HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

xhunterko wrote:*POP* *POP*
Two pink bubbles appeared around Kritaros and Donau. BOTH riddled with protective sigils, and BOTH of those bubbles allowed not one sound out. And he soon found out, it didn't move either. Unlike Kritaros's. That rolled, and bounced. And instead of repairing the damaged buildings, Monique cracked the pavement further, and accelerated the growth of the nature underneath. If Kritaros hit a wall, he bounced. If he went in water, he floated. If he tried to fall, he would glide.
PLEASE don't let that be too much. I'm just trying to protect them. I'll see him in a minute, I promise. But first, Erebus. Monique thought.
Another bubble appeared over Anubis where he was. This bubble emitted a soothing aura, like a mother's love.
Speaking of mothers, and mothers to be, the same protective sigils appeared over any pregnant cougar or wolf. Especially over the leaders. Amber curiously glanced at her new "tattoo" for a moment before shrugging.
Monique flew down from her position before Erebus, a few spaces away. She bowed and prostrated herself before the High Shaman. Crawling just within touching distance to his toes. Her glow gone, her face down.
"Master Erebus, I presume," she said to him so all could hear.
"I deeply apologize as much as my little soul can for my actions towards you earlier. I DO hope it did not cause too much damage. I love this island and it's people, and I want to help them, not harm them. I misjudged you poorly and do regret my decisions and humbly ask for your forgiveness," she said, only that he could hear. Not knowing if whether or not revealing what happened would cause more doubt and questions.
The High Shaman bowed his head in return. "You did just hurt one's pride, nothing that cannot be remedied. But I do accept your apologies. And you have really done a lot to prove your worth today, for which we all are grateful: Without your prompt intervention, things would have gone an even malevolent way. Thank you, Goddess."
xhunterko wrote:The show walls were slowly switched off to show Mantauq had seen. The Chime, a small black metal orb, also showed the events unfolding, as well as the recent protection spells Monique placed around her charges. The events in the orb faded as he returned it to his pocket.
"I understand Master Spencers. It seems my jest was overblown and taken to extreme negativity," he said. Then he prostrated himself before the man.
"What do you need of me?" He asked.
The man sat down next to the cougar. Never he had looked so...defeated. He spoke without even raising his head, his own demons running like a movie in front of his eyes.
"One hundred had come. One hundred innocent souls, seeking a new life I had promised them. Four of them are gone forever, dying a thousand deaths just as we speak. The other sixteen...They sold themselves to the darkness. I could just execute them, but I won't. I will have to set them free in the wild, free to become an additional threat. Hoping they will come to their senses, that they will understand they listened to a monster and not to a leader... But be as it is, I failed them. One. Single. Mistake. Thinking that we were all safe." Spencers sighed and finally raised his head. "What do I want of you, Savant? Nothing. What punishment could the law of men inflict to you now? Your tribe is tainted already. You will live knowing that one single gesture and my mistake caused a cascade of effect that has compromised the peace I struggled so hard to rebuild. Just leave, go to your family and help the chieftains: Aside from Rajida, they are unexperienced, they are prone to make mistakes, they could fall into a trap without knowing it. You are...different, you will know how to protect them."
xhunterko wrote:Luke could only growl internally. Crossing his arms. Granted, he hadn't liked how Avaros had treated him and his wives. But there was no way he was going to allow this FILTH of a demon to get the better of them.
"Avaros. We will not allow this demon to get the better of us," Luke said, "As much as I detest your not acting like a servant should, I understand we have differences of opinions and cultures of how a servant should behave. So. First. We are already behind. This city may be protected, as said, however, I want an extra protection around the fourth tribe's and red wolve's dwelling spaces since they are the most vulnerable. The fiend attacked us at our exposed places. And I know this place is not like a swiss cheese, however, I am still worried. If you think it needs them, place sigils where you can, but do so quickly. Secondly, mothers."
"Yes son?" Sanni said. And they all looked to him.
"You are not moving into this district," Luke said. Amber blinked.
"WHat?!" She almost yelled, but then held her peace, not wanting to cause MORE division.
"You are moving with us to Cloud City. And if I have to twist the shamans arms I will twist the shamans arms and ask them to give you quarter in the temple grounds themselves," Luke said, "I will NOT have any of your cubs born being possessed by a demon." Sanni blinked, then nodded.
"Yes my chieftain," she said, bowing her head, "When do we leave?"
"After Avaros sets the sigils," Luke said, "We will leave by magic. Avaros if you would please." He waved a hand over the district. Then he went over to Raijda and gently hugged her, kissing her forehead. Amber smiled.
"Demons are all liars," Luke said to her, "I love and trust you."
"The fourth tribe is tainted already," the lion said, echoing Spencers' words. "Did not you listen? Chieftain, the Unspeakable *whispered* into their minds as well. I know how it works: in the space of just an eyeblink, a world of thoughts can occur in one's mind. And when Spencers was humiliated so publicly, some of you harbored that one single thought, and Naro amplified it, expanded it, transformed pride into obsession, then laquered it with discipline.
"This place, every single part of it, is protected, you all are. But from now on, now that in someone the seed transformed into roots, you cannot trust all of them. Naro is a monster, he is the incarnation of everything that goes against what we strive to improve our lives, but he never lied. Therein lies his dreadful strength: He can mince with words, he can twist them, he can sugarcoat them, but he never lies. Someone in the fourth tribe belongs to him.
"I decided to speak out because I don't want you to think that I may be having an hidden agenda. I pledged loyalty to you, but I remain a High Shaman. And it is my duty to protect the tribe."
he bowed respectfully. "Your decision to move everyone to the citadel is well conceived, they will be safer as they are as close as possible to the tribe's center of power."
Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis laughed at Huberts words. Kritaros isnt used to mortal life anymore, everytime he is granted a chance he is degraded from his original kind as a God. it is habit we see being a part of you is being servants because you....well wait things out. you and kriatros once knew a time where gods acted on matters as well and left other matter to those they could trust. even i experienced such a time. where three great beasts of sky and earth roamed the Heavens. I need not say names but one of them is on my shoulder." Anubis said standing up and walking towards the resort.
the fox slowly was starting to wither his anger away as he strode. "Kritaros still views you in that regard. but he also saw to test you in return because knowing him....he most likely beleives you hide something. which is what i doubt about even now. but after nairobe's words i feel i understand. and Spencers is the remaining piece to that puzzle. so with your permission id like you present when i ask questions with the man" Anubis said opening his hand to a protective sigil.
"if You have brought spencers to be what i believe then he to knows that he is not who he beleives" Anubis said before seeing to the bubble and with a single wave walked through its shell for monique to feel the sigils unravelled themselves. "and you may want to chat with monique, for a goddess....she is acting quite out of what she needs to understand with her own set tasks"
The tiny dragon sighed inwardly. Mortals, oy..! "Do as you wish, if it will make you feel better. In fact, this charade has no further sense. I will revoke the punishment for Kritaros, since he cannot possibly win over his own pride. Just promise me you will keep a tight watch on him. Or I promise, and it is not a threat, I will make him pass through the most hellish cycle of reincarnations you could imagine. Promise."
Hotep the psychic wrote:Meanwhile.
Kritaros shook his head. "I suprised him by saying i doubt spencers but like you...you both beleive i want to see darkness which is what is incredibly incorrect. Im not bound to a lesson to be learned Donau, im facing a punishment for a misconceived truth" Kritaros said as he turns and walks away with a smile. "ANd so you remember, the gods werent always so....Monigue may be a goddess but she too is impatient and too quick to action. she needs to learn from a god to be a goddess, or she needs to learn mortallity and right from wrong again.....you see the only thing we do wrong is in the eyes of others. but there are things we do wrong that both parties see differently. like me saying that what i did Hubert told me to do. though i am apologetic for my actions. in the end he did say so in the begining and i took that word to my understanding" Kritaros said smiling slyly as he disapears with a cute poof of smoke though upon reapearing did kritaros find himself trapped within a pink sphere. then pouted "like i said too quick to act with no thought.
"Monique is *humble*, my dear. She can recognize her mistakes and she will do her best to correct them. You? You insist that Spencers has some hidden agenda. That the Divinity is not what it seems. You elevate yourself above the better judgment of a Higher God. Forgive me if it seems a tad--WHOA!"
*POOF!* and all of a sudden, Kritaros was back to his adult form!
Last edited by valerio on Wed Jun 14, 2017 8:41 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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Anubis laughed "my dear god, i can promise you we are still loyal and trust you to our fullest. just know i am questioning the tribes and spencers. you know well we are no mere mortals. "We have earned our right to acsend beyond that"" Anubis said using huberts words against him. "but for your sake i will do my best to watch kritaros, even when he means good intentions for you as a god Hubert. though i do ask. in the time btween my first arrival...and my time in the past did you make Spencers a defender or did he find that history among the ruins of my temples?" Anubis asked with a sly grin.

as for Kritaros the bubble popped as he looked himself over. he blinked in even more confusion and poofed again in suprise. only to be found behind donau. he looked about with a look of suspicion before sititng with the rabbit."as you were saying no i dont see myself above him, but i do worry about him. he isnt what he used to be...".

