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Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:57 pm
by Seth
The Moon Howler wrote:
Seth wrote:Same thing happened to me and Joe, the ring got broken up eventually but it was pretty rough.
"No rings on our side, just being pretty much constantly sold here and there. One of our most recent buyers was a nice rich young man, who was intending to train and release us in the wild. Yet he got..." Lux coughed, shrugging and intentionally skipping the word. Nox shrugged himself. "... by a ruthless Crime-lord. Then he was brought to justice by our Father."
Well either way, I'm glad that junk is behind us

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 7:27 am
by The Moon Howler
Seth wrote:Well either way, I'm glad that junk is behind us
Lux smiled "I'm glad the situation is like that as well."

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:26 am
by Seth
The Moon Howler wrote:
Seth wrote:Well either way, I'm glad that junk is behind us
Lux smiled "I'm glad the situation is like that as well."
So how long have you been living with nox?

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:29 pm
by The Moon Howler
Lux tapped his chin for a second "I would say... pretty much my whole life."

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:08 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
After a short while of walking more, Met saw maria stopped in a tree.
"The other pets are just ahead. Mr. Eagle already talked to them."
"Alright then," Met said, going into the opening where the other pets were talking. Maria dropped onto his shoulder.
"Hey there."

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 5:03 pm
by Seth
The Moon Howler wrote:Lux tapped his chin for a second "I would say... pretty much my whole life."
Really? So you guys are pretty much brothers?

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 5:25 pm
by Marine Fox
Ryan followed close behind Metro and when they came upon the other pets he appeared to his side, wanting to get a view of the new pets but was actually shocked at the diversity, Ryan got a little nervous and stayed quiet, letting Metro do the talking.

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:18 am
by The Moon Howler
Seth wrote:
The Moon Howler wrote:Lux tapped his chin for a second "I would say... pretty much my whole life."
Really? So you guys are pretty much brothers?
Lux nodded "Yep, That's right." the albino feline smiled "Ever since that container were put in as cubs."

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 2:44 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
It seemed that Maria had failed gain the attention of the other pets, So Met decided to step in, trying to be a bit louder.
"Hello. I don't mean to interrupt, but we were trying to meet some of the other pets around here."
really hope I don't have to roar to get their attention.

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:24 pm
by The Moon Howler
"You're not interrupting." Nox sighed "Just need to be nicer."

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:29 pm
by Marine Fox
Ryan came up to the side of Metro and glared to the black panther, because of the friendly greeting and decided to stand up for Metro.

"That seemed like a nice greeting, though if you'd like to see a rude greeting I can always improvise a greeting"

Ryan didn't like the attitude that the panther had given, and was ready for a little verbal argument.

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:39 pm
by The Moon Howler
"Never said he was rude." Nox shook his head "Just said he could be a bit nicer."

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:50 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
"I thought I was being nice. You just seemed not to notice when my friend said hello, so I tried a bit louder."
"He seemed nice enough to me," said Mr. Eagle.

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:05 pm
by The Moon Howler
Nox lifted his paw "Sorry 'bout that, then. My attention was focused somewhere else."

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:07 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
"No problem. I'm Goldwyn Mayer, by the way. My friends call me Metro." He offered his paw to the panther.

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:26 pm
by The Moon Howler
The Panther took the offered paw "Nice to take your acquaintance, Metro. I'm Nox Johnson." he pointed at the white feline behind him "The Albino behind me is my bro - Lux."

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:39 pm
by Marine Fox
Ryan just stood back not wanting to get any attention and just stay with the background, but still felt little amnesty towards Nox.

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:20 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
"Nice to meet you both. I'm Maria," the monkey says, offering her small paw.

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:26 pm
by musclecar326
Snowy had made his way back to the group of pets very silently but quickly after dealing with the trouble at home. He found his way all the way to a tree on the edge of the group. Snowy sat down listening in on the conversations below him to get a sense off where he should jump back in.

