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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by BetaNeon »

"But it was you and that other dog that saved me...I hardly did anything."

Well true, but you missed the point. Who pulled out the sonic device in defence for both yourself and those around you? Who kept her calm under all of that? and Who continued to prepare a defence mechanism regardless of pain? He said sitting up.
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Buckdida »

Venison bumped into another pet, but payed little heed to him either. Venison didn't even bother to knock on the front door, shoving it open and causing it to slam against the wall. He barged into the auditions, interrupting the set. Venison was simply giving off an aura of steaming, wreathing anger.

"Alex, we need to talk. In private. About your actions five minutes ago.

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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Alex »

Alex watched as Lucky played the song. At first, he smiled, enjoying the music. It was a classic by The Who, after all. However, near the end of the song, something started bugging him again.... Something buried deep inside his stomach, crawling, trying to come out.... but what?! What is it? Perhaps just hunger....
After Lucky finished, Mai was the first who started clapping, soon followed by the entire group.
Okay, thank you Lucky, for that wonderful show. *Stands up and walks where Lucky stands*.
As I can see, and I think my vision is still good.... outside of Lucky, the only pets who are here to participate are Matt and Rachel. So, as I am familiar with the bad habit of being late, let us all wait for more pets to show up. It is 14:15 now, we will continue at 14:45. Feel free to go to the kitchen to eat, or upstairs to play games. If you need anything, ask Mai, I have some unfinished business to take care off.....

His last words were followed by him looking down, and grabbing his belly with one paw. It wasn't hunger, and right now, he knew it, as his brain was attacked by the scene of Glory flying trough the sky.....

Suddenly, as he himself started walking upstairs, a dog entered the house, without knocking, looking angry.
Venison wrote:Alex, we need to talk. In private. About your actions five minutes ago.

What? Who are you? What do you want?
The surprise of the dog's sudden entering faded away, so Alex actually realized what he said. Actions 5 minutes ago? That must have been.... that.
Ah, okay.... *steps outside with the dog* Speak.
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Dylan »

Amelia smiled, Well, I guess I did, but your the real hero for bringing be to the ambulance. Amelia carefully lifted herself up, making sure she didn't overdo anything.

Pyxis ran inside, smelling the disinfectant he slowed down. He saw his mom already at the front counter, still very worried, when do we get to see her? I want to see her NOW! looking down she patted Pyxis' head, "Right after I'm done filling out these forms okay?" Pyxis sighed and took a seat nearby.
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by BetaNeon »

Jack simply shrugged I should have pushed you out of way really, but thankyou.
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Dylan »

Amelia blushed, Aw, that's sweet of you. But after thinking about it she shook her head, but that would mean Lucky would be here instead of me, besides he was closer to you.
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by BetaNeon »

Jack took this into consideration. Hmmm, maybe I should have shoved him and lept towards you and take you glass shards as well as my own.
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Keeshah »

Teh Brawler wrote: O'Connor blanched. This dog, who was a good two times bigger than he, was sniffing him all over, with Tory still sitting on his nose! "Ah, eh, er....." he fumbled with his words, trying to find something to say. "Ah, et's a vereh nuice plahce. We weren't truyin' teh tresspass, but Ah smelled gas en the aire, an' Ah though' et best to fuind sheltere until et blewe overe." Tory then hopped down and cried out, "This place is amazing!!! Did you do all of this yourself? Ohe yeah, I'm Tory, and this is O'Connor!" O'Connor flinched slightly at the mention of his real name.
smelled gas? but there is no gas service in here, just electrical...stuff. Well a group of humans did most of the hard, structural stuff.. i'm really just doing the finishing work..
I think he means the gas the police used on the protesters down in the middle of town Rav.. An you need not worry about tresspasing here, this is ment to be a safe place for the pets in the neighborhood to gather, an play..
Rav shakes paws with O'Connor,
glad to meet you two, I'm Rav, an this is my owner Sara Ligerr.. an i believe i have scented your scent on Venison before, Do you know him?
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by ArgentFlame »

Cier clapped enthusiastically when Lucky finished his song. He stood up and was about to follow Alex's suggestoin and get something to eat when he heard the door slam open. He went to see what was going on and saw Venison standing there, looking extremely angry. He was about to ask what was wrong when Venison demanded to speak to Alex in private. Though he still wanted to know what was going on, Cier decided it would be best to wait in the living room.

Sean watched as Venison walke past. 'What's gotten into him?' He followed the enraged stray to the house next door, where the other dog went inside for a moment before returning with a black cat. Sean fell back a short distance but remained within earshot.
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Dylan »

Amelia moved toward the other end of the bed, she patted Jack on the head, At least you helped me get here, and I'm alive, that's all that matters.

