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Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 1:10 pm
by JamesTCat
"Starting April Fools day 2020, a new breed of Awesome Possum have spawned. On Jess' birthday, a Gray and Gold Mobirate spawned in her dominant hand alongside a Gokaiger key on the other. To top it all off, she grew into the Regulation Ranger Body Structure hence her newfound anatomy.

Naturally, Jess is embarrassed that this is happening to her so quickly. What are these new powers she's given? How will she use them to better the wild? Well one things for certain, two new Gokaiger beings means that it's starting to get a bit stale. But will it be worth it in the long run? Find out in this canon april fools episode of Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger!"


"Foolhardy April! Jess is the last new Gokaiger Ranger this decade, we swear!"


"We said we were sorry for laughing at your newly developed powers!" Tuck is flustered at his friend's sudden development. "On a positive note, at least the devs are spreading the power giving apart."

Jessica Possum have all the keys that the Kingkaigers Proper have. (Including the Homebrew Keys to fill in the gaps of certain teams.) It's just that she's one Possum.

"I got all the aces!" Tiny Tum had some incredible luck in finding them. "Actually, I let the devs know of the various exploits and they gave me a free wish on the Ace of the Gods!" Upon our possum heroine witnessing the glowing dragon atoms "And here I thought they're only dragoon wash."

"Rise Gardian Dragon! Give her the Gokai Boot Camp training she'll need to overcome any foe!" The sky darkens, thunder is booming, upon the aces summons a beam of light. What follows is the guardian dragon. She rises again to grant Tiny Tum's Wish.

"I am the Gaurdian Dragon! So you want to prepare the Awesome Possum for her fantastic battles against evil."

"Well some elder raccons downloaded every game and emulator from the year 30XX. They even gave me that powerful computer from said year on my birthday!" "I don't want to know how they got it."

"So am I the only needlemouse ranger here?" "Yes you are. However, with great powers also come responsibility."

And so she's given the Ranger Commandments. (At least she's given the same two to abide by like the Kingkaigers.) The two ranger commandments being 'Thou shalt not escalate a fight unless forced into no other options.' And 'thou shalt not use your powers for personal gain.'

"Trying to make it easy on me? All right. I will abide by those commandments!" And so Jessica is now the newcomer 'Gokai Possum.'

"Heck, you can even commission Rangerkeysmiths for additional ranger keys, though there is a reason all the legacy rangers are usable right from the get go."

"Because they earned their place as said Legacy Rangers." And so after clarification "YOUR WISH HAVE BEEN GRANTED!"

The wish is granted as the Aces scatter across the globe. "Did I see what I saw? Did I saw what I see?!" Thermite Chromite is back. "OH YES! The last addition to the Gokaiger Custom Line! I have to tell Pete about this development!"


...Pete T Griffin on hearing the news was laughing his head out. "On this exact day, long after that tournament on April Fools Day, Jess Possum became a Custom Gokaiger! That's a Laugh!"

As Pete is laughing, Thermite Chromite is trying to convince him otherwise. "But it's true! I see it as a challenge for us!" "Well if it's the same to you guys, I'll check it out." Lois Lynx is still a 'Bad Ranger' "Can't hurt to see what sort of training she goes through."

As she proceeds to leave for the Babylon Garden's woods Thermite Chromite yells out "Hey! Don't leave me behind! I want to see the april fool in action!"

Meanwhile, back in the woods Jess is using the ranger forms for mundane stuff. Such as Zyuranger MammothRanger Black for the Moth Breaker Power Axe. As she's cutting down trees for firewood, a couple of saplings were planted in their place.

Jess looks at her handywork and sighs with passion. "At least the commandments didn't say anything about mundane uses of these powers."

In any case, Jess packs up the wood and heads back to her home base tree mansion. "I've used a Carranger key to master spring cleaning, practiced Denzipunches, learned the various Gosei Cards, and at this moment, finished chopping lumber."

After the drop off, Jess checks what's next on the list. "Oh, that's right. Practice "Noise Arts." Though I'm not sure if I could pull them off whatever they are." But Jess have even less time for practice since she is going to learn on the battlefield.

"What genius! Setting up these badnik generators so that the Babylon Garden's forest turn to the Griffon Empire's control!" "Cool it Bright Boy! I think she spotted us!" "Just in time too Lois! The generator is spawning footsoldiers!" Jess fired a shot at the two troublemakers as a rage of Hitokarage emerge.

"So you're here causing trouble." Jess leered at the badniks "I've heard from my friends the Griffon Empire's bad news. I'm going to give you ten seconds to haul haunch out of these woods." The hitokarage are arming their yaris. "Figured as much."

Jess readies for action as she wields a key, shouts ("Gokai Change!") and with a turn of a key, transforms into... ("BOUKENGER!") ...Boukenger Bouken Red. With her "Hotswap Gokai Change Knack," Jess can transform into any form in a heartbeat.

Armed with Bouken Bo and Survi-Busters, Jess proceeds to grapple three hitokarage before slamming them down in a instant, Firing Survi-Buster shots at the rest of them to disintergate the rest, Jess Hotswaps into ("GEKIRANGER!") Gekiranger Geki Yellow, launching the Gekihammer into the badnik generator as she tries to evade Lois Lynx's attacks.

Lois Lynx is not taking any chances! Neither is Thermite! Both are trying to get a clean hit onto Jess, as she sends the badnik generator crashing into the ground. Jess Hotswaps into ("BOUKENGER!") Boukenger Bouken Yellow as she arms her Bucket Scoopers to block a direct overhead hit, only to be thrown in return.

Thermite Chromite shoots a beam at Jess which gets deflected by a well timed parry, leading to blasts in front of Thermite. "Her Gokai Changes have Hotswap properties because she's only one Awesome Possum!"

"Yeah, who would have guessed?!" As Jess proceeds to Scooper Punch Lois so hard that debris spawn in said Bucket Scoopers to be thrown at both opponents. They Blocked each projectile, taking chip damage in the process.

("Gokai Change.") Lois proceeds to equip the ("GOSEIGER!") Goseiger set, only to be outmatched in the quickdraw with Jess Hotswapping into ("FLASHMAN!") Flashman Pink Flash, just to parry her lighting fast Prism Boots kicks the instant each strike is made.

"Hit the record button on your DVR folks, Lois might pull off Evo Moment 37!" Thermite jeers as he tries to get a good strike on Jess.

As the fight was being watched by Pete T Griffin and his men in the Unknown Location, Portos asked the following question to Pete: "Do you think this series will tackle the theme of "Nature Vs. Technology?" at some point?" "They might. At least they gave her a knack to make up for the lack of any teammates she have."

"I'm going out to buy more popcorn." Gamma Raizo speaks out. "Do you want any topping for your respective batches?" "Oh yeah! I have a small list for you right here!" Elgar flips open the list as it rolls onto the floor. ("Get serious.")

Back onto the fight at hand, It's a back and forth with both sides aiming to get that precise striking range on each other as this two against one fight is heating up rather quickly. She even have used several fanmade Super Sentais that will be revealed footage wise by the time of the complete season director's cut box set.

Eventually Jess equips the Flashman Finishing Weapon, the Rolling Vulcan, though the Doubler Technique as she aims at the two griffon empire badniks, the Vul barrels rapidly spinning before firing a multi colored beam at the two, knocking them out with a ("HYPER COMBO KO!")

("That was fast.") ("Why are they cutting content this inital run again?") ("These entire fanmade user franchise series need permission to use.") ("Gotcha.")


...At sundown, Jess is getting ready to lock the doors. "You were amazing Jess, They even gave you a knack to keep up with everyone else since you don't have a team to call your own." "Yeah, Guess going solo may be something I have to do for a while."

After getting ready for bed, Little Tiny Tum bid his favorite Pirate "Good night my fantastic hero." "Hey at least we didn't wear out the title of "Awesome Possum."

And so the narrator closes out this special "Even though Marion have reunited with Lois Lynx, she decided to stick with the Griffon Empire for a while longer as they are needing a ranger of their own to counter the Kingkaigers'. Jess have won her first fight but there will still be many more challenges waiting for both sets of heroes.

