Housepets! three’s a pair

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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by piero345655 »

take your time no one pressures you but I will look forward to the next chapter :D
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Just focus on your schoolwork since that is the most important thing. We will be here when you are able to write again. :)
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by NHWestoN »

We kin wait. Get eddurkated first. ;)
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Make sure you pay attention in school. So you don't end up misspelling words as horribly as THAT! :lol:
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Harry Johnathan »

NHWestoN wrote: Mon Apr 17, 2023 6:55 am We kin wait. Get eddurkated first. ;)

I can't believe Weston has turned into The Yellow Kid.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Honestly I feel like it was a long-time coming. He always did seem a little bit off.
Vitor The Dog
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Vitor The Dog »

Hello everyone just a quick reminder that future chapters will be split into parts so that my editor won't have a tough time picking things up and so chapters would get posted more quickly so by the time the chapter is fully finished after the editing phase i'll soon publish it :D
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That is fine that it is taking far longer than usual to publish the next part! Just as long as you give us updates we can wait and see what will happen in the next part!
Vitor The Dog
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Vitor The Dog »

hello everyone the first part of chapter 6 of three's a pair is now finished and i'll be posting it soon probably tomorrow if i take too long! :D
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Can't wait to see what you have done with the next chapter then! It feels like it has been a very long time!
Vitor The Dog
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Vitor The Dog »

Chapter 6 Graffiti Illusion (part 1)

Vitor awakens with his body lying on crystal-clear water that is mirrored by a blue sky and white clouds in the distance. When Vitor stood up and turned to survey his surroundings, he saw that nobody else was around. He takes a seat, cradling his knees with his arms, and sits there for a while, contemplating.

“Fox will start working for the K9 shortly, and Mr. Lindberg will also be working a shift, so I'll be alone once more without someone to talk with throughout the day.”

As Vitor says that, he tightens his grip on his knees and adopts a more melancholy facial expression. Even though Vitor had only known Fox for a few days, he had already grown to like him and couldn't bear to have him go for even a few hours. Nevertheless, Vitor is unsure of whether he should feel this way given that he hadn't known Fox for very long.
Vitor nearly felt like he wanted to cry due to the almost perfect solitude and the lovely yet empty surroundings, but instead, he was once again torn between contradictory feelings about how much he actually knew him.

“*sob sob*”

Vitor’s tears fell in the water as watery footsteps were heard from behind him and the figure spoke to him.

“Aww, are you feeling sad now?”

Vitor turned around and it was Patchy behind him

“Well yeah, Fox is leaving now, and look, even though I can be with other pets, I just don’t know.”

Patchy sat right next to Vitor and spoke to him.

“Don't worry, Vitor; I understand how you feel. Even if you make more friends over time, they won't be enough to replace the vacuum in your heart caused by loneliness, right?”

Vitor wiped his tears off.

“I have a solution to this.”
“And, what’s that?”
“I won't tell you right now, but you'll soon find out that it will be beneficial to you.”

Vitor cast a glance into the distance as he considered Patchy's answer. He couldn't quite put his finger on but was hoping it would help him overcome his loneliness.

“I sometimes feel like you're a supportive buddy to me since you always make me smile and help me forget about my issues.”
“I mean, I have my own reasons for wanting to assist you—not even your family knows you as well as I do.”
“That sounded kinda rude.”
“Yeah, it was uncalled for.”

Vitor looked into the distance with nothing but the blue sky, clouds, and clean ocean.

“Don't be upset; Fox will always be there for you, and you'll always get to hang out with him on weekends.”
“Sometimes it feels like you constantly want the days to fly by so you can spend more time with him and speak things out. So how about you sleep till the day is over, while I take care of things from here?”
“Okay then.”
“Good! This week, you'll delve into snippets of Fox's recollections.”

Given what Patchy had said to him the day before, Vitor's ears perked up in astonishment.

“Snippets? But you stated I was going to investigate the day he was taken for the second time.”
“I've decided to leave the important memories for later, while the unimportant ones will be explored quickly, bit by bit. I'd like to leave you with a mystery, don't worry if you feel like you missed something important because those bits will be explained later on in the more relevant memories.”
“Okay I guess.”