Pyxis saw his mom's hand motion that they were ready to see Amelia. Pyxis jumped off his chair following his parents counting the room numbers as they walked.
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Jimmy Jazz »

Octavian Looked back to Djinn. "Well Djinn, hope you don't get caught" Octavian said with a small grin "Best of luck to ya" he said walking down towards the house with a wave. he noticed a cat standing at the start of the road leading up to the house.
"Evening" he said as he walked by "If your planning to explore that old house you better bring a light like me, its quite dark in there" and then Octavian walked down the road and up onto the deck.
Last edited by Jimmy Jazz on Wed Nov 04, 2009 7:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by grapejelly »

Jimmy Jazz wrote:Octavian Looked back to Djinn. "Well Djinn, hope you don't get caught" Octavian said with a small grin "Best of luck to ya" he said walking down towards the house with a wave. he noticed a cat standing at the start of the road leading up to the house.
"Evening" he said as he walked by "If your planning to explore that old house you better bring a light like me, its quite dark in there" and then Octavian walked down the road and up onto the deck.

((Dinner, I'll Edit in Sekhmet later))
Max blinks a little "Wait hey!" he says walking closely behind you! "um hey im new here and i don't really have a light? Can i come in with you?" he asks looking the new face over.
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by caelei »

As Felix got down from the table, he wasn't sure what he was thinking. He disliked humans, disliked pets even more... and yet he had just let himself get petted. Twice in one day. By the same person. And it had felt good. The only positive point to this situation was that there had been no pets around, save Magnus and Edie, who had witnessed his momentary weakness. His momentary insanity. He fidgeted with the collar around his neck, longing to rip it off as they walked away from the humans, but didn't. As soon as the humans were out of sight, though... it'd be off. He turned around after a discreet nudge from Edie to give a quick wave to the medics, listening as she called, "Bye - and thanks again!" beside him. She turned, and their eyes met for a second, and then both of them looked down, each embarrassed. Felix could feel her building up the courage to address him, but he didn't want to talk. He wanted to go home, to his real home, before this place sunk its claws into him even more. But he also couldn't leave without Edie.

Pavelle twiddled with her fingers on the way to Mai and Alex's house. Feeling, somehow, slightly beligerant and sheepish at the same time. Knowing that what she had done for Felix was right, with the collar, but still wrong, because she had known while she was doing it that he wouldn't want to be a pet. She looked up and then tossed a gaze over to her brother, but he was looking down still. She sighed, and then, casually, said, "Look, Felix. I know th --" but he cut her off, mumbling that he didn't want to talk about it. She had expected him to be really angry, but his face and tired posture told a different story. After knowing him for a couple weeks, she could now recognize that he was trying to hide his true emotions. And he was good at it. She couldn't tell what he was feeling; the only things she saw were a bit of frustration and moodiness. But that was pretty much normal. He didn't like living within society, so he always acted that way. She just shrugged, looked over her shoulder, and said, "You're out of eyesight now." He immediately reached up, undid the collar, and took it off. But instead of tossing it away, like she thought he might have, he just held in in his hands, looking down on it as they walked.

Suddenly, they were at Alex and Mai's house. Pavelle stopped short as she noticed a miffed looking Venison and Alex standing a couple feet outside the of the door. What to do? She didn't want to go up to them to get into the house, nor did she want to stay out here and eavesdrop. And she definately didn't want to confront them, because obviously they were in some sort of argument, and it might be personal. She hesitated, standing aside, then watched Felix walk straight past them towards the door, giving neither any notice. He gestured at her to follow, and she did so, trying hard not to look at the two irritated animals, because it might provoke them, somehow. She knew how touchy people could be. She held open the door for Felix to go in, but he just shook his head, giving a smile, and said, "Go in without me. I'm not in the mood for music. I'll stay out here." She shrugged, going inside, settling next to Magnus, who seemed to be slightly confused. Oh well, nothing abnormal there.

Felix slid the collar in one of his backpack pockets, retreating a fair distance away from Alex and Venison, settling on the ground a couple feet away from a neighbor's doghouse. He reached into his backpack, pulling out his box of matches, and began to burn a few of them, watching the tiny fire get uncomfortably close to his fingers before blowing it out and lighting a new one. He sat like that, not really paying attention to anything but the flame, strange expression, almost like a mixture of indecision and cheerlessness, on his face.
(Richardson Valley)
Magnus: S-10 P-5 E-8 C-7 I-2 A-3 L-5

Pavelle: S-3 P-7 E-3 C-5 I-9 A-10 L-5
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Jimmy Jazz »

grapejelly wrote:Max blinks a little "Wait hey!" he says walking closely behind you! "um hey im new here and i don't really have a light? Can i come in with you?" he asks looking the new face over.
"*Sigh* I'm just going in to read some old books i found in there, so if you also want to sit in a poorly light room and read old dusty books, go ahead and follow me... but unfortunately otherwise you probably shouldn't come" Octavian said and pushed the door open and turned on the lantern.


