HPU - Richmond Acres

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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Hlaoroo »

"Yeah, that doesn't sound quite right." Joan agrees, taking hold of the trolley again.
"Maybe try sounding it out?" she encourages, leading the way into the next aisle.

"Speak with who? Flash? I have no clue where he is at the moment. He's a wild mouse and never told me exactly where he lives. He helped rescue me though. You'd probably have more chance of finding him than me, since you know other local wild mice." Piper tells Chip before smiling sadly at the skunk's innocent antics.
"Indeed, Oreo. You're already armed and dangerous as it is. Here, catch." she agrees, tossing the skunk one of Chip's bite-sized Not-Choc chip cookies.

Shielding it from view of the students with her boy, Shona gives Eldrick a nod and a little victory fist-pump before ushering him into the classroom.
"Excellent. So. What's your plan for the afternoon?" she asks as the students take their seats.

Welsh Halfwit wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 10:22 amGranule shook his head and got back in the game. Tracks, watching the pair, talked sideways to Ed. "If she's not old enough for boyfriends, I think she's made an older brother."
"Heh. I don't think she has a clue what a boyfriend is yet. An older brother would be good for her though. An older sister too, come to think of it. The question is, do you think Granule will be a good influence? Or do we need to find someone to balance him out?" Ed asks Tracks with a cheeky grin.

Flynn fishes the mouse out of his sling and sits him on his shoulder before fishing out the walking stick and passing it up. He grins as he watches Nadia, realising what's coming.
"EEEEHEEHEEHEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEEEE!" cackles the witch, springing up as Nadia triggers the motion sensor again.

Simon shrugs.
"Sit if you want. I ain't gonna tell you want to do." he acquiesces.
"Wouldn't end well for me if I tried." he adds under his breath.

"You can lean on me if you like. That way I can see how stable you are. Er, just as long as you keep your claws sheathed. Otherwise I'm sure I can find you a stick or maybe a walker in the storeroom. Which would you rather?" Paul asks Chris.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Keeshah »

Hlaoroo wrote: Sun Jul 23, 2023 6:28 am "Speak with who? Flash? I have no clue where he is at the moment. He's a wild mouse and never told me exactly where he lives. He helped rescue me though. You'd probably have more chance of finding him than me, since you know other local wild mice." Piper tells Chip before smiling sadly at the skunk's innocent antics.
"Indeed, Oreo. You're already armed and dangerous as it is. Here, catch." she agrees, tossing the skunk one of Chip's bite-sized Not-Choc chip cookies.

But i don't have any guns.. "CHRIP"
He yelps, as the cookie bounces off his nose, sending him scrambling across the floor after it.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by CyberDragon »

Welsh Halfwit wrote: Wed Jul 19, 2023 11:13 pm "Rights, yeah," the Rat explained, feeding a cable through his hands and resisting the urge to bite. "but rules go wif 'em. Gotta be in it to work, lil' guy." He smirked. "AN' yer got that right. Fing is, it's easier f'r us t' on occasion unionize 'cause we're not cov'r'd by Human rules. F'r them, Unions're frowned on." He fixed the wire up to the console.
"Humans are weird..." Juniper said, smirking as she knew the reaction from Sally.
"Hey," the girl protested.
"...but I like them," the Mouse finished, as though she'd always meant to.
"I..." Flash considered what he was told. He didn't really like the idea of working some mundane job for for the rest of his life, but he had to admit the idea that he could finally be considered an actual person, the idea that he no longer would need to worry about one day having some cat or fox get lucky. He'd have some degree of protection, recognition that he was more than just really fast food for predators, be it legally or from some kind of employer.

Then again... he's already sort of a part-time pet. If he just lived with Juniper and Sally and their family, wouldn't that offer the same?

"I'll... think about it." Flash said finally. "I'm good at building things, and I'm really fast. Not sure what job that would help with other than maybe what you guys are doing."

Welsh Halfwit wrote: Wed Jul 19, 2023 11:13 pm "Ah, let him sit," Nola asked of Simon. "Maybe he can tell us how a mighty Bear becomes friends with a Mouse?
Hlaoroo wrote: Sun Jul 23, 2023 6:28 am Simon shrugs.
"Sit if you want. I ain't gonna tell you want to do." he acquiesces.
"Wouldn't end well for me if I tried." he adds under his breath.
Deus looks over to Simon, waiting for his approval.

"As said. If you want me leave, I leave."

When he gets the approval, he nods, then sits down with a heavy thud on the grass across from the other two.

"If... you interested. Can share." the bear shrugged. "Know flash since cub. I was only cub. I live in same cave whole life. One day, mother and father leave cave. Hear two loud sound, like thunder but sky was clear. Parents not come back."

Deus paused for a moment, looking down, breaking eye contact to focus on something in the grass. He sighed and shook his head, then moved on. "Two days. Then flash show up. Scared. Alone like me. He seek shelter from rain. He hide from me at first, but we speak. He not have colony, not have parents. Described strange place, with strange and tall creatures in long white coverings. He find I not have food in two days. Find I alone. He tell of places with much food, and when rain gone he take me there."

Deus smirked lightly. "I barely keep up. flash very fast even as young mouse. He not know slowing down. But he show me food place. Later I turn it to orchard. He show me scavenge place, and we get discarded burger. He know where go, and happy share with me. In turn, I keep safe from danger, but we not know that needed then. Flash just help because... that who Flash is. That how Flash always is."