Patchy left Vitor alone, saying the following remarks as Vitor continued to look off into the horizon.
Vitor closed his eyes and breathed in and out, attempting to fall asleep in this dream in order to awaken in the real world.
Vitor opened his eyes and was resting on his bed with Fox still asleep on his bed. He glanced over at him and sighed melancholy as his very first real friend was ready to leave him behind. He couldn't really blame him: it was a weekly job he had to do. All he wanted was for it to be over as quickly as possible.

“*yawn* Good Morning Vitor.”

Fox awoke as he rubbed his eye and turned to see Vitor.

“Good morning Fox.”

Vitor remarked in a calm, quiet voice that he understood Fox was going.
Fox reached for his phone, noticing the time was 8:30 am. It was still a little early for him to leave for his day shift, so he got up and stretched and pensively glanced towards Vitor."

“So I assume it's almost about time for me to leave.”

Fox noticed the grief in Vitor's face. He felt awful about leaving his buddy behind for his line of work, but he had no option; it was his responsibility to work for the police force. Fox selected this route for himself, remembering all the sacrifices he had to make along the way to get there.

“Now, I have to get ready for work, Vitor. I should mention that Dad will also be working, so you and Mimi will be all alone.”

Fox folded his arms as he whispered it to Vitor as the brown dog nodded in response.

“Yeah, I got that…”
“While we're gone, feel free to look around at the other neighborhood pets, okay?"

Vitor's gaze shifted in the bed as he spoke in a mournful tone.

“Yeah, sure, I guess.”
“Hey, Vitor. Don't be like this; the more you say things in a sad way, the worse I feel.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don't worry, I'll be gone for a while, but as your mother has said, time flies, right? So, maybe do something fun to divert your attention, okay?”

The brown husky tried to portray some content in his voice while having a layer of grief for Fox to not feel horrible as the gray husky stood up and departed claiming he'd be back sooner. Fox also had a little tinge of sadness owing to the aforementioned reasons above.
Vitor gently rose from his bed and stood in Fox's room for a few moments, contemplating to himself.

“I'll be left on my own once more. It does make me feel a little nostalgic because it brings me back to when I was a puppy and my parents occasionally had to leave me behind with Grandma, Grandpa, and the other cats and dogs who lived with me. Usually Mom would always stay with me before Dad went blind and also before they adopted Mimi.”
“It nearly makes me feel that way *sigh*, which means I'll be on my own till Fox returns.”

As Vitor saw Fox head into the bathroom to take a shower, he took advantage of the opportunity to sit on the couch and wait for the others to wake up.
He grabs the remote, turns on the TV, and flips through the stations until he lands on WHB 49. Vitor normally does not listen to the news, unless it was about something cute or weird, like puppies for instance. One of the topics being discussed as he landed on the channel was the situation of people inexplicably turning into animals.

“Okay, I already know about these things. Next!”

Vitor had heard about this news for a while, but since it wasn't affecting his country, he just dozed off. However, one interesting thing began to be broadcasted later, and it was the news of sudden vandalism on River Ridge, with colorful paint and graffiti painted all over the walls on the street, highways, and even skyscrapers.

“River Ridge has recently been the victim of random vandalism on street sides, public roadways, and various residences. Our journalists are on the scene interviewing local residents and pets."

The reporter handed the microphone to a calico cat roughly the same age as practically every other cat in the neighborhood, who expressed her thoughts on the present situation.

“Personally, I believe that, while the graffiti art here is great, the person or animal that created it should be chastised and taught to do it somewhere!”

Vitor remained there passively watching – his paws resting on his knees, listening to people's comments on what was going on in the city. Some humans/animals were simultaneously admiring and denouncing whoever was doing this.
After 8 minutes, the bathroom door opened and hot steam poured out. Fox walked out almost dry but somewhat damp with a towel on.

“*phew* Nothing feels better than coming out of a nice shower!”