Back with Anubis the fox would soon arrive at the building he knew Savant and spencers were in and sighs looking to hubert on his shoulder as the fox waited patiently.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis laughed "my dear god, i can promise you we are still loyal and trust you to our fullest. just know i am questioning the tribes and spencers. you know well we are no mere mortals. "We have earned our right to acsend beyond that"" Anubis said using huberts words against him. "but for your sake i will do my best to watch kritaros, even when he means good intentions for you as a god Hubert. though i do ask. in the time btween my first arrival...and my time in the past did you make Spencers a defender or did he find that history among the ruins of my temples?" Anubis asked with a sly grin.
The dragon's hint of a smile revealed nothing. "Spencers earned his own place. He trained for that, just as you did, while your temple was...temporarily closed."
Hotep the psychic wrote:as for Kritaros the bubble popped as he looked himself over. he blinked in even more confusion and poofed again in suprise. only to be found behind donau. he looked about with a look of suspicion before sititng with the rabbit."as you were saying no i dont see myself above him, but i do worry about him. he isnt what he used to be...".
"Would it help if I repeated to you that he is...complicated? Non-linear? I mean, stop thinking on a mortal scale of values and time, you'll never understand. And if you convinced him to tell you *everything* about himself, your mind would explode together with your body. That is why gods invented this awesome bond called 'faith'. Eh?"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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"curse this mortal life" Kritaros said understanding his mistake as a mortal. and bowing his head in defeat.

Anubis chuckles and nods his own assumptions Hubert could see as his mind worked that complex multiplex of puzzles within himself. The fox's patience showing for now. " why was monique a choice to be a goddess? she seems....abit too energetic. quick to act and respond with little thought to what is at play. but what is spencers story? what else did Nairobe do? and of most importance what else is he after if he is going after the tribe of wolves....he isnt one to do such things like this"
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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Hotep the psychic wrote:"curse this mortal life" Kritaros said understanding his mistake as a mortal. and bowing his head in defeat.
Donau nodded. "Very good. But if it's of any consolation, think about me: I literally gave up a genuine one-time miracle for my people in order to save the Argon Pride, I will be branded as a traitor by my brethren as long as I exist, and now already Luke is acting like a tin overlord over a High Shaman and his Tribe is in danger. I won't be cursing Hubert for this. It is *our* actions that determine our Fate." he patted Kritaros' back. "But anyway, welcome back to the rational world. Oh, Monique?" he called out.
Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis chuckles and nods his own assumptions Hubert could see as his mind worked that complex multiplex of puzzles within himself. The fox's patience showing for now. " why was monique a choice to be a goddess? she seems....abit too energetic. quick to act and respond with little thought to what is at play. but what is spencers story? what else did Nairobe do? and of most importance what else is he after if he is going after the tribe of wolves....he isnt one to do such things like this"
"Oh, she has a lot of little, adorable defects...But she is driven by her pure, untainted love for this place. She is humble, she will truly apologize over her mistakes and atone them. And a humble deity is a good thing, she can understand the mortals and better work with them. Just look at how she was the first to respond and properly react against the corrupted. She can only improve.
"As for Spencers' story, I'm sorry but that is one closely guarded secret. One day, or perhaps never however Fate decides it, you will know. But pray that it happens by Spencers' own mouth. Just like you should hope I never have to intervene personally in a crisis.
"As for Naro, well, he is the incarnation of all the hatred, all the negativity of the surviving native wolves, and soon they'll increase in number just as our own will. he thrives on conflict, on lost hopes...and unfortunately he spoke the truth: regardless of rank or affiliation, he found you all lacking. Nothing is decided at this point, you all will have to work closely to prevent a new war from erupting. The Tribes cannot sustain another one, then it will be a new and final exctinction wave."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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Anubis looked over to hubert and chuckles again. "Rhetorical questions Hubert, i needed no answers. But its good to see my own life is not the only one to keep secret." Anubis said before perking his ears and looking about. Once he heard talking inside did the fox enter the building and wait again.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

valerio wrote:"It's like human parents with great expectations. I am grownup, I'm supposed to work hard. Aren't you supposed to work hard, too?"
"Da i nyet. Yes and no. Ve have to vork hard to practise our act so ve can be good enough for circus but ve do not have to do it. You understand?"
"I sink Sasha is meaning zat ve vork hard to do our circus act but ve do not have to do it. Ve could stop if ve vant to."
"Da." Sasha nods. "But ve do not vant to."

valerio wrote:"Yes, dear. Don't worry," she led them into the elevator and pressed the -1G button. "It will be a moment for the scan, even less for the blood, and perhaps 15 minutes to give Felics his new skin."
"Okay." Ilya quietly follows the nurse, keeping a close eye on Feliks and Arina as he goes since Arina is still exhausted.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Roarin »

valerio wrote:
xhunterko wrote:Khun darted off into the brush, surprised at the speed, however, he too yelled.
"HEY WAIT UP! We don't have food! Water! And this dog is old! OH COME ON!" Khun yelled, running after them. With a twirl of her staff, a video game like arrow appeared in front of Khun's eyes pointing him towards the direction he should go. Then she twirled it again.
"Oi Gandalf and Bilbo! Don't forget yer boots!" She hollered, and anklets appeared on the canine's feet! Khun felt himself no, not running, but more or so leaping and bounding, and not feeling the energy drain. Except, he knew these were only temporary. Khun did notice however, that Monique was not following! He turned around to yell.
"OI aren't you coming?!" He yelled. She shook her head.
"Watch out for that tree!" She yelled back, Khun dodged just in time, keeping his eyes ahead.
"You're right, I am busy and there's an important thing I need to be at now," Monique yelled back sadly, "I'll catch back up with you later I promise!" Khun sighed.
"I know baby doll, I know," he said, just happy that he had family here was good enough for him. Monique sighed, then shaking herself, twirled once, twice, tapped her staff, then disappeared.
"Oi, this way Bilbo! Monique gave me a compass!" Khun said to Flint, pointing to his eyes.
It wasn't long before the faerie stopped. She stood there, hovering in midair, waiting for her charges to join her.
"Bilbo?" Flint quipped, looking quite offended as he began to follow Khun and the floating thing he had above his head. "Hey, where did Monique go?"
Last edited by Roarin on Fri Jun 16, 2017 12:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

"Hey, you called me Gandalf first," Khun said, sticking out his tongue at him, "I suppose she has other business elsewhere to attend to. Water. Lovely. Let's pray it's not a Water Temple. And technically during the adventure Bilbo is Gandalf's companion. No offense. I guess we hold our noses?"

Two pink air bubbles around their heads appeared around the two.

"Oh," Khun said.
A big arm and paw went over Spencer's shoulders and gave him a pat.