Sekhmet walked into the tall grass and walked towards a desolate looking house by the river bank. "God i hope that cat doesn't rat on me" she grumbled as she trudged trough the grass "well what ever, hopefully i can find someone i know around here"

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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by grapejelly »

Jimmy Jazz wrote:
grapejelly wrote:Max blinks a little "Wait hey!" he says walking closely behind you! "um hey im new here and i don't really have a light? Can i come in with you?" he asks looking the new face over.
"*Sigh* I'm just going in to read some old books i found in there, so if you also want to sit in a poorly light room and read old dusty books, go ahead and follow me... but unfortunately otherwise you probably shouldn't come" Octavian said and pushed the door open and turned on the lantern.


Sekhmet walked into the tall grass and walked towards a desolate looking house by the river bank. "God i hope that cat doesn't rat on me" she grumbled as she trudged trough the grass "well what ever, hopefully i can find someone i know around here"
Max smiles and pokes his head in to. He was apparently going to follow anyway "well old books are neat!" he says and tries to see into the darkness
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Buckdida »

Alex wrote:Ah, okay.... *steps outside with the dog* Speak.
Venison looked around a little. The little pup was still within eyeshot.

"Not here...round back. Sideyard. You wouldn't want others to hear what we're about to discuss, would you?" Venison walked around the house where less could see them. Alex, very reluctantly (OOC: Sorry for minor control, the show must go on!) followed him.

Venison unleashed his anger. If it one couldn't see it before, they could now. The ridge on his back stood up, his tail poofed out, his ears folded back and he bared his teeth in a loud growl. Almost quicker than the eye could see, he grabbed Alex's collar and pulled him down to meet Venison's eye level.

"If you have any good reason that would justify pitching a defenseless puppy seven feet, I would absolutely love to hear about it. What in the h*** is wrong with you?!?" Venison tried to push Alex back for emphasis, but only ended up pushing himself back away from Alex. "There is little to no excuse for picking on the defenseless. Exploiting stupidity is one thing, exploiting naivety is something else entirely, something, no matter what I can think of, that there is a way to rationalize. I will tell you right now: I do not allow children to be taken advantage of in any way. Whether dog or cat or human, I simply provide the defense they might lack, especially the attack upon them is for another's personal gain. You're lucky I avoid acting on emotion, or I would have tried to deck you. Consider my speaking to you an official warning." Venison stopped growling and his ears went back up, but his hardened look and spiked ridge remained. "Now, do you have an excuse, or can we continue with those music auditions? I haven't heard live music in ages."
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Djinn »

Djinn finishes his fish and nods to Octavion. "Yeah, nice to meet you." A long time ago he wouldn't have even approached anybody, but thanks to O'Conner's hospitality he was starting to be a little more trusting of people. It was really quite odd.


Glory watched as the nice dog and the mean cat went around the other side of the house. Having cheered up a little she considers why. But then the scent hits her, a racoon! Her instincts tell her to chase it but her neck hurts a little, and gets tired of being yanked back by her leash. So instead, tilting the toy cap on her head forward, she stays low to the ground crouching and sneaking up on the 'coon. When she gets up next to him she (not quite as loudly as before) lets out a sudden single bark.
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by BetaNeon »

Jack blushed but he enjoyed the patting. Yeah I guess. Glad that you are alive, too. You had me worried.
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Dylan »

Pyxis finally found the right room. He stopped at the door and hesitated, wondering how bad Amelia's wounds would be. After what seemed to be minutes was only a few seconds in his mind before his parents opened the door. "Amelia, we are picking you up." their mom said after they walked though. Pyxis ran past their legs to see if she was alright, he looked to see Amelia fine and well. Pyxis when seeing this, gave out a sigh of relief, Amelia, your okay!

Turned to greet her family, Of course I'm okay silly, thanks to Jack here. She turned her head back to Jack, Looks like I'm leaving, bye Jack.
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by BetaNeon »

After waving to Pyxis he replied "Dasvedonya, Comrade." Around about this time His father came back, where Jack followed behind him immediatley.
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Alex »

