Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

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Douglas Collier
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Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by Douglas Collier »

Ok, so I've decided to post bits and pieces from my story about how my friend and I got to Babylon Gardens and what we're doing there. To make writing easier for me, I'm using a script style and scenes. These will be posted in no particular order, so it will probably jump back and forth between past and present.

The premise of the story is that I made a petty wish that I could be a dog and an entity known as The Djinni. So, I end up trapped in the Housepets! universe, having been turned into a corgi and stuck with the name "Douglas" (sort of like how King was stuck with that name). Unable to help me out, Bahamut called upon my best friend from the Rick Griffin universe (not sure why it's called that) to join me in the Housepets! universe as a friend to help me adjust to my new circumstances. Upon request, he was sent in as a husky, but as such, he had to give up his old name and go by the name Stanley or "Stan" for short; however, unlike me, he still has the ability to say and think his old name (lucky dog!), but chose to go by Stan because he felt bad for me.


Housepets! Cast

Douglas Collier - a Pembroke Welsh corgi who was formerly human; from the RG universe. Made a petty wish and was trapped in the Housepets! universe by an entity known as "The Djinni". Has a crush on Shelly Goldstein that compares to King's crush on Bailey, and similar questions about the implications of dating a dog, since he was previously a human.

Stanley (Stan) Collier - an Alaskan/Siberian husky mix who was formerly human; from the RG universe. Sent by Bahamut to help me adjust to my new life as a dog in the Housepets! universe. Has a coin/medallion that he can use to go back and forth between the HP! and RG universes every couple of months for a week or so at a time (unfortunately it doesn't work for me).

Thomas (Tom) Collier - a human in his mid 20s; Takes Douglas and Stan into his home and serves as their owner/caretaker (hence us having the surname Collier). Very kind and religious, but very quiet. His parents died shortly after he finished college and, being an only child, he inherited his childhood home in Babylon Gardens, where he lived with his childhood pet and best friend, Garry. Garry died of old age a couple of years later, devastating Tom and causing him to become withdrawn to the point of becoming a recluse; but since the arrival of Stan and Douglas, he's been opening up more. Tom works from home. He enjoys cooking and fishing, and has a mild interest in gaming (mostly PC games, though he does have a Wii).

Shelly Goldstein - a sheltie mix; about 6 years old. Quieter than most dogs, but friendly and compassionate - especially toward Douglas, whom she thinks is cute.

Mary Goldstein - a human; owner of Shelly. In her mid 20s. Loves science fiction and fantasy. Attends the same church as Thomas, but never got a chance to really meet him until recently. But she sees in him a lot of potential, and wants to bring it out.

The Djenni - a demigod. The Djenni was banished to this universe and trapped in an old bottle as punishment for being such a troll in Universes and Unrealities. He keeps himself entertained by granting random people's wishes, but with a twist or two - nothing malevolent, just unexpected and vaguely annoying at worst - and then watching passively from afar (sort of the cosmic equivalent of watching soap operas). As an expert in cosmic law and the rules of U&U, he is very good about spinning webs of red tape and loopholes (part of the reason he was kicked out), which make any wishes he grants practically impossible to be overturned by the Heavenly court - at least not until after a good millennia or two of paperwork (not even subjective time makes that less of a drag).

Without further ado, here I go.

(At the Collier House)

*Knock at the door. Tom answers.*

Thomas: Stan! Doug! It’s for you.

*Stan and Doug come out of their room and look down over the banister.*

Stanley: Oh, hi Fox! Tarot. What’s up?

Fox: Well, the Good Ole Dogs club is meeting soon, and we were wondering if you guys might want to introduce yourselves.

Stanley: Thanks for the offer, Fox, but I’m not sure Doug is up to meeting other dogs right now.

Douglas: … No, I feel like we should go.

Stanley: (surprised) Really?

Douglas: Yeah – I just feel like this is important for me to do today.

Fox: Well great! Do you need to get anything before we go?

Stanley: *looks at Doug, who shrugs* Nope, I think we’re good.

Fox: Cool. Come down and let’s get going then.

