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Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:36 pm
by BlueAnubis
((Please read the RA OOC and vote, thank you.))

"Water, hmm? You sure your moter wasn't a cat?" Ruby whispered back with a smile, "I guess those exotic fish bars are out then. Oh, what do humans call them?" She looked up at Jack, "Hey, Jack. What was that exotic fish bar you and Lori took me to that one time?"

Jack gave Ruby a confused look, "Fish bar? Like Sushi? I don't remember ever ta-" his voice cut short when he realized what she ment. He facepawed, "You mean the aquarium?"

"Yeah, that's the place! Why didn't we go there more often? They had great food."

"Because it was a 'look, don't touch' kind of place. And the fines for eating the exibits are extremely high. That, and they had a restraining order put against us."

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 3:28 am
by furryovrlord
BlueAnubis wrote:((Please read the RA OOC and vote, thank you.))

"Water, hmm? You sure your moter wasn't a cat?" Ruby whispered back with a smile, "I guess those exotic fish bars are out then. Oh, what do humans call them?" She looked up at Jack, "Hey, Jack. What was that exotic fish bar you and Lori took me to that one time?"

Jack gave Ruby a confused look, "Fish bar? Like Sushi? I don't remember ever ta-" his voice cut short when he realized what she ment. He facepawed, "You mean the aquarium?"

"Yeah, that's the place! Why didn't we go there more often? They had great food."

"Because it was a 'look, don't touch' kind of place. And the fines for eating the exibits are extremely high. That, and they had a restraining order put against us."
"i-i'm sure.. ehhheh.. is that even possible? that would be an interesting thing.. what would the litter be called? Cogs? heh.." he couldn't help but giggle at the unfolding conversation, it was definately a good distraction from his confession

"is that really true ruby? hehe.. those poor fishies.. those poooor aquarium workers too.."

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 9:18 pm
by ctcmjh
Ginger laughed at Ruby's story about eating fish at an aquarium, "Now that sounds like my kind of meal!"
Bianca shivered at the mention of large arachnids, but watched nonetheless.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 10:03 pm
by Pecan
"Buried alive." Rain stated suddenly. "That's my greatest fear. Being buried alive." She shivered. "The thought of waking up, under the earth, with no one to hear me cry for help... it terrifies me."

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 5:04 am
by furryovrlord
Pecan wrote:"Buried alive." Rain stated suddenly. "That's my greatest fear. Being buried alive." She shivered. "The thought of waking up, under the earth, with no one to hear me cry for help... it terrifies me."
crimson froze a little, he had just heard Rain state on of her greatest fears and couldnt help but assume why, the only reason that popped into his head, was that, she had heard what he had whispered to Ruby.. he couldnt help but pick up his tail and nibble at the end softly, not realising of course until it was too late, that it was in fact, a certain familiar cat's tail and not his own.
more specifically, it was ruby's.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 10:37 am
by ctcmjh
Winch looked at Rain, concerned when she said that. He placed a paw on her shoulder, "Um, Rain? Are you okay?

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 10:12 am
by Pecan
(Shoot, didn't read that correctly... Um... IMPROV, GO!)

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just... wanted to get that off my chest, I guess." She gave Crimson a look that said, 'sorry,' before smiling. "You know... some time, I'm going to have to cook for all of you."

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 1:41 pm
by EvilTwin
Pecan wrote:"You know... some time, I'm going to have to cook for all of you."
"Sounds like a treat, What kind of stuff do you like to make?" Ozzy asked.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 8:57 pm
by furryovrlord
Pecan wrote:(Shoot, didn't read that correctly... Um... IMPROV, GO!)

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just... wanted to get that off my chest, I guess." She gave Crimson a look that said, 'sorry,' before smiling. "You know... some time, I'm going to have to cook for all of you."
Crimson realised what he was doing after a while when he noticed, he couldnt feel himdelf nibbling at his tail. he looked down and noticed exactly why that was. "o- oh gawd.. s-sorry Ruby!" he quickly set her tail down and patted it with an innocent face "ehhheh.. oh, hehe, that sounds great rain, i do love food! hehe, what kind of things do you cook?"

"aaand also speaking of food," a certain voice said "so sorry for the delay, its a bit hectic in there at the moment" Esme gestured towards the kitchen and then set down three plates, one being jack's, one Ruby's and the other Ozzy's "i'll be back with the rest of the dishes in just a moment y'all"

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 12:03 am
by BlueAnubis
Ruby was surprised when she realized what was happening with her tail. She smiled slyly as he let her tail go. Then she wrapped it around his waist and pulled him closer, "Hmm, Crimson, you do move fast. Most guys wait until after dinner to make their move." She chuckled.