Will the adventures continue onward? Will Jess defend the woodlands from the empires they can't stand? Will there be delays for the rest of the developers lives? Or will our wild heroes go forth and charge into battle, only to have many more decades to go? One thing for sure, this series will aim to have a schedule.

And yes, this april fool's series is canon to the series proper. (The devs couldn't finish this special in time.) Anyways, regardless if you think this is a joke or not, Watch the next exciting episode of Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger!"


Cue credits, which this time is the extended version of "Yeah! Break! Care! Break!" with lyrics by MasakoXtreme.

♪Yeah! Break! Care! Break with everything you've got!♪
♪Shoot for the stars and show the world we're about!♪

♪Feel the power of the infinite sky♪
♪You'll get anywhere instantly♪
♪Look first, then leap and you'll succeed♪
♪Let's Go, Tip Top, All Right!♪

♪The earth from here gleams of beauty♪
♪Shade of vibrant blue♪
♪This fragile earth clearly needs me and you♪
♪Let's fight as one mighty team!♪

♪Live your life like a vacuum fireball!♪
♪Dangerous times are coming up ahead!♪
♪You can do this! I believe in you!♪
♪Defend the world! Have no regrets!♪

♪Yeah! Break! Care! Break with everything you've got!♪
♪Hold nothing back! Full Power!♪
♪Use hope as your guide and you'll always win!♪
♪The greatest that there's ever been!♪

♪Soar up high through the atmosphere!♪
♪See what awaits before you, what a sight!♪
♪The speed of sound breaks all the frontiers♪
♪Let's Go, Sky High, All Right!♪

♪If we join the fray right this second♪
♪We might have a chance♪
♪Save everyone and the legends commence♪
♪Follow your fear and advance!♪

♪Don't lose sight of the treasure you hold dear!♪
♪That treasure's every one of our friends!♪
♪I'm so lucky to call you one of them!♪
♪I'm with you till the end!♪

♪Yeah! Break! Care! Break with everything you have!♪
♪Pierce that heart with this arrow of light!♪
♪The venture's nothing, there is no going back!♪
♪The future is now looking bright!♪

(What follows before the final repeat verses is the chorus of "Go Go Power Rangers" that is implemented in this hyperbolic audio mix. I can't put my finger where in this part of the audio but I hope it sounds natural whoever decided to make the audio mix possible.)

♪Live your life like a vacuum fireball!♪
♪Dangerous times are coming up ahead!♪
♪You can do this! I believe in you!♪
♪Defend the world! Have no regrets!♪

♪Yeah! Break! Care! Break with everything you've got!♪
♪Hold nothing back! Full Power!♪
♪Use hope as your guide and you'll always win!♪
♪The greatest that there's ever been!♪

♪Don't lose sight of the treasure you hold dear!♪
♪That treasure's every one of our friends!♪
♪I'm so lucky to call you one of them!♪
♪I'm with you till the end!♪

♪Yeah! Break! Care! Break with everything you have!♪
♪Pierce that heart with this arrow of light!♪
♪The venture's nothing, there is no going back!♪
♪The future is now looking bright!♪


The preceding is a fan made series. Housepets!, Super Sentai, Power Rangers, Kamen Rider, Metal Heroes are all owned by Rick Griffin, Toei Company, Saban Brands, Hasbro and Ishimori Productions.

Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super are all owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Shueisa and Akira Toriyama. Dragon Ball Z Abridged is owned by TeamFourStar.
Everything else is owned by their respective owners.

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 5:41 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
Really wonderful job with how you wrote this! Please keep it up!

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 12:21 am
by JamesTCat
Thanks Amazee Dayzee. Planning on using this Unused Monster which is clearly a Mazinger Z wannabe. He will find the defector known as Satellagoon and zap him with a obedience beam which Satellagoon tries to fight the obedience beam's effects as he and said monster fight against the Kingkaigers.

Also, Jess would be attending the Rangerclasses as the Kingkaigers where she will learn the various moves, tricks, tips and tactics to help her defend the forest.

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 4:33 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
I am really looking forward to see how that plays out.

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:54 pm
by JamesTCat
I wonder though, who should I commission for refs of Jack and Queen? I know they're Corgi Husky Hybrids like Ace, Olive, and Rook only Jack have much more gray to represent the Silver Ranger role and Queen have much more orange to represent her Gold Ranger role.

Other than that though, I will get to work on the next episode.

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 2:32 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
I'm sure that you will figure it out and I look forward to what is coming! ^^

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 1:48 am
by JamesTCat
Of course, something i didn't realize until today is that certain japanese names are caught by the censor due to it interpreting it as a vulgarity when in reality it context is that it's a name and it's a femminine name meaning Reason, Friend, Existence. (A good search on Japanese names will prove that context I intended to use, as a female's Japanese name.)

Because of that, I may have to change all Japanese Hero and (possibly) Villain names unless the censor learns about how context matters in Japanese. May have to throw a poll on such a radical change but don't worry, the original Gokaigers' names won't be changed as they're considered alien enough to pass the context lax censor.

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 8:14 am
by trekkie
I’ve been catching up on this and I have to say that is is superb! Keep up the good work!

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 8:46 am
by JamesTCat
trekkie wrote:I’ve been catching up on this and I have to say that is is superb! Keep up the good work!
Thanks trekkie. I hope that I will continue the good work in entertaining you with this epic.

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 7:25 am
by JamesTCat
It may take a while to make the episode possible but by the end of this week I'm sure to get the next episode finished. Right now my attention is focused on learning how to hack the Sonic The Hedgehog games at the moment.

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 1:04 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
Oh that is OK. You can take all the time you need. That will be fine. The forum issues hopefully will be fixed by then.

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 7:13 am
by JamesTCat
Still working on Kingkaiger, though it may take a while for the Forums to it's optimal functions. In the meantime though, I am planning to Crossover with Sonic Robo Blast 2 and Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart.

And yes, I will have to save up a massive fortune in order to make all the Kingkaigers playable with all the ranger forms. (Both in Male & Female Body Structures and Gendered Suit styles.) I will also have to get authorization from various fan made Ranger Suit Designers in order to have the Kingkaigers morph into their respective Ranger Forms as well. I figured I should make an advert in order to let you know ahead of time.


The advert for the upcoming Kingkaiger DLC character sets for Sonic Robo Blast 2 & Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart is in the style of this Super Megaforce Toyline Advert.
(♪Go Go Power Rangers!♪)
"The Kingkaigers will make their Doom Engine debut in the Sonic Robo Blast 2 game franchise!" As the announcement is made, cue Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and the Kingkaigers themselves using the Mobilrates and Ranger Keys to morph.
"Your patience will be rewarded with the ability to play as the Kingkaigers morphed into any Ranger Form you can throw at them!" Cue a rapid fire scrolling of the various Ranger Keys (Including Homebrewed Ranger Forms, Kamen Rider Ranger Forms, Metal Heroes Ranger Forms and Ranger forms that they didn't even try yet!)

"With the "Kingkaiger and Ranger Form" DLC sets you can play as your favorite member of the Kingkaigers with the entire specified team loaded at their disposal!" Cue the character selection with their ranger form, entering the game proper.

"With far beyond 199 Rangers and a whole lot more coming later on after the first forty Super Sentai, You can even have any type of ability you like with your rangers!" Cue Sonic morphing into the rangers described one after the other for demonstration in the advert. "Zyuranger! Ninninger! Carranger! Timeranger! Kakuranger! Gokaiger! And much more to be released as time goes on!"

Cue footage of the NIGHTS Bonus Rounds to make this next point "And yes, you can even go Super Sonic but the road to the emeralds are so perilous you may never see them go Super Sonic!"

"Go Go Sonic Robo Blast 2, you video game that turned a Gritty First Person Shooter into a Cartoon Third Person Platformer! Coming Soon, SRB2 Kingkaiger DLC Series!"

Cue ID Software logo getting stamped on the screen to show who made the doom engine.

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 3:46 pm
by JamesTCat
Species Change Week is coming up, I'll get started on a special of sorts that can be considered a pilot of sorts to a series part of the Kingkaiger Family. One that changes their species into humans and they have to find the black studded Ace Of The Gods to prevent the milky way galaxy from certain destruction.