"Of course they will. Raijda will make mistakes. Amber will make mistakes. Luke, bless his heart, will make mistakes, and is making them even now," Mauntuq said, "However, Master Spencers, if I may, tell you one thing I learned during my five and a half years of chieftain?"
"You are quite welcome, Master Erebus," Monique said, "I hope to be useful in the future. Do forgive me but I must attend to something else." And with that, she disappeared. Leaving behind a small pile of pink rose petals.
"Not all of us, just these 76 here," Luke said.

"75, you mean," Sanni said, smiling. Luke looked at her and shook his head, nodding towards the hooded cougar in the back.

"Who's he then?" Luke said. Amber noticed him and smiled, and waved him forward. He came up to the family and bowed before Amber.

"And what may I do for you, favorite princess?" The character said, taking Amber's paw and kissing it.

"Nothing that you've not already done, and will do, for the tribe and family," she said to him, "I told you to retire." He looked up at her with his one good eye. Luke continued to be puzzled, scratching his head.

"And I told you, princess, that my work was not my work," he said, "I take great pleasure in it." Amber nodded, smiling.

"Very well, you'll have fun here then," Amber said, Luke continuously looked back and forth between the two, confused. The character got up as Amber let him.

"Avaros," she said, leading the character to him, "You two will need to get acquainted." The character tipped his hood towards Avaros, smiling.

This, my dear Avaros, is a living legend. Spymaster Abbicus. But don't call him that. Call him Patch instead. She thought to Avaros. Luke folded his arms, tail twitching.

"All right, alright, now can we get going?" Luke said. Then a dark, pink haze hovered over the group, blocking out the sun.

"Get going?! Get going?! So eager to run from a problem the minute it rears it's head! HMPH! You know what? FINE. I'll do it. But this will be YOUR last miracle from me today!" Monique said, and with a tap of her staff, Luke's family and the 76 were at the Cloud City temple entrance. Mauntuq however, remained in his cell. Even a Demigoddess would respect the law. However, a pink button appeared by his food tray. Push when ready, it said. Mauntuq pocketed it quickly.

Huby, Luke's been a bit of a rear end. Can I give him a little trip? Monique thought to Hubert. Then she sighed.

I failed again, didn't I Master Donau? When I interrupted you? Monique thought to him.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hlaoroo wrote:"Da i nyet. Yes and no. Ve have to vork hard to practise our act so ve can be good enough for circus but ve do not have to do it. You understand?"
"I sink Sasha is meaning zat ve vork hard to do our circus act but ve do not have to do it. Ve could stop if ve vant to."
"Da." Sasha nods. "But ve do not vant to."
"And who would? I mean, it's the most awesome job in the world, after all!"
Hlaoroo wrote:"Okay." Ilya quietly follows the nurse, keeping a close eye on Feliks and Arina as he goes since Arina is still exhausted.
"Being tired in your condition is just normal. You did quite the job, not to mention the gestation. We will be feeding you with foods very rich in vitamins and proteins. You'll feel better in no time and be able to better feed your baby."
They entered a room. Another aseptic laboratory, white everywhere from the light to the walls and instrumentations.
xhunterko wrote:"Hey, you called me Gandalf first," Khun said, sticking out his tongue at him, "I suppose she has other business elsewhere to attend to. Water. Lovely. Let's pray it's not a Water Temple. And technically during the adventure Bilbo is Gandalf's companion. No offense. I guess we hold our noses?"
Two pink air bubbles around their heads appeared around the two.
"Oh," Khun said.
"Are you two coming down or not?!" said the faerie's voice from down the hole. "Afraid of getting wet?"
xhunterko wrote:A big arm and paw went over Spencer's shoulders and gave him a pat.
"Of course they will. Raijda will make mistakes. Amber will make mistakes. Luke, bless his heart, will make mistakes, and is making them even now," Mauntuq said, "However, Master Spencers, if I may, tell you one thing I learned during my five and a half years of chieftain?"
"I'm listening, Sir,"
xhunterko wrote:"Not all of us, just these 76 here," Luke said.
"75, you mean," Sanni said, smiling. Luke looked at her and shook his head, nodding towards the hooded cougar in the back.
"Who's he then?" Luke said. Amber noticed him and smiled, and waved him forward. He came up to the family and bowed before Amber.
"And what may I do for you, favorite princess?" The character said, taking Amber's paw and kissing it.
"Nothing that you've not already done, and will do, for the tribe and family," she said to him, "I told you to retire." He looked up at her with his one good eye. Luke continued to be puzzled, scratching his head.
"And I told you, princess, that my work was not my work," he said, "I take great pleasure in it." Amber nodded, smiling.
"Very well, you'll have fun here then," Amber said, Luke continuously looked back and forth between the two, confused. The character got up as Amber let him.
"Avaros," she said, leading the character to him, "You two will need to get acquainted." The character tipped his hood towards Avaros, smiling.
This, my dear Avaros, is a living legend. Spymaster Abbicus. But don't call him that. Call him Patch instead. She thought to Avaros. Luke folded his arms, tail twitching.
"All right, alright, now can we get going?" Luke said. Then a dark, pink haze hovered over the group, blocking out the sun.
"Get going?! Get going?! So eager to run from a problem the minute it rears it's head! HMPH! You know what? FINE. I'll do it. But this will be YOUR last miracle from me today!" Monique said, and with a tap of her staff, Luke's family and the 76 were at the Cloud City temple entrance. Mauntuq however, remained in his cell. Even a Demigoddess would respect the law. However, a pink button appeared by his food tray. Push when ready, it said. Mauntuq pocketed it quickly.
Huby, Luke's been a bit of a rear end. Can I give him a little trip? Monique thought to Hubert. Then she sighed.
I failed again, didn't I Master Donau? When I interrupted you? Monique thought to him.
<No failure, my little one. You have a lot of power, but you must yet learn your priorities. And it is perfectly normal, don't feel anguished over these trivialities, let this be a friendly suggestion from one whose mistakes did a lot worse and is still alive to remember them.>
<Trying is part of learning, my child," Hubert thought to her. <Luke erred in arrogance, just like Savant Mauntuq did with Spencers. And even if Avaros swore loyalty to the chieftains, he doesn't deserve to be treated rudely. He's an advisor, help Luke remembering that.>

Avaros nodded formally to the cougar. "I am honored. I am sure Chieftain Rajida will be of great help to learn you refine your talents. You are for sure in the right place. Welcome to Zilnawa reborn."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Roarin »

"Ah?" And suddenly everything was a shade of pink. "You have a solution for everything don't you...". The canine harrumphed dryly, and with a shrug jumped in after the faerie. "Gandalf better keep up then. Old man." With a salute and a sploosh he disappeared under the surface
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

"Maybe you should bring your owners to circus practise. Perhaps if zey are seeing how hard ve vork zey might change mind and let you do it, da?" Dinara suggests.

"Zat is good." The two humans look around the aseptic room, not entirely sure what to make of it or what to do, and somewhat intimidated by the array of instruments. They wait patiently for guidance, and perhaps, a chair for Arina.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

"Keep that up, and I'll adopt you and become your old man, young pup!" Khun said to Flint, jumping in after him.
"A mistake, is only a mistake," Savant said, "You will slip up, send men to their deaths, starve the poor, cut off the sick, sacrifice the elderly, rob the blind, and do all sorts of terrible horrible things. Just remember one thing. You can always, always, always, show true repentance and ask for forgiveness. Learn from your mistakes, and move on. If others don't that's there problem. Don't let it eat you from inside out. Let others forgive you, and most of all, forgive yourself. A mistake is not the end of the world." He said, patting Mr. Spencers shoulder.

"Well, at least this time, at least," he said with a smile.
"Charmed, Avaros," Patch said, "There is much work to be done."

"Right, first of, all, like securing the family in the temple heart," Luke said, "Now let's go." He said, and since they were on the threshold, was a short walk. Luke didn't wait for anyone else. He marched up to the temple door, to bang on it with a fist to demand attention, when he was suddenly stopped, frozen it seemed. Amber looked at him curiously. Tilting her head. Then she noticed, pink cuffs around his wrists and ankles? She scratched her head.