Alex followed the dog, whom he remembered as Venison, to the backyard. What came was unexpected - the dog grabbed his collar, and pulled him down, so they were face to face, just like Alex did to Glory.
Buckdida wrote:If you have any good reason that would justify pitching a defenseless puppy seven feet, I would absolutely love to hear about it. What in the h*** is wrong with you?!? There is little to no excuse for picking on the defenseless. Exploiting stupidity is one thing, exploiting naivety is something else entirely, something, no matter what I can think of, that there is a way to rationalize. I will tell you right now: I do not allow children to be taken advantage of in any way. Whether dog or cat or human, I simply provide the defense they might lack, especially the attack upon them is for another's personal gain. You're lucky I avoid acting on emotion, or I would have tried to deck you. Consider my speaking to you an official warning. Now, do you have an excuse, or can we continue with those music auditions? I haven't heard live music in ages.
This was it. What Gary taught him once a couple of months ago. Alex' arm flew up, grabbing Venison's, and then he tried to bend it to a very painful position, just like Gary does to him jokingly a lot, but he was no expert. It was just enough for Venison to release him. The dog looked angry and ready to fight, but instead of preparing for a fight, Alex just sat on the bench ((A lot of people have chairs, benches and a table in their backyard, don't they?)).
*Sigh* Please don't. I already feel bad enough..... wait, did I say bad? I mean horrible! The picture of the pup flying through the air is always repeating in front of my eyes... I can't even enjoy what I enjoy most in the world - music.
His head turned down. Looking depressed, he grabbed a cigarette from his pocket, moved it to his lips, and lighted it, blowing out the smoke.
Want one? *Offers to dog* I know what I did is wrong. So wrong. But I was just... unexplainable angry. This morning, when I tried to sleep, the pup started barking.... and barking, and barking, and barking, and barking.... So loud... so annoying! So I left. Towards the river, hoping that I could sleep there. Or do anything else, for that matter. But I was wrong. There was this light brown cat, and... ah, whatever. What matters is that I was nervous for being late to my own auditions, and very angry once I came back, and I discovered that the pup is still barking!
He paused. Inside, he felt terrible. Just why did this happen? Just if it wasn't for this one moment of extreme anger and weakness, this all could be prevented. Alex blew another smoke, and sighed. And another. And another. Smoking it incredibly fast. It had a calming effect.
I don't know what to do. I feel... indescribably. I'm already punished, by my feelings, and $300, but it's not enough. I don't want punishment. I want to see the pup alright and happy.... I must.... apologize.

Mai was in the kitchen, eating pizza out of the oven. It was delicious, but less than one slice was enough to make her full. Then the door opened and closed again. Upon throwing a look, Mai realized it is the raccoon, who settled by.... Magnus? Since when is he here, anyway? Whatever. The more the merrier, anyway. Giving it no further thought, she walked towards them, with her smile on.
Hello, you two! It's really nice to see you here! But, uhm.... Alex isn't here. He said we're taking a break until 14:45. He said that in the meantime, the pets should eat, or go upstairs play games, or watch television.... or I don't know. Do something...
She, herself, found a place by Magnus, waiting for the auditions to continue....
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Buckdida »

Alex wrote:*Sigh* "Please don't. I already feel bad enough..... wait, did I say bad? I mean horrible! The picture of the pup flying through the air is always repeating in front of my eyes... I can't even enjoy what I enjoy most in the world - music."
His head turned down. Looking depressed, he grabbed a cigarette from his pocket, moved it to his lips, and lighted it, blowing out the smoke.
"Want one?" *Offers to dog*
Venison wrinkled his nose at the smell. "I don't have the money or lifespan to breathe something just as bad as those riot gas grenades this morning. Dependancy on something like that...I find it to be a weakness. Much like alcohol. Or just about any drug used for non-medicinal purposes..."
Alex wrote:"I know what I did is wrong. So wrong. But I was just... unexplainable angry. This morning, when I tried to sleep, the pup started barking.... and barking, and barking, and barking, and barking.... So loud... so annoying! So I left. Towards the river, hoping that I could sleep there. Or do anything else, for that matter. But I was wrong. There was this light brown cat, and... ah, whatever. What matters is that I was nervous for being late to my own auditions, and very angry once I came back, and I discovered that the pup is still barking!"
He paused. Inside, he felt terrible. Just why did this happen? Just if it wasn't for this one moment of extreme anger and weakness, this all could be prevented. Alex blew another smoke, and sighed. And another. And another. Smoking it incredibly fast. It had a calming effect.
Venison cringed at how fast Alex was smoking. And the smell was starting to bother Ven. "It's still no excuse. Try attacking a brick wall next time. At least it has some defense."
Alex wrote:I don't know what to do. I feel... indescribably. I'm already punished, by my feelings, and $300, but it's not enough. I don't want punishment. I want to see the pup alright and happy.... I must.... apologize.

"What? Uh, I mean, um, why? Wait...are you just trying to get to the pup to extract revenge? I'm going to be watching you..."