(At the Good Ole Dogs social, Fox is introducing Doug and Stan to various dogs; Tarot is quietly observing what’s going on.)

Fox: Ah, King! You’re here! Hey, I’d like to introduce some new friends, Stan and Douglas Collier.

King: Ah, newcomers! Welcome to the Good Ole Dogs club.

(Commotion in the background)

Fox: Oh dear, it looks like Bino’s being a nuisance again. I’d better go see what’s going on. Stan, do you want to join me?

Stanley: Sure.

Fox: We’ll be right back.

*Fox and Stan leave*

King: So, you must be Douglas.

Douglas: Er, yes.

King: *shakes Doug’s hand* It’s nice to meet you Douglas; it’s nice to see another corgi around here for a change. Listen, I’d really like to talk, but I really should get go –

Tarot: Douglas is a human that was turned into a dog, just like you, King.

King: (surprised) Really? *Doug nods, somewhat surprised himself*. We have a lot to talk about! Tell me, how’re you enjoying being a dog?

Douglas: Uh, sort of weird, but I’m getting used to it. You’re human?

King: Was – I think of myself as a dog now. The first year or two I didn’t think anything would be better than being changed back into a human – but I wouldn’t have it any other way now.
Douglas: Really, why’s that?

King: (sheepishly) Well, I found myself a girl. *turns and waves at Bailey, who is having fun talking to another dog friend; she notices and waves back* Yeah, Bailey’s my everything. *King stares dreamily, then turns back to Doug* Sorry, got lost for a second there. Where were we?

Douglas: You were talking about getting used to being a dog.

King: Oh yeah. Well, the hardest thing for me was making friends with other dogs, but I see you’ve managed to do that with your friend Stan.

Tarot: Stanley was human too.

King: Is everyone new to town a human in a dog suit?!

Tarot: No, just these two and you, and at least one other, maybe two.

King: Really? Who else?

Tarot: That's a secret.

King: *sighs exasperatedly and shakes his head* Well, if either of you need help figuring out how to be a dog, you can talk to me.

(Commotion in the background changes to cheering)

King: Ah, it looks like Bino is getting beat up. This I want to see.

Tarot: King, there’s one other thing you should know about Douglas and Stanley: They’re from another universe.

King: What? What do you mean by “another universe”? They’re not aliens are they?

Tarot: No, nothing like that. They’re from a universe parallel to ours where most things are the same. The biggest difference is that nearly all animals where they are from are quadrupeds that can’t talk.

King: Really? Wow… This must be pretty strange for you then.

Douglas: *nods sheepishly* A bit. Yeah.

King: *scratches head* Well, I’m not sure how to help you there. All I can say is try to make the best of it.

(Fox and Stan return)

Fox: Well, Bino’s off to the hospital to get his broken nose fixed. Stan convinced me not to put him in traction.

King: *turns to Stan* So you’re a human from another universe, huh?

Stanley: What?! Er – yeah. Did Doug tell you?

King: No, Tarot did.

Fox: Wait! You’re a human too??!

Stanley: Wait, what do you mean “too”?

King: I’m also human, or I used to be.

Stanley: Cool – so we’re not alone.


Tarot: Just these two, plus King – and one, maybe two other dogs, and soon a cat.

*Fox facepalms*

King: Just treat them the way you treated me when we first met.

Fox: I didn’t know you were a human then!

King: I wasn’t. I was a dog, just like I am now and just like they are. They’re just trying to fit in.

Fox: *sigh* This is going to take some getting used to. Alright, I’ll just pretend I didn’t hear this. I don’t even want to know about that part about another universe.

Tarot: Douglas and Stanley are from a univ-

Fox: *waving his arms* I said I didn’t want to hear it! As far as I’m concerned, they are two dogs that are new to the neighborhood and I am here to help them get acclimated to their new circumstances. I’ll deal with the rest later.

King: Thanks friend, I owe you one. *King catches sight of Bailey waving him over to her* Well, I’d better get going. As I said earlier, if you two ever need help figuring out how to be dogs, just ask me. Enjoy the party! *King goes to join Bailey*

Stanley: I see why you felt we needed to be here tonight.