Jack smiled softly at Rain, "I believe everyone has their own phobias that wake them up at night in a sweat. I myself am pyrophobic. So I may not accept an invitation to a bonfire. Though on the plus side, I have no problems with clowns." He chuckled and thanked Esme.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 2:41 am
by furryovrlord
BlueAnubis wrote:Ruby was surprised when she realized what was happening with her tail. She smiled slyly as he let her tail go. Then she wrapped it around his waist and pulled him closer, "Hmm, Crimson, you do move fast. Most guys wait until after dinner to make their move." She chuckled.

Jack smiled softly at Rain, "I believe everyone has their own phobias that wake them up at night in a sweat. I myself am pyrophobic. So I may not accept an invitation to a bonfire. Though on the plus side, I have no problems with clowns." He chuckled and thanked Esme.
Crimson broke ut into a bright blush and his expression went blank, he wasn't expecting htta kind of respone "i-i uhh. whaaa?" he turned to her, not pulling away however, still bright pink in the face "i-i umm, wasnt m-making any kind of move, h-honestly.." he started to look like he was going a little wak, he ended up, pulling his tail up over his face and slumping back into the chair, hiding his blush, but still, close to ruby.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 2:17 pm
by Pecan
Rain's face grew in to a huge grin as she started to talk about her cooking. "Well, I use a lot of home-grown vegetables and fruit, though I won't be able to use fresh ingredients for awhile, gotta give the garden time to grow." She giggled. "My best meal so far has been a Turkey Stir-fry, where I had to use noodles instead of rice because we had run out."

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 7:49 pm
by furryovrlord
Pecan wrote:Rain's face grew in to a huge grin as she started to talk about her cooking. "Well, I use a lot of home-grown vegetables and fruit, though I won't be able to use fresh ingredients for awhile, gotta give the garden time to grow." She giggled. "My best meal so far has been a Turkey Stir-fry, where I had to use noodles instead of rice because we had run out."
"you know," Crimson spoke up having been sitting back and listening to all teh conversation "my house has this amazing vegetable and herb garden that was already out back when we moved in, you're quite welcome to make use of it all, i'm sure my parents won't mind. oh, and as for that stir fry you mentioned just now, boy it sounds delicious, hehe, a really amazing thing you can do, is a type of, stir fry soup, that way, the noodles absorb all of the flavour. plus, a little bit of freshly chopped corriader on the top, does a treat to any stir fry." he smacked his lips a little at the thought.

he spotted the jug of soda and poured a glass for himself and then politely asked "Ruby, would you like some soda? or anybody? ehheh" he blushed a little and placed his glass on his coaster and stood, holding up the jug ready to pour for whoever asked.

while he was standing Esme' returned again with the remainder of the plates and served them out accordingly she smiled at them all "enjoy your meals, and don't you hesitate to ask for anything ya' hear?" and with that, she returned to her station

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:25 am
by BlueAnubis
Ruby smiled, "Calm down, Red. If you have a heart attack, then the only thing you'll be good for is filling the box I got here in."

Jack laughed, "It would seem the two of you have found yourselves in an advantagious situation, one with the resources, and one with the talent to create with them." He said to Crimson and Rain. He smiled, held up his glass, and stood, "I would like to propose a toast. A toast to new friends, new experiences, new lives, and new loves." He smiled at Bianca, "Here's to all of us, may our lives be long and eventful."

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:42 pm
by furryovrlord
BlueAnubis wrote:Ruby smiled, "Calm down, Red. If you have a heart attack, then the only thing you'll be good for is filling the box I got here in."

Jack laughed, "It would seem the two of you have found yourselves in an advantagious situation, one with the resources, and one with the talent to create with them." He said to Crimson and Rain. He smiled, held up his glass, and stood, "I would like to propose a toast. A toast to new friends, new experiences, new lives, and new loves." He smiled at Bianca, "Here's to all of us, may our lives be long and eventful."
"i-err, ehheh, g-good point, and i'm in no way wanting to be dead just yet, heheh.." he blushed a little and upon hearing jack propose a toast, filled up Ruby's glass and placed it before her so she could toast also and then raised his own glass.

"i'll definately toast to that, and may i add, that our lives be free of drama, or, atleast, too much drama" he smiled and kept his glass raised

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:53 pm
by BlueAnubis
The night continued as it started: full of laughter and storytelling. After everyone ate their fill (and Ruby had a few more sodas than would be recomended), everyone paid their bills and headed for home. Jack helped Ruby into his bed, after he removed her from Crimson, and went downstairs to curl up on the couch for the night.

The next day, Ruby woke up in a groggy haze "Oogh... Where am I?" "You're back home, in my bed." Jack replied as he entered with a bowl of cereal. "Your bed? Why am I in your bed?"