Dear little demigoddess, what have we done this time? She thought. Monique did not respond.

Luke's eyes glazed back over as he was given a vision of desolation. Monique reasoned with him for a few minutes, giving him bodily discomforts, irritants, and feelings. When she eventually spoke to him at length of how he was behaving, he stopped arguing, listened, then repented his words, she let him go. When Luke came back to, he quickly rushed over to the stair case side, and vomited over the edge. When he was done, he looked to Avaros. Doing his best to clean his mouth.

"My, cough, apologies, cough," Luke said, pausing a moment, "My apologies Avaros, I've been unfair to you."

Monique invisibly fluttered over to Amber's shoulders, watching the scene unfold.

That, that was not too bad, was it Hubert? Monique thought to him.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis soon heard what was occuring inside and smiled before nodding and walking away. By now he had been walking for quite some tim to return to levi and the rest of the Wolves. Anubis's thoughts focused around what to do next as he looked to the small dragon on his shoulder. "I apologize if i seemed forward Hubert. But the day is not done. Your right there is time for other things to happen and today was a large test by our enemy. But id like to know more about spencers. Even i feel he will hold importance in the future and we may need your help as well...your guidance. I know that you can always tell me anything and i will do it. Kritaris as well." Anubis said. His curiousity for spencers still present.

The fox soon regrouping with Levi and spotted the shaman Erebus. He knew he would have to talk with him later. He understood the shamans knowledge for the death arts in full but after their time withthe enemy he knew his joke wasnt taken as such. He looked over every wolf and sighed. The day was young there is much more to do but without everyones actions he knew that something worse may have happened. And now they could begin to better prepare
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Roarin wrote:"Ah?" And suddenly everything was a shade of pink. "You have a solution for everything don't you...". The canine harrumphed dryly, and with a shrug jumped in after the faerie. "Gandalf better keep up then. Old man." With a salute and a sploosh he disappeared under the surface
xhunterko wrote:"Keep that up, and I'll adopt you and become your old man, young pup!" Khun said to Flint, jumping in after him.
It was exactly as the 'faerie' had said. The duo went on underwater for a while in the dark waters, following the current and her light as the only source of illumination...
Only, she hadn't warned them about the SUDDEN transformation of the current into a waterfall! And both furs found themselves falling down and down, for a hundred meters and more, in what looked like a blue-glowing, jewel-encrusted cave, the roar of the waterfall filling the air all around...
Hlaoroo wrote:"True!"
"Maybe you should bring your owners to circus practise. Perhaps if zey are seeing how hard ve vork zey might change mind and let you do it, da?" Dinara suggests.
The big dog sighed, causing a dustful of crumbs to fly against the two cats. He didn't even notice. "Yeh, like in one of them comedies: the rebel son shows how good he is at doing something else and his parents burst into tears and let him live his life..." then a grin slowly formed around his muzzle. "Ooorr...why not make the best of my free time anyway, eh? What do you say?" He started wagging again, hitting a fit man into the abs, causing him to double in pain, grunting
Hlaoroo wrote:"Zat is good." The two humans look around the aseptic room, not entirely sure what to make of it or what to do, and somewhat intimidated by the array of instruments. They wait patiently for guidance, and perhaps, a chair for Arina.
The group stopped in front of a naked table. The nurse led the woman to a chair. "Now sit down here, please. Before you ask, yes, you can stay and watch and ask anything during the procedure. Now please hand me this precious jewel."
Two doctors, both definitely Africans, of Zulu legacy if their stature and the almost carbon hue of their skin counted for a guess, wearing the white lab coat, walked in. Their expressions were warm like their eyes, which stood out like pearl in the dark faces.
"Good morning, Sir, Ma'm," one of them said. "I'm Funani Addison, and this is my brother Shaka. We will be your son's pediatricians. Have you both been informed abour the procedures we will be performing today?" There was no condiscence in his words, behind those formal words there was a person who cared.
xhunterko wrote:"A mistake, is only a mistake," Savant said, "You will slip up, send men to their deaths, starve the poor, cut off the sick, sacrifice the elderly, rob the blind, and do all sorts of terrible horrible things. Just remember one thing. You can always, always, always, show true repentance and ask for forgiveness. Learn from your mistakes, and move on. If others don't that's there problem. Don't let it eat you from inside out. Let others forgive you, and most of all, forgive yourself. A mistake is not the end of the world." He said, patting Mr. Spencers shoulder.
"Well, at least this time, at least," he said with a smile.
Spencers stood up. And gave a hug to the cougar. "Perhaps I canìt save the world. But those wolves, and you and your new blood, are my responsibiliy. And today I lost lives. But you're right, my adversaries would only benefit of my prostration. And by the way, I never did any of those horrible things." He chuckled. "But I must ask you a favor now: would you mind stay here until tomorrow? Anyone can visit you, but I must show to everyone else that I live up to my own orders. I hope you can understand, Savant." He bowed apologetically.
xhunterko wrote:"Charmed, Avaros," Patch said, "There is much work to be done."
"Right, first of, all, like securing the family in the temple heart," Luke said, "Now let's go." He said, and since they were on the threshold, was a short walk. Luke didn't wait for anyone else. He marched up to the temple door, to bang on it with a fist to demand attention, when he was suddenly stopped, frozen it seemed. Amber looked at him curiously. Tilting her head. Then she noticed, pink cuffs around his wrists and ankles? She scratched her head.
Dear little demigoddess, what have we done this time? She thought. Monique did not respond.
Luke's eyes glazed back over as he was given a vision of desolation. Monique reasoned with him for a few minutes, giving him bodily discomforts, irritants, and feelings. When she eventually spoke to him at length of how he was behaving, he stopped arguing, listened, then repented his words, she let him go. When Luke came back to, he quickly rushed over to the stair case side, and vomited over the edge. When he was done, he looked to Avaros. Doing his best to clean his mouth.
"My, cough, apologies, cough," Luke said, pausing a moment, "My apologies Avaros, I've been unfair to you."
Monique invisibly fluttered over to Amber's shoulders, watching the scene unfold.
That, that was not too bad, was it Hubert? Monique thought to him.
<I can say I am pleased with you, my child. Sometimes it is difficult to make a mortal understand his errors, yet you taught Luke well without overdoing it. I knew that recommending you was the best choice.>
Avaros nodded to the cougar. "Spoken from your very heart, I accept them gladly, my friend. What will be your dispositions now?"
Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis soon heard what was occuring inside and smiled before nodding and walking away. By now he had been walking for quite some tim to return to levi and the rest of the Wolves. Anubis's thoughts focused around what to do next as he looked to the small dragon on his shoulder. "I apologize if i seemed forward Hubert. But the day is not done. Your right there is time for other things to happen and today was a large test by our enemy. But id like to know more about spencers. Even i feel he will hold importance in the future and we may need your help as well...your guidance. I know that you can always tell me anything and i will do it. Kritaris as well." Anubis said. His curiousity for spencers still present.
The fox soon regrouping with Levi and spotted the shaman Erebus. He knew he would have to talk with him later. He understood the shamans knowledge for the death arts in full but after their time withthe enemy he knew his joke wasnt taken as such. He looked over every wolf and sighed. The day was young there is much more to do but without everyones actions he knew that something worse may have happened. And now they could begin to better prepare
"Sometimes I wish I could, good Anubis, and I know you and Kritaros would make no harm of such knowledge...But our enemies would. And remember, they can be subtle. Even a hint could turn useful to their cause. So, for how much sorry I am, nothing I can reveal. And please tell Kritaros not to waste energies with his godly powers. I made sure that Spencer's existence lays beyond time itself."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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"Reminds me of two others." Anubis said to Hubert after hearing the little bit on spencers. Then nods obediently to be sure to do so. Knowing it woukd not be long before Kritaros would know. Though Anubis understood what hubert meant and the reasonung behind it all. The fox still had a hint of worry. But that would not last on the current subject but be a lingering point. As if to something else for today
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Roarin »

Blub blub... For a while Flint couldn't really see much, feeling the water rush around him as an unknown current dragged him down down down. And then... the scenery changed and the darkness was replaced by the vista of a beautiful cave...
But before he had time to appreciate it he felt the immediate effects of gravity start dragging him down.
"Holy-!" His arms flailed, the pressure of the water now felt crushing. His paws instinctly tried to grasp for something, but of course any liquid slipped right through his fingers.
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

"Vell, is vorking in movies. So must be vers* a try, da?" Sasha grins, brushing the crumbs away.
"Da, Falstaff! You should be having fun on holiday!" Dinara agrees.