Hlaoroo wrote: Sun Jul 23, 2023 6:28 am "You can lean on me if you like. That way I can see how stable you are. Er, just as long as you keep your claws sheathed. Otherwise I'm sure I can find you a stick or maybe a walker in the storeroom. Which would you rather?" Paul asks Chris.
"Uh... walker? Um... those are like those four-legged stand things, right? I've seen older humans use them." Chris said. "Um, I'd rather use one of those. If I stand up and something hurts, I don't want to scratch you by accident..."
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by SeanWolf »

Hlaoroo wrote: Sun Jul 23, 2023 6:28 am Shielding it from view of the students with her boy, Shona gives Eldrick a nod and a little victory fist-pump before ushering him into the classroom.
"Excellent. So. What's your plan for the afternoon?" she asks as the students take their seats.
Mr. Nightshade gave Shona a smile. "Oh, something simple but something that I think will really get the kid's attention." He turned his attention then to the class and clapped his paws twice to get his new students attention. "I have a question for everyone here." He began as he took a seat on the nearby counter. "Who here can tell me...what a Legend is?"
Last edited by SeanWolf on Sun Aug 06, 2023 8:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Hlaoroo wrote: Sun Jul 23, 2023 6:28 am
Flynn fishes the mouse out of his sling and sits him on his shoulder before fishing out the walking stick and passing it up. He grins as he watches Nadia, realising what's coming.
"EEEEHEEHEEHEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEEEE!" cackles the witch, springing up as Nadia triggers the motion sensor again.
Nadia Immediately punched the witch's head, knocking it backward
"This is why I don't like Halloween" She sighed
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Err... Lickwid. Liquid," Leslie said excitedly, making a lady start with surprise. "Sorry," he said, cringing.
"I believe you know I meant your dad, Piper," Chip said, almost cheekily, before laughing sweetly at Oreo. "Reactions like greased lightning, this one!"
Nola sighed. "Looks like you're in the same place as all of us, Deus." She squeezed Simon's hand. "Tragedy with friends thrown in later."
The Rat looked Flash over before getting back to work with the finishing touches. "Y'd be good as a cabl' runn'r," he conceded. "Humes'll be ready t' test their door in ten. Round 'bout same 'ere." He clomped back to work.
Sally spoke to the foreman. "Um, I didn't know Rats wore boots,"
"Regulations, Sally. Same as his hat. Building site. Everyone gets a hard hat... that he's not wearing... and steel toecap boots. Even the Rats. Took him a week to learn how to lace them, didn't it?"
Everyone except Juniper noted the Rats response.
"And that's a good response, My dear," Kilo remarked as the head flew. "Especially as they're known for fraternising with our Feline fiends..."
"I think it's more that she'll balance HIM out" Tracks pointed out, indicating where, in a lull in the game, Granule was trying to teach Olivia 'Pattycake'.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Keeshah »

Welsh Halfwit wrote: Wed Aug 09, 2023 12:20 am "I believe you know I meant your dad, Piper," Chip said, almost cheekily, before laughing sweetly at Oreo. "Reactions like greased lightning, this one!"
Oreo pops up covered in dust bunnies...
How do you grease Lightning? it would be all over and going KA'Boom!!! before you could ever get the jar o' grease opened?
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Hlaoroo »

"It's just an expression, Oreo." Piper smiles, "It means you're really fast, even faster than lightning."
The rabbit finishes her cookie and drink and then clambers onto her feet.
"Well, Chip, if you want to talk to Dad then let's go find him. He's probably gone back to the workshop." she says, leading the small group of pets out of the apartment and onto the stairs.

"Liquid! Well done! Let's go find it!" Joan enthuses.
"Hmm. Do you have a favourite scent, Leslie? They often come in apple or lemon. Sometimes others depending on the brand."

Simon sits quietly, unsure what to say to the bear but unable to look away due to the foam collar keeping his head still. Eventually he sighs.
"You're lucky to have him..." he says simply.

"I appreciate that." Paul smiles at the cougar before fetching the lightweight metal frame and unfolding it.
"All right, here you go. Just take it slowly. No rush. Let me know if you feel faint or sore at all."

One of the kids raises their hand and proclaims themselves a legend, prompting much laughter from the other kids.
"I know." Kip says, raising his paw once the laughter has subsided.
"Legends are like Robin Hood! Famous people that did stuff that they tell stories about."

Flynn laughs at Nadia's reaction before going to fetch the witch's head.
"Well, I guess we just bought a witch." he says.
"No, no, you're fine. Don't worry. This one was already broken. The fox ain't the first customer to react like that." assures a worker, helping Flynn reseat the head.
The rabbit then starts raking his claws through Nadia's fur, trying to flatten it down again.
"Take a few deep breaths, honey. You look like you stuck your finger in a powerpoint."

Olivia is amusing herself with the new game, every now and again "accidentally" missing the bigger kit's paw and trying to boop his nose with an open paw.
"Heh, well, either way they're definitely going to be inseparable." Ed agrees, watching his daughter giggling.

"Ark ark ark ark ark!" comes a croaky laugh from the branch of a maple tree near the new gate. It's the crow that had previously accosted Oreo. Having gotten bored of the talking he'd flown out the window of the apartment and his attention had been caught by the reflective strips on the workers' hi-vis clothing.
"I thought I'd seen it all before but I was wrong, yes I was! First a skunk that thinks he's a pet and now a rat that thinks he's hyooman! And he's got attitude! Ark ark ark ark ark! This is a good place though. Lots of shinies here! Not eating shinies, no, but nice shinies for the nest, yes!" he says, examining a silvery washer he's clutching in one claw.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"Well, we'll see if we can soothe his troubled brow, ey, Piper," Chip offered, wondering where Potato had gotten to. Her brother had been quiet too long...
Nola reached out and squeezed Simon's hand sympathetically. "You have people now, if you want, Simon," she told him. "Two Humans, a Mouse and a Cat. Kinda mad," she agreed with a sly wink, "but you have us."
Sally looked up, shielding her eyes so she could see who was talking. "Hello, Mister Crow," she said, feeling Juniper try to hide from the bird. "I presume you're not here to hurt anyone?"
"Ain't tryin' to be one," the rat called. "Tryin' to work with 'em so I don't get stomped on, birdbrain."
Kilo could feel the static...
"Well, there's lots of family here," Tracks said as Granule tapped Olivia on the nose with a finger. He shoulder hugged Ed. "IThey're just waiting on you to find them."
ALmost skipping, Leslie led the way to the cleaning aisle as a human wandered by muttering "what do Foxes eat to himself.
"Chikuns, Mistur," he said helpfully. "And R... no, no. Just Chikuns," he added.
The Human looked down at the happy looking kitten. "Um, thanks," he said, heading off.
"No problem," Leslie called. "I lyke helping!"
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by CyberDragon »

Hlaoroo wrote: Thu Aug 24, 2023 1:59 am Simon sits quietly, unsure what to say to the bear but unable to look away due to the foam collar keeping his head still. Eventually he sighs.
"You're lucky to have him..." he says simply.
"Yes." Deus nodded. "Not know half. See."