"Because you had enough sugar in your system to send a large pony into diabetic shock, and I did not want you climbing trees in that state. Here." He said as he handed the bowl to Ruby.

She took a bite and winced, "Ugh, what's in this?"

"Oat Loops. I'm giving your kidneys a break, even if it's only temporarily. Now hurry up, Crimson will be worried about you after you almost gave him a heart attack last night, and you need to show everyone you can walk a straigt line after all that." He said and headed back downstairs.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:16 am
by furryovrlord
BlueAnubis wrote:The night continued as it started: full of laughter and storytelling. After everyone ate their fill (and Ruby had a few more sodas than would be recomended), everyone paid their bills and headed for home. Jack helped Ruby into his bed, after he removed her from Crimson, and went downstairs to curl up on the couch for the night.

The next day, Ruby woke up in a groggy haze "Oogh... Where am I?" "You're back home, in my bed." Jack replied as he entered with a bowl of cereal. "Your bed? Why am I in your bed?"

"Because you had enough sugar in your system to send a large pony into diabetic shock, and I did not want you climbing trees in that state. Here." He said as he handed the bowl to Ruby.

She took a bite and winced, "Ugh, what's in this?"

"Oat Loops. I'm giving your kidneys a break, even if it's only temporarily. Now hurry up, Crimson will be worried about you after you almost gave him a heart attack last night, and you need to show everyone you can walk a straigt line after all that." He said and headed back downstairs.
Crimson woke up with the sun shining bright in his face through a gap in the curtains of his window. he let out a soft groan and looked at his clock, letting out another gron. not because he was tired, but rather, becausehe had slept in. he never did like to waste daylight.

he got up and headed into the kitchen. his parents weren't around "must be at work already" he thought to himself as he digged through the pantry and pulled out his favourite brand of morning kibble. he pored hiself a bowl and then plopped himself down on his favourite bean bag in the living room.

as he was eating he recalled the state Ruby was in as he had left. though she was very much safe in the capable hands- or rather, paws- of Jack he still wanted to go in and check on her and so, he quickly gobbled down hte rest of his breakfast, tidied himself up and left his hose, making sure to lock up everything as he did.

as he walked down the street, along the soft mornig grass he realised "drat.. i forgot, i really have no idea where she lives, i never got to ask her... in fact, i dont know where anybody in this neighbourhood lives. well, i guess, there really is only one way to find out, hehe" he stood still, looked around intently and picked a house out based on a pure blunt, guess. he approached the door rather timidly and gave 3 quick knocks and then stood back, wagging his tail slightly and waited for an answer.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:55 am
by BlueAnubis
Jack's ears perked up when he heard a knock at the door. He opened the door and smiled. "Crimson, my friend, come in. Welcome to our home. Though I must apologize for the mess, we haven't finished unpacking yet." He said pointing towards the boxes in the corner.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:00 pm
by furryovrlord
BlueAnubis wrote:Jack's ears perked up when he heard a knock at the door. He opened the door and smiled. "Crimson, my friend, come in. Welcome to our home. Though I must apologize for the mess, we haven't finished unpacking yet." He said pointing towards the boxes in the corner.
"oh! good, i do have the right house, hehe. and relax, my place is pretty much still the same, why, i dont think my parents have even been home long enough to open their boxes, let alone unpack any. heh." Crimson looked around as he idled in the door and then took a few steps inside wiping his feet on a doormat and standing out of the way so that jack can close the door

"how is Ruby doing? not too grouchy or in a mass ofheadaching horridness i hope" he smiled a little "if needed, i have a recipe and ingredients back home that'd have her feeling right as rain" he stood quite silently, hugging his tail and looking around

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:53 pm
by ChewyChewy
"Constance! Our things!" said Mrs. Pain in a sing-song voice.

"Right away, Mistress!" said Connie in a rushed but cheerful voice. Only her sisters (NOT by blood), Royal and Window, were allowed to call Mrs. Pain "Mother."

Connie rushed to get out the many suitcases. Mrs. Pain had a handful of suitcases, mostly clothes in each, and Royal and Window each had almost as many, for vanity accessories: brushes, combs, curlers, etc.

Ignoring her, Royal and Window looked out the windows.

"Just the spot for a fresh start, I think," said Royal, smiling with satisfaction. "Cozy little out-of-the way place, the inhabitants ought to get a thrill over having us in the neighborhood."

"We simply MUST have a party and get to know our neighbors," said Window.

Royal sneered. "We don't know anyone here, we ought to have a party by which we can get to know them," she said as though Window hadn't spoken.

Window stuck out her tongue at her sister.

Connie tripped and dropped the suitcases.

"Oh, now look what you've done! Clumsy, clumsy, clumsy...." said Mrs. Pain.

"It all comes of carrying more than one has the strength to lift," said Royal in a "tsk, tsk" voice.