Speedy left almost 10 minutes later from home after Snowy. She sprinted back to the group and found them after a short period of time. Hey y'all I'm back. Who are these new pets i don't recognize? She said gesturing at the pets she hadn't met.

Well hey, now everyone is back together! Wait, where is Snowy? Mr. Eagle asked.

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:01 am
by Seth
The Moon Howler wrote:
Lux nodded "Yep, That's right." the albino feline smiled "Ever since that container were put in as cubs."
That's kinda like me and Joe we... she stopped as she heard Metro's attempt to get their attention, Hold that thought, I'm gonna go greet the new guy.

Joe stood back a bit, he was a little intimidated by a lion showing up out of nowhere.

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 3:45 pm
by The Moon Howler
RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:"Nice to meet you both. I'm Maria," the monkey says, offering her small paw.
Nox returned the gesture, but offered a finger, so she can hold it.
"Nice to meet ya, Maria. I'm Nox!"
Seth wrote:That's kinda like me and Joe we... she stopped as she heard Metro's attempt to get their attention, Hold that thought, I'm gonna go greet the new guy.
"He was talking to us?" Lux asked and glanced at the lion, then held his (almost)deaf ear "Aww, I hate that darn ear!"

Nox glanced at the newcomer. On the Inside, he was begging for them to stop coming from all sides. He didn't like crowds, and this one was getting bigger and bigger.
The black panther decided to remain calm and wait for the crowd to spread, so he just lifted his free paw and Greeted "Hello, I'm Nox and the white feline behind me is Lux, my brother. Nice to meet ya!"

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 4:46 pm
by Marine Fox
Ryan started to just wander around the group taking a quick inspection of everybody, still trying to stay unnoticed till he saw another one of his species atleast partially, he could tell by the canine look but couldn't pin the exact species name of the little fox who seemed to be having a rough time in this crowd. Ryan felt like he should say something but kept his maw shut waiting for the group to spread a little, that is until Speedy rejoined the group but with the exception of Snowy, he didn't pay much attention to his disappearence but still circled the group keeping an eye on things.

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:01 pm
by musclecar326
Well hello Nox, and Lux. Speedy said as she nodded her head at them. Why's your brother holding his ear? Also who is the big eared fox, jackal, and lynx? She asked looked toward them.

Snowy being high up in the tree but still being able to hear everyone decided this would be a good time to jump down and meet pets. So he started to climb down the tree slowly, about 20 feet from the ground he spotted her. He froze and lost his grip in the process. Down he fell, then *SMACK* right into the ground, getting the wind knocked out of him. the only thing Snowy thought after seeing her was, She is so beautiful, she has gorgeous eyes, and heavenly fur.

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 11:35 pm
by The Moon Howler
musclecar326 wrote:Well hello Nox, and Lux. Speedy said as she nodded her head at them. Why's your brother holding his ear? Also who is the big eared fox, jackal, and lynx? She asked looked toward them.
"He's holding his hear?" Nox peeked back, then facepawed and turned back "That ear if his, I swear!" the panther shook his head "Sorry, He won't be joining us for another minute or two. My bro is an Albino, he's lucky his ear can barely hear... the one he holds..." He glanced at Lux for a second, then turned back "He's too focused on that silent rage o his that he doesn't realize what's happening around him. It'll pass in a few minutes, rest assured."

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:12 am
by musclecar326
Oh, ok. Hey what was that? Speedy asked when she heard a *Smack*

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:18 am
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
Metro heard the smack too, and turned to see Snowy on the ground. "Are you alright Snowy? That sounded like it hurt."

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:30 am
by musclecar326
Wha? Huh, Oh yeah i'm alright i guess i just froze up after seeing her. Snowy said to Metro

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:48 am
by Leafolawl
"Are you sure you're okay? You fell almost twenty feet." Tesla said as she jogged up to Snowy, having dropped her journal and pencil to free up her hands if he needed help.