Vitor glanced at Fox for a few seconds, fascinated by his physique, his mouth open wide and blushing; he was merely feeling his cheeks being warm on some level.
Fox subsequently noticed Vitor staring at him and yelled out his name, despite the fact that he was unaware Vitor was staring at him.


Vitor, because he was embarrassed and didn't want to be labelled a pervert or anything like that, quickly turned his head around.


Fox was perplexed as to what he had done to have Vitor react like that. He sensed something was odd only by the brown husky gazing directly towards the wall where the entrance is, as well as covering his mouth with his right arm.

“Is there something wrong?”

Vitor cautiously returned his gaze to him, placing his arm on the couch.

“Ah! It’s nothing really, it's just that you were, uhh…”
“...I was?”
“It's only that I was surprised by the quantity of steam that poured out of the bathroom, but I do that all the time.”

Fox was still baffled by the comment, which he shrugged off to avoid aggravating problems.
Later, as Fox was getting ready to work on his room, he dried off his fur and put on his K9 vest, as well as putting the walkie-talkie on the side of his collar. Instead of leaving the room however, Fox paused for a bit, speaking to himself.

"Okay, it seems that this week will just be another week for this husky!”

He walked over to the mirror. He placed his left hand in the area where his scar was located, before frowning at himself dissatisfied. He then turned around and opened the door, exposing himself wearing his K9 vest to Vitor.
While it's the second time Vitor has seen him wear it, he can't help but notice that Fox is striking a good balance between appearing stylish and cute at the same time. As per usual, Vitor blushes when he sees him.

“Um, Fox?”
“I'd like to point out that that K9 vest looks great on you.”

Vitor stated it with a lovely smile, knowing he really meant it. Fox scratched his head in response.

“Really? Well thanks there!”

Fox gazed at the door, then turned to Vitor.

“*sigh* Well, I guess it’s time for me to go then.”

Vitor's joy had faded into a scowl now that Fox will start work in a few hours. Fox noticed this and attempted to console Vitor.

“Don't worry, I'll be back soon. In the meanwhile, why don't you hang out with Mimi and meet the other pets?”
“Sure,I guess.”
“Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get used to it.”

Fox readied to leave, but not before saying two last things to Vitor.

“Oh, two things.”
“One, if you wonder where Dad went, he's already gone to work, so you two will be on your own. Two, if you ever get hungry, there's some junk food in the cabinets as well as leftovers from last night's meal to eat.”
“I see, got it then.”
“Well, I'm off now, Vitor!”
“Byebye Fox!”

As Fox closed the door, Vitor looked down, saddened that he was leaving. Fox felt horrible leaving him but, once again, a K9 dog must not neglect their obligations.

“Calm down, Fox; you'll simply go to work like every other day, and you won't feel bad about leaving your new pal behind.”

Fox walked right behind the house to the backyard and found his father's motorcycle. He stood there for a few moments thinking about the days Dad took him for a ride on the backseat. He was literally sitting in a bucket all the time, giving him back pain and just not being pleasant at all. Yet, the gray husky still felt nostalgic about those days.
Fox grabs it and sits in the front seat before starting the motorcycle and riding away. Vitor watches him through the window as he leaves the home, staring and frowning.
It wasn't until Mimi got up and came to the living room.

“*yawn* Good morning Vitor.”
“Good morning sis.”

The tabby cat saw her brother's depressed appearance and promptly inquired.

“You look down today. Did something happen?”
“Oh, no it’s nothing!”

Vitor's expression rapidly adjusted to conceal his minor melancholy.
Despite that, Mimi already figured out the problem.

“I'm guessing Fox left to work and you already miss him?”

Vitor said it with a clear anguish in his voice. Mimi approached him to console her older brother.

“Awww, don't worry Vitor, it'll be just as it was with Mom and Dad years ago; he'll be back soon, okay?”
“Mhm, fine.”
“So, while he's at work, how about we meet some new individuals in the neighborhood?”
“Fine, I guess.”

Vitor wasn't too keen on meeting new owners and pets, in contrast to Mimi, who was only looking for a way to cheer him up.