Featuring Power Ranger Alumni such as Jason David Frank playing the now human (this special at least) King Oliver and Catherine Sutherland playing a now human Bailey Oliver. (No, Joel isn't returning. This can be considered a joke of sorts of "Like owner Like Housepet.")

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 4:38 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
I don't get any of that and it went over my head but then again I never paid attention to Power Rangers so ignore me. :oops:

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 4:39 pm
by JamesTCat
Amazee Dayzee wrote: Sat May 02, 2020 4:38 pm I don't get any of that and it went over my head but then again I never paid attention to Power Rangers so ignore me. :oops:
It's fine. It will still be something to look forward to regardless.

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Sat May 02, 2020 4:42 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
You don't have to worry about me not liking it. I may not know much about the Power Rangers but I love how your story is going so far!

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 6:44 pm
by JamesTCat
Time may be over for Species Change Week but I still have to work on Kingkaiger GT Warriors regardless. I'll just state that it began development on Species Change Week and it took a while to finalize the special.

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 10:28 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
That sounds like it would be a very acceptable explanation so I'm sure everybody will understand. Just take your time on writing the story so it comes out great!

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 7:39 pm
by JamesTCat
Well, I am resuming work on the series after a long hiatus. As a note for when the Kingkaigers turn to the veteran rangers actors for Kingkaiger GT Warriors, I figured the best way to tell the Kingkaigers apart from the veteran rangers is to give them a fursuit from the neck down as well as a extra set of ears to go with their human form.

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 1:43 pm
by JamesTCat
JamesTCat wrote: Sun May 24, 2020 7:39 pm Well, I am resuming work on the series after a long hiatus. As a note for when the Kingkaigers turn to the veteran rangers actors for Kingkaiger GT Warriors, I figured the best way to tell the Kingkaigers apart from the veteran rangers is to give them a fursuit from the neck down as well as a extra set of ears to go with their human form.
What I was thinking when I made that post is to make them akin to that of Super Saiyan 4 so when the characters of those actors are on the scene, they can be easily told apart from each other.

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 11:14 pm
by JamesTCat
I am still working on this series. I am currently working on the Pilot Special for Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger GT Warrior. I have the first two acts getting finished with more to come.

Also, despite the "No more additional Kingkaigers this decade" promise, I'm gonna have to bend the rules in this series with Tum Tum being one more addition to the Kingkaiger family this decade. (As the custom made Gokai Bronze when he debuts in Kingkaiger GT Warrior.)

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 5:56 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
If you have to bend your own rules I am sure it will be for a good story. Don't worry, nobody will hold it against you!

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:17 am
by JamesTCat
Still working on the fic, don't worry I will get the current entry in the fic done by Halloween-ish. (Expect the Ninninger adaptation finishing up on my 30th birthday.)

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 4:38 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
You don't need to rush to get it all done and can actually work on your own schedule! I am sure that whatever you have prepared is gonna be lovely!

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 6:59 pm
by JamesTCat
I'm sorry, i think I really screwed up my life due to focus addiction. If I make it out of this alive, I will follow directions. If not, well keep the finale I talked about on the first page in mind. I hope that I can make it to tomorrow but pray for me. If I don't make it, I guess I failed on keeping the series going. Heh, the need to work on it proved to be my demise.

Thank you everyone and I hope you can do what needs to be done. I'm sorry if it's so sudden, it's been a real slice. Hope you can somehow continue this for 75 more years, up to around the 100th anniversary Series of Super Sentai where the Gokaiger Adaptation is in full swing. After that, Follow the plan of closing the series complete with the "Absolute Final Countdown to Destruction" where the Shadow Dragon Arc of Dragon Ball GT closes the series, right down to the exacting details.

(Just imagine this is the day of the series finale, the final scene of Dragon Ball GT adapted and the end of over 75+ years of awesomeness.) ...And now we must unfortunately end the story of the Kingkaigers and the Ace of the Gods, with the hope that the earth never again sees the kind of darkness that brought it close to extinction so many times. But if that day comes, there is one team of Scurvy Dog Rangers who will step out of the shadows and fight for all that is good and true. ("UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN!")



Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 7:07 pm
by Nathan Kerbonaut
Don't stress yourself over this fic, James. I admire the dedication and creativity you've put into this, even if Sentai isn't my thing. Bravo and take care.

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 12:38 am
by Amazee Dayzee
I am really glad that you shared this with us because it was good. Even if you can't write anymore what you did was amazing.

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 12:55 pm
by JamesTCat
...And somehow I managed to continue living. Thank you all. At least I can continue writing and this time I will make sure that I will make the long running series a reality as Intended. Sorry for the trouble, just did something outright stupid and somehow survived despite my screwup. See you with GT Warrior's Pilot on National Power Rangers Day.

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 2:45 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
I do hope that everything is alright and you are fine now. It is very disconcerning when you say you are leaving because you don't think you can cope with life. :(

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2020 4:10 pm
by Nathan Kerbonaut
It's no trouble at all. Take it at your own pace.

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 3:08 am
by JamesTCat
Surprise, surprise. Another deadline about to be missed. Though as a consolation, I have been playing Sonic Robo Blast 2, considering on having the Kingkaigers implemented into the game.

I should probably give the details on what would make possible.

The Kingkaigers enter the world of Sonic The Hedgehog, turned into Mobians upon entry. Dr. Robotnik have been hired by Pete T. Griffon to try everything in his power to defeat the Kingkaigers as they team up with Sonic and his Freedom Fighting corps!

Around the decade that Sonic Robo Blast 2 is completed, work will begin on bringing Kingkaiger and the entire morphing grid into the game. Yes, even going as far as to make a custom build possible to hold the hundreds upon eventual thousands of ranger forms as playable characters.

At first, King Oliver is the only playable character (along with all the ranger forms he can morph into aside from GokaiRed) but as time goes on, more members of the Kingkaiger family will be available as DLC. (Alongside all the forms aside from their respective Gokaiger forms.)

King and his family have the Gem System from Project 06 as a way to equip abilities on the fly, Use the Weapon Select buttons to set the abilities, press "Throw Ring" to set the abilities, or use one of the Gems' powers to pull off all sorts of neat tricks.

For instance, King will have equipable moves such as Spin Attack, Melee Combat, Weapon Use, and other things that can be assigned to Jump, Spin, Custom 1, Custom 2 and Custom 3. You can also use the Gems powers and level them up.

But how do you get access to all the abilities? Like in the show, your Kingkaiger starts off unmorphed starting in the first act of every zone. The Energy that comes out of enemies and collecting rings will build up the gauge. Kingkaigers while in civilian form can spin attack, slide, do a melee attack combo and use shield abilities if they happen to get them.

But as the gauge fills, your Kingkaiger will do a stronger, stylish attack at the cost of some energy. Build up the gauge all the way, then upon pressing "Throw Ring" your character will morph, complete with the camerawork and animation (regardless on land or in mid air) to show them morphing into the selected Ranger Form!

(Think "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie" for Super Nintendo on the system to get where it's headed.)

However, even while morphed, you are not invincible! You need at least one ring to survive enemy attack, and the Kingkaigers can die in a number of ways, especially death by drowning! (Why do you think they had to make drowning possible for all characters? So they wouldn't cheese through certain Secret Levels)

Collect the chaos emeralds to unlock new abilities. Once you collect all seven, the Rainbow Gem will be obtained. Once you have the Rainbow Gem, collect at least 50 rings, select the Rainbow Gem and press "Throw Ring" to go "Super Sonic!" (Yes, right down to Super Sonic Yellow, regardless of ranger color. Also, Rainbow Gem will morph the Kingkaiger instantly to go Super Sonic.)

And also, the modset will be continually updated as more Rangers, Riders and Metal Heroes become available, As well as multiplayer compatible versions along with compatibility with new mods, level sets, HUDS and even a addon to play through the whole game morphed.

That's what I'm planning thus far feature wise for the Kingkaigers Video Game outing.

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:44 am
by Amazee Dayzee
That sounds like it is really good! You have great ideas!

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 5:22 pm
by JamesTCat
Thanks Dayzee. I am also considering adapting the entirety of the Sonic Franchise into the SRB2 Engine. If I could learn how to code abilities, make exciting levels, make all manner of bosses, enemies and more happen, then I could make it a feature length epic where it can be split into a "Single Player" "Netgame Co-Op/Race" and "Netgame Battle" since I am figuring that the engine's limits with Maps will yeld around 1296 maps. (from 00 to ZZ.)