"Sorry," said Connie, meaning it. She brought the suitcases into their new house two at a time.

(OOC: Connie, Royal, and Window are all rabbits, by the way. Connie's funny-looking and the other two are beautiful.)

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:00 am
by BlueAnubis
Jack smiled, "She's doing better, which I suppose is both suprising and not at the same time, if that makes any sence at all. She ingested almost a metric ton of sugar, but she has always been quick to recover from anything she has ever gone through. Well... except for one thing..." He paused for a moment, "So... what did the two of you talk about last night?"

Ruby groaned as she finished her Oat Loops. She began grooming herself when she glanced out the window, seeing another moving truck a few doors down. Hmm... looks like some even newer newcomers to our little neighborhood. She thought as she brushed her face.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 11:07 am
by ChewyChewy
When Constance had unpacked the suitcases and put everything away--without TOO many accidents--Royal said, "Connie, start writing up invitations to our party with the stationery. It is to be tomorrow at noon, semi-formal."

"But--what if the folks here have plans for then already?" said Connie nervously.

"Rubbish!" said Window, turning up her nose. "If anyone here is ANYONE, they'll drop their plans to come to our party. If they don't, they're not worth knowing anyway."

"Now, now, my dear," said Royal. "We mustn't blame those less fortunate than ourselves for something that is beyond their abilities. We'll soon learn who's worth associating with and who isn't."

Connie quickly went to work with the stationery, writing out invitations. She handwrote the message on all of them with pink ink, as Mrs. Pain, Royal, and Window were above using stationery that anyone else would be using. Here is what she wrote:

"Mrs. Sharp Pain and her prize-winning show rabbits, Royal and Window, request the pleasure of your company at a semi-formal dinner party at noon tomorrow. Well-groomed, well-mannered pets are welcome, and are indeed a must. Tie for male pets/skirt for female pets optional. Please RSVP without delay."

Connie wasn't allowed to hand-deliver the letters so she wrote addresses on the envelopes and placed them into their mailbox.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:28 pm
by furryovrlord
BlueAnubis wrote:Jack smiled, "She's doing better, which I suppose is both suprising and not at the same time, if that makes any sence at all. She ingested almost a metric ton of sugar, but she has always been quick to recover from anything she has ever gone through. Well... except for one thing..." He paused for a moment, "So... what did the two of you talk about last night?"

Ruby groaned as she finished her Oat Loops. She began grooming herself when she glanced out the window, seeing another moving truck a few doors down. Hmm... looks like some even newer newcomers to our little neighborhood. She thought as she brushed her face.
Crimson nodded slightly and smiled "that doesn't surprise me one bit, hehe." he didn't pay too much attention to the 'except for one thing' that jack had said, he hadnt heard anything last night that would fit into that category so he srugged it off.

"let's put it this way, she is most definately not self centered, the whole night all she wanted to talk about was me, which, i have to admit was kind of difficult, i've never been the best at talking to anyone, about anything really, heheh. and so, we talked, basically all night, about my life before i moved into the neighbourhood. I told her all the ups and downs, from my happy memories of being a pup, to the darkest, and most scary of lonely nights, even about this one friend i had made whilst living alone, tasmanian devil he was, as wild as he was short, and short tempered, hehe. i must admit, it was really nice to finally be able to share all of that with someone who i know was listening."

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 10:36 pm
by ChewyChewy
"Actually, it might be better if we don't mail them but hand out the invitations personally," said Window.

"Connie, we should really hand out the invitations personally, fetch them out of the mailbox," said Royal, again trying to take credit for the idea.

Window shot Royal a dirty look.

"Well, we should," said Royal as though her sister's dirty look were in disagreement. "After all, they're probably intimidated by our mere presence in the same neighborhood as themselves, the poor dears. If we go door to door with the invitations they'll see that we're not as unapproachable as they imagine us--aside from which we can allow them to take our photographs and offer to autograph them."

"Yes, a clever idea I'VE just had, isn't it?" said Window.

"Let's not be petty, what matters is that it's settled. We're going to hand them out door to door."

Connie came back in with the invitations and Royal snatched them up. Window tried to take half but Royal held them out of her reach. "Come, sister, let us go mingle with the commoners. Connie, dust our room while we're gone. I nearly got dust on my finger."

"Yes, Royal," said Connie cheerfully, heading to their rooms with a feather duster.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:16 pm
by BlueAnubis
Jack nodded, Not what I meant, though I suppose that if he told someone what Ruby told him at the drop of a hat, he would not be the most trustworthy hound out there. He thought, "So, would you like something to drink while you wait?" He asked Crimson with a smile.

