"Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

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"Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

The following is a Non Profit, Fan Made Writing Exercise Series. Housepets is owned by Rick Griffin. Everything else is owned by their respective owners.


I know that I have a single project that I like to work on. (The Tokusatsu Fic that is Chaos Fight) but I don't have myself wired to write that consistently. So, to get into the habit, I decided to use my Opera GX Browser to hear my every key that I type to get myself into the habit. Also, you may have met my self insert earlier. You know, the Permaberry Being named Hiraoka Netto Michio (Species Vary of course.) So hopefully, my job is to entertain as I aim to get into the habit and have the berry get familiar with the worlds.

Anyways, let's begin, Shall we?


So many matches that are 'Events...' So little time... Everyone is going at it, but I just tuned out of the shlock. This Permaberry is absolutely bored... "Is something wrong "Lan?" A possum named Jessica asked.

"Lan?" I am not Yuichio's boy." I replied. "But you are referred to as "Netto." "That is a meaningful sparklename since the Internet is a staple of everyone's lives nowadays." I am a Corgi in this entry, as I couldn't decide which species I want. So while being reformatted, God decided "Tell you what, All of them, not all at once" in addition to being a permaberry.

"Well, Nothing good's on so I guess we better seize the day "King." Now I know she's messing with me. Karishad is on the internet, showing his love for... Paws... I am not going to say a word, but then again this is coming out of a Blueberry. We eventually reach town. I'm surprising agile in spite of having a spherical body. Within Jess' backpack is that of the things needed for her "Juice Stand." Right down to the tap...

After setting things up, A Carranger showed up as Jessica about to insert the tap. "HOLD IT!" She glances and it's a Red Racer. "Oh come on King! You know we sell juice here!" as she gets the wooden mallet to hammer the tap in me "I SAID HOLD IT!" as he grabs Jessica's arm before she swung. "What's the matter King? Berry got your taste buds?" King is having revulsions at that specific detail about him, but remains firm.

Did I mention that in the morphed state, the henshin housepets can toggle between ranger regulations sizes and the smaller housepet sizes just to be at their kind's level like an adult to a friendly child? That's what king is doing.

"Jessica, I know you're far more honest than that scam artist skunk but you need a license to run that of a juice stand, let alone any business." King glances at me, growling a low growl as he sees this corgi reminding him of himself. "Who knows what would happen with a permaberry's juices." "He's clean, I use a purifier, and there's nothing malicious going on."

"Sorry, I don't make the rules." King states "Besides, the rules are made because of large scale Badnik incidents that are occurring across the globe." "Badniks from the Eggman?" I chime in to correct Jessica with "Criminal activities. Badniks or not, it's criminal activities."

"Got it in one, Victor." I groan at that specific antic of Victor and Monty being referenced. "Hey, everyone gets a turn in the hotseat." The gokai corgi jeers. "So Jessica, this is the game for this first set. Go through the offices and get that license. And then, who knows, maybe I could get a taste as a morphed Health Inspector."

"Got it. Let's get to it." As Jessica puts up the stand, I ask "How did he get benefets with the morphing grid of both sides of the pond?" "He won it all through a radio competition. Also, he can decide on who can join him for the time being as he's just one marvelous corgi that's all alone."

And now, the challenge begins.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

Okay, let's keep going... Shall We? This part would be in the point of view of King Milton, Founder of the Tokusatsu Division of the Police and Military, and loving father to his family,


Okay, so the Blueberry and his Opossum are getting their business licenses, and yet I still have a lot of work to do. Fortunately, I've got some nasty surprises for that con artist skunk.

Oh? Do I "Sound Familiar?" Why? I always sounded like one Tommy Oliver. Though noting the similarities of my story proper with his, this may be freak coincidence. Only, I won the grid in it's entirety through some radio program. I thought they were joking but no, they were serious. And I founded the Tokusatsu division of the police and military. (Huh. So Life does imitates art.)

I walk up to one of my select teammates and Daisy is the pink ones (Where acceptable regarding the team.) Abarekiller is her current form and the comically horrific jumpscare for anyone doing wrong is "HI! YOU'RE BUSTED!" I needed professional help to keep myself from laughing my butt off when she scare them.

"So Daisy, how's the bust on this illegal Petnip racket?" I ask her. "Sorry. Still working on a lead." "Right. Mind if I help?" "Sure! Knock yourself out Red Racer!" And so, the computer is paying for itself. (Kinda reminds me of a writer I know.) Soon, a lead was given. "[Censored] Dragon?" I don't know if a Celestial have gone scumbag but we'll have to keep looking.