(OOC: Yet another emotional thing Ven doesn't understand: remorse based apology.)
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Dylan »

After a final goodbye to Jack they finally left the vet, returning home Amelia remembered the audition, Uh, dad can you drop me off somewhere? still keeping his eyes focused on the road he nodded, Sure, as long as its not the Wall. Amelia sighed, the riot was still on her mind and she didn't want to remember it at all, she just wanted to see Alex again after all this time away from him. She knew she would have to explain herself about all the stitches and her absence, but all she needed right now was to be with someone. Its an audition, there's going to be lots of music. Pyxis perked his head up, Hey, can you drop me off at home first? Amelia scratched her neck, Its a little ways past our house so, yeah. Pyxis smiled, Alright! The truth was, he wanted to get back to his friends as quickly as possible, maybe they were still there.
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by BetaNeon »

"Well, Giacomo. looks like you've had unique entrance to Valley." His father started as they made for home in his pickup truck. Not one I'd like to do again, but at least I introduced myself a little. "Still You know the deal; no one gets better by lying around the house." Jack chuckled Of course, I'll give the arm a good workout.
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Teh Brawler »

Keeshah wrote:smelled gas? but there is no gas service in here, just electrical...stuff. Well a group of humans did most of the hard, structural stuff.. i'm really just doing the finishing work..
I think he means the gas the police used on the protesters down in the middle of town Rav.. An you need not worry about tresspasing here, this is ment to be a safe place for the pets in the neighborhood to gather, an play..glad to meet you two, I'm Rav, an this is my owner Sara Ligerr.. an i believe i have scented your scent on Venison before, Do you know him?
"Hmmm, Venehson, Venehson......" O'Connor went through his memories, looking for a face that matched to the name. He suddenly remembered a lean dog with grey fur. "Ah, Beefcake! Aye, ah know 'em. Gud lahd." He chuckled slightly, remembering the dog's nickname for him. He then turned to Sara. "Weill, ef tha's the case, the' Ah muight jes' breng Toreh 'ere more of'en. Naw' much fer meh ta du 'ere, though. Ah'm pretteh ol'." Tory beamed at the statement. "I'd love to come back here! I'd do it on my own, but my wing's still broken," he said, holding up his wing to show the two. "But O'Connor's been taking care of me!"
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Alex »

Buckdida wrote:'Huh?'

"What? Uh, I mean, um, why? Wait...are you just trying to get to the pup to extract revenge? I'm going to be watching you...
At this, confusion hit Alex. Extract revenge? When did he say that?
Wait, what? When did I say I'd take revenge to the pup? I said I have to apology!
Whatever... it wasn't easy to talk about it. Who knew that such a small moment of weakness could cause such remorse? His look fell down to the ground again.. it was time for a change of topic.
So, uh.. the auditions will start in ten minutes again... I'm afraid you missed Lucky, if you came to watch at all. Just.... don't break in into my house like that ever again. If you want, go inside.. I've got something to take care off.
With that, he walked around the house, and on the street, heading for the store. Since it wasn't far away, he was soon there. But now, his mind stopped. What to buy? What would little pups like? Dolls? No. Cards of any kind? Nah.... just what?
"Can I help you?" - asked the woman at the front.
No... actually, yeah. I want to buy a gift for a pup. Can you recommend me something?
"Ah, yeah. We just received new toys. I'm sure a squeaky rubber bone will make a pup's day."
Squeaky? As if the barking wasn't bad enough.... the squeaking might make Alex do something even worse in his blind anger.
Do you have ones that don't squeak? Or wait, I just remembered.... What police equipment do you have?
"Yeah, we have bones that don't squeak, and out of police equipment, you can buy a plastic truncheon, a plastic gun, a hat and a jacket."
Okay, all of that. And the bone, too.
After paying, he walked back outside, and headed home. It did cost him a lot, pretty much all of his savings, but if it'll help him to fix things, it was worth it. And besides, the money was just standing in the room, catching dust. Alex didn't need it. Once home, he saw Gary, walking towards the door. He was very slow with the crutch and all.
Gary! *Walks towards him* You've got to help me! There's a chaos in the house, there are many many pets who are there for the audition, and some organization is needed. Only Mai is in the house, and you know how dumb she is! Just go inside and do whatever you can!
Gary just stared confused at him.... do what?
I don't understand what exactly I should do.... and.... why don't you do it?
Because, I've got something VERY important to take care off! Just go inside, talk to the new arriving pets, to the ones that are already there, do something! We're currently taking a break, the auditions will start again in 3 minutes or so!
Alright alright, whatever... *Walks inside*
Phew.... got that out of the way. Now, to do this....
He slowly approaches Glory, who seemed to be bothering a raccoon now..... And then, his arm lifts, grabs her shoulder, and turns her around slowly. They were face to face again, but this time, Alex was kneeling, instead of lifting her up. He offered the gift, packed in a big box...
Hi again.... - it seemed harder to do it than to say it.... I'm.. sorry for before. Will you forgive me?