Of course, If I can figure out how to make the game add in more than two characters to designate which is for Single Player, and which is for battle games.

I am also thinking of making the many modes from various first & third person shooters into the Kingkaiger build of SRB2. Make it a Zadronum of SRB2 if nothing else.

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:40 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
That all does sound really good and truly ambitious! I hopee that you are able to make what you want to make for this series!

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 4:33 am
by JamesTCat
The following is a fan made series. Housepets, Super Sentai, Power Rangers, Kamen Rider, Metal Heroes are all owned by Rick Griffin, Toei Company, Saban Brands, Hasbro and Ishimori Productions.

Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super are all owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Shueisa and Akira Toriyama. Dragon Ball Z Abridged is owned by TeamFourStar.
Everything else is owned by their respective owners.

Please support the official release.

Speed Disclaimer: The control speed for the reading a proper episode is around a Half Hour in length. Your reading speed (And thus the length of episodes) may vary.

Note before we begin: I wanted to start development of this Special (Possibly pilot to a somehow canon side series) at the start of Species Change Week on the Housepets! Forums, I unfortunately missed the deadline. I had to cut this to 3 acts so it will be done by National Power Rangers Day.

Anyways, enjoy this first episode of the side series that is somehow canon with the main series.

The Black Stud Ace of the Gods were used to make a dangerous wish, turning the Kingkaigers into humans while also putting the Earth on a Time Bomb Time Limit to Destruction! Now on a universe hunt for the Aces, Will our heroes beat the clock and save the planet from disaster?! Fighting for the fate of the world! Kingkaigers are On The Scene!

And with that, cue opening. (While playing this Japanese Sentai Opening, imagine your own opening theme footage with a couch gag of random Ranger Keys used in the exact recurring time of your imagination in future episodes.)

♪Will we ever reach our excellent ending?♪
♪Will we ever save the earth from disaster?♪
♪Let’s seize the day! We’re on the scene!♪
♪Kaizoku Sentai Kingkaiger!♪

(Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger: GT Warrior)

♪As soon as that first line was drawn out♪
(Starring Jason David Frank as King Oliver)
♪On the fresh sketchbook canvas♪
(Catherine Sutherland as Bailey Oliver)
♪We have the feeling that we can go anywhere we like!♪
(Zoe Robins as Ace Oliver)

♪Our revved up spirits are like engines♪
(Alex Heartman as Rook Oliver)
♪The universe is ours to tour♪
(Ciara Hanna as Olive Oliver)
♪But at the same time, we’re on a destructive time limit!♪
(Yoshi Sudarso as Jack Oliver)

♪I wish to check, (Hey!) to make sure, (Hey!) that everyone is not the same at all♪
(Jacqueline Scislowski as Queen Oliver)
♪If you want something done, then do it straight away♪
(Kimberley Crossman as Jess O’Possum)
♪And thus, live a life without regrets!♪
(*Insert Random Little Kid here* as Tum Tum Raccoon.)

♪Jump up and exceed your limits now♪
♪Throw away your pain in a loving dance♪
♪The fate of all mankind♪
♪Are within our heroes’ souls!♪

♪Will we ever reach our best ending?♪
♪Will we ever save the earth from total disaster?♪
♪Lets go all out! We’re on the scene!♪
♪Power Rangers Kingkaiger!♪

♪As we raise our anchor to uncharted worlds♪
♪We will howl with all our might♪
♪For we know that this is our greatest challenge yet!♪

♪Don’t give up, (Hey!) even when, (Hey!) the fight looks mighty dark and grim♪
♪Even when hope is lost, the thunder lights up in you♪
♪YES! The future will turn out to be the greatest!♪

♪The enemy is looking for a fight!♪
♪Let’s give them everything we got!♪
♪Gorgeous! We’re born again!♪
♪Our Ranger Keys are our paintbrush!♪

♪Will we ever topple our adversaries?♪
♪Will we ever reach our happily ever after?♪
♪For the fate of the world! We’re on the scene!♪
♪Power Rangers Kingkaiger!♪

♪Let’s make an oath, to the world, that as long as there’s light in our hearts♪
♪To earn our victories, with absolute effort♪
♪And thus, make our marks in history!♪

♪Let us all take the lead of the fight♪
♪Let us go blast through all of the storms♪
♪For this great challenge♪
♪Will change the entire world!♪

♪Will we ever reach our greatest climax?♪
♪Will we ever show the world our greatest triumph?♪
♪It’s Morphin Time! We’re on the scene!♪
♪Kaizoku Sentai Kingkaiger!♪

“PILOT! Black stud Ace of the Gods?! Kingkaiger becomes Human?!”

The Pilot begins with Tum Tum fighting King Oliver (As Gokai Red. King, not the kid) as the final part of his final exam after defeating the others in one complete run. At 4 human years old, he’s a prodigy at fighting and know everything the Morphing Grid have to offer.

As the fight is nearly complete with Tum Tum wearing King down to the point of going down for the count, he lands some hits onto some pressure points, causing king to dizzy out where a additional tap later he is standing there dizzy, fixing to collapse. (“PUT HIM AWAY! KNOCK HIM OUT!”)

Tum proceeds to charge up energy for the Light Speed Attack, upon it being fully charged he blasts off, unleashing the payload of energy by charging into and through King until he is completely defeated. (“LIGHT SPEED ATTACK FINISH! KO!”)

“You’ve done it Tum Tum! You passed with flying colors!” Jess is lifting him up in sheer joy.

Ninjor have seen the final exams with his own eyes, approaching the graduate applauding him. “Next to the Kingkaigers graduating high school, This have to be the greatest achievement my latest pupils have ever accomplished. And all this despite being four years old. Soon you’ll pass the high school if you keep it up. Congrats!”

Tum tum is starting off as a freshman after passing an entrance exam. His hard work started after hearing Jess graduate high school with the Kingkaigers. He’s handed a “GokaiBronze Ranger Key” to go along with Jess’ recent “GokaiPlatinum Key” along with his mobilrate.

“Without a doubt, you’ve earned your place as a member of Kingkaiger’s crew. (Despite the statement about Jess being the last additional ranger this decade.) It’s all thanks to your efforts. The graduation ceremony will begin in a hour.” “Thank you very much Ninjor! I hope I can live up to the legacy!”

Meanwhile, Lois Lynx is leading Goldar, Elgar, Rygog, Portos, and Gamma Raizo to retrieve a forbidden set of Ace of the Gods. “Now I must inform you Lois that these forbidden aces will lead to your usual type of Chaos, Destruction, and generally your typical “End of the World” situation.”

“I know. That’s why I’m calling the shots in the whole mission. After all, you built these mech suit weapons to quickly gather these Aces from around the world.” “You don’t understand the texts. It could be much more difficult than that!” “Hey, if the wish allows Pete T Griffin to conquer the world, I’m sure that he’d name a city after me!” Elgar is being dense with what the wish could make possible.

“I simply want the ultimate challenge from the Kingkaigers. I am not satisfied with their current state.” Portos tries to reason with his partners in crime. “Gamma, Please! We won’t have any of that if the earth explodes as the result of these aces being used!”

At that point, Lois found the forbidden Ace of the Gods. “I got them! The youth that discovered these must have brought them here to be inspected by Ninjor!” Lois shows them to her fellow mayhem makers. “Looks like they have black studs instead of the red ones.” Goldar notes. “This may just be the ticket to give Pete T. Griffin the world on a silver platter!”

“All right, let’s get a bite to eat and-” King and his fellow teammates stop dead on their tracks to notice a darkening flash of energy. “...Suddenly investigate who’s using the aces…” “I thought they were scattered across the globe after their last use!” Olive was quick to point out “Unless... there’s another set of these!”

Her guess was right as the team rushes to the open gym within the school, witnessing a Red Dragon summoned by the trouble making goons of the Griffon Empire. “You must be joking! A Red Dragon, out here, summoned by you lot of mayhem makers!” Jess was not wrong by that.

“Who are these additional Pirates again?” Elgar asked Portos. “Apparently that is Jess O’Possum, only now she’s bearing a little raccoon kid.” “You don’t have to be personal.” Tum Tum is indifferent to that remark unlike Jess.