Meanwhile, Fox is riding his motorcycle to the police headquarters, thinking to himself:

“*deep breathe* Let's get this week started; I'm sure Vitor will be over it by the time I return. I wonder what the case is this time; hopefully nothing too hard.”

While Fox was riding by, other dogs appeared on both sides horizontally holding placards that read: 親愛なる友人. Fox rides past, oblivious to their existence.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Chapter was definitely truly worth the wait Vitor! Really good job with this section!
Vitor The Dog
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Vitor The Dog »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Fri Jun 30, 2023 12:04 pm Chapter was definitely truly worth the wait Vitor! Really good job with this section!
Thanks! i actually got the full part of the chapter ever since i was planing on it i even know what to do with chapter 7 too hopefully i get to post part 2 shortly after
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I can't wait to see where you are gonna go with part 2 next then! I am sure it will be just as enjoyable as this part you just posted!
Vitor The Dog
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Vitor The Dog »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Fri Jun 30, 2023 8:01 pm I can't wait to see where you are gonna go with part 2 next then! I am sure it will be just as enjoyable as this part you just posted!
Thanks" :D
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Besides I am sure there are all a lot of stuff that other people can do while waiting for the next update to the story. Go outside. Eat an ice cream sandwich. Bathing an old person...

Vitor The Dog
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Vitor The Dog »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Sat Jul 01, 2023 12:23 pm Besides I am sure there are all a lot of stuff that other people can do while waiting for the next update to the story. Go outside. Eat an ice cream sandwich. Bathing an old person...

Yeah so the day will go fast also i have a retrospring account so if any of you want to ask mimi or vitor anything here it is!
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

When I get a moment to myself I will be sure to take a look. Just can't promise I will ask anything though.
Vitor The Dog
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Vitor The Dog »

hi everyone chapter 6 part 2 is almost done will be posting it soon! :D
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Looking really forward to seeing what you have for the next part! I am sure that it was definitely worth the wait! :D
Vitor The Dog
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Vitor The Dog »

hello guys chaper 6 part 2 is ready i'll be posting it tomorrow!
Vitor The Dog
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Vitor The Dog »

Chapter 6 Graffiti Illusion (part 2)

Fox arrived at the police headquarters after a good 13-minute ride on his owner's motorcycle. Fox strolled in without saying anything – glancing around and observing a few other cops around, both humans and canines alike.
Fox was looking around if he saw any familiar faces. After a while, he saw Mungo waiting for Fox in the chair on the right side, arms and legs crossed.
Fox quickly approached him as Mungo saw the gray husky approach him.

Mungo: Hi Fox!
Fox: Hey there Mungo.

Fox sat down in the chair right next to Mungo’s chair.

Mungo: You arrived here a bit sooner than I expected!
Fox: Yeah, you know I don’t want to arrive late at all.
Mungo: You mean when Ralph summons all police dogs to help us make a case? I mean, it's not so bad that you always arrive just as he's about to ask us something.
Fox: Yes, I am aware of this, but this time I’m not certain. Maybe I just need a change of scenery.
Mungo: I see, that’s fair.

The two dogs lingered for about 20 minutes. After a bit on banter about the latest gossip regarding Ralph, Mungo decided to inquire about something when he was curious about it.

Mungo: Fox?
Fox: Yeah?
Mungo: So… how are the new pets?
Fox: Oh well they’re fine. Mimi is a pretty nice cat, very sociable and fun to talk to!
Mungo: And what about Vitor?
Fox: About him… he’s-

Before Fox could say anything the police dogs started to all head to the room where Ralph gives his announcements.

Mungo: Oh, I guess it’s time for us to go.
Fox: Yeah, it seems.

Both of them went with the other officers as they all picked their seats.

Fox and Mungo both sat next to each other as they waited for Sargent Ralph to enter his stand. They didn’t have to wait for long as Ralph came in walking through the middle path of the room towards his stand. The German Shepherd stepped upwards and spoke loud and clearly.

Ralph: Good morning everyone.