As Gary walks in, he sees that there are a lots of pets inside. Most of them were back in the living room, apparently waiting for the audition to start. He walks on the "stage"....
Excuse me, everybody! It looks like Alex might not be joining us, but he asked me to continue the.... maintenance, or whatever, of the audition. So, uhm... who's next up? And how many of you are participating, anyway? I've no idea....

((Sorry for the fast time skip, I recommend you all write what your pets did during the break.... just be sure that he/she is back in the living room, but you don't have to. Your pets can be late. Also, I clearly overused HE in this post O_o)
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Mr. BoO »

After a couple of hours drinkin' coffe Jazz rembered that he has to take care of some things in the gym cause it's opening today at 6 o'clock.
I hope some people will come to the gym tonight, I really don't wanna be the only one in the gym[*]laugh[*][/color][/i]
Jazz S-7 P-10 E-6 C-3 I-5 A-7 L-4

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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Keeshah »

Teh Brawler wrote:"Ah, Beefcake! Aye, ah know 'em. Gud lahd." He chuckled slightly, remembering the dog's nickname for him. He then turned to Sara. "Weill, ef tha's the case, the' Ah muight jes' breng Toreh 'ere more of'en. Naw' much fer meh ta du 'ere, though. Ah'm pretteh ol'." Tory beamed at the statement. "I'd love to come back here! I'd do it on my own, but my wing's still broken," he said, holding up his wing to show the two. "But O'Connor's been taking care of me!"

Rav GRINS very widely... striking a pose half twisted, his hands over his heart an he looks over his shoulder at O'Connor..
Beefcake? Oh My! holding one paw up to his muzzle.
what a deliciously precious name for my kennel mate!
Rav drops down onto allfours, almost into a play bow position..swishing his tail back an forth in a hypnotic manor.
An what has Venison been doing to get such a colorful nickname? do tell!!

Sara rolls her eyes at Rav, an gets her blackberry out her pocket. typing on it's data pad with it's electronic pencil. <chime>.. an she writes some more on the screen.. <chime>.. an again she responds with another text..
well is'n that nice of him to do that, an how is the wing doing?
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
Foxy Brown (Zootopia) - M - Coyote/RedWolf: Str-6 Per-7 End-6 Cha-4 Int-8 Agi-7 Luck-4
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Kalvin »

Bal ended up fooling around, trying to look under the couch for a mysterious smell he wasn't exactly sure what it was. His entire upper body is under the couch while his legs stick out with his tail wagging away as he searches under.


Lucky sat dow after playing, sweating just a little bit from the exertion of his dramatic movements. "Whoo, that was a new experience."
Pet Friendly
Balbaroy: S-8 P-3 E-6 C-10 I-2 A-7 L-5
Lucky: S-5 P-6 E-5 C-5 I-6 A-5 L-10
Kessler Caravan
Rakala: S-8 P-5 E-6 C-3 I-5 A-7 L-5
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Teh Brawler »

Keeshah wrote:Beefcake? Oh My! what a deliciously precious name for my kennel mate!An what has Venison been doing to get such a colorful nickname? do tell!!well is'n that nice of him to do that, an how is the wing doing?
Tory gave Sara an odd look. He had never seen the device she was using before, and was confused by it. It also seemed like she wasn't very interested in what was happening, so he responded, "pretty good, I suppose." And hopped up onto the railing, then hopping onto her shoulder. "What'cha got there?"

Meanwhile, O'Connor stared at Rav with a mildly bewildered look on his face. Kennel mate? he thought, wondering what Rav meant by that. "Ah, i's jes' the nickname Ah gave 'im aftere 'e gave meh muine. I' don' mean much, Ah jus' thoug' i' was funneh haow 'e was named aftere a tuype o' meat." He continued to watch Rav, still bewildered, when he noticed Rav's collar. His eyes widened as he saw the red tag, the meaning of which was understood to him. Thi' daug, vicious? I' cahn't beh, luk a' i'm! 'e luks lahke 'e wouldn' 'ert a fluy! However, O'Connor kept his thoughts to himself, and began to watch Tory and Sara.
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by caelei »

Felix was just lighting another match when his ears swiveled backwards, orienting on a small sound he heard. Before he could investigate, however, there came the surprisingly close noise of a Bark! and he jumped up into a standing position, startled, turning around quickly, looking around for the danger... but there was nothing to see. Nobody there? Okay, then. That left two options. One, he was going completely insane and hearing things. Or two, the attacker was really, really small. He looked down, finding a Doberman Pinscher puppy, who seemed to have a police hat perched comically on her head. He immediately relaxed, realizing that his hands had come up to either attack or defend, trying not to chuckle as his mood lightened, because, for some reason, he found the situation funny. He leaned down to her level, making sure to stay out of her reach, and said, smiling, "Hello, there." Trying hard not to wonder how he had let an animal this young sneak up on him. And then he realized that something was missing. He looked down at his hands, and then around. Ah. There it was. Matchbox. And then, thinking back, he remembered having a match out, also. A lit one. He sniffed the air. The tiniest hint of smoke. Hmm. He searched the ground, and after a minute located a small patch of grass which was hiding the rest of the match. The match wasn't lit, but had been hot enough when it landed to make the grass start to smoke a little. He licked his thumb and forefinger, picking up the warm match, then rubbing it against one of his palms, helping to extinguish it. Then he slid the used match into a backpack pocket and pulled out a new one, lighting it, looking from the fire back to the kid.