Ruby decided to step onto the roof for a moment before heading downstairs. The morning sun always helped to get her going after a long night. Just as she finished stretching, she noticed a pair of pets making their way through the neighborhood with a stack of cards. She slipped to the far side of the roof and hid behind the chimney to get a closer look at the pair, discreetly. From what she could see, it was a pair of fluffy brown rabbit sisters. Is that... no, it couldn't be. The last time I saw such simular rabbits, I was still answering to Azalea. Before those sad excuses for owners left me to rot on the side of the road. That would have been over three years ago if it was. She thought.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:29 am
by ChewyChewy
BlueAnubis wrote:Jack nodded, Not what I meant, though I suppose that if he told someone what Ruby told him at the drop of a hat, he would not be the most trustworthy hound out there. He thought, "So, would you like something to drink while you wait?" He asked Crimson with a smile.

Ruby decided to step onto the roof for a moment before heading downstairs. The morning sun always helped to get her going after a long night. Just as she finished stretching, she noticed a pair of pets making their way through the neighborhood with a stack of cards. She slipped to the far side of the roof and hid behind the chimney to get a closer look at the pair, discreetly. From what she could see, it was a pair of fluffy brown rabbit sisters. Is that... no, it couldn't be. The last time I saw such simular rabbits, I was still answering to Azalea. Before those sad excuses for owners left me to rot on the side of the road. That would have been over three years ago if it was. She thought.
Royal was holding the invitations, so Window managed to ring the doorbell before Royal got the chance.

Royal lifted her snout in contempt as she waited for the doorbell to be answered.

(OOC: Ruby hasn't actually SEEN them before, has she...? :? )

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:08 am
by furryovrlord
BlueAnubis wrote:Jack nodded, Not what I meant, though I suppose that if he told someone what Ruby told him at the drop of a hat, he would not be the most trustworthy hound out there. He thought, "So, would you like something to drink while you wait?" He asked Crimson with a smile.

Ruby decided to step onto the roof for a moment before heading downstairs. The morning sun always helped to get her going after a long night. Just as she finished stretching, she noticed a pair of pets making their way through the neighborhood with a stack of cards. She slipped to the far side of the roof and hid behind the chimney to get a closer look at the pair, discreetly. From what she could see, it was a pair of fluffy brown rabbit sisters. Is that... no, it couldn't be. The last time I saw such simular rabbits, I was still answering to Azalea. Before those sad excuses for owners left me to rot on the side of the road. That would have been over three years ago if it was. She thought.
Crmson nodded and smiled. "that would be lovely thank you." He jumped a little as he heard the doorbell ring, his sensitive ears were un-prepared for the chiming and the unexpected ringing in his ears startled him. he giggled and shook it off with a blush "would you like me to get that for you Jack?" he said cheerfully, the natural energy of the morning finally kicking in and livening him up some.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:22 pm
by BlueAnubis
Jack set down the glasses he had taken out and smiled, "Thank you, but it will give me something to do while the water heats up." he said as he headed to the door and opened it, revealing a pair of exceptionally well groomed rabbits. He paused for a moment, unsure of what was going on, before speaking, "... Good morning, Ladies. May I help you?" He said, doffing his cap to them.

Ruby sneaked her way to the roof hanging over the doorway, listening closely as Jack opened the door.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:22 pm
by ChewyChewy
BlueAnubis wrote:Jack set down the glasses he had taken out and smiled, "Thank you, but it will give me something to do while the water heats up." he said as he headed to the door and opened it, revealing a pair of exceptionally well groomed rabbits. He paused for a moment, unsure of what was going on, before speaking, "... Good morning, Ladies. May I help you?" He said, doffing his cap to them.

Ruby sneaked her way to the roof hanging over the doorway, listening closely as Jack opened the door.
Royal and Window affected a curtsy, appreciating his manners.

"Good DAY to you, sir," said Window sweetly before she was interrupted by Royal.

"A very good day to you, sir," said Royal as though Window hadn't said anything. "You certainly may. You've probably heard of us, but on the teensy-tiny off-chance you may not have, I am Royal Pain--"

"--and I am Window Pain. We're show rabbits, winners of many blue ribbons at the pet shows."

"Please excuse my sister's boasting," said Royal. "The insecure often tend to do that."

Window glared at her sister.

"ANYWAY," said Royal, "we're here to invite you and everyone else in the neighborhood to a dinner party tomorrow at noon. Here are the invitations, and you needn't RSVP just now--our telephone number is in the invitations, you may call once you've checked your schedule. Dress is semi-formal, and pets are of course welcome. You may wear a tie if you wish, but we only ask that you be well-groomed. Hope to see you there!" she finished in a sing-song voice.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:30 pm
by furryovrlord
ChewyChewy wrote:
BlueAnubis wrote:Jack set down the glasses he had taken out and smiled, "Thank you, but it will give me something to do while the water heats up." he said as he headed to the door and opened it, revealing a pair of exceptionally well groomed rabbits. He paused for a moment, unsure of what was going on, before speaking, "... Good morning, Ladies. May I help you?" He said, doffing his cap to them.