Soon, The Confidence Skunk was barging in the office, outright in a panic "Something happened to the foxes!" Do I really need to go over the talk... Again?! Because of a Paw loving fox that I don't really know the name of? "No, Worse!" He showed the gummies that doesn't have a anti tamper on it, a deciving package and a form factor being akin to the safe stuff that anyone can get.

"Let me see that..." And this may be that of a frame up, as [Censored] Dragon as a legitimate petnip business have been copied outright by nefarious parties. "For once, you may be honest for a change." "HEY! Should I take it to the labs?" A Labrador is in the Crime Laboratory, he's doing what he can to find evidence.

"Yes Daisy. Take it to the Labs and see what compounds this is made of. As soon as we're able to tell the difference between the counterfeits and the genuine article, we'll bust the counterfeiters and throw the stonking book at them! Not just for bad petnip but also infringements."

Thinking about such things as Daisy did what she must, I hate people who think it's cool to do drugs as I viewed the erratic behaviors of foxes upon taking this garbage.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Both chapters of these stories do sound very wonderful! I hope that the next installment is just as good!
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 4:20 pm Both chapters of these stories do sound very wonderful! I hope that the next installment is just as good!
Then expect more installments of this writing exercise of mine.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I can't wait to see where you will go with this! I think that whatever you put down will be inspiring!
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

Having awakened early, Let's continue this exercise. I know I didn't cover the objective to get the license, I just wanted the Blueberry to eat out as celebration for getting the business license. Also, steadily introducing the cast of housepets.

Point of view is of King's.

...I need to take a break... Got home with my family as I brought home groceries. Ace, Olive and Rook are omnivores like me. (Human enough for ya?) Bailey have been drilling them when it comes to math by the way. they are precise and fast with their calculations.

"Welcome home Honey!" "Dad's home!" Bailey have reservations to celebrate the progress of busting the wrongdoers as this is a big caper. The Wolf Down Diner. Okay, so The Fat One have lasted for like a year, give or take. "Okay Bailey, hopefully we won't have to burst at the seams." A size change to Ranger Regulation size to reach the pedals as I get into the car while Bailey rides her motobike.

(Hey, Carrangers are terrific drivers after all, though in the Carranger forms, the motor vehicles are very alien to me aside from the likes of cars which they specialize.)

...And we're here. That badger is waiting vale as he's paying his debts to society for spearheading the infernal invasion. (Wait till the invasion from outer space comes!)

In any case, I give him the key to the car and I enter as he parks. A Gold Kitsune statue is waiting near the front door. The message on his plaque is "I have a perfect puzzle for you." As he's decked out as a Oompa-Loompa... "So, The Blueberry's dining in?" The statue points to him and Jessica and I thought "Yep, it's them."

As I take my seat with my family, I feel that sense of dread as we're sitting right behind him. I took off my helmet, shrinking back to my more normal sizes. "HI! CAN I TAKE YOUR ORDER?" And the family is ordering. I just ordered "Chili-dog." "How original" "With triple the Works." "Daring today aren't we?" and the order is set "One Loaded Hedgehog with a Tower Of Power Lock-on!"

As the Blueberry and his possum friend celebrating their recent victory on the license, I on on the other hand got a gooey chili-dog with everything they can think of within reason. "Hope they sound proof the bathroom!" The waitress Daisy jeered as she and I banter on the regular at work. Three Feet long, split into smaller one foot long cuts, and it is a nutritional nightmare. Okay, so somebody is trying to think of this "Hedgehog Nightmare" instead.

...After eating that loaded nutritional nightmare, we were heading home. But then, The Nightmare Hedgehog struck. A pit stop at a gas station and I am trying to get to the *Ahem* 'stink lodge.' Bailey let the pups pick out a dessert among a few things as I am trapped... And let's leave it at that... God, the writer doing his exercises must be taking things out on us because of a dreadful visit to the doctor he needs to go to this morning.

We'll remember this and make you the butt of the sick joke, Hiraoka Michio of Reality.
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Steam Name: Hiraoka Netto Michio
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

Congladurations Writer! You lucked out and had to reschedule your dreaded physical! You get to exercise more!

Point of view is of Daryl The Fat.
...Upon looking at that three feet of "Hedgehog Nightmare" (Measurements Kari!) like all other nightmare cooking, it looks disgusting yet edible, possibly delicious. Daisy wanted a regular chili-dog with triple the toppings, not... A glob of a chili-dog that trapped him in a gas station for an entire day.