Deus pointed up at the round bullet-sized scar on his forehead.

"Poacher. Big gun. Shot. Bounced off. Aimed again, pull trigger, but trigger have rock jammed in." Deus started. "Flash jam trigger. Then take old nail-sword. Jump up. Blind poacher. We run."

"I... difficult speak since. Think fine. Speak not. Still, I alive because him."

Hlaoroo wrote: Thu Aug 24, 2023 1:59 am "Ark ark ark ark ark!" comes a croaky laugh from the branch of a maple tree near the new gate. It's the crow that had previously accosted Oreo. Having gotten bored of the talking he'd flown out the window of the apartment and his attention had been caught by the reflective strips on the workers' hi-vis clothing.
"I thought I'd seen it all before but I was wrong, yes I was! First a skunk that thinks he's a pet and now a rat that thinks he's hyooman! And he's got attitude! Ark ark ark ark ark! This is a good place though. Lots of shinies here! Not eating shinies, no, but nice shinies for the nest, yes!" he says, examining a silvery washer he's clutching in one claw.
Flash saw the crow and immediately felt adrenaline flow. In a blink, the mouse had Juniper by the hand, holding her behind him. He looked around for any potential weapon. He saw a box of nails, and resolved to go for it if he needed to. "You stay in your tree, bird! No sudden movements, I'm warning you..."

Hlaoroo wrote: Thu Aug 24, 2023 1:59 am "I appreciate that." Paul smiles at the cougar before fetching the lightweight metal frame and unfolding it.
"All right, here you go. Just take it slowly. No rush. Let me know if you feel faint or sore at all."
"...Thanks..." Chris said. He put his hands on each handle of the walker, and dangled his legs over the edge of the bed. Very slowly and carefully, he slid into position, before shifting his weight over his feet. He stumbled and had to sit back down a couple of times, but eventually he was able to stand up. Once he felt he was stable, he took his first step.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by SeanWolf »

Hlaoroo wrote: Thu Aug 24, 2023 1:59 am One of the kids raises their hand and proclaims themselves a legend, prompting much laughter from the other kids.
"I know." Kip says, raising his paw once the laughter has subsided.
"Legends are like Robin Hood! Famous people that did stuff that they tell stories about."
Mr. Nightshade couldn't help but laugh as well. "Well, you're not entirely wrong there! Someday, you may very well be one!" He said to the bright youngster as he looked over at Kip. "And you're right as well, Kip; Robin Hood is considered a legend and he has many stories written about him, along with thousands of other legends in the world. From King Arthur to Beowulf to the gods of Olympus, the amount of legends out there is amazing." He sat on his desk. "However, you kids know those stories, right? King Arthur wielding Excalibur, Perseus slaying the mighty Kraken? I want to use this lesson - my first - to focus on a different type of legend: Modern Day Legends. Legends who make a name for themselves in our world and lifetime. Legends who do things we could only wish we could do. Now, I could go and talk about a ton of examples, but we're going to focus on one that I think you kids will get a kick out of: How many of you kids like racing?"
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Hlaoroo wrote: Thu Aug 24, 2023 1:59 am
Flynn laughs at Nadia's reaction before going to fetch the witch's head.
"Well, I guess we just bought a witch." he says.
"No, no, you're fine. Don't worry. This one was already broken. The fox ain't the first customer to react like that." assures a worker, helping Flynn reseat the head.
The rabbit then starts raking his claws through Nadia's fur, trying to flatten it down again.
"Take a few deep breaths, honey. You look like you stuck your finger in a powerpoint."
"Huh? Oh....yeah , ha, sorry" Nadia replied, trying to laugh it of but was obviously embarrassed by what just happened.
Welsh Halfwit wrote: Thu Aug 24, 2023 3:33 pm Kilo could feel the static...
"I still haven't gotten used to those.... things......uhm......you ok Kilo?"

Josh, meanwhile, was staying behind, watching the pet group with an amused grin on his face
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Keeshah »

CyberDragon wrote: Tue Sep 05, 2023 7:05 pm
Hlaoroo wrote: Thu Aug 24, 2023 1:59 am "Ark ark ark ark ark!" comes a croaky laugh from the branch of a maple tree near the new gate. It's the crow that had previously accosted Oreo. Having gotten bored of the talking he'd flown out the window of the apartment and his attention had been caught by the reflective strips on the workers' hi-vis clothing.
"I thought I'd seen it all before but I was wrong, yes I was! First a skunk that thinks he's a pet and now a rat that thinks he's hyooman! And he's got attitude! Ark ark ark ark ark! This is a good place though. Lots of shinies here! Not eating shinies, no, but nice shinies for the nest, yes!" he says, examining a silvery washer he's clutching in one claw.
Flash saw the crow and immediately felt adrenaline flow. In a blink, the mouse had Juniper by the hand, holding her behind him. He looked around for any potential weapon. He saw a box of nails, and resolved to go for it if he needed to. "You stay in your tree, bird! No sudden movements, I'm warning you..."

Oreo bolts to the window ..
Yea git gone bird. No stealing prey around here..
Looking around at the faces looking at him..
I mean No eating the pets around here.!!
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Hlaoroo »

"Heh. Come on, Oreo. I'm sure, when you get big you'll look after all the, uh, prey pets, right?" Piper encourages, leading the way out of the room.
"To be honest, Chip... I may have to let you do the talking. This really shook me up too." Piper admits, stopping on the top stair and looking at the mouse on her paw.
"Don't get me wrong - I definitely don't want guns around - but still..."