Suddenly, some cat appeared, looking familiar, and offered the small dog a gift. Apologizing. Huh, Felix thought, looking between the two, this is strange. How can giving an item reconcile past wrongs? I suppose if the reciever isn't very intelligent... But that doesn't make sense. Why would one apologize in the first place... unless it's in a survival situation, that is. He remembered vaguely seeing Venison, looking angry. Remembering the threat Venison said to him... So that Coydog must be some sort of protection system for the neighborhood? Or maybe just feels that violent actions are justified if someone weak is in trouble? I can understand that, maybe. Or maybe not. I'm not a pet, after all. Wouldn't know about their customs... And then remembering the collar. Or am I a pet? Looking slightly depressed again, shoulders slumping, nearly confused.

Hello, you two! It's really nice to see you here! But, uhm.... Alex isn't here. He said we're taking a break until 14:45. He said that in the meantime, the pets should eat, or go upstairs play games, or watch television.... or I don't know. Do something...
Magnus said, "Hello!" enthusiastically, before looking at Mai in sudden confusion. "Eat?" he asked, tail wagging at the idea. "Games?" Getting even more excited. "TV?" Pavelle just smiled, though it was a surface kind of emotion. She was still thinking about the thing with the medics. Mai sat down by them, and, a while later, Gary came out, announcing that the auditions were to continue without Alex. Pavelled wondered if he and Venison were still angry... and had Felix gotten involved with that, outside? He might have. He normally seemed to want to jump into any conflict that popped up. She thought about getting up, but decided it might be rude just to leave again. She would be able to hear a serious fight from here, whether physical or verbal, wouldn't she? She tried to seem relaxed, as Magnus started nearly bouncing off the walls in excitement. Suddenly, he settled down, turning to Mai, looking confused. "Do you have to try out for your own band?" he asked, frowning, tilting his head to one side.
(Richardson Valley)
Magnus: S-10 P-5 E-8 C-7 I-2 A-3 L-5

Pavelle: S-3 P-7 E-3 C-5 I-9 A-10 L-5
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Alex »

Mai smiled at Magnus getting all excited and happy. She's happy if someone else is happy, too.
caelei wrote:Do you have to try out for your own band?
Hm.... I don't know. I must ask Alex. Maybe he wants me to try out? Whatever, I'll sing later anyway! *Smiles*
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by BetaNeon »

Soon Jack and his dad returned home, where Jack immediatley oicked up a broom and started his work, cleaning up the store of dust and so on, while his dad sorted out the goods at the back.
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Dylan »

Amelia was first dropped off at Alex's house, she jumped out of her seat forgetting about her injuries. when she landed on the concrete her weak leg immediately collapsed under her weight, she tried to conceal her pain and only let out a small whimper. At first she was worried that her dad would take her home to rest, Okay, I can do this... Amelia stood up on her stronger leg, signaling her dad that she was ok. He nodded in approval and proceeded to take Pyxis home. Amelia sighed, glad that she didn't have to go home, walked towards the front door of Alex's house with almost unnoticeable limp. When she got to to the door she paused, she was a bit unconformable what Alex might think of her injuries, she didn't want to make him worried about her current condition.
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Keeshah »

Teh Brawler wrote: Tory gave Sara an odd look. He had never seen the device she was using before, and was confused by it. It also seemed like she wasn't very interested in what was happening, so he responded, "pretty good, I suppose." And hopped up onto the railing, then hopping onto her shoulder. "What'cha got there?"

Sara jumps a little, why is she so attractive to wild birds?
It's a personal data assistant, kinda like a phone an computer combined. you can makes calls, write notes, make appointments..
Sara shows the bird the screen, figuring he couldn't read the screen anyway..
Meanwhile, O'Connor stared at Rav with a mildly bewildered look on his face. Kennel mate? he thought, wondering what Rav meant by that. "Ah, i's jes' the nickname Ah gave 'im aftere 'e gave meh muine. I' don' mean much, Ah jus' thoug' i' was funneh haow 'e was named aftere a tuype o' meat."