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:30 am
by musclecar326
Snowy having seen her ears guessed she was a fennec fox. Yeah I'm alright i've fell more than that before. Oh, and here. He said as he picked up the fox's journal and pencil. Oh, by the way I'm Snowy, who are you?

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:44 pm
by Seth
Joe sat back, things were getting a little too crazy for his liking.

Kallie approached Snowy, You sure you're okay? that looked like a heck of a fall.

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:36 am
by Leafolawl
musclecar326 wrote:Snowy having seen her ears guessed she was a fennec fox. Yeah I'm alright i've fell more than that before. Oh, and here. He said as he picked up the fox's journal and pencil. Oh, by the way I'm Snowy, who are you?
"Oh, uh... Are you sure?" Tesla asked quizzically, wanting to make sure he was alright, and, although she was curious to know if he was as okay as he was saying, she couldn't help but introduce herself. "Oh, um... Hi Snowy, I'm Tesla, but... feel free to call me 'T.K.'." she said, offering her paw out to shake, ears down in embarrassment, since she'd entirely forgotten to introduce herself properly.

(The quieter words: 1. "Oh, uh... Are you sure?" 2. "feel free to call me 'T.K.'.")

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:57 pm
by musclecar326
Nice to meet you Tesla. Snowy said as he shook her paw gently. I know i'm ok so please stop asking me. And who umm ahh umm, ahh what was that over there, Bye. Snowy said as noticed the lynx was talking to him, then ran off toward Speedy.

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:23 pm
by Seth
Kallie was a little confused, had she done something to scare off the snow leopard? She approached speedy, extending a paw in greeting, " Hey, I'm Kallie."

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:47 pm
by musclecar326
Hey Kallie, I'm Speedy. Don't worry about my brother he doesn't like crowds that much or when people smother him in attention. She said while shaking Kallie's paw.

Meanwhile Snowy had fast walked over to the jackal. Hey, i'm Snowy who are you?

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:01 pm
by Seth
musclecar326 wrote:Hey Kallie, I'm Speedy. Don't worry about my brother he doesn't like crowds that much or when people smother him in attention. She said while shaking Kallie's paw.
THank goodness, I thought I'd offeneded him or something. Nice to meet you speedy.

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:02 pm
by Seth
musclecar326 wrote:Meanwhile Snowy had fast walked over to the jackal. Hey, i'm Snowy who are you?
YOu can call me Joe, I'm Kallie's Brother

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:18 pm
by Leafolawl
Tesla was thrown for a loop as the male she thought was some sort of arctic creature walked off suddenly, putting an ear down in confusion. "I'll just... be over, there... if I'm needed..." She said before giving a small sigh, heading off toward the rock she'd watched Snowy and Speedy from, to let the others get to know each other while she thought to herself for a moment.

(quiet: "... be over, there..." near silent: "... if I'm needed.")

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:30 pm
by RandomGeekNamedBrent
Maria saw the fennec walking off by herself and decided to go over and greet her. She hopped off of Met's shoulder and scampered over to the rock.
"hi there."

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:24 am
by Leafolawl
Looking around first to see if it was her that the seemingly detachable, giant, second head was talking to, Tesla stuck her paw out to shake, feeling it rude to not offer the action. "Hello." She said in her usual timid demeanor, ears sitting in a neutral position.

Re: Pet Friendly: Exotic Acres

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:34 pm
by Marine Fox
Ryan watched the whole feat as Snowy plummeted to the ground with a large thump behind him, he made a move to assist but after seeing several others help him he decided that they were enough help for him, then as everybody sorta scattered and everyone started greeting eachother again Ryan took very careful note and hearing to try to get everybody's name as they greeted and after several moments he was sure he knew most everybody's name and with that he just leaned up against a tree and observed debating whether to take out his mask and fiddle with it as he did whenever he had time and was bored.