Simon swallows, feeling a sudden kinship with the bear. He hesitates a moment before speaking, a faraway look in his eyes.
"I... Also have experience running from guns..." he admits without elaborating.
"You were lucky to get away..." The fox's tone suggests there's more to his story that he's not saying. Internally he wonders if the bear will understand or if he'll be forced to say it.

"Ark ark ark! Don't wanna get stomped on? Then just avoid hyoomans. Stay away from big, clumping boots! Easy peasy! No need to pretend like you're hyooman! Ark ark ark!" the crow laughs at the rat before Flash speaks.
"Hmm?" the bird asks, squinting down at the mouse and suddenly looking uncomfortable.
"Oh. It's you. No problems here, no, ark. We all know you have a bear. Is the bear around?" the bird asks, nervously peering into the yard and down the street.

The shoulder hug may have been a bad idea because it causes Harry to become dislodged and tumble from Ed's arms. With a lunge, the dad catches his son again, the babe upside-down with his head a whisker above the ground.
"Wheeee! 'Gain! 'Gain!" the pup giggles, clapping his tiny paws.
"Hoo. Huuh. No, no. I think once was enough, buddy." Ed answers, his heart in his throat as he sets Harry on the ground. The pup sucks his thumb a few times, looking around him, and then plops onto his backside and picks up a pair of pebbles which he proceeds to fly around the air and scoot along the floor while making engine noises.

"Helping people is great, Leslie." Joan encourages.
"Just remember what I said earlier about stranger danger though." she reminds, placing the dish soap into her cart, and then after a moment's thought, following it up with some small pet-sized gloves, thinking that Leslie might enjoy helping with some baking.
"What's your favourite kind of cookie, Leslie?"

Paul watches the cougar carefully.
"Good. You're doing well. How do you feel? Any faintness or pain?" he asks.

"Heh. You know, honey, if you're not comfortable with Halloween then we don't have to do it." Flynn offers, giving the fox an out just in case.
"Also, uh... I think Josh just got that on video. How do you feel about being famous on YouTube?" the buck grins.

Several of the kids put their hands up. One mentions that their dad likes watching the horses. Another expounds on the virtues of the bobsleds at the Olympics.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Chip seemed a little unsure of herself but tried to sound confident for Piper's sake. "Well, OK..." She twiddled her thumbs. "I'll do what I can..."
"Yeah," Nola agreed, leaving it unclear if it was approval or not, "that one's quite a mouse." She looked Simon in the eye. "You OK, hun?"
"Ain't pretending, Featherbrain, the Workrat replied, "and I was born 'ere, in this city. Ain't movin' simply 'cause these Humans are everywhere." He gets back to work.
Juniper whispered to Flash that Deus was somewhere close.
"Sorry about that," Tracks admitted, a little sheepishly.
"Um..." Leslie thought, putting a clawtip to his teeth, "Carot cookies," he said uncertainly, thinking of the ones Aron and Vera had insisted on making.
"Oh, I'm good, my dear," Kilo admitted, wondering if he needed to comb his fur for online stardom.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Keeshah »

Hlaoroo wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:44 am "Heh. Come on, Oreo. I'm sure, when you get big you'll look after all the, uh, prey pets, right?" Piper encourages, leading the way out of the room.
"To be honest, Chip... I may have to let you do the talking. This really shook me up too." Piper admits, stopping on the top stair and looking at the mouse on her paw.
"Don't get me wrong - I definitely don't want guns around - but still..."

i am big now!
does that mean i'll get to have a gun too!!

hopping up and down excitedly
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Hlaoroo wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:44 am "Heh. You know, honey, if you're not comfortable with Halloween then we don't have to do it." Flynn offers, giving the fox an out just in case.
"No no dear, I'm alright, no worries" Nadia lets out a small chuckle to lighten up the mood "I just haven't gotten used to it is all"
Hlaoroo wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:44 am
"Also, uh... I think Josh just got that on video. How do you feel about being famous on YouTube?" the buck grins.
The vixen and the man stared at each other for a few seconds, then, with a "nope!" from Josh, it turned into a chaotic chase scene, until she managed to tackle him to the ground
"Flynn ! Catch!" Josh shouted as he tossed his phone at the rabbit
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by CyberDragon »

Hlaoroo wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:44 am Simon swallows, feeling a sudden kinship with the bear. He hesitates a moment before speaking, a faraway look in his eyes.
"I... Also have experience running from guns..." he admits without elaborating.
"You were lucky to get away..." The fox's tone suggests there's more to his story that he's not saying. Internally he wonders if the bear will understand or if he'll be forced to say it.
Deus grunted in agreement, giving the fox a knowing look. But the bear did not pry further.

- - - - - - - - - -
Hlaoroo wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:44 am "Ark ark ark! Don't wanna get stomped on? Then just avoid hyoomans. Stay away from big, clumping boots! Easy peasy! No need to pretend like you're hyooman! Ark ark ark!" the crow laughs at the rat before Flash speaks.
"Hmm?" the bird asks, squinting down at the mouse and suddenly looking uncomfortable.
"Oh. It's you. No problems here, no, ark. We all know you have a bear. Is the bear around?" the bird asks, nervously peering into the yard and down the street.
Welsh Halfwit wrote: Sun Oct 22, 2023 2:01 am "Ain't pretending, Featherbrain, the Workrat replied, "and I was born 'ere, in this city. Ain't movin' simply 'cause these Humans are everywhere." He gets back to work.
Juniper whispered to Flash that Deus was somewhere close.
"The Bear.." Flash started, still glaring warily at the crow, "Is named Deus. And he's always around. He's got a sense of where I am at all times, and has a habit of showing up the moment I need him. So don't make me need him." he finished, warningly.