Rav tilts his head side to side, with his ears perked forwards, trying to make out what he is saying. Before he bounces up to O'connor on all fours, snuggling up against his back an hugging him..
An what does .. Beefcake (snicker) call you ??
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
Foxy Brown (Zootopia) - M - Coyote/RedWolf: Str-6 Per-7 End-6 Cha-4 Int-8 Agi-7 Luck-4
Oreo (RA) - M - Spotted Skunk: Str-5 Per-6 End-6 Cha-5 Int-7 Agi-8 Luck-5
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Djinn »

Glory looks up to the cat and down at the package, then back up with a blank stare. Before long she gives out a sheepish smile. "Well, okay. I forgive you." It's surprising what somebody so innocent will do, how the concept of a grudge doesn't even enter her mind, in fact her tail wags a little in response.
Djinn: S-5 P-7 E-6 C-5 I-7 A-10 L-2
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Dylan »

The car rolls smoothly into the driveway without hitting the curb like Pyxis' first day in the neighborhood, his dad smiled, "Hey I think I'm getting the hang of parking here." Pyxis rolled his eyes as he stepped out of the car. Pyxis took his box out of the car and swung it on his shoulder, by doing so he caught a glimpse of Djinn by the bridge still, he waved as he walked over, hey Djinn, I had to make a quick visit with my sister at the vet...she is fine by the way.
Last edited by Dylan on Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by ArgentFlame »

After a short trip to the kitchen to get a piece of pizza, Cier returened to the living room and sat, waiting for the auditions to start.

Sean stood watching the pets entering the house. He reached into the bag he was carrying and pulled out the poster he'd been given. He looked at it for a moment, comparing the adress with the one on the house. 'Couldn't hurt to have a little fun.' He placed the oster back inside the bag and went into the house. He was immediately greeted by a most wonderful scent emanating from the somewhere inside the house. He followed it into the kitchen where he found a freshly cooked pizza. He grabbed a piece and quickly ate it, then picked up another and went to join the other animals in the living room.
Del S2 P6 E2 C5 I10 A8 L3
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Buckdida »

Venison watched Alex walk off, something heavy weighing on his mind.

'Didn't he say he was stressed about the auditions? Why would leaving in the middle of them help?' Venison shook his head in confusion.


"Hate smoke."

Venison ascended up a drain pipe up to Alex's roof, where the height would add wind and clean air to get the nasty stench (at least in one dog's opinion) out of his fur. He laid down on the roof, enjoying the calm, spring breeze.

'Hmm...if he ever needs some help with dropping smoking as a habit...animal minds are better wired that way...I think electroshock therapy might work best...and I wouldn't hesitate to help...' Ven chuckled a bit.

Ven heard a small bark, and he instantly scrambled to the edge of the roof to get a better look. And chuckled again at the startled raccoon. Pavelle or Felix? Venison continued to look around, and saw Alex coming back with...a package? Venison quickly pulled out his saltshaker top to get a better view on things. 'Eeech. This nearsightedness is starting to get on my nerves. I need some binocs. Or...glasses...no, far to impractical...well, actually, with a modification or two...FOCUS.'

Venison didn't have a very wide field of view, but he could better see the exact movements that might lead to an attack of some sort...

'Huh. Gifts. Okay.'


It looked like the pup was happy again. That was good. But Venison didn't really understand the exchange...there was one person he could ask about it...



Venison got off the roof by sliding down the drain pipe like a fireman, and proceeded to walk into the Alex's house where the auditions were. 'Hmm...I wonder if I can request a song after a while...' Venison took a seat on the couch next to Cier, who had pizza. "Hello again. Are the auditions good so far...Hmm? Wait...weren't you just outside? How..." Venison noticed another animal come in, and Ven looked up to identify him. "Okay. I know my eyesight is exponentially weak compared to others. Could someone please confirm if I'm seeing double or not?"
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Richardson Valley: Venison and Ochen
Brookshire Meadows: Trinket
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Re: Pet Friendly-In Character

Post by Teh Brawler »

Keeshah wrote:Sara jumps a little, why is she so attractive to wild birds?
It's a personal data assistant, kinda like a phone an computer combined. you can makes calls, write notes, make appointments..
Sara shows the bird the screen, figuring he couldn't read the screen anyway..

Rav tilts his head side to side, with his ears perked forwards, trying to make out what he is saying. Before he bounces up to O'connor on all fours, snuggling up against his back an hugging him..
An what does .. Beefcake (snicker) call you ??
Tory looked at the bright screen, and tried to decipher the writing, but with no luck. The whole idea had gone over his head, so he jumped down and went over to O'Connor, taking his place on the dog's head. O'Connor then replied to Rav's question hesitantly, "Er.... Minteh." he rubbed his temple and chuckled slightly. "Be'er than mah real nahme, Ah suppose." He then looked up in Tory's direction, although it's impossible for anyone to see the top of their head.
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