I had that guy go straight to training before he made more disgusting 'works of genius.' Sigh... The day have passed and a health inspector came to the diner after hearing about that quagmire that put King in the can. "Yes? What can I do for you?" It's Duchess. the queen of being bad. King would describe the relationship between her and the slave Bino... But can't because it's against standards and practices. Besides, he's still trapped.

"So I heard you have stirred the pot because of that "Nightmare Dish." I ought to lock you up for that, but I'd like to see if you can make the order proper."

Then, A Meal Machine of a vehicle came up, "LAY OFF HIM YOU [CENSORED!] I GOT PLENTY OF THINGS TO SAY FOR THE FATSO'S OFF DAY!" Oh thank god it's Gordon Ramsey. "Excuse me? I was making my rounds as a elite authority!" "Making your rounds as a elite freeloader is more like it!"

The two have quite a fight with Duchess' slave trying to be a referee. I was rooting for Gordon all the while. And when the cooking challenge occurred... Let's just say it's a curbstomp as Ramsey sent her to the doghouse as she never cooked in her life.

"And as for you..." As Gordon turned to me after humiliating Duchess "I want you to go to training to see if you're losing your touch. Meet me at my Culinary Training Grounds on Thursday 9 o'clock sharp." That dreaded day of the week for a dog who is a walking lawsuit just waiting to happen at the hands of Jim Davis. He was sent there too after one of his recent culinary blunders.

"You got it sir. You're my hero after all" "Sucking up to me isn't going to make it any easier. Get ready for training, that's a order." And so, the day is set and I better not screw it up.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Both chapters I have to say were very well-written and came out really spectacular! You truly do have a gift as a writer!
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

Just got up and took my pills. Let's Exercise, shall we?

Point of view is of King, mainly going through trials because he was sent to the Emergency Room for being right out dehydrated.
...Black Condor, Dragonranger, Mighty Morphin White Ranger, TimeFire, Abarekiller, Akared, and whichever after Akared that died in their respective series, save for the third one who cracked under the pressure outside said series of theirs'

"Oh man..." White Ranger remarked "He looks like he's running out of fluids." "Then let's have him show us what he's made of!" Black Condor remarked as he had an entire deck of cards ready. "Hold on gambler. He needs to hydrate before showing us what he got!" Abarekiller replied. "Would it be insensitive if he had a flush? Let alone a 'royal flush?' Everyone groaned at Akared's pun. "I want him to live like the rest, not join us as a permanent member of this clique of the dead."

"Look, let's play some cards, then we go through the challenges after we know each other." I suggested. "Fair enough" all of them replied as Black Condor looked up PAGAT just to find some really good games of cards to play.

...What? Visiting hours? Right before the first hand of cards? "Go see your family before you conk out again." As I was opening my eyes, I seen Daisy and my family "Did the Wolf Down Diner shut down?" "No. Daryl The Fat had to go and train." "He said he must be losing his touch and thus, went training with his hero of Hades' Kitchen, Gordon Ramsey."

"Ah. That's great." Before I conk out and rejoin the Dead Rangers for that first hand of cards. "Good thing you're back. We're about to deal." As the Black Condor begins to deal.

Hopefully, Daisy is able to solve the case we're stuck on. I thought of that as asked Timefire. He stated "I'm not allowed to spill that sort of information. Especially to fellow do gooders." ...Huh. So it is going swimmingly. At least that's what I assume.
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Steam Name: Hiraoka Netto Michio
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

To make this the 70th post to break past the "Funny Number," I'm exercising some more.

Sorry about the advertised insertion of real stuff by the way, Just something I could write at least.

Point of view is of Daisy, King's coworker in the Tokusatsu division of the police force.


The case cracking and badguy busting isn't the same without my fellow coworker King. Trying to go through his challenges to spring back to life, out right giving a darn in regards to others, even being a great dad to a loving family... Yeah, that's the coworker I know.

Tum Tum Racoon had just joined us, as he's the MammothRanger, Complete with Mothbreaker Power Axe. My current form is Yellow Owl of the Jetman. Yes, the grid in it's entirety is King's, which means even ranger forms of the dead is still fair game.

"What's this paperwork for?" The youth racoon asked "This?! That's evidence we're collecting to gain a warrant and arresst the criminals looking to make illegal nip in general."

"Oh wow. I am trying to make myself work hard to ultimately get a handheld games' laptop that is powerful and have a long battery life, but I guess that computer you're using is good too."