All of the policemen in the room, including Fox and Mungo, stood up in unison to collectively say "Good morning, Sergeant Ralph!" in a monotone voice to Ralph, as is customary for someone of his rank.

Ralph: I hope you all had a good time with your friends and owners (or parents, depending on who you are), because this week will be quite hectic.

The officers all started whispering amongst each other, wondering or discussing what it could be. A few officers raised their voices:

Officer #1: Did another car accident involving a drunk person happen?
Officer #2: Maybe drug trafficking?
Officer #3: Could it be like another case similar to Keene Milton’s?
Officer #1: If that's the case, I hope they don't send Lindberg to this case since it involves someone he likes.
Fox: Hey!

Ralph placed his closed hand in his mouth and cleared his throat loudly to stop the discussion.

Ralph: Well, it's all of those things. Except for the Keene one surprisingly. The pressing issue however is that there seems to be one new specific case every few weeks.
Officer #4: And what is it?
Ralph: There appears to be something strange around River Ridge: vandalism across the city and small parts of Babylon Gardens, possibly including the forest on the city's outskirts.
Mungo: Vandalism?
Fox: Oh, I saw it on TV while showering.
Ralph: I'll show you some of the photos I got from the photographer on Saturday.

Ralph picked up one of the photos, and with two digits flipped it to face the Officers.

Ralph: Because some of you can't see it from afar, I'll walk around and show it to you all one by one.

Ralph got out of his seat and walked around the officers' seats, showing each one a different photo. When he got to show it to Fox and Mungo, he showed a picture of graffiti on the walls of alleyways, skyscrapers, and even the trees in woodland.

Fox: Woah there are a lot of places that are vandalized.
Mungo: Yeah! I mean, I didn't even think they'd go for the trees.
Ralph: Yes.

Ralph walked back to his stand and spoke loudly again.

Ralph: They need to be arrested as soon as possible. Not all of you will go after the people who did it; some of you will go after the criminals who did trafficking or murder since those are more important but the vandalism crime might become a huge problem if we don’t nip it in the bud. I have assigned 8 officers to investigate the perpetrators.

Ralph spent the following few minutes listing the pairs of officers assigned to the vandalism case.

Ralph: Finally, Fox, you’ll be working with Mungo.
Mungo: Woo!
Fox: Oh, cool.

The rest of the officers were assigned their respective cases.

Ralph: Don't let me down on this one.
Every Officer in the room: Yes sir!

Every officer in the room leaves the meeting room as Fox and Mungo leave, and Fox asks Mungo where they should go.

Fox: Okay, now where should we start?
Mungo: Well, I think about the city itself.
Fox: Isn’t that where most of the other Officers are going?
Mungo: I mean it doesn’t hurt investigating it right?
Fox: Sure.

The two remaining officers board the K9 Motorcycle on the side of the building and travel to the city, while Fox and Mungo contemplate where they should go.
While Fox and Mungo rode back to the city, Fox began to ponder about Vitor, gazing down and wondering what he was doing right now. Mungo observed Fox was silent, which is unusual because whenever they have the same task, they speak about their weekends, so Mungo attempts to break the silence.

Mungo: How was your weekend with Vitor and Mimi, Fox?
Fox: Hmm? It was nice, they seemed typical. Nothing out of the ordinary like certain dogs and cats I knew.
Mungo: That's fantastic! Do any of the two have any peculiarities?
Fox: Mimi appeared bossy to Vitor when Dad accepted them into our home, which is ironic when you think about it.
Mungo: Hm? Why is that?
Fox: It’s the fact that Vitor is the older one.
Mungo: I've seen a couple of siblings where the older one acts more immature than the younger one, so I don't see why that's strange.
Fox: I mean, yeah, so when Mimi was talking about their trip to Babylon Gardens, she mentioned how Vitor can be curious about things, such as how she mentioned him touching my police graduation certificate and going inside my room.
Mungo: I guess, despite being a dog, he has the curiosity of a cat then.
Fox: Yes, he is an adventurer when it comes to being inside someone else's home.
Mungo: Hmm.

