than a pup when she had to update your vaccinations."
"Me, a bad boy? At the vet? That hardly sounds like me at all."This statement seemed to have confused Sunny.

"Sunny has almost always loved the vet, even when he was a puppy...I've never had any problems checking him in anywhere. Though the paperwork sucks." Chester remarked, as he looked down at the otter.

"Forgive us if we don't recall every vet we've been too. We've visited many." Sunny's owner added.
CyberDragon wrote: "Huh. I can probably help with that, actually. Over the past few days I've gotten pretty good at making mouse-sized furnishings." Flash said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. He looked at Rudder. "Sorry I jumped on you. Also, sorry I apparently touched an old wound."
Sunny couldn't help himself. Seeing the two mice hit it off so well made him blush."Aww how cute! I hope you two stay happy together." Sunny said to Juniper and Flash.
Sunny Briggs -Golden Labrador Retriever- S3 P5 E7 C6 I3 A8 L10
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Hlaoroo »

This morning then? In an hour? Flynn texts back.
"I dunno if something has happened or not, Kilo." the buck says, slipping his phone back into his collar.
"I texted Nadia but Josh replied instead. He wants to meet. Why would he have her phone and why would he want to meet?"

"Perfect! You're doing great!" Paul smiles, although the smile fades as he reaches for his thermometer.
"I'm afraid it gets a little unpleasant now and I apologise but it is necessary and I'll be as quick as I can. I just need you to lie on your belly and hold onto the rail on the end of the table there. I'm going to lift your tail and take your temperature. After that I'll give you your shot and then you can pick a lollipop and you'll be all done."

"I don't think so. It's all pretty standard." Sam answers. "Once you've signed I'll give you your copy as well as our personal numbers in case you need to call in sick or anything. And yes, er, I can't remember which pet it was now, sorry. But I know I've seen your name before. "
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Good thing you smell like medicated Cat, Sunny," Nola smirked, thumbing over her shoulder towards the vets' office. "The big blue might think you were fibbin' otherwise."
"Thank you Mr... Sunny," Juniper said, stopping slightly in surprise as Sally picked her up. "You can put your hand down and I'd walk onto it, Sally. You're doing it for Flash now, aren't you?"
"N...no," Sally fibbed halfheartedly, her other hand already out for the other Mouse.
"Bus-ted," Juniper said in a sing-song voice. Sally put her on the hand.
"Oh, there could be any number of reasons, my boy," Kilo said chirpily, not saying that many of those reasons were bad. "She may have gone into the woods for a bit and forgotten her phone. He needs someone to get it to her?" His tone darkened a little. "Or he may wish to give you the 'so you're dating my daughter' talk, hmm?"
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
Kilo - 2-8-3-9-10-2-5
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Gameb18oy »

GrimD@rk8290 wrote: "Me, a bad boy? At the vet? That hardly sounds like me at all."This statement seemed to have confused Sunny.

"Sunny has almost always loved the vet, even when he was a puppy...I've never had any problems checking him in anywhere. Though the paperwork sucks." Chester remarked, as he looked down at the otter.

"Forgive us if we don't recall every vet we've been too. We've visited many." Sunny's owner added.
Rudder stared up at the man as he spoke, but replied quickly once he was done. "No need to apologize. My memory has never been the best so I'm not surprised I got a detail or two wrong there... Plus I kinda assumed everyone did bad with vaccinations, I know I hate them." He played with his whiskers a bit as he considered if he got any other details wrong. He'd have to ask Sue later on.

Hlaoroo wrote: "I don't think so. It's all pretty standard." Sam answers. "Once you've signed I'll give you your copy as well as our personal numbers in case you need to call in sick or anything. And yes, er, I can't remember which pet it was now, sorry. But I know I've seen your name before. "
She gave a light sigh at that, but it wasn't the end of the world not knowing the pet yet. She was at the end of the contract by the time she asked her last few questions. "I'm curious, do you and Paul have any pets yet? Be nice if Rudder and they could play together if so." She looked over the signatures she made on the previous pages as she finished, making sure none of the ink smudged or anything. "Looks like I have that out of the way. What time do you need me in by?" She said as she handed over the contract.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by CyberDragon »

GrimD@rk8290 wrote:Sunny couldn't help himself. Seeing the two mice hit it off so well made him blush."Aww how cute! I hope you two stay happy together." Sunny said to Juniper and Flash.
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Thank you Mr... Sunny," Juniper said, stopping slightly in surprise as Sally picked her up. "You can put your hand down and I'd walk onto it, Sally. You're doing it for Flash now, aren't you?"
"N...no," Sally fibbed halfheartedly, her other hand already out for the other Mouse.
"Bus-ted," Juniper said in a sing-song voice. Sally put her on the hand.
"Yeah, thanks Sunny!" Flash said as he stepped onto Sally's hand. "I think we might be leaving soon, but I hope to see you around!"
"It's not my job to seek the truth.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Hlaoroo wrote:This morning then? In an hour? Flynn texts back.
"I dunno if something has happened or not, Kilo." the buck says, slipping his phone back into his collar.
"I texted Nadia but Josh replied instead. He wants to meet. Why would he have her phone and why would he want to meet?"
"Sure" Josh replied
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by GrimD@rk8290 »

Hlaoroo wrote:
"Perfect! You're doing great!" Paul smiles, although the smile fades as he reaches for his thermometer.
"I'm afraid it gets a little unpleasant now and I apologise but it is necessary and I'll be as quick as I can. I just need you to lie on your belly and hold onto the rail on the end of the table there. I'm going to lift your tail and take your temperature. After that I'll give you your shot and then you can pick a lollipop and you'll be all done."
"Whoa whoa wait you're going to do what now?! You shall do no such thing!" Luna seemed offened as she picked up her tail and wrapped defensivley under her legs. She didn't hear anything about the lollipop and she didn't care much about the reward.