“Well, You’re still up to your usual badnik mischief?” That is precisely where Lois Lynx ordered her teammates to “Attack! While we’re still young!” The mech suits were put to use as they fired missiles at the Kingkaigers, only for them to be intercepted by said rangers, disarmed as they’re caught. “Of course you’re up to Chickenlegs’ dreams of world conquest.”

This gets under the collar of Lois who unwittingly wishes the following “They state that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, but I say “like owners, like housepets!” I wish all of you were human like said rangers, then I would have the honor of beating their likeness to a bloody pulp!”

That wish is granted as the Red Dragon states “So be it.” In a flash, the transformation from Housepet to Human is initiated as a body horror sequence occur as the Kingkaigers are transformed. Ninjor and Miles were running as they enter the gym where the wish is granted.

Soon, the Kingkaigers have completely transformed into the actors listed in the opening sequence. Only they are a mix of their anthro selves and the Super Sayain 4 humanoid state, Complete with a additional set of animal ears for their human state.

“Until the next time… Farewell…” And with that, the Red Dragon vanishes and the Ace of the Gods scatters across through space. Lois could not believe it. “Pete T. Griffin’s easy conquest… Gone…” She falls to her bottom, in disbelief as the aces scatter, Rygog remarking “At the very least, we get to face off against a blast to the past.”

End of Act 1

Act 2 begins now.

“You’re joking! You mean t’ tell me they used those Ace of the Gods?!” Alpha 6 is communicating with Miles and Ninjor though a telepathic call. “I’m afraid so.” Miles responded. ‘What in anyone’s right mind would think these Aces would still be of good use.’ Alpha thought in his mind.

“Apparently a student of River Ridge High somehow found them all in one fell swoop and wanted me to inspect them.” Ninjor replied. “And at the same time I am rather nostalgic just looking at the man of the house.” Referring to King as he resembles a hybridization of his Corgi self and Tommy Oliver (with a additional pair of Corgi Ears to go with his human ears.)

“Listen to me Kingkaigers! The only way to return you back to your usual selves is to gather the Black Stud Ace of the Gods and make another wish to the Guardian Dragon.” “Trying to make it easy on us huh? Besides, I don’t particularly mind us being humanoid hybrids.” (“And neither do we!”)

“No, these won’t ever be a cakewalk to gather.” Miles matter of factually stated. “The Black Stud Ace of the Gods unlike the regular Ace of the Gods scatter across space. They could be on any planet you can think of! Even those that you need special conditions met to get them. Throughout the milky way galaxy and anywhere you can think of in space! … Did I say that already?”

King and his crew were gazing in thought. “Miles is right.” After a quick think “Although I couldn’t say something, I don’t mind this state. This side series is canon to this whole fan series, even running side by side with it. Well, we’re heading to town for now, we’ll talk to you again soon, and we won’t forget our studies!”

And like that (“WAIT A MINUTE, KINGKAIGERS!”) the whole crew of rangers speeds off to a day in the town. (“For cripes sake, these rangers are as carefree as you’d get!”)


...In a sector of the city, a bank robbery is taking place. An entire crime family too as they’re armed to the teeth and bad to the bone (Or so they think.) “Nobody move! Meet our demands or the hostages dies! We even have a Video Playing Detonator running!”

And at that instance of the camera’s sights on what is a “Divatox Brand Video Detonator,” the view cutaway to Hilary Turner’s character making the snide advertising remark on her products (Which in this case her comment on that is “A guaranteed Blockbuster!”)

Back to the actual action at hand after that microcutaway, the thugs are making their demands. “Get us a Getaway Car, a airplane, some udon bowls, and anything else to eat!” And like that, the police are making their way there with a banquet ready. (If you wish to call the demand that.) The Kingkaigers are following the cop cars upon Tum Tum notice.

“Gee, those are the 34 more police cars we passed. Do you think something’s up?” “Well, around this time in a typical episode it’s where we usually transform into our Gokaiger forms. Let’s follow them and see if we can speed the thugs’ downfall.” And like that, our heroes follow them.

...When they arrived, a nice lady of the K9 force (Answers to the name of “Grape Jelly Sandwich”) is carrying the food to them. “Okay, we’re getting you the feed. Don’t do anything stupid!”

But the thugs did their homework on this sort of scenario. “Before we tuck in, we’ll have one of our hostages sample the food!” Grape hissed in grim realization. The Kingkaigers arrived right before the provocation to morph realized itself.

“That’s nice you “Pirates” want to speed this along but we’re in a middle of a stick up, why don’t you wait until-” At that moment, Grape is screaming as loud as humanly possible as she becomes the robbers’ new hostage! “EXACTLY WHAT I THOUGHT! We’re changing hostages! (FORBIDDEN) us off again and she dies!”

A member of that crime syndicate is crushing a super meal noodle bowl in his hands “(Sunday School Vulgarity!) They have the nerve to put knock-out drugs in these!” as he throws that crushed bowl to the ground.

Now armed with a rocket launcher, that thug who crushed the super meal bowl takes aim. “Don’t shoot! We’ll do what you demand!” Tum Tum leads the charge with “Well you can forget it officer! Now is a time for cut throat action!” King and Tum Tum proceed to switch position in the lineup…

...And like that "IT'S MORPHING TIME!" the Kingkaigers spawning their mobilrates in one hand, alongside their main ranger keys in the other, shout "GOKAI CHANGE!" as they insert their keys into the keyhole, turn the keys and morph in one continuous motion.

The initial morphing sequence have their ranger form spawn as the roman numerals "XXXV" passes through them, forming the suit, the helmet, the visor and the Gokaiger insignia as an excited, hammy voice screams out "GOKAIGER!"

An additional morphing sequence with GokaiSilver, GokaiGold, GokaiPlatinum and GokaiBronze follows. The Roman Numerals "XVI" pass through Jack, Queen, Jess and Tum Tum, forming the ranger form's suit with the "X," the visor with the "V," and the "bandanna" with the "I." And Tum Tum (Being a very little kid) gets boosted into Ranger Regulation Size as he morphs.

The team proceed to roll call and shout out their ranks "Kingkaiger 1gou GokaiRed!" "Kingkaiger 2gou GokaiBlue!" "Kingkaiger 3gou GokaiYellow!" "Kingkaiger 4gou GokaiGreen!" "Kingkaiger 5gou GokaiPink!" "Kingkaiger 6gou GokaiSilver!" "Kingkaiger 7gou GokaiGold!" “Kingkaiger 8gou GokaiPlatinum!” “Kingkaiger 9gou GokaiBronze!”

After King, Bailey, Ace, Rook, Olive, Jack, Queen, Jess and Tum Tum stated their ranks and default ranger forms (posing stylishly as they did so,) they exclaimed "FIGHTING FOR THE FATE OF THE WORLD! KAIZOKU SENTAI POWER RANGERS KINGKAIGER ARE ON THE SCENE!"

(“Why are you lot waiting?! SHOOT THEM NOW!”) “Got time on our hands?” Jess jeers to her teammates. “Have to punch in a cheat code on the mobilrates since this is literally my first time morphing into the many forms.” Tum Tum replies, as his strategy for excellence this time involves using any Ranger Key with the Timeranger Mod Poke. (“That and I haven’t been to a Rangerkeysmith.”)

Mod Pokes are cheat codes that can allow the Kingkaigers to have the abilities of any one team while using a Ranger Key that is completely different from the Poke’s team without using up their Noise. In this case, Tum Tum is going to use Timeranger’s Mod Poke to use with a different ranger key.

As Tum Tum punches in his code, the other Kingkaigers get their Timeranger Ranger Keys armed (rotating their buckles to get it as well as flip the legs of the ranger keys) with Tum Tum following suit with a Go-Buster key after his poke is punched in, they shout “GOKAI CHANGE!” as the rockets are fired, transforming in the explosion’s cover into…

(“TIMERANGER!”) (“GO-BUSTER! TIMERANGER MOD!”) ...The Timerangers alongside Red Buster. (“Let us go Morphin~ Let us go Morphin~ Aaaahhhh-aaaahhhh-aaaaaahhh~” as Tum Tum hums those bars to whatever 2010s show’s theme song you can recognize.)