"Well... There are a few games aside from the namesake of the team that I'm morphed into one of their forms..."

...And so, after filing paperwork and gathering leads, not to mention Tum's critical thinking and navigation around the deliberate red herrings that the nip racketter planted, we started play I.M. Meen.

"An oldie but a goodie, good for some laughs~" Upon witnessing the exercises where Meen was rejected outright for his horrible works, Tum Tum was laughing out loud. "How can a guy who clams to be a genius and hates competition wind up getting his works rejected?" "Peanut, if he was a villain is what I assume."

Get well soon King, and I'll introduce you to this cadet with potential.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Loving where you are heading with this story now! Be interesting to see the dynamic between King and the new cadet.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

Don't worry Dayzee, They already met. Let's Exercise with a flashback!

Point of view is of Tum Tum, remembering how King and his team met saving Tum Tum and therefore, inspiring him to join the tokusatsu division of the force.

Tum Tum. Yes, Trash Panda is what I am but more of a Garbage Man taking out criminal trash.

I remember on December when a Bad Santa held up the mall, disgruntled as all get out and mutated himself into a psychopathic monster. King and his team entered the scene, doing a Super Sentai Stance as king's Tyrannoranger from Zyuranger, Daisy is Abared from Abaranger, and a few others being HurricaneBlue, an... Oni Ranger? (I've Yet to know of DonBrothers back then) but the third is ChangeGriffon Black.

Yes, Five being the limit, maybe six but that's the lot that can safely be working the tokusatsu force at a given time. I was impressed at how they subdued the postal claus, taunting him as they took out his viable options and his sack of weapons. when he revealed that he wasn't kidding about his... How can I say that and be a bit discreet? Let's just say "Explosive Temper" and let you fill in the blanks.

He even used me as a hostage next to his explosive body but I bit him in the arm. As he was going to strike me hard, The Oni used the Zyuranger's Saber Daggers to cut the fuses and the remote's connection.

And after the police proper arrives to arrest Postal Claus, I stated to Fox Linburg that I want to join. "Well, it may not be suitable for a minor to join the force." My response is "NOT YOURS! HIS!" Reffering to King. "Well... I don't know if you're up to the task Trash Panda" "Okay, Trash Panda may as well be ME as the Garbage Man! Cleaning up the criminal scum!"

Well, one thing lead to another and and Fox outright stated "Looks like you got yourself a Kid Ranger." King playfully told fox to "Shut up..." and that's how I joined the Tokusatsu division of the police.

What am I doing right now? Oh, just doing brain work at the office. King have been dehydrated and I hope he lives to keep fighting onward, fully re-hydrated and ready to go!
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Just got to pump him full of fluids and I am sure he will be good as new! Just don't wait too long or you risk him permanently being stuck like that. :P
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

Oh, that's a good point. Fast forwarding to where King returns, only for one of breel's makeshift solution to rehydrate him made him into a sphere.

Point of view is Grape, as she is one of King selected few when he got the grid.


Who dares? Face me you coward - Oh, it's just you.

"Grape..." That's me. But our red leader must've blown up from a makeshift solution that Breel have used to rehydrate him to begin with. "Is there any way to juice me so I can get back to work?"

Well, he doesn't look too able at this rate. "Well, until you're able to find a way to shrink down from breel's work, I'll take the lead." King nodded in agreement as he'll be in the office. "You do that."

...On patrol, this is rather rad! Daisy, Tum Tum, Tarot, and Max are all here on patrol with me as the lead ranger! I'll see what I can do since I have a challenge at hand.

Yes, I was Onibrother in the instance where tum wished to join the Tokusatsu division. A detail I like to add is the tweaks to the morphing grid that allows those who are able to transform into other Rangers are given access to the team's arsenal of their respective teammates' ranger forms as transformation into the others make them rather redundant.

King is shuffling papers as best as he can, and I got to be a space cadet on patrol! Okay, Video Game and Electronic space cadet. I am MegaRed on the day's patrol.

Though peanut couldn't be a ranger as his idiocy could endanger everyone, I'll pick up the means to have king back to normal. Well, normal as he can be anyways.

After Tum Tum explains how he joined the Tokusatsu Division, I told him "The OniBrother was I. I cut the detonator that the postal santa was going to use." His response is "Oh cool! You're more talented than your brother!" "Roomate. That's what I see myself as. And besides that, not only is Peanut a talentless hack with his comics (though he's trying to fix that) but he's also a mental case."