Douglas: (thinking) I feel like that was a big part of it, but I don’t think that’s the only reason I was supposed to be here tonight.

Fox: Well, there are some more people I’d like to introduce you too (and a few I probably shouldn’t introduce you to). Come on.

(A little later, after introductions to various dogs)

Fox: … And that’s Shelly Goldstein. She’s a little bit quieter than most, but friendly. Hey, Shelly! Come and meet our newest club members, Stan and Doug – er – Douglas.

Shelly: *walks up to them* Hi, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Shelly.

Stanley: It’s good to meet you. I’m Stan.

Shelly: Nice to meet you, Stan. *turns and stoops down* So this little guy must be Douglas.

Douglas: *blushes* I, uh, er. Yeah. I’m Douglas. I think.

Shelly: *giggles* I guess you had your name changed pretty recently, huh?

Douglas: Um, yeah, but I’m getting used to it.

*Sasha walks up and tugs at Shelly’s arm*

Sasha: Shelly, I think Mary’s looking for you.

Shelly: Oh, I suppose I should go. It was nice to meet you guys. I hope to see more of you in the future.

Stanley: *looks at Doug’s reaction and smiles* I think you will.

(Following Shelly and Sasha)

Sasha: Hey, you were more talkative with them than most of the other new dogs… especially with that little corgi. *Sasha winks and nudges Shelly*
Shelly: (blushing) Well… I – kinda like Douglas... I think he’s cute.

Sasha: Yay! Maybe we’ll have another doggy wedding sooner than I thought.

Shelly: (embarrassed smile) Oh Sasha…

(Back to Douglas, Stan and Fox)

Douglas: … She smells nice.

Fox: *smiles knowingly and ribs Doug* Ah, Doug has a crush. That’s what they all say.

*Douglas smiles dreamily, watching Shelly leave.*

EDIT: Changed the spacing to make it easier to read and made a couple of changes to the dialogue.
Last edited by Douglas Collier on Thu Oct 08, 2015 12:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
Douglas isn't my real name, but because of a name block put on me by a higher-order being known as Djinni, I can't say my real name.
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by Saturn381 »

You did a great job Douglas! Can't wait to see more! :D
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by D3ath_0ps »

This looks good so far! Can't wait to see more of Doug and Shelly (And Stan too). :3
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by Douglas Collier »

What happens next depends on what happens with the Heaven's Not Enough arc. If Tarot loses her powers, I'll have a lot of editing to do to my story. =d
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by D3ath_0ps »

Douglas Collier wrote:What happens next depends on what happens with the Heaven's Not Enough arc. If Tarot loses her powers, I'll have a lot of editing to do to my story. =d
What ever happens, your story will be fantastic either way!
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Really nice job with the story so far. I love the way it is coming out.
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by copper »

Good scene! Can't wait to see the continuation of the story in some way.
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by dryideabat »

An excellent start, I love it. The parallel characters and the implication of some great (possibly malevolent) power behind this crossing of worlds, masked for the moment by joy and affection.
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by Douglas Collier »

Here's a fun little scene from my life as Douglas. :D
Deep Freeze1.png
Deep Freeze1.png (231.4 KiB) Viewed 26076 times
EDIT: Made some small changes
Last edited by Douglas Collier on Thu Sep 11, 2014 1:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Douglas isn't my real name, but because of a name block put on me by a higher-order being known as Djinni, I can't say my real name.
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by InDaZone1219 »

I hate it when you see the item you want down there, but can't reach it. It's almost if you are being taunted by the said item. :|
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by D3ath_0ps »

*Sings Klondike bar Slogan*

I MEAN... I can't wait for the next scene! Nice job! :lol:
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by dryideabat »

Hilarious! Good thing no one put something heavy on top of the door... for then he'd become a pup-sicle (wakka wakka!)... What anyone would do for a Klondike bar?
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Looks like you got yourself into a cold situation. Hope you can figure it out before you get trapped in there.
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by Douglas Collier »