"Nyet, just zat zere are tests and maybe skin." Arina answers the doctor, still holding Feliks.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hlaoroo wrote:"Vell, is vorking in movies. So must be vers* a try, da?" Sasha grins, brushing the crumbs away.
"Da, Falstaff! You should be having fun on holiday!" Dinara agrees.
Still visibly conflicted, eventually Falstaff said, "O-okay-y. I mean, worst case I'll be digging a nice hole into which bury myself. But *you* will pay for the tombstone. Ok?"
Hlaoroo wrote:"Nyet, just zat zere are tests and maybe skin." Arina answers the doctor, still holding Feliks.
Shaka nodded, passing his hand over the smooth tabletop. "This table will provide all the necessary tests -skin, blood, bodyscan, the works. After that, provided the results are compatible with the next procedure, we will apply a layer of Skin2, which will protect Feliks from any infection until he is ready for vaccinations. Before vaccinating him, the Skin2 will be removed completely. In the meantime, he will be living his happy, healthy life. Do you have some more questions? Feel free to ask, please."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

Luke sighed, looked to Avaros, then to Sonni. He walked over to her and took a paw.

I still think the temple is the safest place right now. Luke thought to him.

"Mother, I still believe the safest place for you right now, until your cubs are born, is in the citadel," Luke said, "I know your terms are not the same, and you will be let out and in, but, I think it is the safest place for all of you right now."

Sonni nodded. Luke walked, carefully, slowly, with his head down, towards the temple door. He would have crawled, but he did not think that would be appreciated. He gently tapped on the doors.

Amber shook her head. Luke had lots to learn about being a statesman still.
Savant bowed to Misters Spencers.

"Of course, Master Spencers, oh, one moment," he said, flicking a button on the sho-wall controls to show a zoomed in security photo of a German Shepard-Boxer(Khun Woodsman) mix canine getting through security with, and the x-ray showed, what apparently seemed like a concealed weapon.

"I'm sure you are not surprised by much nowadays," Savant said, "That dog there though, he seems like a responsible fellow. Those weapons aren't that easy to come by. Must've seemed like a good idea to take a katana to a weed infested jungle island eh?" He showed a few more pictures of Khun with his staff. With him keeping a constant, close eye on it.

"I wouldn't worry about him," Savant said, "However, it is, after all, your call."
"CANNON BALL!" Khun said, curling into a ball waiting for the drop down into the water!

It was then that Flint's bubble went clear. And, information? As if it were a sci-fi helmet, started appearing in front of him. Identified rocks, wind speed, length, height, depth, other information. The bubble ALSO accounted for the changes in the lighting, showing the cave in it's full color glory!

Khun's bubble also gave the same effects.

There, happy spoil sport? Monique thought to Flint.
The large female cougar decided to see how things were going with her coyote mate. She meandered through the crowd, seemingly unnoticed. Observing the groups and couples forming, noticing the uneasy atmosphere. Granted, it's not everyday that you're told to 'preserve yours species or else', it still doesn't make match making any easier. She made it to the back, finding her mate talking to two females. Well, one anyway, the other was distant and worried. The second one tolerant, but interested. She walked over to the distant one and put a gentle arm around her.

"Me and my husband would love to add you to our family, what's wrong?" She asked.
Monique appeared on Anubis's other shoulder.

"So, looked over the wolven crowd yet for potential catches?" Monique asked him.

Still Hubert, do you have any advice for what to say to Kritaros? I am at a loss.Monique thought to him.
Last edited by xhunterko on Sat Jul 08, 2017 3:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

"Leave Kritaros be, he will deal with things his own way pecefully. We made a plan last night and recent events have well. Turned ahainst us to say the least. He will check on Avaros and the cougars before anything else." Anubos said to monique and Hubert. Now both on his Shoulder in some form of comedic godly meeting. Now he just wondered if a tiny devil and angel woukd appear on his shoulder as well.

That thought made him smile as he thought on moniques words."If your wondering on my love life monique thats for me to know and you to find out. Otherwise the tribe holds few canidadtes to teach as apprentices to the temple and shaman arts. Erebus would be happy. There are more death magic users here than the others."

The fox stopping and looking over the crowd.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

"Heh, okay. Deal!"
"You are certain you vant to do zis zough, Falstaff? You look unsure..."

"How it vill do zat?"
"Vill not zee skin er... Make veak his immune system? I have read zat he should be er... Expose? to germs so he vill be healsy.*"

*healthy but pronounced with an s instead of a th.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

xhunterko wrote:Luke sighed, looked to Avaros, then to Sonni. He walked over to her and took a paw.
I still think the temple is the safest place right now. Luke thought to him.
"Mother, I still believe the safest place for you right now, until your cubs are born, is in the citadel," Luke said, "I know your terms are not the same, and you will be let out and in, but, I think it is the safest place for all of you right now."
Sonni nodded. Luke walked, carefully, slowly, with his head down, towards the temple door. He would have crawled, but he did not think that would be appreciated. He gently tapped on the doors.
Amber shook her head. Luke had lots to learn about being a statesman still.
"I know it is an early moment, to speak about it," Avaros said, "But I must ask you, new blood: What is your position, when it comes to religion? Do you follow any cult? Did you create your own?"
As he spoke, everyone was following, marveling at the finest architecture, at how the sunlight seemed to penetrate every corner without being offensive to the eye, the temperatures just perfect, the waterways like liquid crystals...
xhunterko wrote:"CANNON BALL!" Khun said, curling into a ball waiting for the drop down into the water!
It was then that Flint's bubble went clear. And, information? As if it were a sci-fi helmet, started appearing in front of him. Identified rocks, wind speed, length, height, depth, other information. The bubble ALSO accounted for the changes in the lighting, showing the cave in it's full color glory!
Khun's bubble also gave the same effects.
There, happy spoil sport? Monique thought to Flint.
The faerie hovered above their heads and applauded, sending sparkles all around. "Excellent! You have courage, panic would have made a mess of everything, in other persons...But of course we touched your minds and souls, we know better. Now, be good fleshlings and swim toward the shore. You've just started."
xhunterko wrote:The large female cougar decided to see how things were going with her coyote mate. She meandered through the crowd, seemingly unnoticed. Observing the groups and couples forming, noticing the uneasy atmosphere. Granted, it's not everyday that you're told to 'preserve yours species or else', it still doesn't make match making any easier. She made it to the back, finding her mate talking to two females. Well, one anyway, the other was distant and worried. The second one tolerant, but interested. She walked over to the distant one and put a gentle arm around her.
"Me and my husband would love to add you to our family, what's wrong?" She asked.
"Nothing is wrong," said the voice of...Erebus. The High Shaman had this ability to sneak upon people like a shadow! "Provided you remember where your marital duties lay first. But since you are Fourth Tribe, any question regarding your species must me dealt by your chieftains. As for you," he said to the coyote, "Please consider visiting the lycaons, they will always appreciate new blood for them."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Roarin »

With this new sense of vision the canine could quickly assess the information. Looking down at the water belowhe could now tell its exact depth, measure for speed of impact and... whether he would die or not. Looking up he saw Kuhn curling up into a ball and... after some calculations from the bubble, did the same.

"How... in the howl... are you doing this?!" Flint yelled back in his mind. "Are you some kind of god now or something...?" Shaking his head he winced, a wave of water splashing on him as Kuhn dropped down nearby.