King is Timeranger TimeRed, Bailey is Timeranger TimeBlue, Ace is Timeranger TimeYellow, Rook’s Timeranger TimeGreen, Olive Timeranger TimePink, Jack is Timeranger TimeShadow Navy, Queen Timeranger TimeFire Crimson, Jess Timeranger TimeGlacier Sea Salt and finally Tum Tum is Go-Buster Red Buster. (With Timeranger’s general Mod Poke in use.)

As the robbers proceed to unleash their magazines at the rangers, the “Time Force Speed Gear Knack” kicks in as the footage slows down to go with the Kingkaigers’ slowing of time, Tum Tum leading the pack as he makes quick footwork with his teammates to try and take out the robbers.

Bullets were flying, impacting the ground with their “dakka” noise impacting the ground. With a “EDIT Sun Vulcan Ball” spawned in a breakneck pace, Tum Tum punts it into one of the Rocket Launching robbers, knocking him unconscious upon impact.

“Shoot the little scamp leading the charge NOW!” “Oh, so you’re paying attention for the test later!” Tum Tum snarks as he is intercepting an intercept as one of the robbers was trying to smash King’s head in with his Rifle. Bailey is welding her set of Double Vectors as Grape bites down on the devious schemer’s arm hard to draw blood and get away.

Grape is successful as she gets away, the master mind behind the whole thing have a remote to detonate the detonator. There’s also a code on it to disarm the detonator.

Ace, Olive and Rook strafes around the mastermind behind the scheme to bewilder him as Bailey snatches the remote in a fake-out stab and Queen kicks a block of the bank’s front entrance beams so hard it breaks cleanly, smashing into the mastermind of the operation.

Jess rushes into the detonator's location having the code passed from Bailey. “2264… Got it! The detonator is disarmed!” “Thank Dragoon!”

The Kingkaigers were now successful in showing that they still have what it takes. They morph back into their Gokaiger forms as the guard who was knocked out is waking up over on the side.

Their Psycho Ranger counterparts were getting past the crowds to meet them, with two additions to their family. “Gangway, move that cop car, We’ll pay back the damage through work, all that jazz!” Their Psycho Ranger counterparts (With color coded Ranger Key Buckles replacing the typical Neziranger buckles as to tell who’s targeting which Kingkaiger) proceed to enter the scene.

“So who’s the counterpart to we?” The newly minted PsychoBronze asked the other newly minted PsychoPlatinum as he glanced around, his Ranger Key Buckle colored Platinum Purple. “Guessing I’m the raccoon brat’s counterpart where you’re the Possum’s counterpart.”

The Kingkaigers take off their helmets revealing their new looks, Tum Tum shrinking back to his normal size as PsychoPlatinum shrinks with him, her buckle being bronze as she is a kid psycho in sync with said raccoon. “You look rather familiar. Did we see you guys in the trade?” “We are indeed the Kingkaigers.”

As the Psychos are looking around. “Strange, we notice our counterparts’ power levels…” They then rush back in realization. “You mean to tell us that you are they?” They fire a rocket each as they (the rockets) explodes into umbrellas. “YAHOO! WE MEET AGAIN KINGKAIGERS, AND WE HAVE NEW DEBTS TO PAY!”

...After a quick rundown on the events that occurred, the Psychos were fascinated on how those events, their graduation (the Kingkaigers plus Jess and later Tum Tum, albeit as Kingkaigers’ student who graduated his training while being a freshman in high school proper,) everything have occurred so fast.

“But why do you bear a striking resemblance to your owners and the various human rangers since Samurai?” “Well Lois Lynx and Pete’s badniks used some forbidden Ace of The Gods to turn us into what you’re interacting with right now.”

(“Is that so? Well you couldn’t time it any farther away from Species Change Week!”) Kitsune is just out when he notices the Kingkaigers’ Psycho Rangers having a chat with their counterparts “The power level… You don’t believe what I think I’m sensing, Don’t cha?” Kitsune is not seeing things. “You really are the Kingkaigers, only now you’re humanish!” “You really are Kitsune, only now you just got here!”

“Cool-a-mundo! You’re the Demon-Beast Hunter Zeek! Hence why the Kingkaigers got the Titanium Ranger “GoGoV USA” key. “GoSilver” was it?” The camera zoom to Kitsune’s mug as he was pulled a fast one, no thanks to Pete’s Badniks.

End of Act 2

Act 3 begins now!


“...Why do I have to lead a attack without the other hired men of yours? I used the forbidden Ace of The Gods to try and give you the world on a sliver platter.” Lois is getting the brunt of the proverbial rod. “Simple, you gave the entire planet a Expiration date. I’ll tell you after the disciplinary mission I’m sending you on, regardless of results.”

All Lois Lynx have with her this mission are Zedd’s Z-Putties, Cogs, and Kuros. The Z-Putties Pete have obtained have a “Return to Base upon defeat” command in case the Kingkaigers strike the “Z” on their chests to take them out. The Cogs of the Griffon Empire were reverse engineered, with some mods that will allow them to think as fast as the Kingkaigers.

“You are to deliver the information to the Kingkaigers’ streetwise assistant robot Alpha 6. I already called him to send the Kingkaigers over to a warehouse district when they authorized a fight to brew there. Besides, the devs have to pad out this pilot somehow to make the extended Opening and Ending themes have their moneys’ worth.”

“Well, if you say so… But how about a monster of the week to really make it work.” “I’ve even called Professor Cog to fight the Kingkaigers proper as a favor. Don’t worry, Planet Corinth didn’t get an expiration date unlike our Planet Earth.” (“Right, Alternate Reality that is like a Distopia, only life goes on anyways with dirtier air.”)

...Portos is now finishing his explanation on what happened thus far. “...To summarize, baby puppies make a wish to follow their owner’s ranger legacy, the entire family hits the Gokai Lottery Jackpot at the same time as a result of the wish, a showstopper that passes the torch to the corgi husky family of rangers and a bunch of other things happened leading up to what is right this instant today.”

“Question.” (“Go ahead Professor Cog.”) “They’re like Super Megaforce?” “In a sense, but they are the main characters from that point until the end of this fan fiction series, which the final set of seasons will air around the 100th anniversary season of Super Sentai. To put that to perspective, Gokaiger (The Sentai Kingkaiger are in it’s entirety) is the 35th anniversary season. Ranger Key System and all.”

“That so? Well, they may have an unfair advantage but to face off against them so soon? I guess there will be original footage to go with our first fight, head to head even!” “Good, now get ready to face off against them soon, I have some information to prepare.”

The Cogs were dispatched first as they are keeping track of the time with little computer game systems. (“What are you planning on doing with your paycheck Cog “B-17 Bario?” “The same we Cogmen of the Griffon Empire always do, blow it on all sorts of neat things.” “Kingkaigers should be here any second now...”)

At that point, the Kingkaigers descends through the GokaiGalleon’s “descent wires.” The Cogs’ computer game alarms go off as (if they had visible facial emotions) they display a content grin (again, if they can show facial emotions.)

“Set your watch to our arrival Cogmen?” The Cogs reply to Bailey in their usual synthesized monotone voice “Of course, we’re your first opponent foot soldiers, reversed engineered from the Machine Empire’s blueprints thanks in no small part to... (“The Griffon Empire”) The Griffon Empire.”

“Did he mentioned that you guys can get Knocked Out through Short-circuiting or being dismantled?” Queen asked the Cogs. “Yes, though it’s thrilling grunt work either way.” “Well, let’s not waste any more time.” King remarked.

With that, (“IT’S MORPHING TIME!” “GOKAI CHANGE!” “GOKAIGER!”) They morph. It only took a few moments for the morph into the Gokaiger forms to happen this time.

“Cogmen Attack!” And the cogs (with a leader barking the orders who is a half-n-half of Bronze and Sliver for his suit) proceed to try and get their footing. The Kingkaigers spawn their GokaiSabers and GokaiGuns (Including the other four who spawns theirs as well, not just the core five) as they charge in, proceeding to give them a real hustle.

The terrain shifts as it fills with industrial equipment, the Cogs climbing onto the cranes, dozier and the like as they try to get that sweet First Attack. Rook just so happen to get caught on a bungee cord as the terrain shifts, Bailey lending her GokaiGun for his GokaiSaber in return. (“Bungee to you heart’s content! But give them inferno too!” “Thanks mom!”)