Ruby sneaked her way to the roof hanging over the doorway, listening closely as Jack opened the door.
Royal and Window affected a curtsy, appreciating his manners.

"Good DAY to you, sir," said Window sweetly before she was interrupted by Royal.

"A very good day to you, sir," said Royal as though Window hadn't said anything. "You certainly may. You've probably heard of us, but on the teensy-tiny off-chance you may not have, I am Royal Pain--"

"--and I am Window Pain. We're show rabbits, winners of many blue ribbons at the pet shows."
"Please excuse my sister's boasting," said Royal. "The insecure often tend to do that."

Window glared at her sister.

"ANYWAY," said Royal, "we're here to invite you and everyone else in the neighborhood to a dinner party tomorrow at noon. Here are the invitations, and you needn't RSVP just now--our telephone number is in the invitations, you may call once you've checked your schedule. Dress is semi-formal, and pets are of course welcome. You may wear a tie if you wish, but we only ask that you be well-groomed. Hope to see you there!" she finished in a sing-song voice.
Crimson had been listening from the room he was waiting in, he couldn't help but come over upon hearing one word. he glanced over to the two rabbits in the door way, and then at jack. "hey, uhhm, jack? who are these two? are they new to the neighbourhood?" Crimson, and his somewhat scruffy nature, was completely oblivious to things such as fashion, meaning he didn't recognise the newcomers at all.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:30 pm
by furryovrlord
ChewyChewy wrote:
BlueAnubis wrote:Jack set down the glasses he had taken out and smiled, "Thank you, but it will give me something to do while the water heats up." he said as he headed to the door and opened it, revealing a pair of exceptionally well groomed rabbits. He paused for a moment, unsure of what was going on, before speaking, "... Good morning, Ladies. May I help you?" He said, doffing his cap to them.

Ruby sneaked her way to the roof hanging over the doorway, listening closely as Jack opened the door.
Royal and Window affected a curtsy, appreciating his manners.

"Good DAY to you, sir," said Window sweetly before she was interrupted by Royal.

"A very good day to you, sir," said Royal as though Window hadn't said anything. "You certainly may. You've probably heard of us, but on the teensy-tiny off-chance you may not have, I am Royal Pain--"

"--and I am Window Pain. We're show rabbits, winners of many blue ribbons at the pet shows."
"Please excuse my sister's boasting," said Royal. "The insecure often tend to do that."

Window glared at her sister.

"ANYWAY," said Royal, "we're here to invite you and everyone else in the neighborhood to a dinner party tomorrow at noon. Here are the invitations, and you needn't RSVP just now--our telephone number is in the invitations, you may call once you've checked your schedule. Dress is semi-formal, and pets are of course welcome. You may wear a tie if you wish, but we only ask that you be well-groomed. Hope to see you there!" she finished in a sing-song voice.
Crimson had been listening from the room he was waiting in, he couldn't help but come over upon hearing one word. he glanced over to the two rabbits in the door way, and then at jack. "hey, uhhm, jack? who are these two? are they new to the neighbourhood?" Crimson, and his somewhat scruffy nature, was completely oblivious to things such as fashion, meaning he didn't recognise the newcomers at all.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:27 am
by BlueAnubis
Jack turned as he accepted the invitation from Royal, "Crimson. Yes, it would seem that miss Royal and miss Window are, indeed, our new neighbors. Ladies, if I may introduce my friend, Crimson. He lives a few houses down the street." He said with a wave towards Crimson. "As for myself, I am Jackson Lazul, though you may call me Jack. It is a pleasure to meet you." He said with a slight bow.

Ruby silently dashed back into Jack's room, panting as she closed the window. Holy Duat! It is them! They might think I'm dead, or petnapped, or... who knows what else they might think, I haven't seen anyone from that life in years! She thought as she quickly brushed her fur, she stopped and looked at herself in the mirror. Calm down, Foolish Cat! She thought as she tossed the brush down. You've been through layers of crap without batting an eye, and now you're freaking out over what two pets, who may not even remember or recognize you, think? Pull yourself together, Mau! She shook her head and sighed. I suppose it's time to find out wether they do or not. She made her way down the stairs gracefully, "Jackson? Is someone here?" She asked loud enough for everyone to hear.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:11 pm
by ChewyChewy
BlueAnubis wrote:Jack turned as he accepted the invitation from Royal, "Crimson. Yes, it would seem that miss Royal and miss Window are, indeed, our new neighbors. Ladies, if I may introduce my friend, Crimson. He lives a few houses down the street." He said with a wave towards Crimson. "As for myself, I am Jackson Lazul, though you may call me Jack. It is a pleasure to meet you." He said with a slight bow.