- - - - - - - - - -
Hlaoroo wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:44 am Paul watches the cougar carefully.
"Good. You're doing well. How do you feel? Any faintness or pain?" he asks.
"No faintness..." Chris winced. "There's a lot of soreness. Stiffness. Kind of hurts to put weight on my legs like this."
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by SeanWolf »

Hlaoroo wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:44 am Several of the kids put their hands up. One mentions that their dad likes watching the horses. Another expounds on the virtues of the bobsleds at the Olympics.
Mr. Nightshade smiled at the enthusiasm from the kids. "That was a very lovely lesson about bobsleds, thank you! But that's not the type of racing, and, for that matter, legends. we're going to be talking about." He said as he sat on the ledge of his desk. "No, the legends we're be discussing drive a different horse; one of steel and chrome and can hit top speeds of 300 miles per hour. Legends that face life and death everyday, all for the same goal: That fabled checkered flag. For my first lesson? We're going to be talking about race car legends." He noticed a few of the students go wide eyed, with one almost smiling (Eldrick had a strong feeling that this one knew about what they were going to be discussing). "Let me begin with this: Who here ever seen a race car?"
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Hlaoroo »

"You don't need one, Oreo. You have your own built-in squirt gun." Piper reminds the skunk before knocking on the door of Richard's office and leading the group in.

"Oh. Hi, everyone. What's up?" the old man asks, setting aside a notebook with a column of numbers and a pile of receipts.

"Well, uh... Chip?" Piper prompts.

"Yup." Simon says, maybe slightly too fast.
"So... What now?"

"It's okay. No harm done." Ed assures Tracks.

Over with the other pups, Olivia had jumped up on seeing Harry's tumble but has relaxed and rejoined the game seeing that he's okay.

"So, what other family were you thinking of introducing us to?" Ed asks Tracks.

"Hmm. Are you sure that wasn't Aron's favourite and not yours?" Joan asks Leslie.

As Flynn fumbles to catch the phone he stumbles backwards against the shelf, which wobbles and upends one of the containers of "fairy dust" onto his head. Unfortunately this one had a loose lid, the result of some customer investigating the contents, so the buck, and probably the mouse on his shoulder, end up covered in sparking glitter. The surprise causes the rabbit to drop the phone which, fortunately, bounces off his foot before hitting the floor so it's not damaged aside from becoming much more sparkly.

The buck shakes his head to clear the pile of glitter off his muzzle and away from his eyes before looking down at himself.
"Welp. That's never coming out of my fur ever again." A grin spreads over his face as he looks at Nadia.
"Hey, honey. Come here and give me a hug!" he teases, approaching the fox with open arm.

"Ark! Don't worry! Don't worry! I don't want no trouble! I'm just here for shinies!" the crow reiterates.
"Hmm. You got any shinies? The human has a nice shiny in her headfeathers." he adds, looking at Sally.

"Hmm. Where exactly does it hurt?" Paul asks.
"Do you mind if I feel your legs a bit? I'll just squeeze gently in a few places to make sure nothing is broken or torn. I doubt it is because you're standing and walking but it'll give me an idea if there's anything that needs further investgation. Tell me if anything hurts when I do." The vet waits for Chris to grant permission before approaching.

One of the children informs Eldrick that they went to a NASCAR race last summer. Another mentions that their grandfather has "a super awesome Ford A Racecar from, like, two hundred years ago in the probishun. 'Coz Grandpa's really old. But he still likes to drive it fast! And it has no seatbelts so it's super fun to ride in!", not quite pronouncing "prohibition" right.

Another child raises their hand but before they can speak they're interrupted by a loud wail and flashing light from a red box mounted high on the wall. From further down the corridor a bell can be heard ringing.
"That's the fire alarm!" Shona calls to Eldrick over the noise as she grabs the class list and hi-viz vest hanging on the wall and passes them to the teacher.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Keeshah »

Hlaoroo wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 7:58 pm "You don't need one, Oreo. You have your own built-in squirt gun." Piper reminds the skunk before knocking on the door of Richard's office and leading the group in.

"Oh. Hi, everyone. What's up?" the old man asks, setting aside a notebook with a column of numbers and a pile of receipts.

"Well, uh... Chip?" Piper prompts.
Yeah.. But everyone doesn't want me to use it. not to mention it takes a week to recharge..
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"OK," Chip said, standing forward. "Uh, we, um, know you're considering getting 'protection', Richard." She looked at him, all the concern showing on her face. "but, um, w...would you use it? Would you learn how to use and store it safely? It...it's a lot of stress, Richard." She smiled weakly. "more... more than a few locks and tracking systems?"
Nola sighed politely. "We eat," she told them. "We live. And we try to make it better, eh? In our own, little, ways." She squeezed Simon's free hand again. "Three of us on the comeback trail, hmm?"
Sally's eyes scrolled up to try and see what was on her head. Then remembered she had the clip in her hair. "As a gesture of friendship," she said, putting the tray down so she could take it from her hair and offer it to the bird.
"Blimmin' Humans and Birdbrains," the workrat complained, getting back to work.
"I think it's time to visit the schoolroom," Tracks said, making half of the younglings vanish on cue. Making sure Granule and Olivia followed them, Granule offering Olivia his hand, the leader led the way to a small sub hole where a small slate paddle had been put against a wall and matchbooks had been made into desks. Tracks indicated a youthful Female Mouse with tiny glasses that were obviously taken from a toy. Watt leaned up to whisper. "I managed to mine and cut the glass, what, what.."
"Ed, Olivia, this is Miss Julia Simmins. The Schoolma'am." He grinned as she glared at him.
"I wanted a glittering career," Kilo commented before getting to a safe place.
Leslie looked at Joan with mock offence. "Cats kan lyke carrots too," he protested, grinning. "A bit..."
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by CyberDragon »

Hlaoroo wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 7:58 pm "Yup." Simon says, maybe slightly too fast.
"So... What now?"
Welsh Halfwit wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 11:48 am Nola sighed politely. "We eat," she told them. "We live. And we try to make it better, eh? In our own, little, ways." She squeezed Simon's free hand again. "Three of us on the comeback trail, hmm?"
Deus simply nodded. He picked up his own fish and bit into it, eating the whole thing in two bites.