Doug woke up with a yawn. He hadn’t slept all too well last night, so he had slept in after Stan got up to get breakfast. Doug’s eyes were heavy as he entered the bathroom, but as he took a glance at the mirror, they shot wide open.
“Hey, Staaaaaan!” he called.
“Yeah, what’s up?” Stan called back from the kitchen downstairs.
“Uh … I think you need to come this!” Doug replied.
Stan came up the stairs and turned into the bathroom.
“What is…” Stan’s eyes went wide and his jaw dropped.
Standing in front of the sink was a dirty-blond wolf, smaller than most wolves – about the same size as a regular dog. His ears were a little bit bigger than the average wolf’s, and he had a familiar set of blue eyes and a matching collar.
“I, I think I’m a werewolf… er – corgiwolf?” Doug said.
“You look like Dogboy!” Stan said, flabbergasted.
Dogboy was Doug’s werewolf fursona when he was a human; since his change into an anthropomorphic dog, he hadn’t really had a use for a fursona in a while.
“Yeah, I do,” Doug said, looking at himself in the mirror.
“How did this happen?” Stan said, still astonished.
Doug turned to his friend. “I don’t know – I just woke up and this is what I saw in the mirror,” he said, motioning to his reflection. A light bulb seemed to go off in his head. “Do you think this has something to do with the fact that today is Halloween?”
“It could. Do you think this is the Djinni’s work?” Stan replied.
“Probably. I can’t think of any other explanation for it – I haven’t been bitten by any werewolves lately,” Doug said.
“Do you think this is permanent?” Stan asked.
“Can’t be sure; I don’t think so though, or else this probably wouldn’t have waited until Halloween to happen,” Doug replied, looking back at his reflection. “If it is though I wouldn’t be too disappointed. I’m tall enough to reach the sink without a stool now.”
“Plus you have a real tail now,” Stan quipped.
Doug looked back at his lupine tail, which began to wag. “Hey, you’re right, I do!” Doug’s smile changed into a scowl. “Hey, what do you mean ‘real tail’?”
Stan looked up at the ceiling guiltily. “Oh, nothing.” He frowned and looked back at his friend. “Hey, wait a minute, how come you get to be your fursona but I don’t get to be Dart?”
Dart was Stan’s werewolf fursona.
Doug rolled his eyes. “Probably because I was sent here by a mischievous omniscient genii and you weren’t?”
“True,” Stan replied and settled back down. His ears perked up. “Hey, if you’re a werewolf, does that mean that you carry the lycanthropy virus?”
“I hadn’t thought about that,” Doug said, rubbing his chin. “I’m not sure it’d be such a good idea to find out.”
“Aww, why not?” Stan said playfully.
“You know why. We need to make sure there aren’t any catches.”
“You’re right… Tell me, have you had any cravings for human flesh?” Stan replied, half-jokingly.
Doug flinched. “What?! Stan, that’s just gross. No, I don’t feel any different – at least not mentally.”
“How do you feel physically?” Stan asked.
“Taller,” Doug replied. “Maybe a little bit more alert” Doug smiled, “– aware.”
“Awarewolf!” Stan said with a chuckle.
“Yup,” Doug said with a wag.
“You know, your muscles have filled out some, too,” Stan said, pointing to Doug’s previously-nonexistent abs.
Doug flexed his arms, and they actually bulged a bit.
“Hold on, I’ll be right back,” Stan said, running into bedroom. After some rummaging about, Stan returned with a small glass vial. “I want a sample of your DNA. Can you spit into this for me?”
Doug looked skeptically at the vial. “You realize you don’t have a lab to analyze it, right?”
Stan nodded, “I know. I’m going to store it in the freezer until I have access to one.”
Doug arched his eyebrow. “If you’re going to do that, I’d recommend you store it in the deep freeze.”
“Oh?” Stan questioned.
Doug took the vial and filled it with as much saliva as he could muster, then put in the cork cap. “Yeah. I don’t think Tom would appreciate you storing a vial of spit in the fridge freezer,” Doug replied.
Stan chuckled. “True.”
“Speaking of Tom, what are we going to tell him?” Doug asked.
“He had a last minute change of plan – he was invited to spend the night at a haunted house a few hours away,” Stan stated.
“Really? I didn’t think he was into that sort of thing,” Doug said.
“He told me one of his cousins will be there and he wanted to do some catching up,” Stan replied.
“Oh, that makes sense,” Doug reasoned.
“He left us in charge of handing out candy tonight,” Stan said.
“Ooh, I’ve always wanted to hide in the bushes and scare people,” Doug said with a mischievous grin.
Stan smiled, “I thought you might.”