Bailey proceeds to parry several blows given by the Cogs, before throwing one of them into the others. They score that (“FIRST ATTACK!”) as the Cogs try to regain that footing. Ace meanwhile is shooting cogs as she parries a few close range strikes. High, then low, then low, then high. “Defense!” The Cogman Conductor roots.

“Hey King, if you somehow knock out the Cogman Conductor then there can be a chance that the rest will fall, or at least knock them out of “the zone.” The Cogs coordination is incredible but still wouldn’t hold a candle to a well timed Kingkaiger Attack.

“Carp! They’re onto me!” The Cogman Conductor (as we’ll call him that) proceed to activate a barrier with eight orbs that must be struck before the barrier deactivates for our rangers. “Pete just so happen to hand me a barrier to-” “I think I see where it goes from here.” As he fires his GokaiGun at the orbs, they change color from blue, to green, to yellow, to orange and then to red before disappearing.

The cogs so happen to try and operate the crane where the Bungee is connected to, as to throw off Rook’s aim. Ace is lending Olive her GokaiGun for her GokaiSaber in return as she slices a cog in the chest, right where his heart is. “This could be tricky! We never fought Cogs before. They’re a nice change of pace!”

Tum Tum is following suit handing Jess his GokaiGun. “What am I Supposed to-?” She gets the idea as she parries more cogs, as Tum Tum is struck in the back, sparks flying out of him. “Tum Tum! Take my GokaiSaber!” She flings her GokaiSaber to him as he falls, the saber stabbing said Cog in the chest. “This is my first time fighting foot soldiers! I’ll have to learn fast!”

Jack and Queen handing their GokaiSabers and GokaiGuns to the other respectively, as Jack can Shoot more and Queen can Slash more. The cogs are continuing their assault as they operate a digger to try and “Dig the Kingkaigers their graves!” the Cogman Conductor cheers. Rook is flung off the Bungee as he was shooting moving targets. He is smacked back first into a wall before tumbling down a hill.

“WHY! WON’T! YOU! FALL!” as Ace is parrying more cogs before deciding to hook the whips onto her GokaiSaber to stylishly slice and dice them. She throws the Sabers onto the ground before whipping them in a all around assault, twirling and twisting them to rake in the K.O.s.

King is still chasing the Cogman Conductor shooting the barrier’s orbs in order to shut it off. The shifting of the orbs’ rotation patterns is something to be expected. “Come on! It’s not “Party Time” as you sometimes put it?” “As a matter of fact, the party is just getting started!” as he proceeds to continue his assault.

Tum Tum meanwhile is having a ball with his twin saber setup, Slicing through the cogs as he is proceeding to have a grand time, more of the cogs proceeding to take the place of the ones fallen. “Is there a surplus?”

“Ranger Keys?” Jess asks the others as they’re getting overwhelmed. “I’m afraid so, King’s just finishing off the barrier to top it off.” as there is one more orb left, it is orbiting around the Cogman Conductor in a fast rate. “Pick a key, not your nose!” Tum Tum jeers in a rush.

Somewhat random Ranger Keys were picked, all being akin to that of a ‘blind pick’ (“GOKAI CHANGE!”) They morph into… (“OHRANGER!” “KAKURANGER!” “GOGGLE-V!” “CHANGEMAN!” “FIVEMAN!” “FLASHMAN!” “MASKMAN!” “BIOMAN!”) ...A “EDIT Team Morph.”

Tum Tum is Ohranger Kingranger Black, Bailey is Kakuranger NinjaBlue, Ace is Goggle-V GoggleOrange (A homebrewed Ranger Form,) Rook is Changeman ChangeGriffon Black, Olive is Fiveman FiveYellow, Jack is Flashman FlashGreen, Queen is Maskman BlueMask, and Jess is Bioman SilverA (Another Homebrewed ranger form, no relation to the Bioman Villain known as “Bio Hunter Silva.”)

“Okay, a majority of the Ranger Keys are right out made up!” One cog noticed. “Well, there’s seven, eight then nine of us. Why wouldn’t they make up new rangers for old teams?” Bailey told it like it is. “Besides, Homebrew Ranger Forms to fill in the gaps when we morph into an entire team is something people expect nowadays.”

“And with this “Golden Boy,” I’ll give you such a wedgie!” Tum Tum readies up with the King Stick, Bailey with her Shinobi Knuckles, Ace with the Orange Topaz Bowler (As in Bowling Ball. Yes, Projectile user this time,) Rook with Change Sword, Olive with Five Flute, Jack with Prism Shooter (Yes, that’s what it’s called in the Sentai.) Queen with Laser Magnum, and Jess with the Bio Sword.

King is almost through the barrier as he have cornered the Cogman Conductor, The Conductor deciding to open his face, revealing the insides of his mechanical face as he fires a beam… Inside the barrier, knocking him out. “Guess there’s some glitches with this barrier…” before he collapsed, beaming back to the Unknown Location.

The Cogs who were knocked out warps back to Unknown Location as the rest of them are finishing up, at least to see if they can survive as long as they can. Tum Tum starts off leading the charge as both sets of fighters strafes around each other in order to try and get a clean hit.

Meanwhile, Alpha 6 teleport in as he is told to meet Lois Lynx for more information about those Black Stud Ace of the Gods. “They said that the information should give a clearer picture about why they’re forbidden. I’ve better check t’ see if this is a trap.” Alpha looks around before whistling a few bars as he roams the halls of the abandoned warehouse.

Alpha stumbles across some hidden rooms, such as a abandoned Arcade hidden in one of the rooms, with some Z-Putties playing the arcade games with advanced slugs attached to their fingers. (“Why they use slugs, perhaps they’re cheapskates.”)

Alpha 6 proceeds with caution as the Kuros are roaming the halls, with Lois Lynx already morphed into Deathkaiger GokaiSpectrum. (“Remember, Seize and Capture the Objective.” “No Killing!” “That’s goes double for you too.”)

Alpha knows that the rendezvous is dead ahead as Lois is carrying a suitcase filled with information about the Black Stud Ace of the Gods. Alpha is thinking of something as to knock out the Kuros, he arms a Sonic Grenade (a new gizmo that’s whipped up) and chucks it to the Z-Putties.

In a few moments the Sonic Grenade goes off with a ear piercing noise, causing confusion to the putties as they try and find the sonic grenade. They hurt themselves in the process, striking the Z on their chests as they are knocked out.

“All right then, If knowledge is power then a god can anyone become.” Lois just found out where Alpha is thanks to that Sonic Grenade. Alpha 6 overhears Lois as the black hat, grinning visor Kuros points their guns directly at him. “Hold your fire Kuros.”

(“The fights will be shown right?” “Of course they’ll be shown. It’s not like the audience are going to miss a thing.”)

“So, Pete wants you to give information about those Ace of The Gods right?” “Exposition maybe but inside this briefcase are tomes that tells of those Black Stud Ace of The Gods.”

Alpha is shown the tomes as Lois opens the briefcase, revealing the books that recorded information about the Black Studs.

“A good reason why you and the Kingkaigers have to gather all nine of them is that if they’re not captured within a year, the Earth will be destroyed due to the negative energy.” Alpha realizes the constant waiting time between episodes and thinks to himself ‘We don’t have long!’

Back at the fight, it begins with the Topaz Bowler being launched at the cogs to trip them up, trying to keep their balance on the bowling ball as they are trying not to fall. Upon bailing the bowling ball, Bailey proceeds to grab one of them for a throw. Although it was tech hit at that point (“Must’ve taken your vitamins huh.”) The throw made the cog land onto the other foot soldiers.

Firing onto the other cogs, Jack’s Prism Shooters manage to make quick work of his batch, Olive proceeding to wrap her batch in the Five Flute’s binding just in time for Jess to slice open the tethered cogs, revealing their mechanical insides. (“OH GOODNESS!”) While the rest of the cogs beet feet, The Kingkaigers were blasted by sprockets spirals, Professor Cog is here!

“So, you’re the scurvy dogs who are continuing the fight?” Professor Cog notes the signatures he senses on the rangers he’s about to fight as they recover from the explosive blast. “…Yessir, they’re the ones Portos briefed me on.”