Wiping his muzzle, he decided to break the silence a bit. "Got job in town. Bouncer, at bar. Think good fit. Might mean see me in town occasion."

Hlaoroo wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 7:58 pm "Ark! Don't worry! Don't worry! I don't want no trouble! I'm just here for shinies!" the crow reiterates.
"Hmm. You got any shinies? The human has a nice shiny in her headfeathers." he adds, looking at Sally.
"Good. Good..." Flash said warily, still eying the bird.
Welsh Halfwit wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 11:48 am Sally's eyes scrolled up to try and see what was on her head. Then remembered she had the clip in her hair. "As a gesture of friendship," she said, putting the tray down so she could take it from her hair and offer it to the bird.
"Blimmin' Humans and Birdbrains," the workrat complained, getting back to work.
"You hoping he'll come back for more?" Flash asked Sally, considering whether or not having a reoccurring crow around would be a problem or not. This bird didn't seem interested in causing trouble...

"Well, if you do want to be a 'friend' around here, you'll eventually meet Deus. He's amicable as long as you are."

Hlaoroo wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 7:58 pm "Hmm. Where exactly does it hurt?" Paul asks.
"Do you mind if I feel your legs a bit? I'll just squeeze gently in a few places to make sure nothing is broken or torn. I doubt it is because you're standing and walking but it'll give me an idea if there's anything that needs further investgation. Tell me if anything hurts when I do." The vet waits for Chris to grant permission before approaching.
"Well..." Chris said, sitting down on the bed for a moment. "The bear launched me into a tree and I caught a branch between the legs on the way down. I'd rather not have any squeezing in that general area, thanks. Inner thighs just feel really stiff and sore. Doesn't feel like I tore anything, just feels like a lot of bruising and muscular stiffness."
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Hlaoroo wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 7:58 pm
As Flynn fumbles to catch the phone he stumbles backwards against the shelf, which wobbles and upends one of the containers of "fairy dust" onto his head. Unfortunately this one had a loose lid, the result of some customer investigating the contents, so the buck, and probably the mouse on his shoulder, end up covered in sparking glitter. The surprise causes the rabbit to drop the phone which, fortunately, bounces off his foot before hitting the floor so it's not damaged aside from becoming much more sparkly.
Welsh Halfwit wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 11:48 am "I wanted a glittering career," Kilo commented before getting to a safe place.
"Oh dear, that's......probably not good" Josh half laughed, with Nadia's paws still around his neck, as they looked at the sparkling bunny and rat.
"You're paying for that" she told her human like it's a done deal.
Hlaoroo wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 7:58 pm

The buck shakes his head to clear the pile of glitter off his muzzle and away from his eyes before looking down at himself.
"Welp. That's never coming out of my fur ever again." A grin spreads over his face as he looks at Nadia.
"Hey, honey. Come here and give me a hug!" he teases, approaching the fox with open arm.
"erm, you look lovely dear, but probably not right now?" the vixen laughed nervously, getting off of Josh to back away from her now sparkling boyfriend.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Keeshah »

Kandi takes a long hot shower.
Then brushes out her cougar before heading off to bed..
You must really be stressed Senka, just look at more much your sheding!
Rav/Ravage (RV) - M - German King Shepard: Str-7 Per-6 End-7 Cha-5 Int-5 Agi-6 Luck-6
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by SeanWolf »

Hlaoroo wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 7:58 pm One of the children informs Eldrick that they went to a NASCAR race last summer. Another mentions that their grandfather has "a super awesome Ford A Racecar from, like, two hundred years ago in the probishun. 'Coz Grandpa's really old. But he still likes to drive it fast! And it has no seatbelts so it's super fun to ride in!", not quite pronouncing "prohibition" right.

Another child raises their hand but before they can speak they're interrupted by a loud wail and flashing light from a red box mounted high on the wall. From further down the corridor a bell can be heard ringing.
"That's the fire alarm!" Shona calls to Eldrick over the noise as she grabs the class list and hi-viz vest hanging on the wall and passes them to the teacher.
"Alright everyone, you know what to do!" Mr. Nightshade spoke as he put the vest on, something he never had to do at his old teaching job (Must be a new thing, he thought). Leading the children out, he leaned over to Shona. "Saw your face when I mentioned cars...when we come back in, I'll change the subject to something a bit easier on the kids heh." He chuckled as they walked outside.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Hlaoroo »

"Huh. I never knew skunks needed to reload. It's... Honestly something I never really thought about." Piper giggles before going quiet as Chip gets down to business.

"I already know... More than I ever wanted to know about guns... And it's less stressful than the thought of losing you lot again." Richard states flatly. He hesitates a moment, heaves a sigh, and then unlocks the bottom draw of his desk. He brings out a small, black case which jingles slightly.
"When I thought I'd lost you... I felt things I hadn't felt since I lost Maggie... Things I hadn't felt since Vietnam..." he says, sliding the case across the desk. Piper opens it to reveal a small collection of medals.
"I can't... I can't go through that again..." he says, a tear running down his face.

"Heh. You'll be good at that, if my experience is anything to go by." Simon tells Deus with a lopsided grin, biting into his own fish. "How far do you think you can throw a human?"

The crow spreads his wings in preparation to swoop down, hesitates, and then folds them again.
"Waaaaaait a minute, waitaminute waitaminute, ark! Is this a trick? He said the bear would get me if I came down!" the crow demands of Sally, gesturing at Flash with a wingtip.
"I dunno what's ami-whatsit but I'm friend if you are, especially if shinies and no bear. Never liked eating mice anyway. Too bony, not enough meat, ark. Now, rats, on the other claw..." the bird states, staring suspiciously at the small group and finishing with a meaningful look at the workrat.

"impressive." Ed tells Watt before being introduced to the teacher.
"A pleasure, I'm sure, ma'am. I'm Ed, this is my daughter Olivia, and my son, Harry." he says politely, offering her a paw to shake. Olivia curtseys politely and Harry just looks around him, sucking his thumb and clinging to his dad's side and left handpaw.