Tarot is a unamused DekaPink "That's my husband you're badmouthing." And like that, friction. "I didn't say it was false." "Yeah? Well, look who's talking as she uses her tarot toys to predict the future! Superstitious Scammer!" "Persistent Pest!" "Foofy Freak!"

Tum out right screamed "ENOUGH!" Glancing over to the TimeGreen Racoon, the Gokai Blue Cat and the NinjaWhite Dog. "Both of you have been going at each other's throats for like a year! Yes, peanut's not a good creative but there are other details that shine through!"

Tum's a good kid, but catatonic with a point. "Truce?" I offered to Tarot Sandwich. "Truce." And we'll resume this patrol as soon as the next exercise happens.
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Steam Name: Hiraoka Netto Michio
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Whatever the next exercise is it can't be as brutal as what had happened in this chapter! Will be interesting to see what is gonna come up in the future.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

Now back to the Exercises.

Point of view is of Grape, again.


What? You interrupted my catnap to find out what happened next? Okay, then you should know that Daisy is Kakurangers' NinjaWhite, Tum Tum's Timeranger TimeGreen, Max is Gokaiger GokaiBlue, Tarot is Dekaranger DekaPink and I am Megaranger MegaRed. (Yes, I am currently a space cadet! Fine, video game and electronic cadet.)

So Res is having a shipment of his latest genius heading for the library where he's selling autographed copies. Muscles for day as he's more of a Ultraman Kitty if anything. Mega Macro and all that as he size shifted to keep track of the shipments.

Well, Summoning the VRV Robo to talk at his level is something to try. As we enter the Victory Racer Vehicles, I took the Fire Tamer, Max took the Siren Chaser, Tum Tum takes the Garbage Loader, Dasy the Star Dozer, and Tarot the Medic Racer. (What? Tum had to name them but you know what they are as does he.)

I know what you're thinking, "What happened to the Red Crosses?" They aren't used in the likes of entertainment. Their proper uses are all spelled out in the Geneva Convention.

As we near him, A single press of the button turn the VRV Vehicles got them into the high standing VRV Fighters. "Hello Grape." Res Auburn remarked. "So 'ol Tommy Bucket is stuck in the office as a fruit?" "Never mind the corny banter, we're here to stop spoilers for your latest book, Ultracat!"

Yes, Never escalate a fight, but who's fighting at this time? Also, Shout Factory does both Ultraman and Super Sentai, so the feelings as rivals and friends are mutual.

How would res go through the action stages? Something like Gamma from Sonic Adventure mixed with Sonic from the Same. He runs on a timer counting down and must perform skillfully to add time to his countdown. Like the Ultras, if time runs out then he's history.

As we were chatttiing, a fox tries to get under Res' feet. I told said fox "I will crush you like a bug." "My Bad! Got too excited!" The fox is clearly Karishad and if I wanted footlongs, I'd go to a sandwich shop!

"Roll me out Fox!" And now King is here! "I thought Zordon's commandment of Never Escalate a Fight is clear!" Res was right, and as he's laughing ("Well bailey got more of you to love! And a keg of juice to go with you!") all I was thinking is 'I gotta get him juiced by Breel and soon!' As the two are trying to keep things together.

And another thing, Res showed king one of his socks and King told him off. "No, I refuse to smell your socks!" And the shipment is still going as there is yet to be any attempts to leak the story that Res crafted.

The wrongdoers are going to make said attempt next exercise.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Hopefully they are adequately ready for the wrongdoers when they make an appearance. They have trained so much and so hard so they should be as ready as they can.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

A Noon Exercise, since these exercises are what I have to do.

Point of view is of a singular Seaman Yartot in the bid of spoiling Res Auburn's work as well as uploading it to piracy sites.

Also, get a load of this as I realized the footsolder's species name could trip the radar, my good censors.


"...Should anyone here fail our objective?" "OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!"

...Yessir, This is going to suck hard. A shipment of Res Auburn's latest literary genius as is drives on through to the bookstores and libraries. Regardless, I have so much to do regarding the UltraMacro peering over the city. Wait... Who's that they're talking to?

...Oh god... It's the Tokusatsu division of the police. Seeing us skate through in a chase to catch that chuck wagon, they jumped out of the VRV Machines as are after us.

"Okay 404, What should we do at this point?" I jump onto the shipment truck and try picking the lock. It's only when Gokaiblue made a 3D Movie of a fellow combatman that he threw me off. Hard Light Disguise.

I have to keep up lest I get lobbed off, so taking out my gun I try shooting at the cheeky kitty. Time Vectors of TimeGreen meant I'm outclassed in cutting power.