Listening now to the faerie he began to swam towards the shore. "That. Was the longest I've fallen. Ever. Of all time."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

Hlaoroo wrote:"Heh, okay. Deal!"
"You are certain you vant to do zis zough, Falstaff? You look unsure..."
"I...I'm just not used to initiative, that's all. I'm one of habits, after all. I like an A-to-B schedule. Heh. I envy you, you can make choices, live more for the moment..."
Hlaoroo wrote:"How it vill do zat?"
"Vill not zee skin er... Make veak his immune system? I have read zat he should be er... Expose? to germs so he vill be healsy.*"
Shaka looked puzzled. "Oh? I'm sorry, we thought you wanted an extra protection for your son, since you showed concerns about non-humans nearing him."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by RandomGeekNamedBrent »

Hotep the psychic wrote:The fox soon regrouping with Levi and spotted the shaman Erebus. He knew he would have to talk with him later. He understood the shamans knowledge for the death arts in full but after their time withthe enemy he knew his joke wasnt taken as such. He looked over every wolf and sighed. The day was young there is much more to do but without everyones actions he knew that something worse may have happened. And now they could begin to better prepare
Levi had noticed the fox's disappearance at first, but he'd since gone to make sure his opponent who had collapsed was alright. well, he was alive at least.
"Oh hey, where'd you go off to?" he asked. "
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by xhunterko »

Sonni took that answer, walking besides Avaros.

"We don't tempt the gods with creating our own, that path is foolishness and folly," Sonni said, "No, what we do is if a god or belief approaches us, we accept. And, if their followers turn to be hypocrites, or as in legends, the gods abuse us, we leave them. And before you ask, nothing irritates a god more than being ignored. As I'm sure Lord Hubert would know. Even now, there are detractors looking for excuses to turn away from Hubert and little Monique. However, it will be quite difficult to do so on this island, heh."

Amber nodded.

"Hopefully, we aren't coming at a bad time for the shamans in the temple," Luke said, looking around, "Marvelous place."
Monique appeared beside Flint as a map appeared in the upper right corner of his helmet. Having her little glow shining about her. The same thing happened to Khun's helmet.

"Apparently, someone missed the memo," she said, "And the correct term, good sir, is demigoddess. And if you blink with your good eye, you'll notice something else."

Certain things will have a dollar value attached to them. And security features will be highlighted, and items of value will be given a snitch difficulty based on your surroundings. Just for you. She thought to him, smiling. A similar thing happened to Khun's helmet, although showing much more information and statistics.

Khun broke above the water and swam next to Flint on the shore. Monique waved to him before disappearing again. He frowned a bit disappointed she left, then looked about.

"By the by," Monique said to them with her voice, "Share those maps with the resort, they will be as valuable as any treasure you find."

Khun nodded.

"Well now, you must set your mind to do some traveling afterwards," Khun said, "Say Flint, I was being serious. And, money or not, if you want it, or need it, I CAN adopt you." Khun said, placing an arm around his shoulders.
"I don't know about you, Master Erebus, but are you aware that you sound a wee bit racist? If MY species were on the brink of extinction, I'd take any measures to preserve and strengthen it, EVEN if that meant mixing with other races," she said, "My husband and I aren't looking for 'services', and I'm sure even the lycaons, as well known as their behaviors are, would take offense to that. And if your precious race is this far gone, why do you think the new offspring would behave any different? Wouldn't they be plagued with the same mindset as the current pack? Indeed, why flush the population if they will only grow up the same way? My husband may not look like much, but he is from a strong stock and his only vice is being the runt of the litter, and historically, a red wolf-coyote mix is ALWAYS a strong breed. Would you not reconsider?"

Her husband looked to her concerned.

"Um, Talli," he started.

"HUSH," she replied.
Monique flew to the top of the cougar's citadel. She watched them move about within.

"Lord Hubert," she said, "Is Anubis right? Do I need to not try to say anything to Kritaros? Or do I need to say something any way because you commanded me to do so? Because if so, again, I am at a loss, and would like some advice."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

"Da. Is great!"
"Ve can follow to your schedule if zat vould make you more happy." Dinara offers.

The parents look at each other, a little confused, and then at Feliks before returning their attention to the nurse.
"Ve are just vant vhat is best for him. He is our first baby so ve are having to learn everysing." Ilya explains.
"Da... And, for zee lycaons... I maybe have... Little bit fear of dogs." Arina adds quietly, looking embarrassed.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Roarin »

"The world is my oyster yadda yadda. I've done my fair share of traveling. Not that I'm gonna stop. No I just prefer cities. Things are more organized, easier to expect. Japan sounds nice... Tokyo~." The dog mulled that thought over, before interrupting himself with a short laugh.
Hah, and what are you insinuating? Are you even old enough to be my-...". Flint's laughter died down, his smirk leaving his muzzle as he saw the expression on Kuhn's face. He WAS serious.
"For real?" Avery raised an eyebrow, his smile coming back as quickly as it came. "You sure about taking me on? Not worried about my youngin' tail slowing you down or anything?" He laughed again, going back to his joking demeanor.
"Sleep is due to me... And I have a dream to live."

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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

xhunterko wrote:Sonni took that answer, walking besides Avaros.
"We don't tempt the gods with creating our own, that path is foolishness and folly," Sonni said, "No, what we do is if a god or belief approaches us, we accept. And, if their followers turn to be hypocrites, or as in legends, the gods abuse us, we leave them. And before you ask, nothing irritates a god more than being ignored. As I'm sure Lord Hubert would know. Even now, there are detractors looking for excuses to turn away from Hubert and little Monique. However, it will be quite difficult to do so on this island, heh."
Amber nodded.
"Hopefully, we aren't coming at a bad time for the shamans in the temple," Luke said, looking around, "Marvelous place."
"Then this island will be of your highest satisfaction," the lion said. "Hubert, as now will be known after the pact, is our divinity, but we all, including him, respond to Fate. Fate can be capricious, generous, indifferent to joy or pain, but it is the Force that drives Everything toward the Unavoidable Conclusion. The first lesson is to accept Fate even before accepting the Dvinity, which means, be yourselves, follow the rules of the world, be ready to change them together with your peers for the greater good... In other words, work for the common good and you shall be rewarded. Hubert will always be there for a little help here and there. And the benefit is: Fate is insensible to prayers, so you don't need to gather and pray It."
xhunterko wrote:"I don't know about you, Master Erebus, but are you aware that you sound a wee bit racist? If MY species were on the brink of extinction, I'd take any measures to preserve and strengthen it, EVEN if that meant mixing with other races," she said, "My husband and I aren't looking for 'services', and I'm sure even the lycaons, as well known as their behaviors are, would take offense to that. And if your precious race is this far gone, why do you think the new offspring would behave any different? Wouldn't they be plagued with the same mindset as the current pack? Indeed, why flush the population if they will only grow up the same way? My husband may not look like much, but he is from a strong stock and his only vice is being the runt of the litter, and historically, a red wolf-coyote mix is ALWAYS a strong breed. Would you not reconsider?"
Her husband looked to her concerned.
"Um, Talli," he started.
"HUSH," she replied.
The high shaman just cocked his head in puzzlement, then he answered with that irritating detachment. "Racist? I do not consider any of our kindred races any superior or better than the others. And those who did during the...tribal wars were, by the force of Fate and by the hands of Hubert, smitten. And rightly so.
"The lycaons took an advantage from mixing blood with the humans' dogs, and now they thrive, so it would be twice foolish of me to deny such a simple fact. In fact, what a moralist could call 'promiscous' in regard to their approach to other species, I call 'good', for even if it doesn't sire new blood, it will sire new minds, new cultures.
"But none of this will matter to us, as the Second Tribe, should we all disappear. Sure, our ideas, our rituals, everything will remain and that is a one most important legacy...But if I can help it, and unless Fate and the Divinity have a say in it, I will *not* allow our kind to disappear. More wolves will come, and the tribe will be reborn. This does not mean that any other kind of relationship shall be forbidden, but I demand that certain....priorities are respected..."
the red wolf sighed, shook his head. "I am sorry. Due to my mistake, I lost twenty brave souls to our enemy, it is not easy to accept. We have an agreement with Spencers and more new blood will be brought here. Fate so decreed. In the meantime, enjoy your time with your person, but please let the lifebond of this extended pack be sealed within the pack. For now."
xhunterko wrote:Monique flew to the top of the cougar's citadel. She watched them move about within.
"Lord Hubert," she said, "Is Anubis right? Do I need to not try to say anything to Kritaros? Or do I need to say something any way because you commanded me to do so? Because if so, again, I am at a loss, and would like some advice."
A cloud took the shape of the dragon as he answered, "Kritaros is...complicated, my child. Stubborn, for sure. He won't have peace until he finds out what he wants to find out, by his own terms. He is not wrong per se, he is not driven by malice, but he tends to forget his own limits in the design of Fate just as he has forgotten humility.
"My advice is: speak your mind to him, just don't make him mistake you as some pawn of mine, or he will stop listening at all. He used to be a god, now he's mortal again and this can lead to rash decisions. Be patient with him."