As they finally arrived at the marked territory, they both got off the motorcycle and started their investigation.
Mungo: We're here now, so where should we begin?

Fox: Probably walk around until we see any signs of interest.
Fox and Mungo begin inspecting the perimeter for any clues. As they walked around, Mungo noticed an alleyway that looks exactly like the one Ralph showed earlier.
Mungo: Fox!
Fox: What is it?
Mungo: Look!
Fox took a look at the alleyway walls and spotted the colorful graffiti from Ralph’s photograph.
Fox: Huh, looks like we found our first clue.
Mungo: It seems so.

Fox went inside for a closer look. Around it, Fox noticed "Strawberry Punch" written alongside the storybook-like illustrations of cats and dogs with their fur, face, and ears colored a vibrant red. They had no bodies – just heads with crimson liquid dripping below it. It's up to Fox's imagination whether he interprets this as blood or strawberry juice.

Fox: Strawberry Punch?
Mungo: Anything noteworthy here?
Fox: Nothing besides the obvious. Let’s look at the other wall.

The dogs turned around to see "Occult Grape" printed in large circular letters. Raccoons standing on opposing sides and a dog being held by a human hand with white and black dots all over it. The most striking element was that nearly everything besides the small dots was painted a grape-like purple. Neither Fox nor Mungo understand the significance of the drawings.

Mungo: *scratches head*
Fox: Any idea?
Mungo: Nope.
Fox: Me neither.

Fox and Mungo turned around to gaze at another wall in the alleyway, which was just a lot of paw prints with bright dots in them.
Mungo: Something tells me the people who did this are probably children.

Fox: Or some young pet animal.
Mungo: I think we should ask around for any witnesses.
Fox: Agreed.

The duo walks out of the alleyway.

Fox: But, who should we ask first?
Mungo: I guess that lady over there.
Both dogs walked over to the lady who walked past them.
Mungo: Excuse me, lady, but would you mind if we questioned you for a few minutes about the recent events around here?
Unnamed Woman: Hmmm? Events?
Fox: Have you heard about the news of vandalism around River Ridge?
Unnamed Woman: Oh, I heard about it through the newspaper.
Mungo: Mhmm, anything you know about it?
Unnamed Woman: No, not that I've heard of.
Mungo: Huh.
Unnamed Woman: I do think that the people who did it must have been those muffins and cookies delinquent kids around here. Those crude drawings especially looked like of their doing.
Mungo: I see.
Fox: Okay, so the suspects might have been young.
Unnamed Woman: That’s at least what I know of.
Mungo: Okay, Thank you for your help, Miss. Have a lovely day.

The dogs then walk away as the lady waves and they start thinking about the possible perpetrators.

Fox: Right, so the culprit could be multiple people that are very young.
Mungo: Based on what we know, the likelihood is high.
Fox: Do you believe we could bring in more people for questioning?
Mungo: Yes.

The police dogs go around the city questioning people, but not all of them are successful because they all give the same response of not knowing who did it. However, one strange answer came from a mixed-breed dog.

Fox: So did you see anything interesting?
Unnamed dog: Oh I did.
Mungo: And what is it?
Unnamed dog: When I was burying my owner's bone, I noticed that the wall was painting itself.
Fox: It- what?
Unnamed dog: Yeah, the wall was painting itself, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

The response surprised both dogs. A wall that can paint itself? It makes no sense to them or anyone else.

Mungo: Could it be a ghost? A zombie ghost??
Fox: I- don’t know. Uh… anything else?
Unnamed dog: I stayed and watched the entire process as it formed something that said "Happy Hours" with a very realistic-looking stopwatch and things next to it like small human angels, realistic human eyes and mouths, and so on…
Fox: Strange…
Unnamed dog: Um, can I go now? My owner will be mad at me if I don't come back at the right time.
Fox: Sure you can go now.

The dog left Fox and Mungo thinking about what he just said.

Mungo: Wall that paints itself. I don’t like the way this sounds.
Fox: At this point, if it's true, catching the suspect or... suspects is completely pointless.
Mungo: He might also be delusional or lying.
Fox: Yeah that could be it too.