I tried to get back on the truck but they stopped for dinner. "DON'T LET THEM STEAL THE BOOKS!" MegaRed (A Video Gaming space cadet) DekaPink (Tarot Cards? Get serious.) and NinjaWhite ("HI! YOU'RE BUSTED!") are all after us. Ninjawhite tore a bit of reality off as she made a paper airplane before launching it.

"DON'T DO THE AIRPLANE!" Too late, she tore through the guarded door. My fellow Seamen Yartot are getting the books, only for us to get locked in with them. "Nice try you scurvy lot. But you're not going to spoil the books, let alone upload a pirated copy to the internet!"

And so, to the convict condo we go... I think I'd rather get destroyed by the Tokusatsu division themselves, as the boss monster would be livid.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Seems like someone is a bit overdramatic and very casual about decapitation. Somebody failing at something is NEVER grounds for having their heads chopped off. Not to mention the mess it makes. :?
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

I don't remember the exact words that the foot soldiers had as a motto before they commit to the schemes in the Sentai that is Gingaman, but it was something akin to that in the series proper that the particular Yartot was thinking back to before he and his fellow combat men went forth to try and steal 'ol Macrokitty's genius.

I am certain that that Yartot is dreading that imminent failure as he dreads his boss and what they're thinking of doing to him and the others.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

As long as it isn't decapitation or any kind of murder I am sure it won't be as bad as he things. Though some forms of torture do make you wish for death afterwards. :shock:
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

Internet is on the fritz so No exercises for the time being. Though at least I'll be able to start the next streak this Monday.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

Good to be back. Don't know how long i can keep this streak going but ar least I'm able to exercise some more.

Point of view is of Yartot 404, having gone through the trial of last Saturday and sent to a jail as a human.


...Hey. Visiting hours? I guess it won't be that bad...

Considering that I wasn't a mindless instance of a combatman, I started the trial by admitting that I had a involvement of the crime at hand, a force of evil wanting to steal UltraMacro's genius by spoiling the book before it came out as well as illegally uploading said book.

Under threat of a capital punishment from the boss monster that I had to put up with, the judge decided to have me turn human and sentence me to prison. "That will keep that one in a billion away from the cutthroat boss monster."

...I have the coin to prove that transformation. Provided by some Captain Champion or something. A single use charge and that's how I turned human. As for the heroic pirate, he stated to the audience beyond the 4th wall "I have a feeling we'll be seeing each other again eventually."

Oh how I wish to be that of a ship hand, mainly to pay off that debt to society of my days of wrong doing.

I'll have to come up with a name of my own... Does "Jim The Sailor" sound like a fitting name?

("How am I supposed to know?") Fair enough. Thankfully, I'll see what I can do within the prison walls and I guarantee that we'll be seeing each other again in the future where you're on a boat and recognize this sailor.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That was a very quick but informative draft you posted. Keep up with the writing because it is marvelous!
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

Okay, this may delve into King's ongoing days as a berry, but at least Bailey understands as she was with him when Breel overdid the corgi's hydration.

Point of view is of King
Name's King. Yeah, yuk up the fact that Breel turned me into a Blueberry, this form will get old to both me and you.

"I'M HOME!" Bailey perked up as she sees her berry corgi. "Oh! King! How nice of you to come home. How was work?"

"Still trying to file documents and gather intel to get a warrant for a big busting. Thankfully, Grape was able to take my place as a outgoing leader of the team."

"Well, I'm sure you'd get back into action someday. Right now though, continue the big bust as the others are going out of their way to handle the brains and brawn."

Right. It was love that allowed me and Bailey to beat the deities, and since Baley knows about... you know, she would use me as a bed.

The pups are piping up about their day at the library where that new book had just released, they viewed the work "Of Locks and Ranger Keys" as a rather brilliant read as Res was inspired by the Tokusatsu Division of the police and military.

Of course he'd had to the okay from the real world Toei before publishing this. They said in response "...Okay, as long as we can make a Japanese Version with our own wordplay that makes sense to the japanese audience."

Res was okay with that and thus, the deal went through swimmingly. Though Res had to show everyone what he's made of as Kaiju attacks. Though he's akin to a Ultraman, the Ultras and the Toei Tokusatsu heroes are friendly frenemies. Complete with banter.

...And after the pups used me as their giant ball for a few games, Bailey wondered if she could have permaberry puppies. "Don't bet on it my dear." As I am outright concerned that her body wouldn't take it well.