Picture drawn by Stan and edited by me
werecorgi.jpg (110.72 KiB) Viewed 25897 times
Spoilers about Doug's Condition:
- Doug transforms into a corgiwolf only on Halloween (12 in the morning to 12 midnight)
- Doug's tag changes to read 'Dogboy', and he can only use the name Dogboy when referring to himself on Halloween
- Doug does not carry a lycanthropy virus and the condition cannot be transferred through a bite
- Doug is not affected mentally (except for the urge to howl, and a slight craving for meat cooked rare)
- Doug is indeed a bit more muscular, and has much more stamina than in his corgi form
- Doug's scent is different, with only hints of his former scent - this means other dogs don't recognize him as Doug.
Last edited by Douglas Collier on Thu Oct 08, 2015 12:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
Douglas isn't my real name, but because of a name block put on me by a higher-order being known as Djinni, I can't say my real name.
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

That picture came out really nice! I'm glad that I could see how that picture actually came out! Great job!
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by Douglas Collier »

Yay! Somebody finally noticed! :D
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by dryideabat »

I don't blame Doug for being a tad suspicious of this development. Hehe, finally a real tail (I love Stan). And a great picture too; there are clearly still physical traits of Doug intertwined with his new feral persona.
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by Douglas Collier »

Ok, I haven't updated this in AGES. So, here's a timeline of what has happened with Stan since I became a corgi:

- End of July 2014 - Doug makes a wish and ends up a corgi in the Housepets universe. Stan is sent to help Doug get settled in.
- End of August 2014 - Stan returns to the old universe to resume college; he visits occasionally.
- Mid October 2014 - Stan meets the girl of his dreams in the old universe.
- Beginning of January 2015 - Stan returns to the old universe to seriously date the girl of his dreams.
- April 2015 - Stan introduces his girlfriend to the Housepets universe and Doug. They visit frequently.
- Mid December 2015 - Doug is allowed to return to the old universe for one day to attend Stan's wedding.

Meanwhile for Doug, things have been pretty chill. He gets a little depressed from time to time, but gets out of it by spending time with friends in the Housepets universe.

Here's a scene from a visit to the Gallifrax dimension, drawn by Stan's wife when they were still dating. =3
Douglas isn't my real name, but because of a name block put on me by a higher-order being known as Djinni, I can't say my real name.
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by dryideabat »

That's a very nice drawing. :) Expertly done on the canine anatomy and expressions. Congrats to your friend.
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by Douglas Collier »

Wow, I can't believe it's been two years since I joined the Housepets! universe! In commemoration, here's a little piece I wrote.

Doug reclined on the couch, gloomily watching YouTube videos on TV. He was bored and lonely. Tom was out of town, and Stan was busy with his life back in the other universe. As Doug was about to resign himself to eternal gloom, he heard a knock at the door. Pausing the video, he got up and slid off the couch, then went to the front door and, using a stepping stool to better reach the knob, opened it. Joey greeted him at the door.
“Hey, Doug! I was just gathering some of the neighborhood dogs for another paper bag reenactment. I convinced Peanut to do Patema Inverted!”
Doug had convinced a few of the dogs to see the movie a couple weeks ago, and everyone had seemed to enjoy it. They had even gone back and watched it again with the TV turned upside down.
“Wow, that sounds like fun!” Doug said, perplexed at how they were going to pull off having half the cast upside down.
“Come on, then! Let’s go!” Joey said, turning and running towards another house.
Doug closed the door behind him and ran after Joey, and glanced upward. Thank you, he thought, smiling.
Douglas isn't my real name, but because of a name block put on me by a higher-order being known as Djinni, I can't say my real name.
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by Civilization »

Oh wow, congratulations on making it two years Mr. Collier! ... Don't be sad, there is always something out there to be happy about.
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by Mollyrock11 »