Both dogs walk confused trying to decipher what all of this means.

Fox: It just seems weird, why would this sort of thing just happen on its own?
Mungo: Hey, we’ve been through things like this before.
Fox: Yeah, but we can't simply let this case die, or then these ghosts or whatever will continue to paint graffiti all over the place!
Mungo saw how troubled Fox was stressing himself out and thus looked at him worried.
Mungo: Hey Fox don’t overthink too much; it’s not good for your mental state.
Fox: *sigh*
Mungo: Let's take a small recess from this. We could go to the doughnut shop to get a better sense of this.
Fox: Hmmm… *puts paw on his muzzle* You know what? That’s a good idea.

The dogs rode their motorcycles to Donut Unto Others. Mungo feels nostalgic coming there because he first paired up with Fox five years ago for the Keene case here, but Fox didn't have much of a reaction; he was simply too preoccupied with this strange case.

Fox: So… who will order?
Mungo: Hmmm I think I'll order.
Fox: Alright then.
Mungo opened the door. The place seemed to be a bit different than the last time they visited that place where they found the tape with Sasha.
Mungo: Huh, a lot can change in just five years.
Mungo approached the doughnut shop employee.
Mungo: Hello there mister, so uhh I’ll like aaa…

Mungo began perusing the menu above to discover which were the cheapest. Meanwhile, Fox sat at a table directly next to the shop's window, looking out at the semi-cloudy sky with a few patches of blue sky clinging around.

Donut Shop Employee: Uh, sorry to interrupt you but…
Mungo: Hm?

The donut shop employee put his elbow on the desk and quietly whispered in Mungo’s ear.

Donut Shop Employee: …of the graffiti incident that’s been going on recently.
Mungo: Wait you do?!

Mungo's loud voice drew Fox's attention back to him, and he immediately turned his head.

Fox: Huh?
Donut Shop Employee: Yes, I have a video of it happening on Saturday after our closing hours.
Mungo: May we see it?
Donut Shop Employee: Sure, but you two gotta wait for the donuts first.
Mungo: Sounds like a fair deal to me!

They stepped into the conference room after a bit to play the VHS footage to see if what the dog claimed before was accurate.
Mungo got strawberry and white chocolate, whereas Fox got jam-packed as well as regular chocolate, clearly carob.

Mungo: Kay, nothing interesting so far…
Fox: We need to pay attention carefully.
Mungo: True.

Both dogs stared closer, and about 3 a.m., paint began to emerge on the wall, and their jaws fell, or in Fox's case, who was eating while watching, spit out the jam from biting it so hard.

Mungo: No way!
Fox: *swallows half of the donut he just bitten* S-so what that dog said is true!
Mungo: Great, now what do we do?
Fox: I don’t know!
Both dogs sat there thinking of what they just saw.
Mungo: If we tell Ralph, he’d drop the case! Even with this evidence, we can’t find ‘the supernatural’ for questioning or jail.
Fox: Obviously! *sigh* I'm not sure how we're going to get out of this one.
Mungo: Guess that means we just have to leave the case cold then.

The husky and great dane sat down, frustrated that it would be difficult to catch the offender and unsure of how to inform Sargent Ralph of the situation.

Mungo: Our task isn't done yet, so we'll have to keep looking to see if we can locate "something."
Fox: True, but what is the point? We can't do anything since the perpetrator is essentially invisible to us.

Fox crossed his arms, negating to investigate further.

Mungo: Doesn’t hurt to try though.
Fox: *sigh*

Both dogs exit the video room and donut shop in ponderance of their sitaution.
However, while they were returning to their bike, they were aware of an anomaly.

Fox: Hey Mungo?
Mungo: Yeah?
Fox: These posters weren’t there before.
Mungo: Posters? What are you- ah!

Numerous posters had been taped to the store's glass windows, as seen by Fox and Mungo.