Ruby silently dashed back into Jack's room, panting as she closed the window. Holy Duat! It is them! They might think I'm dead, or petnapped, or... who knows what else they might think, I haven't seen anyone from that life in years! She thought as she quickly brushed her fur, she stopped and looked at herself in the mirror. Calm down, Foolish Cat! She thought as she tossed the brush down. You've been through layers of crap without batting an eye, and now you're freaking out over what two pets, who may not even remember or recognize you, think? Pull yourself together, Mau! She shook her head and sighed. I suppose it's time to find out wether they do or not. She made her way down the stairs gracefully, "Jackson? Is someone here?" She asked loud enough for everyone to hear.
Royal and Window curtsied to Crimson. "A distinct pleasure to make your acquaintance, sirs," said Royal. "We have indeed moved into the neighborhood, and are having a posh dinner party tomorrow at noon. You are invited, and the information is in the invitations we gave to Jackson here."

Upon hearing Ruby's voice, the Pain sisters' long ears stood on end, but they quickly composed themselves. "Someone certainly IS!" said Window. "Two someones who have won dozens of blue ribbons at pet shows!"

"Now, dear, it isn't ladylike to boast," said Royal as though she were considerably older and more mature than Window, which she wasn't. "You may tell your friend that she is invited too. She may wear a skirt if she likes, but we insist on good grooming, clothes or no. Hope to see you all there! Before we leave, is there anyone else here we haven't been introduced to?"

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 1:20 am
by BlueAnubis
Jack turned to see Ruby, something was... off about her, "Ruby, Crimson is here, as well as our new neighbors, Royal and Window. They've come to invite us to a dinner party tomarrow."

Ruby made her way towards them, "You're here early, Crimson, it's wonderful to see you this morning." She said as she hugged him warmly. She turned to the sisters, they were much taller than they were last time she saw them. "Royal, Window. Seeing you here makes me feel as if I've seen you somewhere else before." She said in a thoughtful tone.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:04 am
by ChewyChewy
BlueAnubis wrote:Jack turned to see Ruby, something was... off about her, "Ruby, Crimson is here, as well as our new neighbors, Royal and Window. They've come to invite us to a dinner party tomarrow."

Ruby made her way towards them, "You're here early, Crimson, it's wonderful to see you this morning." She said as she hugged him warmly. She turned to the sisters, they were much taller than they were last time she saw them. "Royal, Window. Seeing you here makes me feel as if I've seen you somewhere else before." She said in a thoughtful tone.
"Well, of COURSE you've seen us before!" said Window, trying to deflect the subject. "We're show rabbits! We've been entered into DOZENS of pet shows and won blue ribbons at each! And we give autographed photographs of ourselves--no charge!"

"Not that it's ladylike to boast about it," said Royal. "Fortune has simply smiled upon us, granting us our natural beauty. We understand how it is being in the presence of a celebrity, but deep down we're really not all that different. And to prove it we have indeed invited you all to our dinner party and hope you will be able to attend. The information is in the invitations. Now, unless there's someone else here we have yet to greet, other than your owners, we'd best be on our way and invite the rest of the neighborhood."

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:41 am
by furryovrlord
BlueAnubis wrote:Jack turned to see Ruby, something was... off about her, "Ruby, Crimson is here, as well as our new neighbors, Royal and Window. They've come to invite us to a dinner party tomarrow."

Ruby made her way towards them, "You're here early, Crimson, it's wonderful to see you this morning." She said as she hugged him warmly. She turned to the sisters, they were much taller than they were last time she saw them. "Royal, Window. Seeing you here makes me feel as if I've seen you somewhere else before." She said in a thoughtful tone.
"y-yeah, i came in almost as soon as I woke up to see if you were okay" He tilted his head a little as he wrapped his arms softly around her. something seemed a little different but he couldn't put a finger to it. he eventually shrugged the feeling off, all too happy just to be in good company.

"and, heh, i would hate to be a spoilsport and all, but, uhh, Ruby, are you sure you should go? you look fine and all, but that was a lot of sugar you had last night, i'd hate to see you go through a sugar low, or a crash, and embarass yourself." he scratched the back of his head shyly

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:04 am
by BlueAnubis
Ruby blinked and smiled lightly, "No, I suppose there isn't anyone else, and don't worry, Crimson dear, I'll be right as rain by tomarrow. We will be there." She said as she turned towards the kitchen.

Jack turned back towards Royal and Window, "Thank you, Ladies. We will, most assuredly, see you tomarrow." He said with a bow.