How Thomas met and find Douglas and Stan. Where did Thomas find them?
Hi I'm Molly. I'm a husky. I'm used to be human from different universe. The demigod, Cove sent me to Housepets! universe now. My new name is Luna.
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I don't think that he is working on the story anymore at this point. I can't even remember the last time I saw him on the forums.
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by NHWestoN »

Amazee Dayzee wrote: Tue Dec 07, 2021 1:21 am I don't think that he is working on the story anymore at this point. I can't even remember the last time I saw him on the forums.
It has been a while. He was a pretty regular poster when I first came on to the forum. Hey, Doug, come back! :cry:
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I think that Stan actually was on the forum for LESS time than Doug. :o
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by Harry Johnathan »

I know a completely different guy who has a Housepets! OC called Stan.

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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

The guy that I was talking about was last active in 2015 and hasn't posted since. His DeviantArt is jmillart and he was last active on there in 2018.
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by NHWestoN »

Still miss yah, Doug.
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by Douglas Collier »

NHWestoN wrote: Tue Mar 28, 2023 3:49 pm Still miss yah, Doug.
I’m not dead! I’m just more active on the Telegram chat, especially since the comic’s hiatus. 😉

So, updates!

- Duchess confused Doug with King (having previously been knocked senseless by a shovel), so poor Doug had to pay for King’s crimes. ... -717480746

- Doug fell victim to one of the all-powerful Karishad’s puns. ... -902871972

- Stan moved back to the Housepets Universe for a while, then he went back to finish college. ... -701395731

- Stan and Doug had a showdown with The Dijinni to make some amendments to Doug’s wish. Doug now has the ability to travel to different dimensions at will (except his former home), through a portal in his bedroom closet. He’s made a bunch of friends from other universes and gone on lots of adventures - time travel, gaining the ability to transform into various forms and species, dying and coming back from the dead on several occasions, gaining a limited invincibility spell to prevent the frequent dying… Despite all the wonderful places he’s been, he still considers the Collier house his base of operations. ... -834757112

- Tom Collier started dating Mary Goldstein and, after a few months of dating, proposed! They recently got married and Mary and Shelly now live at the Collier house. Shelly inhabits the guest bedroom next to Doug and Stan’s room.

(Thanks, dryideabat, for all the art! ^^)
Last edited by Douglas Collier on Fri Sep 22, 2023 11:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
Douglas isn't my real name, but because of a name block put on me by a higher-order being known as Djinni, I can't say my real name.
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

Looks like he had a very fulfilling and eventful life since we last saw him in the story! Looking forward to seeing where he will go next if you do decide to continue it!
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by NHWestoN »

Ajoy to hear from you again, Doug. Thanks for breaking surface, chum.
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I am pretty sure he is still around on the Telegram group so if you wanted you could go check that out. However I am not sure if he is active on the group but I know he is a member.
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by NHWestoN »

Wuhl, Merry Christmus to `em. Be well, Doug. :)
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

If somebody who is still on the Telegram chat posts here on the forum, you can ask them to give him a message. It is sad how his activity has seemed to dry up. :cry:
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by NHWestoN »

It is, Amazz. But, keeping track of Birthdays, you come to realize that a lot of RickFans - mny of them once very involved - have wandered away over the last few years. :( :cry:
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Amazee Dayzee
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by Amazee Dayzee »

I guess that people simply move on from the fandom and don't have any interest in returning. It does suck that it happens, but sometimes that is just the way it is. :cry:
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Harry Johnathan
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Re: Scenes from my story about Douglas and Stan

Post by Harry Johnathan »

NHWestoN wrote: Sat Dec 23, 2023 8:27 am It is, Amazz. But, keeping track of Birthdays, you come to realize that a lot of RickFans - mny of them once very involved - have wandered away over the last few years. :( :cry:
You also have to take into account that many moved to other websites (i.e Discord, Twitter or Tumblr) or left the fandom in a fit of anger at some random thing they didn't like.
Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But [The LORD] said, “Yes, you did laugh.” - Genesis 18:15 (NIV).
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