Hlaoroo wrote:"Da. Is great!"
"Ve can follow to your schedule if zat vould make you more happy." Dinara offers.
Falstaff's eyes lit up. "Would you? Really?!? That's great, because I never worked on a schedule, I mean, not a circus one, I need to learn so much and do you think I can make it? I'm a total beginner I never performed in public! I mean, i did classes with humans but its not like the same thing and..." and the poor pup just kept rambling/barking on...
Hlaoroo wrote:The parents look at each other, a little confused, and then at Feliks before returning their attention to the nurse.
"Ve are just vant vhat is best for him. He is our first baby so ve are having to learn everysing." Ilya explains.
"Da... And, for zee lycaons... I maybe have... Little bit fear of dogs." Arina adds quietly, looking embarrassed.
"Oh. I see." The two doctors exchanged a glance. "In this case, there will be no need for an application of Skin2. We thought you wanted to be overprotective about his health, given that this is an animal-friendly place." Shaka smiled amiably. "I guess some sessions of...approach will do, instead."
"But still we need to do the exams, now," his brother said. "Please unwrap Felix and lay him down onto the table."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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ooc: Val, don't forget Spencers and Mantauq, unless Spencers is already gone. Also Roarin, who's Avery again? :)

Luke sighed.

"Well, that doesn't sound very hard to do now," Luke said, "However, it doesn't hurt for believers to congregate together though. I just want to find rooms for the seven wives, and especially Sonni tonight, or until she gives birth."

"JUST so long as you show as much concern for OUR cubs when they are ready," Amber said. Luke scratched his neck nervously.

"Yes dear," he said, swallowing.

Luke continued to look around the place.

"Still though," he said, "Why have houses of worship if you are not going to congregate together to pray?"
Monique pouted. Looking down at Kritaros.

"Where do I start though?" She asked.
Khun smiled.

"The question is rather, to me, can YOU keep up with ME, heh," Khun said, "I'm no stranger to parkour and aerobics myself, heh. Still, you don't need to decide right away, you can think on it." Khun got up, stretching his back, listening to it snap and pop.

"Sheesh, you'd think I was old already, heh," he said, handing a paw to Flint.
Talli sighed, she guessed that being Americans made them see things differently.

"Well, want it or not, here's a suggestion. You've got air quotes 'love medicines' don't you? Well, here's an idea," she said, "I'm sure there's some established/married couples here already, give them some medicines, and have them 'go to bed early', I'm SURE they wouldn't mind. THEN find the boyfriend/girlfriend couples. Give them the option to marry if they/you guys do that, if not, the option to produce pups. THEN split the rest into a single male and female gathering to see if couples form, give those the same option. I am SURE there are those that simply WANT 'it'. Find those, and pair or group them together. At the very least, you've let that way be choice. And be a little better then throwing everyone together and hope something happens like zoos do. Trust me, that's not fun. I hope this is a good idea and as being sister to the chieftain's wife, I've learned something of diplomacy, heh."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:
Hotep the psychic wrote:The fox soon regrouping with Levi and spotted the shaman Erebus. He knew he would have to talk with him later. He understood the shamans knowledge for the death arts in full but after their time withthe enemy he knew his joke wasnt taken as such. He looked over every wolf and sighed. The day was young there is much more to do but without everyones actions he knew that something worse may have happened. And now they could begin to better prepare
Levi had noticed the fox's disappearance at first, but he'd since gone to make sure his opponent who had collapsed was alright. well, he was alive at least.
"Oh hey, where'd you go off to?" he asked. "
Anubis smiled to levy with a sense to hide something before chuckling and shaking his head. The fox held a tenseness about him but he would soon remember Levy's prowess as a dreamwalker...something that could be expanded greatly. "I had to deal with a Problem that had resurfaced is all. how are the wolves? and yourself?" Anubis said smiling.

"You can start by.....asking him a question Monique. he may be rash and needs
to learn humility once more but in the end he is still kind. join him and befriend him over time.
he was never one to trust everyone after first losing his godly nature. but over his times with me he learned much. start with something that would be more....humane so to speak"
Anubis would think to Monique the fox still focused on levy.

Meanwhile however Kritaros was holding a paper, a map of the island. "Anubis made an appointment with spencers.....Test Hubert....test monique.....solve for answers...." he thought to himself his mind a steel trap as his eyes blanked. he shook his head then himself to wake him from a small tranced state then looked up from the map. he was on the mountain though not all the way at its peak he looked up towards it and humms in more thought. the fennec tall and skinny was nimble as he bounded upwards. "With Spencers now being up to Anubis....i shall focus on something else. were missing others from a time everything was here.....the boa's....the people...well those will come to grow....but where are the artifacts of each tribe? we yet to have joined the staff.....we only have a single piece." Kritaros said softly to himself as he slips and falls on his back with a small groan. using the staff to lift him back to his feet and continue his climb
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hlaoroo »

The two cats smile as they finish their breakfast, patiently listening to the dog talk, nodding at all the right places. It's clear to them that his life hasn't been the easiest and that he's very excited and they're happy to let him burn off a little of the nervous energy before they start training, just for safety reasons.

"Vhat is approach session?" Arina asks as Ilya gently places Feliks on the table.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis smiled to levy with a sense to hide something before chuckling and shaking his head. The fox held a tenseness about him but he would soon remember Levy's prowess as a dreamwalker...something that could be expanded greatly. "I had to deal with a Problem that had resurfaced is all. how are the wolves? and yourself?" Anubis said smiling.
"Well the one who finished last seems like he's doing okay," Levi chuckled. "the one who passed out just seems to be asleep.
and I'm as good as always.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by valerio »