"Oh, come on! Just one little hug and kiss! Please? For me?" Flynn grins, giving chase.

"This is true, this is true." laughs Joan.
"I just thought there might be something else you might like more."

Paul winces at Chris' description of the mechanism of injury.
"Ouch. Well, I'm not going to touch without your permission. From what I can see from a distance, and from how you were moving, it doesn't look like you've ruptured anything in your groin but please do let me know immediately if you have any trouble peeing, or if there's any blood in your pee, or if anything looks our feels out of the ordinary aside from general pain and swelling." he instructs the cougar.
"Also, I know it's going to be painful, but the more you can walk around the better. It'll stimulate blood flow to the injured areas, promoting healing and reducing stiffness."

"Oh, it's fine. The kids were lovin' it. I'm just not a car kinda gal, that's all." Shona reassures Eldrick once the kids are safely lined up and counted outside.
"What other topics did you have in mind though?" she asks as they wait for the all-clear.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

Chip scurried up to his shoulder, where she took the time to give him a mouse sized kiss on the cheek before moving back to his shoulder. She sighed. "That's fear," she said. "I know it well. It makes you feel alive. Like you're doing something. But I also know that it's not a fun way to live, Richard. Looking out for the next threat rather than the next sunrise? The trap instead of the cheese? There's no defence that could stop what happened, lovely Human. It's standing together got her back, yeah? And it's YOU she wanted to be back for. Don't forget that, heh?"
Nola laughed at Simon's question until she coughed. "You will.. you will have to handle... them carefully, Deus." She paused to get her breath back. "But I know you can do careful. Seen you with the Speedy Gonzales and Sally, haven't I?"
"It's no trick, Mr Crow" Sally said, keeping the hand outstretched.
"But yer'll get a boot in yer gizzards y'come near me," the workrat intoned as the foreman made sure he was protected.
"Good afternoon," Julia remarked, accepting the hand. "Very nice to meet you." She nodded to Olivia before kneeling. "And you're joining the school, are you, sweetie," she asked as Granule tried to look as if he wasn't there.
"Oatmeel," Leslie pondered. Mommy Nyssa had made them a few times... No, not oatmeal. He didn't want to compare them... "Wiv raisin," he added. Mummy Nyssa hadn't made those.
Kilo held on for the kiss chase.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Serence Frostbite »

Hlaoroo wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 10:32 pm
"Oh, come on! Just one little hug and kiss! Please? For me?" Flynn grins, giving chase.
"ya know what! -"
Nadia grinned then suddenly turned around and hugged Flynn, giving the rabbit a passionate kiss instead.
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Keeshah »

Hlaoroo wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 10:32 pm "Huh. I never knew skunks needed to reload. It's... Honestly something I never really thought about." Piper giggles before going quiet as Chip gets down to business.

It's not as much reloading as Re-charging.. takes about a week before we can spray at full power again..
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by CyberDragon »

Hlaoroo wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 10:32 pm "Heh. You'll be good at that, if my experience is anything to go by." Simon tells Deus with a lopsided grin, biting into his own fish. "How far do you think you can throw a human?"
Deus grinned toothily at Simon's question, then turned towards the river. He pointed his finger like a gun out to the tops of the trees on the other side of the water. "Hmm... Think 'bout... 100 meters. To tops of trees there, from here."
Welsh Halfwit wrote: Sun May 05, 2024 6:43 am Nola laughed at Simon's question until she coughed. "You will.. you will have to handle... them carefully, Deus." She paused to get her breath back. "But I know you can do careful. Seen you with the Speedy Gonzales and Sally, haven't I?"
Deus waved a hand a little dismissively. "Not worry, I not hurt humans. Much. the bear grinned again a little mischievously. "But likely not need anyway. Human usually avoid cause trouble around bear."

Hlaoroo wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 10:32 pm The crow spreads his wings in preparation to swoop down, hesitates, and then folds them again.
"Waaaaaait a minute, waitaminute waitaminute, ark! Is this a trick? He said the bear would get me if I came down!" the crow demands of Sally, gesturing at Flash with a wingtip.
"I dunno what's ami-whatsit but I'm friend if you are, especially if shinies and no bear. Never liked eating mice anyway. Too bony, not enough meat, ark. Now, rats, on the other claw..." the bird states, staring suspiciously at the small group and finishing with a meaningful look at the workrat.
"Deus won't maul you unless you try to hurt me." Flash said, semi-reassuring the crow while at the same time making his wariness clear. "And I get the feeling you'd have more than a bear to worry about if you made an attempt on any of these rats. They're workers. Hurt them and you'll have humans to deal with."

Hlaoroo wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 10:32 pm Paul winces at Chris' description of the mechanism of injury.
"Ouch. Well, I'm not going to touch without your permission. From what I can see from a distance, and from how you were moving, it doesn't look like you've ruptured anything in your groin but please do let me know immediately if you have any trouble peeing, or if there's any blood in your pee, or if anything looks our feels out of the ordinary aside from general pain and swelling." he instructs the cougar.
"Also, I know it's going to be painful, but the more you can walk around the better. It'll stimulate blood flow to the injured areas, promoting healing and reducing stiffness."
"Yeah... Of course..." Chris braced himself on the walker and tried to stand again. His legs and groin were particularly stiff from the injury, but he was able to keep himself standing and stable by leaning on the walker. "Uh... speaking of... Is there somewhere nearby I can go to... um, relieve myself? I haven't gone since before what happened with that bear..."
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by SeanWolf »

Hlaoroo wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 10:32 pm "Oh, it's fine. The kids were lovin' it. I'm just not a car kinda gal, that's all." Shona reassures Eldrick once the kids are safely lined up and counted outside.
"What other topics did you have in mind though?" she asks as they wait for the all-clear.
Eldrick thought for a bit. "Well, I was thinking about maybe letting the kids design their dream home, building off of the self-portraits you had them do and as sort of a way to really let their imaginations fly." He said to Shona as he made sure all the students were outside. "Tomorrow, though, I'll have some proper lessons planned but, today, I just want ot take it easy with them, so to speak."
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Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Hlaoroo »

"Chip's right, Dad. A gun wouldn't have helped. It was my stupid choice to go downstairs when I heard them that got me caught. Learned my lesson for sure. Next time I'll wake you and Phil so you guys can check it out. Plus, we have that upgraded security system now so if anything happens then the cops'll get here before we even get downstairs. They just moved into their new station around the corner after all." Piper is encouraging herself as much as Richard.