Mungo: But, I thought they only showed up at night! This is getting out of hand!
Fox: Tell me about it

Mungo attentively examined the placard.
He observed a cartoonish, surreal Golden Retriever, a Dachshund, a Dog-Fox crossbreed, a Bearded Collie, and a Siberian Husky seated at a sizable table with a massive, lifelike doughnut on the table nearby, all of which were waiting to be consumed by the large number of dogs in the poster.
The posters were all stacked on top of one another in a clumsy manner.

Fox: Huh, that’s weird.
Mungo: I’m beginning to notice a pattern here.
Fox: Whoever put them didn't even care whether it was uncluttered and visually pleasing.
Mungo: Hmm…
Fox: So?
Mungo: Do you believe the people who placed these posters throughout the city are the same people who vandalized it?
Fox: Well the style seems identical so I’d guess so.
Mungo: Right then.
Mungo started thinking about something.
Mungo: Fox?
Fox: Hmm?
Mungo: How about we get inside again?
Fox: What? But we already got there-
Mungo: I actually wanna talk to you about something quickly.
Fox: Huh?
Mungo: Just… Come with me.

Mungo walked back into the shop, and Fox followed him.
When they arrived, both dogs sat back at their original table.

Mungo: So. Fox.

Mungo put his arms on the desk.

Mungo: I'd like to chat to you about how you've been doing. While you've been out of commission after Steward escaped and left a mark on your eye.
Fox: Oh, that…
Mungo: I'd like to know how you're feeling right now, and if you're feeling any better as a result of what happened.

Fox crossed his arms, flustered Mungo wanted to talk about this now. Mungo listened attentively as Fox informed him of his current condition. What they didn’t notice were the dogs standing outside the shop, standing still and staring at them.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

This was a really delightful chapter that you have written here! I think it came out just perfect!
Vitor The Dog
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Vitor The Dog »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Sun Sep 24, 2023 5:59 pm This was a really delightful chapter that you have written here! I think it came out just perfect!
Thanks took me a while but now just gotta wait a bit for the final part of chapter 6 which i'll promise it won't take that long :D
Last edited by Vitor The Dog on Sat Sep 30, 2023 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

As we have been patient for the last update of the story I am sure that we can all still be patient for this next update also! Even if it takes longer than before it will just go to show how dedicated you are in writing this story!
Vitor The Dog
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Vitor The Dog »

Hello everyone if you're wondering why i went silent for 2 months it's because of the fair which has ended a few weeks ago and because i have final exams but i'll try to write the 3rd and final part of chapter 6 then after that i'll get working on chapter 7 hopefully after everything's been settled as well as during my vacation so stay tuned for chapter 6 part 3! :D
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I am sure that whatever you get around to writing will be perfect! I am sure we all can't wait for the next part of this story!
Vitor The Dog
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Vitor The Dog »

Hello everyone since now that i graduated last month i decide to return to make sure that the final part of chapter 6 is in the works i'll be posting it pretty soon (hopefully) also happy new year! :D
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Hope that your New Year has been going good as well! I'm sure that this next chapter you are gonna post will be just awesome! ^^
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Vitor The Dog »

Hello everyone just to confirm i'm still writing the chapter it's only taking long because google docs refuses to work for me but don't worry chapter 6 part 3 is nearly done i'll be posting in maybe next week if i'm lucky enough
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Looking really forward to seeing what you are gonna have in store for us with the next update. I am sure that the wait is worth it!
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by NHWestoN »

... and big cogratz on your graduation, Vitor! :)
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Graduating is such a big milestone for anybody who manages it! Hope that you are celebrating it right!
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by NHWestoN »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 8:13 pm Graduating is such a big milestone for anybody who manages it! Hope that you are celebrating it right!
Safely ...
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I am sure that he is. He doesn't seem to me like the type to go crazy like others might decide to do.
Vitor The Dog
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Vitor The Dog »

hello just an update here i promise i'll post last week but again i'm a lazy bum but notheless the writing is done now only the editing phase is in the way stay tuned!
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Re: Housepets! three’s a pair

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I am sure we can understand not having the inspiration to stick to a schedule you set and just push it off. It is no big deal as long as we can eventually see the chapter soon and I am sure it is going to be wonderful!
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