xhunterko wrote:Savant bowed to Misters Spencers.
"Of course, Master Spencers, oh, one moment," he said, flicking a button on the sho-wall controls to show a zoomed in security photo of a German Shepard-Boxer(Khun Woodsman) mix canine getting through security with, and the x-ray showed, what apparently seemed like a concealed weapon.
"I'm sure you are not surprised by much nowadays," Savant said, "That dog there though, he seems like a responsible fellow. Those weapons aren't that easy to come by. Must've seemed like a good idea to take a katana to a weed infested jungle island eh?" He showed a few more pictures of Khun with his staff. With him keeping a constant, close eye on it.
"I wouldn't worry about him," Savant said, "However, it is, after all, your call."
Spencers shrugged. "Meh. The forest can defend itself, believe me. Many one better armed person made the mistake of relying too much on their artifacts. Apparently, even *knowing* there is an actual divinity here doesn't stick too much to one's unaccustomed mind. And believe me, Savant, I'm all for letting every single one of you to roam freely on this island. This is the four tribes' purpose, after all. Just remember to listen to your shamans, and soon your own persons of magic will make for excellent guardians. The Island missed the fourth tribe for too long. Is there anything else I can do for you until tomorrow?"
xhunterko wrote:Luke sighed.
"Well, that doesn't sound very hard to do now," Luke said, "However, it doesn't hurt for believers to congregate together though. I just want to find rooms for the seven wives, and especially Sonni tonight, or until she gives birth."
"JUST so long as you show as much concern for OUR cubs when they are ready," Amber said. Luke scratched his neck nervously.
"Yes dear," he said, swallowing.
Luke continued to look around the place.
"Still though," he said, "Why have houses of worship if you are not going to congregate together to pray?"
"To pray for our own and the other tribes. To have protected place where our shamans can train, a place where the wounds of spirit can be healed...These houses are places of power, not just shrines for some formal ceremony.
xhunterko wrote:Monique pouted. Looking down at Kritaros.
"Where do I start though?" She asked.
"Sometimes you don't need a plan. Just go to him and speak. It may go fine or not, but you will feel better just for trying."
xhunterko wrote:Talli sighed, she guessed that being Americans made them see things differently.
"Well, want it or not, here's a suggestion. You've got air quotes 'love medicines' don't you? Well, here's an idea," she said, "I'm sure there's some established/married couples here already, give them some medicines, and have them 'go to bed early', I'm SURE they wouldn't mind. THEN find the boyfriend/girlfriend couples. Give them the option to marry if they/you guys do that, if not, the option to produce pups. THEN split the rest into a single male and female gathering to see if couples form, give those the same option. I am SURE there are those that simply WANT 'it'. Find those, and pair or group them together. At the very least, you've let that way be choice. And be a little better then throwing everyone together and hope something happens like zoos do. Trust me, that's not fun. I hope this is a good idea and as being sister to the chieftain's wife, I've learned something of diplomacy, heh."
If possible, this time Erebus' expression looked definitely comical -though he would've never admitted it.
"I think you are missing the point here. Allow me to ask you one single question: Why four pureblood tribes?"
Hlaoroo wrote:The two cats smile as they finish their breakfast, patiently listening to the dog talk, nodding at all the right places. It's clear to them that his life hasn't been the easiest and that he's very excited and they're happy to let him burn off a little of the nervous energy before they start training, just for safety reasons.
Eventually, Falstaff was done...and sincerely embarrassed. "Whopsie. Heh." He had put so much energy in his rant that the tablecloth had fallen down together with its content. A woman, who had had the misfortune of walking by, found her hair all straightened up sideways as if a hurricane had coiffeured her. An old man with a hearing aid was being attended by a medic as his gadget was burning with overload.
The big dog fumbled with his fingers. "So...where do we go now?"
Hlaoroo wrote:"Vhat is approach session?" Arina asks as Ilya gently places Feliks on the table.
"We'll be going to the city of Zilnawa and get to know the natives, starting with the lycaons. They will love to fawn all over your baby and help you win your fear."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

RandomGeekNamedBrent wrote:
Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis smiled to levy with a sense to hide something before chuckling and shaking his head. The fox held a tenseness about him but he would soon remember Levy's prowess as a dreamwalker...something that could be expanded greatly. "I had to deal with a Problem that had resurfaced is all. how are the wolves? and yourself?" Anubis said smiling.
"Well the one who finished last seems like he's doing okay," Levi chuckled. "the one who passed out just seems to be asleep.
and I'm as good as always.
Anubis nodded to the response and began to look past Levi at the district of wolves. "well to put simply the wolves will be safe now, this district is protected and they have their own defenders if need be." Anubis said with a sigh as he looks to Levi. "so i dont think weve ha da chance to get to know each other. but i've had some time to know a few things about you. Doesnt seem rather fair huh? care to walk with me?" Anubis asked waving towards the center of the district and begining to walk. the fox's eyes turning from levi to the various structures the place held and seeing the many wolves bond together and move in to different places to live. starting their new lives.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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Dinara and Aleksandr share an uncertain look.
"Vell, ve don't know, really."
"Ve have not had instructions from ringmaster for vhere to practise or for if ve have schedule..." They explain uncertainly.
"Perhaps ve should start by going to big top?" Sasha suggests.
"Da, good idea." Dinara agrees.

"Er... Okay..." Arina sounds unsure as Ilya remains standing by the table, keeping a hand on Feliks to keep him safe until he's directed otherwise by the doctors.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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Hotep the psychic wrote:Anubis nodded to the response and began to look past Levi at the district of wolves. "well to put simply the wolves will be safe now, this district is protected and they have their own defenders if need be." Anubis said with a sigh as he looks to Levi. "so i dont think weve ha da chance to get to know each other. but i've had some time to know a few things about you. Doesnt seem rather fair huh? care to walk with me?" Anubis asked waving towards the center of the district and begining to walk. the fox's eyes turning from levi to the various structures the place held and seeing the many wolves bond together and move in to different places to live. starting their new lives.
"Sure, though do you mind if my pup tags along? the cat asked. "I promised the little guy we'd explore this place together."
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

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ooc: Unless, of course, the map of the temple is different than what I'm thinking.

"No no, Erebus, I know," Talli said, having walked in front of him now, with the two she wolves in tow.

"It's a delicate ecosystem. With predators and prey working together to keep the island balanced. Should one overgrow or falter the others will suffer because of it, leading to internal strife and chaos, and extinction. The balance of all four tribes must be kept with a mediator to intervene if need be," she said, smiling, "Still though, Erebus, are ya still single? If so, why? Y'alls tribe is dying and you need to repopulate. And I don't think for a minute that even the god would let you get away with 'i'm a shaman and we need to keep pure in body'. There are two she-wolves here in need of a partner, you know." She did not seem to realize her accent had slipped a little. Her mate face pawed. Realizing that, he was holding on to the paws of one of the she-wolves, and she onto his. He rubbed it gently, then gently, reluctantly, slowly, let go.
"Hm, I see, hopefully not much longer to their rooms I hope? I don't want to overtire Sanni," Luke said.

"Still, in our camp, when the island was jungle before it's transformation, we had a small shrine," Luke said, "We have the temple now, but. Do or should we set aside a place in our home?"

Amber, meanwhile, had slipped out of the crowd and
Monique sighed.

"Well, here goes then," she said, "Thank you Hubert." She then jumped once, twice, a third time, as if she were on a diving board, this time, jumping high into the air, then free falling. If anything she would miss when her power was fully drained, it'd be this. Of course, she could always try falling into water, she thought to herself.

Still, she found herself wondering if a certain globat named, Lorenzo? Something? Was still single. While he was a bit forward and she preferred big cats, she felt that as she was given a chance to be alive again, she should pass on her genes. Or at least try to. It's not that she didn't like bats, it's just her first potential partner was a big cat, and that stuck with her. And he wanted to love her instead of, well. STILL. She ought to give the male bats a chance, she supposed.

And it was here that she landed RIGHT in front of Kritaros, causing dust and rocks and dirt and a small avalanche, yet making a small plateau for them to stand on.

"Hi!" She said, smiling, looking around the mountain side briefly before floating up to his eye level.
Savant shook his head.

"Just tell me when my wife goes in labor? If you can find out?" He asked.
Meanwhile, in front of a large dog and two cats, a little fruit bat crawled up from behind the big dog and shook herself from the dust. Monique wasn't quite sure how to properly instance herself yet, so she figured she could use the practice.

"A circus? Wow! Sounds fun! So you two are performers then? What are your names?" She said to Dinara and Aleksandr.
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Re: HPU: Blue Peak Shore

Post by Hotep the psychic »

Anubis shook his head with a smile "feel free we will be taking some time here then to the cougars!" Anubis said as he stops and waits on levi abit ahead of the cat.


Sadly for monique Kritaros wasnt expecting company. her landing would cause his fur to stand on end and have monique face a large barrier that would smash her into the ground once again. when the dust settles Kritaros stood poofy and abit rounder. the fox shaking himself and letting the dust clear as he blinks and looks to see monique and facepalms. "monique?!" Kritaros sighs after his supprise and helps the demigoddess. "I apologize for my reaction but you dont just crash in on someone like that....ill give your landing a 1 of 10 for that" Kritaros said shaking his head as he continues up the mountain.
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