...A smash cut, regarding Breel using me and Bailey to answer her query? Well this ought to be a disaster in the making... to make a long story short, as her midsection turned violet upon that breeding, she can have permaberry puppies.

"I take it you're going on parental leave to tend to the berry maternity?" "Of course grape. After all, the writer is in a crackpot after a long day in town and needed something to write about."

Sincerest apologies everyone, this is Grape's epic till new years day of 2025. Hopefully the genius posting this won't screw this up.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Good to see that Bailey isn't as shaken about her husband being a berry as many people would be. I am sure that King is also glad about that also.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

Okay, just realized that Power Rangers SPD took place in the year 2025 so I am going to see what I can do in regards to doing my own thing.

Point of view is of Pueblo. You know, Gale's kid and Olive's crush and founder of the Emerald Guardians in this case.


...Okay, emerald beret, programs for the micro computer that is "The Pi", tough leather armor, polish for both civilian and morphed state...

Oh, I didn't really see you there. Are you here to make your mind up about the Emerald Guardians? Well, I'll tell you how it got founded.

As I was viewing the fights in the Viewing Orb, a pirate was facing off against Lord Zedd. And somehow, I seen the cobra kid of his alongside the spider and scorpion and upon hearing their names, I told the globe "HOW DID YOU GET OLIVE TO THE DARK SIDE, VADER!?!"

It's a two way communication as zedd looked at me and stated in his deep malicious voice "Like I'd tell you anything twerp!" He's fuming as well and that as I witness Captain Champ and his team barely making the win, I knew what must be done.

...The Emerald Guardians. Yes, I actually give a darn about others and no, I don't care what happens when it comes to the teasing prize the the writer is looking foward to, I know what must be done and therefore, I founded this team of mine.

Six Emeralds, Six Rangers, grey one is the seventh and the colors of the base forms are "Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Purple and Aqua." Six is the limit that can safely maintain the team and the seventh is the absolute screw-off scram right-out last resort of a member.

Gale is hosting fighting leagues as well to keep the Tokusatsu divisions of police, mercenaries and military all at the ready. And to top it off, The league will be what's needed to keep the public ready for anything sould the need of replacement recruits arise.

...Olive? Malicious or Milton?

...The latter. Okay, so she told me she's expecting new siblings that are far different than any other. Bailey is growing as the Blueberry colors grow with the offspring. Thankfully her mom's body is able to adapt but I don't know if they'd considered names that are not the easy ones.

It will take a while before Bailey's new puppies are born. But I don't know if the permaberry puppies would be able to fit in...

Still, at least it's better than any sort of horror.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Sorry but I don't like the idea of permaberry puppies. As I said before that whole trope of blowing people up has been overused. And whenever I think about it I think about the actress who played Violet Beauregarde in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and how she committed suicide.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

Oh... Sorry about that dayzee. I guess that's something to consider... Absolutely dreadful on my end.

Edit: Okay, I was outright told by God to never write again. But at least I understand where he's coming from. Amazee Dayzee is a based celestial and I'll have to get my life sorted out.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I never said that I was a Celestial or that you had to stop writing forever for that matter. I just said I didn't like the trope of characters being inflate but if you want to do it then go ahead. You should write what you enjoy and not what other people say is good. :?
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

Reposting my post from earlier today but here's my mindset

My writing mindset is akin to writing for television, movies, books, games... you know, complete with the likes of censors, network management and the like.

If the censors of the forums tells me to not say or do something that is against standards and practices, I don't say or do it because they told me not to say or do it.

But if they tell me to edit something so that it isn't so strong as it was originally written, then it's rewritten.

Last time I checked, there was nothing really objectionable written recently. But thank you for your concern dayzee.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

You are welcome I guess but I am still trying to figure out where you saying I was a Celestial came from. I honestly can't think of where you would have gotten that. :|
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

Well, I don't know when I'll get to writing the next exercise but a break is what I'll need since all manner of things are running through my head and irreparable damage was caused to the concept of fandoms.

At least Pueblo's team of Emerald Guardians is a good idea to carry over to my prize of what fanfiction I am training myself to write for.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Take all of the time that you need to gather your thoughts together in that case. We will all be here waiting for you and look forward to what you are gonna post next!
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

I'm back. Let's assume time passes and Bailey had the berry puppies. Ash and Mike being boys and Victoria being a girl. All three of them being berries like King and I assume they eventually reaches youth.

Point of view is of King, as they try and attend a Willy Wonka event, but winds up getting scammed by that con artist skunk alongside everyone else who attended.