Tum Tum and the others ready up as they arm their next ranger keys (save Tum Tum who will continue fighting with Ohranger Kingranger Black/Gold key.) King just so happen to rush back to the others as he arms his own ranger key. (“Ah, we’re now fighting on of Vengex’s generals.”)

“Get on with it! Show me why Pete have to deal with you lot for many years to come!” The keys have been selected and with the mobilrates they proceed to morph (“GOKAI CHANGE!”) into (“TURBORANGER!” “CARRANGER!” “GO-ONGER!”) a Edit mix of Turboranger, Carranger and Go-onger!

King is Red Racer, Bailey Go-On Blue, Ace Yellow Turbo, Rook Green Racer, Olive Go-on Black, Jack Go-On Gold, Queen Go-On Silver, and Jess is Silver Turbo (Another Homebrewed Ranger Form.)

“You’re saving that entire team for the proper Gokaiger Adaptation…” “Indeed! And I’ll start us off!” Tum Tum proceeds to launch into Professor Cog with a series of pressure point strikes onto him with the King Stick. Jack and Queen proceeding to slice through him in a gliding strike, leaving an opening for Rook to fire a charged shot from the Engine Cannon and Olive with the Cowl Laser.

The shot strikes Professor Cog as he recovers with a roll, as he finishes his recovery he fires shots from his built in rapid fire gatling gun, the Kingkaigers proceeding to parry as best as they can. However, the timing means that they had to block the rest to take chip damage.

The Kingkaigers and Professor Cog try and gain advantageous footing to take control of the fight. Professor Cog proceeding to use his Screwdriver hand to take a stab at them, only to wind up being thrown by Bailey. He techs the throw however, which Jess proceeds to use the M Charge to fire straight at him…

...It proceeds to pummel Professor Cog as King seals the deal with the Fender Sword. After a few combo attacks, Professor Cog is outright winded after the cutting through his chest, arms, and face. (“PUT HIM AWAY! KNOCK HIM OUT!”)

The Kingkaigers proceed to charge up energy for their Light Speed Attack. Once fully charged, the Kingkaigers proceed to unleash the payload as they ricochet into and through him until he is defeated. (“LIGHT SPEED ATTACK FINISH! KO!”)

“You’ll pay for this! I’ll return soon!” As a earth shaking explosion occurs with the Kingkaigers posing stylishly as the explosion launches Professor Cog far away.


...As soon as the next day begins, Alpha 6 is thinking about the information Lois have given him. He proceeds to tell the Kingkaigers the bad news “Yo, Kingkaigers! With the information Lois Lynx have given me, I have earth shattering news about those Black Stud Ace of the Gods.” “Shoot Alpha.”

“After verifyin’ the tomes the Griffon Empire have given me, if we don’t gather the Black Stud Ace of The Gods within a year’s time, then Earth will go out in a earth shattering kaboom!”

Right there, the audience catches a glimpse of said fate, with the earth exploding and the Dr. Strangelove reference of the Kingkaigers and Alpha riding long rockets cowboy style as they’re launched from the explosion, each swinging their own stetson hats as they’re screaming lungs out as the camera closes in onto their visors.

After that vision, the Kingkaigers decides to accept the challenge. “With the received Neo Delta Megaship parts to upgrade our Gokai Galleon, we’ll have to embark on our greatest challenge yet!”

“Given 24 hours before launch, The Kingkaigers will have to take off immediately after the Delta Megaship parts are installed to their Gokai Galleon. But the Kingkaigers will have to see that they make their timely depart to capture the Black Stud Ace of The Gods.

“A cocurrent side series that is also canon to to the main series, Tum Tum will be integrated into the main series proper as a student of Jess. But I digress, will the Kingkaigers capture the Black Stud Aces to prevent the end of the world? Will the devteam make time to work on this side series at least so they beat the clock?

Find out on the next episode of Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger GT Warriors.”

Cue Credits Theme, Super Sentai Hero Getter 2016 edition. (Just imagine your footage that it seamlessly flows smoothly as the footage is there, with the recursive additions of the homebrewed ranger forms, sixth rangers including homebrewed and extra rangers to fill in the nine ranger slot.)

(Also for the likes of Abaranger, “Emiri Sanjyou… Who? We have our own homebrewed AbarePink Thanks.”)

(Also, just note that the audio cut from one part to the next is noticeable as this complied from the 2 part Zyuohger Gokaiger crossover by an amateur at video editing. (No offense to the one who made the video.) Also, your imagined footage should be different enough for confirmed teams outside the first forty teams to take the place of the Zyuohgers.


♪Five united Gorenger♪
♪JAKQ trump card cyborgs♪
♪Battle Fever’s the worldwide dance♪
♪Denji Planet’s Denjiman♪

♪One plus Two is Sun Vulcan♪
♪Athletic Goggle-V♪
♪The Dynamite Dynaman♪
♪The Biorythmic Bioman♪

♪Changeman are legendary beasts♪
♪Flash! A supernova from space!♪
♪The burning aura of Maskman♪
♪Why’d they do that to Liveman?!♪

♪Turboranger’s High school students♪
♪Teachers and Siblings Fiveman♪
♪Jetman are oh so trendy♪
♪Zyuranger’s Dino Fantasy♪

♪Winning with Chi, the Dairangers♪
♪Pop and a Clash the Kakurangers♪
♪Ohrangers with ancient tech♪
♪Driving safely, Carrangers♪

♪Youthful students Megarangers♪
♪Earth’s Warriors Gingaman♪
♪GoGoV, it’s rescue time♪
♪Timeranger’s from the future♪

♪Gaoranger, howl like hundred beasts♪
♪Gale force squadrons, Hurricangers♪
♪Dynasuar Guts! Abaranger♪
♪Dekarangers the space officers♪

♪Magical Family Magiranger♪
♪Seek for the Precious, Boukenger♪
♪Gekiranger with Jyuken arts♪
♪Engine Partners Go-Onger♪

♪Shinkengers clashing with their swords♪
♪Angels with cards, Goseigers♪
♪The Showboating Pirates, our Gokaigers♪
♪Top Secret missions with Go-Busters♪

♪Just try and stop the Kyoryugers!♪
♪Railroad Travelers ToQGers♪
♪Three Generations of Ninningers♪
♪Zyumen from Zyuland, Zyuohgers♪

♪I Wanna Go (All-Out) For Years to come!♪
♪Super Sentai! Let’s Go!♪

♪Although this is the first fourty...♪
♪...there will be more for our canine pirates♪
♪Regardless of the threats throughout♪
♪They will never give in, no matter what!♪

♪Oh! The everlasting...♪
♪Pirate… Squadron...♪
♪(Go! Let’s Go!) Kingkaiger!♪

The preceding is a fan made series. Housepets, Super Sentai, Power Rangers, Kamen Rider, Metal Heroes are all owned by Rick Griffin, Toei Company, Saban Brands, Hasbro and Ishimori Productions.

Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super are all owned by Funimation, Toei Animation, Shueisa and Akira Toriyama. Dragon Ball Z Abridged is owned by TeamFourStar.
Everything else is owned by their respective owners.

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 1:10 am
by Amazee Dayzee
What a really nice job on this! I like reading your work!

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 10:05 am
by JamesTCat
Amazee Dayzee wrote: Sat Aug 29, 2020 1:10 am What a really nice job on this! I like reading your work!
Thank you dayzee. Although this pilot may not be much, I am going to work on the next episode of GT Warrior starting this first week of September, along with other related fan projects like at the upcoming Hudson Lights and Magic. (No, Kingkaiger will not appear in said Studio's Work. Do you know of the King Imposter at certain conventions? Yeah... Now for a moment of silence.)

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 11:22 am
by Amazee Dayzee
I'm sure whatever you do will be really awesome! I can't wait to see what it will be!

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 9:09 pm
by JamesTCat
Don't mind me, I'm working to have the series finale ready in advance so the story won't wind up incomplete like some creators' magnum opus.

Re: Kaizoku Sentai Power Rangers Kingkaiger

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 11:19 pm
by Amazee Dayzee
Whatever you end up with is going to be very wonderful! Just like the rest of this story!