"Is there another way you can take my temperature or something? I'd rather you not...do that." She seemed to try being reasonable, trying to negotiate with the doctor.

Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Good thing you smell like medicated Cat, Sunny," Nola smirked, thumbing over her shoulder towards the vets' office. "The big blue might think you were fibbin' otherwise."
"Thank you Mr... Sunny," Juniper said, stopping slightly in surprise as Sally picked her up. "You can put your hand down and I'd walk onto it, Sally. You're doing it for Flash now, aren't you?"
"You're most certainly welcome!" Sunny happily smiled at both Flash and Juniper before turning around to Nola.

"Who is this big blue you speak of? Do you mean the sky or something?" Sunny was confused by the cats words but was happy to feel he was already making friends.
Gameb18oy wrote:
Rudder stared up at the man as he spoke, but replied quickly once he was done. "No need to apologize. My memory has never been the best so I'm not surprised I got a detail or two wrong there... Plus I kinda assumed everyone did bad with vaccinations, I know I hate them." He played with his whiskers a bit as he considered if he got any other details wrong. He'd have to ask Sue later on.
"Mistakes happen. Seems like Sunny is making new friends already. I just hope this town turns out better than Birchwood." Chester replied to the otter, though he didn't think much of it.
Sunny Briggs -Golden Labrador Retriever- S3 P5 E7 C6 I3 A8 L10
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Gameb18oy »

CyberDragon wrote:
GrimD@rk8290 wrote:Sunny couldn't help himself. Seeing the two mice hit it off so well made him blush."Aww how cute! I hope you two stay happy together." Sunny said to Juniper and Flash.
Welsh Halfwit wrote:"Thank you Mr... Sunny," Juniper said, stopping slightly in surprise as Sally picked her up. "You can put your hand down and I'd walk onto it, Sally. You're doing it for Flash now, aren't you?"
"N...no," Sally fibbed halfheartedly, her other hand already out for the other Mouse.
"Bus-ted," Juniper said in a sing-song voice. Sally put her on the hand.
"Yeah, thanks Sunny!" Flash said as he stepped onto Sally's hand. "I think we might be leaving soon, but I hope to see you around!"
GrimD@rk8290 wrote:[
"Mistakes happen. Seems like Sunny is making new friends already. I just hope this town turns out better than Birchwood." Chester replied to the otter, though he didn't think much of it.
He smiled at the man's nice words to him. "suppose it'll just come down to the friendships he makes here. I'm sure if he's not like most of the Birchwood dogs though, he'll be fine in any town."

Hearing what the mouse said, he decided to ask them a question. "Oh you're leaving? Hey before you go, you mentioned an underground river? Where is that? It big enough for someone my size to swim in because after Sue's done here, I might want to find a nice place to go for a dip."
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Roarin »

Keeshah wrote:Yes, we all wonder how we have survived this long, without having killed are selves off..
Kandi gets that mischievous look in her eyes..
regarding grandkits. You do remember that the twin cougar brothers, still live at the ZOO.. I can arrange a date. errrr visit anytime you might like....
"No... the last thing I need to do is something my Ma would approve of. I guess a Zoo trip wouldn't hurt though, NOT to meet any cougars, but just to look around."
Keeshah wrote:You'll get it.. once you have been contaminated with more civilization tech.
As soon as the tent was finished Senka dug into their food bag and got out the marshmallow delights. So squishy and delicious... "I've seen those kids walking around with those fancy phones that don't need to be flipped open, one almost bumped into me while he was looking down at it..."
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by WeirdGamer »

Keeshah wrote:
WeirdGamer wrote: "Tell you what, I'll pay you in exposure and experience. How's that sound?"
It must be good, don't know what either of those are
"Fantastic. Follow me." With his new entourage, Lucky set out to go meet with Piper.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Hlaoroo »

"I guess..." Flynn doesn't sound convinced by Kilo's encouragement but he confirms the meeting with Josh and sticks his phone back in his collar.
"You wanna come to the meeting just in case, Kilo?"

"Only Cinnamon. He's a pine marten." Sam answers as she photocopies the signed contract and gives Sue the copy. "He was in an accident when he was a tiny kit and was too badly injured to be released back to the wild so we kept him. Sandy, our son, has taken him with him to college though. Would half past eight suit you? That way you'll be in time for the weekly staff meeting and you'll be able to join me for rounds before we open for the day."

"Unfortunately not. Infrared doesn't work on pets because they're too furry and this is the only thermometer I've got. And trust me, you don't want it in your mouth after where it's been." Paul jokes.
"Seriously though, I really don't enjoy this any more than you do but it is necessary. It's the most accurate way of getting a core temperature."
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