This is King. Yes, considering where my family went to on this dreadful day the berries are the only thing accurate to the work that scam artist ripped off.

Ash, Mike and Victoria were being babysat by Peanut Butter and Tarot Sandwich though her tarot toys showed that of the Eds with a scam at hand.

"At least be warned that there are scam artist looking to pull a fast one on you and everyone else that you call 'Suckers.' If I were you I'd demand a refund."

Tarot was right. At least with the Milton Ferrets you'd get your money's worth with their antics at least. But this 'event?' I don't know if I'd weep or record it for future generations but Corey the Con Artist was able to use technology to sell everyone on the scam.

Misery all around. And what's more, it got so bad that they called not just the police but also Grape's Squadron and Pueblo's Guardians just to tear the stinker limb from limb in the pocket books among other details.

It was that of a recent scam. Both in your world and ours. Those who were involved tried everything to salvage this ripoff by award winning acting but at least there's a positive.

That positive is Breel Milton opened tours to her factory and first day of her tours are on the house because of the scam leaving a bitter taste in everyone's mouth.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Cori had better be on the lookout because anybody that hurts Bailey's pups are gonna be sorry. She is one of the most overprotective mothers ever.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Fri Mar 01, 2024 1:50 pm Cori had better be on the lookout because anybody that hurts Bailey's pups are gonna be sorry. She is one of the most overprotective mothers ever.
Yeah, the general idea of why I wrote Corey is a competent Con Artist in spite of his inevitable failure when it all comes crashing down around him is that I want to write the Cast of Housepets augmented with competince so that there's opposing forces even without the crossover elements and characters.

Tum Tum being a good kid with a sense of justice is another thing I write since there's so many troublemakers in the wild that I wanted a raccoon who does good and actually THINK in regards to his actions regarding the world around him. Anti Social behavior is what Tum would not indulge the majority of the time. Unless if it's needed to get to the next point of the story.

Yes, Tum wouldn't fight the authorities but he will think about what he did that is still wrong.

Yes, creative liberty all around but it's the differences that allows the characters from housepets proper and that of Chaos Fight to come in from time to time and see that their inspection goes through.

In any case, Glad you're enjoying this. and yes, Bailey will be gunning after Corey for scamming her family. A force of nature that would make him spray himself.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I honestly am salivating at the thought of Bailey tearing Cori a new one. For scamming innocent children who wanted to have a fun time, he deserves all the pain he will get.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by HiraokaNettoMichio »

Okay, just got back from the psychologist, spoke my mind with him, and now I want to do some exercises.

Point of view is Tum Tum. Hey, can't write specifically in one characters view.


Okay hotshot, so the Noiseworld Arcade is another venture of the Milton Ferrets. I don't know about the rockstar ferret who started this, but aside from imports up the wazoo, I'm impressed with them supporting the official release.

It's technically illegal to run imported arcade machines outside where they're supposed to be used. which is why I'm DekaGreen to get Pitfall Larry here a bit paranoid. ("Bummer Majorous! It's the Ranger! Quick! Act natural!")

"Where's the other rangers?" Lana specifically asked. "All on my own this time. Nice machines. Where'd you get them? Japan?" As I am charging up to give these two the boot straight to said nation to answer for their borderline criminal act. "Fess up Pit. Where did you get these machines?" Lana knowing I'm locking and loading.

"All right then! You win!" As he flicks the switch to turn the building off and back on. Forty percent of them were imports. Of course you can't have Ms. Pac-Man on the Namco Machines anymore, but at least he's following the rules at least.

...Okay, Palutena's Palace is mostly native to the states. But I wonder about that Rocket League VR set. A arena with a... "Oh hi King. Guess you wanted to play the role of the ball." "They promised free play for my family. Though I don't know how they'll hire people to play the ball."

The arcade will open soon. Hopefully it won't wind up being a violent place of misery like that of Chuckie Cheese. "How would you like to be security." How did they know about that? "I don't use my powers for personal gain, but I guess I could get a few games in after work."

Unlike that Scam Artist that is being haunted by Bailey ripping and tearing him to shreds, these guys are at least... Honest. (If you wish to call them that.)

After all, They'll make sure that they reduce the imports as time goes on. Well, at least King got another job since he couldn't really do much fighting wise... Unless you like the idea of being a really large pinball that ricochets through everything within reason.
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Re: "Get in the Ring!" Writing to get into the habit.

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Being a pinball maybe could have helped King with his having the body of a blueberry. It might have juiced him a little bit and helped him shrink. :lol:
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