The elderly human ponders for a while before heaving a sigh.
"...Fine... I won't get the gun. But you have to promise me that if you hear anything again you'll do just as you said and come get us."

Piper promises and hugs her owner tight.
"You... Never mentioned you were a vet before..." she says carefully after a few moments.
"Yeah... I... Don't like talking about it. Unlike some, I never wanted to go. I was conscripted... Like Chip said, it was standing together that got us back... Some of us, anyway... But, trust me. You really don't want to know what I had to go through over there... I saw things that still keep me up at night..." Richard stares at the medals, lost in thought for a few moments, before suddenly grabbing the box and shutting it safely back in the drawer. He blows his nose on a chequered handkerchief and stands up.
"But, enough of this. As Chip said, let's enjoy the day. I need a break from these figures anyway. Who wants to go to across the square for icecream?"

Piper grins. "Me! I dunno though... Oreo on a sugar high, hyped up on ice cream. Is that a good idea?"
"Well, we're gonna find out. What's your favourite flavour, son?" Richard asks the skunk, grabbing his coat from a hook on the wall.

"What are you gonna get, Chip? We'll see if they'll do one of those tiny tasting spoons for you again. Maybe with a sprinkle on top?"

"I think humans usually avoid doing much of anything around bears." Simon points out dryly. "Unless, of course, you steal a pic-a-nic basket. Then anything goes."

"Ark. No problem, no problem. I dunno which is worse - angry bears or angry humans." the crow says, transferring his washer from claw to beak. That done, he swoops from the tree, snatches the shiny clip from Sally's hand with his now free claw, and returns to his branch with a flap. Hanging the washer on a twig, he drops the clip back into his claw so he can examine it closely.
"Very pretty, yes, thank you. Ark. Name's Ash, by the way. Who're you?" After a moment's thought, he drops the washer towards Sally.
"For you. Fair trade, ark."

"Um... I don't know. What's a skool?" Olivia asks.

"Oatmeal raisin, really? The most feared of all cookies!" Joan giggles again but shakes her head after a moment's thought.
"Oatmeal we can do but raisins are dangerous for cats. Tell you what, how about we make some ANZAC biscuits? They're a kind of oatmeal cookie invented in Australia and you can't buy them here. I haven't had them in ages. I think I have most of the ingredients at home too. All we'll need is more oatmeal. Reckon you can find that?"

Flynn goes wide-eyed as the fox rounds on him but can't stop in time.
"Uh o-mmph!" He eagerly returns the kiss despite the bonk on the nose, and pulls Nadia into a tight hug, rubbing as much glitter onto her as he can.
"You know what, Nadia?" he asks once the pair separate. "I think Kilo's feeling a bit left out. Shall we hug and kiss him too?" he suggests with a grin.

"Yeah, sure. This way." Paul leads the cougar into the bathroom.
"Er... Have you used human conveniences before? If you'd rather go the natural way then that can be arranged too. Otherwise..." Paul gives the cougar the crash course in the bathroom, from how to use the handrail to help himself on and off the loo, how to use the loo and paper, and how to use the sink to wash up when he's done.
"If you get dizzy and can't get up or can't walk, there's a button by the loo and another by the sink which I'll hear from outside. There's also one at floor level just in case you fall. If you need anything else just yell out and I'll be outside. Unless this is all too much and you'd prefer to go outside. Whichever you prefer."

Shona agrees that this is a good plan as the students cheer the arrival of the fire truck with its lights and sirens.

"Um. excuse me, Mr. Nightshade?" one of the kids asks, gently tugging the jaguar's tail for attention.
"Um, I was wondering. Did you grow up in the jungle? And did you eat monkeys? I saw a jaguar eating a monkey on a nature show on TV once. It was kinda gross!"
Frostwood Forever! <3

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Welsh Halfwit
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Location: Wales, a luverrly land with noisy neighbours.

Re: HPU - Richmond Acres

Post by Welsh Halfwit »

"I think I might try Rum & Raisin flavour," Chip replied sweetly as she was carried along. "Safe raisin of course. I wonder if they do Mouse sized Cellphones," she added, seemingly at random but not quite.
"I'd apologise for not bringing anything to eat," Nola added after hearing Simon's comment. "But we didn't know anyone else'd be here. Especially someone we know." She coughed again.
Sally caught the object and pocketed it. "Thank you, sir," she said. "I'm Sally. These are Juniper and Flash," she added, indicating the Mice. Juniper was, quite deliberately, waving in a slightly off direction.
"An' I'm busy," the Workrat said.
"A place to meet others your own age or thereabouts and learn things."
"That don't often get used," Granule added.
"Just because you don't know you're using it," Julia chided gently, "doesn't mean you're not using it, Granule."
Leslie put his paws up in the air and gave a "YAY!" the the idea before thinking where the Oatmeal might be. His eyes lit up. "Brekfast seerials Isle?"
"Dear boy," Kilo counselled, "If Nadia Fox kisses me, I might well accidentally end up over the teeth and past the gums!" He chuckled.
Commander Hawle. U.S.C. Loper. By the talented DDeer.
Kilo - 2-8-3-9-10-2-5
Leslie – 4-6-4-5-6-9-7
David Campbell - 7 – 8 – 9 – 5 – 4 – 4 – 6
Corp Davidstow 6 - 6 - 7 - 3 - 6 - 6 - 5 (reactions 7 Combat 9)
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