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:26 pm
by ChewyChewy
BlueAnubis wrote:Ruby blinked and smiled lightly, "No, I suppose there isn't anyone else, and don't worry, Crimson dear, I'll be right as rain by tomarrow. We will be there." She said as she turned towards the kitchen.

Jack turned back towards Royal and Window, "Thank you, Ladies. We will, most assuredly, see you tomarrow." He said with a bow.
"There there, no need to worry," said Window to Ruby with a condescending smile. "You're still welcome, and you won't ruin our party."

"So good to hear you'll be there! Remember, dress is semi-formal," said Royal.

The two curtsied and took their leave, heading for the next house.

(OOC: How many houses do they need to go to?)

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:01 am
by BlueAnubis
"Farewell, Ladies." Jack said before closing the door. A moment later, a loud crack came from the kitchen. When Jack ran in, he found Ruby sitting on the counter with a cup of tea and a bit of skin and fur missing from the knuckles on her left hand. "Ruby! Pardon my English, but what the crap is wrong with you!?"

Ruby sipped her tea and scooped in a few heaping spoonfuls of sugar. "Well excuse me! But after last night and what just happened, I needed some 'hair of the dog I attacked' to help my head."

He tilted his head, "That's not how the sayin-"

"Do I look like I care?" She said as she quickly drained the cup. "As for what is wrong, Crimson. You recall part one of my life story, 'Expensive Cat and Rich Owners?' Well, the Pain Sisters were my best friends during that time period. So perhaps you'll forgive me for having a minor moment with the floor-tiles due to the fact that I just had a massive reminder of the worst weeks of my life!" She said as she slid off the counter and slumped into one of the kitchen chairs. "Could someone get me some more Oat Loops, please?" She groaned as she set her head on the table.

((That depends on if Rhyzer or anyone else posts with their characters soon.))

Re: Pet Friendly - Richmond Acres

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:50 pm
by Rhyzer
<< OOC - Yeah, sorry for the wait. ^^;; >>

Elsewhere, around the outskirts of the neighborhood...

A distinctive '09 Dodge Challenger stood parked beside a road, whereby two individuals sat in their respective seats. The vehicle stood motionless without burdening those driving past them, and as such, the driver wasn't intending on driving yet -- on account of speaking on the phone for directions to their new address,

"...No, I don't know if we're around there, I've yet to see a street with that name anywhere! ...Yea -- No, no, I've already gone around there countless times!...Look, why d--"

Beside him was his only passenger, Travis, whom wasn't paying much attention to his loud and obnoxious owner. He was rather focused on listening to his music instead, since there wasn't much he can do at the moment but wait until he reaches to his new home. As he sat idly listening to one of his tracks, he couldn't help continue his gaze at the countless notable farmlands he'd never seen before, such as the silos, the windmills, and large acres of land -- not to mention the massive crowd of trees that stood adjacent to each other that made one big pile 'o green, as Travis thought it such. He found the scent of the air perplexing, yet warming.

Travis had just recently returned from his investigation in aiding Interpol on a case -- alongside his owner, actually. Before all of that, however, Travis' owners sought to transfer over to a new city, and by all means, a new neighborhood -- namely a pet-friendly one. So before they were able to begin their aid to Interpol that lasted more than a week, the three of them arranged to pack and move on out -- which gave one of the owners that stayed behind enough time to unpack and rearrange the items and furniture long before they return.

"--Oh, gotcha. Alright, see you then," said the man, concluding his dialogue on the cell phone.

Confidently well-memorizing the directions needed to drive to their new address, the car began to move about vigorously -- which slightly startled Travis out of his headphones to gaze at his owner with a confused albeit critical expression.

"So it's around here?" asked Travis in a nonchalant manner. He lowered his headphones so they would lay down upon his shoulders.

"Yeah, we just missed it, is all," retorted the owner, "I wonder how the house turned out. Pretty nice, I bet."

Travis diligently surveyed his surroundings for the purpose of memorizing. From under his watchful gaze, it didn't take long for him to mentally map down the notable farmland features all the way to the outskirts of the neighborhood from his current perspective -- though it wasn't very apparently noticeable from his perspective at that time.

"...Alright, we're here!" exclaimed the owner, parking down the driveway of the house. The man walked out of his car with his belongings, very enthusiastic and excited for the new change.

Travis continued to glance around his surroundings, then to his two-story house. He eventually broke out of his nonchalant composure [Which is a rare predicament] with a wag of his tail, indicating that he was sort of excited, yet somehow nervous. A smile arose from his muzzle.
...New city, new fields, and...
Travis hesitated on his thoughts for a moment until he caught a whiff of a few individuals standing at the doorstep to a house a few doors down from the Hoffman residence.
...New faces. I'm going to like it here... I know it!...
He then quickly caught up with his owner and went on inside to survey the interior of the new home.